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Textbook of

Practical Physiology
Third Edition


GK Pal
Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology,
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry

Pravati Pal
Professor, Department of Physiology,
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry

Universities Press

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© Universities Press (India) Private Limited 2010

First publ ished by Orient Blackswan Private Limited 200 I

Reprinted 2003. 200➔
Second edition 2005
Reprinted 2006, 2007
First Universities Press Impression 2008
Reprinted 2009
Third edition 2010 (Twice), 201 I (Twice), 2012, 2014

ISBN: 978-8 1-737 1-67 1-3

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Care has. been taken to confinn the accuracy of information presented in this book. The editors and the publisher, however, cannot accept any
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with respect to its contents.

Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the First Edition
General Introduction
General Laboratory Instructions
Methodology of OSPE

SEC:T ll ):\ I: l lL\lX H )lOC; Y

1. Introduction to Hematology ............................................................1

• 2. Collection of Blood Samples ....................................... ..................... 4
· • 3. Estimation of Hemoglobin Concentration .................... ................. 10
• 4. Determination of Hema tocrit ......................................................... 19
5. Study of the Comp ound Microscope .............................................. 24
• 6. Hemo cytom etry .......... .................... .......................·........................35
• 7. Total RBC Coun t .............................. ............................. ................ 41'
• 8. Determination of Red Blood Cell Indices .......... ............................ .49
• 9. Total Leucocyte Coun t ......................................................... :......... 52
• 10. Preparation and Examination of Blood Smear .............................. .. 59
• 11. Differential Leucocyte Count .................... .....................................70
• 12. Arnet h Coun t ................................................................................ .76
• 13. Absolute Eosinophil Coun t .................... .................... ....................79
14. Determination of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ....................... 83
• 15. Deter mination of Blood Group ...................................................... 88
16. Osmotic Fragility of Red Cells .......................................................95
• 17. Determinatio n of Bleeding Time and Coagulation Time ...............98
18. Platelet Coun t .................... .............................. ............................. 107
19. Reticulocyte Coun t ...................................................................... . 113

SH Tll )'.'J II: I Il"\1. \:'\ EXPE RI\lF: '\JTS


• 20. General Examination .............................. ...................................... 118

• 21. Stethography .................................................................................
• 22. Clinical Examinatio n of the Respiratory System ..........................
• 23. Effect of Posture on Vital Capacity .............................................
. 142
• 24. Pulmonary Funct ion Tests ...........................................................
25. Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal System ..................
. 156
• 26. Electrocardiography ........................... ...........................................
• 27. Clinical Examinatio n of the Radial Pulse ....................................
. 173
• 28. Arterial Pulse Tracing ........................... ........................................
• 29. Measuremen t of Blood Pressure ....................................................
• 30. Effect of Postu re on Blood Press ure and Heart Rate ..................
.. 194
• 31. Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and H eart Rate ..................
. 197
• 32. Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System ..................
... 201
• 33. Systolic Time Intervals ...............................................................
... 212
34. Nerve Conduction Study ......... ......... ............................................
35. Electromyography ......... ......... ............................................. .........
• 36. Mosso's Ergography .................................... .................. ................
• 37. Clinical Examination of the Sensory System ·................................
• 38. Clinical Examination of the Moto r System ..................................
• 39. Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves .................. ...............
40. Autonomic Function Tests ...........................................................
41. Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability ........................... .......
42. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential .................. .................. ......
43. Visual Evoked Potential ............................................. ..................
. 303
44. Somatosensory Evok ed Potential .................. ................................
45. Moto r Evoked Potential ...............................................................
• 46. Perimetry ......... .................. ......................................................
..... 313
• 47. Visual Acuity ........................................................................
........ 318
• 48. Colou r Vision ......... ...................................................... .........
• 49. Hearing Tests .............................................................. .........
......... 325
• SO. Examination of Taste and Smell .............................................
...... 329
51. Semen Analysis ............................................................... ..............
52. Pregnancy Diagnostic Tests ..........................................................


- 53. Appliances ...................................................................................... 337
54. Nerve- Muscle Preparation ............................................................. 346
55. Study of Reactivity of Tissues ........................................................ 349
• 56. Simple Muscle Twitch .................................................................... 351
57. Effect of Temperature on Simple Muscle Twitch ......................... 354
58. Effect of Increasing Strength of Stimuli on Muscle Contraction .. 357
59. Effect of Two Successive Stimuli on Muscle Contraction ............ 360
• 60. Genesis of Tetanus ........................................................................ 363
• 61. Genesis of Fatigue ..................................... .................................... 366
• 62. Effect of Load on Muscle Contraction .......................................... 368
• 63. Isometric Contraction ................................................................... 371
64. Conduction Velocity of Nerves in Frogs ......................................374
65. Normal Cardiogram of Frog ......................................................... 376
66. Effect of Temperature on Frog's Heart ........................................ 379
67. Effect of Stannius Ligature on Frog's Heart ................................. 382
68. Properties of the Cardiac Muscle .................................................. 384
69. Effect of Stimulation of Vagosympathetic Trunk
on Frog's Heart ............................................................................. 388
70. Effect of Nicotine and Atropine on Frog's Heart ........................ 391
71. Perfusion of Frog's Heart and Effect of Drugs and Ions ............... 394
72. Perfusion of Blood Vessels of the Frog ................... ....................... 396
73. Capillary Circulation in the Frog .................................................. 398
74. Postural Reflexes in the Frog ......................................................... 401

SECTIO:'-.: I\': .\:1Al\1i\1AI.l:\l'\ EX ERl1\1ENTS

75. Perfusion of Isolated Heart of Rabbit by
Langendorff's Method ................................................................... 404
76. Effect of Drugs and Ions on Isolated Mammalian Intestine ..........407
77. Effect of Drugs on Mammalian Uterine Contraction ................... 412
78. Estrus Cycle in Rats ...................................................................... 415
79. Demonstrations of Experiments in the Ane:sthetised Dog ........... 417
Index ef Normal Values ..................................................................... 425
Bibliograpf?y ...................................................................................... 428
Index .................................................................... ....... .................... 429

Harmonious development of the head, hand and heart is the mark
of a model man.
Swami Vivekananda

We sincerely thank BPL Ltd., Bangalore, for providing us Fig. 26.1, C. F. Palmer (London) Ltd., Jor illustrations
of the many equipment used, and Orient Blackswan Private Limited (formerly Orient Longman Private Limited),
for providing us Figs 1.1, 24.2, 26.6, 32.2, 35.1, 37.2, 37.6, 37.7, 39.1, 39.2, 40.1, 46.1, 68.2 from T~book ofMedicine
by R S Vasan and Sudha Seshadri.
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of our teachers who have guided and inspiroo us to acquire
knowledge in physiology, especially Dr D P Thombre and Dr V Srinivasan. We are especially thankful
to Dr S C Parija, Director-Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, JIPMER, Pondicherry, for his
suggestions, inspiration and help provided to us at various stages of preparation of the manuscript of the book.
We also thank Shri Siddhartha Khandai for his timely help in preparing the manuscript. We are grateful to
Sri Sarat Chandra Sahu of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, who has voluntarily become the subject in many
of our clinical experiments.,
We are grateful to our parents Sri Mrutyunjay Pal, Srimati Malati Pal, Late Dr Artatrana Nanda and Srimati
Anupama Nanda, for teaching us the principles of life. We are thankful to our sisters N ivedita and Sabita for their ~
continl,lous help provided to us throughout the work. This book is inspired by our daughter Auroprajna and son
Auroprakash, who in spite of their young age have home with us patiently. We are very grateful to our publishers
Universities Press who have been very supportive of our endeavour.
We dedicate this book in the loving memory of Dr. Artatrana Nanda, who had always wished us to remain at
the top, in our profession as well as in our social life.

You can be sure that the best possible will happen and that the whole world is going as .
quickly as possible towards its golden transformation. With all my love.
The Mother (of Sri Aurobindo A shra111)

Preface to the Third Edition

Th~ growth of medical science depends largely on the progress of 'Medical Physiology' as research advancement in
clinlcal and experimental physiology contributes enormously to the development of clinical medicine. This is why
the Nobel Prize in the field of medical science is designated as the prize for research development in 'Physiology
and Medicine'.·Over the years, physiology has emerged from its non-clinical approach to a pre-clinical approach,
and is now evolving as a pro-dinical subject. We are sure that, in the near future, physiology will be among the
clinical subjects ·i n medicine. The majority of the investigations in clinical neurology, cardiology, respiratory
medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, nephrology and hematology are performed in the department of
physiology of an advanced medical institute. Therefore, currently practicals in physiology for medical students are
clinically oriented, providing emphasis on applied physiology. We are happy to learn that our textbook of practical
physiology has played a greater role in achieving this primary objective of metamorphosis of physiology in recent
times. We are grateful to our students and teachers in medical science throughout the world for appreciating the
contribution of this textbook in establishing and upgrading their knowledge and skill in medical physiology. The
third edition of the book, which is comprehensively updated, intends to fulfill the aspirations of our readers, of
making them stalwarts in clinical medicine.

GK Pal
Pravati Pal

A drop of practice is better than an ocean of theories, advices and
good resolutions.
The Mother

Preface to the First Edition

This textbook of practical physiology covers all the aspects of the practicals in the subject. The authors hope that
it will fulfil the needs of the medical student.
We have tried our best to provide high quality material in a precise and comprehensive form. Every effort
has been made to incorporate all the aspects of practical physiology. Till now, students used to come to practical
classes with a manual and a theory book. The manual helps them learn the techniques to perform the practical,
and the theory book helps them understand the practical. Often, the theory books do not cover all the theoretical
aspects of the practical. Therefore, in this book, we have made a sincere effort to provide the essen.t ial underlying
principles of practical physiology, to help the student perform various practicals, and to learn and apply the
knowledge of practical physiology in clinical medicine. This book is therefore meant to be a complete textbook
of practical physiology.
.. The Medical Council of India (MCI) has recently suggested significant changes in the first MBBS curriculum.
It has recommended an increase in the number of human practicals, reduction in experimental practicals, and
more applied and clinically oriented teaching to provide an objective oriented learning. In view of this, more
than seventy per cent of this book contains human practicals, and experimental physiology has been described in
a very compact (but essentially useful) form. Each practical in the book contains learning objectives, theoretical
aspects of the practical, detail~ of clinical oriented discussion and possible viva voce questions with answers. The
unique feature of this book is the introdu'ction of objective structured practical examination (OSPE). The 'General
Introduction' describes OSPE and suggests how best the book could be used.
A book of this kind may be complete but is not perfect. Indeed, we visualise the book as a project in evolution
that should be able to accommodate the constructive criticism and suggestions, and the fast-changing concepts and
needs of the science. We welcome the reader's views and suggestions, to make future editions of the book as useful
to the students as the current edition.

GK Pal
Pravati Pal

General Introduction
Education is the process that brings about desirable changes in the behaviour of the learner in the form of acquisition
of knowledge, proficiency in skills and development of attitudes. Knowledge and skill should grow simultaneously
and harmoniously. Knowledge without skill is useless and skill without knowledge is dangerous. Therefore, to
become a good physician, a medical student should have knowledge, skill and proper attitude.
Physiology is a vast subject. Knowledge of physiology is used in all branches of medicine, from biochemistry
and pharmacology to gynecology and medicine. A good physician is a good physiologist and vice versa. Knowledge
of practical physiology is applied in clinical medicine to understand the pathophysiology of the disease, to explain
the clinical manifestation of the disease, to provide the physiological basis of the diagnosis and treatment of the
disease, and to assess the prognosis. In this book we have tried to explain the clinical significance of the practicals,
in addition to detailed descriptions of various physiological aspects of the topics. This introduction will help yo11 extract
,naximum benefitJron1 the book.
Each topic of this book has most of these sections: learning objectives, introduction, methods (including
observation and result), discussion, OSPE and viva.

Learn in ob·ectives
Objectives are to a student (or teacher) what blueprints are to an architect. Learning objectives give the student an
idea of the desired competence in the form of acquisition of knowledge and skill. U nless these competencies are
clearly stated it cannot be known wh·ether they are properly acquired. Objectives help the stude1,1ts organise their
efforts to obtain the desired knowledge and skill. Therefore, each topic whether theory or practical, must-have

learning objectives. The objectives should be relevant, unequivocal, observable, measurable and feasible.
A set of 'Leaming Objectives' has been given at the beginning of each topic. The student should go through
these objectives before performing the practical. The objectives are intended to inform the students what they
must know and what it is desirable to know. Accordingly, the learning objectives are divided into two categories.
The first set of objectives provides what a student must learn (the 1J1i11inmm that he should learn) by performing that
practical and the second set of objectives describes what he may know (it is better lo learn this too, though it is not mandatory).
In the latest recommendation by the Medical Council of India, it has been emphasised that teaching should be
clinically based with clearly outlined objectives of what students must know and what it is desirable they know.
For physiology practicals, the student should read the objectives before starting the practical and should again
look at them after completing the practical, to assess whether he has achieved the required skill and knowledge.
The objectives that are described in this book are basic in nature. The teacher can modify these objectives according
to the needs and the instructions of the university teaching curriculum.

It is desirable that the student should have a basic knowledge of the topic before he performs the practical. It h~lps
him understand the scientific basis and the importance of the practical. Every effort has been made to give a clear
and concise theoretical knowledge in this section. It introduces the topic and describes the important points of the
methods. Therefore, the student should read this before he performs a practical.

Under 'Method', a detailed description has been given of the methodology that is used widely in different
laborat~ries. The method contains four to five sub-sections like prinr ;nli>, requirements, ·procedure, precautions,

observation and result. A brief description of the principle of the method is given at the beginning. In 'req11ire1JJentl,
the equipment and chemicals required to perform the test are listed and a brief description is given about the
important equipment and chemicals. 1\. short description is also given about the use of equipment. In 'proced11re',
· a detailed and stepwise description of how to perform the practical is given. Important steps are followed by a
'Note', which describes the significance of that particular step. A list of important preca11tions are given following
the procedure. The methods that are us~ally not used but are important from the examination point of view
(likely to be asked in the viva voce) are described briefly. A practical unless done properly following the proper
procedure and precautions is likely to yield erroneous results. Therefore, the student should read and understand
the procedure and precautions sincerely before performing the practical.
'Discussion' gives details of the physiological and clinical significance of the practical. Only points that are pertinent
to the practical have been included. Discussion of the result, merits and demerits of different methods, and practical
implications of a specific test should be undertaken by the teacher only after the student has completed the practical
and got the result. Therefore, the student should not read section before performing the.practical. However,
there must be discussion at the end ofthepractical because only after a tliorough and complete discussion, practical knowledge
becomes complete.
OSPE stands for objective structured practical examination. In this, a small but important component of the
practical is evaluated in a stepwise manner as ·prefixed and described in the checklist. This is an objective method
of assessment, where specific competencies are tested. In clinical examinations, it is called OSCE. This is a new
concept of evaluation of the practical or clinical skill of medical students. Teachers have always been concerned
about the reliability and uniformity of assessment of students. Traditionally, in examination, the student does the
practical and the examiner assesses his practical knowledge (not the skill) after he has already performed the test.
The examiner d~es not evaluate the skill of the student, as she does not watch him while performing the practical.
Therefore, the skill aspect of the practical, which is the most important aspect, remains under-evaluated. The skill
improves and gradually attains perfection,only when a practical is performed and evaluated with specific structured
objectives. Therefore, at present OSPE is the best way to determine the skill of the students, as it is transparent,
reliable, valid and objective. OSPE is designed to overcome the deficiencies of conventional practical examinations.
Since each practical is broken down into smaller components and each component has prescribed steps, a greater
degree of objectivity is achieved. The mark is alloned for each component and each ,5tep.
In OSPE, the student has to perform an important component of the practical within a specified time.
The examiner keeps a checklist (the steps of OSPE) with her and observes whether the examinee performs the test
in the proper sequence as described. The examiner does not ask a,!Jthing, she only. observes the stepwise performance
by the student and enters marks against the corrected steps (for a detailed procedure on conducting the OSPE
see 'Methodology of OSPE'). In this book, under OSPE, we have given a stepwise description (this serves as the
checklist for the teacher) of all important practicals. Therefore, the student should practice the methods carefully
as described under OSPE. It should be introduced in all medical colleges to bring about uniformity, objectivity,
·validity, transparency and reliability in the evaluation of the practical skill of the students.
The questions that are usually asked in viva voce are described under 'Viva'. Answers to many of the questions
are already given in the text; therefore, the answers are not repeated in this section. Answers to the few questions
for which answers are not given in the text are given in the viva section. Therefore, the student must read all the
questions and answers in the viva section, otherwise he may miss some of the important points.

General Laboratory Instructions
A medical laboratory is the workshop that provides the knowledge and experience to develop practical skills
and attitudes. To achieve this, the working atmosphere in the laboratory should be congenial to the teachers
and students. F~r smooth and harmonious conduct of laboratory work, cooperation from the technical staff,
attendants, students and teachers is of utmost importance.

