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10 XI November 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

Online Organ Donation Using Blockchain

Rushikesh Kothawade1, Ritesh Nikam2, Harsh Khandelwal3, Priyanshu Sharma4
1, 2, 3, 4
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, AISSMS College of Engineering Pune Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The application plays a crucial part in saving human lives, and helping the user obtain the necessary organs at the
appropriate moment is also one of its key goals. Furthermore, the application is based on the web. This software offers a quick
and simple method to look for organs.
In an emergency, users of this application can find organs. Users must register with the application, which is accessible on the
web and Google Play store. Additionally, they can obtain basic facts on the donor's or recipient's contact information, including
their location.
For the user, this application locates the closest donor or recipient. The primary goal of creating this web application is to
drastically cut down on the amount of time needed to find the ideal donor and the availability of the needed organ. The primary
problem nowadays is moving transplanted organs via a transit system from one place to another through an ambulance.
Index Terms: Java/PHP, React, Blockchain technology, Google-Map API

In this paper, we propose a private Ethereum blockchain-based system for organizing organ donation and transplantation that is fully
decentralized, safe, trackable, auditable, private, and trustworthy.
Organ donation has transformed the medical field. Many people, whether they are alive or dead or even brain dead, are eager to
donate their organs.
The primary problem with organ donation is the delay in the supply of the organ due to a variety of causes; as a result, many
individuals in need of an organ pass away. We want to use blockchain, a distributed database that can handle such datasets
dynamically, to solve this problem.
The participant receives a detailed rundown of the entire procedure. The process will be made easier by the implementation of blocks
that will store the entered data. Using blockchain, we will also ensure that no blocks can be altered or that no one can gain
unauthorized access to the data, making all transactions incredibly safe.
We also intend to build a weight verification mechanism for the container in which the organ will be stored to ensure the physical
safety of the organs. This system will automatically warn and notify the administration if it detects any change in the container's
In India, organ donation has not yet gained traction.
Even among the more educated segments of the population, the understanding and attitude of society concerning organ
transplantation are far from satisfactory.
The biggest issues contributing to the country's organ shortage are people's lack of awareness and proper knowledge, as well as myths
and misconceptions that exploit organ donation only because of some religious and pious hurdles.
Since they are the first people to establish a relationship with a potential donor's family, health professionals, especially doctors, do
play a significant role in educating the public about organ donation and breaking down barriers to it.
However, in practice, doctors and hospital workers in India frequently place less importance on identifying brain death.
The emergency clinic relocation group initially looks at the benefactor, and in the event that the contributor is dead, a cerebrum
demise test is completed. In the event that the contributor is as yet alive, specialists really take a look at the person in question to
ensure they can do a live donation of the organ. The acquirement coordinator is then told of every single clinical record. The
obtainment coordinator is responsible for evaluating the giver's well-being to decide if he is a reasonable benefactor and ensuring the
contributor is accurately kept in the medical services framework. The organ acquisition coordinator then, at that point, sends all the
data to the organ transplantation coordinator assuming the survey uncovers that the giver is equipped for the organ. Provided that the
giver approves authorization to give to an unknown beneficiary may this step be completed.
The organ relocation facilitator then arranges the coordination of patients on the holding-up list with the accessible givers. Thus, the
relocating specialists are given a position list a result.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1996
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

The transplant surgeon then determines if the organ is suitable for the patient based on several factors, including the medical history
of the donor and the condition of the potential recipient.
The transplant surgeon receives the donated organ at the hospital where the patient is being treated. But let's say that a live donor is
involved and that it was decided to donate to a specific, named recipient.
The information will then be sent immediately to the transplant surgeon, who will then begin the procedure to remove and transplant
the donor organ.
At the point when a patient died or was near dying previously, the clinic and organ obtainment association teamed up to do an
underlying clinical test to decide if the patient could be an organ giver. Just 6% of these calls, which last around 15 minutes, lead to
the distinguishing proof of potential organ givers. Over the long haul, a text made by unified PC frameworks that keep up with every
one of the essential information has replaced this telephone discussion.
The main problem with this approach is that donor and recipient safety and data validity depends solely on the transplantation center’s
capacity to maintain system security and recognize potential harm to donors and recipients.
The public's confidence and trust in this centre’s capacity to protect the wait-list data from hackers and dishonest staff are crucial.
Transparency is yet another issue that has an impact on how well the organ donation procedure works.
The existing system's participants lack transparency, which encourages the sale and procurement of illegally obtained organs as well
as unethical behavior on the part of medical experts.
Additionally, some medical facilities take advantage of individuals who require organ transplants by offering those who can afford to
pay more the opportunity to receive the organ while ignoring the patient with the highest waiting list priority.
Such systems hardly meet the bare minimum-security requirements. Up to now, there has been an increase in security lapses that
jeopardize system integrity and user privacy.


