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ANNEX 2 GEOLOGY THE STUDY on COMPREHENSIVE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IN JABOTABEK Annex 2 Geology Table of Contents GEOLOGY. 1 1.1 General Geotogy .. 1.2 Geological Units in the Study Area 2 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION IN THE MASTER PLAN STUDY...... 2.1. Geotechnical Investigation for Flood Control Dam .. 2.2 Geotechnical Consideration... GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION IN THE FEASIBILITY STUDY .... 1S 3.1 Introduction... 3.2 Geology 3.2.1 General Geology. 15 3.2.2. Geology in the Project Area . 15 Geotechnical Investigation for Ciliwung Floodwa 3.3.1 Work Items, Quantities and Locations 3.3.2 Results of Investigation... -17 3.3.3 Geotechnical Evaluation. - 17 3.3.4 Geotechnical Consideration for Floodway Constructios 19 3.4» Geotechnical Investigation for River Improvement Works... 3.4.1 Work Items, Quantities and Locati 3.4.2 Results of Investigation. ns 24 3.4.3. Geotechnical Evaluation. erPrnayre en Me Car aneon List of Tables Soil Stratigraphy in Lowland Plain ‘Typical Soil Test Result tems and Quantities of Geotechnical Investigation(Ciliwung Floodway) Summary of Rock Test Results(Ciliwung Floodway) Summary of Soil Test Result(Ciliwung Floodway) Summary of Lateral Load Test(Ciliwung Floodway) Summary of Permeability Test Result(Ciliwung Floodway) Heems and Quantities of Geotechnical Investigation(WBC and Cisadane River) Surnmary of Laboratory Soil Test (WBC and Cisadane River, 1/6 - 6/6) Summary of Lateral Load Test(WBC and Cisadane) Summary of Permeability ‘Fest Result(Western Banjir Canal and Cisadane River) List of Figures Geological Map of the Study Area Local Stratigraphic Log Generalized Geological Cross-section from South to North in the Study Area Hydro-geological Map and Schematized North-South Cross-section ‘Schemiatized Hydro-geological Map of JABOTABEK Location Map of Possible Structures Location Map of Limo Dams and Drilling Works Location Map of Ciawi Dam and Duilling Works Location Map of Quarry Sites ‘Typical Getogical Section Location of Drilling (Ciliwang Floodway) Geological Profiles (FLD: Ciliwung Floodway, 1/4 - 4/4) Location of Drilling (1/2) (WBC: Westem Banjir Canal) Location of Drilling (2/2) (CSD: Cisadane River) Geological Profiles(WBC / Cisadane River, 1/3 - 3/3) 1. “GROLOGY 1.1 Generat-Geotogy West Java can be divided physiographically and structurally into four belts (Bemmelen, 1949) extending in the east-west direction and fiom south to north as indicated below : + Souther mountains of West Java; ~ Bandung zone; - Bogor zone; ~ Lowland plain of Jakarta. ‘The Study Area (Jabotabek) lies in the southern mountains comprising volcanoes focated in the southem part of the Study Area, the Bogot zone of rolling hills in the southern part of Cibinong and western part of Bogor, and the lowland plain’ with an elevation lower than 100m in the northem part of the Study Area. All the main rivers in the Study Area originate in the southem mountainous area and discharge ino the Java Sea after flowing through the hilly area of the Bogor zone and the flat lowland plain. According to the results of field reconnaissance, review of previous studies, and the geological literature published by the Geological Research and Development Center of the Directorate General of Geology and Mineral Resources (Geological Map of the Bogor Quadrangle, 1986; Geological Map of the Jakarta and Kepulawan Seribu Quadrangles, 1992), the geology in the Study Area is composed of alluvial of the Holocene (mainly in the lowland plain), terrace deposit of the Pleistocene (mainly alluvial . fan in the Bogor zone and fowland plain), tuffaccous sedimentary rocks of the Pliocene to Miocene (mainly in the Bogor zone) and southerit volcanoes of the Miocene, “The Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the Bogor zone are part of an anticlinorium of the Neogene Swata intensively folded in the east-west direction by the movement of major tectonic plates, the Indian Ocean-Australian Plate and Burasian Ptate. ‘The sedimentary rocks in the Bogor zone coniprise several formations: The Rengganis Formation, Bojongmanik Formation, Klspanunggal Formation, Jatiluhur Formation, Genteng Formation, and Serpong Formation. ‘These formations are superposed monoclonal by from south to north and from lower to upper horizons in’ order. ‘They are niainly composed of fine to coarse tuffaceous sandstone and Pumiceous tuff of lapil belongs to the Geinteng Formation of the Late Miocene to Pliocene in the Snidy Area, except the Klapanunggal Formation which is composed of reef liniestone. ‘The southern volcanic mountains were formed by basalt, diorite, votcanie breccia and andesite, which crupied and/or intruded atong the faulting zone in the Miocene and are. called undifferentiated older volcanic rocks and younger volcanic rocks in the Geological Map of the Bogor Quadrangle. Younger volcanic rocks are ‘classified into the volcanic rocks from G. Endut-Prabaki, G. Salk, G. Pangrango, G. Gede, G. Gegerbentang, and G. Kencana-G. Limo mainly in the Study Area. ‘The superficial deposits in the lowland plain consist of the following : - Altuviat + clay, silt, sand, gravel, pebble, and boulder - Beach ridge deposits: coarse santl, well sorted, with