Sub Netting

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Advantages of Subnetting

Some of the benefits of partitioning a network into subnets are as follows −

 It reduces network traffic by lowering the number of broadcasts sent out.

 It helps overcome limitations in a local area network (LAN), such as the maximum
number of allowed hosts.
 It allows people to connect to a work network from their homes without having to open
the entire network.
 It protects one network from the intrusion of another. For example, the Developer
department's code must not be accessible by any other department in an organization.
 Some subnets may require higher network priority than others. A sales department, for
example, may need to host webcasts or video conferences.
 Maintenance is simple in the case of small networks.

Disadvantages of Subnetting

Subnetting has certain drawbacks in addition to its benefits −

 To reach a Process in a single network, there are only three steps −

o Source Host to Destination Network,
o Destination Network to Destination Host, and then
o Destination Host to Process.
 Subnetting, on the other hand, necessitates four phases for Inter Network Communication.
The steps are −
o Source Host to Destination Network,
o Destination Network to appropriate Subnet,
o Subnet to Host, and finally,
o Host to Process.

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