Alternative methods and technologies are used in non-blockchain processes to provide improvements to organ donation,
transplantation administration, and the matching procedure to mirror the data work process model among benefactor medical clinics,
controllers, and beneficiary clinics, the creators of made a multi-specialist programming stage.
The pre-transplantation chores are optimized by this platform, which can increase process effectiveness. Moreover, it empowers the
capacity of data about potential contributors and improves direct correspondence between all gatherings engaged with the organ
transplantation process. The stage was utilized to copy a data work process, and it was resolved that three to five hours might be
The Transnet is a framework that utilizes standardized identification filtering innovation to help name, bundle, and track organs and
other natural items for transplantation at the place of organ recuperation. It involves improving the naming framework with a
tweaked application and a movable scanner tag printer that is viable with Benefactor Net. gear in the space to stamp and sweep
every organ being conveyed. Standardized identifications, RFID labels, and electronic item labels have additionally been used
widely in a few store network the executives applications.
EPC codes are used to identify and share product information, making it easier to monitor products through different stages.
advantages over traditional systems.
A blockchain ledger with verified time-stamped records of creation and ownership may serve as the foundation for everything.
Additionally, these technologies might be used to move money between users, spot changes in documents, or stop data theft. This
has shown to be a very reliable method of transferring items, like organs, through a reliable platform. By 2023, the Indian economy
might gain up to $5 billion thanks to an improvement in productivity and cost reduction driven by blockchain, claims NASSCOM.
In certain areas, India is using blockchain in the most advanced ways. For instance, AP uses one of the most cutting-edge
blockchain apps to hold property information that has been discovered so far.
An android mobile application is integrated into the G.I.S.-based Life Donor, Saudi Arabia system. Rare blood group seekers might
request blood in an emergency. Using G.I.S, the donor who is in the area is located.
Hospitals can call or email blood banks with the kind and quantity of blood they need in order to order it. The responsibility for
determining whether blood is available rests with the Administrator.


In this research, we provide a safe procedure for organ donation in a distributed platform. This approach will be deployed through a
website run by hospitals that links organ donors with organ recipients.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1997
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

We work hard to entirely prevent outside intervention while preserving the accuracy of patient information and identifying donated
organs. Smart contracts will be used to do this. The protocols governing our organ transaction procedure will be included in smart
contracts, which will allow for easy transfers without middlemen. These smart contracts will be implemented on Ethereum, a
platform for distributed computing that is based on the blockchain. A smart contract will be created to contain all transaction-related
data including patient information, and it will be uploaded to the blockchain.
Every smart contract has distinct functionalities that can only be used by participants who have received prior authorization. These
individuals will have access to data kept on the chain and be able to inspect transactions, logs, and events.
The formation of a holding-up list, acknowledgment of benefactors upon endorsement of clinical trials, and programmed matching
of the giver and recipient are undertakings completed by the organ gift savvy contract. Most of the transfer strategy is overseen by
the organ transplantation brilliant agreement. It comprises of three stages: taking an organ from a benefactor, moving the organ to
the beneficiary, and embedding the beneficiary with the organ. For amendment, all earlier advances are recorded and kept on the
In the Private blockchains, exchanges and information are not open to the overall population and are just gotten to by approved
substances, offering more prominent security and protection. To upgrade protection, security, and mystery, organizations can use the
Ethereum blockchain to make their private-permissioned blockchain. Subtleties of giver organ transfers are many times kept in close
certainty. A private permissioned Ethereum blockchain is ideally suited for such an application since these subtleties incorporate the
patient's clinical chronicles and genealogical records.


The patient's doctor, an individual from the clinic relocation group, an obtainment coordinator, and a matching coordinator are the
four gatherings that participate in the organ gift shrewd agreement. Every member can partake by summoning the brilliant
agreement's activities since they all have an Ethereum address. There are a few particular kinds of factors in this savvy contract. One
of the factors is the Ethereum address, which is utilized to give specific associations, like the obtainment coordinator and the
matching coordinator, a unique location. The subsequent kind is planning, which in our methodology relates a substance's Ethereum
address with a Boolean to demonstrate that the location is dependent upon specific necessities.
The smart contract for organ donation will be implemented by the procurement organizer. The deployment of the smart contract by
the procurement organizer, who afterward takes ownership, enables this participant to provide the matching organizer's Ethereum
address. The test is then carried out by the medical team member who was approved, who also announces the test's approval. Once
the donor registration activity is complete, the procurement organiser makes an announcement about the type of donated organ.
After the auto-matching process is finished, the data of matched patients with potential donors is kept.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1998
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at


The implementation of blockchain technology in the Organ Donation System enhances the privacy of contributors when
contributing to the campaign. This is because the nature of blockchain transactions is transparent.
The hospital can make a lock for a patient as soon, as they come across one who is most likely in critical condition and both the
patient and their family are willing to give an organ. When a patient passes away, his or her organs become available for a limited
period and must be transplanted at that time.
The patient's name, the organ's description, the patient's blood group, and the organ's present state are among the entries that must be
input and inserted into the chain. Once a record has been entered, it is crucial to monitor the organ and obtain its most recent
changes. It must be transmitted within a specified time frame or it won't be viable, thus the process must be quick and secure. All of
the migration files are located in the migration directory.

As stated in the study, this entire system demonstrates the significance of avoiding outside interference in a procedure that is so
delicate and needs regular updating. Security and synchronization have been accomplished effectively thanks to the use of a
decentralized platform, blockchain technology, and smart contracts. We contrast our approach with other already accessible
blockchain-based alternatives. We go over how other systems dealing with similar issues may easily adapt our approach to fit their
needs. By creating an end-to-end App, our solution may be enhanced in the future. Furthermore, a genuine private Ethereum
network may be used to deploy and test smart contracts. Finally, the Quorum platform can offer stronger secrecy as transactions
between entities can only be observed by particular participants and no one else, in contrast to our system where transactions
between participants can be viewed by other players permitted in the private blockchain.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1999
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2000

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