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Q and A


Institutional Corrections
(PART 3)

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
1. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital punishment
are considered
A. municipal prisoners
B. provincial prisoners
C. city prisoners
D. insular prisoners

2. Who is the appointing the director of BJMP

A. Chief BJMP
C. Under Secretary
D. President of the Philippines

3. Which is a place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or

court action and where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty
of imprisonment?
A. Jail
B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary
D. Detention Cells

4. Which of the following are grave offenses of jail inmates?

1. Giving gifts, selling or bartering with jail personnel
2. Tattooing others or allowing others to be tattooed
3. Damaging any government property or equipment
4. Making, improvising or keeping any kind if deadly weapons
5. Failing to turn over any issued articles/complements after work detail
6. Possession of lewd or pornographic materials

A. 2,3,4 and 5
B. 1,2,3, and 4
C. 4,5 6 and 1
D. 3,4,5 and 6

5. When is unnecessary force used upon an offender?

A. When pursuing an inmate who escaped from prison
B. To enforce discipline and order among prisoners
C. When doing routinary inspection of prison cells
D. For legitimate self-defense on the part of jail guard

6. What is the classification of the prisoner’s offense of “willful disobedience

to a lawful order issued by an officer or member of the custodial force?
A. Less grave offense
B. Victimless offense
C. Grave offense
D. Minor offense

7. What is the classification of the prisoner’s offense of “forcibly taking or

extracting money from fellow inmates”?
A. Grave offense
B. Minor offense
C. Less grave offense
D. Major offense

8. When may prisoner be taken out of jail?

A. After filing of bail
B. Upon presentation of authority from jail warden
C. Upon application for release in recognizance
D. Upon orders of a competent court

9. After release from the jail or prison, when does the parolee present himself
to the Parole and Probation Officer?
A. At least three (3) weeks from release
B. Within the period prescribed in the Release Document
C. Within three (3) months from release
D. At least one (1) month from release

10. Ronaldo Tubal was sentenced to a prison term of two (2) years and one (1)
day. To what correctional institution shall he be committed?
A. City jail
B. Municipal jail
C. Provincial jail
D. National prison

11. Through what means are inmates taught how to assess their own
A. Transactional analysis
B. Reality therapy
C. Milieu therapy
D. Behavior therapy

12. Which of the following therapy system is aimed at changing offenders by

giving them responsibilities for creating and maintaining the social climate
within which they must live inside the prison and eventually outside in the
A. Positive peer culture
B. Therapeutic community
C. Melieu therapy
D. Behavior therapy

13. Which is the most effective intervention for suicide-risk inmate?

A. Place cushion on the walls
B. Close supervision
C. Keep all medicines away from his/her reach
D. Remove blunt objects from his/her reach

14. Which of the following provides direction, supervision and leadership

over the administration and operation of a jail?
A. Deputy warden
B. Warden
C. Prison guard
D. Security officer

15. What is the objective of proper enforcement of prison rules and

regulations by prison authorities and compliance with by prisoners?
A. Prison industry
B. Prison management
C. Prison code
D. Prison discipline

16. Which of the following cannot be imposed by the Disciplinary Board as

disciplinary punishment?
A. Temporary cancelation of recreational privilege
B. Reprimand
C. Confinement in dark, ill-ventilated cell
D. Cancellation of visiting privilege

17. What is the main objective of segregation?

A. Diversification by age
B. Diversification by sex
C. Prevention of physical and moral contamination
D. Diversification of degree of imprisonment

18. It is a code use by the prisoner in their communication?

A. Code of Silence
B. Inmate social code
C. Code of jail conduct
D. Unwritten code

19. Why do all members of the custodial force proceed or directed to go to

their critical posts armed with their issued firearms when there is mass
A. To shoot any of the escapees
B. To protect other inmates
C. To plug off the escape routes
D. To make warning shot

20. A special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable, and

highly dangerous persons who are the source of constant disturbances even in a
maximum security prison and wear orange color of uniform.
A. Medium Security Prisoners
B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
D. Minimum Security Prisoners

21. The Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, a National Penitentiary in the
Philippines under the BUCOR is located in s
A. Palawan
B. Zamboanga
C. Davao
D. Occidental Mindoro

22. What type of personnel are referred to those provide services in support
of the line personnel?
A. Staff personnel
B. Jail personnel
C. Operational personnel
D. Line personnel

23. Which is a place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or

court action and where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty
of imprisonment?
A. Jail
B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary
D. Detention Cells

24. What document is required before a prisoner is released?

A. Orders from a competent court
B. Medical record
C. Release order from jail warden
D. Application for release

25. The Jail Warden of the Provincial Jail is appointed by the ____________
A. Provincial Governor
B. Secretary, DOJ
C. Secretary, DILG
D. Regional Trial Judge

26. What psychological treatment encourages inmates to identify the different

aspects of their personalities and to be their own therapists?
A. Millieu therapy
B. Behavior therapy
C. Transactional therapy
D. Association differentiation

27. Which of the following rules shall be observed whenever transfer of

inmates to another jail is affected?
1. Notorious/disastrous prisoners being moved shall be handcuffed
2. All prisoners shall be inspected and searched for dangerous weapons/objects
3. When two or more prisoners are transported, each must be secured to the other
4. A prisoner must be handcuffed and secured to a part of the vehicle during
transit to preempt any escape plan or self-destruction

A. 3,4 and 1
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 2,3 and 4
D. 4,1 and 3

28. Pedro is sentenced to life imprisonment. He volunteered to be transferred

to a penal colony so that he can work and earn a living. By volunteering, his
prison term is reduced to _____ years.
A. 20
B. 40
C. 30
D. 25

29. Pedro an inmate of Camp Bukang Liwayway got sick with severe colds and
influenza. What is right for him to do?
A. Write a letter to his wife and ask for medicine
B. Just keep quiet and pray for his health
C. Ask prison guard to help him request for NGO help
D. Invoke his right to secure medical attention from prison authorities

30. Under which condition can a prisoner be immediately released provided he

is not a recidivist or he had not been previously convicted 2 or more times of
nay crime?
A. If he has been in jail for 30 days and the maximum penalty for the offense
he may be found guilty is reclusion perpetua
B. If has been in jail for 30 days and the maximum penalty of the offense he
may be found guilty if prison correctional
C. If he has been in jail for 60 days and the maximum penalty for the offense
he may be found guilty is destierro
D. If he has been in jail for a period equal to or more than the possible
maximum term of imprisonment of the offense he may be found guilty
31. A maximum security prison is otherwise called _________
A. Courtyard prison
B. Radial prison
C. Close custody prison
D. Campus style prison

32. Who are placed inside half-way houses?

A. Prisoners being punished for disorderly conduct
B. Convicted persons who are technically skilled and employed
C. Inmates who are of good behavior and conduct
D. Prisoners who are about to be released to the community

33. Why was the San Ramon Prison in Zamboanga built in 1869?
A. For the incarceration of political prisoners
B. For maximum security prisoners
C. For juvenile offenders
D. For the convicts from Zamboanga

34. Prisoners should not be given corporal punishment nor confined in dark
cells or sweat boxes as these are:
A. Fairly prohibited
B. Absolutely prohibited
C. Somewhat prohibited
D. Relatively prohibited

35. Which part of the day are treatment and recreation hours held?
A. Before and after work assignments
B. Middle hours of the day
C. Early morning hours
D. Before sleeping hours

