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Statistics is a scientific technique by which we collect, compile, present, analyze, interpret data.

It is an applied mathematics.

Data is numerical, qualitative, quantitative information.

Qualitative: List of the names of the people

Quantitative: Number of people

Variable: Changeable

Discrete Variable: measured by integral value.

 Number of patients
 Number of children

Continues Variable: measured by integral as well as factional value.

 Weight
 Height
 Age

Population: Total experimental/investigation units/items/individuals.

Sample: Representative number of population units.


Primary Data: Collected by individuals.

 Raw Data: unorganized

 Classified Data: arranged

Secondary Data: Official results, findings, published works, ready-made.

Data is collected in two ways.

 Census method: Everyone is included in the survey.

 Sample survey method: Not everyone is included in the survey.
Mode of Data collection:

1) Interview
2) Authority
3) Questionnaire

Data Condensation: 3 parts

1) Ordering/ Array
2) Classification (parts of process)
3) Tabulation (entire process)

Fi = Frequency

Mid value = xi

Less= Top

More= Bottom

Continues Class Interval: Exclusive

 Lower limit included

 It is safe to be take
 When the data is not integral/decimal, use continues class interval like weight/height.

Discontinues Class Interval: Inclusive

 Lower limit is not included

 To convert it into exclusive form, subtract 0.5 from the lower limit of the class and add
0.5 to the upper limit of the class.

Qualitative diagrams: Line, Bar, Pie diagrams

Quantitative diagrams: Histogram, Frequency curve, Ogive

The general principle to construct a diagram is to show the number of observations against the
level of qualitative or quantitative variable.
Differences between bar diagram and histogram

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