2020015920-Ieee Cict 2020-Final

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Experimental Study and Analysis of Low Frequency

Signal Characteristics for UWA Communication in

Bay of Bengal
1st R.Logeshwaran 2nd S.Sakthivel Murugan
Electronics and Communication Engineering Underwater Research Lab, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Anand Institute of Higher Technology Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
Chennai, India Chennai, India
krlogesh@gmail.com sakthivels@ssn.edu.in

Abstract—Underwater communication is a prominent research environment. In UWAC, the accessible data transmission is
for undersea navigation, ocean investigation, and localize the seriously constrained to a greater level influenced by ecolog-
automated underwater vehicles (AUVs) . Acoustic communication ical and regular factors. Such factors are heterogeneity of the
is broadly utilized in underwater environments due to low atten-
uation (signal reduction) of sound in water. The implementation water segment, variations of sound speed versus conductivity,
of underwater acoustic communication (UWAC) system design is different and irregular ocean reflections, critical diffusing by
challenging by major factors such as time-varying channel con- angle and temperature. In the underwater sensor network,
ditions, limited available bandwidth, diverse pressure conditions, the major problems are temporary loss of connectivity, high
huge Doppler spread, long propagation delay, and salinity. This bit errors, high propagation delay, low battery control, lim-
work analyzes the frequency for signal transmission to enhance
the coverage and connectivity between the sensor AUVs which ited bandwidth. These problems are addressed by properly
are in observation under secluded ocean contour. Experimental guiding the scanning devices. Since AUVs do not require
studies have been conducted in the Bay of Bengal, India. The tether and have an acoustic communication module, it operates
results are presented for different frequencies and the region of autonomously and it does not need any support vessel [1]. The
optimal frequencies with respect to depth is formulated which other advantage of AUVs is that they can be programmed
can be much suitable for AUVs and Submarine communications.
to operate in multi-vehicle networked modules (e.g., EU-
Index Terms—AUV, UWAC, Channel Estimation. SWARMS [2]).
Through such a heterogeneous network, multiple vehicles
I. I NTRODUCTION can intelligently communicated between each other, saving
cost and time. In such a multivessel network topology, lo-
Our planet is covered two-third by water and in that 80% calization of AUV and communication between AUVs and
of the ocean is still unmapped and unexplored. This increased also with the surface vessel are the major challenges. For
the interest of many researchers to concentrate on underwater transmission of information from AUVs, robust underwater
exploration and investigations. The underwater infrastructure wireless communication links are required. RF communication
will consist of underwater oil refineries, underwater pipelines, is not suitable for an underwater environment, due to its high
underwater laboratories, underwater bridges, etc. To build attenuation in the short range[4].
these infrastructures the nature of underwater seafloor is Underwater acoustic communication in a Low Frequency
to be explored. For undersea explorations, Remotely Oper- (LF) band is used for radio navigation services and for
ated Vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Underwater vehicles military communications with submarines. Since VLF waves
(AUVs) are used. ROVs and AUVs have different sensors can penetrate at least 40 to 1000 meters into deep ocean, they
for monitoring, data collection, and communication module, are suitable for larger operating ranges than other technologies.
for the transmition of gathered data. Underwater acoustic Hence sound waves can travel to a long distance through the
communications are having important applications in marine water while still can able to detect them inspite of the high
research, protection, marine business tasks, oceanography, and background noise. Parallelly in the field of antenna design and
seaward oil industry. Underwater acoustic sensor systems are source generation for VLF signals are growing significantly for
used to build Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN). underwater navigation systems. This motivates more interest
The main problem in undersea explorations is controlling and in examining the suitable frequency spectrum to be utilized for
communicating with the scanning devices, either remotely the above applications. The performance of underwater acous-
operated or automatic vehicles. These devices are suffered by tic communication is much affected by time-varying multipath
the random nature of the ocean current and mysterious ocean propagation and background noise under various depths [5].
978-0-7381-2447-6/20/$31.00 © 2020 IEEE This also influences in data transmission of a lower data rate of
10Kbps. Hence for robust underwater acoustic communication,
studies, and signal analysis for different depths in underwater
to be carried out. There are particular challenges in a shallow
water environment, where background noise and multipath
propagation affect the performance of underwater acoustic
communication severely with varying sound velocity, temper-
ature, salinity, and pressure. In this paper, we investigate the
challenges of underwater communication in a shallow water
environment of the Bay of Bengal-India, with the focus on (a) Ocean Water Coloum Density Structure
operating frequencies of AUV communications and Submarine
communications. The data acquisition trials were performed in
using the research vessel “Sagar Purvi” owned by the National
Institute for Ocean Technology, (Chennai, Tamil Nadu) India,
from depths ranging from 1m to 30m.


