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Table of Contents

Personal Brand....................................................................3

Final Reflection....................................................................4

Action Plan...........................................................................6

Appendix 1: Covey Weekly Planner..................................7
Appendix 2: Belbin Team Analysis....................................8
Appendix 3: Reflection #1..................................................9
Appendix 4: Personal SWOT...........................................10
Appendix 5: Reflection #2................................................11
Appendix 6: Reflection #3................................................12
Personal Brand
Final Reflection

This final reflection will briefly cover the topic 6 and 7 of the course module, focusing
on the three main sides: Value chain, start-up expenses and Cash Flow statement.
On topic 6, I learnt about money, specifically what businesses do to create value to
their customers? and how much does it cost for them to create the value? In order to
form the precise thought to answer these questions, the teacher splits us into groups
to discuss and analyse activities that a shoemaker in Hoi An do to create values to
his customers. The thinking of these created value activities was put into frame
through “Porter’s Value Chain Framework”. The framework breaks a business’s
activities down into strategic components. Next is excel works concentrate on basic
start-up expenses of creating my group business (the DA). Topic 7 is an excel day,
working on basic excel skills and one year cash flow of “the DA”. 
Being aware that excel skills are important for my future courses and career, my
sense of enjoyment and studiousness was triggered when the lesson was about
excel. However, I felt a bit frustrated on the online lesson, topic 6, as it’s difficult for
me to raise my hand and ask questions. 

Learning about these topics was an eye-opening experience for me. As it put me into
realisation that in order to thrive, a business has to deliver maximum values to its
customer for the least possible costs. This can be done through excel by strictly
managing expenses, cutting expenses when needed or tightening one's belt.
Understanding this key point behind topic 6 and 7 was extremely helpful for me in my
future when starting any business. Moreover, through building a 1-year cash flow
statement table, I have digested a range of excel skills which is an essential
preparation for my next course of business management. Filling this cash flow table
with currency numbers forces me to think critically about the loans and strategies.
Rely on that to spend effectively on expenditures and make profits. This exercise
helps me to comprehend the cash inflows and outflows of the business thus
developing plans to increase income revenues. All in all, my learning experience
during the two topic lessons was fairly successful as I have gained a bit more inside
of business study. However, the learning experience on topic 6 was hindered by
means of the difficulties of online learning including asking questions and
surrounding distractions. 

In conclusion, topic 6 introduces the theme of Value Chain, a business system that
illustrates various activities needed to provide values to its customers and itself while
maintaining good profits. In attempts to sustain this system, the financial statements
appear necessary. My overall learning experience on the topics was positive as I
have acknowledged the importance of creating values to customers and how these
values and efforts turned into real money. As mentioned earlier, excel skills are
integral in my next education path so learning and having more advanced excel skills
will be advantageous to me in many ways. Mastering shortcuts is one of the ways for
me to be better at excel. Watching YouTube videos for shortcut tips and practising it
in excel would improve this aspect. Moreover, I intend to enrol in an excel class in
Microsoft Intermediate Excel training which is free and available as online classes for
the next 4 weeks. The ability of performing calculations and automation, and using
excel efficiently in my next Couse would reflect my learning journal of Excel.
Action Plan

Board goals Specific Actions

Improving my English  Watch movies in English with no subtitles and pick
language skills out new vocabularies by hearing.
 Speak 100% English to my peers and lectures at
RMIT university.
 Practice daily reading (book, news, articles, etc) and
develop my own voice by incorporating different
elements of authors’ writing styles.
 Note down new grammar structures, new phrasal
verbs, and new vocabularies into a notebook. And try
to make the most of them in my writing and

Develop a personal  Create a distinctive channel and significant profile.

YouTube and TikTok  Consistently post high quality contents, with the
channel intention of creating funny videos and daily vlogs.
 Using my sense of humour to create a unique
personal brand on social media such as TikTok and
 Seeking friends who create TikTok and YouTube
contents at RMIT university and start to learn from
them, simultaneously network with them.

Learning how to be a  Controlling and lowering my ego expression.

better leader  Be open-minded and always listening.
 Attend to RMIT leadership development events
including their LEAD program and training
 Practice hard to be the leader of team B volleyball.

Start to make money of  Making a CV resume and seeking a part time job (3-
my own 4 times shift per week).
 Part-time English tutoring is my first intention.
 Working part-time as a hotel receptionist is my
second intention.
 Part-time barista or commis chef is my third
 If lucky enough my YouTube and TikTok channel
grow, I can make money from YouTube views and
subscriptions, and TikTok’s sponsorships.

