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Don Juan Archiv Wien Publication

Michael Httler / H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire & European Theatre Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart (1756-1808) Vienna, 2009

50 contributions 800 pages

Preliminary Content

With support of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and Deniz Bank AG. The symposia were supported by the Turkish Embassy Vienna, the International Theatre Institute of the UNESCO Austrian Centre and the Austrian Cultural Forum Istanbul.

Impressum Gemeinsame Ausgabe LIT-Verlag, Wien Don Juan Archiv Wien Forschungsverlag, Wien der Texte Don Juan Archiv Wien Forschungsverlag 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 9783643500137

Publication Content Michael Httler & H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart, Vienna, 2009 Don Juan Archiv Wien, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Wien, T +43/1/2365605, F +43/1/2365605-25 office(at) 05/03/2009 p. 1/5

The Editors
Don Juan Archiv Wien Michael Httler & Hans Ernst Weidinger (Vienna)

Symposium Vienna (2008, April 25th-26th)

UNESCO International Theatre Institut (ITI) / Center Austria Helga Dostal (Vienna), President The Ambassador of The Turkish Republic in Austria H. Exc. Selim Yenel (Vienna) The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Cultural Section H. Exc. Emil Brix (Vienna) The Program

Symposium Istanbul (2008, June 5th-6th)

Austrian Cultural Forum Christian Brunmayr (Istanbul), Director Grand National Assembly of Turkey Cemal zta (Ankara), Deputy Secretary General The Ambassador of The Republic of Austria H. Exc. Heidemaria Grer (Ankara) The Program

The Academic Bass

Metin And (Ankara), Turkish Academy of Sciences Wolfgang Greisenegger (Vienna), Universitt Wien Ilber Ortayl (Istanbul), Topkap Museum Istanbul

To the Genius of Opera

In Memoriam Leyla Gencer By Zeynep Oral (Istanbul)

Prologue: The Stage of Politics

Historical Overview
The Ottoman Empire and Europe in the Wake of the Second Half of the 18th Century. By Alaaddin Yalcinkaya (Trabzon) Austrias Relations with the Ottoman Empire in the 18th Century. By Betrand Michael Buchmann (Vienna)

Publication Content Michael Httler & H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart, Vienna, 2009 Don Juan Archiv Wien, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Wien, T +43/1/2365605, F +43/1/2365605-25 office(at) 05/03/2009 p. 2/5

Act I
Early Stages

Diplomacy and Theater

Earliest Performances of European Drama in 17th Century Istanbul. By Walter Puchner (Athens) The Earliest Opera Performances in the Ottoman World and the Role of Ambassadors. By Suna Suner (Istanbul/Vienna)

At the Court
The Watcher and The Watched: 18th Century Ottoman diplomatic visitors in Europe as Spectators and Performers. By Babr Turna (Ankara) European Ambassadors at the Ottoman Court: The Imperial Protocol in Late-Eighteenth Century By Gnsel Renda (Istanbul) auf trkische Art prchtig aufgeputzt The visit to Vienna by the extraordinary Ottoman Envoy, Chaddi Mustafa Effendi, in the year 1748. By Frank Huss (Vienna)

Janissaries and Mehter Turkish Military Music

Janissary Music? Turkish Music? Great Confusion everywhere! By Memo G. Schachiner (Vienna) The mehter: Cultural Perceptions and Interpretations of Turkish Drum and Bugle Music through History. By William F. Parmentier (Istanbul)

Act II

Sultans and Serails

Sultans on European Stages

Performing Turkish Sultans on Milans La Scala Stage: from the late eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth Century. By Alexandre Lha (Aix-en-Provence) From the Ambassadors Entre to the Sultans Arrival: Investigating Ottoman musical representations in Britain from Late Eighteenth to Mid-nineteenth Century By Emre Arac (London) The Turk on Stage in Danish theater of the 18th Century. By Bent Holm (Copenhagen)

Serail Revisited
Representations of the Ottoman Seraglio on European Stages: Example London and Vienna 1776-1787. By Esin Akalin (Istanbul) The Turk and the Parisienne Favarts Soliman II ou Les Trois Sultanes 1761 and its followers until 1912. By Isabelle Moindrot (Tours)

