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Asap Methodology

Project preparation
Client code of conduct
Follow rules and regulation
Client information gathering
Project manager will interduce all members inforamtion of all Team
KickOff Meeting --- Interduction of all fi,Sd,PP,MM people
Project manager will interduce all members
End TO End Meeting HIgher authority Meeting
Blue Print Preparation
Client complete Information based on that
scope Document -- Client Business Details,PRoducts Information
Using Predefined Tables
AS IS Process -- Present Business Details,Howmany cocodes,Business
To Be Process -- How will map the client information in SAP System
Gap Analysis Documents -- what we can not maped in sap that is gap
client wants new field and options abap er will do
if abaper can not do
we will ask sap
SOS Notes will send by sap based on that SOS abaper will creat
this is called New gap

ex: Client wants new Tcodes not in sap

Realization Phase
Enterprisze Structure
Global Settings
UT -- Unit TestingEntry is posting or nor All doc type is correct or
Integration Testing,
User Accpetence Testing
Basic Configuration-- Day to day Transactions
Final Configuration -- New OPtions Developed By ABAPer Final
configuration New options developed By ABAp People

Final Preparation:
Autometic tools
To Test
ex-- Ap Vendor payment coming or not
what we required dunning properly,AP Properly,AR Properly,in SAP

Migration Activities
Non SAP To SAp Moving
Upload Text File Data To SaP
Master Data To SAP
Mass Data Upload

Older Version To New Version

Go Live:
Start The process


1. Reson for G/L block or delete

wrong Creation
Wrong Posting
Not using G/L Accounts
with management decison we delete

G/L account we can delete no transactional data

If transcacgtional data is is he
we can block that G/L Accoiunt

FS00 G/L account creation

Fb50 - G/L Posting

OBR2 - To delete G/L Account

FBN1 - lIne Item Display not in s4 Hana



Type description

gl account group
Pl account

Control Data

Create bnk/Intrest


Two Type

Chart OF account data

Co Code data

G/L Posting -- FB50 F-02

Post with Reference FB50 -- Same GL Posting 4 entries we can use post with

Post Fast Data Entry - F-02 --

Park Document

Suppose we have some doubt for Posting that time we can Park th e document

Credit limit

Document Change FB02

Parked Document Display - FBV0

Fb Line iTem Display FBL3N

we can hold the document


2 types of data

Transactiona Data & Configuration Data (G/L DATA)

Customer Master Data


Cost Element Master Data

Cost Center MAster Data

Profit Center Master Data

These all data stored in Rows and columns

we can download to exel format

Table display -- T-SE16N

General Documents Entries Tabul Display-- BSEG

Business Area --TGSB

Chart Of accounts Tabel Display T004

G/L Entries -- SKA1

General Document-- T001

IF yoy want to export go to table and give details and export


Chart of accounts

creation -- OB13
List of all G/L accounts

day to day all transctions caluclation as co.code level

and year end activities P&l accounts and Balance sheet

OPerating COA
co.code level day to day transactions using operating chart of accounts

Group chart of accounts

one group level accounts group of companies Like tata motors,tata steel,tata
all co.code consolidate what are the profit and loss can calucalte
in Grop of company level

country specific chart of accounts

one country have legel and regulations follow
Tax related

we need to assign operating coa to group coa for consolidation purpose

Group of companies c

company level transactions

block -- if we need to stop account we can block

no any transactions can stop

Grop coa -- ob13

Assign co.code to coa- ob62

define g/l account group- obd4
retained earnings -ob53

what are retained earnings


year ending

this year closing balance

carry forward to
next year opening balance

Mintain fiscal year - ob29


Global settings

Doc Types

SA Gledger doc
KR vendor invoice
KA Vendor reverse doc
KZ vendor payment
DR customer invoice
DZ customer payment
AA Asset Posting
AB reverse doc

BS Bank statement
c1 Closing GR/IR account
Ab accounting doc
Dg customer credit memo


