Computer Networking Refers To Connected Computing Devices 222

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Ahmed Mohamed Anis 2020030131
What is the computer network?
Computer networking refers to connected computing devices (such as
laptops, desktops, servers, smartphones, and tablets) and an ever-expanding
array of IoT devices (such as cameras, door locks, doorbells, refrigerators,
audio/visual systems, thermostats, and various sensors) that communicate with
one another.

What is the network importance?

The network is considered one of the most critical resources in an
organization, both in the private and public sectors. Networks are created
to provide a means to satisfy an objective or need. These objectives and
needs are frequently critical, therefore the network itself is critical.

what do you need to build a computer

While the type of network for your business will depend on your
needs but the components of your computer network will remain the
same. Here is the list of devices needed to set up a
computer network for your business: Modem Router Firewall Switch
LAN Cable / Patch Cable Access Point Repeater Patch Panel

What are the types of network?

1- Personal area network, or PAN
2- Local area network, or LAN
3- Metropolitan area network, or MAN
4- Wide area network, or WAN
5- Storage area network, or SAN
6- Enterprise private network, or EPN
7- Virtual private network, or VPN
Q-5 what are the types of network model?
The TCP/IP Network Model
The Client-Server Model

what are the network topologies

is the structure and arrangement of components of a computer communication
system. Internet is the key technology in the present time, and it depends upon the
network topology. There are several types of topology available such as bus
topology, ring topology, star topology, tree topology, point-to-multipoint topology,
point-to-point topology, worldwide-web topology. Local area network (LAN) and
Wide area network (WAN) are the commonly used network topology that is
installed and configured in the enterprise. Some of the advantages of implementing
network topology are proper functioning of a network, upgrading network
performance, Reduces operational, implementation and maintenance cost, error or
fault detection, effective utilization of resources.

what are the network devices

Network devices or network equipment enable information exchange on a
computer network.


NICs In order to connect a computer to an Ethernet cable, the
computer must have an interface. In a desktop this is usually a Network
Interface Card (NIC) or USB adapter. In a laptop, it is usually a PC card, a
module that plugs into the laptop. The Ethernet jack may also be built
into the laptop itself.
You can make a very simple network if you have an interface in each
computer and an Ethernet cable.

What are the intermediate devices?

Wireless Access Points

Define the protocols

In networking, a protocol is a set of rules for formatting and
processing data. Network protocols are like a common language for
computers. The computers within a network may use vastly different
software and hardware; however, the use of protocols enables them
to communicate with each other regardless.

What is a model?
The networking model describes the architecture, components, and design
used to establish communication between the source and destination
What is a layer?
Network-to-network connections are what make the Internet possible. The
"network layer" is the part of the Internet communications process where
these connections occur, by sending packets of data back and forth
between different networks. In the 7-layer OSI model (see below), the
network layer is layer 3. The Internet Protocol (IP) is one of the main
protocols used at this layer, along with several other protocols for routing,
testing, and encryption.

Why model layered?

A layered network model is a model of communication in which
different levels of communication are connected together. These levels
might include sender, receiver, and network objects. The sender is the
person who is sending the information, the receiver is the person who
is receiving the information, and the network object is the group of
people or devices that are connected to the sender and receiver.

Mention the OSI layers and the function of each

1. Physical Layer

 It is the bottom-most or the first layer of the OSI Model

 It comprises the raw data which is further transmitted to the higher
layers of the structure
 Preparing the physical devices in the network and accepting the
received data for transmission
 The termination of connection between two nodes of a network also
takes place at this stage
 This layer converts the digital bits into electrical, radio, or optical
2. Data Link Layer

 Access to get the data is achieved at this layer

 It breaks the input data into frames which makes analysing the data
 Ensures that the data received is free of any errors
 It controls the flow of data in the stipulated time duration and along
with a set speed of transmission
 The data is sent to the next layer in the form of packets which are
then reviewed for further processing
3. Network Layer

 It acts as a network controller

 Transferring of variable data from one node to another, connected in
a network, takes place at this layer 
 Each node has a specific address and the network layer ensures that
the data is sent to its destination address
 The data is sent in the form of fragments which are then connected
to each other once the processing is done

4. Transport Layer

 The delivery of data packets is managed by the transport layer

 It manages the flow of data, segmentation and desegmentation and
error control
 There are five classes of the transport protocol, starting from 0 and
continuing till 4 (TP0 to TP4)
 Fragmentation and reassembly of data packets occur that this stage
5. Session Layer

