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Trotsyuk N., Kudzinovskiy А.

UDC 347.78 (045)

N. Trotsyuk,
PhD in Law
А. Kudzinovskiy,



The article researches the concept and types of Internet intermediaries. The peculiarities of the responsi-
bility of these subjects in accordance with national and international legislation are determined.
Key words: copyright, Internet, Internet intermediary, protection.

Н. Троцюк, А. Кудзіновський
Відповідальність інтернет-посередників за порушення авторських прав
У статті досліджуються поняття та типи інтернет-посередників. Визначено особливості
відповідальності цих суб’єктів відповідно до національного та міжнародного законодавства.
Ключові слова: авторське право, Інтернет, інтернет-посередник, захист.

Н. Троцюк, А. Кудзиновский
Ответственность интернет-посредников за нарушение авторских прав
В статье исследуются понятие и типы интернет-посредников. Определены особенности ответ-
ственности этих субъектов в соответствии с национальным и международным законодатель-
Ключевые слова: авторское право, Интернет, интернет-посредник, защита.

Problem statement and its relevance. Along- Union, the European Atomic Energy Community
side the development of the information society and and their Member States, on the other hand [1]. It
the use of modern technologies that allow any user has undertaken to take certain measures to protect
to create and distribute content in a digital format, intellectual property rights in a digital environment.
the nature of information relations has changed, Thus, in accordance with Article 244 of the Associ-
transforming the consumer of the content into its ation Agreement, both parties acknowledge that in-
termediary services may be used by third parties for
creator and distributor. These opportunities for the
unlawful activities. To ensure the free circulation of
individual to exercise their informational, creative
information services and, at the same time, to pro-
freedom lead to numerous significant violations of tect intellectual property rights in the digital envi-
intellectual property rights, including on the Inter- ronment, each party shall ensure that the measures
net, and raise relevant problems over determining specified by this Division for the providers of in-
the range of subjects, liable for counterfeiting in termediary services are in place. This Division ap-
this network. This is because after placing a work plies only to liability, which may be the result of
on the Internet, access to the respective intellectual violations in the field of intellectual property rights,
property object opens simultaneously for a large copyright in particular. In addition, on April 20,
number of users. 2017, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko
To date, Ukraine has already taken some steps to signed a draft law «On State Support to Cinematog-
improve the legal framework for copyright protec- raphy in Ukraine» [2], which came into effect on
tion by ratifying the Association Agreement be- May 6, 2017. The main purpose of the legal act is
tween Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European to regulate and maintain financing and production
of Ukrainian films, to introduce subsidiary liability
Юридичний вісник 3 (44) 2017 103
for infringement of copyright and related rights by 2) «Hosting provider» - provides information
third parties, as well as to establish certain rules belonging to a third party and ensures its availabil-
aimed at facilitating the protection of rights on the ity. A special kind of the hosting provider is a con-
Internet. By passing this law, Ukraine has con- tent provider (content provider), which provides
firmed its intentions to strengthen the liability for services for storing the information provided by the
violating intellectual property rights, including such recipient of the service, including the objects of
entities as an Internet intermediary. copyright and related rights, and ensures their
Analysis of research and publications. The re- availability. O. Matskevich attributes the content
search of certain aspects of the liability of Internet provider to a substative form of Internet intermedi-
intermediaries for copyright infringement was car- aries [4, p. 54];
ried out by such scholars as I. Zhilinkova, K. Zerov, 3) «Caching» is a provider that provides auto-
O. Kokhanovskaya, O. Karpenko, O. Matskevich, matic interim storage of material on a system or the
V. Naumov, I. Sopilko, O. Pastukhov, R. Shishka Internet, which is controlled or managed by the
and others. Among foreign scholars, L. Edwards, provider.
D. Seng, I. Garrote Fernandez-Diez, in their writ- The same classification is presented in his works
ings, studied the issues of responsibility of Internet by K. Zerov [5], Enrique García García - Judge of
intermediaries. the Court of Appeal of Madrid [6].
The purpose of this article is to study the pecu- To date, one of the problems of legal regulation
liarities of liability of Internet intermediaries for of social relations arising from the use of the Inter-
copyright infringement on the basis of analysis of net is the problem of liability of Internet intermedi-
the legal provisions of national and international aries (providers of services in the information so-
law. ciety) [7, p. 19]. The urgency of the issue is deter-
Presenting main material. One of the main mined by the emergence of such emerging phe-
factors in the formation of a modern global network nomena as Web 2.0, the rapid spread of sites with
and the spread of creative content within it is a custom content, online transmissions and free host-
growing share of Internet intermediaries. The term ing.
«Internet intermediary» includes the notion of a World practice provides many examples of cas-
service provider in the information society in ac- es concerning «indirect violation» of copyright and
cordance with Article 2 (b) of Di- related rights. This breach implies the indirect in-
rective 2000/31/EU of the European Parliament and volvement of the Internet intermediary in infringing
of the Council «On certain legal aspects of infor- the copyright by providing resources and services
mation society services, in particular electronic that facilitate the violation. The model of lawsuits
commerce in the Internal Market» [3]. This in- against Internet intermediaries regarding indirect
cludes all individuals who create, maintain, and violation is more effective as compared with the
benefit from electronic platforms or networks persecution of offending individuals, since, usually,
adapted to Web 2.0 (information technology that al- user-generated content appears to be a significant
lows users to create and distribute their own content factor in monetization of a web site that facilitates
on the World Wide Web), for example, search en- the receipt of profits by an intermediary. This mod-
gines, social networks, data services, etc. However, el involves filing a claim to an intermediary for
in the context of copyright protection on the Inter- non-compliance and non-enforcement of control
net, Internet-based mediation should be considered measures related to the violation of copyright,
as a place on the server to download data users. which is carried out through the services of an in-
According to Art. 245-247 Association Agree- termediary. Article 59 of the European Parliament
ments between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the and Council Directive 2001/29/EU «On the harmo-
European Union, the European Atomic Energy nization of certain aspects of copyright and related
Community and their Member States, on the other rights in the information society» [8] states that in
hand, the following types of intermediaries can be the digital environment, third parties are likely to
singled out [1]: use each time with a greater frequency of interme-
1) «Mere conduit» - provides access to the net- diary services for committing unlawful activities. In
work, including end-user Internet connection. many cases, these intermediaries have the best con-
ditions to put an end to the unlawful activity. Thus,

