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REGACHO, John Augustine P.

MWF 4:00-5:00



What happened?
“Why is it,” he asked himself, “that a holy man like me must toil so hard teaching a pack
of blockheads, when others who have earned nothing through pious work eat sumptuous
every day? And without having to work!”
- Mullah Ibrahim, who taught the religious beliefs of Islam to his Moslem students in
the seminary being built by the Caliph. The work doesn’t really pay-off f or him. He,
then, questioned the goodness of the Holy Allah and why a diligent servant like him
shall suffered.
How I felt?
- The story serves as a mind opener in the way that it tells us hope and faith towards
our God. I felt guilty when I read this story because I remember the time when I
questioned God why life is unfair. It makes my heart suffer in pain, I never thought
that God can forgive even though how much anger you put into Him.
What I learned?
- In our lives, we can't avoid to feel that the world is so unfair but we should not
question our one and only creator. Everything's happen for a reason and God has a
purpose. We must always hope and have faith to our God because when everything is
at lost, He is the only one we can cling to. 
How can I use it?
- This story can help through out my whole life, it gives me inspiration to keep living a
good life. No matter how difficult it could be, I won’t give up because there is God. I
will leave a mark and help someone, lift someone up when they’re down, and be the
strength for others when they’re weak.



What happened?
- In Hell-Heaven, the narrator contemplates the relationship between her mother and a
friend of her parents'. Pranab Chakraborty was a fellow Bengali who met the
narrator's parents when he was a graduate student at MIT. The narrator's mother,
Aparna, developed a soft corner for Pranab and would wait for those moments when
he would visit them. (Her own husband had given himself completely over to work.)
Over time, she began to feel a deep affection for him, but being a married woman, she
drew the line there. Still, when Pranab falls in love with an American woman, Aparna
reacts poorly, waiting for Pranab's girlfriend to leave him. Pranab and his girlfriend
however get married, leaving Aparna to nurse some deep resentment for the couple.
How I felt?
- It is beautifully written, its words flowing of the page with consumate ease to deliver
a poignant, heart rendering story of intergenerational love, of love in all its different
forms criss-crossing between cultures, between the generations, and its power to
transform people.
What I learned?
- Our society makes us. Although we can be taught in our houses, we are more likely to
follow the fashion than the traditions.
How can I use it?
- I can't resist the pull of stories set in India or featuring Indian characters, and it is that
same aspect that hooked me throughout this story.



What happened?
“When it became time for their daughter to marry, they wanted only the best husband for
her. They thought about all of the rats that they knew, but none of them were good
enough for their daughter.”
- This story goes to show that the rats underestimated their own kind, thinking that no
one they knew was best for their daughter. It is understood though that they only
wanted the best for their only daughter so they sought for someone who will good
enough for her. However, how many times they asked someone and failed an attempt
for a man to marry her, they were still dedicated to find the best for their daughter.
After how many times, they came to Mr. Wall who told them that a rat is what's best
for their daughter.
How I felt?
- I don’t like the way Mr. And Mrs. Rat decide for their daughter especially when it
comes to marrying the man/woman of your life. This story shows that some parents
think how to have their children a rich life than the happiness they will feel in
choosing their love ones. They should let their children to choose the life they want
and the things that will make them happy till the end of their lives. 
What I learned?
- We should not underestimate things, people or even animals to their tasks as they are
intended to. And choose our own path, especially in choosing the partner that we
want to be with and share our life with. We must not look in the physical appearance
but in the inside trait.
How can I use it?
- Having a rich life is not a solution to have a better life because there are many reasons
to be happy and to enjoy life. Life is too short therefore we should choose or decide
for the right things for our entire life. 