Tolerence group

Employees Authorization group -- OBA4

Assen users to Tolerance group -- OBAO

How much cash discount permitted

Amount per document for posting
Amount per open items


Global parameters -- OBY6

Special Posting periods 4

all edjusting entrie and closing entries


Any misteks of last financial year

posting in this yar

that time we use special periods


With holding tax(TDS)


in india two types

Direct tax(DT)or Income Tax(TDS)
indirect tax(IDT) services,goods applicable,products in india (GST)

0 to 2 lakh -- notax

3 to 5 lakh -- 5%

5 to 7 ------- 10 %

7 to 10 --- 20%

path financial accounting/extended withholing tax

1)Check withholding tax countries

2) Define with holding tax type for invoice posting

3)----------------------------------Payment Posting

4)define wiholding tax codes

5)assign types to

6)Activate with holding tax

7)G/L ledger creation for with.Hol.Tax TDS A/C Cess A/C

8)Define Account for for to be paid - T.Code OBWW

Tax deducted at source

tds will dedcut on revenue

TDS dedut organization

5 lakh below no tds

5 lakh above tds will deduct

salry is 8lakh

TDS not only salaries

also deducts

TSd only deduct once

Total year after tahat form 16 tds will mention on particular date

How much cut and

whhen cut
6 lakh 2 % 12000 tds total year
permonth 1000

rent exmptions

2 type of taxes
presently follw extended w.h

you can enter only one line items

only vendors master records

Extended W.H.Tax

vendors as well as customer multiple line items

TDS any cuntry will use

vendor related and we need to pay vendor and custome will use

calssic only vendors and creditord

extended will use vendors and customers

multiple line items will avalilble

in inia is TDS

at the making payments of contractors

employess are professioonal

if rent we ar paying rent contract for building

infosyss eample

Lakhs or crores paymnet for contractors

lease taking

Paymnet to cotractors
rent with helpof 94i we will pay rent tax
ex 12lakh income exmption we will show

TDS Exemption

House loan


Lease exemption

insurece Exemtion

payment to contractors

Bulk of matarial purchage some damage

can exemption


interview TAX

1)what is the calssic and extended with holding tax

2)More about extended W.H.Tax

3)when ever Post invoice you want to change precentage tds percntage for

particular employee from tis % to this % wher we can change

we define codes

when ebver they aske this we have

Posting indicator

we have 2 types of configurations

w.h.Tax type

w.H.T codes
w.h.Tax codes
in we have options w.t ax code will have calucalte base amount

In with holding tax codes

Based on base amount only we will caluclate TDS

and this caluclation tab only we will have rate

based on posting indicator only we will change this % to %

4)what is the entry when we have tds on rent for the vendor

A) Rent Dr
vendor cr
tds payble cr

5) what are the official W.H.Tax keys

A) 194A intrest income other securities

194c Payment to contractors
194H Brokerage and commission
194I Rent
194J Prof/Technical service

6) Region wise where to change for one region to one region

A) w.h.Tax codes only we can change

7)Define Section Code

A)In India for each Business Place a Section Code is created and mapping is done on
one to one basis. In Section code information about Local Tax office as well as
District Tax office can be made.

8)what is mean by TDS


9)when we gat tds certificat from any company they have set the

from to end
where to change that period

A)with assigning only we have tax type only we will provide the from whic
period to which period type to co.code assigning we will provide validity period to which period

10)error: coud't determine the year for no.range

A) go with l.general-sales&tax

11)what is mean by


12)What basis we will caluclte TDS in whicg configuration we do

A)Based Gross amount we will caluclate

Define type for with holding tax

13)i have not updated in PAN NUMBER
A) T code wher will see J1ID

14)what is mean by recipent type

15) error :Cash discount base exeeds

16)wher will assign for customer as well a vendor

17)what is section code in sap fico w.h.Tax

A) error:section code is not copied to lines

section code :
VAT (tax on purchase and sales of product within state) reporting is done at state
level. Company has to collect & file VAT returns to state tax authority (state tax
authority is below central tax authority).

pan numer not found in vendor master data

xk02 - got o vendor master data

18)error : could not determid the year for TDS certificate number range
A) IMG>Logistics-General>Taxes on Sales/Purchase>India>specify excise year.