Appendix 1: Covey Weekly Planner
Appendix 2: Belbin Team Analysis

The Anh Thai Minh San Phan Anh Tin Trinh Dinh Hoang
(T.A) (Jasmine) (Frank)
Primary Coordinator Resource Shaper Implementor Team worker
Role investigator
Secondary Resource Complete Coordinator Monitor Shaper
Role Investigator finisher Evaluator

Tertiary Team Specialist Teamworker Resource Specialist

Role worker investigator
Your As a friend of I watched his My first This is the
Reflection hers, I know performance impression of first time I am
that she is in the Tin was that in the same
supportive presentation he has a deep class with
and group project voice with a her. I haven’t
trustworthy in the thick American seen her talk
when it comes previous accent. I can much in class
to course. He tell that he is so she left me
collaborative surprised me good at with no first
work. with his speaking and impression.
However, she strong especially Nonetheless,
had such high Canadian public I am still
anxiety when accent as well speaking, so looking
she had to as being well he might have forward to
give a prepared in some good work with her
presentation. I the advice for self- in this group
believe we presentation. I confidence project.
can help her am glad that during
to overcome he is in my presentation.
that fear. So, I team for this
am truly group project.
excited to
work with her
as well as to
be her best
Appendix 3: Reflection #1

This section of the reflection will briefly cover the main parts of the three lessons
from the past two weeks. In our first class with Mr Nhan, we get a chance to get to
know him through his life story slides introducing his family background, how he
started businesses, and how he came to Vietnam and RMIT. Then students have the
opportunity to make friends with each other through a bingo game, asking
classmates juicy questions. Time management skill is one of the worth noticing sides
in the lesson. There are 4 quadrants of time management, and our target is to
become a “quadrant 2” person who does tasks that are important but not urgent. The
lesson 2 of the course revolves around the two themes: entrepreneurship and
business ideas. A business idea develops from the three aspects of human: Need,
Want and Demand. Based on this, Students have to think and come up with
business ideas. Finally, 5 dominated vote ideas were chosen, forming a total of 5
groups for the up-coming group assignment. In lesson 3, we practise applying the
PESTEL to analyse the marketplace in Vietnam for our group product. 
Honestly, I am pleased with the lessons as well as Mr Nhan’s style of teaching. My
sense of pleasure was especially triggered when Mr Nhan excitedly narrated about
the events that happened in his life on the first day of this course. 

To me the most successful side of the three lessons was the acquiring knowledge
about time management skills. It is an essential skill needed for every university
student. On reflection, establishing a weekly schedule helps me to keep track of my
tasks and goals of the week, pushing me to progress on study and assignments.
Understanding the 4 quadrants of time management assists me to arrange the tasks
in the schedule more effectively, as I can identify which works are more important
then start to do it early. Equally important, in lesson 2, I learnt a great deal about the
concept of Consumers Need, Want and Demand. In order to create brilliant business
ideas, I had to focus on providing, solving or improving these basic concepts. Once
my business ideas are built, to make it successful and thrive, there is a need in
investigating and analysing the marketplace. This can be done through the PESTEL
where political, economic, social, technology, environment and law of specific
countries were researched and analysed. This is not only useful for the upcoming
group assignment but also practical for my future business.                                       

In conclusion, the first lesson of this course was just basically the introduction
between classmates and teacher as well as some fundamental study skills. The
second lesson was surrounding business ideas and how it solves customers’ need,
want and demand. The third lesson focuses on ways to analyse the marketplace and
environment that impact business. My learning experience overall was positive as I
fully comprehended how these skills can help me in the process of being an

Appendix 4: Personal SWOT

 Studying abroad helps me gain a global perspective, adaptability and be
 I am a social outgoing person so it’s easy for me to make friends.
 My friends said I have a good sense of humour and confidence at public
speaking or any communication skills.  
 I am a bilingual person 
 I am a sporty person who like competition 
 I can cook and have a bit knowledge about culinary

 Easily bored.
 Not taking criticism well
 I am not an organised person
 Lack of knowledge of Information Technology (IT), poor at technology
 My friend see me as a hot tempered person (sometimes)

 I am usually a person who lights up the mood of any atmosphere, by means
of using my sense of humour and my communication skills. 
 Confidence at public speaking helps me to have a good performance in
presentations, especially in the upcoming group presentation.
 Cooking is a skill needed in the future when I am getting married and having a
small family. 
 Growing my knowledge about IT can benefit me in my future career of doing

 I sometimes have trouble focusing on tasks at a time because I get bored
 If I cannot own my short temper and stay in control, I can easily fail in any
relationship building. 
 Being a low-tech person or lack of IT coding knowledge can stop me from
further personal and future business developing.

