An Overview of Climate Analysis and Passive Design of Ae

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The wall house project’s objective is to organize interrelated spaces leading to an
architectural design solution. The dimensions of the given site are 12 m wide x 22 m
deep and it has topography that is shown in figure 1. The required spaces and their
areas were: Living, food preparation, eating: 93 m2, Studio and reading (18 m2),
Sleeping: (14 m2) and Toilet facilities (7 m2). In addition, wheelchair accessibility must
be provided to the studio and living spaces.
The constrains we have are that the building has to be
1.5 meters away from the borders of the site, the
topography present in the site and All existing walls
shown in Site plan A; my chosen site must be
incorporated (Figure 1).
The street side is shown as paved. There is a view to
the north (in the downhill direction). The contour lines
are 300 mm apart, so the site drops 300 mm at each
line. It’s allowed to provide openings in the walls at
lower levels. The site is located in Cairo, near the Cairo
international airport.
After considering the constrains mentioned previously
and the requirements of the spaces I’ve reached the
design solution presented in figure 5-16 but after
analyzing the climate of the site and climate
responsive passive design strategies some passive
solutions were added to the building to decrease its
energy consumption and in turn the carbon emissions
of the building.
Figure 1
Overview of the building design solution reached in AE.2.1 :

Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6


Figure 6 Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Key plans: Site plan:

Ground floor Second floor Third floor Figure 13

Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12
My selected site is Cairo. This section describes Temperature Range, monthly Diurnal
average, wind velocity, Dry Bulb & relative humidity, Sun shading chart, 3d charts in
Cairo to better understand our site and help us reach a passive design that requires the
least active methods to make the space comfortable for the users. All graphs from us
department of energy’s “climate consultant” data for Cairo Intl Airport Al Qahirah, EGY.

Figure 14 Temperature Range chart

In figure 14, monthly fluctuation is presented at the abscissa and temperature is shown
on the ordinate side. The upper right corner of the Figure shows the location,
longitude/latitude, elevation, and so on. The bar chart's non-color area indicates the
yearly mean temperature, which is roughly 23 °C. The average high and low
temperatures are given in yellow above and below the mean temperature, and are in
the ranges 23°C - 27°C and 17°C - 23°C, respectively. The design maximum and
minimum temperatures, as indicated in Fig 1, are in the 27°C -37°C and 17°C -3°C
ranges, respectively. The summer temperature range is represented by light grey,
whereas the winter temperature range is represented by dark grey.
Monthly diurnal chart Figure 15

Figure 15 Monthly diurnal averages

Figure 16 Wind Velocity Range

The flow of air from a high to a low pressure area, typically triggered by temperature
variations, is what determines wind speed. The bar chart's mean, which is the area
without colour, has an annual mean speed of around 3.5 m/s. The yellow areas above
and below the mean on the bar graph represent the average low and high wind speeds.
The yearly range from 0 to 27 m/s and the recorded high and low are shown as circles.
Figure 17 Dry Bulb X Relative Humidity
Figure 18 Wind Wheel chart


Dark red depicts temperatures over 38°C whereas red displays temperatures between
24°C and 38°C. Relative humidity is shown as a light green tint between 30 and 70%.
Triangles in a light orange shade indicate a little breeze, while those in a dark orange
shade indicate a strong wind with high speed. The wind wheel reveals that the
prevailing wind is in the north-west since the highest frequency of wind is between the
north and north west this is shown by the hours of the wind. Moreover, the speed at
the north west is relatively high with a speed of 20 m/s.
Figure 19 Sun Shading Chart from June 21 to dec 21
This Sun Shading Chart for Cairo displays the height
wW and bearing of the sun (vertically).
When the dry bulb temperature is within the comfort range, the yellow dots on this
Sun Shading Chart (Graph. 5) indicate comfortable circumstances. Red dots indicate
overheat circumstances when the dry bulb temperature is higher than the upper limit
of the comfort zone. Blue dots indicate underheat circumstances when dry bulb
temperatures are below the bottom of the comfort zone. To prevent overheating in a
passively heated home, the windows should ideally be totally shaded where there are
red or yellow dots and fully exposed where there are blue dots. Here are two sets of
the plot months: one for the winter and spring season (December 21 to June 21), and
one for the summer and fall season (June 21 to December 21). You'll note that the
seasons that have more overheat hours are summer and fall when you compare the

Figure 20 Sun Shading Chart from dec 21 to June 21

Figure 21 Dry bulb temperature 3d chart


Figure 22 Wet bulb temperature 3d chart

Figure 23 Wind speed 3d chart


Figure 24 Relative Humidity 3d chart

Figure 25 Psychrometric chart with comfort zone

Figure 26 Psychrometric chart with all design strategies

It shows the air moisture content along the side and the dry bulb temperature across
the bottom. The vapour pressure or the humidity ratio in pounds of water per pound of
dry air (or grammes of water per kilogramme of dry air) are two ways to express this
vertical scale, also known as absolute humidity. The saturation line (100 percent
relative humidity line) on the far left illustrates how air can contain less moisture at
lower temperatures than at higher ones.
Site climate analysis:


