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This study aims to investigate the ethno-pharmacological features of Farsetia jacquemontii of

family Brassicaceae. No correlation was observed between the % extraction yield and the
antimicrobial potential of different parts of the plant, the extracts from the flower and fruits
were found to have antibacterial properties, whereas, the results from the root and stem can
be categorized as satisfactory. It was observed that the antibacterial potential of the n-hexane
and chloroform extract was more effective than the aqueous and ethanolic extracts. It was
noticed that the extracts showed great resistance against E.coli yet remained insignificant
against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The plant extracts showed satisfactory resistance against the
gram-positive bacteria employed for the investigation. Some plants extracts were found to be
significantly active against the fungal specimens. The results acquired to the evaluation of the
antifungal and antibacterial potential through MIC methodology completely agreed with the
values obtained by the determination of zone of inhibition. Various extracts of Farsetia
jacquemontii showed the presence of different phytochemicals. The overall antioxidant
capability of the different parts of the plant range from good to satisfactory.

Chapter No. 1
Ethnobotanical knowledge is important for the existence of human population. Due to vast
diversity of plants in biochemical and biological compounds they are more important in our
lives than animals. Herbal medicines, therapeutic efficacy of many indigenous plants,
antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants are beneficial for the treatment of human diseases.
According to WHO plant’s extracts are use as folk medicine in 80% of the world’s population.
Many microorganisms badly effect the human health and production of crops. Plant fungal
diseases cause big lose of crops every year. But these fungal diseases are controlled by chemical
pesticides such as carbendazin and thiophanate- methyl etc. Due to chemical pesticides the
humans, animals and export of crops effect. Human health should be avoided from
antimicrobial compounds formed by plants.
In plants some bioactive compounds have medicinal value. Their concentration is different in
different plants. Oils of herbs and different metabolic products of plants use as folk medicines,
flavoring of food, in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Irrespective of these findings more
searches on plants is still continue.
World is paying attention towards plants sources to produce antimicrobial drugs because
natural products are safer than synthetic materials. WHO declared plants best source of drugs.
Therefore, researches should be made on such plants. Plant’s extracts are use to identify
antimicrobial activities, restrict bacterial growth and in antioxidants activity etc.
Medicinal plants are treating human diseases from many years. They gave vast variety of
compounds such as alkaloids, tannis, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins and phenolic. All these
compounds extracted from plants and use for the production of drugs to restrict bacterial and
pathogenic fungal growth.
The family Brassicaceae having 13-19 tribes, 350 genera and 3500 species. They are
economically important. Contain edible seed oil, use to flavonoid profiles. Farsetia jacquemontii
Hook act as antirheumatic. Farsetia species contain volatile oil. It is used by various nuclear
scientist as an omen to discover radioactive elements. Also use to treat kidney problems and in
the formation of many British, American, German and Asian drugs. It’s powder also utilize as
In Brassicaceae plants Glucosinolates are Sulphur containing phytochemical. Chemically they
are neutral anions contain b-D- thioglucose group, a sulphonated oxime group and a variable
side chain (R-) which has alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxyalkyl, hydroxyalkenyl, methylthioalkyl,
methylsulfinylalkyl, methylsulfonylalkyl, arylalkyl and indolyl groups.
Myrosinase is a class of enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of Glucosinolates. Food
processing methods, such as physical disruption of the plants, chewing, chopping, blending,
juicing, cooking, freezing and high temperature, cause their hydrolysis and thermal degradation
and different breakdown products are formed (isothiocyanates, nitriles, oxazolidinethiones,
thiocyanate, and Epithionitriles). In contrast to intact glucosinolates, these products are
responsible for the characteristic aroma of Brassicaceae plants and many biological activities,
ranging from antimicrobial, immunosuppressant and anticancer actions.
Chapter No. 2
Literature Review:

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