The temperature and salinity of sea water controls the (b) Density (c) Temperature (d) Salinity
density of water which governs the vertical movements of
ocean waters. Fig. 1: Water Coloum, Density, Salinity, Temperature

A. Temperature:
D. Potential Temperature:
In oceans and sea from the water surface to a depth of 100 The transfer of heat due to conduction and the heat gen-
meters the heat conduction is gradual and periodically small eration due to the water density will have a combined effect
quantity of heat is transferred depending on the depth. This in the temperature difference of the ocean water coloum is
layer is known as the surface layer. From 100 to 300 meters is called Potential temperature denoted as (θ) which is defined
known as a blended surface layer or pycnocline layer where the as T − ∆T and the potential density is given as
heat reduces very sharply and from the depth of 300 to 400
meters the temperature decreases occasionally relying upon σ0 = (ρs , θ − 1) × 103 (2)
the blending of climate and wind conditions up to the depth
E. Surface Current:
of 1000 meters. From the depth below 1000 meters is called
as perpetual thermocline underneath which the temperature is This response to the climatic and wind fields. Wind-driven
consistently 2°C. circulation occurs in the upper few hundred meters and it is
horizontal. This effect is called an Ekman spiral. Thus, from
B. Salinity: depth 0 to 400 meters have major variations in temperature,
density, and salinity due to the surface wind and water current
The salinity of sea water is fundamentally regulated by under the ocean. This makes the water column to behave in
evaporation and condensation. High salinity in seawater will a purely random nature for the signal transmission in both
be found in regions where evaporation is more and the rain horizontal and vertical direction. Below the depth 400 meters,
downpour is less. The salinity of the sea water section and the these parameters considered were almost constant. Hence it
temperature together decides the water density. The seawater is more appropriate to analyze the signal transmission in the
section density structure will be as shown in the Fig. 1. region from 0 meters to 400 meters.


The change in the temperature of the water column depends The system model shown in the Fig. 2 consists of
on the pressure variation and the water current exist in the a transmitter and receiver blocks. The signal generator
ocean generates different frequency signals from 50Hz to 100KHz.

 The power amplifier is used to amplify the signal, then it is
∆T = g∆h (1) sent to an acoustic transducer that can able to transmit the
sound signal into the underwater channel. At the receiver end,
where T is the absolute temperature (°K); α is the thermal the 6-channel array hydrophone is used to receive the signal
expansion coefficient due to heat transfer; ∆h is the vertical then the received signal is sent to an analog signal-acquisition
displacement of water in dB; g is the acceleration of water device. The output of the acquisition device is then sent to a
currenct due to gravity; K is the mechanical equivalent of computing system. The experiment is carried over in the Bay
heat; cp is the specific heat at constant pressure. of Bengal (coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India) at six different
Fig. 2: System Model

locations(location-1: Chennai [13°05'20.9”N, 80°21'45.6”E],

location-2: Kalpakkam [12°36'31.6”N, 80°16'43.1”E],
location-3: Mahabalipuram [12°34'53.2”N, 80°14'11.0”E],
location-4: Puducherry [12°06'08.4”N, 80°07'43.2”E], Fig. 3: Experiment Locations
location-5: Cuddalore [11°44'36.0”N, 79°59'55.8”E],
location-6: Poombuhar [11°14'53.5”N, 80°04'52.9”E])
covering a distance of 250 nautical miles as shown in the Fig.
3. At each location the transmitter is deployed at 5meter depth
which can transmits signal at different frequencies as shown
in the Fig. 4. The 6-channel array hydrophone is deployed
at a distance of 10meters away from the transmitter and also
the hydrophone is submerged at different depths from 5, 10,
15, 20, 25, 30 meters and the signal is received and collected
through a data acquisition device (DAQ-USB-1208FS-Plus)
to a computing system. The components which are deployed
are shown in the Fig. 5. In addition Ambient noise data at
different depths in all the locations were recorded. The CTD
data in all the six locations were also captured till depth of
the sea and the sound speed and temperatures are plotted as
shown in the Fig. 12. Soil samples in all the six locations are
also collected.
Let us consider that s(t) be the transmitted signal and y(t)
be the received signal, then for estimating the channel model
in underwater is defined as
Fig. 4: Experimental Setup
N (t)
c(t, τ ) = [Ip (t, τ ) cos(Θ(t)) − Ip∗ (t, τ ) sin(Θ(t))]
where ap (t) is the signal intensity, φD(t) is the Doppler shift
·δ(t − τp (t))}
caused which depends on the duration and distance of signal
here c(t, τ ) is the channel response of multi-path signals, transmission and θ(t) is the frequency component of the
Ip (t) : Ip∗ (t) is the inphase and quadrature phase component transmitted signal. Thus Θ(t) is given as
of the transmitted signal and δ(t − τp (t)) is the differential
time delay posses by the different multi-path signals. The
Θ(t) = θ(t) + φD(t) (5)
transmitted signal is represented by s(t) and its low pass
equivalent can be given as
N (t)  Depending on the variation of the water density in the sea,
X ap (t)[Ip (t, τ ) cos(θ(t))
sl (t) = ejφD(t) (4) the attenuation of signal in sea water is determined by the
−Ip∗ (t, τ ) sin(θ(t))] attenuation factor α(f ) . Attenuation factor is non-linear to
Fig. 6: Signal Attenuation vs Frequency