Figure 27
Psychometric chart with the 5 strategies which have the highest percentage of hrs:

Figure 28

5 design strategies with the highest percentages:

1. Internal heat gain
Internal heat gains are generated by the activity of occupants as metabolic heat, by
utilization of electrical devices, or by thermal emission of artificial lighting.
2. Cooling and Dehumidification if needed
The cooling and dehumidification process is most widely used air conditioning
application. It is used in all types of window, split, packaged and central air
conditioning systems for producing the comfort conditions inside the space to be
3. Sun shading of windows
Shading your windows from direct sunlight is crucial in tropical climates. Ideally, the
sun shading device should be on the outside of the window. Shading devices inside a
closed glass window will still allow heat to get in. These include curtains, blinds and
interior plantation shutters.
4. Passive solar direct gain high Mass
Direct gain is the simplest passive solar home design technique. Sunlight enters the
house through the aperture (collector)—usually south-facing windows with a glazing
material made of transparent or translucent glass.
5. Dehumidification only
One of the best dehumidification strategies is a combination of desiccant and
cooling systems
3 Passive strategies :
1. Internal heat gain (32.6%)
2. Sun shading of windows (8.6 %)
3. Thermal mass (5.3%- 7.3%)

1. Internal Heat Gain

The use of electrical gadgets, metabolic heat produced by human activity, or thermal
emission from artificial lighting all contribute to internal heat accumulation. We could
maintain the internal heat gain using insulation because the temperature in the winter
can range from 2.5°C to 22°C, which is below the comfortable range. Different types of
insulation, such as blanket batts and insulation rolls, spray foam insulation, blown-in
insulation, foam board or rigid foam panels, loose fill cellulose, Rockwool, and eco-
friendly substitutes, can be used in walls and on roofs.
Fabric Insulation In hot climates:
1. It prevents overheating
2. It prevents heat transfer & reduces energy costs
3. It helps solve the problem of hot attics

Can be classified into five categories:

a) Loose Fill Insulation Materials
b) Semi Rigid Insulation Materials
c) Rigid Insulation Materials
d) Foamed Insulation Materials
e) Reflective Insulation Materials
Blanket Batts and Rolls Insulation (semi-rigid insulation)
Blanket batts and rolls, the most widespread type of wall insulation, are often made of
fibreglass, although there are also varieties made of cotton, mineral wool, sheep's
wool, and plastic fibres. This insulation type is among the cheapest and simplest to
install on one's self because the materials are designed to fit inside the average width
between wall studs, attic rafters, and floor joists.

Figure 29
Blown-In Insulation (foamed insulation)
A machine that blasts a substance like paper into the area to be insulated is used to
apply blown-in insulation. This kind of insulation is frequently constructed of fiberglass,
rock wool, or recycled cellulose, which may be shaped to fit almost any space and even
the most difficult obstacles. R-values for dense cellulose range from R-3.8 to R-2.2 for

Figure 30
Foam Board or Rigid Foam Panels (rigid insulation)
They lessen the amount of heat that is transferred through wood, wall studs, and other
building materials. Everything from foundation walls and basement walls to unfinished
floors and ceilings can be effectively insulated with foam boards. R-values typically
range between R-4 and R-6.5 per inch of thickness, showing that rigid foam panels and
foam boards perform better than many other types of insulation in reducing energy use.
For unfinished walls, floors, and ceilings, it works best.

Figure 31
2.Sun Shading of windows

Figure 32
Between 15% and 25% of heat is gained through windows as a result of conduction,
convection, and radiation. That is why covering windows is so important. External
window shading is a great strategy to keep a house from absorbing extra solar heat
during the summer. Natural landscaping or architectural features like awnings,
overhangs, and trellises can offer shading. Some shading tools can also serve as light
shelves, which are reflectors that bounce daylight deep into building interiors. The solar
direction of a specific building facade will affect how effective shading devices are
solar control and shading can be provided by a wide range of building components
• Landscape features such as mature trees or hedge rows;
• Exterior elements such as overhangs or vertical fins;
• Horizontal reflecting surfaces called light shelves;
• Low shading coefficient (SC) glass;
• Interior glare control devices such as Venetian blinds or adjustable louvers.

Figure 33
3.Thermal Mass
Thermal mass’ is the capacity of a material to store heat energy. Thermal mass can be
used for passive heating & cooling. When used effectively, it results in improving
indoor comfort. It reduces temperature fluctuations by absorbing heat when the
ambient temperature is hotter than the mass. Then releasing the heat when the
ambient temperature falls below the temperature of the mass. The rate at which a
material releases trapped heat is known as its thermal lag. The greater the thermal lag
is for the majority of typical construction materials, the larger the thermal mass.
Probably the most basic type of thermal mass is a floor made of concrete. Additionally,
you can use stone, brick, rammed earth, concrete blocks, tiles, and brick.

