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At For tm 24K, at the age of at the aitport at an auction at the beginning of (when sth started) (but: in the beginning = originally) at one’s best at breakfast/iunch etc at the bottom of at the bus stop at church al the comerjon the comer at all costs, at the crossroads at dawn at one’s desk at the door at ease at the end (= when sth is finished) (but: in the end = finally; at all events) at faut at first by accident by all accounts by appointment by the arm/hand by auction by birth, by busitrainiplane/ helicopter/taxi/ coach ship/boat/sea/air/car ete (but: on althe bus/plane train/coach/shipfooat In a texi/car/helicopter! plane) by chance by cheque for ages {or breakfast/lunchi/dinner for certain fora change for ever for fear (of) for fun (= for amusement) for good for granted at first hand at first sight ata glance ata guess athand atheart at home afin a hotel at... km per hour atlarge atlast at the latest atleast at length at liberty ataloss at the match at midnight at the moment at most at night (but: in the night) atrnoon at once by correspondence by day/night by degrees by the dozen by far by force by hand by heart by invitation by land/sea/air by law by luck by marriage by means of by mistake for hire for keeps for instance for luck for life for love for nothing for once for the rest of at peacelwar at present at a profit at the prospect at random at any rate at one’s request at the same time at school at sea at the seaside at short notice atfin the station at sunset at the table at the time at times at the top of (but: on top off at university at the weekend at work at 28 Oxford St by nature bynow by oneself by order of| by phone by postlairmail by profession by request by (the/one’s) side by sight by surprise by the time by the way by oneself by one’s watch for safe keeping for one’s sake for the sake of for sale (= to be sold) ‘or short for the time being for a visitfholiday i for a walk i for a while Prepositional PHRSES in action in addition to (+ -ing form) advance (of) ‘agreement (with) aid of inall (= allin all in answer to inan armchair ina bad temper in bed in the beginning (= originally) in blossom ina book in brief in any case in cash in the centre of in charge (of) in ctios in code in colour in comfort in common in comparison with in conclusion (to) in (good/bad) condition in confidence in control (of) inthe country in danger in the dark. in debt in demand in detait (be) in dificuty inthe direction of in doubt ina... dress in due course in the end (= finally) in exchange for in existence infact in fashion in favour offwith infiames in the flesh in focus in one's free time in full swing Infun in future in gear in generat in good time in halt in hand in haste in good/bad health in hiding in honour of in the hope of in hospital ina hotel ina hury in ink/pencitpen in sb's interest in length/wiath ete in all sb’s life in the limelight inaline in the long run in love (with) in luxury inthe meantime ina mess the middle of ina mirror in moderation ina moment ina good/bad mood in the mood in the moming in mourning in name only (= notin realty) in need of in the news ina newspaper in the name of (= on behalf off inthe nick of time inthe north/south a nutshell inoils inthe open in one's opinion in orbit in order offto in other words in pain in pairs inthe park in particular in the past in person in pieces in place of in polos pounds practiceltheory in principle in prison in private/public in all probability in progress: ina queue in reality in return in the righthwrong in a rowirows in ruins in safety in season in secret in self-defence inshor in sight (of) inthe sky in some respects in stock in the streets in succession inthe suburbs inthe sunshade in good/bad taste in tears in theory inatick in time inno time in touch intown in tune (with) inturm in twolhatt In uniform in use invain in view of ina loud/ow voice ina way (= ina manner) in the way in writing in aword oar at Appendix ae positional Phrases) Out of Under on account of ona... aftemoon/ evening on the agenda oon the air on approval on arrival on average on bail ‘on balance ‘on the beach ‘on behalf of ‘on one’s birthday ‘on board on the border on business on call ona campsite (at a campsite) on the coast (on condition. cn the contrary on credit on a cruise/excursion/ tripitour on (a...) day on demand ona diet on the dole out of breath out of character out of condition ‘out of control out of danger ‘out of date ‘out of debt ‘out of doors out of fashion, off the air off colour off duty off limits under age under arrest under one’s breath tunder control fon duty on earth on edge con an expedition in a fieta) on the (4th) floor (of) ‘on the floor ‘on foot ‘on the one hand ‘on the other hand on holiday on horseback ‘on impulse ‘onthe increase fon an island (but: fn the mountains) ‘on a journey ‘on one’s knees on leave ‘on the left on loan ‘on the market (= available to the public) fon one’s mind on that moming con the move ‘on New Year's Day ‘on the news: out of focus out of hand ‘out of luck out of order ‘ut of the ordinary out of place out of practice cout of print out of the question off the map off the peg off the point under discussion under the impression under orders on order ‘on the outskirts ‘on one’s own ‘on page. ‘on parade ‘on the pavement ‘on the phone ‘on a platform ‘on principle ‘on purpose con the radio/TV fon the right on the River Seine (on sale (sold at reduced price) (but: for sale = to be sold) (on schedule oon the screen (on second thoughts on sight ‘on the sofa, on this street/on the street(s) on strike ‘on good/bad terms ontime ‘on top of con the trail of onatrip Con the way (to) (= as | was going) con the whole out of reach ut of season ut of sight out of step out of stock out of tune ‘out of turn out of use out of work off the record off the road ‘off school/work. under pressure Under repair Under the weather against the law ahead of schedule, ahead of one's time before long behind schedule, behind the times into pieces with regard to, with a view to (+ -ing form) within minutes without delay, without fail, without success, without warning Prepositions OF Tie iN at 10.30 in the morning/evening/attemoon/night at Christmas/Easter in the Easter/Christmas holiday(s) at noon/night/midnight jin January (months) at lunch/dinner/breakfast (time) iin (the) winter (seasons) at that time in 1992 (years) at the moment in the 19th century at the weekend (on the in two hours (two hours from now) ‘weekend: Am. English) to one's astonishment, to one’s surprise, to this day, to some extent Appendix from time to ime, from now on, from experience, from memory, from scratch oN ‘on Monday on Easter Sunday ete ‘on Christmas Day on Friday night on July 30th on a summer afternoon on that day We never use at, in or on before yesterday, tomorrow, next, this, last, every. He's coming next Monday.

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