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Simmplote Buck Converter and observe ks Waveforms in Continvous Moti’ 20180. — Simulink Buck Converter is a 0G= =0% Converter ¢ cofthwut ISontion - Te Is OPrared 6 —.@ — high igh Sustching frequency ,Se_MosEET is. used 66 O Stoftth «LO fer ig _AuSed 12 book Comerter- TnGense or decease of Current ifeie_in buck — Converter 1S clependent on Land intrense or decrease of Voltage ripple 4S_dependent onc + Of _Hone_of hock Comerter iS OT and off Hine of ok Converter iS (I=0)T - i Ahis__Converer iS Contruited + Vo E ‘Ore _USed 40 find c Sut -the Outi _Yortage nd Curfent- With high Susttckin frequency pthe Size £ Lond © decieases , but JeadS to more, Seaitching losses + So_thefr_Shotd_be_o_srode off berxen losses ani Size - For | Continvovs Croducefon, L Shovid be Greater than Critical induceance © Dury oycle ties bexween_o ond t- —"— Source —Cunent (1) gg =— = Dip Ses = tao Glens = VFO | Procedisse + _ pen ere tvancan seen ee 12+ Connect tthe _bock Converste_ci'nenit_coith Control logic, 398 Sent Seqpere_ond Coston oling it Comps spose Pe ________4e_Protoce Gare_Signa_to MoseeT Suitch _ | 4-Vonyiag the Voie f Constant Jos to _Vavfouien in doty ele Give the _Proger_Yauves for Nefenting Sequence, Land Caton colt loos _for_Continvows. Cenduciion in Steady State eo 6 Ron the Grote ond Observe the Coareforms of- goue voutage, fsvoror —Cosentindutror vorage, Capacitor Gunent_, stpar Voltage ond output: Coren _ -@ 3 Reprar the ohare _Greps for different vats of Lb, Cond load —————PieCoutions aaa > ——1-Bnsuie_thor _Chrourt: is_prmgesny Connected _ yng props Vawses of. 1, 018 R Foor desten equasfon Such thar H_______ Centurion is Conttavovs - 3-Seleci One or to20 Cy cle for Occorede Ga ve forms. -- Reso Hence, Buck Converter _is_Shmtated for vasious Vawwes of R Land C_ HH O.nd Wow-farms ore obsened i a a a e_

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