Fig. 5: Components Deployment

the operating frequency given as

α(f ) =
s (6)
α(f )
Degradation of the transmitted signal is due to two factors,
attenuation and absorption. The absorption loss of the signal
can be measured using
Absorption loss = 20 log dB (7)
Then the total loss is given by
AT (d, f ) = 20 log + α (d − d0 ) (8)
from the above expression the total loss of transmitted signal
depends on its logarithmic spreading and linear absorption. Fig. 7: Total Attenuation vs Frequency For Various Depth
The absorption coefficient α, is given by
0.11 2 44
α= 2
f + f 2 + 2.75 × 10−4 f 2 + 0.003 (9)
1+f 4100 + f 2 modeled using four sources: turbulence, shipping, wind, and
Hence, the total absorption and attenuation of the transmitted thermal noise. The power spectral density of these four sources
signal is directly depends on the frequency at which the signal of noise were given as
is transmitted as shown in Fig. 6. Attenuation of the signal
will grow higher for high frequency signals with distance 10 log PN t (f ) = 17 − 30 log f
and vice versa. From the Fig. 7 the total attenuation of any 10 log PN s (f ) = 40 + 20(s − 0.5) + 26 log f
signal is less when the frequency of that signal is low and the − 60 log(f + 0.03)
distance between the transmitter and receiver should be less. (10)
The ambient noise in the underwater channel is the natural 10 log PN w (f ) = 50 + 7.5w1/2 + 20 log f
noise sources generated under the sea where other information − 40 log(f + 0.4)
sources are absent. The ambient noise in the ocean can be 10 log PN th (f ) = −15 + 20 log f
Both the shipping Noise level and Wind Noise level will have
a similar effect on transmitted acoustic signals, that can be
observed from the Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. But these two noises are
differ from its characteristics when it crosses the threshold
values. Higher the shipping noise level then it will affect
mostly the frequency range from 1Hz to 1000Hz. In contrast

Fig. 10: Frequency vs Noise Spectrum

only noise that disturb the higher frequency signals is the

thermal noise that grows as the frequency increases. Thus
the frequency of interest is between 20Khz to 50Khz acoustic
signals that has less impact of both attenuation and all the
noise components under the ocean. Further the same spectrum
of frequencies also have better signal-to-noise(SNR) ration as
Fig. 8: Frequency vs Shipping Sounds shown in Fig. 11. Using the attenuation loss AT (d, f ) and the
ambient noise PN th (f ), the signal-to-noise at the receiver side
higher the speed of the wind, higher the height of the waves can be calculated as
which will eventually triggers the wind noise that will have P/AT (d, f )
greater impact on the signal, hence it affects the signal from SNR(d, f ) = (12)
P SDT (f )∆f
500Hz to 5000Hz as shown in the Fig. 10. The total ambient

Fig. 11: Frequency vs SNR


The sound velocity, temperature and salinity measurements
Fig. 9: Frequency vs Wind Speed are recorded at all six different locations by the sound velocity
profiler (CTD) and the reading is noted. The latitude and
noise p.s.d is given by N (f ) longitude coordinates of the same are also noted and the
P SDT (f ) = PN t (f ) + PN s (f ) + PN w (f ) + PN th (f ) (11) ambient noise and signal transmission collection is performed
at the same location. As the area of interest is in shallow
The total noise spectral density as shown in Fig. 10 has water, the places are selected from 30 metres to 400 metres in
its greater impact in the lower frequency regions and the depth. To observe the differences in the calculated parameters,
Fig. 12: Comparison-Graphs