What happened?
“Go, and bring together all the Jews in Shushan, and let them all pray for me, eating and
drinking nothing, for three days. I and my maids in the palace will pray and fast also at
the same time. And then I will go in to the king, even though it is against the law; and if it
be God’s will that I should die in trying to save my people, then I will die.”
- In the midst of her turmoil, Esther realized she could not allow fear to paralyze her
into inaction; that in itself would be a decision. Instead, she left the outcome with
God. It was clear she had only one real choice.
How I felt?
- I’ve been paralyzed by fear, it makes me afraid to make a critical decision because of
possible or probable serious consequences.
What I learned?
- Sometimes fear is our normal human reaction when we are faced with a seemingly
impossible decision. Acknowledging our lack of courage is the first step to
overcoming it. But we must not allow fear to paralyze us into taking no action at all.
Recognize that God is all powerful, that He has promised never to leave you or
forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
How can I use it?
- Life can be hard. Difficult times happen, and pain cannot be avoided. I let the book of
Esther encourage me that God is always present. Jesus called us “friends”, and the
Spirit is our “Helper” . Trust and obey, as Esther did. And watch God silently weave
all events for His glory and for our good.



What happened?
“It will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his
property to them.” (Matthew 25: 14) .”
- A steward lives for the day he will return the Master’s goods to Him. An owner
believes his possessions are his to spend in any way he sees fit. All we have–our
material goods, our abilities, and even our very lives–belong to someone else. We are
merely holding them for the day of reckoning.
How I felt?
- This parable is driven by what I feel God has revealed to me over the years. In our
day and age it is tempting to complain that we have not received as much as someone
else, but we can be sure that God Himself has given us the ability to care for what we
What I learned?
- Success is when you lay your head on the pillow at night, knowing you were faithful
to do what you were called to do. And certainly the proper balance is to ensure that
we do our best to glorify God, and not to just make ourselves look good.
How can I use it?
- Preparing for his return in the everyday choices we make now. When he returns he
will look for those to whom he can extend the invitation, “Come, share in My



What happened?
- Based on real events, this is a compelling story of a marriage, of love and duty, and
the quest for freedom in a pioneering age.
How I felt?
- This is a belting good read. The plot whacks along. Settings are true and tangible;
style gritty and satisfying. Betty fair kicks her way off the page.
What I learned?
- It’s compellingly told, as two cultures clash and one way of life is gradually imposed
upon another, although the perspective is more oriented towards the colonists
How can I use it?
- Giving a significant portion of the narrative to the women who lived through these
times, rather than referring to them in the footnotes, as was normally the case, as 'the



What happened?
“Her husband went on a trip one day but never did he return. So the lady then decided to
find or fall in love again for the second time. But unfortunately her lover was sent o jail.
She went to the four most powerful person or men in that land, namely; Kazi, Wali,
Wazir, and King.”
- The story is about the use of trickery for getting what you want and in the pursuit of
having what you love. This is one of the Arabian Literary pieces that shows the real
state of the world- full of oppressor and oppressed, users and used, and players and
How I felt?
- The story creates a portal between fiction and reality. Though the scene of the story
seems a little bit weird and impossible to happen, it happens in real life.
What I learned?
- A woman can do anything for love, even sacrificing their self just to save the man or
their loved ones. Their dignity is not for the greedy men, and cleverness is all the
woman need when she is all alone by herself and was attacked by this greed's.
How can you use it?
- Don’t use other people for your own benefits. Sometimes people were lured by what
their eyes can see and act out of impulse without thinking first.



What happened?
“Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where
you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you
die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so
severely, if even death separates you and me.”
- In Ruth, God is revealed as the Faithful Provider to the helpless. While Naomi
receives provision and blessing, Ruth is God’s instrument for this. As Ruth was
delivered from poverty, unprotected and unprovided for, Yahweh also delivers His
people from distress and ultimately from death through Christ’s sacrifice on and the
cross and victory over.
How I felt?
- Jesus loves us. He gives us purpose and forgiveness.
What I learned?
- This reveals God’s character in His faithfulness toward His covenant promise of
protecting His chosen people, His loving kindness in providing for the helpless
widow, and His sovereignty in the surprising twist of using the Moabitess to provide
for Naomi.
How can I use it?
- Emerging as a paradigm of loyal love and of the kind of person the Lord is looking
for to populate his covenant community.