Instructions for students

Desire to learn, dedication to study, sincerity and cooperation in work, and a caring attitude are essential qualities
in a medical student. The student should:
1. Wear a clean and well ironed white coat while working in the laboratory.
2. Bring the necessary equipment for hematology (disposable lancets, etc.), amphibian or experimental (dissecting
instruments) and human practicals (stethoscope, knee hammer, etc.).
3. Have a basic theoretical knowledge of the concerned practical (the practical of that day). For this, he should
read the introduction to each topic, before attending the instruction of the demonstrator or before perfon;ning
the practical.
4. Pay due attention to the demonstration of the practical given by the instructor or teacher.
5. Check to see if the apparatus is working properly before starting the experiment.
6. Not disturb the instruments that are not assigned to him or are not required for the practical.

7. For any technical assistance, take help from the appointed technician or the instructor without disturbing
other students.
I -• 8. Handle the apparatus gently and carry out the experiment without damaging it.
9. Perform the practical step by step following the proper procedure and precautions. For this, he should refer
to the method described for each practical.
10. After obtaining the observation, discuss with the teacher about the accuracy of the result, and about the
physiological and clinical utility of the practical. For this, he should read the discussion section given in each
11. Enter the observation and result in his practical record, and note the physiological and pathological variation
in'the parameters and also write the answers to the questions given.
12. After completing the practical, check that he has achieved the minimum knowledge and skill prescribed.
For this, he should refer to the list of learning objectives given for that practical.
13. Get the practical record checked by the teacher regularly.
14. Return the apparatus to the laboratory staff before leaving the laboratory.
15. Keep the practical record and book in good condition.

Instructions for demonstrators

A medical educator has a dual ethical obligation: to produce competent health professionals for society, and
secondly, to improve the standard of the student under care. In practical physiology the teacher has two important
roles to play. First, she should familiarise herself with the objectives (both essential and desirable objectives) and
select what the student should learn, and then, she should help facilitate the learning of the student. A teacher
(demonstrator) should:
1. Wear a white coat while taking practical classes for the students.
2. Give proper direction to the students to follow the laboratory discipline.

Herself practice, read and understand the practical, before taking classes for the students.
Do the demonstration confidently and clearly, without confusion.
Emphasise and explain the important steps of the practical.
6. Pay equal attention to all the students.
7. Not be seen sitting idle in the laboratory. .
8. Encourage students to express their difficulties without fear.
9. Try to detect and solve the individual practical problems of the students.
10. Explain the physiological and clinical importance of the practical.
11. Check and evaluate the practical record of the students regularly.
12. Give feedback to the students for their improvement.

Methodology of OSPE
.. Conducting OSPE needs proper planning and organisation. Planning for OSPE includes setting down valid,
appropriate and important questions, and .preparing an accurate checklist suitable for evaluating the student's
performance. Organisation includes arrangement of stations that contain all the materials required to perform the
test and motivated subjects (if clinical practicals), and trained manpower to regulate the movement of the students
during the practical. ,
OSPE can be used for evaluating performance in class examinations as well as in the final examination. During
the examination, the student moves around a number of stations spending a specific amount of time (3 to 5
minutes) in each. In each station he performs a specific practical within the stipulated time and then moves to the
next station in response to an auditory signal (say, ringing of a bell). In the final examination, since there are usually
four examiners (two internal and two external), four OSPE stations can be kept. When the student performs the
OSPE, the examiner sits beside him with the checklist, observes his performance, and grades him accordingly
in the checklist. The examiner must carefully check each and every step of the practical without disturbing the
candidate. She is just an active observer and should not interfere in any way with the performance of the candidate.
She is not supposed to ask any questions nor is expected to respond to any query from the student.
It is better to have non-skill stations between the OSPE (skill) stations. Ideally, the non-skill stations should
have the question related to the previous skill station, so that it reinforces the.skill and knowledge of the student.
For example, if the skill station has asked for the student to elicit a tendon jerk, the non-skill station can have any
one of the following questions:
1. Draw a reflex arc.
• 2. List the five important differences between upper and lower motor neuron paralysis.
I -
3. Name two conditions each in which the tendon reflexes are i) exaggerated and ii) depressed.
Likewise the questions can be framed according to the previous skill stations. In university examinations
i eight stations (four skill and four non-skill) can be· kept. The examiners evaluate the skill station on the spot and
I non-skill stations afterwards. This can replace conventional spotting-type examination (students write the answer
according to the spotter given). After the OSPE is over, the student can perform the long and short practicals as
they usually do in the university examination. As per MCI recommendations, not more than twenty students
should be evaluated for practical examination per day. In OSPE, the twenty students in eight stations (four skill
and four non-skill) spending four minutes at each will not take more than 90 minutes. If the examination starts at
8.30 am, OSPE can be completed by 10.00 am and the remaining three hours can be used for other practicals and
practical viva examination; the theory viva can be conducted in the afternoon. For routine class examinations,
more stations (10-20) can be set up to include the maximum number of practicals. This may be done easily with
the help of the junior teaching staff of the department. The students should be exposed to the OSPE at least two
or three times before the final examination. OSPE should carry a weightage of 30-50 per cent of the total marks
allotted for the practical.
Before the OSPE is conducted, it must be ensured that all the equipment (instrument, solution, gauze, cotton,
spirit, etc.) is available in the station according to the question given. As only 3 to 5 minutes is given to each student,
he should not spend time searching for the equipment. Also ensure that as soon as the indication is given (r~ging
a bell), the student moves immediately to the next station. The OSPE questions too sh9qld be prepared in such
a way that the student should be able to perform the practical (both in the skill.and· non-~kiil-s.nuions) within the
stipulated time. For this, the question for OSPE should contain only an important compo'uent of the practical, not
the whole of the practical. One of the problems in conducting OSPE, especially hematology practicals, 1s to supply

adequate material during the examination. For example, if the question is 'Dilute the blood for total RBC count',
adequate number of pipettes should be supplied, otherwise, a laboratory attendant should help tQ.roughout the
examination to wash the used pipettes. Similarly in human practicals, the main problem is to provide cooperative
and motivated subjects. This will need to be planned in advance.

How to make a checklist
Question: Examine the radial pulse ofthe s11bject and reportyourfinding.
Student number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ......... 20
Group score
Criteria of OSPE
1. Stands on the
right side ...
2. Places three
middle fingers ...
3. Counts for 1 rn"in
4. Checks the
condition of the ...
5. Compares with
opposite side ...
6. Checks for radio-
femoral delay
7. Reports properly

Individual score

Advanta es of OSPE
1. Uniform evaluation of performance of all the students.
2. Methodical assessment -0f skill.
3. No examiner bias.
4: Evaluation is more tran~parent.
5. Evaluation is valid and reliable.
6. All the students are given the same practical and are allowed the same duration of time. Therefore, there is no
candidate bias.
7. Provides immediate feedback to the student as well as to the teacher. The student gets feedback when he
commits a mistake in a particular step. If many students make the same error in a particular step of OSPE, it
indicates that the step was probably not properly demonstrated or emphasised by the teacher.
8. J1W1-0r exanµners can also be appointed.
- j
• i

Introduction to Hematology

Plasma 5% 7 ECF20%
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Interstitial fluid 15~

After studying this chapter you WILL be able to:

1. Define hematology.
2. State the components of blood.
3. Explain the functions of each component.
~ Solids40%
4. Name the routine hematologic tests.
5. List the source of collection of specimens used in a
hematology laboratory.
You MAY also be able to:
1. Describe the appearance of a specimen after
2. Explain the significance of buffy coat. Fig. 1.1. 01s!nbution of body wate r
Per entagcs refer to percentage of body weight
N tc that 5°c of the body we,gt1t is plasma

Hematology is defined as the branch of science that 9 C ► f ,~~d > WOC. ·

deals with the study of blood. The word hematology is formed elem nt • M · , ~ / mm3
derived from the Greek words haima, meaning blood, of blood) followed by platelets (3,00,000/mm3 of
and logos, meaning study. It is primaril)fAI.tlcerned~ ~lood) andl leucocytes (4,000-11,000/mm3 of blood).
with the study of formed elements of bloair.' Blood is~ he €iili,mcyie~ elp in transport of gases, that
the fluid constituent of the body that flows through is, they c~rry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues
the vascular channelJJ Th0_otal ygh,Ull~f blood in a and cat:hoia dioxide from the tissHes to the lungs.
70 kg adult is about'5.5 litres or 8 per cen~of the body The ~ Gst in the"ctelence processes of the
► W~t. Ab@ ' ; ~emortliisa~(is co~sed body. The platelets (@ ombocyte)) assist in stoppage
of __Q_med e..___n . @;is_iii):o~~ er of bleeding ~emosfuis). Development of blood cells
cent of t he body weight {Fig. 1.1). is called hemopruesis. In adults, hemoeoiesis oc_c,_urs in
· th!,.Qone marrow] ----

Blood has two maJor components: cells and fluid

() r The Fluid Component ' ( r I ts'S\ n) l
\..Se~no = P\~mo. - F-,\o"J'.nD(f't'iJ
(plasma). The fluid component of the blood is known as plasma,
cons1strng of a soluble protein called fibrinogen.
The Cellular Component During the process of coagulation of blood, :6.brinogen
is removed from plasma as fibrin, and the clear fluid left
behind is called~ Therefore, to obtain plasma for
diagnostic tests, blood should n ot be allowed to clot.
Plasma is the principal medium for transponation of
materials from on;_ W"- of the body to another through
the blood vessels. ~a carries various substances-
nutrients, metabolites, waste products, hormones,
~ • and oth« substanceiJ Plasma contains
2 Chapter 1

clotting factors that participate in blood coagulation. by heel puncture because blo
The serum contains most of the chemicals present in finger-tips and removing bloo b eni uncture would
the plasma except fibrino en and some clotting factors. deplete too much of their blo In adults, the tip ofi)
~Therefore "£. inves~ ~ , like estimations of any of the middle three fingers s punctured to obtain t
~cose, protei an ~ . are p~, asample. ~ ; ~ uocd car- e.,,ttiruJe.d.J
w!IB:h is,-kolls:£t~ by_cloningjJie blood_J
It is not always advisa~o obtain capillary blood,
Several hematologic tests are regularly performed as especially when a large quaotitr of blood is needed

part of every patient's initial laboratory investigations. for hematologic tests. Venous blood is used for this
Many of these tests are considered routine and can purpose. Coagulation should be prevented as clotted
be done by a technician with limited training. These blood cannot be used. For most hematologic studies,
routine hematologic tests include estimation of the anticoagulant used is EDTA (ethylenediamine
0 \).. hemoglobin, total RBC count, total l~ ~yte count, tetra-acetic acid). This preserves the morphology of
..,~ ESR and differential count of leucoc~U:hese tests the cellular elements. It is important ~hat the blood
7<"~re performed mainly to study the G tient's abilicy. be mixed well with the anticoagulant immediately
i> l hght diseasei) These tests also aid ~
~ and hcl.£._~, the p,a_tien,t's 12rogr~
Performing accurate hematologic tests, however,
requires repeated practice. Many of the techniques
f after it is collected to ensure proper anticoagulation.
White cell count, microhematocrit, platelet counts and
sedimentation rates ca:n be measured up to 24 hours
after blood is collected in EDTA if it is refrigerated
require adequate skill and experience, especiallyJ at 4 °C. Immediately after collecting the blood, the
for using instruments. In recent years, especially sample should be gently mixed with anticoagulants
in advanced laboratories, many of these tests are by repeated inversiog to ensure thorough contact of
performed by automated methods. However, in 1.Y blood with the anticoagulant. The- presence of even a
most clinical and medical college laboratories, tests tiny clot in a specimen may affect the result. 1
are performed mainly by manual techniques.
A student should acquire enough knowledge about
the formed elements of blood, their enumeration and
their characteristics, to perform and analyse these
tests accurately. This knowledge should include the ~
formation, structure and functions of blood cells,
the basic principle of determination, use and care of Plasma (52- 57%)
equipment, preparation of reagents, calculation and
interpretation of results.

.,...,_....,_.'"')__ Buffycoal (1%)
WBC and platelets

Red cells (43-47%)

Capillary Blood
Capillary blood can be used with good results for

morphologic studies in hematology. Capillary blood
is obtained from the finger · , ear lobe, heel or big
Fig. 1.2. Layers of normal blood after centnfugat1on
bl ad is usually obtWed
Cf) 0.. ~
~ 1l~tP~·
oduction to Hematology 3

Appearance: When the blo d specimen has been red blood cells which make up 40-47 per cent of
properly drawn and preserved, he plasma will have the total blood volume. 0 to of this layer is a
its natural colour, a very light ye ow or the colour of thin w hitish 1; er u~fy coa . T his consists of
~- straw. In some diseased states, t e plasma may have leucocyte;; nd platel s, and m es up about 1 per cenr
altered colour. But this can also r sult fro mproper of the total volum¥ Abnormal cells lik LE ells as
• handling of the specimen. ON V \1 ~8 \..b found in SLE, and a~ical mononuclear eel s a oun \
~ ~Two types of blood sa p es are unsuitable fo~
@) ematologic investigations: (1) clotted samples and
in malignant conditions are detected in smears made
from huffy coat. Buffy coat preparation is also seful
) samples · that are hemolyseomtne process of

llection or handling. AA
f blood is collected, apricaagulated and allowed
for detection of bacteria, fungi and parasites
the circulating leucocytes. The uppermost layer
to settle or centrifuged, three layers will be observed colloidal liquid called plasma, which makes up
(Fig. 1.2). The bottom layer will consist of packed per cent of the total blood volumv

1. What is blood and what are its components?
2. What are the formed elements of blood and what are their functions?
3. What is the difference between plasma and serum?
4. How is the serum prepared in the laboratory?
5. What is the purpose of performing routine hematologic tests?
6. What are the types of specimens collected for hematologic tests?
7. Why are the middle three fingers preferred for skin puncture?
8. Why is venipuncture not used for collecting blood samples in newborns and infants?
9. Which is the ideal site for collecting blood in newborns and infants, .and why?
10. EDTA commonly preferred for collecting venous blood? ..:>· Good. Ohl"\U0°5· ~~\"j O...vo.t\o1\.e.
11 What is buffy coat and what is its significance?
12. Why should blood be properly mixed with anticoagulants immediately aft~ llection?
13. What types of blood samples are unsuitable for hematologic tests
. .
, 9

2 Collection of Blood Samples

LEARNING OBJECTIVES while collecting blood samples. The operator must

wear disposable 12-lastic rubber gloves, especially if
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: the patient is uncooperative and if the operator has
1. List the general precautions for collecting blood. any cuts, abrasions or skin breaks on the hands.
2. List the methods of collection of blood_sample. 3. It should be ensured that there is no leakage from
3. Collect peripheral blood by finger prick method. the specimens (if collected in bottles or bags).
4. List the precautions observed during collection of
blood by finger prick method.
5. Name the specific uses of commonly used
anticoagulants in hematological procedures; For physiology practicals, blood is often collected by
You MAY also be able to: pricking the tip of the finger. Therefore, collection
1. Collect blood by the venipuncture method. of peripheral blood by finger puncture method (with
2. List the precautions for the venipuncture method. details of steps and precautions) is described clearly in
3. List the steps of collection of blood by the earlobe this chapter.
puncture and heel puncture methods.
4. Explain the mechanism of action and uses of all Princi le
anticoagulants. There are two general sources of blood for clinical
laboratory tests: peripheral (capillary) blood and
venous blood. For small quantities of blood for
INTRODUCTION hematologic investigations, the specimen is obtain,ed
from the capillary bed by puncturing the skin. The tip
Blood is one of the most common specimens used in of the finger is the most common site for puncture.
laboratory determinations. Venous blood is preferred For larger quantities of blood, a puncture is made
for most hematological examinations. Peripheral directly into a vein (phlebotomy) using a sterile syringe '
samples (capillary blood) ·can be used satisfactorily for and needle collection system.
many purposes if a free fl.ow of blood is obtained, but ,
this procedure should be avoided in patients who may CAPILLARY (PERIPHERAL) BLOOD
be possible carriers of transmissible dise · .
blood is used commonly for he ~~~ Capillary blood is often US'ed for bedside investigations.
cell counts, blood grouping, bl e ·~ ru~;n,r; But this blood is likely to give erroneous results if not
time determination, and other inve · · ons at collected properly; therefore, it should only be used
less blood, whereas ~ enous blooi!)s preferred for a when it is not possible to obtain venous blood. Free
comprehensive hematoio*cal i;,gsrigar~ n. fl.ow of blood is essential and only the very gentlest
squeezing is permissible. Ideally, large drops of blood
General Precautions should exude slowly but spontaneously.

