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A learning curve describes

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the increase in number of units produced per unit time as the total number of units produced

the rate at which an organization acquires new information.

the increase in production time as the total number of units produced increases.

the amount of production time per unit as the total number of units produced increases.

End of Question 1

Question 2.

Limitations of the learning-curve approach include

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learning curves must be redeveloped whenever the product or production process is modified.

learning curves are only valid when considering relatively simple production processes.

learning curves are only valid when the total number of units produced is relatively small.

learning curves are only applicable when considering a highly automated process.

End of Question 2
Question 3.

Another name for the learning curve is a(n)

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experience curve.

growth curve.

production curve.

exponential curve.

End of Question 3

Question 4.

Which of the following statements about learning curve rates is inaccurate?

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The rate of learning varies depending on the quality of management.

The learning curve can be disrupted by a change in personnel.

Learning curves show that the time saved in completing each subsequent unit increases.

A change in the process disrupts the learning curve.

End of Question 4
Question 5.

If the first unit took 75 hours to produce, and you have determined that an 80% learning curve is
appropriate, how long will it take to produce the fourth unit?

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48 hours

60 hours

108 hours

75 hours

End of Question 5

Question 6.

Which of the following is NOT an application of learning curves?

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Learning curves allow a manager to predict the time required for new employee orientation on
company policies and procedures.

Learning curves can be employed in supply chain negotiations.

Learning curves permit a manager to prepare a work schedule.

Learning curves allow a manager to forecast labor requirements while preparing a departmental
employee budget.
End of Question 6

Question 7.

If the third unit of a series of eight units took 13 hours to produce, how long will it take to produce the
fifth unit if an 85% learning curve is in effect?

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11.1 hours

11.5 hours

8.9 hours

10.3 hours

End of Question 7

Question 8.

Worker 1 has an 80% learning curve and assembles his first item in 12 hours. Worker 2 has a 90%
learning curve and assembles his first item in 8 hours. If they both continue assembling units and the
learning curve is not disrupted, at what number unit will Worker 1 be faster?

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the eleventh unit

the thirty-third unit

the seventeenth unit

the fifth unit

End of Question 8

Question 9.

An industrial engineer uses a stopwatch that is 10% slow to time workers doing a basic assembly task.
Based on these times, he determines their learning curve. Which of the following statements best
describes this situation?

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A schedule to build 25 units based on these calculations will have 10% too little time built into it.

The learning rate he determines will be 10% too high.

The learning rate he determines will be 10% too low.

A schedule to build 25 units based on these calculations will have 10% too much time built into

End of Question 9

Question 10.

A learning curve usually follows a

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normal distribution.

negative exponential distribution.

hypergeometric distribution.

Poisson distribution.

End of Question 10

Question 11.

Which of the following statements about calculating learning curve results is best?

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The learning-curve coefficient approach can be used to determine only even-numbered nth

The logarithmic approach can be used to determine the hours required for any unit produced.

Values of C in the learning-curve coefficient approach are the learning curve percentage raised
to the unit number in question.

The arithmetic approach can be used to determine the hours required for any unit produced.

The learning curve remains valid:

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as long as process revisions involve only the addition of automated machinery.

for product modifications that simplify the sequence of assembly.

as long as production volume increases and processes are consistent.

when applied to different firms in the same industry.

End of Question 1

Question 2.

A 100 percent learning curve implies that:

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no learning has been achieved (log of 1 is zero).

direct labor time is reduced 100 percent each time production is doubled.

organizational learning has taken place.

the learning curve can be applied universally across an industry.

End of Question 2

Question 3.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the learning curve?

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Learning curves are based on the standard normal distribution.

Learning curves are most easily developed for one-of-a-kind orders.

The learning curve displays the relationship between process time per unit and the cumulative
units produced.

The standard time for a process is determined from the learning curve when cumulative count
of units produced equals twenty-five.

End of Question 3

Question 4.

A product requires 24 hours to complete the first unit. Managerial experience has estimated the
learning rate at 85 percent. How much time should be required to produce the sixteenth item? Use at
least three decimal places.

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Between 14 and 16 hours

Between 16 and 18 hours

Between 12 and 14 hours

Between 10 and 12 hours

End of Question 4

Question 5.
A builder planned to complete four houses of similar design in a small community. The initial house
requires 4,000 hours to complete. The experienced crew has a learning rate of 80 percent. What is the
estimated labor cost for the fourth house, assuming an average labor rate of $18.00 per hour? (Use at
least three decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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$30,000 – $35,000

$40,000 – $45,000

$45,000 – $50,000

$35,000 – $40,000

End of Question 5

Question 6.

