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Going to future :)

1. Fill in verbs in the going to future

John tells his friend Immanuel what his plans are for their weekend.

a) “Next weekend we …………………………………………... (go) to the mountains

and we
…………………………………………... (spend) two nights at a nice hotel.”

b) They…………………………………………... (go skiing) in the mountains.

c) To get to the mountains, John…………………………………………... (drive) there

with his very nice car which is a BMW M3. He loves his car a lot.

d) During the ride to the Mountains, they…………………………………………...

(listen) to their favorite songs.

e) Since John likes to drive fast. The police…………………………………………...

(stop) him

f) Luckily John is very charming. So…………………………………………...(not pay)

a fine(=Bussgeld) but is still…………………………………………...(get) a warning
from the police officer.

2. What are you going to do?

Say what you are going to do. Build the sentences with the “going to” form.

Example: I am going to buy Christmas presents for my family after school.

a) When you are 18.

b) This afternoon.

c) In the winter holidays.


Possessive Pronouns
1. Fill in the gaps.
a) Is this………………. cat? Yes, it is………………. cat. ………………. name is
b) This is my brother Endrit with………………. Sister Lena.
c) I love……………….dress! Thank you! I like………………. new dress, too.
d) The Weeknd is not performing in Zurich so I am going to………………. concert
in Munich.
e) Do you have a pet? What is………………. name?
f) Our new neighbors are strange. They are dancing in………………..

2. Translate the following sentences

a) Mario und Luigi spielen gerade ihr neues Spiel. Sie sind glücklich.

b) Marin kann seine Mütze nicht finden.


c) Meine Freundin fährt gerade ihr neues Auto.


d) Das ist nicht ihre Jacke. Das ist meine Jacke.


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