Exam Copy Format For Salt Anion Detection

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Practical Examcopy format:-

Sample no :-

Sample colour:- white

Solubility in water:- soluble in water

Experiment Observation Inference

1. Conc. H2SO4 has White dense fumes is Chloride is present

been added to to evolved.
sample and a glass
rod dipped in
ammonia solution has
been taken at the
mouth of test tube.
2. Conc. H2SO4 has No brisk effervescence of Carbonate is absent
been added to tge colourless gas.
3. Conc.H2SO4 has No brown fumes is formed. Bromide is absent
been added to tge
4. Aq solution of the No white precipitate has been Sulphate ion is absent
sample acidified by found.
acetic acid has been
added to the aq
solution of barium
5. Aq solution of the No brown ring has been Nitrate ion is absent.
sample is mixed with observed.
2ml conc. H2SO4 and
keep it under cool
water for cooling.
Then freshly prepared
FeSO4 solution is
being added through
the edge of the test

Conclusion:- In tge given sample chloride(Cl-) ion is present.

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