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PRACTICE SET - 6 error.

17. (A) The famous Dr. Chandra / (B) is only dentist / (C)
Spotting Errors in our village / (D) No error.
1. (A) The road / (B) to the famous monument / (C)
18. (A) The candidate lacks / (B) an experience / (C) for
passes through a forest / (D) No error.
this job / (D) No error.
2. (A) Our Housing Society comprises of / (B) six blocks
19. (A) A person I met / (B) in the theatre / (C) was the
and / (C) thirty three flats in an area of about
playwright himself / (D) No error.
thousand sq. metres / (D) No error.
20. (A) The war of Mahabharata / (B) is the full length
3. (A) Now that she is living in her own flat, / (B) she
illustration / (C) of a righteous war / (D) No error.
cleans the windows / (C) twice a week in the summer
21. (A) The interviewer asked me / (B) if I knew that
and once a week in the winter / (D) No error.
Kalidas was the greater / (C) than any other poet/ (D)
4. (A) With little imagination and enterprise, / (B) the
No error.
tournament could have been transformed / (C) into a
22. (A) The reason we have not been able to pay income
major attraction / (D) No error.
tax / (B) is due to fact / (C) that we did not receive
5. (A) These display / (B) the / (C) remarkable variety /
payment on time / (D) No error.
(D) No error.
23. (A) Even now when I see the spot / (B) I am reminded
6. (A) If you have faith in Almighty / (B) everything will
of an unique incident / (C) that took place several
turn out / (C) to be all right / (D) No error.
years ago / (D) No error.
7. (A) According to the bible / (B) it is meek and humble
24. (A) As soon as the teacher entered / (B) everyone fell
/ (C) who shall inherit the earth / (D) No error.
/ (C) in a silence / (D) No error.
8. (A) I am not wealthy / (B) so I cannot afford / (C) to
25. (A) As he had taken only a few sips / (B) there was
buy a expensive car / (D) No error.
still litter water / (C) left in the glass / (D) No error.
9. (A) My father is / (B) in bad mood / (C) today / (D) No
26. (A) To perform this experiment / (B) drop little sugar
/ (C) into a glass of water / (D) No error.
10. (A) On my request / (B) Lalit introduced me to his
27. (A) It is written in Gita / (B) that god incarnates
friend / (C) who is singer and a scientist / (D) No
himself / (C) in times of trouble / (D) No error.
28. (A) Troy was taken by Greeks ; / (B) this formed the
11. (A) This town isn't very well known / (B) and there
basis of a story / (C) which has become famous / (D)
isn't much to see / (C) so a few tourists come here /
No error.
(D) No error.
29. (A) These facts make it very clear / (B) that he had
12. (A) He looks to / (B) reading Times / (B) for better
hand in the murder / (C) though he still pleads
knowledge of the facts / (D) No error.
innocence / (D) No error.
13. (A) The accelerating pace of life in our metropolitian
30. (A) A nationwide survey has brought up an / (B)
city / (B) has had the tremendous effect / (C) on the
interesting finding / (C) regarding infant mortality
culture and life-style of the people / (D) No error.
rate in India. / (D) No error.
14. (A) Both the civilians / (B) and armymen / (C) joined
31. (A) The man / (B) cannot live / (C) by bread alone /
the First World War / (D) No error.
(D) No error.
15. (A) The school is / (B) within hundred yards / (C)
32. (A) I got to the bed / (B) at 9 p.m. / (C) every night /
from my house / No error.
(D) No error.
16. (A) The majority of the computer professionals
33. (A) Gangotri has special significance / (B) for the
recommends / (B) that effective measures / (C)
devout as it is considered as / (C) the abode of king
should be taken against software piracy / (D) No
Bhagirath who brought the Ganga down to the earth /

