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L.G. 7.


Atomic Absorption UV-Vis Spectroscopy


Nature of analytes tested - metals - colored compounds and

organic compounds

Light Source - hollow-cathode lamp - two types of lamps are

- provides the exact/specific used: a Deuterium lamp for
wavelength for the metal ultraviolet measurements
sample to absorb and a tungsten lamp for
visible and near-infrared
- provides an appropriate
wavelength for the sample to

Sample holder - Flame or Graphite furnace - Cuvette

Monochromator - Following the sample - The monochromator is

holder (flame or graphite placed near the sample. The
furnace) is the wavelength selector allows a
monochromator or specific wavelength to
wavelength selector. It interact with the analyte,
allows only a specific which is useful during
wavelength of light to pass quantitative analysis where
through. the maximum or wavelength
arrive at the detector Other with the highest absorbance
wavelengths of light that of the analyte should be
may have been produced by used.
the flame or the graphite
furnace can thus be limited.

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