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1982-the state had been ruled by congress

1971-garibi hatao by congress(indira gandhi)
1977-save democracy by janatha party (jayaprakash narayan)
1977-land to the tiller west bengal elections
1983-protect the self respect of telugu's(ntr)
1990-the government issued an order
1980-Mandal commission was established
1979-SEBC was established
1917(october)-Socialist took over the government in russia through octber
1914-tsar nicholas II ruled the empire
1989- social democratic party was founded
1905-revolution which started like events after bloody sunday
1905revoltion - tsar allowed the formation of parliament or duma
1916 winter - riots were common in bread shops
1917-monarchy came down
1920-bolsheviks controlled most of russia's empire
1929-wall street exchange crashed
1889 - hitler was born in austria
1923 - hitler plannel to seize control of bavaria
1933 - president ordred hitler chancellorship
1922-youth league of nazi's was founded
2005-mahatma gandhi national rural employment act
1993- prime minister rozgar yojana (pmry)
1995-rural employement generation programme(regp)
1999- swarnajayanti gram swarozgar yojana
2000-pradhan mantri gramodaya yojana
2000-antyodaya anna yojana

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