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(D) No error. 49. (A) He is / (B) as weak boy / (C) as my brother / (D)
34. (A) A recent study has indicated that there / (B) is No error.
perceptible change in / (C) the attitude of the people 50. (A) These days only rich / (B) can afford the
/ (D) No error. hospitality of the costly nursing homes / (C) and
35. (A) The disclosure of the synopsis of Thakkar hospitals coming up all over the country / (D) No
commission report / (B) on the assassination of Mrs. error.
Indira Gandhi / (C) has raised several vital questions
(D)/ No error.
36. (A) He was fascinated by insects / (B) and the more
he studies their habits / (C) greater was his
fascination / (D) No error.
37. (A) With little patience / (B) you will be able to / (C)
cross this hurdle / (D) No error.
38. (A) He did not go / (B) to the city on foot, (C) he went
there by the train / (D) No error.
39. (A) My friends insisted / (B) that I should see the
movie / (C) from beginning to the end / No error.
40. (A) Both optimists and pessimists contribute to
society; / (B) the optimist invents the aeroplane / (C)
the pessimist parachute / (D) No error.
41. (A) It being rainy day / (B) we decided not to go out /
(C) but to stay at home and watch a movie / (D) No
42. (A) By all standards / (B) he is a best soldier our
military school / (C) has produced so far / (D) No
43. (A) No stronger / (B) a figure than his / (C) is
prescribed in the history / (D) No error.
44. (A) The old women placed / (B) kettle on fire and
came back / (C) to the bed room / (D) No error.
45. (A) Surdas is often called Milton of India / (B)
although unlike Milton, / (C) Surdas had no political
ambitions / (D) No error.
46. (A) The singing is both my vocation / (B) and
avocation because it is a source / (C) of joy and bread
for me / (D) No error.
47. (A) Prince Charles is a heir / (B) to the throne / (B) of
Great Britain / (D) No error.
48. (A) He has been sent to the prison / (B) several times
but has not shown any sign / (C) of improvement in
his conduct / (D) No error.

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Solution 14. (b) 'the army men' in place of 'army men'

1. (c) 'the' in place of 'a' iwjs group (community) dks iznf'kZr djus ds fy, 'the' dk
iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
;gk¡ ,d famous monument dh ckr dh tk jgh gS ftldk
15. (b) 'a hundred' in place of 'hundred
jkLrk particular forest ls gksdj xqtjrk gSA vr% 'the' dk
iz;ksx gksxkA fdlh pht dk number ;k amount crkrs le; a/an ;k
2. (c) 'a thousand' in place of 'thousand' nwljs determiner dk iz;ksx gksxkA (a hundred, two
fdlh pht dk number ;k amount crkrs le; article dk
iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA 16. (a) 'a' in place of 'the'
3. (c) " summer and winter" in place of summer and Majority (collective noun) dks represent djrk gS vr%
the winter 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA
Seasons ds uke ls igys article dk iz;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA 17. (b) 'the only' in place of 'only'
4. (a) 'a little' in place of 'little' ;gk¡ ,d specific dentist dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% 'the' dk
iz;ksx gksxkA
;gk¡ FkksMh lh imagination (positive) dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA
vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA 18. (a) 'experience' in place of 'an experience'

5. (b) 'a' in place of 'the' uncountable noun ls igys a/an ugha vkrkA

;gk¡ variety dh ckr dh tk jgh tks fd singular noun gSA 19. (a) 'the' in place of 'a'
vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA ;gk¡ particular ,d person dh ckr dh tk jgh gS tks igys
6. (a) 'the Almighty' in place of 'Almighty' fey pqdk gSA vr% 'the' dk iz;ksx gksxkA

Unique ukeksa ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA 20. (a) 'the Mahabharata' in place of 'Mahabharata'
Almighty loZ'kfDreku½ Religious books ds uke ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk
7. (b) 'the meek', 'the humble' in place of 'meek',
'humble' 21. (b) 'greater' in place of 'the greater'

;gk¡ the meek ,d iztkrh ¼iqjs leqnk;½ dks n'kkZrk gSA vr% 'the' Comparative degree ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA
dk iz;ksx gksxkA 22. (b) 'the fact' in place of 'fact'
8. (c) 'an' in place of 'a' ;gk¡ dqN specific facts ¼rF;ksa½ dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr%
Expensive esa vowel sound dk cks/k gksrk gS vr% 'an' dk 'the' dk iz;ksx gksxkA
iz;ksx gksxkA 23. (b) 'a' in place of 'an'
9. (b) 'a bad' in place of 'bad' Unique esa Consonant sound dk cks/k gksrk gSA vr% 'a' dk
In a bad mood ,d phrase gSA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA iz;ksx gksxkA
10. (c) 'a singer and scientist' in place of 'singer and a 24. (c) Remove 'a'
scientist ' Fell in silence ,d phrase gS ftldk meaning gS vpkud
;gk¡ ,d O;fDr (Lalit) dh ckr dh tk jgh gS tks fd singular 'kkar gks tkukA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA
gSA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx igys common noun ls igys gksxkA 25. (b) 'a little' in place of 'little'
11. (c) 'few' in place of 'a few' ;gk¡ FkksMk ikuh 'ks"k jgus dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA (Positive
;gk¡ de tourists ds vkus dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% few ds sense) vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA
lkFk 'a' dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA 26. (b) 'a little' in place of 'little'
12. (b) 'The times' in place of 'times' ;gk¡ experiment ds fy, FkksMh sugar (positive sense) dh
Newspaper ds uke ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA
13. (b) 'a' in the place 'the' 27. (a) 'the Gita' in place of 'Gita'
Effect esa singular dk cks/k gksus dh otg ls 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA Religious books ds igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA

