Vocabulary Extra - SET - KEEP

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1. Focus on set
Match the underlined phrases with their meanings a)–n).

1 Try not to set fire to the house when you light the candles.
2 I’ve got a box set of that new crime drama. Let’s watch it.
3 Don’t you dare set foot in this house until you’ve cleaned your boots.
4 The traffic will be bad, so we should set off nice and early.
5 Here are a set of guidelines on using the internet securely.
6 How many TV sets do you have?
7 A journalist accused the politician of lying, but the politician has set the record straight.
8 I was hoping to finish my essay today, but being ill yesterday has set me back a bit.
9 She’s too set in her ways to travel. She loves her home comforts.
10 Right, we’ve got passports, money and tickets. I think we’re all set.
11 Janet had a set-to with her neighbour over parking.
12 We’re planning on setting up our own online store.
13 Maria’s set about planning the wedding with such enthusiasm. I wonder if it’ll last.
14 I was worried about Luke, but he’s set my mind at rest.

a) a list of information giving advice i) starting (a business)

b) tell the truth after someone lied j) stopped (someone) worrying
c) unwilling to change k) be ready
d) start burning something l) begin (a journey)
e) televisions m) an argument
f) started (doing something) n) a number of DVDs that contain a TV series or a
g) enter series of films
h) delay

2. Focus on keep
Match the underlined phrases with their meanings a)–n).

1 I have one of those apps that keeps track of the distances and speeds I run.
2 You’re doing really well. Keep up the good work!
3 I’m trying to keep my weight down by not eating bread.
4 Giorgio keeps a low profile in meetings to stop himself from saying anything silly.
5 Good drivers keep their cool, even when stressed.
6 How can we keep these wasps away from the food?
7 Mr Jones never keeps to the topic in his lessons. He always goes off onto other topics.
8 Keep off the grass please. Walk on the path.
9 I hope your mum’s operation goes well. Keep me posted.
10 Can you keep an eye on that pan for a minute while I go to the bathroom?
11 You should keep your opinions to yourself. Not everyone wants to hear them!
12 Slow down, I can’t keep up with you!
13 Justin promised he’d be here on time and he usually keeps his word.
14 Come on, don’t stop now. Keep going!

a) not go into an area i) do something you said you will do

b) move at the same speed as j) stop (something) from going near something
c) continue moving; not stop k) try not to get noticed
d) continue doing l) watch (something)
e) let me know what’s happening m) not give everyone your views
f) monitor n) not get angry
g) stop the size or level of something increasing
h) stays with

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