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Infusion Event

1) Case Study Competition

Participants are required to form teams in groups consisting of 2-4 members. A case will be
presented to the participating teams with a given problem statement.
Based on the data which is provided, participants will have to come up with feasible solutions
and suggest changes in the existing operations in order to derive more utility.
The solutions will be based on the assumptions, data used and tools used by the participating

2) Offline Quiz

There’ll be a quiz round on Excel, SQL, R, Python, ML, Tableau etc. The duration and number
of questions for the quiz is yet to be decided.
However, we have already sent a list of quiz questions to the Infusion team.

3) Debate

Participants must be familiar with the recent developments in the technological world and based
on that teams would be debating against each other.
The format of the debate will depend on the number of participating teams.

4) Pitch your Idea

It’s a simulation based round, wherein participants will be given a particular industry and they
have to come up with start-up ideas in that domain and eventually create an elevator pitch for
their idea.
The judging will be based on the feasibility and practicality of the idea as well as on its novelty.

NOTE: The order of the events is not yet decided and we are still in the process of considering
whether these events should be held independently or should we converge them into a single
competition. We’ll update you once we decide on that.

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