 The connection between the computers connected in a network is

managed at this layer
 Establishment, management and termination between the remote
and local application takes place here
 Authentication and authorisation happen at this layer
 This layer can also terminate or end any session or transmission
which is complete
6. Presentation Layer

 The data is converted into the syntax or semantics which an

application understands
 Before passing on the data any further, the data is formatted at this
 Functions including compression, encryption, compatible character
code set, etc. are also done at this layer of the model
 It serves as a data translator for the network
7. Application Layer

 The interaction with the user or the user application takes place at
this stage
 When identifying communication partners, the application layer
determines the identity and availability of communication partners for
an application with data to transmit
On the whole, the entire process of transfer of raw data into processed
data and finally to the user or the application can be done through this OSI
model. It can detect eros, transmit the data and format it during the course
of the above-mentioned seven layers.

Mention some examples of application layer?

 DNS (Domain Name System)
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming
system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the
Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain
names assigned to each of the participating entities.
Currently, the limit on domain name length is 63 characters, including www.
And .com or other extensions. Domain names are also restricted to only a
subset of ASCII characters, making many other languages unable to
properly represent their names and words. Punycode-based IDNA
systems, which map Unicode strings to valid DNS character sets, have
been validated and adopted by some registries as a workaround.

 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for
distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems.[1] HTTP is
the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

Mention the deference between OSI & TCP

OSI model is a generic model that is based upon functionalities of each layer.
TCP/IP model is a protocol-oriented standard.

OSI model distinguishes the three concepts, namely, services, interfaces, and
protocols. TCP/IP does not have a clear distinction between these three.
OSI model gives guidelines on how communication needs to be done, while
TCP/IP protocols layout standards on which the Internet was developed. So,
TCP/IP is a more practical model.

In OSI, the model was developed first and then the protocols in each layer were
developed. In the TCP/IP suite, the protocols were developed first and then the
model was developed.
 The OSI has seven layers while the TCP/IP has four layers.

How many bits the IPV4 source and

destinantion address is contained in each
An IPv4 address is comprised of 4 octets of binary digits, each containing 8
bits, resulting in a 32-bit address.

What is the parts that identify a path through a

A primary function of a router is to determine the best path to use to send
packets. To determine the best path, the router searches its routing table
for a network address that matches the destination IP address of the
What is the classes of IPS? Mention the range
of each and the network and hosts number and
the usages of each?

Address Subnet Example Leading Max number

Class Application
Range masking IP bits of networks
Used for large number
Class 1 to 126 8 128
of hosts.
128 to Used for medium size
Class 16 16384
191 network.
192 to Used for local area
Class 192.1.11. 24 2097157
223 network.
224 to Reserve for multi-
239 tasking.
This class is reserved
240 to for research and
254 Development
What are the types of addresses in IPV4
network range?
Type of addressing in IPv4.

Within the address range of each IPv4 network, we have three types of addresses:

Network address - The address by which we refer to the network.

Broadcast address - A special address used to send data to all hosts in the network.

Host addresses - The addresses assigned to the end devices in the network.

What are the types of communication in an IPv4 Network? Define each one.


It is created to a single network interface located on a specific subnet and

facilitates one to-one communication. This is a unique address worldwide for the
identification of a machine on the network.
 Subnet prefix: The subnet prefix is a network identifier or network
address portion of an IP unicast address. It must be noted that all nodes
on the corresponding physical or logical subnet must help the same
subnet prefix, which eventually turns into unique within the entire
TCP/IP network.
 Host ID: The host ID, a host address area of an IP unicast address. It
can identify a network node to which some computers are interfaced.


It can be used for one or more network interfaces situated on multiple subnets. It
enables one-to-many communication. It delivers individual packets from one
source to many destinations. These addresses are elements of Class D addressing

It is assigned to all network interfaces located on a subnet and is used for one-to-
everyone on a subnet communication. It carries packets from one source to all
interfaces on the subnet. Broadcast addresses can be categorized as network
broadcast, subnet broadcast, all subnets directed broadcast and definite broadcast.

What are the private address?

A private IP address is an IP address that's reserved for internal use
behind a router or other Network Address Translation (NAT) device, apart
from the public. These are in contrast to public IP addresses, which are
public and can't be used within a home or business network. Sometimes a
private address is also referred to as a local IP address.

Define the IANA?

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) is a U.S. government-funded
organization that coordinates the assignment of unique Internet protocol
parameters such as the IP address space and the Domain Name System (DNS).

Define the ISP?

ISP is an acronym that stands for Internet Service Provider. An Internet

Service Provider is a company that provides Internet access to
organizations and home users.
What this abbreviations referred to:
NIS (Network information system)

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

IP (Internet Protocol)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

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