UPDATE: 9/11 Motorcycle Ride Will Stay in Downtown Leesburg

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UPDATE: 9/11 motorcycle ride will stay in downtown Leesburg

Tuesday, Jul. 26 by Laura Peters | 28 comments | Email this story

Leesburg Town Council let freedom ride - through downtown that is - when they voted unanimously to allow the 9/11 Memorial Ride to go through Downtown Leesburg on Aug. 19. The issue was decided at a July 26 Town Council meeting and focused on whether to re-route the motorcycle onto the Route 15/7 Bypass. The route through Leesburg is the route through small town America across the country. Its for Americans to get the chance to give up their convenience to support this, Mayor Kristen Umstattd said. Chris Martin, a Leesburg resident, came forward during the July 26 meeting to bring attention to council that many petitioners who came to discuss other agenda options, but felt the need to voice their opinion on how much of an impact the 9/11 ride is to downtown. I believe that it makes a statement for the town, within itself, that we support this ride, Martin said. When they pass through our town and people are handing out flags to them, it shows them that our community supports it. Supervisor Kelly Burk (D-Leesburg) came to the July 26 meeting to address council on the importance of having the ride go through historic downtown. I would like to encourage you to allow the 9/11 bikers to go through downtown, Burk said. I request that you dont let your fear and your fear of inconvenience to not allow them to go through downtown. It will be something very significant and very important. Council member Dave Butler felt that council wasnt looking at the bigger picture in moving the route to the bypass. He said that what police told council during their work session on July 25 about safety and the amount of time it would take for traffic was a big concern. I reject the notion that we will be honor the 9/11 victims less because of the route we take. Its just an alternate route that the police, at the local level and state level, that will create less of an issue, Butler said. Some petitioners also brought up the fact that downtown was bombarded with 35,000 citizens in 2008 when President Obama came to speak during a campaign event. Town Manager John Wells brought up that the ride will have on organizations and activities at Ida Lee Park or Tuscarora High School. But, according to Wells, those events and activities can be worked around or rescheduled to make the 9/11 ride possible. As for the question of a possible terrorist attack on Leesburg, Council member Katie Hammler said the town and the entire country shouldnt live in fear. You are also helping us remember some very important heroes who also lost their lives, those first responders. If we were to move it to the Bypass, that would be us succumbing to our fears, a fear that I dont think we should have, Hammler said. Original story September 11 brings up painful memories of people who lost their lives nearly 10 years ago, but the Americas 911 Foundation has been driving through that pain with its annual motorcycle ride from Somerset, Pa., to Arlington, then to New York City. The 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 is a big mark in history, one that the Town of Leesburg wishes to be a part of, having the annual 9/11 ride go through downtown where the towns 9/11 memorial stands. Leesburg Town Council brought up the issue of rerouting during its July 25 work
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session. With the anticipation of more riders this year, state and local police officials said they believe having the ride go down King Street is a safety and traffic issue that would affect many people adversely. The police want to divert the motorcycle ride to the Route 7/15 Bypass. Riders gather Aug. 18 in Somerset, Pa. On Aug. 19, the ride heads past Shanksville, Pa., where Flight 93 crashed then through Leesburg en route to Arlington, where the Pentagon was hit on 9/11. From there, on Aug. 20, it heads from Arlington to New York City. The ride, once it reaches Leesburg, would enter through Historic Downtown and then eventually get to the Route 15/7 Bypass to get on the Dulles Greenway. But town, state and local officials feel like the traffic and the amount of riders will cause chaos downtown during Friday rush hour. The proposed route change would have