TABLE I: Parameter Table

Parameters considered Chennai Kalpakkam Mahabalipuram Pondicherry Cuddalore Poombuhar
Depth 30 Meters 103 Meters 119 Meters 279 Meters 248 Meters 426 Meters
Salinity (g/Kg) 33.56 33.53 33.53 33.55 33.56 33.54
Oxygen Level (mg/L) 8.79 9.03 9.02 9.07 9.06 9.07
Sound Velocity (m/Sec) 1536 1521 1503 1507 1510 1506
Temperature (Deg Celsius) 22.3 21.4 19.0 16.7 17.2 15.7
Conductivity ( micro S/m) 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
pH Value 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.8
Ambient noise data Ambient Noise data is collected in all the six locations at different depths with various sampling rate
Signals sampling rate and frequency Sine wave of frequency range from 50Hz to 8KHz were transmitted and received using Hydrophone and DAQ unit with different sampling rate satisfying the Nyquist Criteria
Wind Speed and Direction (knots) 2.9 & 169 degree 3.8 & 207 degree 3.6 & 205 degree 4.02 & 237 degree 4.07 & 239 degree 4.0 & 217 degree
Waves Direction, and Height Towards East & 2.1 meters Towards North East & 2.7 Meters Towards north East & 2.7 Meters Towards North East & 2.7 Meter Towards North East & 2.7 Meters Towards North East & 2.7 Meters
Transmitter Power and Receiver Power Transmitter Power - 60 decibel & Receiver Power - 20 decibel
Distance between Transmitter and Receiver Distance Between Transmitter and Receiver varied in 5 meters and 10 meters
Water Current and Direction 27 Knots & 122 degrees 28 Knots & 127 degrees 28 Knots & 128 degree 32 knots & 132 degrees 32 knots & 132 degrees 39 knots & 137 degrees
Transmitter and Receiver Depth Transmitter is placed in a constant depth of 5 meters and receiver depth is varied from 5 meters to 30 meters

the CTD is submerged in all positions up to the bottom are above 10 dB and the 10-meter noise level is between -10
of the sea. The recorded sound velocity and salinity values dB and 20 dB. Noises due to desalination plants and atomic
are shown in the graph. It is evident from the 12 that the power plants were detected and reported at Location-2 and
sound speed in all Bay of Bengal locations is about 1540 Location-3. The sea shore is rough in Location-4, large rocks
Meters / Sec and it is constant up to 50 metres and it varies blocked the sea waves and damaged harbour structures make
dramatically from 50 metres to 150 metres. The velocity the wave harder to reach the structures and create noises. Tiny
variations are reduced after 150 metres and the sound velocity boats with motor engines and generators generate noises at
becomes almost less after 350 metres at 1500 metres / Sec. The location-5 full of dense fishing activities. Location-6 has a
calculated fluctuations in temperature in the same areas often healthy coral reef and underwater sites rich in heritage. The
follow the same trend as the speed of sound. The disparity in ambient noise levels on the water surface are higher, and for all
the temperature fluctuations at different depths is due to the frequency ranges from 10Hz to 100KHz, the noise level is also
ocean’s water pressure and water current. This temperature found to be constant. Although the wave noise and wind noises
change has a greater effect on changes in sound speed. The are lower at depths above 30 metres, the ambient noise level
water column temperature ranges marginally to 50 metres as was also lower from the 25KHz to 50KHz frequency range.
the sound velocity increases. The temperature drop from 50 If the depth further increases , the pressure also increases, the
to 350 metres is rapid and pressure begins to rise as well. temperature decreases and higher frequency components are
The temperature change is very slight after 350 metres and further attenuated.
becomes steady at 4°C. The calculated salinity also adjusts to
a depth of 150 metres, and the salinity becomes constant after
350 metres, as is evident from the figure. Therefore, the frequency range from 25KHz to 50KHz has
less attenuation from the experimental study of ambient noise
Data were collected at six locations at different levels of at various places and at different depths and is thus least
noise, shipping and wind speed. Table I displays the different influenced by other sources of noise under the ocean. In the
parameters considered and other information while the data shallow water area of the Bay of Bengal, this frequency range
has been recorded. Data was collected as two phases at can be used for various underwater applications.
each site. In the first phase, ambient noise was collected
at different depths under different noises and in the second ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
phase, a pure sine signal was transmitted at constant power The Authors are thankful for the support rendered by
at different depths and data was captured. The frequency of National Institute of Technology(managed by a Governing
the transmitted signals also differed at various depths and the Council under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government
data was collected. At location-1, the ambient noise data is of INDIA) towards our research and their help to collect data
gathered near the harbour where more harbour operations are in Bay of Bengal from various locations in the coastal region
present. The surface noise level and the 5-meter depth range of Tamil Nadu, India.
Fig. 13: Location-1 Chennai

Fig. 14: Location-2 Kalpakkam

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