Katica L Any Ate Nger Part On

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Katicalany A Tengerparton

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at tiia Baa.cf!
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"We' re fina11y here.I" declares Lulu as she
jumps out of the car and spreads her wings .

Vegre megerkeztunk! - rikkantja Lulu ahogy kiugrik a kocsibol

es kinyujtoztatja a szarnyait.

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0 ..... .. .

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"En imadom a tengerpartot!" - jelenti ki Lulu.

"De te meg sose voltal a tengerparton" valaszol a batyja.
"De mar elore tudom hogy imadni fogom." - vagja vissza Lulu.
"Es alig varom hogy uszhassak a hullamokban!"

"I love the beach1. " says Lulu.

h beach before,•
"You've ne\rtr eve n bten tot e

replies lher big

brorh~~t I love it," she says.'"
"But [ area know r . nllng 1D
. t he waves.
"Ai1d I ca11'r \Va Lt to
. go S\V1m

The sand feds warm under her feec as Lulu and Bingo
lead the family to a good spoc ro spread chtir blankec.

A homok meleg Lulu talpa alatt. Lulu es Bingo egy remek helyre vezeti a csaladot, ahol
kiterithetik a pokrocot.

:r.:t, ,:t:M;JN.(,,: ...
Lulu runs to the edge of rhe water.
Lulu elszalad a viz szelehez. Az ocean hullamai szuntelenul mennek oda vissza, es az ocean hangosan morog.
T he ocean goes on and on, and makes huge roaring sounds.
Lulu nem tudta hogy ilyen nagyok a hullamok es ilyen hangosak.
She had no idea it was going to be so big and noisy.
Hatral egy lepest. Bingo megugatja a hullamokat.
She t• kes a few steps backward. Bingo barks at che waves.

Nahat akkor bemesz? kialt neki a batyja, es elfut mellette, egyenesen be a vizbe.
Nincs kedvem hozza - mondja Lulu. Haaat... inkabb homokvarat epiteni van kedvem.
"Are you going in?" her brotli<r yells, running
past h•r and splashing into th• wn•r.

"l don't think so,• sh• says.

"Um ... I really cam• h•re to build sand castl•s. •

- ..,..

-- -·-
Lulu visszasetal a pokrochoz hogy megkeresse Lulu retreats to th• b•ach blanket to find
a kedvenc homokvodret es lapatjat. her trusty pail and shovel.

Lulu egy oriasi homokvarat epit. Apro gallyakbol lesznek emberek
a homokvarban. Ugy gondolja hogy a kiraly es kiralyno nagyon
boldogak a homokvarban. Bingo egy mely arkot as a homokvar korul
ami megved mindenkit a varban.



' ....


Sh• builds a giant sand ustl•, and uses lirrl• sricks

for peopl .. The King and th• Q ue•n are very happy h.re,
she thinks. Bingo digs a moat to k•ep them extra saf..

--- --- -- -
. ... . ..; .
~ .. .

- ~-
Lulu odasetal a mamajahoz es leul melle. Az oceanra emeli tekintetet, ami csillog a napsutesben. Ugy gondolja, nagyon szep
ilyen messzirol. "Be akarsz menni a vizbe?" kerdezi a mamaja. "Nem" feleli Lulu "inkabb papirsarkanyt szeretnek eregetni."

Lulu walks over and sits d0\\1n nrxt ro her mama.

Sh. looks out at th• oc«m, which is glirt<ring wich
light. She chinks it looks pretty Crom far away.
"D o yo11 \Vant to go in the \Yater?,. asks Mama.
'' N o," Lulu says, "I \vant to (ly tl1e kite 110 \v."

A papirsarkany nemsokara magasban tancol ahogy a szel elkapja,
de Lulu erosen fogja.
Soon the kir. is darting back and forth
in the wind, but Lulu holds on tight.

, .
• •

Amikor a szel lecsillapodik, nagyon meleg lesz. Lulu az oceanra nez. Ugy gondolja, biztos jo huvos lenne a viz, de a
hullamok meg mindig tul nagynak neznek ki.
After the wind dies down, it r••ts really hot.
Lulu glances at rh• ocean.
She chinks ch• wat•r would be cool,
buc che wav•s sci!! look much too big .