Publication Content Michael Httler & H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart, Vienna, 2009 Don Juan Archiv Wien, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Wien, T +43/1/2365605, F +43/1/2365605-25 office(at) 05/03/2009 p. 3/5


Central Europe

From Paris to Vienna

Ottoman Representation and Musical alla turca: Visiting an unknown Viennese theatre source of the Mid-18th Century. By Thomas Betzwieser (Bayreuth) Representation of Turks on the late 18th centurys Viennese Stage Oriental Fantasies or Political Reality? A research project based on the viennese repertoire. By Michael Httler (Vienna) The Second Turkish Siege of Vienna (1683) Reflected in Its First Centenary: Anniversary Plays in the Plffy Theatre-Library, Vienna. By Matthias Pernerstorfer (Vienna)

From Vienna to Lwiv

Mozarts Pupil and Friend Franz Xaver Smayers Sinfonia Turchesca (Vienna 1784/87), Il Turco in Italia (Prague 1794), Soliman II (Vienna 1799). By Erich Duda (Vienna) Freemason, Mozarts Contemporary, Theatre-Director on the Edge: Friedrich Kratter (1758-1830) and Der Friede am Pruth (The Treaty of Prut, 1799). Cataloguing Mauerbach Komplex, Vienna. By Gabriele Pfeiffer (Vienna)

Act IV


Mozart & Turkishness

In the Orient of Vienna: Mozarts Turkish Music (1771-1791) and the Theatrical Self. By Matthew Head (London) Getting emotional Mozarts Turkish Operas and the Emotive Aspect of Slavery. By Marianne Trvn (Uppsala)

Mozart & the Orient

From Zaide to Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail: Mozart on his Oriental Way to German Opera. By Derek Weber (Vienna) Mozarts Orient on Stage. By Nadja Kayali (Vienna)

The Elegant Voyager to The City of The Sublime Porte

Turkish and Exotic References in the Fashion of the Second Half of the 18th Century. By Annemarie Bnsch (Vienna) Re-reading the World of Serail through 18th century Ottoman Imperial Fashion. By Selin Ipek (Istanbul) Mozart Goes Constantinople! The Real Conditions of a Fictitious Journey. By Kthe Springer (Vienna)

Publication Content Michael Httler & H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart, Vienna, 2009 Don Juan Archiv Wien, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Wien, T +43/1/2365605, F +43/1/2365605-25 office(at) 05/03/2009 p. 4/5

Act V

Sultan Selim III

The Ottoman Empire 1756-1808

Arts and Society in Istanbul at the End of the Eighteenth Century. By Tlay Artan (Istanbul) The Sultan and The Renegade: The Tragedy Selim III (1872) by Murat Effendi, Ottoman Consul in Temesvr. By Caroline Herfert (Vienna)

Sultan Selim III Portrait of a Sultan as a Man of Letters and Arts

Sultan Selim III as Patron of Arts. By Gnsel Renda (Istanbul) The Portrait of Sultan Selim III as a Man of Letters and Arts. By Fatih Salgar (Istanbul) Sultan Selim III and His Play World. By Aysin Candan (Istanbul)

The Hero in the Sultans Harem
Between Enlightenment and the Eastern world: Oberon by Christoph Martin Wieland By Ulrike Schneider (Weimar) From The Prince of Denmark in the Sultans Harem to Don Juan in the Royal Danish Chambers: The Forgotten Composer Friedrich Ludwig A. Kunzen. A Station Drama between the Osmanli Empire and the Kingdom of Denmark. By Hans-Peter Kellner (Copenhagen) In Turchia novantuna Don Juan Crossing the Ottoman World. By Hans Ernst Weidinger (Vienna/Florence)

Licenza Librettologica
Latin & Italian Libretto Prints to 1800.
The Ministers and Ambassadors Operas The Sultans Operas

German Language Theater Prints

Ottoman-Turkish Plays in Theater-Bibliothek Plffy and Mauerbach Komplex

Persons Places


Publication Content Michael Httler & H. E. Weidinger (ed.): Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol I. The Age of Sultan Selim III and Mozart, Vienna, 2009 Don Juan Archiv Wien, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Wien, T +43/1/2365605, F +43/1/2365605-25 office(at) 05/03/2009 p. 5/5

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