Because of the increasing risks of fatal transmissible Source

diseases, the following precautions must be taken while Blood can be obtained from the ear lobes or the finger
collecting a blood sample from a patient. tips of adults and older children, and from the heel or
1. Care must be taken to prevent injuries while plantar surface of the big toe of infants. The ear lobe is
handling syringes and needles. not ideal for puncture, because the flow of blood is slow
2. Disposable rubber gloves should always be used there and the concentration of cells and hemoglobin is
Collection of Blood Samples 5

~LOW .- \-tEffiOL 'I t.1 ~ + 'B~Cf-

greater. The blood obtained from the ear lobe contains pipetting (sucking blood into the RBC, WBC
a higher concentration of hemoglobin and more cells or hemoglobin pipette).
than from the finger tips or venous blood. Therefore, ii) (SJerilisationl,y alcohol is effective only after it
it is not reliable for hemoglobin estimation and total dries on the fin~ tip.
leucocyte count. However, blood from the ear lobe ~ Blood cells are(!ie:-::
m::-a"""lr: - :y=se,....,dt-~
, --=c-=-
om .:" in
. is preferred for preparing blood films for differential ~ co_IDact with aicob_riD Therefore, drying of the
count and to study leucocyte abnormalities, since finger tip must be ensured for any investigation
larger cells are frequently trapped in the capillary bed that requires study of cells.
of the ear lobe because of the slow circulation. 8. Hold the finger firmly and make a quick puncture
about 3-5 mm deep with the lancet. 1111 The
Re uirements puncture should be at the middle of the tip, not t~o
• Disposable sterile lancet (or 24G needle) far do~'n oo tbe 6nger oar too d ose to the nail.
• Alcohol 9. Wipe the first drop of blood using sterile dry gauze.
• Dry gauze 1111 Thecfim ~lrop~ diluted with tissue fluid
• Slides or pipettes and interf~revlith laboratory results, therefore it
Various types of disposable lancets are used for skin should b carded) The succeeding drops are used
puncture. Nondisposable lancets are not recommended for tests.
because of the risk of transmission of infectious 10. Allow the blood to flow slowly and freely. If it does
pathogens. 24G disposable needles can be used if not come out spontaneously, apply pressure gently
lancets are not available. The lancet is preferred to so that a spherical drop is formed. Squ eezigp Ill.I
a needle because the puncture (depth and size of the (iui!Jsing) tbe Tip a£ rbe fi oger to draw blood m¥t
wound) is effectively performed and well controlled b,e stricdy avoided, as it causes exudation of tissue
with lancets. fluid that dilutes the blood.
11. Rapidly collect blood and use immediately for
Procedure for Finger Puncture · laboratory study to prevent coa ation.
12. Once the oo sam , give the subject
1. Assemble the necessary equipment ~ancet device, a sterile, dry piece of gauze or cotton to hold over
alcohol, dry gauze, slides). cge pun.cmre site until the bleeding stops.
2. Make the subject sit comfortably. 13. Remove gloves and wash hands.
3. Put on disposable rubber gloves.
4. Select the finger tip suitable for puncture. Precautions
111111 A finger tip free from calluses, infection, 1. Always use sterile gloves if you are collecting blood
~dema or cyanosis is ideal for puncture. from unknown subjects or patients.
5. Warm the puncture site by fru [ing it. 1111 2. Warm the portion by rubbing slightly as this
Warming the skin before pun · g improves improves circulation.
.. circulation and ensures free flo f blood. This 3. Disposable lancets should be used.
must always be done if the finger u is cold. 4. The tip of the lancet should not touch anything
6. Clean the skin of the tip of the finger by using cotton until it punctures the skin of the subject.
or a gauze piece touched with alcohol. flll This 5. Do not squeeze, because this dilutes the blood with
removes diet and makes the area relatively sterile. tissue fluid.
7. Allow the area to dry. The subject can shake his 6. The first drop of blood should be discarded as it is
finger in air to hasten drying. Ill The finger diluted with tissue fluid.
should not be punctured until the tip of the 7. It is preferable to puncture any of the middle three
finger is completely dry because of the following fingers, because the venous bursa (palmar fascia) of
reasons. he thumb and the littte finger are contmuous with
i) A blood drop does not form on the finger tip if hat of th~ whereas the venous bursa of the ·
it ~s _no~ . B~ood sp~ i~ewK? aloj~wit~ · middle th~ers are limited to the hand. only.
spmt. <&;ffiat1on of ; _ _nca) _ ood tV>~ 1s Therefore, if infection occurs following puncture it
essential for many procedures, especially for will be limited to the han~.
6 Chapter 2

Procedure for Ear Lobe Puncture Re uirements

1. Disposable syringe ~d needle
1. Select and warm (by gentle rubbing) the puncture 2. Alcohol
site. 3. Sterile gauze or cotton
2. · Clean the ear lobe with a cotton swab touched with 4. Collection bottle containing anticoagulant
spirit. 5. Disposable gloves
3. Make a quick puncture (to a depth of about 2 mm)
of the ear lobe with the help of a sterile lancet. Procedure
4. Collect blood as it drops down spontaneously. Venipuncture should be performed with proper care
5. Apply pressure to stop bleeding. and skill. The veins have to be enlarged by applying
a tourniquet in the arm just above the elbow and just
Procedure for Heel Puncture tight enough to stop blood flow. The subject should
also be instructed to clench the fist to aid in building
1. Select, warm and clean the puncture site
(Fig. 2.1). 111!1 Perform puncture only if the heel
up the blood pressure in the area of the puncture.
1. Assemble all the materials required for blood
is really warm, otherwise it may need to be warmed collection, like disposable syringe and needle,
in hot water. alcohol, gauze or cotton, collection bottle, and so
2. Hold the heel firmly and puncture on the most on.
medial or most lateral portions of the plantar 2. Decide on the total amount of blood to be collected;
surface. 1111 The central plantar area and the for example, if a total hemogram is required, 1
posterior curvature should not be punctured in 2 ml of blood will be sufficient. Keep the required
infants as this may cause injury to the underlying anticoagulant (details described below) in the
tarsal bones. The puncture should not be more collection bottle.
than 2-4 mm deep. 3. Wash your hands and put on sterilised/disposable
3. Apply pressure to stop bleeding. gloves.
4. Reassure the subject. Ask him to sit alongside the
VENOUS BLOOD table, keeping his arm on the table with palm facing
upwards. 1111 Never draw blood from a standing
Source patient.
Venous blood is generally obtained by performing 5. Select the puncture site carefully after inspecting I
venipuncture of the veins of the forearm, wrist or the arm. Using the index finger of your left hand,
ankle. This is best withdrawn from an antecubital feel for the vein where you will introduce the
(forearm) vein because the veins are larger and fuller needle.
than those in the wrist, hand or ankle. The wrist, hand
and ankle veins are used only if the forearm site is not
available. The median cubical vein is usually chosen for - - Arm
venipuncture because it does not roll or slip beneath
the skin (Fig. 2.2).


Fig. 2.1. Sites of heel puncture \striped areas) Fig. 2.2. Forearm veins Median cub11a1 ·1e1n 1s used
Middle of the heel IS spared for venipuncture
Collection of Blood Samples 7

6. Make the vein prominent by asking the subject 4. A disposable syringe and needle should be used to
to clench his fist. If necessary, apply a tourniquet draw the blood.
above-the elbow. 5. The puncture site should be cleaned with alcohol.
7. Clean the area with cotton touched with alcohol. 6. The vein should be made prominent before making
8. Remove the syringe and needle from the protective a puncture.
wrap. Assemble them and see that the needle is fixed
7. The needle should be held at an angle of 30°-40°
tightly with the syringe. Do not touch the needle.
and introduced into the vein steadily and firmly.
11111 Ensure that the needle is not blocked and the
8. The tourniquet if applied should be removed
syringe does not contain air.
before taking the needle out of the vein to prevent
9. Grasp the elbow of the subject with your left hand
hematoma formation.
and hold his arm fully extended. Anchor the vein
with your thumb, drawing the skin tight over the 9. The patient should be instructed to press the
vein to prevent it from moving. puncture site for 3-5 minutes with cotton wool to
prevent bleeding.
10. Hold the syringe in the right hand and position the
needle to keep the bevel upward, then push it firmly 10. To prevent clotting, the blood from the syringe
and steadily into the centre of the vein. First enter should be immediately transferred to the bottle
the skin and then the vein, at a 30°- 40° angle. containing anticoagulant.
11. Push the needle along the line of the vein to a depth
of 1-1.5 cm. 11111 As the needle enters the vein, DISCUSSION
there occurs a sudden loss of resistance.
12. Look for blood appearing in the barrel. Slightly Anticoagulants
pull back the piston and fill the syringe with the
Anticoagulants prevent blood from clotting. They are
required amount of blood.
• added to the blood sample, especially when blood is
13. Ask the subject to relax and release the tourniquet.
collected by venipuncture, and sent to the laboratories
11111 Always remove the tourniquet before taking
for investigation. Several anticoagulants are available,
the needle out of the vein to prevent the formation
of a hematoma. but some of the standard and ~mon used
14. Withdraw the needle from the vein in one rapid anticoagu ts in hemat~ a r ~ , 1sodi
movement. citrate alate, so'ttr'u~ ~oride, and hepari
15. Ask the patient to press the site firmly with a cotton EDTA is usually used in hematology while citrated
wool swab for 3-5 minutes. blood is used for coagulation studies and in blood ·
16. Remove the needle from the syringe and gently banks. Use of heparin and fluoride (oxalated) is
expel the blood into the container. Mix the blood ~ to testing of blood gases (and pH) and plasma
immediately and thoroughly but gently with glucose, respectively.
anticoagulant to prevent clotting.
17. Immediately dispose the set (if disposable) or rinse EDTA (Ethylenediamine Tetra-Acetic Acid)
the syringe and needle with water.
18. Before the subject leaves the laboratory, ascertain This is also known as G auestrene or versene.)
that the bleeding has stopped. Otherwise, ask him to The sodium and potassium salts of EDTA are powerful
continue to apply pressure until the bleeding stops. anticoagulants.

Precautions Preparation
1. The collection bottle contammg anticoagulant Prepare a 10 per cent solution of dipotassium salts of
should be kept ready before collecting blood. EDTA. Dissolve 10 g of salt in. about 80 ml of water
2. The subject should be seated comfortably and in a 100 ml volumetric flask and then make up the
should be reassured. volume of the solution to 100 ml. Dipotassium salts of
3. Disposable gloves should always be used to prevent EDTA are preferred over disodium salts of EDTA. as
. ,.
contammanon. ,1 the former are more soluble.
8 Chapter 2

Mechanism of action Uses ? 1 J 'T f

EDTA acts by its chelating effect on the calcium It is used for coagulation studies, including p;oth rombin
times and partial t hrom:boplastin tests, in blood banks,
molecules of the blood. Calcium is one of the factors
in the estimation of ~ R, especially by the Westergren
required in the coagulation process.
Effective concentration (> ~o.\o:nc~ o ~-
To achieve the chelating effect, a concentration
Double Oxalate (Bo -t Po)
of 1.2 mg of the anhydrous salt -per ml of blood is
required. Excess of EDTA, irrespective of its salts, This is an anticoagulant containing ammonium oxalate
affects both red cells and leucocytes causing shrinkage and potassium oxalate. Therefore, it is called double
and degenerative changes. If the concentration of the oxalate. Potassmm oxalate alone causes shrinkage of
anticoagulant is high, it causes distortion of cells. red cells whereas ammonium oxalate increases their
EDTA in excess of 2 mg/ml of blood may result in volume. So, double oxalate is also called balanced
a significant decrease in PCV by centrifugation and oxalate as it preserves cell morphology.
increase in mean cell hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC). The platelets are also affected. They swell Preparation
and then disintegrate causing an artificially high platelet Double oxalate is prepared as the solution
count, as the fragments are large enough to be counted containing 1.2 per cent ammonium oxalate and
as normal platelets. Therefore, care must be taken to 0.8 per cent potassium oxalate. Double oxalate solution
ensure that the correct amount of EDTA is added, and 0.25-0.5 ml is delivered into the penicillin bottles and
by repeated inversions of the container, the blood is evaporated in an oven (60 °C) or in an incubator
thoroughly mixed with the anticoagulant. (37 °C) and then kept for collecting blood.

Uses Mechanism of action

EDTA is suitable for all routine hematological The oxalates in the anticoagulant form an insoluble
investigations except coagulation studies. complex with the calcium in the blood, and thereby
inhibit coagulation. When calcium ions are combined
with oxalate and are therefore not available to
Sodium Citrate
participate in clottin~, the blood does not clot.
Trisodium citrate (32 g/1, Na3 C 6H 5O r 2H2O) is the Co.~ °'e-\a.¼i~ ~ef"\t • ti
~ a~t_Qf choice in coagulation studies. Uses I

This is used for estimation of ESR, PCV or

Pre aration investigations in which the volume of the cells should
It is prepared as 0.106 M solution of trisodium citrate not be affected.
in distilled water and then sterilised.
Sodium Fluoride
Mechanism of action
Sodium citrate prevents coagulation by inactivating This anticoagulant is used mainly for preparing blood
calcium ions (c.!Je~ ffect) . specimens for plai;[B:a grut:t>sc::=effimcIDon. Fluoride is
an inhibitor of glycolytic enzymes and thus prevents
Concentration loss of glucose. However, fluoride is not a strong
Nine volumes of blood are added to one volume of
sodium citrate (9: 1) solution for anitcoagulation
anticoagulant, and hence, it is mixed with the oxalate.

studies. If it is used in estimation of ESR (erythrocyte Oxalates

sedimentation rate), fc~ur volumes of venous blood
are added to one volume of the sodium citrate (4:1) Oxalates of sodium, potassium, ammonium or
solution. lithium as dry additives act· as anticoagulants. They
Collection of Blood Samples 9

form insoluble complexes with calcium and therefore Mechanism of action

calcium is not available to participate in clotting. It prevents coagulation for approximately 24 hours
by inhibiting the action of thrombin, thus preventing
formation of fibrin from fibrinogen.

. Heparin is, theoretically, the best anticoagulant

Heparin is used at a concentration of 10-20 IU/ ml of
because it is a natural constituent of blood and
blood In this concentration it does not alter the size
introduces no foreign contaminants into the blood
of red cells.

Sodium, lithium, potassium and ammonium salts
of heparin are commercially available. Suitable
concentration of stock solution is prepared and the -~~~~!~ count as it promotes clumping of
required amount is taken in a penicillin bottle and the leucocytes. also not used for differential count
dried at room temperature. as it gives a blue colour to the background.

W09.~IA. ~trl.iu__m
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3 Estimation of Hemoglobin
Concentration ~ '
~,e_-:> 1 i=-e... => 1D
-H~ ~~re,-:::') tir'o '
exposed to oxygen at increased pressure, oxygen
~ is taken up at the iron atom until each molecule of
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: _S. hemoglobin has bound four oxygen molecules, one
1. Describe the clinical importance of estimation of "'§ .
molecule at each iron ato!D-· This is not a true oxidation-
hemoglobin. i reduction reaction, and therefore, the combination of
2. Estimate hemoglobin by Sahli's acid hematin ~ hemoglobin with oxygen is known as oxygenation.
method. §
The H b molecule, _when fully saturate ith oxygen,
3. List the precautions and sources of error of that is, four oxygen molecules comb ·th one
estimation of Hb. ~ hemoglobin molecule, is called
4. List the advantages and disadvantages of Sahli's i-- (Qne gram of hemogl·~ol:"m ~..,,.
ca,..,r=n'-e=~s..,-.~4r'-':"'r o~o~xy=g=en
method. H emoglobin returning with carbon dioxide from the
5. the other methods for estimation of Hb. tissues is called reduced hemoglobin. Cl-' •\-\ b)
6. Give the normal values of Hb in different age
and sex groups. Synthesis and Structure
7. List the functions of Hb.
8. List the common conditions of decreased and Hemoglobin is made up of two components: heme
increased Hb concentration in the blood. and globin. It is synthesised in the precursors of red
9. Define anemia. cells during their development in the bone marrow.
10. List the common causes of anemia in developing It appears in the early normoblast stage and attains
countnes. maximum concentration in the late normoblast stage
You MAY also be able to: (see Chapter 7).
1. Describe the synthesis and structure of Hb.
Heme 2 ~'"'.:1\ c..o(:\.l ~ ~\..~ ----, p,-v\'Q~J~½
2. Classify Hb.
3. Describe different complexes and derivatives of Hb.
- 2 ''""'~ J --✓~ ,'t)
H eme is a com lex molecule, made?t1~ series of
- . ..

4. Explain the principle of other methods of tetrapyrrole rings, terminating in ~ porphyrin,

Hb estimation. with a central iron atom. After their normal I.

