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Basil's Cathedral

Tutor:​ Romans Konuhovs

Dr. Žakemo Jūlija RISEBA bArch II

• Собо́р Покрова́ Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы - Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy

Mother of God
• St. Basil's Cathedral – Храм Василия Блаженного - Temple of Blissful Vasilij

Blissful (noun.) In a broad sense, saint person who enjoys the vision of God and
communicates with Him.

Orthodox church on Red Square in Moscow, a monument of Russian architecture. The

construction of the cathedral was carried out from 1555 to 1561.
Expansion of the principality of Moscow

• Vasily III begun the construction of temples

near the Kremlin wall. Build a temple of the
Origin of the Holy Cross in honor of the
capture Smolensk city.

• Ivan III conquired Novgorod in 1478

• Tsar Ivan the Terrible annexed the Kazan

Khanate in 1552
Painting by Giacomo Quarenghi 1797

1737 Trinity fire in Moscow. The

temple was completely burned
For the first time mentioned
name of architect Ivan Michurin,
under whose leadership work
was carried out to restore the
architecture and interiors of the
Drawing by Carl Rabus 1835
In 1812, the French, who
occupied Moscow, kept horses in
the basement of the Pokrovsky
Cathedral. There is a legend that
Napoleon Bonaparte, admired
by the beauty of the temple,
intended to transport it to
France. However, when he
realized that this was impossible,
he decided to blow up the
cathedral. According to legend,
the rain put out the fuses of the
French cannons after the
Muscovites prayed.

• 11 unrepeated domes
• Strictness structure
• the multi-part composition
• absence of an accentuated main facade
• a rich appearance of decorative lements
• small interior spaces
Master plan

1. Tent or Ward
2. Sacristy
3. Sacrarium Saint Blissful Vasilij
4. Church of the Holy Trinity
5. Bell tower
6. Church of the Three Patriarchs
7. Church of the Intercession of
the Holy Mother of God
8. Church of Alexander Svirsky
9. Church of Cyprian and Justina
10. Church of St. Nicholas
11. Church of St. Gregory of
12. Church of Varlaam Khutynsky
13. Porches
14. Church of the Entry of the Lord
into Jerusalem
Ground plan

Churches and sights stand

on a single base - a
basement, consisting of
several rooms. Strong brick
walls of the basement up
to 3 m thick are covered
with vaults. The height of
the premises is about 6.5 m

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