What happened?
“His hand was heavy on my shoulder, but I did not look at him or utter a word until we
were on the rocky bottom of the Waig."Baldo, you fool, answer me before I lay the rope
of Labang on you. Why do you follow the Wait instead of the camino real?" His fingers
bit into my shoulder. "Father, he told me to follow the Waig tonight, Manong."
- He changes the normal route for a tougher and rougher route so that she may have no
doubts about tough reality and massive change of lifestyle that she has undergone for
their marriage.
How I felt?
- I was hooked by the story because of how the author describe each characters
specially Maria, and how the author was able to emphasize her, and the organization
of every situation is good.
What I learned?
- It taught me about respect and acceptance of one's life. The ability and willingness to
sacrifice selfish desires or even comforts to make your loved ones happy.
How can I use it?
- Sacrificing things for people I love. The ability to adapt to new circumstances and
being positive to change and growth. Overcoming hardships and fears and ulltimately
in finding peace and happiness in each other’s betterment and well being.


What happened?
“In 'Gitanjali, I found wisdom, lost it, and found it again.”
- Gitanjali means "prayer offering of song". Gitanjali is a very inviting and engaging
text in many ways. It is Tagore’s ponderings over the relationship between humans
and the Divine.
How I felt?
- Each poem has a unique way to communicate how God is the center of the poet's
inspiration. What moves me the most, is the style and diction of these prose lyrics.
What I learned?
- Their profoundness is expressed with simplicity and optimism. These verses seep
through reader’s consciousness and leave an indelible imprint.
How can I use it?
- Uniting with the Lord, for the Lord has given him the gift of life and all that he has. I
would sing in his glory and keep myself pure for the Lord


What happened?
“Whoever learns the work by heart, or through the story-teller’s art. Becomes acquainted,
His life by sad defeat – although the king of heaven be his foe- Is never tainted.”
- It attempts to illustrate how to understand others, how to choose reliable and
trustworthy friends, how to overcome difficulties and problems through tact and
wisdom. Moreover, it illustrated how to live in peace and harmony even in the midst
of deceit, hypocrisy and other pitfalls in life.
How I felt?
- This most unique story has enlightened me because it dicusses varied topics like
philosophy, psychology, politics, music, astronomy, human relationship in a simple
yet elegant style.
What I learned?
- Realize your own strengths first and act accordingly instead of panicking when faced
with unknown situations. If you are quick witted, you can face any challenge /
How can I use it?
- A simple way to teach children of royalty how to be great future leaders. By this story
they can learn about values like being selfless, kind and trustworthy.


What happened?
- Genji spends much of his time writing poems to women he is attracted to, but who
have little interest in him; most of them know that nothing positive would come of an
affair with him, and so resist the impulse as much as possible, although they often had
similar feelings toward Genji. His numerous affairs often involved women from
outside the court, behavior which was scandalous for a person of his position, so his
affairs are usually conducted in complete secrecy, which he took considerable trouble
to maintain.
How I felt?
- The Tale of Genji does not lack at all in other characters, plots and subplots, episodic
occurrences, and confusing relationships and interrelationships among the lords and
ladies of the imperial realm. The experience of reading has been likened to looking
through a small but very clear window into a complete and brilliant world.
What I learned?
- Love isn’t about the desire of having sex for many women or about the struggle to
conquer all pretty women. But love must be kept with a woman we love forever.
How can I use it?
- Do not absorb the introduction to the culture of the aristocracy —its forms of
entertainment, its manner of dress, its daily life, and its moral code. 