• ...

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T his is a good time to

renllnd 11er par~nts abou t ice c rean1.

Ugy gondolja most ideje emlekeztetni a szuleit a fagylaltra.

Lulu felsorolja a kedvenc fagyijait: csokis, pisztacia, cseresznyes vanilias, malnas, oszibarackos, mandulas csokis, bananos...
A fagyis boltban nem tud csak egy izt valasztani. "Ma ketto gombocos nap van" mondja a mamaja.
Neha a mamajanak olyan nagyon igaza van.
Lulu lists all her top eleven favorite flavors: Ac the ice crean1 sta11d Lulu can't jtist choose one.
"Chocolate Marshmallow, Cherry Vanilla, Pistachio, "This is a day for a double scoop," her mama says.
Butter Pecan, Peppern1int Bon Bon, Son1ecimes mamas can be \•ery right.
Peanut Butter Chip,
Raspberry Swirl,
Peach Pie,
'• .. •
Almond Fudge,
Royal Banana Surprise,
- --
and ... ~~ :-
-- J 0

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. ..

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Gyere Bingo! mondja Lulu miutan megette a fagyijat.
"Menjunk egy setara a tengerparton."
"Come on, B"ingo, " says LuIu
after she fi1llsl1es l1er ice cream.
"Let's take a walk down the beach!"

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~They find a long piece of driir:woo-d.
Lulu writes l?ol?y L's in die sand, and draws pictures of Bingo.
He's the.p erfect subject; and stays really still.
Talalnak egy hosszu botot amit a hullamok kivetettek a vizbol. Lulu kacskaringos "L" betuket rajzol a homokba. Bingot is
lerajzolja a homokba. Ot nagyon jo rajzolni, mert nyugodtan fekszik es meg sem mozdul. START NA
J Nagyon meleg van. Lulu a tengerre nez. Sok gyerek pancsol a vizben es a hullamokba ugralnak.

It is very hot. Lulu looks ar the oce•n.

Other kids are splashing and jumping in the waves.

... f.:;.

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Lulu lesetal a viz szelehez. "Menjunk be a vizbe Bingo? "
kerdezi. Ugy gondolja az nem lenne tul ijeszto ha csak egy
kicsit bemenne a tengerbe, ugy hogy a laba vizes legyen.
She walks down co rhe edge of the water.
"Should we ge< our feer wet, Bingo'" she asks.
She thinks ic would be okay co go into the ocean
just a lirde bit.

Hirtelen egy hullam torik meg a labanal, ugy hogy majdnem fel is loki Lulut.
Suddenly a wave crashes into her
legs and nearly knocks her over.

- --- -..___ ---

Epp hogy csak visszaszerzi egy egyensujat, a viz mar huzodik is vissza a tengerbe
es huzza magaval Lulut. A labai bokaig elsullyednek a homokban.

Just as she gers her balanu

tht ,vJUrU11g \varer races back and tries to
p ull her in. lier feet get buried in the
sand up to her ankles.

-... ..

.. - • *
Minden rendben, Bingo? kerdezi Lulu. Korulnez hogy lassa,
eszrevette-e valaki hogy a hullamok majden elvitte oket, de
mindenki csak jatszik tovabb mint eddig.

"Ar• you okay, Bingo?" Lulu asks.

Sh. looks around to see if anyone noticed
tl1ac they \verf aln1ost carried a\vay,
but everyone is playing just as they wer• befor• .

"Legyunk felfedezok!" mondja Lulu, es a kezevel letorli a homokot a terderol. "Gyujthetunk dolgokat a muzeumnak!"
Elmenetelnek a tengerparton. Eszreveszik a siralyokat akik olyan hangot adnak mintha nevetnenek,

" Let's be explorers!" says Lulu, brushing the sand

o ff her knees. "We can co llect rl1ings for 0 1ir museum."
They march off across the beach. T hey hear
seagulls that sound like they are laughing,


discover litt le crabs tl1at b11rro\v into the sand,

es felfedeznek apro rakokat amik a homokba assak magukat,

.... '

es felszednek nyalkas hinarokat amiket kimosott a tenger a partra.

and pick up slimy seaweed washed up on shore.