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28. (a) 'The greeks' in place of 'greeks' 41. (a) 'a raing day' in place of 'rainy day'
;gk¡ Greeks ,d leqnk; (group) dks iznf'kZr djrk gS vr% ;gk¡ ,d fnu dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA singular gksus dh otg ls
'the' dk iz;ksx fdl;k tk,xkA 'a' dk iz;ksx fd;k tk,xkA

29. (b) 'a hand' in place of 'hand' 42. (b) 'the' in place of 'a'
A hand in something means fdlh dke esa involve Superlative degree (best) ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k
gksukA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx gksxkA tkrk gSA
30. (c) 'the infant' in place of 'infant' 43. (c) 'history' in place of 'the history'
;gk¡ particularly flQZ India dh infant mortality rate general use ls igys article dk iz;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA
dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tk,xkA 44. (b) 'a kattle on the fire' in place of 'kettel on fire'
31. (a) 'man' in place of 'the man' ;gk¡ the fire eryc stove dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% 'the' dk
;gk¡ man ds }kjk lkjs txr dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA wide iz;ksx fd;k tk,xk o kettle dksbZ ,d crZu gS vr% 'A'vk,xkA
sense esa article dk iz;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA 45. (a) 'the Milton' in place of 'Milton'
32. (a) 'bed' in place of 'the bed' tc nks yksxksa dks ,d nwljs ls compare fd;k tkrk gS rc
Bed ij lksus dh ckr dh tk jgh gS rFkk general sense esa more famous ds uke ls igys 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
article dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA 46. (b) 'singing' in place of 'the singing'
33. (a) 'The gangotri' in place of 'gangotri' Hobbies vkSj professions ds uke ls igys article dk iz;ksx
ufn;ksa ds uke ls igys article 'the' dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA ugha fd;k tkrk gSA
34. (b) 'a perceptible' in place of 'perceptible' 47. (a) 'an' in place of 'a'
;gk¡ change (singular) dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA vr% 'A' dk Heir esa vowel sound dh otg ls 'an' dk iz;ksx gksxkA
iz;ksx fd;k tk,xkA 48. (a) 'prison' in place of 'the prison'
35. (a) 'the thakkar' in place of 'thakkar' dqN places tgk¡ mlh purpose ls vkrss gS ftl ds fy, tkus
;gk¡ ,d commission dk uke fn;k x;k gS tks fd unique gSA tkrs gS rc article dk iz;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA
vr% 'the' dk iz;ksx gksxkA 49. (b) 'a boy' in place of 'boy'
36. (c) 'the greater' in place of 'greater' Singular consononant sound dh otg ls ;gk¡ 'a' dk
Double comparatives ds lkFk 'the' article dk iz;ksx iz;ksx gksxkA
fd;k tkrk gSA 50. (a) 'the rich' in place of 'rich'
37. (a) 'a little' in the place of 'little' tc adjective ds }kjk iwjh community dks iznf'kZr fd;k
;gk¡ patience dh ckr dh tk jgh gS tks fd positive sense ns tkrk gS rc 'the' dk iz;ksx gksrk gSA
jgk gSA vr% 'a' dk iz;ksx fd;k tk,xkA
38. (c) 'train' in place of 'the train'
Transport ds means o vehicles ds uke ls igys by vkus ij
'the' dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA
39. (c) 'end' in place of 'the 'end'
From beginning to end ,d phrase gS which means
'k:vkr ls var rdA vr% 'the' dk iz;ksx vuqfpr gSA
40. (c) 'the parachute' in place of 'parachute'
;gk¡ parallel construction dk structure follow gks jgk
gSA vr% parachute ds igys 'the' dk iz;ksx gksxkA

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