104 Юридичний вісник 3 (44) 2017

Trotsyuk N., Kudzinovskiy А.
without prejudice to any other sanctions envisaged 4) imposition of sanctions. Sanctions are deter-
or methods of appeal, the intellectual property mined in accordance with disciplinary or adminis-
rightholders should be able to request an injunction trative liability within the competence of a certain
on an intermediary who transmits to the network a provider or authorized regulatory body. Civil and
violation by a third party against a protected work criminal sanctions may be imposed, but through the
or another protected object. This opportunity should courts. However, taking into account national pecu-
be available, even if the actions of an intermediary liarities, the system can be implemented in different
are subject to an exception in accordance with Arti- ways in different countries. In practice, the means
cle 5 of this Directive. The conditions and charac- of securing the system are, usually, legal and ad-
teristics of such injunctions must be specified by ministrative measures, rather than direct imperative
the national laws of the Member States. intervention of the provider as it is stated in the
Within the framework of national law-making concept.
processes, under the influence of international regu- This approach to copyright protection on the In-
lations and recommendations, there is a tendency to ternet is not ideal and is constantly criticized as un-
increase the liability of intermediaries. However, lawfully restricting fundamental human rights and
under the pressure of the Internet industry, many freedoms. In Ukraine, the introduction of such a
countries legally limit the indirect liability of inter- system in the near future is not considered. This is
mediaries (American DMCA Regulations 1998 [9], due to factors such as: lack of specialized copyright
Directive 2000/31/EU of the European Parliament protection mechanisms on the Internet in the legis-
and of the Council [3]). These rules were called lation; The absence of a specialized body and the
«safe harbor», which in general implies a provision general ineffectiveness of the existing government
that specifies that certain behavior will not be re- bodies in the relevant sub-sector; Undeveloped
garded as a violation of the established rule. practice of considering such cases by courts; The
The world is also developing the practice of ap- physical incapability of the material and technical
plying «Graduated response» systems, the meaning base of state bodies and private enterprises to intro-
of which is the response of service providers in the duce such technologies and bear the costs associat-
information society (Internet Service Providers) to ed with it. However, in the context of European in-
illegal activities related to copyright infringement tegration and stable economic and political devel-
in their networks. In case of detection of such an opment, this way of protecting copyright on the In-
activity, an offender shall be sent a warning indicat- ternet can be introduced and effectively operate in
ing the violation and informing about possible sanc- our country.
tions against him. In case of repeated violations, a It should be noted that in Ukraine the responsi-
certain number of warnings are still sent, and after bility of Internet providers (intermediaries) is regu-
the limit is over, a practical sanction is imposed lated by the Law of Ukraine «On Telecommunica-
(usually it includes: blocking traffic in certain pro- tions» [11]. Article 38 of this Law establishes the
tocols, restricting or cancelling access to the net- legal principles of the operator’s influence on the
work or applications, the use of certain filters). The infringing consumer. According to Article 1 of the
system is currently operational and legally secured Law of Ukraine «On Telecommunications», the op-
in a number of developed countries such as France, erator is different from the provider in the right for
New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, maintenance and operation of telecommunication
and is effectively pursuing its educational function, networks. In cases of violation of the rules for the
as evidenced by the statistics on the reduction of provision and receipt of telecommunication ser-
copyright infringement in France [10]. vices by the consumer, the operator has the right to
This system, according to the general concept, reduce the list or terminate the provision of ser-
includes the following stages: vices. Also, in cases of the use of end-user equip-
1) monitoring of the networks for the infringe- ment by the consumer for illegal conduct or actions
ments of copyright (usually by the right holders); that threaten the state security, the operator may
2) providing to service providers sufficient evi- disconnect the end-user equipment by a court deci-
dence of a violation committed by the individual at sion.
a particular IP address; Substantial changes in the responsibility of In-
3) informing the offender; ternet intermediaries were also introduced by the

