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Module 2

Identifying Your Target Audience


Previously in Module 1, we discussed why you are creating content

and in this Module, let's discuss who you are creating content for.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who am I creating content for?"

To elaborate,
Do you know what your viewer's age is?
Are you aware of where they stay?
Do you have any idea about their hobbies?
Have you ever thought of what other channels your viewers like to

Knowing the answers to all the above questions is essential to

deriving your customer persona.

What is customer persona?

A customer persona is an imaginary consumer of your content & you

make your content keeping that consumer in mind.


In every vital meeting at Amazon, there is an empty chair that is

visualized to be a customer, which helps the team think about how
their decisions affect their consumer & what role they will have to
play in making the experience better for the consumer.
Let's consider an example of Ankur's channel.

Ankur talks about personal finance in his videos. Now personal

finance is an extensive category.

In such a case, Ankur's customer persona could be a college student

who is a beginner in money management, a working professional who
wants to learn to invest or a professional trader who wants to get
better at trading.

If Ankur creates content to cater to the needs of all the above users,
he will never be able to cater to anybody.

Always remember,

"If you are creating content for EVERYBODY, you end up creating for

Fortunately, we at Brand warikoo know who we are speaking to. We

cater for the needs of 18 to 24-year-olds who are starting up.

For you to get the same clarity, here are different methods to help you
know your audience better.

Let's start with an exercise, followed by understanding the two

important frameworks: GDBP Framework and NWL Framework.

Try and answer these 7 questions about your user.

What is the age of this user?

Remember to focus on the specific age and not the range.

Where do they currently stay?

Is that a metropolitan, tier 1 city, tier 2 city?

What's their occupation?

Again, stating that your user is a working professional doesn't help.
Try to be specific here. For example, is your user a banker, a digital
marketer, a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer?

What's their current income?

Come up with a specific income figure your user earns per annum. Of
course, it could be zero if they aren't earning yet.

What's their educational qualification?

Get to know their educational details.

What's their marital status?

Is it Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed?

What languages do they speak and understand?

Understand what languages they can understand, read, write, and
Once you answer all these questions and you know very well about
your customer persona, the next time you plan your content, you very
well know the answers to the questions below.

Is my content useful to my user?

Why would my user care about my content?
Why would my user prefer my content over someone else's?

Below is a glimpse of a well-written customer persona for your


This framework is an extension of the customer persona. The 4

categories of GDBP are -

Here you categorize your customer according to Geography.
Note that this is the customer's physical location & not the region.
Being more specific helps here.

Here you categorize customers based on age, gender, education level
& income strata.

In behavioral, you classify the customer according to how actively
they consume your content or your type of content.


If music is your genre, ask yourself -

What importance does music hold in my customer's genre list?

Am I targeting someone who actively searches for music
content? OR
Am I targeting someone who consumes music only if they tend to
land upon it?

To summarize, your goal should be to create content for any one of

these & NOT to cater to both.
For example: Ankur's personal finance content caters to the audience
who is actively searching for such content.

Here you categorize the customer according to their Activities,
Interests, and Opinions (AIOs)

For better clarity, ask yourself -

What kind of behaviour does my customer exhibit in real life?

What are their key interests in life?
What are their opinions?


NWL is an acronym for Needs, Wants & Likes.

According to the framework -

I NEED to do something - (Non-negotiable)
I WANT to do something - (Desire)
I WOULD like this to happen - (Optional)

For better clarity, ask yourself

What is a non-negotiable need of my user?

What is it that my user wants out of that need?
What is it that they would like to have?

Ensure to have focus & clarity on your customer needs.


Ankur's channel caters to the audience,

Who need to invest their money & and NOT to the ones
who need to know where to invest their money.

Lastly, we want you to know that it's very much possible that you
might not get all of it right in one go. Because building a customer
persona is a reiterative process.

To summarize the whole module for you, you need to aim to


WHY are you creating content &

WHO are you creating it for?

Because knowing WHY & WHO can change your content creation
game entirely for the better.

Keep YouTubing :)

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