Social Imp History

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otto von bismarck - cheif minister of prussia(germany)🛑

king wilhelm 1 - king of prussia to unify german🛑

duke metternich - chancellor of austria hosted vienna congress
fedric sorrieu - french artist who prepared **four prints**🛑
la patrie (fatherland)
le citoyen (the citizen)
napolean code 1804
napolean from france
in mid 18th century Germany , italy , switzerland were
-kingdoms "duchies and cantons"🛑
1834 was zolverein ///customs union\\\🛑
1815 vienna congress (britain russia prussia autria)leaded by
-duke metternich
german confederation 39 states were set up bu napolean🛑
guiseppe mazzini was in support of vienna congress🛑
///when franch sneezes,the rest of europe catches cold
given by duke metternich\\\🛑
greece was a part of ottoman empire🛑
lord byron a english poet who died in war with fever 1824
////the treaty of constantinople recognised greece as
-independent country/////🛑
gottfried herder was a german philosopher of romantisism🛑
friedrich wilhelm iv king of prussia joined monarchs
victor emmanual 11 lead sardinia-piedmont.🛑🛑🛑
unification of italy was done under cavour🛑🛑
garibaldi marched to sicily and naples
act of union between england and switzerland 🛑

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