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RGB LED Pattern Using LED Mapper:

➢ In this document we will show how to create inbuilt patterns using LED

Here, GitHub link is given for LED Mapper tutorial:

and link for WEB APP:

from above link one can generate and visualize maps for irregular and/or gapped
LED layouts.

➢ The web app of LED mapper looks like below when we open link:

first we draw our layout in google sheet which is irregular or not in matrix type
link for google sheets is given below:
here, we draw our custom led layout here as below:

In this google sheet we will write numbers from zero (0) which will navigate our First LED and
then one by one we add numbers as our hardware custom pattern and design exact layout.

Then copy this sheet layout from sheet and go to Web IDE and delete given default pattern and
paste our custom pattern which we have drawn.

You can see your pasted LED layout will displayed at end of below your web IDE as below:
LED Mapper will give arrays of coordinate and angles of the LEDs which we have to paste in our
code for FastLED and below is link of code for particle web IDE:

Array will looks like below which is given by LED mapper IDE:

We have to replace this array in code from given example code

In this code we have to do some modification as below:

delete this bellow lines in code:

Now It’s ready to execute.

Here In this LED mapper WEB IDE you can visualise colour and patten of your layout and change
pattern, speed and colour:
In code, whichever pattern we want to set we have to add comment on other pattens name
shown one example below:

And custom colour as below:

And can also change speed and brightness:

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