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Politics is a hugely important domain in the world, and it has a profound impact on the functioning as well

as the policies of the governments. Politics has an effect on all types of government including democratic,
autocratic, monarchical, theocratic and others. The government is responsible for making decisions on
different matters of public interest, issuing orders for the public health, directing the citizens towards
development and growth, and performing a wide range of other related functions. While power means
different things in different contexts. For example, economic power is the ability of an individual, group, or
country, to improve its financial situation. From a political perspective, power is the ability of politicians,
leaders, and others to influence policy in a government, thereby controlling what decisions people and
countries make. Political power comes from the ability of politicians and others to influence members of the
public and other members of government. Having such this power it is affiliated to a positive and negative
effects on an organization’s outcomes.

There is different source of power such as: expert power, referent power, legitimate power, reward power,
and coercive power. These sources of power can have a positive and negative effect in politics. Expert power
refers to the opinion leader's ability to influence the thoughts, attitudes and behavior of other people through
information sharing, due to the possession of such knowledge and skills valued by others. This type of power
can help you to build up your own personal brand and increase your influence and reputation at work. Expert
power doesn't just benefit you, either. Your expertise means that others will naturally look to you for
direction. They will put their trust in you to make wise decisions and produce good results.

Same with expertise power, referent power is a type of power that stems from a leader's ability to inspire
and influence others. This authority comes from the extent to which people admire, respect, and like a
specific leader. Referent power creates strong connections between leaders and their followers. Followers
may try to gain their leaders' approval by imitating the way leaders think, behave, and express themselves.
They see their leader as a kind of role model.

Legitimate power is defined by formal and informal rules established by a rightfully elected government or
power of position, and by their knowledge about skillful procedures or power of expertise. High levels of
legitimate power have a positive effect on reason-based trust, on the perception of a service climate and on
voluntary cooperation. Leaders with legitimate power can exert substantial influence on their followers.
Those with legitimate power may not only create changes in the behavior of others but also have the power
to create and change the social norms of the group.

While the reward power is conveyed through rewarding individuals for compliance with one's wishes. This
may be done through giving bonuses, raises, a promotion, extra time off from work, etc. Having this kind
of power is important being a leader because the followers or the citizen will know that you appreciate their
effort by giving some rewards.

Coercive power is defined as “harsh” power, as the capacity to detect and sanction unlawful behavior.
However, even with that definition this kind of power have also advantage such as, it gives the leaders to
control over the way an organization operates. If citizens continue to defy country policies or standards,
leaders need the authority to correct that behavior and coercive power gives them that authority.

Power itself is not necessarily a bad thing with many cases of power producing positive results. It is when
power is combined with abuse that’s where the problem begins. Many people in power abuse their position
through authority with manipulative strategies. Such behavior can have negative, inaccurate, unfair or even
bias outcomes. Too much power can be a negative thing for some leaders to have, because politicians have
a long and devastating track record of events that regards to the topic of abusive power. Power can be a
negative tool when it’s abused by an individual for retaliation, personal gain, or constant controlling. Despite
these negative effects of misused power, it can also be used to influence the actions of others. That will lead
to a better and good governance.

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