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Notes Making

Continental Effect:-
· It is a general term covering the climate of those
areas which are not affected by the marine time

influence .
· Marine time influence means the effect of sea
on the temperatures, along oceans, the
prevailing winds usually have a moderating
effect on temperatures, which lowers the
temperature, so this is why Extreme
temperatures are recorded in the interior
landmasses away from the moderating
influence of sea.

Latitudnal Effect:-
· The Areas closer to the equator recieve
relatively direct rays from the sun while the
areas away from the sun, recieve less heat as
the sun rays have to travel a more farther area
compared to the rays that fall nearer or at the

Altitude and Temperature:-

· There is a relationship between Altitude and
· Air is densest at sea level because that is where
is absorbs most of the moisture, water vapour
and solar radiation.
· Air is less dense at high altitude because less
solar radiation is absorbed at that level, so wtih
less air to absorb heat the temperature drops.
Marinetime Influence:-
· Its is the Effect of sea on the temperatures
of the coastal areas.
· Marinetime influence keeps the daily range
temperatures low.

Temperature Inversion layer.

· Its a CrissCross structure of Warm winds which

does not allow condensation to take place at
the height of 1600 m, which also stops
convectional currents to take place at the south
of Pakistan as a result warm air descends and
no rainfall takes place.
Summer Monsoon:-
· These are also called South-West Monsoon
· These are Giant sea breezes which bring heavy
· It occurs at the start of the Summer when the
Summer Sun heats up the tropical Continents
much faster than the sea around it, which
causes the warm air to rise which creates a low
pressure are below and attractes the cool moist
air from the oceans around which causes heavy
· Highland zone,lowland zone and Coastal Zone
recieve rainfall fom the summer monsoon while
the Arid Zone recives very little rainfall from it.

Western Depression
· These are Cyclones which originate in the
Mediterrainean sea, travel across Afghanistan
and Iran then reach the western areas of
Pakistan. By the time they reach the South-
Western Balochistan they obbed of their
moisture and cause rainfall in these areas from
December to March forexample Quetta.

Convectional Currents:-
· At the start of the Summer, the hot air rises up
which also contains a high moisture when it
reaches the higher layers of Atmosphere,
condensation takes place which then causes
rainfall often in the form of Thunderstorm to
take place. These usually cause rainfall in
Northern and Northwestern Areas as the
temperature Inversion Layer prevents
condensation to take place in the Southern

· These are also known as North East Monsoon
which blow from Land to Sea.
· During Winter a high pressure area is created
over the Tropic of Cancer, so Winds blow from
Land to Sea which is a low presure area.
· These Winds are Usually dry and bring no
significant change as they originate in a dry

Tropical Cyclone:-
· These are Huge Cyclones which may bring a few
hours of destructive winds to the coastal areas.
· These originate over the Arabian sea but rarely
do they reach the coastof Pakistan, usually once
every few years.
· This source of Rainfall is totally unreliable.

Reliability of Rainfall in
· Rainfall in Pakistna is usually from the monsoon
winds and the western depressions.
· However the monsoon winds only bring rainfall
during summer season which is variable in
timings, amount and distribution so that is why
the effectiveness of Monsoon rainfall is limited.
· The High temperature also limits the usefullness
of Rainfall from June to September this also

leads to a huge deal of Evapotranspiration .

· Monsoon rainfall also comes in Heavy showers
which are not very usefull to the crops because
the land does not abosorb the rainwater , so
most of the rainfall from monsoon drains away
causing floods in low land areas.

· Crop Planning is also quite difficult due to the

difference in amount and timings every year.
· The Winter Rainfall is more effective for farmers
because it comes in light showers that continue
for sevreral days, however the ampunt of
Winter Rainfall is not sufficient and cannont be
relied upon

· A very Big threat to Crops.
· Types:-
Permanent Drought:- Exists where crop cultivation is
not possible without irrigation e.g:- Cholistan,
Chagain etc.
Seasonal Drought:-Occurs in Areas with well defined
rainy and dry seasons. e.g:- Potohar Plateau
Invisible Drought:- Is the result of a water
defficiency that reduces crop yields but is not severe
enough to destroy them
Unpredictable Drought:- Is the result of abnormally
low rainfall and occurs in areas which have humid
· Causes:- Unrelaibility of monsoon winds may
lead to seasonal drought in Punjab and Sindh.
The dry and hot winds can reduce the moisture
contents of sandy soil by lowering the level of
humidity in the air.The Global Climate is also
constantly changing leading to changes in
Pakistan's climate.Deforestation on the foothills
of mountains increase soil erosion and reduces
Rainfall.Mismanagement of water resources
throughput seepage of unlined canals etc.The
dispute and unfair distribution of water
between the provinces may also lead to a
drought situation in the Provinces.Overgrazing
of land may also lead to soil erosion thus
reducing soil fertility.Global Waming leading to
Climate Changes.
· Effects:- Desertification,drying up of rivers lakes
and streams and a drop in water
table.widespread famine leading to starvation,
malnutrition, health problems and starvation,
loss of lives, migration from drouht affected
areas leading to nomadic livestyle.Death of
livestock, shortage of raw materials for
industries and leading to a devastating
· Drought Management:-Introducing Water
Storage Schemes such as storing water in
reservoirs of dams and traditional water tanks
for irrigating crops and forest areas. The areas
that only recieve rainfall from Monsoon winds
in heavy showers during July and August can
utilize that extra water throughout the year by a
perrinial canals.The use of sea water through
the desaltation proccess.The conversion of
waste water into clean water through filtration
and chemical treatment. The use of varieties of
seeds for crop cultivation which are drought
resistant and consume less water.

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