Biology 22.11.2022

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Maximum Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section–A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks each; Section– C
has 7 questions of 3 marks each; Section– D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each; and
Section–E has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. A
student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(v) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

1. The mechanical measure for population control includes 1
(A) Condom (B) Diaphragm (C) I.U.D (D) All of these
2. Bt cotten is not 1
(A) A genetically modified plant (B) Insect resistant
(C) A bacterial gene expressing system (D) Resistant to all pesticide
3. The filiform apparatus is present in 1
(A) Synergid (B) Egg cell
(C) Antipodal (D) Secondary nucleus
4. The genetic material of HIV is 1
(A) Ds DNA (B) Ds RNA (C) Ss DNA (D) Ss RNA
5. Lower narrow end of uterus is called 1
(A) Urethra (B) Cervix (C) Clitoris (D) Vulva
6. Loosely packed chromosome lightly strains are 1
(A) Euchramatin (B) Heterochromatin
(C) Chromatin (D) None of these
7. In which age pyramid the number of pre reproduction and reproductive individual 1
are almost – equal
(A) Expanding (B) Stable or bell shaped
(C) Declining Age Pyramid (D) None of these
8. Which of the following enzyme is secreted by yeast during fermentation 1
(A) Enclose (B) Invertase (C) Zymase (D) Dehydrogenase
9. An enzyme catalysing the removal of nucleotides from the end of DNA is 1
(A) RTase (B) Exonuclease (C) DNA liganc (D) Hind – II
10. Which antibiotic resistance geses will you find is the PBR322 ? 1
(A) Ampicillin (B) Erythromycin (C) Tetracycline (D) Both A & C
11. PCR involves 1
(A) DNA mutation (B) DNA amplication
(C) Gene signaling (D) Gene sequencing
12. Stenothermal animal among the following is 1
(A) Man (B) Bird (C) Fish (D) Elephant
13. Nutritive layer in Microsporangium is 1
(A) Epidermis (B) Tapetum (C) Endothecium (D) Middle layer
14. Source of hcg is 1
(A) Ovary (B) Uterus (C) Placenta (D) None
15. The autosomal disease in human is 1
(A) Colour blindness (B) Thalassemia (C) Hemophilia (D) Turner’s
16. Number of base pair in Nucleosome is 1
(A) 150 bP (B) 170 bP (C) 200 bP (D) 230 bP
17. Differentiate between benign & Malignant tumors. 2
18. Mention the importance of lactic acid bacteria to human other than setting milk into 2
19. Name the source of the DNA polymerase used in PCR technique. Mention why it 2
is used.
20. Write the relationship between productivity, gross primary productivity, NPP & 2
Secondary productivity.
21. What is Colostrum ? How is milk production regulated by hormones in human 2
22. Draw a diagram of Mature Microspore of angiosperm. Label different part & write 3
its function.
23. (A) What is significance of DNA finger printing technique ? 3
(B) Enlist some application of DNA finger printing.
24. Explain the changes that can be observed in the characteristic of river water when 3
sewage is discharged into
(A) Level of dissolved oxygen
(B) Population of aquatic organism
(C) What is Bod
25. What do you mean by polyembryony and Apomixis. 3
26. Draw a sectional view of seminiferoces tubules of human. Label sertoli cell, 3
spermatogonia, Leydig cell & Santa their function.
27. (A) Explain the mode of action of ca ++ releasing IUD’s as good contraceptive. 3
How is hormone releasing IUD as a good contraceptive
(B) Why is Saheli a preferred contraceptive by women.
28. If there is history of haemophilia in the family, the chances of male members 3
becoming hemophilic are more than that of female
(A) Why is it so ?
(B) Write the symptoms of disease.
29. Study the pedigree below and answer the following 3




(A) What is pattern of inheritance?

(B) What is Pedigree ?
(C) If F2 generation the female who marries the affected male is also affected, what
will be the progeny of F3
30. Study the graph given below and answer the question 4

(A) Write the status of food and space in the curve A & B
(B) What is dotted line
(C) Differentiate curve A and B with respective formula
31. What is Test cross ? Explain the phenomenon of dominance, multiple allelism and 4
co-dominance taking human ABO blood group as an example.
Explain mendels Dihybrid cross. Write one difference from Monohybrid cross.
32. Write the types and location of the gene causing thalassemia in humans. State the 5
cause and symptoms of the disease. How is sickle cell Anaemia different from this
disease ?

33. (A) What is PBR 322 ? 5

(B) Write the role of ‘rop’
(C) State the significance of amp R and tetR
(D) Draw with ori, PvuI, PvuII
34. (A) List any 2 reasons other than physical and congenital disorders for causing 5
infertility in couples.
(B) Explain how IVF as a technique helped childless couple in having children.
(C) Compare GIFT and ICSI

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