36. Why is inspection of jails and prisons necessary?

A. To determine how many prisoners are inside the facility
B. For the administrator to be known to the inmates
C. To keep staff and inmates alert to required standard of operation
D. To check on adequacy of linkages with the community

37. Under what agency is the Sablayan Penal Farm?

A. Bureau of jail Management and Penology
B. Probation and Parole Administration
C. Bureau of Correction
D. Board of Pardon and Parole

38. In maintaining health, safety and sanitation inside jail premises, jail
officers are responsible for the following, EXCEPT _____.
A. Scrub all floors, walls and ceilings
B. Supervise hygiene habits of inmates
C. Ensure proper handling and labeling of hazardous materials
D. Prepare a cleaning schedule

39. The Bukang Liwayway Camp of the New Bilibid Prison houses the:
A. Mentally Deranged Prisoners
B. Minimum Security Inmates
C. Medium Security Inmates
D. Maximum Security Inmates

40. Which of the following should not be done by a probationer?

A. Pursue his rehabilitation program
B. Engage in illegal activities
C. Abstain from drinking intoxicating liquors
D. Reside at premises approved by the trial court

41. How is one who is sentenced to prison term of three (3) years and one (1)
day to death referred to?
A. National prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner
C. municipal prisoner
D. city prisoner

42. Which of the following is NOT a guaranteed right of an inmate?

A. To receive authorized visitors at designated time and place
B. To be confined in a private hospital if sick
C. To send and receive correspondence
D. To practice his faith or religion

43. How is accuracy in counting prisoners ensured?

A. Mere presence of shoes under the bed is taken as presence of a prisoner.
B. Bastonero takes charge of checking presence of co-inmates.
C. A list is passed around and the name of offender is checked.
D. Physical counting, with the person standing and the jailguards looking from
head to foot.

44. What is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and the signature
of the judge directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted
offender for the service of sentence imposed therein?
A. Warrant
B. Nolle
C. Order of acceptance
D. Mittimus

45. Where shall who are sentenced to a prison term of more than three (3)
years sent to?
A. Jails under provincial government
B. Correctional facilities of the Bureau of Corrections
C. Jails of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
D. Detention cells of the police

46. When shall an inmate’s request to view the remains of a deceased relative
be filed with the jail warden?
A. At least one (1) day before the privilege sought is enjoyed
B. At least one (1) week before the privilege sought is enjoyed
C. At least five (5) days before the privilege sought is enjoyed
D. At least three (3) days before the privilege sought is enjoyed

47. Which of the following is a sub-colony of the Davao Penal Colony where
released prisoners who no longer wish to return to their homes stay and work?
A. Panabo Sub-colony
B. Kapalong Sub-colony
C. Inagawan Sub-colony
D. Tanglaw Settlement

48. How are the inmates called when they are given special privileges such as
work assignments which are not done at the regular times?
A. Correctional officers
B. Trustees
C. officers
D. guardians

49. Disciplinary power cannot be exercised by a prisoner over his co-

prisoners. However, technically skilled prisoners may
A. Supervise prison labor
B. Be requested to assist other prisoners
C. Provide direction to livelihood program
D. Run the whole show for livelihood program

50. Julio Camacho is an inmate suffering from asthma. He has serious attacks
lately and has difficulty in breathing. Can he be brought to the hospital?
A. Yes, if hospitalization is necessary
B. No, left the prison nurse give the medication
C. No, it is against prison rule
D. Yes, but a court order has to be secured first

51. What is meant by “hustling” inside the prison?

A. Staying incommunicado for a period of time
B. Selling illegal commodities such as drugs, alcohol weapons
C. Heating a prisoner for bad behavior
D. Staying at work in a congregate shop

52. What facility was built recently within the Bureau of Corrections site
for the purpose of housing prisoners who are about to be released?
A. Recreation Area
B. Half Way House
C. Congregation Shop
D. Reception Diagnostic Center

53. Which of the following terms is most closely associated to the day-to-
day operations of the various units within the organization?
A. Control
B. Administration
C. management
D. supervision

54. What is the most common form of sexual perversion in prison and jail
A. Sodomy
B. Masturbation
C. homosexuality
D. Pseudo marriages

55. What is being referred to when the warden is directly responsible for any
act or omission of his subordinates in relation to the performance of their
A. Delegation of authority
B. Command responsibility
C. supervision
D. flow of communication

56. To what institution are convicted women offenders committed?

A. Iwahig Penal Colony
B. Davao Penal Colony
C. San Ramon Penal Farm
D. Correctional Institution for Women

57. Which of the following information are included in the prisoner’s carpeta?
1. Commitment order
2. Prosecutor’s information
3. Decision of trial and appellate courts
4. Personal circumstances
A. 2, 3 and 4
B. 4, 1 and 2
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 3, 4 and 1

58. What prison/jail unit is responsible for the investigation of inmates who
violate prison/jail rules and regulations?
A. Action Boards
B. Disciplinary
C. Appellate Board
D. Board of investigator

59. Which two (2) of the following offenses of prisoners are considered less
1. Acting boisterously during religious, social and other group functions.
2. Loitering or being in an unauthorized place.
3. Keeping in his possession money, jewelry or other contrabands.
4. Assaulting any officer or member of a custodial force.
A. 3 and 4
B. 4 and 1
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2

60. In 1869 the Spanish authorities established the separate prison in

Zamboanga for the confinement of ______
A. Maximum security prisoners
B. Convicted offenders
C. Political prisoners
D. Female prisoners

61. Who among the following maybe excused from hard prison work?
A. Detention prisoners
B. Juvenile offenders
C. Women prisoners
D. Prisoners over 60 years old

62. In prison, what is the mechanism for treating the underlying emotional or
psychological problems that led inmates to criminality?
A. Physical therapy
B. Behavior therapy
C. psychotherapy
D. social therapy

63. Peter was sentenced to serve a prison term of six (6) years. He did not
qualify for probation. He was brought to the Bureau of Corrections in
Muntinlupa. To which place should he be brought for processing and
A. Testing center
B. Reception diagnostic center
C. Processing center
D. Evaluation center

64. To whom does the prison warden report to?

A. Secretary, Department Justice
B. Undersecretary, Department of Justice
C. Local Chief Executive
D. Director, Bureau of Corrections

65. What is the Security Classification of an inmate whose sentence is under

review by the Supreme Court?
A. Medium security
B. Minimum security
C. Optimum security
D. maximum security

66. The Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) is the only penal institution
for women offenders. This is under the
A. Bureau of Woman Welfare
B. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
C. National Bureau of Investigation
D. Bureau of Corrections

67. The following are authorized to commit a person to jail, EXCEPT

A. Court of Appeals
B. Philippine National Police
C. Board of Pardon and Parole
D. Regional Trial Court

68. Which of the following is NOT a justification that group treatment of

inmates is more advantageous?
A. Much of criminal behavior is reinforced by group norms
B. It is in a group that inmates learn to define themselves and interpret their
C. Most of inmate’s behavior occur in groups
D. Everybody must know the inmate’s story

69. How is one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six (6)
months referred to?
A. Insular prisoner
B. Municipal Prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner
D. City prisoner