5. Compare the merits and demerits of different lifespan (120 da s , the red cells are destroyed by the
methods. i reticuloen ot e 1 cells (especially in the spleen) and
6. Explain the variation of Hb concentration in ~ the components of hemoglobin undergo metabolic ..

different conditions. j
{degradation. Th(Iro~art o e c an used
7. Briefly describe different types of anemia. ~ up_again in hemoglobin synthesi"s:>The only component
,...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, \[) of Hb that cannot be recycled is protoporphyrin,
~ which forms bilirobin. Bilirubin is finally convened to
INTRODUCTION various bile salts and pigments.
Hemoglobin (Hb) is a @ e . i ~ present in Globin
red blood cells. It carries oxygenfr~ the lungs to the This is a ptot~in substance that consists of four chains
tissues, and ca.cbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. of amino acids (polypeptides). Each amino acid chain is
It is made up of heme and globin. The heme group attached to a heme moiety to form a single hemoglobin
is an iron complex containing one iron atom. Iron molecule. After the degradation of hemoglobin, the
is essential for the primary function of hemoglobin, globin component breaks down into its amino acid
- the transport of oxygen. When reduced hemoglobin constituents that are recycled for hemoglobin synthesis.
Estimation of Hemoglobin Concentration 11

Types of Hemoglobin 2. Hb G01ver 2 (consisting of two alpha and two epsilon

chains: a.2EJ, and
Hemoglobins can be broadly divided into normal and 3. Hb Porlland (consisting of two zeta and two gamma
abnormal types. ~ ·chains: C,2yJ.
Normal Hlr. AdPtttb, Fet~ Hb and Embryonic Hb.
Abnormal Hlr. Hb S, Hb C, Hb D, Hb E and Unstable Abnormal Hemioglobins
There are four clinically important abnormal
Normal Hemoglobins hemoglobins: Hb S, Hb C, Hb D and Hb E.-These are
present in different hereditary hemoglobinopathies.
Adult hemo lobins The most commonly encountered hemoglobin is Hb
Hemoglobin A (Hb A): Abou@ er cent of hemoglo- S which consists of a.2p2, but in the beta chain(valineJ;
bins of adult red cells is Hb A. It consists of two alpha substituted for glutamic acid at the sixth posmop. Hb
~ d two beta (P) chains with the structural formula Sis present in sickle ce)) anemia.
~ Hb A is detected in small amounts in the fetus • Unstable hemogloR~S are hemoglobin variants
as early as the eighth week of intrauterine life. During that undergo denaturaffon andl reci itate in the red
the first few months of postnatal life, Hb A almost cells ein o zes Unstable hemoglobins are present
completely replaces Hb F and the adult pattern is fully in a type of congenital non:~phero~ytic he~ol~ic
established in six months. anemia. ( , •e -, Hefl'O\'jt\C ona.~ro,o..J
Hemoglobin A2 (Hb A2 ): This is the~ hemoglo-
. in the adult red cell. It has the structural formula Hemoglobin Co,mplexes
'& • Hb A 2 is present in very small amounts at birth
2 2 Hb can combine with other substances besides
~ reaches die adult level of 3 per cent during the first
oxygen, some normally and some abnormally.
year of life. It(foncentrauon mcreases m some types
Some of these commonly e1rrcountered complexes
of anerru~ 1J.
~noe.m~o... \-1 \::, . are carbaminohemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin,
methemoglobin, sulfhemoglobin and cyan-
Fetal hemo lobins
Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F): Hb F is the major hemo-
globin in intrauterine life. It has the structural form~la rbaminohemo lobin
a.2y2 • Hb F accounts for t 0-90. er ce f hemoglobrns
. Wh en carbon d'ioxi'de (CO, b' ·th Hb,
at term. It then falls rapidly t 5 one..,,,01,\,,; . . . 11 com mes wi . .
Th dul l l carbammohemoglobm is formed. CO2 combmes with
month , an er cent rn six . e a t eve . . .
· h d· : hildr il globm, not with heme. It helps m the transport of CO2
f 1
o per cent 1s not reac e m some c en unt pu- f . l
. . d l . . rom tissues to ungs.
berty_. Hb F~ oncentrat~ rn a u ts mcreases rn some
typ~ f an'ein.ia, hemoglo'binopathies and sometimes
~ arboxyhemoglobin
in l~ emia.
When hemoglobins combine with carbon monoxide
Hemoglobin Bart's (Hb Bart's): This is the minor (CO), carboxyhemoglobin is formed. Hemoglobin
hemoglobin present in fetal life. It consists of four has a much greater affinity for CO ·than for oxygen.
gamma (y) chains, y4 • Hb Bart's concentration Therefore, it readily combines: with CO even when
i/l.weast s ip fetal life in thal~ssemia. b.1 CO is present in low concentrations. Fortunately the
\j-Oe."tQ.l i"ha)o.Y,<'·e :n", a. \--+ _ formation of carboxyhemogfobin is reversible, so,
Emb onic hemo lobins ~~ once CO is removed from the blood, the hemoglobin
These hemoglobins are confined to the very early combines with oxygen. Carboxyhemoglobin is
stages (the embryonic stage) of development. There found in~ w concentrations in normal persons,
are three embryonic hemoglobins: but i~ ?kefs) its concentration is iri the range of
1. Hb Gower 1 (consisting of two zeta and two epsilon 1-10 g/dl, wfuch impairs transport of oxygen from
chains: ½EJ,
lungs to tissues.

zie.. t"( F-)~e. ~Gt 9'.\C:C. ~,\ \

12 Chapter 3

~ ethemo lobin f'~ t - - ? ~~? ~ may be a decrease in hemoglobin level after 60 years
Methemoglobin is an abnormal Hb in which iron is of age.
oxidised from its ferrous state to ferric state. Therefore,
it is incapable of carrying oxygen. Normally it is Functions
present in low concentrations, but its formation
increases in the presence of certain chemicals or drugs. • Hemoglobin serves two important functions.
The formation of methemoglobin is €[so reversibl~ 1. It transports oxygen from the lungs to the
tissues by forming oxyhemoglobin, and carbon
dioxide from the tissues to the lungs by forming
-~ an abnormal Hb complex formed by the action carbaminohemoglobin. When fully saturated, 1g of
of s o ~ ~ and chemicals such as sulpho namide,;. hemoglobin carries 1.34 ml ofo:qgen.
Once it is formect;it--is-¼frevers~ and remains in the 2. Hemoglobin acts as a buffer in maintaining blood
carrie; RBC. It is i c ab e f en. pH.
L . .'.M ~ t . g_'co.b ~e..
v v~nJnet emoglobin {Hemiglobincyanide) METHODS
This ' is formed by the action of a chemical called
cyanide (for example, potassium cyanide, KCN). The different methods of estimation of hemoglobin
The combination is reversible. Hemiglobin is the
hemoglobin in which tht: iron has been oxidised to the
ferric state. emiglobincyaru e 1s t e met emo o in
Don e to aru e ions. To accurately measure
can be classified into the following categories:
I. Visual methods
1. Sahli's method
2. Dare's method
the total Hb in the blood, it is essential to prepare a
stable derivative that will contain all the Hb forms
3. Haden's method LSWH )
4 Wintrobe's method
(complexes) that are present in the blood. All forms ·
of circulating hemoglobin are readily convened to - S. I-Wdane's methgd
hemoglobincyanide (~ omethemoglobin), e~ 6. Tallquist's method
s\.ili?hhemoglobin which is normally not present in the II. Gasometric method
ill. Spectrophotometric method
blood. Therefore, the ryanmethe,noglobin method ir the ,nost
acct1ra_!e method for the deter~ation of hemoglobin. 1. O xyhemoglobin meth°::-d
~ N tW'O..W ~~5to~,> )"e.~r' 2. Cyanmethemaglabio roerhp<l ( . ~ o..c.c)
Hemoglobin r;>er"v tives ~ <f\e,,-" IV. Automated hemoglobinometry
4 .~w~"n V. Non-automated hemoglobinometry
When red blood cells are destroyed in the tissue
macrophage system, hemoglobin is degraded into VI. Other methods
heme and globin. Globin returns to the body's 1. Alkaline-hematin method
metabolic pool where its amino acids are subsequently 2· Specific gravity method
reutilised. The porphyrin ring of heme is cleaved by the 3· Comparator method. .
microsomal enzyme, heme oxidase, yielding biliverdin.
The biliverdin is further reduced to form hilirubin by Visual Methods
~ (!1!c: ase:.. r .J j
)~ ~ i B',\,~\~J~\B1)·
, ~•,,, These methods are more commonly used than
photometric methods. In Sahli's method, hemoglobin
Normal Values
in the blood sample is converted to acid hematin which
Adult males: 14-18 (16 ± 2) g/dl of blood gives a brown colour. Since brown is more easily
Adult fe~ 12-16 (14 ± 2) g/dl of blood matched by the human eye than red (the colour of Hb),
In ew or hemoglobin concentration is Sahli's method for testing hemoglobin is one of the
normall - Id t decreases to 9-14 g/dl by about most acceptable visual methods. However, the error in
two months of age. By ten years of age, the normal visual methods is higher. Therefore, visual methods are
hemoglobin concentration will be 12-14 g/dl. There usually not recommended for hemoglo~in estimation
• F¥.lv : Che.o..p
01)\,<~ • ·. €"tS"roisli- Estimation of Hemoglobin Concentrat ion 13

in research. But, because visual methods (especially Sahli's) Stimr It is a thin glass rod used for stirring the
are convenient and the cost of estimation is less, they are solution.
usually practised in hematology laboratories in clinical 2. N/lOHCI
medicine and for performing practicals for students in 3. Distilled water
physiology. 4. Dropper
5. Materials for a steriJe finger prick
Princil!!! : Add,,, ctll'\on -,. ma.\-t.h,rq • 1. Clean the hemoglobinometer tube and pipette and
Hemoglobin is converted to acid hematin by the ensure that they are dry.
action of HCl The acid hematin solution is further 2. Fill the hemoglobinometer tube with N / 10
diluted until its colour matches exactly with that of HCI up to its l9west mark (~ per cent or
the permanent standard of the comparator block. ,n1/o) with the help ofa dropper.
The hemoglobin concentration is read directly from the 3. Prick the finger, observing all aseptic precautions, and
calibration tube. @3card the first drop ofbloodM I 11ie prick should
be deep enough to enable spontaneous flow of blood.
Re uirements Do not squeeze the finger to bring out the drop of
1. Sahli's hemoglobinometer: This contains a comparator, blood.
hemoglobin tube, hemoglobin pipette and stirrer. 4. Allow a large drop of blood to form on the finger
Comparator At the middle there is a slot which tip, then dip the tip of the hemoglobinometet: pipette
accomodates the hemoglobin tube. Non-fading, into the drop and suck blood up to the 20 cu mm
standard, brown-tinted glass pieces are provided on mark of the pipette. Bl While sucking blood into
either side of the slot for colour matching. An opaque th<;,ipette care should be taken to prevent entry
white glass is fitted at the back to provide uniform of .:._ ~ Iii)~ by not lifting the tip of
illumination (Fig. 3.1). the pipette out of the blo~ op during pipetting.
Hemoglobin tube It is graduated on otie side in gram If an air bubble enters, r<:Jl)ove aod-discatd rbe blood
per cent (g%), from 2 to 24, and on the other side as and obtain another drop of blood to re-pipette.
percentage (%), from 10 to 140. This tube is called the If blood is sucked above the 20 mm3 mark of the
Sahli-Adams tube. pipette, bring the blood column down to the mark by
He111oglobin pipette The pipette bears only one mark tapping the pipette against the finger, but not by using
indicating 20 mm3 (0.02 ml) (Fig. 3.2). There is no bulb any absorbent material like cotton wool.
in this pipette.

11 - - - - - Stirrer

Hemoglobin tube

---€ mm' : :20 ,UL )

Standard colour rods

Comparator box

Fig. 3.1. Hemoqlobinometer Fig. 3.2. The hemoglob,11 pipette


5. Wipe the tip of the pipette. Immediately transfer tube. Otherwise the extra blood adhering to the tip
the 0.02 ml of blood from the pipette into the of the pipette will give a false high result.
hemoglobinometer tube containing N/10 HCl by 6. Blood should be immediately transferred from the
immersing the tip of the pipette in the acid solution pipette into the tube containiing HCl to prevent
and blowing out blood from the pipette. Rinse clotting in the pipette.
the pipette two to three times by drawing up and 7. While transfering the blood, tlhe pipette should be "--
blowing out the acid solution. Withdraw the pipette rinsed several times to remove all blood from the
from the tube. Billi Make SJJce cbac oa salmirin pipette.
remains in the pipette. 8. Wait for a minimum of ten minutes after mixing
6. Leave the solution in the tube in the blood with HCl, for complete conversion of
hemoglobinometer, for about ten minutes (for hemoglobin into acid hematin ..
maximum conversion of hemoglobin to acid 9. The colour of the acid hematiia solution should be
hematin, which occurs in the first ten minutes). checked frequently (preferably after addition and
7. After ten minutes, dilute the acid hematin by mixing of every drop of distilled water), to prevent
adding distilled water drop by drop. Mix it with overdilution.
the stirrer. Match the colour of the solution in.the 10. When you compare the colour of the solution
tube with the standards of the comparator. in the tube with that of the standard, keep the
After addition of every drop of distilled water, the stirrer above the solution, but do not take it out
solution should be mixed and the colour of the of the tube. If the stirrer is tallren out of t he tube,
the solution sticking to the stirrer will be lost and
will give a false low result. If the stirrer remains in
t e leve o t e solution. However, remember the solution, the colour of the solution becomes
~ - that at no stage should the stirrer be taken out of lighter.
the tube. 11. C ompariso~ ~ uld always be done by holding the
8. If the colour of the test solution is darker, continue hemoglobinl m~ : ! , at full arm length
dilution till it matches with that of the standard. and against good li~ t. The tube should be placed in
9. Note the reading when the colour of the solution the comparator in such a way that the graduations
exactly matches with the standard and express the on it do not lie directly in front,, which may interfere
hemoglobin content as g%. 11111 The reading of with the matching of colour.
the lower meniscus of the solution should be noted Sources of error
as the result. O ne more drop of distilled water A. Technical errors
should be added and the colour should be observed i) Blood should be ta.ken up exactly to the
to check the result. The colour will be lighter than 20 mm3 mark and the tip of the pipette should be
the standard if the previous reading was accurate. wiped off before introducing the blood into the
Precautions HCl taken in the hemoglobinometer tube.
1. Do not take a large volume of N/10 HCl (not above ii) Ten minutes should be allowed for complete
the 20 per cent mark) in the tube. This is because, conversion of Hb j nto acid hei~ .
in cases of severe anemia, the final colour produced iii) The solution should be diluted till the colour
will be lighter than the standard if more HCl is taken matches exactly with that of the standard.
and there is no way to concentrate the colour. B. Errors inherent in the method
2. The pricking should be done boldly; do not squeeze
i) As it is a visual method, the matching.of the colour
the finger {as the tissue fluid comes out with the
may vary.
blood and gives a false low result).
ii) It may not detect all types of hemoglobins .in the ·
3. The first drop of blood should be discarded as it is
mixed with tissue fluid.
4. Suck blood exactly up to the 20 mm3 mark.
iii) The colour of the standard ma.y fade.
5. Wipe the tip of the pipette before transferring Reporting
blood from the pipette to the hemoglobinom eter As the hemoglobinometer tube has % markings on one
Estimation of Hemoglobin Concentration 15

side and g% markings on the other, the hemoglobin using van Slyke apparatus is the most acmrate method. But
estimated can be reported as either of the values, that it is not used routinely in clinical laboratories because
is, % of normal or g%. Usually hemoglobin is reported it is time consuming and the process of estimation is
> •
as grams of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood (g/dl or complex. It is used as a reference method to obtain the
g%). Reporting hemoglobin as a percentage of the hemoglobin concentrati on in blood samples used for
normal value is not satisfactory, because there are standardisation of hemoglobin estimation procedures.
many methods and each method has its own standard This is the preferred method for research.
of normal value. For example, 80 per cent of normal of
one method may be 98 per cent of normal of another. S ectro11hotometric method
The values for 100 per cent hemoglobin in five different These methods are rapid and give accurate results.
testing methods are given below: a) Oxyhemoglobin method
Sahli 16.3 g/dl Ammonium hydroxide (0.04 ml/dl) is used to
Dare 16.0 g/dl hemolyse the red cells and convert the hemoglobin
Haden 15.6 g/dl to oxyhemogl obin for measurement in the
Wintrobe 14.5 g/dl spectrophotometer. This conversion is complete
Haldane 13.8 g/dl and immediate and the resulting colour is stable.
T herefore, if it is reported as a per cent of the
normal, the method by which it is estimated should b) Cyanrnethemoglobin method
also be mentioned. Modified Drabkin's reagent is used in this method.
Drabkin's reagent contains sodium bicarbonate,
Advantages IC l potassium ferricyanide and potassium cyanide.
1. Sahli~ thod is easy to perform and ~ This reagent takes at least ten minutes for complete
2. Th~ s mioiroal. conversion of hemoglobin to cyanmethemoglobin.
3. It is not very0 consuming (maximum fifteen It also produces turbid solutions caused by protein
minµtes). precipitation or incomplete hemolysis. In modified
Drabkin's reagent, potassium phosphate is used for
Disadvantages sodium bicarbonate, which shortens the conversion
1. Being a visual method, error is very likely (about time to three minutes, minimises turbidity and
5-10 per cent). Error can be reduced by taking the enhances red cell lysis.
average of three readings; first, when the colour
is slightly darker than the standard; second, when
the colour exactly matches the standard; and the Various automated techniques have been employed to
third, when the colour is slightly lighter than the measure hemoglobin. Automatic pipettors and dilutors
standard. are used for pipetting and diluting blood in many
2. The colour of the standard may not always be procedures. Hemoglobi n estimation by an automated
reliable, especially with old apparatus. instrument applies the same principle as that described
3. Sahli's acid hematin method does not estimate for manual methods.
all the hemoglobins. It estimates only oxyhemo-
globin and reduced hemoglobins, but not the Nonautomated hemo lobinomet
carboxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin and Disposable, self-filling, self-measuring dilution
sulfhemoglobin. micropipettes are commercially available for the
4. The acid hematin is not a true solution. Some degree determinati on of hemoglobin. One such system is
of precipitation may be present at times, which may the U nopette. These systems are easy to use and are
interfere with colour matching. available with a series of different diluting fluids for
different purposes.
The Unopette system for hemoglobin
Other Methods self-measur ing
determinati on consists of a self-filling,
pipette attached to a plastic holder. The pipette is filled
Gasometric method
The gasometric method of estimation of hemoglobin by with blood automatically by capillary action. A plastic
16 Chapter 3

container called a reservoir is filled with modified Haldane method

Drabkin's reagent. The pipette containing blood is In this method, hemolysis of red cells is produced by
inserted into the reagent reservoir, emptied and rinsed mixing blood with a hypotonic solution like distilled
according to the manufacturer's instructions. The water. Carbon mo~oxide is added to the mixture.
blood is mixed well with the reagent and is then ready The colour of the solution is compared with the
to be read in the spectrophotometer. standard one.

