Your Father Is Always Coming Home With Unusual Souvenirs From His Travels Abroad

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Your father is always coming home with unusual souvenirs from his

travels abroad. His most recent trip took him to the pyramids, where he
acquired a painting of ancient Egypt. As you study it one evening, you
are pulled into the painting and find yourself in ancient Egypt. You
decide to explore this world, learning about Egyptian culture and society.
One day, a strange old man gives you a mysterious bag containing a
piece of string, a broken chess piece, a piece of hard toffee, and a
feather. You soon learn that each item is magical and that you were
chosen to use the items to help four people in need.
An airborne virus released in 1989 by the Russians during the Soviet–
Afghan War infects millions of people worldwide, turning them into
winged, gargoyle creatures. Modern technology is wiped out. As one of
the unaffected humans, you must hunt the infected humans if you are to
You are in fifth grade when the dreams begin. You find yourself in a
version of your hometown that is not quite your hometown. The people
are the same, but they dress wildly, in colorful gowns and suits. The
town itself is the same, but the buildings are different; the library is a
castle, and the local supermarket is built into a large tree in the center of
town. When you are in the dream world, no one pays you any mind until
one day a boy your age whom you have never seen before realizes that
you are not from here. He tells you he isn't either. In fact, he's been
trapped here for years. It's up to you to help him—without getting
trapped yourself.
As a historian, you are tasked with deciphering the inscriptions on the
Rosetta Stone after it is surrendered to the British in 1801. You translate
several inscriptions and discover that you now understand enough of the
language to decipher the hieroglyphs you copied during a recent
Egyptian archeological expedition. While reading the incantation aloud, it
awakens all embalmed Egyptians, who had preserved themselves as
well as their civilization using powerful magic. They now wish to resume
their dominant role in the world.

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