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Instructions For Taking Course

STEP 1: Open your email that is instructed by your college.

STEP 2: You would have received an email as shown below from our FACE Prep

Step 3: Now you can use your registered email id and OTP that is provided in the received
email as your UserName and password to login by clicking on the Red button with the text
“Demo College 2 on FACE Prep” will redirect them to the respective college URL.
Note : College name in the red box might vary respective to the colleges.

Step 4: Once you enter the credentials & click on login, a separate dialogue box asking for
new password and confirm password would appear. You can reset your password here and
can use the same in future.
Step 5: After entering the New password and confirm password, you can click on confirm.
You will then be directed to the dashboard page.

Step 6: You will receive a Pop up Message on to select your Career Aspiration. Please select
the preferred one.

Step 7: Now, you can click on Training to attend the Course.

Step 8: Once students click on assessments, you will find the Course that is activated for
you under the “active” tab and the test that is closed under “expired” tab.
Step 9: Now to attend the Course, you can click on the Course name. And at the right
bottom corner there appears a button named View Course. Once you click on that, you
would be able to take the test that is activated for you.

Step 10: You will be directed to the Course Page.

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