the motorcyclists avoid downtown and get on the Bypass, then the Greenway on the way to Arlington. The ride is capped at 2,996 riders, which is estimated to take about 3 hours if it were to go through Downtown and be a 10-mile stretch of motorcycles. Last year, there were more than 400 riders, and it took 45 minutes to get them through downtown. I really have no problem using King Street, I think it would be very helpful for the community to see the riders, Council member Ken Reid said. If they can stage it in a way not to interfere with rush hour. I think since its just one hour, out of one day a year, its important. I appreciate all that these people are doing. I think the safety factor and the inconvenience is very minimal. But, according to Leesburg Police Chief Joseph Price, it would severely impact the community. Its a Friday, its rush hour and its summer. Wed have to shut down King Street to the Bypass, and thats more than for any other parade weve held, Price said. All of our parades have occurred outside of rush hour, the impact on the community will be severe. The only way people will travel will be on the Bypass, and you know what the Bypass is like on a Friday afternoon during rush hour. Itll have significant regional impact. This is meant in no disrespect. Our task is to provide for the public safety in our community and a larger region, Price continued. Although its huge inconvenience, according to Vice Mayor Kevin Wright, most of the emails and responses hes received from residents and businesses of downtown want the ride to go down King Street and not the Bypass. Also according to Wright and Mayor Kristen Umstattd, 75 percent of the public support the downtown route. This is a very difficult issue because this does strike me that a lot of people have died, and we dont recognize that the way we should every day of our lives. It has impacted almost 3,000 families for the rest of their lives, Umstattd said. I dont like to create a major traffic crisis for the region; this will take tremendous emergency planning, but it seems an appropriate way to remember these people. Even though, it will be impossible to get through Leesburg, but its an inconvenience they want to do. I cant imagine the type of gridlock this will create in the region, but 9/11 created tons of gridlock. Virginia State Police 1st Sergeant Alvin Blankenship said that a main concern that state police have is the close quarters of Downtown Leesburg and the risk of having a terrorist attack, since it is the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Everyone thinks it will not happen here, but as our duty as law enforcement officials it is our job to be prepared if it does, Blankenship said. If they cant get to the Pentagon, their next target is Leesburg. We dont know if this is going to happen. Law enforcement is asking you to support us, and take this scenario because this route discourages an attack. Were not saying there will be an attack, but it will eliminate an opportunity for an attack. I feel like this is a greater concern than the traffic. Blankenship also said that whatever traffic delays happen in Leesburg will directly affect traffic toward Arlington. This has been a planning nightmare, Blankenship said. This is the best possible safe plan that we can put forth. This ride is not a Leesburg issue. There will be big consequences shutting down Route 28 if it takes too long to get through Leesburg. We dont know what we are dealing with. Wed like to come to some agreement and have a win-win for both, Ted Sjurseth, cofounder and president of Americas 911 Foundation Inc. said. Were not here to argue to go through town or not to go through town. According to Sjurseth, the Leesburg Volunteer Fire Department would lead the way once the ride gets to Leesburg, and the ride would include seven firetrucks, six ambulances and 140 officers from around the country. Our objective is safety to get our participants from Point A to Point B. We plan for what we can plan for and work out the rest. Weve been through town every year, Sjurseth said. We learned that you cant control everyone who is on that ride, but we have received emails from people
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whove went through Leesburg and come out with tears in their eyes. Council members were on the fence on the issue, which will be discussed and voted on during the Town Council meeting July 26.

