Mid Term 1 - 2018

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Bombay Scottish School, Mahim


Std : 07 Max. Marks : 20
Date : 06.08.2018 No. of Questions : 02
Duration : 40 mins No. of Printed sides : 01
(Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately)

Section A – 10 marks

Question 1

A] State one important function of the following: [3]

i) Ribosomes
ii) Cell wall
iii) Parenchyma

B] Give appropriate reasons for the following statements: [2]

i) The Mitochondria is known as the ‘Power house’of the cell.

ii) Meristematic cells mostly do not contain vacuoles.

Question 2

A] State one important point of difference between the following terms:

i) Plant cell and Animal cell
ii) Meristematic tissue and Permanent tissue
iii) Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma

B] Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of the lysosome. [2]

Section B - 10 marks

:an/31.07.2018 1

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