Юридичний вісник 3 (44) 2017 105

Law of Ukraine «On State Support to Cinematog- Library Genesis, Twirpx, and Sci Hub is actively
raphy in Ukraine» [2], which additionally amends being defended. The basic principle of the work of
such acts as the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and such libraries is the free exchange of scientific and
Related Rights», the Code of Ukraine on Adminis- educational content through the user’s filling of the
trative Offenses, the Criminal Code and a number site’s database. The method of publishing material
of other laws. From now on, according to Art. 52-1 on them can range from hyperlinks to download
of the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related and torrent files to direct download to the web site
Rights» [12], Internet intermediaries such as the server.
owner of a website, web pages and a hosting ser- In Ukraine, for the creation of an electronic li-
vice provider may be held liable for civil liability brary, there is a rather complicated procedure,
under a copyright claim by a copyright holder Pro- which involves the creation of the Register of sub-
cedure established by law. In addition, Arti- jects of copyright for the works planned to be
cles 16417 to 16418 of the Code of Ukraine on placed, the conclusion of contracts with the respec-
Administrative Offenses [13] provide for the ad- tive owners of copyright, the use of works statistics
ministrative liability of website owners and hosting gathering, the remuneration [14]. The very re-
providers for violating the terms and conditions source-intensiveness of the procedure provides rea-
governing the termination of copyright infringe- sonable grounds for believing that most of the
ment through the use of the Internet. working electronic libraries in Ukraine are distrib-
From the above, it should be noted that the legal uting copyrighted data illegally.
framework for the introduction of the «Graduated Thus, it can be argued that in Ukraine there was
response» system has already been laid down in a legally established mechanism for the protection
Ukrainian legislation, however, Article 40.4 of the of copyright in the Internet with the appropriate di-
Law of Ukraine «On Telecommunications» [11] versification of Internet intermediaries and special-
contains a provision that discharges a liability of ized regulations of their activities, however, in a
operators, telecommunications providers for con- limited number of issues. The next step in the de-
tent transmitted by their networks. This rule is in velopment of this issue will be the practice of the
part consistent with the substance of the «safe har- authorities and the judicial branch of reviewing
bor» concept, the essence of which is explained these cases, during which it will be possible to
above. identify the shortcomings of innovations in the law
Considering the responsibility of Internet inter- enforcement aspect.
mediaries in France, New Zealand, South Korea, Conclusions. In Ukraine, copyright protection
Ukraine, it should be mentioned that digital librar- on the Internet is under development. Taking into
ies and educational pages have a special position in account the positive experience of some countries
the field of copyright protection on the Internet. In and the international community in general, our
general, they are divided into commercial (where country has excellent examples to follow and every
the user is required to pay a fee in a certain way) chance of establishing effective mechanisms for en-
and free access (the user either does not have to pay suring the legality in the field of intellectual proper-
at all, or generates revenue by viewing an adver- ty on the Internet. Implementation of the achieve-
tisement, which is then directed exclusively to the ments of world jurisprudence taking into account
needs of the web site without getting profits by the peculiarities of national law will create a power-
owners). Commercial libraries operate in the legal ful regulatory framework, effectively working
field, since they are often formed by the right hold- mechanisms for copyright protection on the Internet
ers themselves or with their permission (for exam- and regulate the activities of participants in these
ple, the work of international publishing corpora- relationships, including Internet intermediaries.
tions «Elsevier», «Springer»). Copyright protection
issues are also rarely encountered by libraries that References
publish free articles. 1. Association Agreement between Ukraine, on
A more complicated situation is the situation the one hand, and the European Union, the Europe-
with libraries that illegally place copyrighted an Atomic Energy Community and their Member
works. To date, the right to the existence and func- States, on the other hand: International Document
tioning of such open access electronic libraries as

106 Юридичний вісник 3 (44) 2017

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