What happened?
“Son, no one is going to kill Sii Sward. Instead of doing that, an because our cat is the
most beautiful and cleanest of all the cats in the village, she was elected by the people to
be the Rain Queen of our district. This is a great honor to her and to our family.”
- This story tells about the faith of people to their god. They use their tradition or Nang
Maaw ceremony to pleased the queen of rain for a water from sky. They choose Sii
Ward as their heroine and the people believe that Sii Ward is the reason why their
pleased was sent to them.
How I felt?
- It’s a great short story. From featuring a Siamese cat, to a real life experience.
What I learned?
- Faith and prayer is the most important thing to do when you are down or even not.
God can provide anything when you need something, but it comes in right time.
How can I use it?
- No matter how hard we go on thru our lives, we must not give up so easily. Earn your
patience and hope, for this will give you strength from all your difficulties.



What happened?
“You, Yoshi, you’re up on that roof again, aren’t you? In that burning sun. You’ll get a
-  A father who is concerned about his 24 year old son who climbs on the roof to watch
the sunset. Dad's worried that his son is not right in the head and will hurt himself &
embarrass the family. His brother helps Dad realize that as long as bro own't hurting
himself, why not let him enjoy the sunset. In other words "a madman who is able to
enjoy the beauty of a sunset is far better off then the fully sane man who doesn't."
How I felt?
- Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It mean that you’ve decided to
look beyond imperfections.
What I learned?
-  Don't be ashamed of your own kind,especially if it doesn't harm any of your
neighbors. Be thankful of what you have and the people who are there to love you,
don't mind others. Be yourself.
How can I use it?
- We must be the one to understand what they really feel. We must take the
responsibility. We must do anything we want to for the sake of our love one’s.



What happened?
“One day, the rich man looked at them one by one and he denounced them. They always
laugh, their happiness was communicable because their neighborhood that passed their
house, laughing too except to rich man.”
- The author differentiated the life of poor people to a rich people.  The Family of the
father were happy all the time, they don’t need wealth, they need love and sacrifice
that connect them. In the other side, they depend on what they see. Meaning, they
judge the other side with their wealth and spirit.
How I felt?
- Carlos Bulosan had a happy family even though they were poor. They didn’t make
the poverty hindrance. I think why the rich man filing a case to his family because he
was insecure, insecure that they were contented.
What I learned?
- We don’t need to be rich just to be happy. Being with your family, solving problem
with them, bond, laugh in the simplest things can make you contented in life that’s
what happiness is.
How can I use it?
- Being contented on what you have problems may come and go but with the family
you cherished and treasured you can live your life to the fullest. Just be happy on
simple things.


What happened?
 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit. Shall
lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
- Pervading the poem is a sense of helplessness against forces beyond the control of
man. The universe, time, and of course fate will have their way no matter what man
does to counteract their power. 
How I felt?
- It helps me to free my soul and enjoy living and it really helps me to reduce your
stress. The wisdom of the author, leans towards reality in the true sense.
What I learned?
- Makes for rights to be known, and mark out the line for action. If any individual is
able to draw out the hidden meaning of the words express, you are able to get the
essence of the facts of life.
How can I use it?
- Rather than telling a story with characters, a lyric poem presents the deep feelings
and emotions of the poet on subjects such as life, death, love, and religion. It enables
me to know and learn about the various times and aspects we often have to face.



What happened?
- Dastan is a street kid who impressed the King of Persia one day through his mixture
of heroics and crazy parkour skills for a ten year old.  The King adopts Dastan and
fifteen years later he’s now a prince of Persia.
How I felt?
-  It always makes for dramatic storytelling that keeps you guessing
What I learned?
- Changing the past can be helpful, but sometimes isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
How can I use it?
- We hope to change people, to get them out of their comfort zone, in the hopes that
they might change the word at least for one person and that one person matters.


