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Rutuja: A very warm good morning to everyone present over here.

Pratyush: With great respect & profound regards, Respected HM mam,

coordinator mam, beautiful Ma’am’s, handsome sir’s and my dear friends I
whole heartedly welcome you all in Today’s fun-filled, exciting and fabulous
assembly hosted by the students of IX-D. My name is Pratyush Choubey

Rutuja: And I am Rutuja Jaiswal. Let’s start this beautiful day of International Day
of Democracy with a informative speech about it’s importance. For this, I would
like to invite Arya Injal to the stage.


Pratyush: OMG! I didn’t knew that democracy was this important. This deserves a
round of applause. Right?

Rutuja: Good & inspiring quotes can spice up our day. It makes boosts our
confidence and courage. So to inspire us with a thought of the day, I would like to
invite Manyata. Let’s give a round of applause for her.


Pratyush: Someone has aptly said; 

Days are not lost when memories are created. Memories remain with us forever.
We should cherish every moment of our lives. I feel honoured to invite our class
teacher, Yogesh sir to say a few words. Let’s welcome with a huuuge round of
applause. I would like to express my gratitude of thanks to yogesh sir!

Pratyush: Updating ourselves with the current happening is a good habit. It

broadens our perspective & knowledge. We are sharing a variety of global news
today across three different categories. In order to begin, let's take a quick look at
the political scene in our country and around the world. For this, I would like to
call Vansh Jha and Ovi Kanawade to come forward and enlighten us with current

Rutuja: Thanks for the information mates. Taking a step back, Let’s have a look at the
current happenings in our school, city, and state! For this, kindly welcome us i.e.
Pratyush Choubey and Rutuja Jaiswal on the stage.


Rutuja: Now join me in welcoming Shivam Shukla and Vaishnavi Gaikwad as they
come forward to keep us enlightened about the sporting affairs happening
Pratyush: Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression.
Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience. It is now
time for us to enjoy the performances that our talented dancers have so
meticulously prepared for. So, let me invite on the stage our fifth act of the day.
Please welcome them with a huge round of applause.

Moving further we would like to present a short skit on Mexican Struggle for democracy.

Pratyush- In the opening scene we can see Isabella, a nine year old Mexican Girl, who has the
assignment to write an essay on Mexican Struggle for Democracy and hence ask her Grandma to brief
about the incident.

(Narrator will be Pratyush)

Pratyush- Oh my god. That was an extraordinary performance everyone. Gracias mi amigos.

Rutuja: I would like to conclude this program with this quote of Ibrahim Lincoln:
The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Pratyush + Rutuja: Thank you all! Hip hip hurray!

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