70. An _________ program employs prisoners in various product or good-

producing tasks.
A. Agricultural
B. Industrial
C. Operational
D. Administrative

71. What institution conducts training program for uniformed personnel of the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
A. PNP training center
B. Fire service training institute
C. Jail national training institute
D. PNP academy
72. Which of the following organizations donated the Half-way House inside
the compound of the Bureau of Corrections?
A. Office of the President
B. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
C. United Nations Security Council
D. Asia Crime Foundation

73. Robin Padilla served his sentence at the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa.
Why was he photographed at the Reception and Diagnostic Center?
A. It is a rare opportunity to have his photograph
B. He is an actor and photogenic
C. Photographing the inmate is part of the reception procedure
D. To have a souvenir photo of the actor

74. Prison work assignments are usually given to prisoners,

A. After recreational activities
B. At early morning hours
C. Before sleeping hours
D. During middle hours of the day

75. An arrangement where prisoner goes out of the institution to attend

educational classes.
A. Study release
B. Work furlough
C. Guidance counseling
D. Vocational program

76. Who among the following prisoners is a national prisoner?

1. One who is sentenced to maximum term of imprisonment of more than 3 years or
a fine of more than 5,000.
2. One sentenced to serve 2 or more prison sentences in the aggregate exceeding
the period of 3 years.
3. Regardless of the length of sentence, one sentenced for violation of Custom
Law or other laws within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs
4. Regardless of the length of sentence, one sentenced for violation of
Immigration Laws and Election Laws.

a. 1, 2, and 3
b. 2, 3, and 4
c. 1, 3, and 4
d. All of the listed

77. How do inmates know that they have letters?

A. A list of mails for inmates is posted
B. A jail guard delivers the letter personally
C. An inmate trustees delivers the letters to the addressee
D. Inmate with letters are called to the Jail Warden’s Office

78. Forced is used only by correctional institutions to,

A. Exact respect
B. Enforce discipline
C. Show physical strength and power
D. Perform assignments

79. Which of the following is an open correctional institution known to be

the best and “prison without walls”?
A. Davao penal colony
B. Sablayan penal colony
C. Iwahig penal colony
D. San Ramon prison and penal farm

80. He has the supervisory powers over all provincial and city jails but his
powers are limited in the sense that they are advisory and recommendatory only.
A. Secretary of Justice
B. Warden
C. Chief Justice
D. Director of prison

81. When was the establishment of the Correctional Institution for Women.
A. November 01, 1929
B. November 12, 1929
C. November 27, 1929
D. November 17, 1929

82. It is an order issued by the court to a correctional facility indicating

the basis for the confinement of a prisoner.
A. Mittimus
B. Carpeta
C. Commitment Order
D. Arrest Report

83. Preliminary form filed up by the petitioner within 72 hours after the
release of his probation order.
A. Arrest and Booking Report
B. Release form
C. Work Sheet
D. None of the above

84. How many minutes is the allowable time for an inmate to use the telephone
A. 5 Minutes
B. 10 Minutes
C. 15 Minutes
D. 20 Minutes

85. If two (2) inmates are arguing each other of some loss of their items in
cell, refer them to the ____________________.
A. Warden
B. Investigation and disciplinary board
C. Classification board
D. Never mind them

86. When was the Bilibid prison established?

A. 1845
B. 1846
C. 1847
D. 1848

87. Before taking out the prisoner to jail, he will be pre-release to

A. Diagnostic and Reception Center
B. Reception
C. Classification board
D. Disciplinary board
88. Having a pornographic materials inside jail is a?
A. Minor offense
B. Grave Offense
C. Less grave offense
D. Major offense

89. It is the national record of a prisoner at New Bilibid Prison.

A. Mittimus
B. Carpeta
C. Commitment order
D. Arrest record

90. Among the colonies established in the Philippines, what penal colony was
established in Zamboanga?
A. Iwahig Penal Colony
B. Sablayan Penal Colony
C. Camp Sampaguita
D. San Ramon Penal Colony

91. The head of Bureau of Corrections is the Director of prisons who is

appointed by the _____________ with the conformation of the Commission on
A. Chief Executive
B. DOJ Secretary
C. DILG Secretary
D. None of the above

92. Provincial prisoners are prisoners with imprisonment ranging from?

A. 1 day to 3 years
B. 6 months,1 day to 3 years
C. 3 years to life
D. Not more than 6 months

93. How many hectares do the San Ramon Penal Colony has?
A. 1,414 hectares
B. 2,414 hectares
C. 3,414 hectares
D. 4,141 hectares

94. PO1 Duling was convicted to serve a penalty of 6 years of imprisonment

for usurpation of a person in authority due to his frequent introduction of
himself as NBI agent, what would be his classification under PD 29?
A. Detention prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner
C. Municipal Prisoner
D. National Prisoner

95. A method undertaken to allow prisoners to have the opportunity for normal
A. Visitation
B. Sodomy
C. Conjugal visit
D. All of these

96. Provincial jail is under what government agency?

A. Provincial government
B. Department of Justice
C. Bureau of Correction
D. None of these

97. Those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from One (1) day to six
(6) months are classified as:
A. Provincial prisoners
B. City prisoners
C. Insular prisoners
D. Municipal prisoners

98. Designated rank of a warden in city jails.

A. Inspector
B. Chief inspector
C. Superintendent
D. Director

99. Differentiate National prisoners from that of City prisoners.

A. National prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from
One (1) day to six (6) months, while City prisoners are those sentenced to
suffer a term of imprisonment of Three (3) years and One (1) day to Life
B. National prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from
One (1) day to (3) years or a fine of not more than 1,000 pesos or both, City
prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from One (1) day
to six (6) months
C. National prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from
One (1) day to (3) years or a fine of not more than 1,000 pesos or both, while
City prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment of Three
(3) years and One (1) day to Life imprisonment.
D. National prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment of
Three (3) years and One (1) day to Life imprisonment, while City prisoners are
those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from One (1) day to (3) years
or a fine of not more than 1,000 pesos or both.

100. ___________ is a security facility, common to police stations used for

temporary confinement of individual held for investigation.
A. Ordinary jails
B. Lock-up jails
C. Workhouse, jail farms or camp
D. None of these

101. When there was a tremendous problem in the increase of the population of
the inmates in New Bilibid Prison, the president decided to allocate another
piece of land somewhere in Occidental Mindoro to cater the problem of the
population increase which is now known as Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm. This
event took occur on?
A. November 27, 1929
B. September 27, 1954
C. September 27, 1945
D. November 27, 1973

102. A maximum security institution is:

A. No wall but surrounded by wire fence of the industrial type an majority of
the prisoners in outside cells or dormitories
B. A farm or camp
C. Walled majority of the prisoners confined in cells
D. None of the above

103. A prison facility that receives newly committed national male prisoners
and the entry point of all incoming prisoners who will be subjected to
distribution to the operation institutions, located within the Medium Security
Compound of New Bilibid Prison;
A. Inmate Classification Center
B. Reception and Diagnostic Center
C. Inmate Reception and Education Center
D. None of these

104. Following are privileges of detention sentenced prisoners, except.

A. To wear their own clothes while in confinement
B. To receive visitors during day time on prescribed
C. To cigars and cigarettes everywhere
D. To be treated in a government or private hospital with authority by the

105. A married prisoner is visited by his wife and they are granted time for
their marital sexual obligations. This privilege is called?
A. Conjugal vacation
B. Conjugal partnership
C. Conjugal privilege
D. Conjugal visit