A builder requires 4,000 hours to complete his first house. The experienced crew has a learning rate of
80 percent. How much time (hours) would be required to complete the tenth house? (Use at least three
decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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2,100 – 2,200

2,000 – 2,100

2,200 – 2,300

1,900 – 2,000

End of Question 6
Question 7.

A builder requires 4,000 hours to complete his first house. The experienced crew has a learning rate of
80 percent. What is the total time (hours) required to complete the first four houses? (Use at least three
decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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Between 7,000 and 9,000 hours

Between 9,000 and 11,000 hours

Between 11,000 and 13,000 hours

Between 4,000 and 7,000 hours

End of Question 7

Question 8.

Which of the following statements is true regarding an 85 percent learning curve?

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Fifteen percent of the products must be sampled for defects.

The learning process is more rapid with a 90 percent learning curve.

Each unit’s production time is 85% of the preceding unit.

The direct labor time per unit decreases 15 percent each time the production volume doubles.

End of Question 8

Question 9.

Lisa observes the members of her department and develops a learning curve that calculates
b=log(r)/log(3) instead of the traditional way. Which statement below is best?

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This method is not valid since learning curves traditionally work with a log(2) in the

If both departments take 10 hours for the first unit, the time required for the 30th unit
produced by Lisa’s department is lower than the time required by other departments.

Members of Lisa’s department learn more quickly than other people.

If both departments have a learning rate of 90% and take 10 hours for the first unit, the time
required for the 27th unit made by Lisa’s department is the same as the 8th unit produced by a
department that learns in a more traditional fashion.

End of Question 9

Question 10.

A company enjoys a 95% learning rate and has an initial assembly time of 25 hours for the first of what
promise to be many unit. If management defines the learning period as the time it takes to reduce the
per unit assembly time by 20%, how many hours of continuous production will it take before the
company emerges from the learning period?
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The company will complete the learning period in 583 hours.

The company will complete the learning period in 203 hours.

The company will complete the learning period in 428 hours.

The company will complete the learning period in 746 hours.

The learning curve remains valid:

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As long as process revisions only involve the addition of automated machinery

For product modifications that simplify the sequence of assembly

When applied to different firms in the same industry

As long as production volume is sustained and processes are consistent

End of Question 1

Question 2.

A 100 percent learning curve implies that:

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Direct labour time is reduced 100% each time production is doubled

Organizational learning has taken place

The learning curve may be applied universally across an industry

No learning has been achieved

End of Question 2

Question 3.

The existence of a learning curve is suggested by:

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A reduction in product costs due to lower raw materials costs

A reduction of unit costs as cumulative production volume increases

A reduction in the price of a product as the product reaches the maturity stage of its life cycle

None of the above

End of Question 3

Question 4.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the learning curve?

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The standard time for a process is determined from the learning curve when cumulative count
of units produced equals twenty-five

Learning curves are most easily developed for one-of-a-kind orders

The learning curve displays the relationship between process time per unit and the cumulative
units produced

None of the above

End of Question 4

Question 5.

A product required 24 hours to complete the first unit. Managerial experience has estimated the
learning rate at 85%. How much time should be required to produce the 16th item? (Use at least three
decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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Between 10 and 12

Between 16 and 18

Between 12 and 14

Between 14 and 16

End of Question 5

Question 6.
A builder planned to complete four houses of similar design in a small community. The initial house
requires 4000 hours to complete. The experienced crew has a learning rate of 80%. What is the
estimated labour cost for the fourth house assuming an average labour rate of $18.00 per hour? (Use at
least three decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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Between $30,000 and $35,000

Between $45,000 and $50,000

Between $40,000 and $45,000

Between $35,000 and $40,000

End of Question 6

Question 7.

A builder requires 4000 hours to complete his first house. The experienced crew has a learning rate of
80%. How much time (hours) would be required to complete the tenth house? (Use at least three
decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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Between 19000 and 20000

Between 20000 and 21000

Between 22000 and 23000

Between 21000 and 22000

End of Question 7
Question 8.

A builder requires 4000 hours to complete his first house. The experienced crew has a learning rate of
80%. What is the total time (hours) required to complete the first four (4) houses? (Use at least three
decimal places in the exponent if the logarithmic model is used.)

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Between 11000 and 13000

Between 9000 and 11000

Between 4000 and 7000 hours

Between 7000 and 9000

End of Question 8

Question 9.

A process with a learning curve of 90% produced the first item in 45 minutes. Approximately how much
time should be needed to produce the eighth item?

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45 minutes

36.4 minutes

32.8 minutes
29.5 minutes

End of Question 9

Question 10.

Which of the following statements is true regarding an 85% learning curve?

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The direct labour time per unit decreases 85% each time the production volume doubles

15% of the products must be sampled for defects

The direct labour time per unit decreases 15% each time the production volume doubles.

None of the above

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