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Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket

Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name>Check
Shopping Cart

Version 1.0
Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket Version: 1.0
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name> Date: 30/11/2021

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
30/11/2021 1.0 Initial version Bùi Thị Ngọc

Confidential ÓÓGroup SAD_A06, 2022 Page 2

Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket Version: 1.0
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name> Date: 30/11/2021

Table of Contents
1. Use-Case Name
1.1 Brief Description

2. Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
2.2 Alternative Flows

3. Special Requirements

4. Preconditions

5. Postconditions

6. Extension Points

Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name>Check

Shopping Cart

1. Use-Case Name
1.1 Brief Description
This use case details features such as adding goods to the cart and removing goods from the cart of the cart
checking. The actor participating in the use case is the customer. To create this use case, the customer
wants to add the desired product to the cart to facilitate future purchases, and when the customer has no
need for a certain product, they can remove it from the cart. This action will be fully demonstrated through
the main thread and its conditions.
2. Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
Adds the product to the cart:
1. Customer selects any item in the products.
The system displays a product detail page, including: product name and rating (located at the top
right of the screen), item image (under the product name), highlights (below the photo).
Underneath the feature is an introduction to the product and specifications. Specifications include
brand, product code, product type, exact capacity, features, outstanding features, material and
origin. The system displays a review section with the words: "Submit a review is only activated
for users who have purchased this product" and the comment section has a frame for customers to
write comments. Comments should not contain personal information and should be limited to 10-
300 characters. The "Add comment" button with a gray background is located below the comment
box. The system displays the number of comments and 1 box for customers to find by commenters
and recently viewed products. The top right part of the screen has 2 blue like and share buttons.
The system displays model, item code, warranty, origin, promotional image and product price,
promotional box (yellow) and promotional information. Each item is ranked from top to bottom
after the like and share buttons. The system updates the product's status (in stock / out of stock).
"See supermarkets in stock" (when products are in stock) - customers can click to see which
supermarkets have this product in stock. The delivery to the address can change the default

Confidential ÓÓGroup SAD_A06, 2022 Page 3

Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket Version: 1.0
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name> Date: 30/11/2021

address to the new address by clicking on the word "Change" (blue). The system will show the
customer details of the delivery time within 24 hours in capital letters. Red "Buy Now" button and
24/7 support with hotline number.
Customer can go to the shopping cart (in case there are no products in the cart), the system notices "There
are no products in your cart" and the customer clicks on "Go shopping". Then the system will redirect to
the main page and customer performs each step to add the product in the shopping cart.

2. User clicks "Mua ngay" button to finish adding goods to the cart.
The system automatically add the goods in the shopping cart (include name, image, price and
quantity of product) and an sign "x" in the red box below each product image and below the
product is the "Ghi chú đơn hàng" section.

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Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket Version: 1.0
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name> Date: 30/11/2021

Deletes the product from the cart

Customers click “Giỏ hàng” in the main page of website

In the shopping cart interface, it has a list of items that the customer has added to the cart (include name,
image, price and quantity of product) and an sign "x" in the red box below each product image.
Click the button "Delete" (the sign "x") any item to finish removing it from your shopping cart.
=> The system will remove the item from the cart.

2.2 Alternative Flows

No alternative flow

3. Special Requirements
No special requirements

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Website system - Mediamart electronics supermarket Version: 1.0
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name> Date: 30/11/2021

4. Preconditions
No precondition
5. Postconditions
No postcondition
6. Extension Points
No extension points

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