Poverty in The Philippines Essay

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“Poverty in the Philippines”

Philippines is known as one of the happiest countries in the world. Different nationalities
adores Filipinos for always smiling. But do they know what's behind those smiles? We, Filipinos,
smiles despite the difficulties. It is hard to live. It is not easy to conquer life and it's challenges.
In the Philippines, injustice is everywhere. If you are not one of those elites, you would suffer. If
you are not educated, you will not be able to have an occupation. If you don't have money, you
will have no shelter and you'll starve. Poverty. How could we solve it?

Poverty has always been present. It is one of the biggest and most evident problems in
the Philippines. Years have passed. Lots of presidents and government officials already ruled the
country. But why is change still not coming? Why? Lack of education, inequality, lack of jobs,
overpopulation, and corruption. Rich over poor. There's an inequality in the income distribution.
The rich earns higher income than the poor. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The
problem is, we lack jobs in the Philippines. It causes poverty because unemployed individuals
will not be able to earn a living. Our country is also overpopulated. With a rapidly growing
population, it will be hard to accommodate all the people in the labor force. And mostly because
of corruption. Politicians end up keeping the money of the people in their pockets instead of
having to improve the country. In that case, the condition of the country gets worsen.

How can we stop this? How can we save all the Filipinos? One is to enhance economic
growth with targeted action. We must end all forms of poverty. National governments must
change. They are our solution. They should commit to end extreme poverty. They should
continue to support the poorest people through aid. Equal education must be applied. Access to
health care and water sanitaion. We must create jobs. Minumum wage to be raised and increased.
Support equity, provide paid leave and sick days, establish work schedules that work, and
increase the earned income tax credit for childless worker. These are some of the ways to end the

It is not yet late to change our country. One day, poverty will be washed off. Poverty will
just be a memory to us. It will just be a part of our history. A part that will never come back.
Someday, poverty will not be a problem anymore. Philippines will be saved.

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