106. Instrument of restraint shall be applied only-

A. For killing co-inmate
B. For serious infraction of the rule
C. To prevent escape as way to court trial
D. When prisoners becomes behaviorally uncooperative

107. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody
and rehabilitation of national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a
term of imprisonment of more than three (3) years
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government
D. Parole and Probation Administration

108. Iwahig Prison and Penal; Farm was one the world’s known Prison without
walls, which is primarily established to serve all the incorrigible inmates in
new Bilibid Prison but problems arises because the first contingent revolted
against the authority, that why the Philippine Commission converted the prison
to a colony for well-behaved inmates. This event was made possible through the
authority of:
A. Reorganization Act 1470
B. Reorganization Act 1407
C. Reorganization Act 1740
D. Reorganization Act 1704

109. Upon arrival, the prisoner is ushered in the Receiving Office of the
Inmate and Education Center at the New Bilibid Prison and other prison
authorized to admit the prisoners. The following documents shall be presented
accordingly by the escorting party of the prisoner, except one;
A. Commitment Order of the Court
B. Information filed by the City/provincial Fiscal
C. Court Decision of the Case
D. Warrant of Arrest Issued by the Court

110. The following are authorized to order or approve the release of prisoners,
except one;
A. The Supreme Court of the Philippines or lower court in cases of acquittal of
the accused prisoner or grant of bail.
B. The President of the Philippines in cases of executive clemency or amnesty.
C. The Director of the Bureau of Corrections upon the expiration of the sentence
of the prisoner.
D. None of these

111. The following are privileges given to prisoners upon admission as inmates,
except one;
A. Good conduct time allowance to reduce his prison sentence.
B. To attend or participate in any entertainment or athletic competition
in the facility
C. To accommodate visitors in his own quarters.
D. To receive gifts and prepared food from his visitors, subject for

112. The following are the Privileges of an Inmate, except one…

A. attend or participate in any entertainment or athletic activity within the
prison reservation
B. participate in civic, religious, and other activities authorize by prison
C. to receive authorize visitors
D. receives gifts and prepared food from visitors subject to inspection.

113. The following are the Rights of an Inmate, except one…

A. to receive compensation for labor they performs
B. to be credited with time allowances for good conduct and loyalty
C. to send and receive mail matters
D. read books and other reading materials in the library

114. These are the objectives of the BJMP which one is not included:
A. To improve the living conditions of the offenders in accordance with the
accepted standards set by the United Nations.
B. To enhance rehabilitation and reformation of offenders in preparation for
their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society upon their release.
C. To professionalize jail services.
D. None of these

115. The Superintendent of the prison may authorize an inmate to be taken out
of prison in the following instances, except one:
A. to appear in court or other government agency as directed by the competent
B. for attending the need of his immediate family in the hospital in the case
of emergency
C. for medical examination/treatment or hospitalization in an outside clinic or
D. to view the remains of a deceased relative

116. Under the Philippine Republic after World War II, two more prisons were
created to decongest the over-crowded condition of the New Bilibid Prison.
Established in the following year respectively, September 27, 1954 and January
16, 1973;
A. Sablayan Penal Colony and Leyte Regional Prison
B. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm and Iwahig Penal Colony
C. Iwahig Penal Colony and Leyte Regional Prison
D. Sablayan Penal Colony and San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm

117. Upon arrival and before admission, an inmate is given a “shakedown”.

Shakedown means…
A. His commitment papers are delivered to the record clerk
B. Identification by fingerprinting and photographing of an inmate C.
C. Examination for contraband
D. None of these

118. A correctional facility of the Bucor that was established on January 16,
1973 to serve the convicted offender whose penalty is more than three years in
A. Leyte Regional Prison and Penal Farm
B. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
C. Iwahig Penal Colony
D. None of the above.

119. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody
and rehabilitation of national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a
term of imprisonment of more than three (3) years
B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government
D. Parole and Probation Administration

120. A person who is sentence to served imprisonment for not more than three
years to pay a fine if not more than one thousand persons or both fine and
A. City prisoner
B. Provincial Prisoner
C. Local Prisoner
D. Municipal Prisoner

121. A unit of the prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given
thorough physical examination including blood test, x-rays, vaccinations and
immunity is the:
A. Quarantine cell
C. Death row
D. Control Area

122. Ernesto Enriquez was admitted to the Reception and Diagnostic Center for
him to undergo Physical Examination, Orientation of Prison Rules and being
interviewed by a counselor or social worker that is conducted in private was
placed under quarantine for haw many days?
A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. 20 days

123. The New Bilibid Prison, the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW),
Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, and Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm are all under
this agency.
B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government
D. Department of Justice

124. The process of determining the needs and requirements of prisoners for
assigning them to programs according to their existing resources is called:
A. Classification
B. Quarantine
C. Diversification
D. Quality control

125. What is the total estimated land area of Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
that was established in September 27, 1954 by virtue of proclamation number 72
issued by the President due to tremendous increase of population in New Bilibid
A. 16,000 hectares
B. 36,000 hectares
C. 18,000 hectares
D. 1,546 hectares

126. Who from among the following has the authority to approved transfer of an
inmate found to be suffering from mental illness or is insane to mental hospital?
A. Prison Superintendent
B. President
C. Prison Director
D. Secretary of Justice

127. A special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable and

dangerous persons who are so difficult to manage inside prisons.
A. Medium Security prisoners
B. Maximum security prisoners
C. Super maximum security prisoners
D. Minimum Security Prisoners

128. It is a special unit in prison where by newly arrived prisoners will be

admitted for diagnostic examination, observation
A. Reception and Diagnostic Center
B. Medium Security Compound
C. Maximum Security Compound
D. Minimum Security Compound

129. The Camp Sampaguita of the national Bilibid Prison houses

A. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Medium Security Prisoners
D. Minimum Security Prisoners

130. What correctional facilities of the Bucor comprising an estimated total

land area of 18,000 hectares?
A. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
B. Iwahig Penal Colony
C. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
D. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
131. Where a newly committed insular prisoner undergoes diagnosis and treatment
as part of the classification process?
A. Reception and diagnostic center (RDC)
B. Medical Center
C. treatment Center
D. Diagnostic and Treatment Center

132. Who among the following is a provincial prisoner?

A. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years
B. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up
C. A prisoner serving a term of six (6)months and one(1)day to three(3)years
D. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day

133. Diversification means

A. Proper integration of prisoners
B. Proper classification of prisoners
C. Proper segregation of prisoners
D. Welfare of prisoners

134. Expedit was convicted by the competent court and was sentenced to serve
an imprisonment of 1 month to 3 years. Under PD # 29, he is classified as a
A. Municipal prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner
C. City prisoner
D. National prisoner

135. Prisoners sentenced from one day to three years or a fine of not more
than one thousand pesos are categorized as-
A. Insular Prisoner
B. City Prisoner
C. Provincial Prisoner
D. None of these

136. The Custodial Division is charged with the security of prisoners, which
of the following is considered as the commanding officers?
A. Security officers
B. Senior prison guards
C. Supervisor prison guards
D. Prison guards

137. The principle of separating homogeneous type of prisoners that requires

special treatment and custody is called:
A. Classification
B. Distinction
C. Diversification
D. Differentiation

138. The staff member in the RDC who is responsible for the evaluation of the
character and behavior of the prisoner is:
A. Chaplain
B. Psychiatrist
C. Psychologist
D. Custodial-correctional officer