Appendix 5: Reflection #2

Topic 5 of the course module is about market research, in specific “Competitors'' in

any field of businesses. There are two types of competition which are direct and
indirect competition. The knowledge was strengthened through an online group
activity, focusing on thinking, and researching about direct and indirect competitors
of our group business plan. The most important site of the lesson is the “competition
matrix” where your company’s position is under visualisation amongst other
competitors. We looked at and analysed a range of different competition matrixes in
order to understand clearly about the concept and its effectiveness in showing your
company current and potential path. Putting this into practice, we got a chance to
create a competition matrix about Pho restaurants and presented it short to the
class. To strengthen this section even more, in the same group, we created another
matrix for the English school based on the given data. 
My initial thought in the beginning of the lesson was how boring this lesson would be
as this is an online lesson. However, Mr Nhan with his full of positive energy helped
me lighten up the mood. Moreover, the topic 5 itself was also interesting to me as I
know the more you know about your competitors, the less you would fear. 
In hindsight, there are both positive and negative aspects of the lesson, leading me
to a greater understanding of the topic. On the positive side, I realised how important
it is to research about competitors and put them on the matrix to compare their
strengths and weaknesses. As this is a way a company can define their orientation
compared to other competitors. This has been demonstrated through the group
activity where each group played a role of the owner of the English School. Based on
the given data, our group has to find the two elements, comparing these elements
with other English schools. Representing them in the matrix helped me to feature
who is our main competitor and develop a long-term plan to pass them. On the
negative side, my group was misunderstood about the mission of the first practice of
creating the matrix competition due to my lack of concentration. Instead of doing the
matrix about Pho restaurants, we did a perceptual map about our business plan
(dating app assistant). This led to the missed opportunity of the short presentation as
well as the correction from the teacher. 

In summary, the lesson focuses on conducting market research about competitors

using competition matrixes. My learning experience during this lesson was fairly
successful as I have comprehended how important the matrix is in terms of
recognising competitive strengths and weaknesses whereby, I can discover market
opportunities to develop. So, getting used to the competition matrix would advantage
me in my future businesses. For the team homework due next week, creating more
than two competition matrixes would definitely help me to improve my research
speed and also get me familiar with this matrix.

Appendix 6: Reflection #3

This essay will reflect on the shark tank presentation day - a day in which groups
present their business idea and call for investments. There are a total of 5 groups
with different unique business ideas. Moreover, today's presentations were judged
by the two sharks and Mr Nhan. Starting off the presentation session is a customised
beauty product group. A business creates cosmetics specifically for you which match
your skin. Next is the business idea presentation of the Supplement group. The
business delivers health supplements to customers in a convenient way. The third
order is the Roo meat group - a business of importing kangaroo meat from Australia.
The fourth order is my group business plan presentation. We did a business plan
about an AI app that assists couples in dating and in their relationship. Last is the
English Teaching application. 
Frankly speaking, I was extremely nervous before and during my presentation.
Before the start of my group presentation, my mind was full of thoughts and
concerns, sometimes I was not paying attention to the other group presentation. 

In Hindsight, I have experienced both positive and negative elements on this day of
presentation. On the positive side, it was an eye opening experience for me as I
have witnessed some of the clever and practical business ideas. Seeing other
groups present their business ideas, and how they research the market and the
customer helped me strengthen my knowledge from topic 3 to 7 and also assist me
in improving my group business plan paper. Furthermore, to some extent, my public
speaking skills and collaboration skills were improved by means of standing up in
front of everyone and presenting the DA business plan. By being aware of the
importance of controlling breath, energy and voice, now I feel more confident for the
next presentation. However, due to the fact that I was full of anxiety energy, this
causes me to be overwhelmed and sometimes stumble during my performance. On
reflection, I realised the cause of this nervousness came from the fear of judgement,
which negatively affected my overall information delivery. 

In summary, 5 potential business ideas were presented to the sharks and the most
possible business idea that can launch into the market is the Roo meat company. My
learning experience from this presentation day was fairly successful as I
accumulated a number of ways to improve my public speaking skills as well as
understanding the complexities of launching a business idea into the market. My
goal is to control my nervousness during presentations. This can be done by
practising public speaking over and over again in front of my friend first. Then
building confidence by speaking in front of strangers. My next presentation project is
an ideal measurement for my confidence in public speaking. 

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