molluscan shells + Alluvial fan : bedded fine tuff, sandy tuff, interbedded with conglomeratic tuff. ‘The geological map of the Study Area snd the local stratigraphy are shown. in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. ‘The geological evolution of the Stady Area started in the Early Miocene, with the deposition of tho Rengganis Formation by gravity flow in the southem rim of the back-arc basin. In the Middle Miocene the area was uplifted, the eastern pact tuming into a shallow sea where the Klapanunggal Formation and the Jatilukur Formation which interfinger with each other, were deposited, The Bojongmanik Formation was deposited in the Western part of the area, “These formations were then uplifed, fokled and faulted, and intruded by the Dago Basalt unit in the Mio-Pliocence e1as, In the Early Pliocene the northern pact of the area subsided, resulting in the deposition of the Genteng Formation. ‘The area was then uplifted again ind formed the ‘Serpong Formation. ‘This was followed by the Voteanic Rocks and Sudamanik Andesites. In other places, transgression (subsidence) occurred, allowing reef limestone to grow until the present time, After the last tectonic event, the area has been relatively stable. In the southern part, the volcanic products form higher morphology, and by erosion processes, alluvial fans, ‘beach ridges, sand dunes and alluvium were deposited. From “Geology of Indonesia” by Van Bemmelen (1949), the Geological Map of West Java (1972), Geological Map of the Jakarta Quadrangle (1992) and Geological Map of the Bogor Quactrangle (1986), the generalized geological cross-section from south to north in the Study Area is as shown in Figure 3. 1,2 Geological Units in the Study Area ‘The geological units which are mainly encountered in the Study Atea and should be taken into consideration in the reviow of the construction ptan for the flood contro! dams, new floodway, improvement of river anil drainage channel, and construction of pumping facilities, etc. (1) Older Volcanic Rocks Mhis formation is the undifferentiated old Quatemary volcanic deposits composed of breccia and lava flows, aiidesitic to basaltic, locally including agglomerates and pumiccous tuff, and mostly weathered, This unit is widely distributed around the west portion of the southem ntountains, in the southwestem area of Bogor. (2) Younger Volcanic Rocks ‘The following three formations are encountered in the upper reaches of the Cisadane river and the Cilivung river, in the southem mountains : (@) Volcanic rocks of Salak consisting of tuffaccous breccia and lapilli, basaltic andesite and lehas, mostly strongly weathered. Voteaie breccia is composed of subangular andesitic gravel and boulders of 5 cmin diameter in tuffaceous matvix. The weathered portion, at a depth of approximately 10 m to 20 m, appears to consist of yellowish brown sandy to clayey soil with intensively weathered rock fragments, Fresh volcanic breccia is well consolidated and andesitic gravels and tffaccous matrix are well cemented. Volcanic breccia is massive but not very hard as a whole, and has no clear joint systems or cracks. Locally some porous voleanic breccias with a rather high permeability eoefficient in the order of 10° ens is obseived. (b). Volcanic rocks of - Pangrango which exist on the northem slope of Gunung Pangrango ‘and Gunung Lingkung, between the Cisadane river and the Ciliwung river. These rocks consist of older deposits, Iahar and tava, andesitic basalt with oligoclase-andesite, labradorite olivine, pycoxene and hombtende, mostly steongly weathered. (© Breccia and lava of Keneana and Limo which exist on the northwestern slope of Gunung Kencana and Gunung Lino, and consist of blocks of andesitic tuff and andesitic breccia ‘with abundant pyroxene phenocrysts and basaltic tava, niostly strongly weathered. (3). Bojongmanik Formation ‘This formation is the sedimentary rock composed of an alternation of sandstone and claystone ‘with intercalation of limestone and tuff in the upper part. In some places lignite intercalations are found. Upwards the tuff content becomes larger, tuming then into layered fine tuff and pumiceous tuff. As a whole, the rock is light gray, and brownish yellow when weathered. In general the rocks are well bedded; sedimentary structures such as graded bedding, cross- bedding, and lamination are common, The formation was deposited in a shallow neritic to brackish water environment, This formation is distributed superficially in the hilly western portion of the Study Area and widely constitutes the bedrocks in the Bogor zone and the Jowland plain of Jakaita. ‘The Bojongmanik formation is generally classified into soft rock from the geotechnical point of view. In general, the top portion of the soft rock layers, of which thickness ranges from one to more than 10 m, is weathered and disintegrated into small fragments, and N values are often less than 50. However, the fresh rock portion has criough strength for foundations of the fill-type dam and structures for the waterway, ote, (4) Jatiluhor Formation ‘This formation consists of marl and clay shale, and quaitz sandstone intercalations. It becomes. more sandy toward the east, This formation is disuibuted in the eastem portion of Cibinong-

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