What happened?
“I hope you die, you little demon,” he said between sobs, for he was crying and he could
- It is just a usual start of day on Nagrebacan where people start doing their job,then
how a very pleasant morning turned into a horrible one just because of
amisunderstanding. The innocent little puppy is the object of the conflict between
thetwo brothers, which resulted into its violent death from the hands of a bad man;
their father.
How I felt?
- The story tells not only about the different unlikable traits inside the family member
but also those good characters. After I read it, I realize the moral lessons that the story
want to show.
What I learned?
-  It shows those unpleasant attitudes that we need to change for our own good. It is
better to gain love and respect rather to earn hatred within the family members.
How can I use it?
- It awakened my latent spirit to change some of my unkind attitudes with my sister
because it does not give a better result and also to avoid quarrel. 


What happened?
“The evil brothers were envious of their cousin Yudhistira and started scheming to
dethrone him.”
- Throughout their lives and the terrible Great War, there were examples of the ethical
gaps between men which were never resolved. The epic story represents an extended
exploration of the responsibilities set forth by the code of dharma.
How I felt?
-  Mahabharat is not meant to be read as a pastime for amusement. I have to delve
deeply into it and understand the characters and their actions and reactions. Once
involved in the story, I find myself playing out so many roles, identifying something
similar with the characters as they appear in the story.
What I learned?
- We can say that to attain success in your aspirations and goals, you need to plan a
direction and not let yourself deviate from it. It is also conveyed in the epic tale that
your people and time management skills will play a significant role in your growth
along with your academic knowledge.
How can I use it?
- The epic story has life lessons to offer that are relevant in the contemporary world
today.  It is a treasure trove for today’s generation raised on Harry Potter and likewise
tales. It has countless stories that teach valuable lessons in ethics and morality.


What happened?
- The tales are many and varied, but common throughout all the narratives is the initial
frame story of the ruler Shahryār, and his wife Scheherazade
How I felt?
- The stories willfully embrace spectacle and the supernatural, largely because that
makes them more engaging. Stories can only produce a greater effect if they are
worth listening to; this is another implicit argument made through the use of the
frame story.
What I learned?
- Stories are more important to culture than for their pure entertainment value, but it
also suggests that the storyteller always shapes the story to her purposes. 
How can I use it?
- Stories might not be able to change the world, but they are capable of changing us by
making us look at ourselves in new ways.



What happened?
 “Now, do not be distressed or reproach yourself because you sold me hither; it was to
save life that God sent me ahead of you.” (Gen 45:5)
- The Bible explicitly tells us that Joseph was the favorite of his father Jacob. The cloak
of many colors designated his heir-apparent status, even though he was not the oldest.
Joseph exacerbated the situation with his family by reporting dreams indicating that
his brothers and his father will all bow down to him.
How I felt?
- We could understand the story as an illustration of how God works in the
world. There are many lessons we can learn from the story of Joseph.
What I learned?
- Dreams are a way to communicate with the Divine, or a way to communicate with the
deepest parts of ourselves. 
How can I use it?
- We should always forgive and forget. We never know when the next step will lead to



What happened?
“Madam? Today,young people they are very trouble to their parents.Madam,you see this
young people over there,outside the coffee-house? See what I mean,Madam?.”
- The story reflects the harsh truth about teenagers at present. Parents are very much
willing to spend blood, sweat and tears in order to provide for their offspring. They
sacrifice literally everything for the sake of their children. However, with the lack of
proper monitoring and guidance, teenagers may have the tendency to be prone to
How I felt?
- The story indeed awaken my mind about the reality of how the generation nowadays
are constantly changing, getting wilder, bolder and liberated. I think one of the major
reason is the fact that their parents are very busy working hard for them and those
teens just don’t even think or care about it.
What I learned?
- In this story, I learned that parents need to instill strong guiding principles on their
children in order for them not go astray. They have to constantly participate in honing
their children to be better at decision-making. Parents must never fail to teach the
importance between the value of money and hard work – that money easily earned
would easily vanish.
How can I use it?
- I can relate this to my life because there are times I may have also disobeyed my
parents but not for the reason of making troubles for myself but how ungrateful I am
sometimes that I forget the hard work they paid off just so I can go to university. I
hope to be reminded of my actions and how I appreciate the things I do for myself
and my entire family especially to give something back as my appreciation and love
for my parents. I should also not be careless of my actions because then that would
mean I am wasting my opportunities in making a life for myself in the future.