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Thu, Jul 28 at 12:04 AM by Patriotic Leesburger | Report this comment

Thank you Mayor Umstattd and Supervisor Burk and others who support the ride through Leesburg. Yes, traffic will be affected, but we should all be willing to handle some inconvenience in remembrance of the losses incurred and sacrifices made. I hope to take my kids downtown to cheer for the riders. I love Leesburg for maintaining the small town feeling.
Wed, Jul 27 at 08:08 PM by WAY TO GO LEESBURG | Report this comment

Wed, Jul 27 at 01:28 PM by Christian conscience | Report this comment

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. (Proverbs 16:18) Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before honor is humility. (Proverbs 18:12) Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight, says the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:23)
Wed, Jul 27 at 01:27 PM by Shawn in Leesburg | Report this comment

@the end: I was thinking much like you, closing off the Bypass (or even a single lane of the Bypass) would foul up traffic WAY worse than closing off King Street end to end.
Wed, Jul 27 at 10:49 AM by allforit | Report this comment

Hey so call (Patriot) it is 1 flippin day. Put in ear plugs, or go outta town for the afternoon. MANY of those riders ARE Vets, first reponders and true PATRIOTS. Get over it and your self!!!!!!
Tue, Jul 26 at 10:24 PM by the end | Report this comment

Truely, no matter which route they would take there would be a bunch of people put out. I mean that intersection with Walmart, Costco, Ruby Tuesdays and McDonalds is a frigging mess no matter what time. Cant imagine adding all those motorcycles to that craziness. And then theres lovely Sycolin Road and the Bypass-another winner of an intersection surely to be screwed up with the motorcycles. So it doesnt really matter which way it goes.good for the town council deciding to let it go thru town. Put up enough of those warning signs well all survive.
Tue, Jul 26 at 09:37 PM by Hillsboro | Report this comment

Bravo, Leesburg!

Tue, Jul 26 at 05:50 PM by Major Tracy | Report this comment

I agree with Steve. How can some dopey state police sergeant conclude the terrorists will target Leesburg if they cant make it to the Pentagon??? He almost sounds paranoid. Maybe if they move the bikers thru town quickly the terrorists wont get stuck in traffic and theyll just move on. If this kind of activity can make us a target, why have it??? If it doesnt make us a target, why worry about something so ridiculous as Blankenship suggests?
Tue, Jul 26 at 04:10 PM by Patriot | Report this comment

Why should the good people of Leesburg put up with the noise, pollution, and irritation caused by a few motorcyclists who think that their display of patriotism trumps everyone elses life? We all remember with horror 9/11, revere the heroes of that catastrophe, and mourn the dead. What does riding a noisy motorcycle through our quiet town have to do with patriotism?
Tue, Jul 26 at 03:36 PM by H Hoover | Report this comment

Trust me, H Thomas, if the local, state, and federal police had any credible evidence that Leesburg or the 9/11 ride were targets, the town council would not be debating the route in a public work session, it would simply be changed.
Tue, Jul 26 at 03:26 PM by H. Simpson | Report this comment

Steve, I thought the same thing at first, until I realized that Leesburg may be the only place between MD and the Pentagon where a large amount of people would be confined by a small space like the town. It makes sense but I dont think it warrants moving the route. Let the people decide if they want to take the risk or not. Fight against the Nanny state.
Tue, Jul 26 at 03:23 PM by H Thomas | Report this comment

We should listen to the recommendations coming from the local, state, and federal police. They have access to sensitive information that could never be published in the papers. Stop questioning the advice of the people we entrust to keep us safe!
Tue, Jul 26 at 03:04 PM by Steve | Report this comment

Blankenship said. If they cant get to the Pentagon, their next target is Leesburg. HOW DID HE REACH THIS CONCLUSION?
Tue, Jul 26 at 02:49 PM by LCRez | Report this comment

Here we goall about me mentality strikes again! You whiners, you make me sick. Let the ride go, and be happy that bikers are doing this in memory of those victims who fell prey to those idiotic terrorists! I wonder if any other towns are complaining? Only in Northern VA, specifically LC! On another note, lets get our brave men and women home and take care of our OWN affairs, instead of worrying about everyone else!
Tue, Jul 26 at 02:24 PM by H. Simpson | Report this comment

Perhaps, we as Americans, are tired of giving up liberty for false security. Living our lives in fear of what could happen is what Bin Laden wanted. If it is rerouted now, what next? Any public event this year matches the criteria 1SG Blakenship is using, so if we bow to this, then what about future events. It is time to stop the madness, and start living without fear. Statistically, you are more likely to be in a car accident than a terrorist attack. This not due to what we do here but rather that we took the war to them and kept them from regrouping.

