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preservative action, that is, its potency, is very slight

original draft of this, afterwards enlarged by his pupil,

yards; those for heavy guns are effective up to one thousand

technical equipment in Scotland, given by Mr A. Forrester

the class of mixed aliphatic-aromatic ketones. It can be

In the early samples of carbide this compound used to be

wholly wanting among the English people. One day the prince

Proclus. He taught at Alexandria, and had among his scholars

The prestige thus won by the British in the south in 1779

their Polish allies, when on the 18th of March 1438 he was

to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole

hydrochloric acid gas under pressure; and by heating alumina

man. The story of Cincinnatus, twice summoned from the

``some at least of the alterations in Codex Bezae arose

the purple colour is due to the simultaneous existence in

matters. His memoir on the topography of the Troad, with

or disease incurred in the army. The estimate of 500,000 in

powers. The poet now followed her to Rome, but the friendship

that this albino, had it developed colour, would have been

and sulphonal, and as a solvent. It forms a hydrazone

55). According to another account, Larentia was a beautiful

substitution of a trace of a substance that provides sweetness

task of organizing the church was not easy and dissension was

Cemmaes. Industries include slate quarrying, shipbuilding,

the St Lawrence in combination with their forces at Lake

fosterers, and they are now filled with research, useful for

time. The ``peons'' as a rule were negroes, but a few white

H. Cemetery. X. Sacristy.
passed some time at the court of Hermann, elector of Cologne,

contrast to the long stretch just described. From the St

1863. His name is best known for the improvements he effected

saturnalia as the Festival of the Bear.... Some of their rude

``melanins'' (Gr. melas, black), substances which differ

From this standpoint Acts no longer seems to end

chemical works at Chauny, and the workshops and foundries of

and 1835, Aberdeen had filled the office of secretary for

combat and, with the aid of Athene, rescued the body of Achilles

general it is images of concrete objects which are called

falling on some other--say, on the negative. In the next

by the Bahr-el-Jebel. The ``Albertine'' system plays a

has, in common practice, been reduced to the right of being

who had now to rely entirely on his mercenaries, was defeated

one from Ullswater, by Patterdale and Kirkstone Pass; one

22, North American sub-race; tall, mesocephalic. 23, Central

the capital overthrew the committee and the ministry. The

Russian, by Nikolai Karlovich Schilder, Imperator Aleksander,

was the capture of New Orleans (q.v.) by Flag-Officer D.

to seize upon the emphasis which could thus be produced.

scarcely be earlier than the time of Ezekiel (xliv. 15 seq.).

interdict personally, but to that he showed himself indifferent,

the expense of the military. An effort was made to attract

between the censor and the middleman was there room for

the river Vedea. Pop. (1900) 13,675. Its chief trade is in

lacking, for Amis and Amiles were slain by Ogier the Dane at

1881, to India, he mustered a fresh army and again approached

50 parts of hydrochloric acid left unchanged, and can then be

except for one or two of the languages belonging to it, was

administrative district of Faro, and bounded on the N. by

with whom his co-reformer Carlstadt sympathized, appealed to

in three counties (Jefferson, Walker and Bibb), though the

was placed at 100; and in 1907 it was prescribed that the

the ten ``tropes'': (1) different animals manifest different

with Hooker's old Potomac troops garrisoned Atlanta, and every

represent the Blemmyes of classic geographers, and their location

beautiful gardens and vineyards. It is surrounded by

ft. long, and the eastern 123 ft. The choir terminated in

seminary under the superintendence of the professors. Both

most of the pure breeds are represented also by separate

glue. Gelatin forms a white amorphous powder; the commercial

Bernard should be ascribed to Alain of Auxerre and the

the spent materials, by a fresh ``charge'' of the original

ages---are inhabited by Vlachs or Tzintzars, who possibly number

celebrated diplomatist and statesman of the United Provinces.

little care what shall be established,'' and he is caricatured

latest building was a new temple of Nekhtnebf in the XXXth

the Federals, had meanwhile ordered Grant's force to ascend

Artium of Theophilus, belonging to the 11th or 12th century.

acre, but on an allotment cultivated by means of the spade

1570 the poet Baif established in his house a school of

points of their spears, exclaimed that ``the matter ought to

the West was simply mercenary forces and not the immense hosts

ovary; 3, ovary cut across; 1, 2, and 3, about 1/2 nat. size.

Kenley. In 1800 he removed to Edinburgh, having been appointed

(q.v..) The south bank of the river is bordered by a long

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