Here mention the start date as april 4.


section code :




Before 2017 vat

after 2017 GST

1)Define condition type -- OBYZ

2)Check and change settings for tx processing - OBCN

3)define procedure - OBYZ

4) Assign country to caluclation procedure - OBBG

4 slabs
5, 12, 18, 28 %

Goods and Services Tax

gst 4 types

1 cgst - 6%
2 sgst - 6%
3 igst - interstate 12%
4 ugst - union territory gst

HSN No - based on that no product

ex medical product 4%
benz car based on
costly prodcut 18%

ventures gst below 25 lakhs 4%

2cr above 26% gst

no gst for --- alchohos,agricultral prouducts,petrol

taxes is 2 types

Input tax is applicable on pruchages

out ppit tax is applicable for sales

define condition types -obyz

con.type - SGSt

cond.class - D -- taxes
cal.type: % A

Create account key -obcn

Check caluclation procedure define procedure -- obyz

assign country to caluclation procedure -- OBBG
define tax codes sales & purchase - FTXP
create g/l account - FS00
maintain tax codes for excise duties using condition technique - sm30

Purchage invoice posting -- fb60


Line item grace periods

interview questions

1)what is mean by dunning procedure,

2)when we have grace periods

line item grace periods


3)when shoud send dunning notices

4)what are the formats crete for dunning notises

A) f150_dunn_01 standard format

5)dunning interval indays

A)freqvency of days for dunning services

client has more information intrest caluclation

6)wha do you mena by dunning levels?


7)how many maximum levels of dunning system

A)standard sap maximum 9 dunning levels

8)why we need dunning chrages for partucular customers

A)if customer does nto sending

9)bank server not working in that scenario

A)we nhave to block the dunninglevels then only it will posible chrges of the

10)can you give inimum ammounts as mer my knowlege?

A)no based on the client requierments only

11)what do u mean by dunning block?

A)if you need to block the dunning notices to send customers we need to stocp

used to set for the high volue of the customers if the bank server is busy
autometically dunny


13)can i exclude b.tranaction of customers in F150 if yes how

A) in the free selection tab only we can exclude business transaction

14)shall i assign down payment customers or vendor in Tcode FBMP


Dunning is similar reminder notices for the purticalur customers due over due or

open items or outstanding balancs

good or services are sold to customers payment to be expected to be received

this movement incoming payments are to be monitoried

to make sure custome debts are paid on time when there is a delay company needs to
remain outstanding liabilities ofthe customers to remain customers

dunning enables a generation of letters to accounts recevables outstanding invoices

Dunning levels
line item grace periods
dunning texts

customrs not paying as per terms of payments system will issue

dunning letters
we can collect the dunning charges from customers



1)Posted invoices alreadyto particular vendor

transfer that amount to this vendor

dont want to delete that posted amouts they want have one scenarion

A)need to transvers to amounts to exact vendors

we want to post


1)we need to check whether the document type 'KZ' is exested or not

2)if KZ document is existed then we need to remove tick mark for check vendor or
customer in oba7

3)if we want to transfer amount from one vendor to another vendor we will use
posting key 31

4)we need to check the line items display of vendors

we should not delete the existing invoice

5) in document type--- control data --- KZ we need to "uncheck" customer/vendor/

is allowed

then only we can transfer frm one vendor to exact vendor using posteing key 31

in t code F-53


Enterprise structure

1)what you mean by co.code

A) Ox02
2)shal i assign company to co.code

3)what is company

4)comapny have differente currincies

5)company have many

6)co.code have many comanies


7)whhat is mean by B.Area?