139. What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during the
Aquino administration in the Philippines?
A. E.O 727
B. E.O 292
C. E.O 645
D. E.O 104

140. A satellite unit of the New Bilibid Prisons (NBP) that houses minimum
security risk prisoners.
A. Camp Sampaguita
B. Camp Bukang Liwayway
C. Camp Abelon
D. Camp Abubakar

141. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital punishment
are considered
A. Municipal prisoners
B. Provincial prisoners
C. City prisoners
D. Insular prisoners

142. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named
after Capt. Blanco of the Spanish Royal Army?
A. Old Bilibid Prison
B. Sablayan Prisons and Penal Farm
C. Iwahig Penal Farm
D. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm

143. A place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court action and
where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty of imprisonment
is known as
A. Jail
B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary
D. Detention Cells

144. A procedure that is conducted in jail and in prison where an inmate upon
arrival at the place of confinement will be stripped out for search of
A. Operation Shakedown
B. Operation Bakal
C. Operation Greyhound
D. Operation Shakedown

145. A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge
directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for
service of sentence or detention is known as –
A. Mittimus
B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus
D. Detention Warrant

146. The entrusting for confinement or an offender to a jail by competent court

or authority for investigation, trial and or service of sentence is referred to
A. Commitment
B. Detention
C. Imprisonment
D. Recognizance

147. This is a procedure which permits a jail prisoner to pursue his normal
job during the week and return to the jail to serve his sentence during the
weekend or non-working hours.
A. Amnesty
B. Good conduct time allowance
C. Probation
D. Delayed sentence

148. Which is a place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court action
and where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty of
A. Jail
B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary
D. Detention Cells

149. What is the type of Jails under the Supervision of the BJMP?
A. Lock up Jails
B. Provincial and sub-Provincial Jails
C. City and Municipal Jails
D. Insular Jails

150. Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American Regime.
At present, who supervises and controls the said jails?
C. Provincial Government

151. What government agency that supervises the administration and operation
of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
D. All of the above

152. What is the privilege of the visiting husband or wife that the jail will
allow for sexual intercourse?
A. Conjugal visit
B. Parental Visit
C. Marital Visit
D. Privilege visit

153. What kind of program employs prisoners in various product or good

producing tasks?
A. Agricultural
B. Operational
C. Industrial
D. Administrative

154. What prison established on Nov. 16, 1904?

A. The Correctional Institution for Woman
B. The Davao Prison and Penal Farm
C. The Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
D. The Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm

155. Which among the following is The Reorganization Act of 1907:

A. Law creating the Bureau of Corrections
B. Law creating the Department of Commerce and Police (Act No. 1407 of 1905
placing Bureau of Prisons under its control
C. Law creating the New Bilibid Prisons
D. Prison law of the Philippines creating the Bureau of Prisons

156. Which of the following prison facility of the BuCor comprising of an

estimated total land area of 1,546 hectares?
A. Iwahig Penal Colony
B. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
D. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm

157. It detains minimum custody offenders serving short sentence with

constructive work programs. It provides full employment of prisoners, remedial
services and constructive leisure time activities.
A. Workhouse, jail farm or camp house
B. Staff house, Jail facilities
C. Workshop, jail arm or campus
D. None of the above

158. It direct, supervise and control the administration and operation of all
district, city and municipal jails to implement a better system of jail
management nationwide
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Department of Justice
C. Bureau of Corrections
D. Parole and Probation Administration

159. Takes charge of financial matters especially in programming, budgeting,

accounting, and other activities related to financial services. It consolidates
and prepares financial reports and related statements of subsistence outlays
and disbursements in he operational of the jail.
A. Budget and finance branch
B. General services branch
C. Property and supply branch
D. Mess services branch

160. The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound

custody, security and control of inmates and their movements and also
responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline is the:
A. Security group for jails
B. Escort Platoon
C. Control Center groups
D. Warden

161. A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and the signature of a
judge, directing the jail or prison authorities to receive inmates for custody
or service of sentence imposed is called
A. Court Order
B. Commitment Order
C. Court Decision
D. Confinement Order
162. The National Bilibid Prison was first constructed at the Manila before it
was transferred to Muntilupa City today the former Penal Colony in Manila was
diverted into a:
A. May Haligue State
B. Manila City Jail
C. Boys Town
D. None of these

163. This charge of financial matters especially in programming, inputting,

accounting and other activities related to financial service, it consolidates
and prepared financial reports and related statement of subsistence in the
operation of the jails.
A. Mess Service Branch
B. Budget and finance branch
C. Food Branch
D. All of the above

164. This facility houses prisoners convicted of offenses which the punishment
does not exceed 3 years of imprisonment and those with pending cases before the
courts, it is administered and run by the personnel of the BJMP.
A. Ordinary Jail
B. Workhouse Jail
C. Lock up Jails
D. Jail Farm or Camp

165. Which of the following statement DOES NOT AGREE to the basic principle of
A. Seek to promote discipline and to secure the reformation, and safe custody
of inmates
B. Justice shall be applied partially to all concern regardless of disposition
in life.
C. Without discrimination on grounds of race, colors, genders, language,
religion or other opinion, nationality or social origin, property, birth and or
other status, justice shall be applied impartially.
D. Justice shall be enforced with firmness but tempered with understanding.

166. Marion is convicted at Camp Sampaguita, he got sick for fever and cold,
as a correctional officer what be your proper action?
A. Pray for him
B. Ask for medical attention
C. Let him die
D. Call for a medical doctor

167. The Davao prison and Penal Farm was the founded and led by Gen Paulino
Santos. It has a land area of 18,000 hectares mostly devoted for the production
of Abaca. On what year, the Davao Prison and Penal Farm were reestablished after
the massive destruction done by the Japanese?
A. 1932
B. 1931
C. 1946
D. 1942

168. Mr. Tinanga died because of his own negligence; can inmate Tinanga avail
the privilege of pecuniary aid?
A. Yes, he is qualified to said benefits
B. No, because the cause of his death is uncertain;
C. Yes, because he was killed during his preventive imprisonment;
D. No, because the cause of death of Tinanga is due to his negligence

169. Which is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of
the judge directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted
offender for service of sentence or detention?
A. Mittimus
B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus
D. Detention Warrant

170. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other
data of every prisoner into a case study to determine the work assignment, the
type supervision and degree of custody and restriction under which an offender
must live in jail?
A. Classification Board
B. Board of Custody
C. Diagnostic Board
D. Treatment Board

171. After meals, what is done with the utensils of the prisoners?
A. Utensils will be collected by the jail guard personnel.
B. The jail guard should Wash the utensils
C. The jail guard should not allow the prisoners to use utensils
D. Utensils must be secured before meals

172. A standard minimum qualification of a Jail officer to be appointed as a

District Jail Warden?
A. Have a rank of at least Jail Superintendent
B. Have an initial rank of Chief Inspector
C. Have a mandatory supervisory training
D. None of these

173. Inmates who commit suicide are considered as in any of the following:
A. Liability of the jail administration.
B. Responsibility of the relative of the victim
C. Liability of the relatives of the victim
D. All of the above

174. Which agency exercise supervision and direction over jail management
training institute.
A. Philippine Public Safety College
B. BJMP Training facilities
C. National Defense
D. Philippine National Police

