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Group no 2 Waste site investigation and remediation

1. The Site Reconnaissance phase of a site investigation is normally in the form of a

................of the site.
a. walk over survey

b. Field survey

c. estimated construction cost

d. contoured survey maps

2. Shallow excavations going down to a depth no greater 6m.

a. Borehole

b. Trial pits

c. Digging

d. Trench

3. The presence of mining is often signs of subsidence and possibly disused mine shafts

a. Access

b. Mining

c. Slope instability

d. Hydrogeology

4. The signs of ............... show a bent trees, hummocks on the grounds and displaced fences
or drains

a. Mining

b. Hydrogeology

c. Slope instability

d. Access

5. For in gravelly soils below the water table …..... testing methods are used.

a. Qualitative

b. Insitu
c. Ex situ

d. Quantitative

6. A feasibility study is a way to evaluate whether or not a ______ could be successful.

a) Project study

b) Project plan

c) Project design

d) None of above

7. A technical feasibility study reviews the ________ resources available for your project

a) Financial

b) Technical

c) Project deliverable’s

d) Both a and b
8. The market feasibility study is an evaluation of how your team expects the _________ to
perform in the market
a) Financial resources

b) Technical resources

c) Project deliverable

d) Both a and b

9. _________is the phase in Superfund site cleanup where the technical specifications for
cleanup remedies and technologies are designed

a) Remedial action

b) Remedial design

c) Project design

d) None of above

10. Long-term management of complex sites begins with ________

a) Remedial design

b) Remedial action
c) Technical resources

d) Financial resources

11. ……………..describes the nature and the extent of the contamination

a) Site sampling

b) Site remediation

c) Site characterization

d) Site Reconnaissance

12. All below is used for development of alternatives except:

a) Identify general response to actions for each objective

b) Characterize media to be remediated

c) Identify potential technologies

d) Determine risk of exposure

13. __________ soil remediation technology is used for remediating unsaturated soils
contaminated with SVOC.
a) SVE (Soil vapor extraction)
b) Soil washing
c) NPL (National Priorities List)
d) HPS
14. Monitoring should include following applicable media:
a) Soil
b) Ground water
c) Air
d) All
15. The methods of site investigation are dependent upon _______

a) Climatic change
b) Nature of engineering project
c) Local Economy
d) All of above
16. What is the normal depth of a borehole?
a. 10ft

b. 8ft
c. 6ft

d. 4ft

17. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is used to measure _

a. Volume

b. Weight

c. Speed

d. Density

18. What should be included in the Site Investigation Report?

a. Location of boreholes

b. Dimension

c. Speed

d. None of the above

18. How many steps of waste site investigation?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
19. ___________is the Systematic process to collect and record all the necessary data which
will be needed or will help in the design and construction processes.

a) Site investigation
b) Historical research
c) Feasibility study
d) Remedial design
20. Which of the following is the site characteristic of site investigation?

a) Soil
b) Topography
c) Infrastructure
d) All of above

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