A) OX03
Business area is nothing but branches of the company.
GILD Delhi Bus. Area for GILH
GILM Mumbai bus. Area for GILH

8)shall we creating internal reporting for business area

9)if i get Profit or loss to reportinto company or company code

A)company code

10)BUsiness functional area

A)comapny ahve different functional area manage the
is used to define expensee of Business functional area

11)what do you consolidation business area

A) TC- S_ALR_87007546

Consolidation business area is nothing but Regional wise Accounting.

A consolidation business area is an accounting organizational unit that represents
a central business segment within a business organization and that has a balance
sheet which can be included in business area consolidation.

Cross Business area Description

GILN North con. bus area for GILH
GILS South con. bus area for GILH

12)what is credit control area

The credit control area manages and sets the credit limit for customers to protect
the company from the risk of bad debts and multiple outstanding receivables.

In other words, the credit control area is like a credit department of an

organization that manages its customers' credit requirements. A credit control area
is assigned to an individual company code or to a group of company codes.

The credit control area is a four-character alphanumeric key.

For example, for ABC Enterprises we have four company codes Mumbai, Bangalore, New
Delhi, Chennai. Now the ABC Enterprises uses four credit control areas.

Mumbai and Bangalore each have a separate credit department( credit control areas
50,000 and 70,000 ). New Delhi and Chennai have a centralized credit control area
of 60,000. We can also have a centralized credit control area for all company codes
in Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai(credit control area 2,00,000).

13)shall i assign to fiscal year varient to credit control area

A)to get report credit controls ara wise what are credit limits we have given the
particula credit control area we need to assign fisacl year variant to credit
control area


Technica skills
1) understanding of the client requirments

2)Mapping the information of the client into the sap system

with standard configuration or without standard(GAP)

3)your way of explanation of solving the tickets

4)Giving user training to the end users(sr.consultants)

AP,AR,GST,Foriegn currency revaluation,WHT,Asset,CO,MM,SD


FUnctional specefication
interview global settings

1)what is mean by fiscal year variant?

2)i want to change the fisacl year varient previous fisacl year dependent now i
want to cahnge
dependent to independent year or independent o dependet

A)not possible,country to country to rules and regulations are diferent

3)creation of fisacl year

4)shal i block the g/l account for particular period --obbo

5)what is mean by year shift

ob29 when the fisacl yea is not same as calender year ther is year we need
displacement factor
curently identified by this year -1 or +1 or 0

6)what is posting period varient,

control the account open for posting

vendor or cusomer transaction

open and closing period

7)shall we open g/l a/c wise partucular

ob52 yes

8)what is mean by tolerance grop

maximum amoutn of the customer ,
amount max of doc,line items,cash discount

9)global parameters
a)what we can do configuration enable to working on the all tc - oba6

10)what is Document type

which type of transctions

11)shall we use this document type for reversal


12)document no.ranges

13)with out having the no.range can we create the documents


14)oba7 shal i crate n.range for particular DOC.type ?


Install ment payments
Foriegn Currency revaluation

Autometic payment program


Proposal Run: Pick Due or Overdue invoices

Payment Run : Payment(Clear all Invoices)

All Company Codes - FBZP

Paying Company Codes

Payment method in country

Payment Method in company code

Bank Determination

House banks


EBS with IDOC, with out IDOC


one materail

all these things are fico

algorithms are not defined by APAP consultant

configuration fico

understanding of the vendor entries

understanding of the customer enteries

Now these aamount are debited bymain bank account

Entrie for vendors

Purchasing of raw material


Rawmaterial --dr
vendor ---cr

Gr/IR -- dr
vendor --cr

when you issue a check to the vendor

vendor --dr
outgoing payment --cr
when the amount is debitedd form the main bank account

outgoing payment =---dr

main bank ---cr


Entries for customer

when you sell material to the customer

customer ---dr
sales ---cr

when you receive direct deposit

incoming payment ---dr

customer ---cr

when the amount is credited to main account

mainbank --dr
customer --cr

when you have bank charges,commissions,

when bank charges are particularly from your main bank account

BankChages ---dr
to main bank ---cr

we have

Indain banks and companies are using MT940 format

MT940 format

foreign countries use these formats

BAi2 formats


interpretaion algorithm

you got the rawmaterial

1)The main account balance is 500000

2)Amount is debited from your bank it will be credited to the vendor bank account