Alkaline hematin method DISCUSSION

The alkaline hematin method is a useful ancillary
method used under special circumstances as it PhJfsiological Significance
gives a true estimate of total hemoglobin including Hemoglobin is P.resent in red blood cells and it forms
methemoglobin and sulfhemoglobin. A true solution more thar{2Q) p~r cent of the dry weight of these
is obtained, and plasma proteins and lipids have cells. Erythrocytes appeaQdue to the presence of
little effect on the colour. The principle is to convert hemoglobin, which is a red pigment. Th'\5 imary
hemoglobin into alkaline hematin, which is in the true function of hemoglobin is to (carrv Qxy~ from
solution. There are two methods: the standard method, the lungs to the tissues. Therefore, in con tions. of
and the acid-alkaline method. hemoglobin deficiency, the tissues suffer fro ~ -\
When hemoglobin is released into the plasma, as seen
Specific gravi method in hemolysis, it is filtered through the renal tubules and
This method uses the principle that when a drop of appears in the urine (heg10globio11cia). Hemoglobin
whole blood is dropped into a solution of copper casts block the renal tubules and cause acute tubular
sulphate, which has a given specific gravity, the drop necrosis (acute renal failure) . Hemoglobin in th'.e
will maintain its own density for approximately blood (hef!!Oglobinemia~ osmotic effect and
15 seconds. The density of the drop is directly increases blood viscosity t~ t aff~ cardiac outpl:it
proportional to the amount of hemoglobin in that and alters the dly_nam ics of blood Bow.
drop. H that drop is denser than the specific gravity of
the solution, the drop will sink to the bottom; if not, !Clinical Significance
it will float on the sudace. It is not a quantitative test.
H owever, it is a quick, easy and reasonably accurate Estimation of hemoglobin is the most frequently
technique to screen blood donors for possible anemia. ordered laboratory test in clinical practice. It is done as
It is also used to detect hematocrit. pan of routine investigation in outpatient departments
and also as a bedside test in hospital patients. It is
Com arator method mandatory to check the hemoglobin status of a patient
This is a visual method similar to that of the acid prior to any surgical intervention. Estimation of
hematin method, except that the diluent used is an hemoglobin is usually done to <!tect anemj,i because
alkali solution (ammonia solution 0.04 per cent). After it is conveniem and less time consuming than the
mixing with dilute ammonia solution, the intensity total RBC count. Anemia is said to be present when
of the colour of the hemolysed solution of red blood the hemoglobin level in the blood is below the lower
cells is compared against a standard colour disc in the limit of the normal range for the age and sex of the
comparator. This method carries all the disadvantages individual. The value of hemoglobin must always be
of Sahli's acid hematin method. refered to the normal range appropriate for the age and
sex of the individual.
Tall uist method
This method involves direct visual matching of the red Conditions that Alter Hemoglobin
colour of a drop of whole fresh blood on a filter paper Concentration
with colour standards on a paper. This technique is
Conditions that decrease Hb concentratioi1
totally unsatisfactory with a high degree of error,
I. Physiological
though it is one of the quickest methods.
1. Pregnancy (due to hemodilution)
t /l"' ' )I J Estimation of Hemoglobin Concentration
r-erncJe.lf Pre~~t )C..h1J _ _ _ __ __ _

2. Children have lower values than adults 2. Normochromic nonnocytic anemia

3. Women have lower values than men because MCV, MCH and MCHC are wjthin the normiJ.
the total RBC count is less. This is because ran&e, Size and hemogiobin concentration of the red
estrogen inhibits erythropoiesis in females, cellsar~ normal in the blood film. It usually occurs:
there is cyclical loss of blood in women in i) in substantial blood loss (blood loss anemia), {'
.. the reproductive age group and testosterone ii) in hemolysis (hemofytic anef!lia and I
stimulates erythrppoiesis ~ male~. ') iii) when e ce pro uct10n is rmpatr by bone