Figure 34
Knowing whether summer cooling or winter heating accounts for the majority of your
energy consumption will help you choose the best location for thermal mass.
Heating and cooling: Locate thermal mass inside the building on the ground floor for
ideal summer and winter efficiency. The floor is usually the most economical place to
locate heavy materials, and earth coupling gives additional thermal stabilization in both
summer and winter in these climates.
Locate thermal mass in north-facing rooms with good solar access, exposure to cooling
night breezes in summer, and additional sources of heating or cooling (heaters or
evaporative coolers).

Locate additional thermal mass near the center of the building, particularly if a heater
or cooler is positioned there. Feature brick walls, slabs, water features and large earth
or water-filled pots can be used.


Avoid use in rooms and buildings with poor insulation from external temperature
extremes and rooms with minimal exposure to winter sun or cooling summer breezes.
Thermal mass can increase energy use when used in rooms where auxiliary heating or
cooling is the only means of adjusting the temperature because it slows the response
Careful design is required if locating thermal mass on the upper levels of multi-storey
housing in all but cold climates, especially if these are bedroom areas.
Natural convection creates higher upstairs room temperatures and upper level thermal
mass absorbs this energy. On hot nights upper level thermal mass can be slow to cool,
causing discomfort. The reverse is true in winter.

Other passive strategies:

− Buildings can be oriented at an angle between 0° to 30° with respect to the
prevailing wind direction.
− Buildings that feature a courtyard (in climates where cooling is desired),
orienting the courtyard 45° from the prevailing wind maximizes wind flow into
the courtyard & enhances cross ventilation in the building.
I changed the orientation of
the building directing the
dining room and the
bedrooms towards the north-
east since it doesn’t need sun
shading and there is curtain
walls in the living and
bedroom so it would be hard
to provide shading. The bedroom and the Figure 35 Site plan
dining are it an angle from the prevailing wind Ground floor
and windows are added to create cross
The toilets, the lobby and the terrace are
directed towards the west. Thus the toilet
windows and the terrace will need shading.
The curtain walls in the living room and the
studio are facing the east which is good since
from the sun shading diagram the east doesn’t First floor

need much shading. The living room and the

studio are also facing the south thus shading is

Second floor

Figure 36 floor plans

For insulation I’ll use Blanket Batts and Rolls since it’s the most widespread type of wall
insulation, the cheapest and simplest to install and since I have curved walls semi-rigid
insulation is the fit one for the wall house. In addition, I’ll caulk and seal around all
windows and doors.

Figure 37 External wall 3d section

Figure 38 Roof 3d section

3.Shading :

Figure 39 Sun shading from south

Figure 40 south windows shading elements calculations

Figure 41 Sun shading west

Figure 42 west windows shading elements calculations

Figure 43 wall house after changes

Shading elements at an angle

LSD glass
• Shading is applied to the south facing and west facing


• Shading is applied to the terrace since it’s on the west.

• LSD glass and angled shading are applied to the stairs.

Figure 44 section
3.Thermal mass:
I'm planning to use a polished concrete slab for the thermal mass because it has a high
thermal mass and characteristics akin to brick and stone. In warm weather, heat can be
drawn from the atmosphere and released in colder weather. I’m going to use it inside
the building on the ground floor for ideal summer and winter efficiency and in north-
facing rooms with good solar access, exposure to cooling night breezes in summer.

Figure 45

Figure 46
This study used climate consultant charts and textual explanations to demonstrate the
significant value of passive tactics. Simply making a few little adjustments can improve
how a building feels as a whole. This is clear in the psychometric chart showing the used
passive strategies, where the passive strategies extend the comfort zone. Passive design
ideas are also environmentally good because they use less energy to keep people
comfortable. Last but not least, in order to lessen the serious environmental damage
that buildings are causing, all engineers and designers should employ passive design
− ADITYA, Lisa, et al. A review on insulation materials for energy conservation in
buildings. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2017, 73: 1352-1365.
− Bond, Danielle EM, William W. Clark, and Mark Kimber. "Configuring wall layers for improved
insulation performance." Applied Energy 112 (2013): 235-245.
− Zhang, Lili, et al. "Optimization analysis of thermal insulation layer attributes of building envelope
exterior wall based on DeST and life cycle economic evaluation." Case Studies in Thermal
Engineering 14 (2019): 100410.
− Kuhn, Tilmann E., Christopher Bühler, and Werner J. Platzer. "Evaluation of overheating protection
with sun-shading systems." Solar Energy 69 (2001): 59-74.
− Shaviv, Edna, Abraham Yezioro, and Isaac G. Capeluto. "Thermal mass and night ventilation as passive
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− shading strategies - Bing images
− oam Board or Rigid Foam Panels insulation - Bing images
− Blanket Batts and Rolls Insulation - Bing images
− Cellulose Fibre Insulation | Blow-In Newspaper | Loose-Fill | Insu - Bing images
− external wall insulation - Bing images
− roof insulation layers - Bing images
− thermal mass - Bing images

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