The Role of Cultural Events in The Tourism Industry

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Paulita…95% oral lesson.

The Role of Cultural Events in the Tourism Industry

Since we were kids, we all remember the joy and excitement of festivals: the colorful
clothing, the live music and the sweet smell of cotton candy. Although times have
changed, festivals are still a source of enjoyment for many. For those in the tourism
industry, festivals also carry a positive impact in three parallel areas: attracting tourism,
improving the place’s image and supporting the local community.
Attracting tourism
First and foremost, festivals are a great anchor for attracting tourism. While the
destination is always available, having a time-limited event encourage visitors to take
advantage of this opportunity and visit the place during the event. For example,
although many people are interested in visiting Brazil, the famous carnival in Rio de
Janeiro creates a feeling of unique chance, pushing potential visitors to take full
advantage of the activities. Festivals are also a prime opportunity to get to know the
local culture and experience the essence the place. During the event, visitors have a
unique chance to interact with the local community, gaining a deeper experience of the
ambience, customs and local culture.
Improving the place’s image
Along with tourists, festivals attract journalists and other opinion leaders. For these
audiences, festivals are a ‘media-event’, generating an opportunity for a magazine or a
news story. Such stories may be different from the destination’s typical media frame –
i.e. the way in which it’s regularly covered in the news media. Such media events are
expending the place’s image and creating a window for positive media coverage. At the
time of the festival, it is easier for destinations to demonstrate their positive facets,
focusing the media’s attention on favorable occurrences. As part of getting ready for the
festival, places can also prepare for the expected media attention. That, including the
preparation of media kits, press room and local guides to show guests around.
Support the local community
For the residents themselves, festivals are a unique occasion to celebrate the local
culture and interact within the community. For the residents of Munich, for example, the
Oktoberfest is a long standing tradition where they can meet their friends, take pride in
the Bavarian culture and enjoy local dishes such as Würstl, Brezn and Schweinsbraten.
In the tourism context, festivals can boost the local community in two major ways. First,
people of the local culture are being flattered by the international interest in their
culture. This enhances the residents’ pride and promotes the preservation and cultivation
of the local culture. Second, the tourists and visitors are spending money within the
community, enhancing the local economy and supporting restaurants, hotels and other
tourism-related businesses.
As per wikipedia, "A festival is a special occasion of feasting  or celebration, usually
with a religious focus. Aside from religion, and  sometimes folklore, another
significant origin is agricultural. Food  (and consequently agriculture) is so vital that
many festivals are associated with harvest time."

True enough, here is what we can gather from festivals:

 It helps us to keep connected to our roots, our culture, our values, our origin
and to preserve it.
 It helps people come together and celebrate.
 A time to forget all the chaos of life and to embrace good hopes.
 A time to embrace all the hard work done in the past and to celebrate its
rewards and fruits.
 Helps to document culture in an undocumented manner.
 Tells the tale of evolution throughout the years from the changes in the way
of celebration.
 Take any one particular year and study how a particular festival was
celebrated then and it open the door of what life was then.
 It also marks the significant events important to the human race.
 It tells you about mythologies and elevates your faith, giving you lessons
from inside those mythologies. You celebrate the good will and teachings
you get from them.
Ever noticed that when its time for the arrival of a festival, the whole aura changes,
the whole community gets directed towards a faith, a surrounding full of good hopes,
happiness, joy, celebrations is created. It simply uplifts you bad mood and fills you
with positive energy. It gives you an opportunity to forget all the not so good events
of past and initiate fresh & new beginnings. You can also utilize this opportunity in
all other positive aspects you can think of, because your faith is high. A human is a
member of a mysterious species, we don't know about our origin, but with a little
faith we have the power to change the tides and change this world and create
something exceptional.

celebrations are watched all over India with energy of merriment and exhilaration.

Festivals are diverse, plenty and regular. Every culture has it's own share of festivals and
each one has a story associated with it.

From a historic perspective, each festival has a very specific significance. Arrival of a season,
or the victory of good over evil, or the birth of god etc etc. Celebrating the festival means
respecting that event and accepting as a positive influence in our life. This in my opinion, is
the reason why our elders celebrate and follow festivals with such zeal and devoutness. 

But, today's time and society is very different. We do not believe in doing things just for the
sake of it. And, in today's modern and competitive world, we personally do not connect to
many festivals. Let me try to answer this with a current perspective ... why festivals are
important in today's time.

1. Leaves: Statistically speaking, this is the most important reason why people wait for
festivals. It gives them a day (or a couple of them) off to do things they have been waiting to
do for a long time. This reason might sound strange or selfish, but if it gives people a reason
to smile and relax, its worth it.

et-togethers: Festivals bring people together. Relatives, friends and even enemies.
You get to meet some of your relatives probably once in an year because of festivals.
it could be compelling or unwanted, but a chance to catch up with your closed ones,
is a blessing.

3. Buy. Shop. Change: In many families, major purchases are usually reserved for
the festive season. Because, it is auspicious to bring in something new during the
festive days and the market is full of offers during that time. Its a double win

4. Atmosphere: festival periods are usually accompanied with amazing

atmospheres. Even your locality market will be all decked up, overflowing with
products and varieties. Everybody is looking at increasing sales and doing good
business. People want to buy new stuff, sellers want to sell stuff. Its a very positive
time for the entire market.

5. Happiness Quotient: This is my personal belief. I feel very happy during the
festival month (Diwali, in my case). I do not know why, but somehow the month long
period is full of optimism and smiles.

6. Cleaning: I have observed many households (including mine) that indulge in

major cleaning and renovations of their homes during the festive period.
7. Something to look forward to: Festive season is something that you wait for,
and look forward to every year. You are never done with it. You are always waiting for
it. Gives you a reason to be busy!
excellent opportunities to bring families and communities together to strengthen ties
through making happy memories.

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