175. Which among the following statement is wrong?

A. Jail is managed by BJMP while Prison is managed by BuCor;
B. Jail is created under RA 6975 or The DILG Act of 1990, while Prison was
created under the Reorganization Act of 1907 otherwise known as The
Prison Law;
C. Jail shall be headed by the Director of BJMP, while Prison is headed by
Dir. of Prison;
D. District Jail is headed by a Warden, while Penal farm is headed by a Penal
176. This takes care of the social case work study of the individual prisoners
by making interviews, home visits referral to community resources free legal
services and liaison works for the inmates.
A. Work and Education Therapy Services
B. Socio-Cultural Services
C. Guidance and Counseling Services
D. Medical and Health Services Branch

177. This branch of service also conducts psychiatric and psychological

A. Work and Education Therapy Services
B. Socio-Cultural Services
C. Guidance and Counseling Services
D. Medical and Health Services

178. German conception requested for transfer to other facilities of the Bucor
for him to stay closer to his family as part of his rehabilitation. Who may
recommend for his transfer?
A. Prison Superintendent
B. President
C. Prison Director
D. Secretary of Justice

179. A felony of grave coercion is committed by a public officer or employee

who maltreats a detained prisoner who is not under his custody. The statement
A. True, because he is a public officer.
B. True, because he overdoes himself in the correction of handling of such
C. False, it should be maltreatment of Prisoner.
D. False, Physical injury is committed.

180. Operation conducted by the BJMP where a prisoner maybe checked at any
time. His bedding, lockers and personal belongings may also opened at any time
in his presence whenever possible.
A. Operation greyhound
B. Frisk and check
C. Counting procedure
D. Checking procedure

181. Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer,
those in disciplinary status, and those who are chronically ill with mental
disabilities are considered:
A. Unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs
B. All of these
C. Special group of offenders
D. Minimum security prisoners

182. This is also called the guidance or case conference where the prisoner
after undergoing all the tests, interviews and examination appears before the
center’s staff in conference of plan out with him his tentative program of
activities the prisoners should undergo including institutional training,
recreational program, religious program, medical and psychiatry services and
social services.
A. Staff conference
B. Command conference
C. Officer’s conference
D. Conference for prisoners

183. As a rule, when a jailbreak, escape or riot is in progress or has just

been perpetuated in the jail, the officer at the control centers shall
A. Sound the alarm
B. Locked prisoners in their respective cells
C. Notify the nearest police precinct
D. Call the warden or the director

184. Every violation of jail/prison discipline shall be dealt with accordingly.

In extreme cases, where the violation necessitate immediate action, the warden
or the Officer of the Day may administer the necessary restraints and reports
the action taken to
A. An emergency plan
B. A Standard Operating Procedure
C. A general rule
D. Not applicable to prisoners

185. The only one instance when a prisoner maybe given passes or leave from
jails or places of confinement, as maybe allowed by law or regulation, upon
approval of the appropriate authority, or the court, if already committed by
court order and upon and recommendation of the warden.
A. Very meritorious cases
B. Unmeritorious case
C. Special Cases
D. In any case

186. Is that Bureau under the Department of Justice which is in charge of

administrative supervision of National Prison?
a. Bureau of Correction
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
c. Board of Pardon and Parole
d. Probation and Parole Administration

187. The law that classified prisoners?

a. P.D. 29
b. P.D. 26
c. B.P. 29
d. B.P. 26

188. An institution for confinement of convicted offenders sentenced to more

than three (3) years.
a. Jail
b. City Jail
c. Provincial Jail
d. Prison

189. The word prison was derived from the Greco-Roman word____?
a. Prisinto
b. Presidio
c. Precidio
d. Prisidio
190. The word Jail was derived from the Spanish word ____?
a. Jaula
b. Caula
c. a and c
d. Gaol

191. Which of the following is considered to be the purpose of confinement of

a person to prison:
a. All of these
b. To segregate him from the society.
c. To rehabilitate him so that upon his return to society he shall be a
responsible and law-abiding citizen.
d. None of these

192. The basic principles of admission, custody and treatment of inmates are:
a. Seek to promote discipline, reformation and safe custody of inmates.
b. Impartial application of the rules to inmates regardless of race, sex
language and religion.
c. Enforced the rules with firmness but tempered with understanding.
d. All of these

193. The following are National prisoner?

a. One sentenced by the court to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more
than three (3) years or to a fine of more than one thousand pesos (P1,000.00);
b. Regardless of length of the sentence imposed by court, one sentenced for
violation of custom law and other laws within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of
Customs or enforceable by it, or violation of immigration and elections laws;
c. One sentenced to serve two or more prison sentences in the aggregate
exceeding three (3) years period, whether or not he has appealed;
d. Person committed to the Bureau by a court or competent authority for
safekeeping or similar purpose.
e. All of these

194. A person who is confined in prison pending preliminary investigation,

trial or appeal; or upon legal ground issued by competent authority?
a. Prisoner
b. Detainee
c. Convict
d. Respondent

195. Refers to the one in charge of the prison.

a. Warden
b. Director
c. Superintendent
d. Wardress

196. This is a warrant issued by court bearing its seal and signed by the judge
directing the prison/jail authorities to receive inmates for custody or service
of sentence imposed therein.
a. Mittimus
Search warrant
b. Commitment order
Warrant of Arrest
197. This refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consists of
his mittimus/commitment order, the prosecutor’s information and the decision of
the trial court, including that of the appellate court, if any:
A. Carpeta
B. prison record
C. prison statistics
D. nmate document
E. prison jacket

198. This is also known as “youth camps” and are being maintained by BuCor
where youth offenders may serve their sentence in lieu of confinement in a
A. Agricultural and forestry camps
B. forest and sea camps
C. social & behavioral camps
D. Biological & recreational camps

199. Refers to the information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances,

the offense he committed, the sentence imposed, the criminal case numbers in
the trial and appellate courts, the date he commenced service of his sentence,
the date he was received for confinement, the place of confinement, the date of
expiration of his sentence, the number of previous convictions, if any and his
behavior or conduct while in prison.
A. Carpeta
B. Prison record
C. Prison statistics
D. Inmate document
E. Prison jacket

200. Whenever on appeal, the sentence of an inmate is reduced to a maximum

term of imprisonment of less than three (3) years or to a fine that does not
exceed one thousand pesos (1,000), the inmate shall be transfer to:
a. To the custody of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology for service of
b. To the Provincial Government concerned for service of sentenced.
c. To the municipal jail for service of sentenced.
d. a and b

201. It shall be responsible for receive, study and classification of inmates

and detainees committed to the Bureau?
a. Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)
b. Classification Board
c. Disciplinary Board
d. Board of Discipline

202. Inmate shall be placed at the RDC for a period of?

a. Not more than 5 days
b. Note more than 55 days
c. Not more than 60 days
d. Not more than 30 days

203. What are documents to be presented upon admission of an inmate to the

a. Mittimus/Commitment order
b. Information and court decision in the case
c. Certification of detention, if any
d. Certification that the case of the inmate is not on appeal.
e. All of these

204. Registration book shall be keep for the recording of all commitments which
shall contain information on the ff:
a. Name of the inmate
b. Reason for commitment and the authority therefor
c. Sentence
d. Date and hour of admission
e. Date and hour of discharge or transfer and basis therefor.
f. All of these

205. This the process of assigning, grouping of inmates according to their

sentences, gender, age, nationality, health, criminal records and others:
A. commitment
B. diagnostic
C. reception
D. classification