What happened?
“His father focused his attention to his fighting cock hoping for some luck to save them
from poverty. He's constantly exercising his fighting cock and dreaming his time away.
Once, he even teaches his son how to make it stronger and ready for the fight. Then the
father draws up a strategy that will put the family out of famine.”
- The story is picturing out the reality of some Filipinos who are resorting theirselves to
gambling and getting their children involved as a ticket out of a hard life.
How I felt?
-  I think the story is a good start to learning more about Carlos Bulosan, a satirist, poet,
fictionist, essayist, born on Pangasinan, Philippines. The story depicts reality and
showed great lessons in our lives. The characters had their own identity and all
together, the story was transformed into a valuable sattire.
What I learned?
- Family is the most important possession in life. There is always a solution for every
How can I use it?
- Don’t be fooled by the things that can hinder your success. Be the change you want to


What happened?
“Old pond. Frog jumps in. Sound of water.”
- A short Japanese poem that presents the world objectively and contrasts two different
images. But a haiku is more than just a poem that follows the skeleton of Old Pond. 
How I felt?
-  Haiku as a habit can change your approach to life and living it. In just a few words a
day, you become more present, express how you feel, and get closer to your inner
What I learned?
- The first thing you should include in your haiku is to focus on distilling a poignant
experience. For example when you see things that makes you want to say "Look at
that!" It is the same in the haiku. Without over complicating things, simply saying
what you see is enough.
How can I use it?
- Haiku is easy to embrace as a happiness habit because they are short. I’ll make haiku
as a habit, because it can help me put your worries into perspective. 


What happened?
“Ang pamumuno ay hindi nakatindig sa lakas at dahas lamang.”
- The story remain true to the roots of the tribes in the Philippines sends a clear
message of how they wanted the younger generation of Filipinos to re-educate
themselves on our culture. There was one thing the story made sure of though, was
Lam-ang’s love for his land and people. Though he did go about and showed it in the
wrong way, it was clear throughout the story that Lam-ang had always only wanted
his people to be happy.
How I felt?
- The story gets a little simplistic, abrupt, and later on, sentimental, the plot also gets
that much more enjoyable. The most plot-driven and accessible way possible, coating
it with local craftsmanship and artistry that reminds audiences of our rich pre-
Colonial history. 
What I learned?
-  Lam-ang depicts how leaders are not born, they are taught. No matter how bright and
promising Lam-ang was, he still went down a very dark path mostly because the
guiding figures around him had let him and tolerated his mistakes until the very end.
How can I use it?
- Don’t be blinded by the need for power and revenge. We all do have flaws and
moments of poor choices. 



What happened?
 “This is the true symbol of conjugal and fraternal love. Let the tree and the plant be
grown everywhere in commemoration of this beautiful but sad story.”
- There is luminous motion that binds family together for eternity. The blood of family
can never be diluted. The Betel And The Areca Tree legend explains why the betel
nut is chewed by newly-wed couples and at ceremonies and anniversaries.
How I felt?
- It’s a great story. Reading the story while seeing the real thing is wonderful for all the
What I learned?
- Relationships are formed of an entirely voluntary nature. It begins with conjugal
affection, the most important of all, in which perfect fullness of devotion is secured
by the reciprocity and indissolubility of the bond. Brotherly love comes next which
Lang shown that love has no bound.
How can I use it?
- I want to retell to introduce Vietnam’s culture and tradition. We have our own way
and our own traditional customs.  We also can make it in a lot of different ways.

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