~ Pathological -- - marrow failure, chronic kidney faifure, chronic \

~ - Different types o~ inflammation or infection (aplastic anemiar--
I 2. Relative decrease ~ ncentration occurs in 3. Macrocytic anemia /
differen_t p_athological condition~:.-:;; aL~ -
- ~~~~~~ The MCV is above the upper limit of the normal.
b.en:i.odil.uti; ~ = cess !\)
==:ii=c.::::;;;ii;:;;:~~ It corresponds to IlB.Croc:ytosi? · of red ce11s rn
· the
secretion as seen in pituitary tumours. ~~~~) blood film. T h e red ~ :::==:=

;To~t a\h~1
~ cells are usually ormoc ro c
Conditions that fncrease Hb concentration . The classical example of this type of anerma is
I. Physiological ~ ~o.elastic_ ;n~mia, whi~h ~ccurs due t~
1. High altitude (due to hypoxia - .'I C)(:)~ ~t't
deficiency of vitaffiill 12 or folic ac~ . . / ,
2. Newborns and infants \'f) ~0~~ . . • L1':e..~, ~ ~f\..o.Ql".f''C..
3. Excessive sweating (due to hemoconcent@ ion)' · t1olog1cal types~ \ c,Sl'\: _ \o\ cu't
I II p th l · al 1. Bwodloss F' f> -_ ~C.
· a O o~c- . 2. Intpaired red cellproduction l ~ 'P. \ 00\i {.) -
1. Conditions that produce hemoconcentration --:- •
\ Id 1 f b d fl 'd) r l • Inadequate supply of nutrients (deficiency of
~ ue to oss o o y w ; 1or examp e, severe • • • d • )
' di ~.A-. • · iron, v1tamms an proterns
a j,( ~e'.1' voglftrng . • Aplastic anemia

@ 2. Conditions .
that produce \lypoii).;
for example, •
Anerrua · associate
· d wit · h ch roruc· diseases
congerutal hearvtisease,
. emph vc:ma • An · · d
enua associate wit r~ · h al fat·1ure t" · · 1 ·\ \)
u aa.L"\
3. P< olycyth erma vera • Anerma · cl ue to inhente · d diseases (~1or example,
Types of Anemia 3. Excessive red cell destruction (hemolysis)
Anemia is defined as decreased Hb content or RBC
count below the normal range for the age and gender. OSPE
Anemia is classified in two ways, morpholog1cafiy Di.lute the blood (from the given sample) for
(according to red blood cell indices) and etiologically estimation of hemoglobin concentration.
(according to the cause). Steps:
1. Select the hemoglobin cube.
Morphological types 2. Take N/ 10 HCl up to the 10 ma~k.
1. Hypochromic microcytic anemia 3. Select the hemoglobin pipette.
The values of MCV, MCH and MCHC are 4. Take a clean and dry pipettd and tube (check
(~elow normV Su~h~ b n~nnal red c~ indic~s dryness).
correspond to 1B1C~ QSIS and h_yp'&'hrorru;i 5. Thoroughly mix blood in the sample by shaking.
of red cells in the blood film. This is due to a 6. Suck blood in the pipette up to the 20 mm3
defect in red cell formation in which hemoglobin mark.
synthesis is impaired to a greater. extent than the 7. Wipe the tip of the pipette.
synthesis of other cellular components. The most 8. Blow the blood into the acid solution in the
important examples are iron de ci emia ufwhich hemoglobin tube. Wash out the blood from the
there is inade uate iron formation of t e heme pipette by repeated drawing in and blowing out
component of the hemoglobin, and thalassemia in of the diluting fluid (two to three times).
which the formation of the glg}m component of Note the time (the mixture is kept for ten minutes
hemoglobin is defective. for conversion of Hb to acid hematin).
18 Chapter 3

What is the normal value of hemogfobin in an adult?
Why is the hemoglobin content of blood lower in women?
What is the principle of hemoglobin estimation in Sahli's acid hematin method?
4. What difference would it make if N/10 HCl is taken above the 20 per cent mark?
Ans. If more HCl taken, the colour of the undilut~olution may be lighter than the standard, especially if there
is severe anemia. . \:o) -e,. ,9-ow ~ t;
5. Can N/10 I:ICl be used for dilution.?.. _ I

Ans. Yes, because it will not change the colour ~)! the solution. Howev~hould not be used as it causes
tyd1idit,y and interferes with the colour of the solution. ~ .___
6. W,hy is the result preferably expressed in g/dl rather than in per cent?
7. What are the precautions to be observed during hemoglobin estimation? '
8. Why should the stirrer be kept above the solution, but iiot taken out of the tube while matching the colour?
9." Why should the tip of the pipette be wiped before transferring blood from the pipette into the N/10 HCl in the
tube? ·
10. Why is absorbent material _not used for adjusting the level to the 20 mm3 mark, if more blood is sucked into the
pipette? ·
11. Why should ten minutes be allowed before diluting the solution of blood and HCl?
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sahli's acid hematin method? What are the possible errors in this
13. What are the other methods of hemoglobin estimation?
14. What is the quickest method of hemoglobin estimation?
Ans. The quickest method is Tallquist's method as it only compares the colour of the bload with th<tt of the
standard. However, it is not att-aaarate mettioo.
15. Which method is more accurate for bemoglob·i n estimation, and why?
Ans. The most accurate method is the gasometric method using van Slyke apparatus. But because it is time
consuming and complicated, it is not routinely used in laboratories. Of the routinely used tests, the most accurate
method is the cyanmethemoglobin method, because it detects all forms of hemoglobin including sulfhemoglobin
and methemoglobin.
16. What are the functions of hemoglobin?
17. What is the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin?
18. What are the types of hemoglobins?
19. What is the structure of normal adult hemoglobin (HbA)?
20. At what st~ge in erythropoiesis does hemoglobin appear in the red cells?
Ans. Hemoglobin appears in the eacly oacrooblasr stage of erythropoiesis; then the concentration increases and
attains its ~aximum in the~ n~rmoblast s:,;e.
21. What is the fate of hemoglobin in the body?
22. What is anemia? What are the types of anemia?
23. What is the most common cause of anemia in developing countries like India and why?
24. Give a physiological cause of anemia. What is the physiological basis of anemia in this condition?
25. What is megaloblastic anemia and how is it produced?
26. What is pernicious anemia?
27. What is aplastic anemia?
4 Determination of Hematocrit


After completing this practical you WILL be a ble to:

Two manual methods are used for determining
1. Explain the importance of determination of hematocrit: the macrohematocrit method and the
hematocrit in clinical medicine. microhematocrit method. The microhematocrit
2. Name the methods of determination of hematocrit. method has the advantages of using less time
3. Identify the Wintrobe tube. and labour, and requiring less blood. The
4. Fill the Wintrobe tube properly with the blood macrohematoq-it method is known as the Wintrobe
provided. method. Hematocrit is also measured by automated
5. Determine PCV by the Wintrobe method. techniques; these have virtually replaced the manual
6. List the possible sources of error in this method. methods in advanced laboratories.
7. List the normal values of PCV in men and women.
8. Name the common conditions in which PCV is Macrohematocrit Method
altered. (Wintrobe Method)
You MAY also be able to:
1. D escribe the microhematocrit method for Since a large volume of blood is needed rn this
determination of PCV. procedure, only venous blood can be used.
2. State the principle and advantages of determination
of hematocrit by automated methods. Princi~le
3. List the physiological bases of alteration. Anticoagulated blood is taken in a Wintrobe tube,
filled to the graduation mark and then centrifuged for
the prescribed length of time. The volume of packed
INTRODUCTION cells is read directly from the graduation mark on the
Wintrobe tube.
Hematocrit literally means 'blood separation'. It
measures the percentage of volume of packed red cells. Re uirements
Therefore, hematocrit is also known as packed cell I. Apparatus
volume (PCV). Hematocrit is a reliable index of the red
1. lf/introbe tube This is a 110 mm long, narrow,
cell population in the blood. The manually estimated
thick- walled test tube with a 3 mm internal bore,
PCV islmore reliable than the manually performed
graduated from 0 to 10 cm (100 mm) with gradua-
red cell count, because much less error is associated
tions both in ascending and descending order on the
with determination of hematocrit. It provides valuable
two sides of the tube (Fig. 14.2). Thus, at the top,
information about the red cells. Therefore, it should
0 and 10 cm coincide. The scale with the markings
always be correlated with the number of red cells and
0-10 from above downwards is used in ESR deter-
their hemoglobin contep.t. The hematocrit is used
mination, while the scale with 0-10 from below
in the detection and classification of various types of
anemias along with other parameters (hemoglobin and upwards is used for hematocrit determination. It
red cell count) of red cell indices. holds about 1 ml of blood.

Normal Values 2. Cenltijt12,e J11achi11e The centrifuge should be capable

of producing a force of 2300 g. A force of less than
Adult male: 46% (40-50%)
2300 g will give a false high hematocrit reading; con-
Adult female: 42% (37-47%)
20 Chapter 4

versely, an excessive force may lead to false low values. (Fig. 1.2, Chapter 1) is the thin grey-white layer of
The centrifuge should be standardised for speed and w hite cells at the top of the red cell column. Do not
time by taking a reference blood sample and determin- include this while reading the height of the red cell
ing the time and speed necessary to obtain the refer- column.
ence value.
1. Hematocrit should be determined ideally within

3. Pasteurpipette It is a 22 cm long glass tube w ith a long
thin nozzle about 13 cm in length. It is used to transfer six hours of collection of blood.
blood from the container to fill the Wintrobe tube. 2. Mix the blood thoroughly before taking the sample
for hematocrit determination.
11. Blood sample 3. Do not use a hemolysed specimen. It will yield false
A sample of venous blood to which EDTA or double low results.
oxalate anticoagulant has been added, is taken for the 4. A suitable anticoagulant sh ould be used in proper
study. concentration. The anticoagulant should not affect
the size and shape of red cells.
Procedure 5. If the blood is present above the graduation (10 cm)
1. Carefully ffi1X the blood specnnen by repeated mark, do not remove the excess blood by cotton
10vers1on. swab or blotting paper. A dropper should be used
2. Fill the Wintrobe tube with blood with the help for this purpose.
of the Pasteur pipette to the 10 cm mark (which 6. If air bubbles enter the tube while filling the tube
represents 100 per cent). If the level of blood crosses with blood, the preparation should be discarded
the mark, use a dropper to remove the extra blood. (blood should be removed totally) and the tube
Do not use a cotton swab or blotting paper or any
otherabsorbentmaterialforthispurpose. Otherwise,
should be refilled.
7. Blood should be centrifuged for an adequate time.

note the error from the top of the blood column, 8. While taking the reading, exclude the huffy coat. ··
which can be deducted from the final result. 111
Filling the Wintrobe tube requires special care in Advantages
o rder to avoid trapping air bubbles and damage to 1. ESR (by Wimrobe method) can be determined
the red blood cells. To ensure this, place the tip of simultaneously by using the same sample. For
the pipette at the bottom of the Wintrobe tube and this, first the Wintrobe tube filled with blood is
fill from the bottom, gradually withdrawing the kept vertically in the Wintrobe rack for one hour
pipette as the blood goes in. Try to keep the tip (see C hapter 14) to record the ESR, following
of the pipette under the rising column of blood to which the tube is centrifuged to determine the
avoid foaming. hematocrit.
3. Place the Wimrobe tube in one of the cups of the · 2. It is not an expensive method.
centrifuge, and place a Wintrobe tube containing
water in the opposite cup of the centrifuge, to Microhematocrit Method
balance it.
4. Turn the centrifuge on to slow speed, then increase This method requires only a small volume of blood.
the speed gradually, and finally bring it up to the Therefore, it is ideal for a small specimen (for example,
required speed. sample collected from pediatric patients and burn
5. Centrifuge for 30 minutes at 3000 rpm. patients). It can be done with either free-flowing
6. After 30 minutes, switch off the centrifuge and allow capillary blood from a finger puncture or EDTA
it to stop by itself. Do not use the brake. Take out anticoagulated venous blood. Since the test is done
the Wintrobe tube and read the packed cell volume with a high-speed centrifuge, it takes less time.
directly off the graduation given on the tube.
If, for example, the red cell column is one division Principle
above the graduation mark of 4, the reading is 41, Anticoagulated blood is centrifuged in a sealed capillary
or the hematocrit is 41 per cent. 111!1 A buffy coat tube, and the volume of packed red cells and percentage
Determination of Hematocrit 21

of whole blood ·oevel of plasma) are determined by a 4. Centrifugation must be sufficient to yield packing
special hematocrit reader. of red cells.

~pparatus required Advanta_g~~

1. Capillary hematocrit tubes These tubes are ap- 1. This procedure needs very little blood, so it can
proximately 75 mm in length, and have an internal easily be done in pediatric patients and patients
diameter of approximately 1 mm. li anticoagulated suffering from hemoconcentration or plood loss,
venous blood is used, simple capillary tubes can be like bmns.
used. With the blood collected by skin puncture, hepa- 2. It is not a time-consuming test.
rinised tubes should be used. 3. It can be used in mass surveys, because a large number
of specimens can be handled simultaneously.
2. Microhematocrit centrifuge This is a special 4. Capilla:ry tubes are easy to fill.
centrifuge that runs at high speed and is capable of 5. The tulbes are cheap and the replicates are easily
producing a force of 12000 g, and runs at a speed of obtainable.
about 12000 rpm.

3. Hematocrit reader There are several hematocrit Automated Method

readers available. The simplest one is the card reader,
which can be made by hand. Measurement of hematocrit by automated technique
is done by using electronic cell counters. This result
4. Modelling clay This is used to seal the end of the is computed from individual red cell volumes and
hematocrit tubes. not affected by the trapped plasma left in the red cell
column of 1the manual hematocrit methods. Therefore,
5. Sterile skin. puncture equipment Disposable lan- the hematocrit value obtained by automated cell
cet, spirit and needle. counters is accurate and lower than the value obtained
by manual methods.
1. Perform a sterile skin puncture and draw the
blood sample into an appropriate capillary tube
by capillary action. 1111 Use a plain tube for Hematocrit or PCV is the percentage of packed red
anticoagulated venous blood, or a heparinised tube blood cells, following centrifugation. When blood is
for skin puncture. The blood should flow freely in centrifugedl in a tube, the red cells are packed together
this case. Fill three-quarters of the tube. at the bottom of the tube by centrifugal force, as cells
2. The dry end of the tube is sealed with a specially are heavier than the plasma. However, if the cells are
manufactured plastic sealing clay. These tubes can deformed as in hereditary spherocytosis or sickle cell
also be heat-sealed. disease, more plasma remains between the packed cells,
3. Place the two hematocrit sealed tubes in the radial giving a false high result.
grooves of the centrifuge, with their heads opposite
each other.
Physic►logical and Clinical Significance
4. Tum the centrifuge on for 5 m.itmtes at
12000 rpm. Stop the centrifuge, take out the tubes, 1. Hematocrit is a reasonable index of red cell
and read the PCV from the microhematocrit population or Hb content of blood (Fig. 4.1).
reader. Therefore, it is used to detect conditions in which
red cell count increases (polycythemia) or decreases
Precautions (anemia). The hematocrit measurement is more
1. The blood sample must be properly collected. useful and reliable than the red cell count performed
2. Anticoagulated venous blood should be used within manually because less error is associated with it.
six hours of collection. 2. The value of hematocrit is used in determination of
3. The blood must not be clotted or hemolysed. blood indices, especially MCV (mean. corpuscular
22 Chapter 4

volume) andMCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2. Excess water ii.ntake

concentration). Blood indices help in the diagnosis 3. Sex predilection Qower in women)
and classincation of various types of anemia.
3. Hematocrit is one of the important factors that Pathological
determine viscosity of blood. Increase in hematocrit 1. Various types of anemia
increases blood viscosity, as in polycythemia. This 2. Conditions in which there is hemodilution
increases peripheral resistance, which in turn and expansion of plasma volume; for example,
decreases cardiac output because the afterload on the hyperaldosteronism
heart increases. Conversely, decrease in hematocrit
as seen in anemia, decreases the peripheral resistance Conditions that i111crease hematocrit
that increases the cardiac output. This also makes A Physiological
circulation hyperdynamic. 1. High altitude (due to hypoxia)
2. Newborns and infants
Conditions that Alter Hematocrit 3. Excessive sweating (due to hemoconcentration)
B. Pathological
Conditions that decrease hematocrit 1. Decreased! oxygen supply to the tissues
(hypoxia),, for example, congenital heart disease
1. Pregnancy (due to hemodilution)
and emphysema.
2. Polycythemia
3. Conditions in which there is hemo-
19 concentration, for example, severe voffilttng
18 and diarrhea (due to dehydration).

50 17
16 Load the Wintrobe tube with the blood supplied for
45 15 estimation ofhematocrit.
40 1. Select a Win.trobe tube .
13 . 32
2. Clean and dry the tube.
12 :0
35 0
3. Mix blood thoroughly by swirling or by repeated
@: 11 .,E mvers1ons .
]., 10 4. Take blood in the Pasteur pipette.
E 5. Fill the tube slowly by placing the tip of the
:r 9
25 pipette at the bottom, inside of the tube. Fill from
8 the bottom by gradually withdrawing the pipette
7 as blood goes in; at the same time try to keep
the tip of the pipette under the rising column of
blood to avoid foaming.
5 6. Fill exactly up to the O mark. If blood is poured
above the mark, remove the extra blood with
the help of a dropper (not by using absorbent
materials like cotton or gauze piece).

Fig. 4.1. Relat1onsh1p between hematocnt and hemoglobin

7. Place the \ :v'introbe tube in the cups of the
Determination of Hematocrit 23

l. What is hematocrit? What is the significance of hematocrit?
2. What are the different methods of estimation of hematocrit?
3. What are the precautions and sources of error of the microhematocrit method?
• 4. What is the ideal anticoagulant to be used for hematocrit determination and why?
5. Why is an anticoagulant used in a recommended concentration for estimation of hematocrit?
Ans. The use of higher concentration of anticoagulant gives false low result, because excess EDTA may cause
6. Why should the hematocrit ideally be determined within six hours of collection of blood?
Ans. If blood is kept for longer time, the change in metabolism of the red cells may cause a change in size and
shape of the cells. Hemolysis starts after six hours of collection. Therefore, if the estimation of hematocrit cannot
be done within six hours, the blood should be preserved in the refrigerator. ,
7. What are the sources of error in the Wintrobe hematocrit method?
l. Improper mixing of blood
2. Improper anticoagulant and improper concentration of anticoagulant
3. Inadequate centrifugation
4. Reading of hematocrit with huffy coat
8. What is the normal value of hematocrit in adults?
9. Why is the value lower in women?
10. What are the physiological and pathological conditions that alter hema1tocrit value?
" 11. Why is the hematocrit value of venous blood slightly higher than that of anerial blood?
Ans. Hematocrit value of venous blood is normally 3 per cent more than that of arterial blood because:
i) Venous blood carries the blood that comes from tissues to the lun~;s. At the tissue, when one CO2 molecule
is added to the blood (to the red cell), there is an inc~ease of one osmotically active particle that is either a
bicarbonate ion or a chloride ion (because of chloride shift). Consequently, the red cells take up water and
increase in size. This is the main cause of higher hematocrit in venous blood.
ii) A small amount of fluid in arterial blood returns via the lymphatics, instead of the veins.
5 Study of the Compound Microscope

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Microscopes designed by different manufacturers

differ greatly in the details oftheir construction and mode
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: of operation. Therefore, the manufacturer's manual
1. Identify different parts of the compound and instructions for operating the microscope must be
microscope. followed properly before using the instrument.
2. List the uses of different partS of the microscope.
3. Make microscopic adjustments for viewing the
Physical Terms
object under low-power, high-power, and oil-
immersion objectives. The compound microscope consists of two magnifying
4. List the precautions to be taken while using lenses-the objective and the eyepiece. It is used to
the microscope. magnify an object to a point where it can be seen with
5. Handle the microscope care~Uy. the human eye. Before a student learns microscopy, he
You MAY also be able to: should understand a few physical terms fundamental
1. Describe the principle of microscopy. to microscopy-the resolution, the working distance
2. Explain the physical principles of construction of and the numerical aperture.
the compound microscope.
3. Provide the solutions for common problems 1. Resolution The limit of useful magnification of
encountered in microscopy. a microscope is set by its resolving power, that is, its
4. Explain the basic principles of working of other ability LO reveal closely adjacent structural details as
types of microscopes. separate and distinct. Resolution, therefore, describes
how small individual objects can lie close to each other
and still be recognisable. Generally the human eye can
separate (or resolve) dots that are 0.25 mm apart; the
INTRODUCTION light microscope can separate dots that are 0.25 µm
The microscope is usually used in physiology to study apart; and the electron microscope can separate dots
the morphology of blood cells and for making different that are 0.5 nm apart.
cell counts. Therefore, a physiologist should be 111 1 nanometer (nm) = 0.001 micrometer (µm)
competent in microscopy and a student of physiology = 0.000 001 mm.
should learn the basic principles of microscopy. The resolving power is expressed quantitatively as
the microscope's limit of resolution (LR), that is, the
To obtain the best performance from the microscope,
one needs to understand optical principles, the minimum distance between two visible bodies at 1
basics of the construction of the microscope, and the which they are seen as separate and not in contact
scientific basis of routine care and maintenance of the with one another. The LR is determined according
instrument. to the following formula:
A microscope magnifies the image of an object; in 0.61 X W
simple terms, it is a magnifying glass. The modern LR
compound microscope (light microscope) is one of
the most frequently used equipment in a medical where W is the wavelength of the light rays, and
laboratory. Improper use of the microscope leads NA is the numerical aperture of the objective in
to loss of clarity of the image that results in loss of use.
For example, if green light (wavelength l
definition. Therefore, it must be kept in excellent 1I
condition, optically and mechanically. 0.55 mm) and oil-immersion objective (NA 1.3)
Study of the Compound Microscope 25

are used, the LR will be 0.25 µm (0.61 x 0.55 / 1.3 that holds its components. The framework consists of
= 0.25 µm). several uniits (Fig. 5.1).
1. Base: The base supports the microscope and
2. Working distance Working distance is the is horseshoe-shaped to provide the maximum
distance between the objective and the objective stability.