There are also lots of shells on the beach,

all different shapes and sius.
She chooses the most special ones
and puts them into her pail.

A parton vannak sokfele kagylok is, minden fele

kulombozo alaku es szinu. Lulu kivalasztja a leg
6 •
~ . kulonlegesebbeket es osszegyujti oket a
• vodreben.
' '
. .....-G- \...)
• o" ' .
_,, .,•.
Tudom Bingo! Lemerem fogadni ha itt asnank, talalnank kalozkincseket is! mondja Lulu. Lulu as es as
es tovabb as. Kincset talalni nehez munka.

"I know, Bingo! I bet iI we dig, we could £ind a

pirate treasure!" says Lulu. She digs, and digs,
and d igs. Finding treasure is hard work.

J Amikor Lulu megerzi hogy a viz lefrocskoli ot, gyorsan megfordul. Itt a dagaly! Es a dagaly elvitte az o kedvenc kis vodret!
Meg kell menteni vagy orokke elveszik! Ez egy nagy feladat a KATICABOGAR LANYNAK!

Wh•n Lu lu feds the water splash against h.r,

sh• spins around. The tide has come in!
It is raking away her favorite pail!
Sh• has 10 rescue it or it will be lose forev•r!

This is a job for Ladyhag Girl!

LJ KATICABOGAR LANY nem fel semmitol sem!

"I'll save you!" she says, s napping up the pail.

When she looks down she realizes she is in the ocean. "Ladybug Girl isn't afraid of
She is acrually in the ocean! anything! "
The water is past her knees, and she isn't afraid at all!
"Megmentelek!" mondja, es megragadja a vodrot. Amikor letekint , hirtelen rajon hogy bent van
az oceanban. Tenyleg bent az oceanban! A viz a terdenel is magasabb es o nem fel eggyatalan!

- ••••


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Es ezen a hosszu delutanon KATICABOGAR LANY es Bingo a vizben pancsol es a parton fut,
kergetozsdit jatszanak a hullamokkal.
For the rest of che long afternoon,
L&d;yhzig Glrl and Bingo splash in the water
a11d ru11 on rJ1e beacl1 daring tl1t \Vaves co catcl1 them.

Nem tudtok engem elkapni, hullamok! En vagyok a KATICABOGAR LANY!

''Y ou can , r gee me, waves.

I'm Ladybug Girl!"

Ladybug Girl and Bingo play until
th• bright blue sky turns pink.
They make foorprints in th• sand.
Ac lease 14 miles of them, Ladybug Girl thinks.
Every time the ocean erases them, th•y mak• mor<.

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• --
KATICABOGAR LANY es Bingo hosszan jatszanak amig a kek eg halvany rozsaszin nem lesz.
Labnyomokat hagynak a puha homokban. Legalabb 14 merfoldnyi hosszan, gondolja

,. . ' .. KATICABOGAR LANY. Es amint a hullamok elmossak a labnyomokat, ok ujjakat csinalnak.

Aztan eljon az indulas ideje, es KATICABOGAR LANY hazafele ballag a meleg homokon at.
Bingo lassan koveti, a fuleit melyen logatva.

Th.n iris <im• to go, and Ladyhug GirI

ll'Udg•s b.ck •cross th• still-worm sand.
Bingo follows slowly, dr•gging his •ors.

I \



. .

A homokdűnék tetejen allva, KATICABOGAR
a batyjara var.

St•nding ar the rop of the dunes,

Ladybug Git1waits for her brother.

"Na, tetszett az elso kirandulasod a tengerpartra?"
kerdezi a batyja.
"So, did you like yow· first tim• at th• b•ach?" "Igen" feleli Lulu.
"Megmondtam neked, KATICABOGAR LANY
he asks.
imadja a tengerpartot.
"Yes, " she ans\vers.
"I told you, Ladybag GlrI loves the beach!"

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