206. Upon admission to the RDC, the inmate shall be subjected to frisking for
a. Jewelry
b. Contraband
c. Money
d. Bladed weapon

207. The Classification Board shall consist of?

a. The Superintendent as the Chairman
b. The chief of RDC as the vice chairman
c. Medical officer, Chief Education Section, Chief of Agro-industries Section
as members
d. Chief Overseer as Secretary
e. All of them

208. A type of prisoners which includes those who requires high degree of
control and supervision such as but not limited to death sentenced, recidivist,
habitual delinquent and escapes, sentenced for more than 20 years, with pending
cases and criminally insane or severe personality or emotional disorders.
a. Maximum security
b. Minimum security
c. Medium security
d. Colonist

209. The prisoner who was first time brought to the RDC shall be considered?
a. Maximum security
b. Minimum security
c. Medium security
d. Colonist

210. The “Walk Away Prisoner” as dubbed by the institution is the ___?
a. Maximum security
b. Minimum security
c. Medium security
d. Colonist

211. The following prisoner shall be classified under minimum security:

a. Those with severe physical handicap as certified by the chief medical officer
of prison.
b. Those who are 65 y./o and above, without pending case and whose conviction
is not on appeal.
c. Those who have served one-half of their minimum sentence or one-third of
their maximum sentence, excluding GCTA
d. Those who have six months more to serve before the expiration of their
maximum sentence.
e. All of these

212. The medium security prisoners includes the following, EXCEPT.

a. Those whose sentence is less than 20 years imprisonment or those remanded
b. Those who are eighteen years of age and below regardless of the case and
c. Those two or more records of escape but served eight (8) years since they
were recommitted. Or with one record of escape but serve five (5) years.
d. First offender sentenced to life imprisonment after service of five (5) years
in the maximum security prison or less upon recommendation of the
e. Those who were detained in the city and provincial jail.

213. The color of the uniform of inmates under the maximum security prison is
a. Tangerine
b. blue
c. brown
d. gray
e. yellow

214. Those who cannot be trusted in less secured areas and whose conduct or
behavior require minimum supervision.
a. Maximum security
b. Minimum security
c. Medium security
d. Colonist

215. One who has either been previously committed for three or more times as
sentence inmate, except those imprisoned for non-payment of fine and those who
had been reduced from a higher class.?
a. Third Class
b. Second Class
c. First Class
d. Colonist

216. To be a ____________, one must be at least a 1st class inmate and has
serve one (1) year immediately preceding the completion of the period specified
in the following qualification: has served imprisonment with Good conduct for
atleast 7 years in the case of life imprisonment.
A. 1st class inmate
B. 2nd class inmate
C. 3rd class inmate
D. Colonist

217. The following are privileges given to a colonist, EXCEPT

a. Additional 5 days GCTA for each calendar month aside from the regular GCTA.
b. Automatic reduction of life imprisonment to 30 years.
c. To wear civilian clothes on such special occasions as may be designated by
the Superintendent.
d. An award of 7 hectares of land as homestead.
e. To have his wife and children live with him subject to the approval of the

218. Inmates shall be served three (3) meals a day and Breakfast shall be serve
not more than _____ after the previous day’s dinner.
a. 12 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 14 hours
d. 10 hours

219. The confinement of an inmate may be transferred to an AFP stockage

provided the inmate is certified as minimum security risk and is does NOT fall
in any of the following, EXCEPT.
a. Inmate serving life sentence or death.
b. Those who have previous record of escape / recidivist.
c. Those serving for a crime involving moral turpitude.
d. Inmate who is more than 50 years old or who can no longer perform manual
e. None of these

220. Prisoners may be transfer from National prison to the provincial prison
or vice versa upon direction of _______?
a. Director of prison
b. Superintendent
c. President of the Philippines
d. BBP

221. Superintendent may authorize prisoner to be taken out of prison in the

following instances, EXCEPT:
a. To appear in court or other government agency as directed by competent
b. For medical examination/treatment or hospitalization in an outside clinic or
c. To view the remains of a deceased relative.
d. To transfer to provincial jail

222. Movement of inmate for medical or hospitalization outside and viewing of

remains of deceased relative shall be with approval from:
a. Director
b. Secretary of Justice
c. Administrator
d. Chairman

223. A minimum or medium security prisoner who wanted to view a deceased

relative shall file an application for such purpose within how many days before
the enjoyment of said privilege?
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 1 day
d. 4 days

224. Prisoners at the NBP or CIW who applies for viewing of the remains of
the deceased relative shall be recommended by the superintendent thereof and
the director to ________ for final action at least one (1) working day before
the privilege is to be enjoyed.
a. President
b. Secretary of Justice
c. Administrator
d. Chairman

225. The duration of viewing shall be for a period of three (3) hours, provided
that the place is within the radius of __________ by road. If more than such
distance, privilege may be extended if the inmate can leave and return to his
place of confinement during the daylight hours.
a. 20 km
b. 40 km
c. 30 km
d. 50 km

226. Inmates of such age shall be excused from mandatory labor.

a. 50 years old
b. over 50 years old
c. 60 years old
d. over 60 years old

227. This program employs prisoners in various product or good producing

a. Agricultural
b. Industrial
c. Operational
d. Administrative

228. Inmate who has been six months permanently assigned to work in prison may
receive compensation credits at rate prescribed by the director. The same shall
be credit to his trust fund and he may utilize ____ of said earnings for
purchased of his needs.
a. 1/2
b. 1/3
c. 1/4
d. 1/5

229. Who may grant Good-Conduct Time Allowance?

a. The superintendent
b. The director
c. The President
d. The Secretary

230. Inmate shall have the right to communicate or correspond with persons or
organization subject to censorship. He shall be advised to collect said mail
correspondence within ______ after it was received in prison.
a. 24 hours
b. 2 days
c. 3 days
d. 12 hours

231. Inmates who demonstrated good behavior shall earn one telephone call to
an authorized individual every ___ days and shall be granted only within 5
minutes and the inmate shall identify himself as an inmate.
a. 60 days
b. 90 days
c. 30 days
d. 50 days
232. Shall mean fiction, nonfiction, poetry, music and lyrics, drawing and
cartoons, and other writings of a similar nature made or written by inmates
during his free time or non-work time.
a. Art work
b. Manuscript
c. Literature
d. Literary works

233. This is the process wherein prison officials try to convert inmates and
be affiliated into their religion:
A. conversion
B. Proselytizing
C. New convert
D. Indoctrination

234. The least punishment for any infraction of the rules/regulation of the
Penitentiary is :
a. Reprimand
b. Cancellation of recreation, education, entertainment and visiting privilege.
c. Deprivation of GCTA for a specific period.
d. Change of security status to the next higher category.