slide. The working distance decreases with increasing 2. Pillars: Two upright pillars project upwards from
magnin.cation. It is 0.15-1.5 mm in case of the oil- the base, and the handle of the microscope is hinged
immersion objective, 0.5-4 mm in the case of high- to the pillars.
power, and 5-15 mm in the case of low-power 3. _Handle (arm): The arm supports the magnifying
objective. · and adjusting systems. It is also the handle by which
the microscope can be carried without damaging
3. Numerical aperture (NA) The numerical the delicate parts. It is curved and the microscope
aperture of a lens is the ratio of the diameter of the lens can be tilted at the hinged joint when desired.
to its focal length. Any particular lens has a constant 4. Body tube: The body tube is the part through
numerical aperture and this value is dependent on the which the light passes to the eyepiece. The length
radius of the lens and its focal length {the distance from of the tube is usually 160 mm. This is the tube that
the object being viewed to the lens or the objective). actually conducts the image.
NA of a lens is an index of the resolving power. 5. Stage: The fixed stage is the horizontal platform on
As the NA increases, the resolution (or distance from which the object being observed is placed. There
each other at which objects can be distinguished) is an aperture in its centre through which the
decreases. That means the greater the NA, the greater converging cone of light passes. Most microscopes
the resolving power. The NA for low-power, high- have a. mechanical stage which makes it much easier
power and oil-immersion objectives are 0.30, 0.65 to manipulate the objects being observed. It is
and 1.30 respectively. The NA is also described as an
index of the light gathering power of a lens, that is, the
• amount of light entering the objective. The NA can be CED-- - Eyepiece

decreased by decreasing the amount of light that passes

through a lens. Therefore, the illumination has also to
be increased in the same order when the objectives are
changed from low-power to high-power.


Fine adjust- Fixed and revolving

There are two commonly used compound ment screw - nosepiece
microscopes-monocular and binocular. Basically,
they are the same except that the monocular
microscope has one eyepiece (ocular) whereas the
binocular microscope has two eyepieces. The structure
of the compound microscope can be discussed under Stage
four main categories:
1. The support system (the framework)
2. The illumination system
3. The magnification system
4. The adjustment system

The Support System

The support system is the framework of the microscope

- ig. 5.1. Parts of the compound microscope
26 Chapter 5

calibrated and fitted on the fixed stage. There External sourc,e: In the students' compound micro-
is a spring-mounted clip to hold the slide or the scope there is no in-built light source. These micro-
counting chamber in position, and two screws scopes use an external source of light. This can be from
for moving these transversely, or forwards and an electric lamp housed in a lamp box with a window,
backwards. or from the sun. The rays of light are reflected by a
6. Nosepiece: The fixed nosepieceis attached to the lower mirror towards the object. The mirror is located at the
end of the body tube and the revolving nosepiece base of the microscope. It has two surfaces, plane and
is mounted under it. The revolving nosepiece carries the concave. The plane mirror is used for the oil-immersion
objective lenses of different magnifying powers. objective whereas the concave mirror is used for the low- I
and high-power objectives. !
The Illumination System

A microscope cannot function optimally without

The condenser focuses the rays of light reflected from
proper illumination. The illumination system provides the mirror onto the object under examination and also
uniform and soft-bright illumination of the entire field helps in resolving the image. It is mounted below the stage
viewed under the microscope. The illumination system of the microscope with a rack and pinion mechanism
is, therefore, an important part of the compound light for adjusting it:s focus. Microscopes generally use a
microscope. substage Abbe-type condenser. This Abbe condenser is
There are six types of illumination systems based
composed of two lenses uncorrected for spherical and
on which the microscope works:
chromatic aberration. Therefore, for better microscopic '
1. Bright-field or light microscope: This uses white
examination, a good quality achromatic condenser
light, either external sunlight or internal tungsten
should be used. The condenser can be raised and
filament lamp, as the source of illumination. When •
lowered beneath the stage by means of an adjustment
viewed under the microscope, objects look dark or
knob. It must be correctly positioned to focus the light
coloured, contrasted against a lighted background.
properly on the object being viewed, because, being a
2. Dark-field microscope: A special dark-field - I
lens, it has a fixed numerical aperture. The numerical
condenser is used that lights up the object, like
stars against a dark sky.
aperture of the condenser should be equal to or slightly lI
less than the nu,merical aperture of the objective being
3. Fluorescent microscope: This uses a special
ultraviolet lamp as the source of illumination.
used. Changing the position of the condenser can vary 1
A fluorescent dye is attached to the object through its numerical aperture. Therefore, the position of the
laboratory procedures; this glows when exposed to condenser must. always be adjusted with each objective
ultraviolet radiation. used to get the maximum focus of light and the accurate
4. Polarising microscope resolving poweir of the microscope.
5. Phase-contrast microscope When a low-power objective is used, the condenser
6. Interference-contrast microscope is positioned at the lowest level; with a high-power
The illumination system of a compound objective, it is raised optimally, and with an oil-
microscope consists of a light source, condenser and immersion obj1ective it is raised fully. Most modern
iris diaphragm. microscopes do not need a condenser adjustment in
which the condenser is placed at the highest position
Li ht source and the illumination is adjusted primarily by opening
The illumination system begins with a source of light. or closing the iris diaphragm.
This may be internal or external.
Iris diaphragm
Internal source: In most modern compound micro- The iris diaphragm regulates the amount of light that
scopes there is a built-in light source with an electric passes through the material under observation. It is
lamp, which provides better control of illumination. located at the bottom of the condenser. It has a central
The lamp housing has a frosted tungsten lamp, which aperture, which can be opened for more light or closed
_is placed directly under the stage. for less light, according to necessity, by means of a
Study of the Compound Microscope 27

lever provided with a shutter. The size of the aperture Low-power objective The low-power objective is
regulates the amount of light that passes to the field usually 10x, which magnifies the image 10 times. This
under observation. Regulation of the light by such objective is used for initial focusing and observation.
means affects the numerical aperture of the condenser. Some microscopes also have very low-power objec-
By reducing the field size with the help of the iris tives (3x or 4x), the scanning objectives. These are used
! • diaphragm, the numerical aperture of the condenser in initial scanning of histologic sections.
The numerical aperture of the low-power
is decreased. Thus, proper illumination procedure
.~ includes a combination of light intensity regulation, objective is always less than lhat of the condenser in
light sow-ce position condenser position, and field size most microscopes. Therefore, to achieve focus, the
regulation. numerical apertures must be more closely matched
by reducing the light to the: specimen. This can be
achieved by lowering the condenser and by closing the
The Magnification System
iris diaphragm (iris slightly opened).
The magnification system plays an extremely important
High-power objective It is usually a 40x or 45x mag-
role in the use of a microscope because it magnifies
nification lens. It magnifies the image 40 or 45 times.
the image of the object under view. The compound
This objective is used for more detailed study, as the to-
microscope consists of two magnifying lenses, the
tal magnification (with a lOx eyepiece) is usually 400 or
eyepiece and the objective. The to"tal magnification
450 times. It is used for a broad view of blood films or
provided by a compound microscope is the product
histologic sections prior to their examination under the
of the magnification caused by the objective and that
oil-immersion objective. The JQumerical aperture of the
of the eyepiece. The eyepiece forms a magnified and
high-power objective is almost close to (or slightly less
virtual image of the real and magnified image formed
than) that of most commonly used condensers. There-
by the objective.
fore, the condenser should be slightly raised and the iris
be partially opened to achieve maximum focus.
.. Eyepiece
The eyepiece or the ocular is a lens that magnifies the Oil-immersion objective The oil-immersion objec-
image formed by the objective. It fits into the top of tive is generally a 90x or lCIOx lens which magnifies
the body tube. Most microscopes are provided with the image 90 or 100 times. The objective lens almost
two eyepieces, Sx and lOx, with magnifying powers rests on the slides when in use (Fig. 5.2). It requires
of 5 and 10, respectively. However, 2x, 8x and 20x a special type of oil called immersion oil, which is
eyepieces are also available. Most microscopes have placed between the objective and the slide. The most
a provision to fit one eyepiece and these are called
commonly used immersion oil is cedar wood oil. Oil
monocular microscopes, whereas some microscopes
is used to increase the numerical aperture and thus the
have a provision for fitting two eyepieces at a time resolving power of the objective. Light travels through
and these are called binocular microscopes. The
the air at a greater speed than through the glass, and it
magnification produced by the eyepiece multiplied by travels through the immersion oil at the same speed as
the magnification produced by the objective gives the through the glass. Therefore, the oil ls used to decrease
total magnification of the object being viewed. the speed at which light travells to increase the effective
numerical aperture of the objective. It also decreases
ob·ectives the defraction of light rays.
Objectives are the most important pan of the Since the numerical aperture of the oil-immersion
magnification system. Usually, three objectives are objective is always greater than that of the condenser,
screwed into the revolving nosepiece in a compound the condenser should be placed at the highest position
microscope. The nosepiece is a pivot that ensures a and the iris diaphragm should be fully open. The oil-
quick change of objectives. The three objectives are immersion lens gives a total ma~nification of 1000
(a) l0x: low-power objective (b) 40x or 45x: high- times or 900 times with a l 0x eyepiece. Therefore, it is
power objective, and (c) 90x or l0Ox: oil-immersion generally used for detailed morphologic examination
objective. of the blood films or histologic slides.
28 Chapt er' 5



c::::==~ ===:::::>- Slides


oO o0
oO Microscopic fields
o © (magnification)

Fig. 5.2. Distance (working distance) between the ob1ect1ve lenses and the ob1ect in 'hrec types of o Iect1ves
Note the magnit1cat1on obtained under the three ob1ect.Jves


T he adjusting system consists of two adjustments: the Princi le

coarse adjustment and the fine adjustment. The coarse In the compound microscope, a focused beam of light
· adjustment is used to obtain an approximate focus scans the specimen or object placed on a glass slide on
whereas the fine adjustment is used to obtain the exact the stage of the microscope. Parts o:f the specimen that
focus of t he object after the prior coarse adjustment. are optically dense, having a high refractive index or
are coloured with a stain, cast a potential image like
a shadow which is magnified in diifferent stages as it

Coarse ad·ustment
passes up the microscope to the eye.
Two coarse atfj11st1t1ent screws are used for making the coarse
adjustment. These screws are mounted at the top of the
handle by a double-side micrometer mechanism, one 1. Microscope
on each side. If one screw is rotated, its member on the 2. Light source
opposite side also rotates at the same time. Therefore, 3. Blood film
there is no need to operate the adjustment screws from
both sides simultaneously. If the left hand is used for Procedure
handling the adjustment screw, the right hand can be The microscope should be handled carefully. Before
used for manipulating the body tube or the mechanical using it examine the microscope, 1the student should
stage. T he body tube or stage can be raised or lowered follow the steps given below when using a compound
quickly with the coarse adjustment screw. microscope.
l. Place the microscope on the working table in the
Fine ad·ustment upright position and adjust the ]height and position
Two fine atfj11stt11ent scrnvs are used for making the fine of your chair so that you arie comfortable and
adjustment. Usually these screws are mounted in the prepared for prolonged viewing. The eyepieces of
handle below the coarse adjustment screws by double- the microscope should be level with and close to
side micrometer mechanisms with one on each side. your eyes while you are sining upright. Keep your
These screws are operated for fine adjustment and forearms on the table so that you can easily handle
exact focusing of the object. the adjustment screws. You need not remove your
glasses if you use them constantly. I.Ill Observers
Study of the Compound Microscope 29

who wear glasses may be able to dispense with into position by rotating the nosepiece; make
them when using a microscope; if not, they must sure that the objective clicks into place.
take care to prevent their spectacles touching and • Use the concave mirror, raise the condenser
scratching the lenses of the eyepieces. slightly, and check that the iris diaphragm
2. Check that the eyepieces and objectives are free is partially open so that the illumination is
• from dust and oil. Use a fresh lens tissue for this properly centred. Increase the illumination as
purpose. BIii Benzol or xylol should only be needed.
used to remove hardened oil. • Repeat the process of focusing as described
3. Provide adequate illumination. If you have to use earlier by using the coarse adjustment knob
the external lamp, place it about 20 cm away from and fine adjustment knob in sequence. Ill
the microscope, switch on the lamp and allow the As the high-power does not normally touch
light to fall on the mirror. If you have to use natural the slide (check carefully the distance between
light, place the microscope near the window for the slide and the high-power objective at its
maximum illumination. lowest position), the use of the coarse and fine
4. Select and adjust the mirror for optimal illumination adjustment knobs may not be so critical and
according to the objective co be used. Direct the they can be switched freely.
path of light to pass through the hole of the stage 8. After screening under the low-power and examining
with maximum intensity while setting the mirror under the high-power, use the oil-immersion
Qook from the side to check illumination). objective to obtain greater details of the object.
5. Place the slide with the object on the stage, so that The steps are:
it is held by the stage clips and pressed at both ends • Swing away the high-power objective and put a
into close contact with the surface of the stage. tiny drop of immersion-oil on the slide over the
6. Make various microscopic adjustments to view path of light.
the object under low-power objective (the correct • Change the mirror to the plane side.
procedure is first to view the object in low-power). • Raise the condenser to maximum (to place
The steps are: below the stage) and open the iris fully to obtain
• Bring the low-power objective (lOx) into position maximum illumination.
by revolving the nosepiece (the objective must • Turn the nosepiece and set the oil-immersion
click into place). objective in position; make sure that the
• Adjust the illumination to improve contrast. objective has clicked into place.
Use the concave mirror, place the condenser at • Use the fine adjustment knob to get the object
lowest position, and slightly open the iris. 11111 in focus. If this fails, look from the side, keep
For low-power, the illumination is cut down to the eye level with the slide and lower the
the minimum by reducing the aperture size. objective carefully with the coarse adjustment
• Use the coarse focusing adjustment to focus the knob until the oil-immersion objective touches
specimen on the slide. DIii Never use fine the oil. Lower the objective further down and
focusing adjustment until the specimen has been stop when the oil-immersion objective touches
made visible and brought nearly into focus with the slide {Caution: avoid pressing hard on the
coarse adjustment. preparation). First, focus the object with the
• Use the fine adjustment only to obtain and coarse adjustment knob while increasing the
maintain exact focus. Put one hand on the gap between the slide and the objective. Finally, ,
focusing knob (coarse or fine, one at a time) and focus th~ object with the help of the fine
• the other on the screw to move the stage. adjustment knob .
• Bring the object of interest to the centre.
7. After preliminary screerung under low-power Precautions
objective, proceed to examine the film under high- 1. The microscope should be placed on the working
power objective. The steps are: table in a stable position.
• Bring the high-power objective (40x or 45x) 2. The height of the observer's chair should be raised
30 Chapter 5

to a position that allows for comfortable handling i) Inability to achieJJefocus or obtain a clear imflge
of the microscope. 1. The failure to find focus m ay be due to the slide
3. Obiectives and eyepieces should be free from dust
and oil. X ylol or benzol should be used to remove
not being brought close enough to the objective
to remain within its focal distance, or there
hardened oil. Lenses should never be touched with may be no visible material on that small area
the fingers.
4. If natural light is used, the microscope should be
of the slide within the field of the objective. •
First, move the slide so that the focus material
kept near the window; if the lamp is used, it should is brought into the field. This procedure will
be kept about 20 cm from the microscope, to ensure that there is visible material to focus on.
prevent heating of the microsope. Then, w ith the eyes level with the stage, use
5. The mirror, the position of the condenser and the the coarse a.djustment to raise the slide until it
aperture of the iris should be checked in order to again com es as close as possible to the objective
get proper illumination. without touching it. Finally, apply the eyes to
6. While changing the objective it sho uld be noted the eyepieces and use the coarse adjustment to
that the objective clicks into its proper position. move the objective away from the slide until
Otherwise the objective may not remain in the specimen is seen in focus.
posmon. 2. Check that no dirt or dried oil has adhered to
7. Never bring down the objective with the coarse the objective lens. If so, clean it thoroughly.
adjustment while looking through the microscope. 3. Check that the slide carrying the object has not
You should look from the side. been placed upside down on the stage. If. so,
8. Examination of the specimen under low and high reverse 1t:.
power should always precede examination under 4. Check that the immersion oil has not become
the o il-immersion objective.
9. The stage of the microscope should always be
sticky. If so, wipe off the old oil and replace. •
5. Check whether the specimen is covered with a
brought down before bringing the oil-immersion
layer of dried o il or dirt Qeft on it by a previous #
objective into position. Otherwise it may damage
viewer). If so, clean it w ith a lens paper moistened
the preparation.
with benzol or xylol.
10. The distance between the slide and the objective
6. C heck whether the coverslip placed on the
should always be checked while using the coarse
specimen is too thick or whether the mountant
adjustment screw, especially for high-power and
is so thick that the objective cannot reach close
oil-immersion objectives.
to the specimen to bring it within its focal
11. Always keep the stage clean. D o not soil the stage
with specimen material, stain, oil or water.
12. Keep the microscope covered w hen you are not 7. If none of the above steps unprove the
using it. performance of the microscope, you should
consider the possibility that the objective may
be faulty . Exchange the objective with one from
DISCUSSION another good microscope and if a sharp image is
Discussion includes the common difficulties in obtained,, discard the faulty one.
microscopy and the solutions to these, tips for routine ii) A dark shado1J 1 in the ftekl 1uulting zit loss of definition of the
care and maintenance of microscopes, and other types image
of microscopes. 1. This is usually due to a dirty eyepiece. If the
shadow moves when the eyepiece is rotated,

rem ove the eyepiece and clean it.
Common Difficulties in Microscopy
2. It may also be due to the presence of an air
A number of difficulties may be encountered by bubble in the immersion oil. It is better to
beginners. The following tips are given to overcome remove the oil from the slide and put fresh oil
them. on it.
Study of the Compound M icroscope 31

iii) Poor il/11minafion dust particles) on the lens damage microscopes in a

1. Check whether the condenser is appropriately short time.
positioned, that is, racked fully upwards. The following points must be noted carefully for
Sometimes it slips downwards in its mounting routine use of the microscope:,
ring. It should be pushed up so that it can be 1. Whenever the microscope ~s to be transported, carry
- racked up to within 1 mm below the specimen
slide, for the oil-immersion objective.
it by holding its arm with one hand and keeping the
other hand under the base.
2. Check whether the iris is kept fully open while 2. When not in use during the day the microscope
using an oil-immersion objective. should be covered, preferably with a plastic cover.
3. Check that the illumination is properly centred. At the end of the day blow off the dust particles
Ensure that the concave surface of the mirror from the surface and store the microscope in a
faces the light while using the low- and high- warm and dry place. Never store the micr~scope in
power objectives and the plane surface faces the its wooden box.
light while using the oil-immersion objective, 3. Remove oil from the oil-immersion objective
and that it is in the correct position to reflect immediately after use by wiping with a clean lens
light centrally into the condenser. paper.
iv) Presence efunclear image under ll!e oil-immersion oijective 4. The eyepiece should be cleaned frequently because
1. It suggests a problem in the the slide or with the · it is vulnerable to dirt as it is placed at the top of the
objective. First check the slide to see whether it microscope and usually comes in contact with the
contains dirt. If so, clean it with benzol. observer's eye. An air syringe can be used for this
2. Check the objective, and if required clean it purpose.
properly. - 5. The eyepiece should not be removed from the
3. Check for air bubbles in the specimen by microscope for a long duration, otherwise dust will
holding the slide against the light. enter the body tube and will be deposited on the
v) Object does not come into focus even when the of?jective is in the rear lens of the objectives.
lowermost position and the fine atfj11stment scnnv does not bring 6. While working with the oil-immersion objective,
the objective any closer to the slide do not pull out the specimen-slide from the stage
This happens when the fine adjustment screw without lowering down the stage or swinging out