3)when we sell matrial to customer,customer payments are to be expected rs


4)revised main bank account balance 525000



Asset accounting

when set ans sell any asset

Asset value will be decresed deprcecitaion ,reduction of book value

1)Copy chart od depreciation sample from to to

from 1IN
to Raju
2)specefy descripttion of chart od depreciation
3)copy delete depreciation area
remove un necessary depreciation ares
Keep these 2
1 Book deput
15 Depre as per income tax

4)OBCL - Assign input tax for non taxble acuisitions

input tax -- V0
Output tax -- A0

5)OAOB assign COD to co.code

6)account determination
Account determination are

Interview questions

1)AP COnfiguration

2)Document Splitting


4)Recurring jurnal

5)COstngand cost elements

6)Integration between MM SD

7)Diffe Dipreciap key, deprecian Area


9)Dunning key and dunning area


11)Penny testing

12)Rgresion testing - cheking wit interface -



Asset accounting

0)Accumulated depreciation
1)what are Asset retirment procedure

2)jurnalentries for retirment of asset

3)scraped or sale to customer what are gain entry

4)Methos of calucalation asset

5)factors period control methods

6)subseqment retairments


8)APAB Enhancements

9)Enhancement process


Asset Accounting Interviewquestions

1)Explain Asset accounting

2)what is a lean Implementation in FI-AA

3)What are the kinds of assets in sap

4)Explain Complex Assets and Asset Sub numbers

5)What is Group Asset in sap?when u will use it?

6)What is asset super number in sap?

7)What is chart of depreciation?differnce form COA?

8)How do you create an asset accounting co.code?

9)what is depreciation?Explain the various types?

10)define depreciation areas?

11)How do you setup depreciatin area posting to fi from FI-AA?

12)what is an asset class

13)why do u need asset classes?

14)what is asset class catalog?

15)is it possible to create asset class autometically

16)what is an asset value date?

17)what is asset master?

18)explain two ways used to crrreate asset master

19)is it possible to create multiple assets in single transaction

20)what is time dependent data in an asset master

21)explain asset acquisition

22)what are autometically set in the asset masters during initial acquisition

23)why it is necessary to block an asset master record

24)how do you delete asset master

25)what is an asset transaction type in fi-aa

26)Expalin aunder construction in sap

27)how do you capitalize AUC in sap

28)what do u mean by low value assets

29)explain asset transfer

30)what is transfver variant

31)Expain asset retairment in FI-AA

32)Describe transfer of legasy asset data to sap

33)outline autometic transfer of old assets

34)what is asset transfer date

35)describe mass change/how do you achive this

36)what is periodic processing in fi-aa

37)what is depreciation key?

38)what is known as a depreciation run in sap?

39)expain the various steps in depreciatin run

40)explain the various steps in deprecaition run in sap?

41)how does the system caluclate depreciation

42)explain derived depreciation

43)what is knoen as repeat run in the depreciation prcoess

44)what does restart a depreciation run mean

45)deprciation simulation

46)what is sort version

47)can u select direct fi posting for a depreciatin run

48)year closing in fi-aa

49)asset history sheet

50)what is asset exploreer


1)SLA for current client

2)Issues and resolutions you provided

MIGO,MIRO not getting posted

post autometically

3)configuration procedure for what are the documents you prepared

open stage
start working on the ticket


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