235. Confinement in a disciplinary cell as a punishment for breach of

discipline shall for a period of:
a. One to two months depending on the gravity of the offense
b. 7 days
c. One month
d. Two months

236. Request for interview of the inmate by media shall be given to

superintendent within how many days?
a. Two days
b. Three days
c. Five days
d. Four days

237. Interview of inmates who are below 18 years of age may not be granted
without consent from?
a. The Director
b. Superintendent
c. Parents or guardian
d. Secretary

238. Infant born inside the prison may be allowed to stay with the mother for
a period of ____?
a. Six month
b. 3 years
c. 12 months
d. 2 years

239. Inmate may be released from prison on the following grounds, EXCEPT:
a. Upon the expiration of his sentence
b. By order of the court or of competent authority
c. After being granted parole, pardon or amnesty
d. Upon grants of probation
e. None of these
240. Release of prisoner may be authorized by the following, EXCEPT
a. The Supreme Court or lower courts, in case of acquittal or grant of bail.
b. The President of the Philippines, in the exercise of executive clemency or
c. The Board of Pardons and Parole, in parole cases.
d. Director of Prison, upon expiration of the sentence of the inmate.
e. None of these

241. The director of Prison shall not order or allow an inmate to leave prison
on ____ days before and ___ days after an election except for valid or legal
a. 60 days and 30 days
b. 30 days and 40 days
c. 30 to 40 days
d. 50 days and 40 days

242. This was created to provide preparatory rehabilitation activities in a

residential setting or pre-release place for prisoners. It is a 24 hours
residential agreement that is geared towards preparing the client to become
emotionally, socially and economically ready for family and community life.
a. Separation and placement center
b. Halfway house
c. Pre-release house
d. Detention cell

243. BUCOR is headed by the Director of Correction who is assisted by two (2)
Assistant Directors who shall be:
a. One for Administration and One for Operation
b. One for Administration and Rehabilitation and One for Prisons and Security.
c. One for Administration and One for Prisons and Security
d. One for Rehabilitation and One for Prison Security

244. This group composes the initial wave of anti-riot assault contingent whose
main objective shall be to disperse the rioters and get their leaders and shall
be armed with wicker shield, protective headgears, gas masks and night sticks
or batons, when these are available.
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

245. This group composes of trained guards on proper handling and use of
firearms who shall be ready to fire when the lives of the guards are in peril
on orders of the Officer-in-command.
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

246. In 1934, this position was created to supervised Correctional Institute

for Women:
A. Wardress
B. Female Superintendent
C. Superintendent
D. Chief Superintendent

247. Maximum security prisoners are confined in the;

A. NBP main building
B. Camp Bukang liwayway
C. Camp Sampaguita
D. None of these

248. The head of prison may establish this group whenever the frequency of
requests for interview reach a volume hat warrants limitations. It is composed
of not more than 2 representatives from the national news services, the
television and radio networks and outlets; and the news magazines and
newspapers. All news materials generated by them shall be made available to
media without right of first publication or broadcast.
A. media group
B. news team
C. press pool
D. news update team

249. Parolee and Pardonee are supervised by:

a. Judge
b. Parole and Probation Administration
c. Bureau of Correction
d. Board of Pardons and Parole

250. It is an executive clemency that cannot be questioned by the court?

a. Pardoning power
b. Good conduct time allowance
c. Amnesty
d. Executive Prerogatives

251. Application for parole/pardon shall be applied and process by:

a. Board of Pardons and Parole
b. Probation and Parole Administration
c. Director of Prison
d. Judge who sentence the prisoner

252. Statutory shortening of the sentence of a prison by reason of good

a. Good conduct time allowance
b. Reprieved
c. Commutation of sentence
d. Parole

253. Prison Superintendent is obliged to inform the immediate kin of the

prisoner if inmate:
a. Seriously ill
b. become behaviorally dangerous
c. Escape from prison
d. making good

254. Instrument of restraint shall be applied only:

a. To prevent escape of way to court
b. For serious infraction of rules
c. For killing co-inmate
d. Behaviorally uncooperative

255. Prisoners from the RDC are transferred to the operating institution for:
a. Diagnosis
b. Reclassification
c. Treatment planning
d. Execution of Treatment program

256. Among the following factors, which would be best determine the extent to
which prison functions are subdivided:
a. operating system
b. inmates population and size of the prison jail
c. adequacy of resources
d. number of prison staff

257. This prisoner is one who is sentenced to a prison term of six (6) months
and one day to three (3) years.
A. municipal prisoner
B. City prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner
D. Insular prisoner

258. In larger jails, services may be provided by this person who shall keep
the keys to the woman’s quarters and should be available anytime:
A. key master
B. trusted inmate
C. resident matron
D. resident mayor

259. This is a type of prisoner who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1)
day to three (3) years.
A. municipal prisoner
B. City prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner
D. Insular prisoner

260. . The BJMP is one of the tri-bureau under the DILG. It was created
pursuant to:
A. Sec. 58 R.A 6975
B. Sec. 60, R.A. 6975
C. Sec. 1, R.A. 9263
D. Sec. 50, R.A. 9263

261. The following are considered Command Group of BJMP, Except:

A. Chief, BJMP
B. Deputy Chief, BJMP
C. Operations Divisions
D. Chief of Staff

262. A type C jail has a population of:

A. 21 to 99 offenders
B. 20 or less offenders
C. 120 offenders
D. 150 offenders

263. Known as the “prison without walls”

a. San Ramon Penal Colony
b. Iwahig Penal Colony
c. Davao Penal Colony
d. Sablayan Penal Colony

264. Prisoner’s Homestead in Davao Penal Colony:

a. Tagumpay Settlement
b. Tanglaw Settlement
c. Tanging Settlement
d. Tanaw Settlement

265. These are all Iwahig sub-colonies, EXCEPT:

a. Sta Lucia
b. Inagawan
c. Central
d. Montible
e. Panabo

266. These are known as Davao sub-penal Colony:

a. Panabo and Montible
b. Kapalong and Central
c. Panabo and Kapalong
d. Montible and kapalong

267. The First Penal Institution in 1847:

a. Old Bilibid Prison
b. San Ramon Prison and Penal farm (Ramon Blanco)
c. Iwahig Penal Colony
d. Davao Penal Colony

268. The Leyte Regional Prison was established in Abuyog City on_____ through
the orders issued under the Martial Law:
a. Jan, 16, 1973
b. September 27, 2954
c. Jan. 21, 1932
d. November 27, 1929
e. November 16, 1904

269. The following are Jails in the Philippines, EXCEPT:

A. City jail
B. Provincial Jail
C. District Jail
D. Municipal jail
E. Regional Jail

270. A security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for
investigation or awaiting preliminary hearing: usually the period of detention
does not exceed forty –eight (48) hours.
A. lock up jail
B. workhouse
C. ordinary jail
D. penal farm

271. The rank to be qualified for promotion to the position of chief, BJMP
shall be at least:
A. Senior Superintendent
B. Chief Superintendent
C. Superintendent
D. Director

272. There are already two Correctional Institutes for Women in the
Philippines. One is located in Mandaluyong City and one in:
a. Mindoro
b. Davao
c. Sablayan
d. Leyte

273. He suggested the idea and envisioned the Iwahig Penal Colony to be an
institution for incorrigible offenders:
a. Gov. Luke E. Wright
b. Gov. Forbes
c. Edward Savage
d. Ferdinand Marcos

274. This was 1st established in 1910 under the American regime. Every
Provinces were mandated by the American colonizers to establish their own
provincial jails to be under the supervision and control of:
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
b. Bureau of Prison
c. Provincial Jail System
d. City jails

275. The BJMP was created as one of the tri-bureau under the Department of
Interior and Local Government pursuant to:
a. R.A. 6975
b. R.A. 8551
c. R.A. 9263
d. R.A. 9708

276. Booklets of rules and regulations shall be given to the prisoner after___:
a. Serving his sentence
b. Frisking
c. Orientation period
d. Election period

277. The prevalent issues as correctional problem are:

a. Idleness
b. sexual deviant
c. Congestion in jail
d. all of the above

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