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1. Can you think of any good memories from your school days ?

To be honest, I don't have too many memories of my middle school.

However, it was there that I met some of the best friends I have today. We
were through thick and thin, so we knew each other inside out. It was that
pure and sincere friendship that helped me grow up a lot. School days really
are the best days of our lives.
2. What would you say was the best aspect of those times?
I had a very positive impression of the school, teachers, and friends, and I
considered myself very fortunate to attend this school. They not only
imparted to us academic knowledge but also other aspects of life. Thanks to
their teaching, I felt much more confident and mature when entering the
university environment.
3. Do you miss your school days?
Of course, yes. Because of the covid outbreak, we had to learn online on
computer screens, especially in the last year of middle school. As a result, I
missed valuable time with my friends. We couldn't make more amazing
school memories since we could only communicate with each other via smart
mobile devices and couldn't meet face-to-face to talk. I'm so sad about it.

1. Is your computer often affected by viruses ?

No. My computer is sometimes infected by a virus. It caused me a lot of
problems. My privacy and personal security are endangered as a result of the
virus. It may also seek information in order to commit identity theft. I hope
that in the future, scientists will develop anti-virus software to remove the
need for it.
2. How do you defend your computer against viruses?
In my opinion, the first is that you should be careful. That means you should
be cautious about the source of your software, avoid any spam and be careful
of strange email. Of course, there are variety of anti-virus software out there
nowadays. Therefore, being well-prepared is another away to protect
ourselves and our computers.
3. Are these protection system effective or not?
I think it will succeed to a certain extent. If you follow the basic rules, you
really shouldn’t have any problems. Viruses can still affect your computer,
however,in some cases. Therefore, the solution for stopping viruses from
accessing the computer should be developed.

1. Do you wear the watch?

Yes, of course. Firstly, watches are very useful because they can tell time and
help me keep track of tasks. Also, I'm a fashionista, so watches make my
outfit more beautiful. There are many types of watches with different styles
and designs so I can mix and match them with each of my outfits.
2. Could you manage your life without knowing the time?
Absolutely not. Because I'm a pretty time-sensitive person. I am always on
time with everything. It is therefore difficult for me to manage my personal
life if I am unaware of the time.
3. Is it possible to over-organize time management?
I believe that managing our time is a challenge for everyone of us. Because of
something more exciting than what we need to do, like learning to cook, we
frequently lose focus. Therefore, we must plan how to manage our time.
Manage your time instead of letting it manage you.

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