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Seat Number


* 1 7 B 7 *

A 3.4
Management of Small Scale Industries (New) (June 2018)
P. Pages: 1
Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Instructions to Candidates:
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. Attempt any three questions from Section - I and any two from
Section - II.
5. All questions _carryequal marks.


1. Write the Definition and imporlance of social Entrepreneurship. 12

2. Write the meaning and imporlance of small scale industry in Indian 12


3. Discuss the aspects and methods of project Appraisal. 12

4. Write the meaning and types of Incentives. 12

5. Discuss the Role of small scale industry in India. 12


6. Discuss the sources and methods of Idea generation. 12

7. Explain the concept and process of Marketing planning. 12

8. Write the note any two. 12

a) Problems of SSI unites.
b) Sources of capital.
c) Steps in manpower planning.


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