Let them ride, honor our patriotic dead, and shove our freedom in our enemies face. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
Tue, Jul 26 at 11:36 AM by David Weintraub | Report this comment

Wed like to come to some agreement and have a win-win for both, Ted Sjurseth, cofounder and president of Americas 911 Foundation Inc. said. Were not here to argue to go through town or not to go through town. That makes sense. I dont understand why so many people are resisting - to the point of ignoring completely - the concerns of the state police and Leesburg police. The irony is that these professionals are first responders, members of the group supposedly being honored. In so many other areas of life people seem willing to make inconvenient changes in order to decrease the risk of terrorist attack, even giving up their own right to privacy. This seems very inconsistent, and makes me wonder whether this controversy is really about something else.
Tue, Jul 26 at 11:10 AM by james csizmadia | Report this comment

This ride is very important to a lot of people not only to the riders, but people who honer the reason for the ride . We go through a lot of towns and they treat us with respect for what this ride is all about . We honor all the souls that were taken that dreadfull day; Leesburg should do the same and let us ride through the town and not by pass it.
Tue, Jul 26 at 10:46 AM by Liz Miller | Report this comment

I support the ride to commemorate 9/11, but I dont support the ride if it is in anyway to encourage our nation to keep our soldiers in Afganistan or any other theatre for even one more day. Support our troops, bring them home.
Tue, Jul 26 at 10:43 AM by it is a big deal | Report this comment

This will occupy the ENTIRETY of Business 15 from end to end of the bypass from the split by Morven Park to the Bypass near Evergreen Mills. This is not 2-3 blocks between Loudoun St. and Cornwall centered on Market. Anyone trying to make such a comparison is sorely lacking the understanding of the size and scale of 1700 motorcycles and the entire procession. Minimizing this thing does not help or make an argument for its thru-town route.
Tue, Jul 26 at 10:21 AM by workforfree | Report this comment

Leesburg residents who live two miles from downtonw Leesburg should get free passes to downtown events when they close the downtown area for events. Like they do for the Waterford fair.
Tue, Jul 26 at 09:59 AM by Hillsboro | Report this comment

For the Garden Show in early May, Leesburg closed off Market Street (and maybe King Street?) during the heart of Friday afternoon rush hour. Why so much concern about traffic in late August when traffic will be much lighter?
Tue, Jul 26 at 09:22 AM by Marie Householder | Report this comment

AMEN - lets remember the purpose of the ride and why we should remember 9/11 - never forget - let the ride begin. Hopefully our Town Council will allow it through the downtown area. I hope the ride want cause harm or impact safety of the citizens of Leesburg but it is something that just needs to be done.
Tue, Jul 26 at 08:31 AM by Leonard Chertoff | Report this comment

I think everyone should check the itinery for the ride. It leaves hagestown at 1:00 pm and arrives Arlington Va between 3 and 3:15. HELLO, what rush hour are you guys talking about!
Tue, Jul 26 at 08:19 AM by Leonard Chertoff | Report this comment

I am willing to put up with a traffic delay to remind everyone about 9/11. we should never forget!
Tue, Jul 26 at 08:08 AM by ninja_gaydad | Report this comment

the title of this article is misleading. I thought they meant like an amusement ride with a fake airplane crashing into a tower, such as at six flags.
Tue, Jul 26 at 07:34 AM by leesburgsw | Report this comment

Leesburg Town Council should should respect and follow the advice of the Virginia State Police.
Tue, Jul 26 at 07:07 AM by the end | Report this comment

So how many riders are actually riding? There were 400 last year, but it doesnt sound like the organizers have a set number (just a maximum number). When is the cut-off for registering to ride? Maybe folks are worried about a multihour traffic jam for nothingmaybe there wont be the max number of riders. In any event- send it thru Leesburg. Too many times we only want to remember or be a part of a cause if it doesnt cause us any inconvenience. Lets be ready to suffer some inconvenience for this memorial-others directly involved had suffered much more and had no warning.
Mon, Jul 25 at 10:01 PM by T | Report this comment

I like Mayor Umstattds reality view. Even though I think the ride should go through down town Leesburg, on King Street, I hope everyone accepts that with it will come a multi-hour traffic jam - and not gripe afterwords. Let the ride go foreward, and remember why the ride is happening!t

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