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[Alt + =] - shortcut for sum function in excel

[Ctrl + drag] - to copy data within a worksheet (done after selecting data)

[drag] - to move data within a worksheet (done after selecting data)

[Shift + drag] - to move data between already existing columns/rows in a worksheet

(done after selecting data)

Creating a chart shortcut - Alt + F1

Ctlr + D - to duplicate existing chart

After creating a chart

use Alt + drag to resize chart to cell boundaries
use Shift + drag to resize chart to different sizes but to same v:h ratio

Working with huge set of datas

- to freeze headings in top rows or left most columns
- go to view -> freeze panes (select appropriate option based on requirement)
- to split data in horizontal rows or vertical colums in order to see different data
present in the same worksheet (use view -> split {if u want to split vertically select
any cell in b/w on the first row and vice-versa})

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