reaches the end of the thread before the object is the objective; the slide may scratch the objective.
brought to focus. To correct this, turn back the Also remember that you should not push the oil-
fine adjustment screw in the reverse direction immersion objective on the slide; it may damage
for several turns and then focus the object both the slide as well as the objective.
carefully with the coarse adjustment knob to 7. While handling the fine and coarse adjustments to
find the focus. Finally, sharpen the focus by achieve focus, if the screws offer unusual resistance,
turning the fine adjustment knob. 11111!1 It is a do not use force to overcome it, as it may damage
good practice to keep the fine adjustment knob the screw and the pinion mechanism. It is better to
in the middle position. To check the position, contact the mechanic.
turn the fine adjustment knob to either extreme 8. Before storing the microscope after work, clean the
end, then turn back, counting each turn until lenses.
I ~ the knob reaches the midpoint. 9. Cleaning oflenses: Lenses should never be touched
vz) The field efview looks oval. with fingers. Lenses are cleaned with special care
Check if the objective is placed in the correct to avoid dust scratch. If the lens is taken out for
position. Note that whenever the objective is cleaning (eyepiece or objective), keep it on a clean
changed, it must click into position. surface. The eyepiece is pulled out from the tube
while the objective is unscrewed from the nosepiece.
Routine Care and Maintenance First, blow off the dust particles from the surface ~f
of the Microscope the lens with the help of an air syringe or a rubber
A microscope if properly maintained can be used for bulb or a paint brush, followed by gentle rubbing
many years. Fungal growth and scratches (caused by with a lens paper. For cleaning the lens, breathe on
32 Chapter 5

it through the mouth but do not clean it by spitting only the wavelength of emitted light for the particular
or blowing on it. The oil-immersion objective fluorescent system. The fluorescence microscope is
requires proper cleaning. Use clean tissue paper usually used in immunology laboratories to study
for removing oil by repeated gentle rubbing on the fluorescent antibodies.
surface. Move the cloth across and not circularly.
Do not use organic solvents like ethanol and xylene Polarising Microscope
frequently because the solvent may enter inside the
objective and dissolve the cement holding the lens A polarising microscope differs from an ordinary
in the socket. microscope in that it has two polarising devices, a
polariser and an analyser. The polariser (the filter)
OTHER TYPES OF MICROSCOPES absorbs light waves radiating in all directions and allows
light waves of a particular direction to pass through
There are other types of microscopes that are not the 'filter. The polariser is placed usually between the
routinely used in laboratories but these microscopes light source and the specimen and the analyser is placed
are specially designed and have some advantages over between the objective and the eyepiece. The polariser
compound microscopes. They are based on different and the analyser are rotated until the two are at right
illumination systems. The character of light delivered angles to each other. This causes disappearance of
to the specimen in different systems varies. light through the microscope because light waves are
cancelled when they are at right angles to each other.
Dark-field Microscope However, some objects have the property of birefnitgence,
that is, the ability to rot~te (polarise) light. These objects
A special condenser is used in this microscope which bend light and can be seen in this microscope. They
allows light waves to cross on the specimen rather than appear light under a dark background.
pass through the specimen. Therefore, the field in view
looks dark, as light does not pass from the condenser Phase-contrast Microscope
to the objective. H owever, if an object is placed on the
stage, light is deflected as it hits the object and passes An important property of light is its phase. If two light
through the objective which is seen by the viewer. waves are completely in phase they show interference
Thus, the object under study appears light against a and the resultant amplitude is greater and the brighter
dark background. This microscope is usually used in light is seen. When an object is seen without staining,
the microbiology laboratory to study spirochetes in the indirect waves passing through the object are
exudates from leptospiral or syphilitic infections. retarded. The principle of phase-contrast microscope
lies in further retardation of these indirect waves.
Fluorescence Microscope This is achieved by inserting a phase plate within
the objective lens. Since some diffracted light passes
Certain compounds when irradiated by short through the grooves of the plate, a halo appears around
wavelengths, say ultraviolet light, absorb the radiation the object. The advantage of this microscope is that
and then re-emit light energy of longer wavelength, the cells or the organisms in wet preparations (without
that is, visible light. This phenomenon is called prior dehydration staining) can be observed. As the
fluorescence. In fluorescence microscope, the material name of the system indicates, the structures observed
in the specimen that fluoresces becomes visible. show added contrast compared with the bright-field
The fluorescence microscope is a dark-field microscope, microscope. The retardation of the speed of light makes
which has been modified by incorporating two special the system sensitive to differences in refractive index.
filters. The condenser is preceded by an exciter filter, that Objects with differences in refractive index show added
allows only shorter wavelength light to pass through differences in the intensity and shade of light passing
the specimen. If the specimen contains an object that through them. Therefore, one can observe unstained
fluoresces, it absorbs the short wavelength light and wet preparations with good resolution and detail.
emits light of a longer wavelength. A banier Jilter is This microscope is used in hematology for counting
placed in the microscope tube or eyepiece that filters platelets, by using a direct method.
Study of the Compound Microscope 33

Interference-contrast Microscope 5. Bring the low-power objective into position.

This microscope yields a three-dimensional image of 6. Make coarse adjustments to focus the image.
the object. A special beam-splitting prism is adde~ to 7. Use the fine adjustment screw for final
the condenser. The two split beams are then polansed; focusing.
one passes through the specimen that alters the 2. Make microscopic adjustments for focusing a
amplitude of the light wave and the other (which serves film under a high-power objective.
as a reference) does not pass through the specimen. Steps:
The two dissimilar light beams then pass separately 1. Change to concave mirror.
through the objective and are recombined by a sec?nd 2. Slightly raise the condenser.
prism. This recombination of light waves provides 3. Partially open the iris diaphragm.
the three-dimensional image. It is very useful for wet 4. Place the slide on the stage of the microscope.
preparations such as urinary sediments, showing finer 5. Bring the high-power objective into position.
details without the need for special staining. 6. Make coarse adjustments to focus the image.
7. Use the fine adjustment screw for final
Electron Microscope focusing.1111 To get the focus easily under
The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons a high-power objective it is better to focus the
instead of light rays. The magnified image is visible film first in a low-power objective.
on a fluorescent screen and can be recorded on a 3. Make microscopic adjustments for focusing a
photographic film. The magnification obtained is very film under an oil-immersion objective.
high. It gives the image on the photographic plate, Steps: ·
at a magnification of about 5,000 to 20,000 times. 1. C hange to plane mirror.
The negative is then enlarged to about 10 times thus 2. Bring the condenser to the highest position.
enabling a total magnification of about 120,000x or 3. Open the iris diaphragm fully .
more. In this microscope, electromagnetic fields are 4. Place the slide on the stage ·of the microscope.
used in place of lenses. This is usually used for the 5. Place a drop of oil at the centre of the smear.
study of finer details of organisms, cells or tissues. 6. Bring the oil-immersion objective into
OSPE 7. Move the slide on the stage of the microscope
1. Make microscopic adjustments for focusing a to bring the centre of the slide under the view
film under a low-power objective. so that the objective touches the oil.
Steps: 8. Make coarse adjustments to focus the image.
1. Change to concave mirror. 9. Use the fine adjustment screw for final focusing.
2. Bring the condenser to the lowest position. 1111 To get the focus easily under an oil-
3. Slightly open the iris diaphragm. immersion objective it is better to examine the
4. Place the slide on the stage of the microscope. films first in low- and high-power objectives.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
1. Who invented the compound microscope?
2. What is the principle of microscopy?
3. What do you mean by resolution? ,
4. What is the use of the term numerical aperture (NA) and working distance in microscopy?
34 Chapter 5

5. How are different adjustments made in the microscope while using different types of objectives? ..,
Ans. O bjective Mirror Condenser position State of iris diaphragm
Low power Concave Lowest Partially closed
High power Concave Slightly raised Partially opened
Oil immersion Plane Fully raised Fully opened

6. What are the functions of the condenser and iris diaphragm?

7. How is the NA of objectives related to magnification? l
Ans. Objective NA
Eyepie,ce Total
Low power 0.30 10 10 100 ·
High power
Oil immersion
10 .,

8. Why is a special grade of oil (immersion oil) used in the oil-immersion objective?
Ans. Immersion oil (cedar wood oil or liquid paraffin) is used to increase the NA and thus the resolving power
of the objective. Light travels through air at a greater speed than through glaiss. Thus, to increase the effective NA
of the objective, oil is used to slow down the speed at which light travels (speed of light is measured in terms of
the refractive index), increasing the gathering power of the lens and decreasing the diffraction of light rays. The
refractive index of air, glass and immersion oil is 1.00, 1.515 and 1.515, respectively.
9. Why should the eyepiece, objective and condenser lenses never be cleaned with paper tissue, gauze or ordinary cloth?
Ans. These optical lenses are softer than ordinary glass. Therefore, cleaning; with paper tissue, gauze or ordinary
cloth will scratch the lens. To clean the lenses of the microscope, a lens paper is used. Before polishing with a lens
paper, care must be taken to see that nothing is present on the surface tha1t will scratch the optical glass in the •
polishing process. Potentially abrasive dust or dirt is blown away using an air syringe before polishing.
10. Why should the oil be remo~ed from the oil-immersion objective immediate! y after use?
Ans. Oil is removed from the oil-immersion objective by wiping with a clean lens paper immediately after use.
If it is not removed, it may dry on the outside surface of the objective or may seep inside the lens and damage it.
11. What microscopic adjustments are made when the field of view is not clear?
12. What is the cause of dark shadows in the field of view, and how can this be prevented?
13. What microscopic adjustments are made if the image is not clear in the oil-immersion objective?
14. What is the cause of oval field of view, and how do you correct it?
15. In microscopy what does the term parfocal mean?
Ans. It means that if one objective is in focus and a switch is made to another objective, the focus will nor be
lost. Thus the microscope can be focused under low-power and then switch~d to the high-power or oil-immersion
objective and it will still be in focus except for fine adjustment. Usually, after focusing in low-power if you switch to
high-power, one complete rotation of the fine adjustment screw (which adjusts about one micron) brings the object
into clear focus.

' '
6 Hemocytometry

I •

LEARNING OBJECTIVES in units per litre of blood, the number of cells actually
counted must be converted to the number present per
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: litre of blood. The alternative method is units of cells
1. Identify RBC and WBC pipettes. per cubic millimetre (m.m3) or microlitre (µl), since
2. Focus RBC and WBC squares of the chamber 1 µl is essentially equal to 1 mm3. Though the report
under low-power and high-power objective of the is usually expressed per cubic millimeter of blood, the
microscope. reporting unit of choice is cells per litre of blood.
3. Dilute the blood in the pipette for RBC and WBC 1 mm1 - 1 µl = l o--6 L
counts. - 1 µl X 106 = l litre /mrn
. .. - • o ~ \o,oa:
4. List the precautions for diluting blood.
5. Charge the Neubauer's chamber.
6. List the precautions for charging the chamber.
7. Calculate the area and volume of RBC and WBC ~ ~ipetting (diluting the blood
squares. in the pipette) an~ ar~g (charging the Neubauer's
You MAY also be able to: chamber with diluted blood).
l. Explain the possible sources of error and their
effects in diluting the blood in pipettes.

Princi le
INTRODUCTION A measured unit of blood is diluted quantitatively with
diluents by using special measuring devices (pipeues).
The formed elements of blood are counted by
hemocytometry. The apparatus used is called the Requirements
hemocytometer, consisting of diluting pipeu es 1. Pipettes To ensure proper dilution of the sample
and counting chambers. The procedures used for to be used for counting blood cells, the blood can be
enumeration of blood cells include the manual method precisely measured and diluted with specially designed
of hemocytometry and the use of electronic counting pipettes. For counting the blood cells, two types of) 2
devices. The ce · ~ i~ red pipettes are used: RBC pipettes and WBC pipettes.
cells, whit cells and pla~1/ ~ anual techniques In hematology, the hemoglobin pipette is used for esti-J j
len~ themselves to e e~ n .o:flall. small separa~e mation of hemoglobin (not for counting cells).
bodies such e tozoa, ~ mophils and cells m
the cei;rbcaspjpa) t!}iid: In the manual method, the RBC pipette
hemocytometer is used for counting, whereas in This is used for counting red cells. It has a stem,
electronic methods, automated electronic counting bulb, rubber tube and mouthpiece. The stem has two
devices are used. The electronic counting device markings, 0.5 and 1. The stem widens into a bulb
bypasses the element of human error and is also with a red bead in it. The bead helps in identifying the
statistically more accurate because it can count many pipette and mixing the fluid with blood in the bulb
more cells. of the pipette. The(capacity of the bulb is 100 party
(from 1 to 101 mark) . The bulb narrows above ('101
is marked just above the bulb) and to this end a rubber
Units for Reporting
tubing which ends in a mouthpiece i!i attached (Fig.
Since the enumerated constituents are to be reported 6.1). The mouthpiece is red in colour.
36 Chapter 6

\ - - - - - ~ubber tube - - - - - - - I

101 11 •
Bead (Red) Mouthpiece
1.0 1.0
Bead (White)

0.5 Stem 0

} P,11)11(')

Fig. 6.1. RSC pipette Fig. 6.2. WBC pipette
WBCpipette gently onto tl1e fingernail or palm, or touch the tip
This is used for counting white blood cells. It is similar with a nonabsorbent material keeping the pipette
to the RBC i ette except that the capacity of _.sh_e horizontal, in order to bring the blood to the desired
b..ulb is iess 0 arcs) nd the bulb contains a white {t\mark. 11111 D0 not blow our the extra blood or use
bead. The marking above the bulb is '11' (Fig. 6.2). \Z>'absorbenr warccial Ijkc,; cotton wool.
The mouthpiece is white in colour. ln WBC pipette the 7. Wipe off the tip of the pipette to remove the extra I

lumen diameter in the stem is more than that of RBC blood sticking to it.
pipettes. W'3CJ~e.n > RSC~ 8. Maintain the blood level at the 0.5 mark, and place
the tip of the pipette in the diluting fluid well below I
2. Diluents (diluting fluids) Different varieties of
diJutiog fluids are used for counting different types
the surface of the liquid. - D o not directly draw
the fluid from the stock bottle as it may contaminate
of cells. Diluting fluids are described with each cell the solutipn with the cells.
count. 9. Using constant suction, draw the diJuting fluid into
the pipette. Draw the mixture exactly to the top mark
Procedure ('101 ' or '1 1') above the bulb. While the bulb is being
1. Clean the pipette and ensure that it is dry.
2. Collect the diluting fluid in a watch glass from a
filled, you may tap the pipette with a finger to knock
the bead down below the surface of the solution fo
stock bottle. the bulb to prevent the formation of bubbles.
3. Prick the finger tip (as described in Chapter 3) 10. Maintain the level of ~ .ixture exactly to the
with all aseptic precautions to obtain free flow of mark by closing the pipe~ with index finger.
Holding the pi in the horizontal ition i also
4. Discard (wipe off) the first drop of blood.
5. Let a large drop of blood accumulate on the finger
important. /.> (Yr" c~e8._ ~ \-oJe. \
11. Mix the contents of the bulb thoroughly for 2 3
tip. minutes by rotating the pipette with its tip pressing
6. Hold the pipette horizontally and dip its end into against the palm of the left hand (the rubber tube
the drop of blood. Suck gently on the mouthpiece may be removed to facilitate mixing). 1111 The
to draw blood up to the required mark (0.5) on contents may also be mixed by holding and rotating
the stem of the pipette. If more than the required the pipette between the palms, but there is some risk
amount of blood is drawn into the pipette, tap it of leakage, especially if it is not held horizontally.
Hemocytometry 37

12. Place the pipette on a horizontal surface. The be exceeded by more than 1 mm, and the mixture
pipette is now ready for charging. should not be corrected back to the top mark if
overdiluted. Adjusting the upper dilution back to
Precautions the mark forces cells from the bulb into the lower
Cell counts are performed by determining the number stem of the pipette.
of cells in the diluted sample, and converting the 11. If blood is to be used from a blood sample, the
number of cells counted in the diluted sample to the preserved blood sample should not be hemolysed
nor should it contain a fibrin clot. It should be
final result-the number of cells in 1 litre or in 1 µl
mixed before use.
of whole blood. Blood cell counts are performed on
minute quantities taken from small samples of an
individual's blood. Errors are inherent even in the best CHARGING THE CHAMBER
methods. Therefore, the steps in the procedure must be
followed as carefully as possible to reduce the variation
► Prin_ci~le
of the final result from the actual or true count.
' 1. Pipettes should be clean, dry and without chipped
or broken tips.
A mixture of blood and d i l u t ~ is released
smoothly on_w th;;ci\\;;iJ
beneath a coverslip.
platf of the chamber
0\-> '-9,. C:ha..'f1''o(:
2. The puncture should be deep enough for free flow
of blood. The first drop should be discarded as it
contains tissue fluid.
1. Counting chamber
3. A large drop of blood should have formed on the
2. Pipette containing the mixture
finger tip to provide adequate blood to fill up to the
3. Coverslip
0.5 mark of the pipette at a time.
4. The tip of the pipette should dip into the blood Counting chamber The counting chamber in com-
drop, otherwise while sucking blood into the mon use is the improved Neubauer's counting cham-
pipette, air bubbles also enter along with blood. ber. This consists of a thick glass slide divided into two
5. Blood should be taken exactly up to the 0.5 mark. central platforms by an H-shaped groove. The central
If blood is present above the mark, absorbent platform is slightly lower than the sides when a cover-
material, such as gauze or cotton, should not be slip is placed covering the central platform and resting
used to adjust the b)aad leJZel because these~ s on the side platforms. The depth under the coverslip
a~sorb the : € ~ of the blood and causes and the central platform is 1/10 mm (Fig. 6.3). When
blood to caacearcate.. the chamber is charged with diluted blood, a thin film
6. The tip of the pipette should be wiped off. Otherwise, of fluid of known volume is spread on the central plat-
the extra blood attached to the tip enters the pipette form, and this is used for performing the cell counts.
along with diluent when the diluting fluid is sucked · On the central platforms are engraved ruled squares
lil. used for various cell counts. The ruled area is a square
7. Blood in the pipette should be diluted immediately, measuring 3 mm x 3 mm (Fig. 6.4). This area is divided
otherwise it will clot. into nine large squares, each having an area of 1 mm2
8. Contaminated diluting fluids should not be used. (1 mm x 1 mm). The four large corner squares are used
Blood should not be allowed to get into the diluent
because this will affect subsequent cell counts with Depth (0.1 mm)
the same diluent. Therefore, the diluent should not
be drawn into the pipette directly from the bottle. Coverslip

Rather the fluid should be taken, ~ a watcq, gl

from where it should be drawn inro~ i ¥'M .
9. The tip of the pipette should dip inside the diluting Neubauer's chamber

fluid throughout the process of filling the bulb,

Fig. 6.3. Side view of Neubauer's chamber showing the space
otherwise air bubbles enter the pipette. between the undersurface of the coversl1p and the surf;icn of the
10. The upper dilution mark on the pipette should not platform (0 1 mm deep)
(}_~R~V~ll.sL1e ~<l9. \:)
38 Chapter 6

- -- - - - - - - 3 m m - - - - - - - - - - - '~

.-1mm ~ =
~ lf ~"'1--,a
~ ~~ ~'t. - i--,

1 I
..\~~ .,
imm -4 .

'\ V

l •v ... 11• ...1 ... V" -

1 2

.. II 3

u RL 1 mm


-, R~ t. '.& 1.-tii,.
➔ we>c.'~ 1 ~c:\I
-~wy~'~ 1-<1- t
115 mm
An enlarged
RBC square


Fig. 6.4. Improved Neutauer s ch;imber

LU left upper RU right upper LL left lower RL right lower WBC squares 1 2 3 4 a'ld 5 RBC squares
for WBC count, while the large 1 mm square in the depth of the chamber is 1/10 mm, the volume of the
centre is used for RBC count. five medium-sized squares is 1/5 x 1/ 10 = 1/50 mm3
Each WBC square is further subdivided into (Fig. 6.4).
16 smaller squares, each measuring 1/ 16 mm2 • Each medium-sized square is further divided into
The 1 mm2 central RBC square is divided into 25 16 small squares, that is, 25 x 16 = 400 small squares.
medium-sized squares by means of triple lines. Each The side of the smallest RBC square measures 1/ 20
medium-sized square measures 1/5 mm in length and mm. Therefore, the area of the smallest RBC square
has an area of 1/5 x 1/ 5 = 1/25 mm2 • The four corner measures 1/20 x 1/20 = 1/ 400 mm2• Since the depth
medium-sized squares and the central medium-sized under the coverslip is 1/10 mm, the volume of the
squares are used for the RBC count. The area of five smallest RBC square is 1/400 x 1/10 = 1/ 4000 mm3•
medium-sized squares is 1/25 x 5 = 1/5 mm2 • Since the The red cells are counted in 80 small squares (5
Hemocytometry 39

I medium-sized squares); the volume of 80 small-sized

r RBC squares is 1/4000 x 80 = 1/50 mm3•
1. Clean the Neubauer's chamber and the coverslip.
2. Place the coverslip on the central platform of the
chamber. ( {::tb'~\:J
3. Mix the c nts of the bulb thoroughly.
4. Discard two dro s of fluid from the
. .
as it contains the dilutin fluid.
5. PJace tbe tiµ Q th~ pipette oa the surfac..e of the
chamber touching the edge of the coverslip at an
~ angle of 45°. Allow the diluted blood to flow under
the coverslip by capillary action. Remove the pipette
quickly from the edge of the coverslip as soon as
the counting platform is filled with the diluted
blood. Take care to avoid entry of air bubbles and
overflow of the fluid into the gutters. 11111 The Fig. 6.5. Charging of Neubauer's chamber (only the centr
mixture should completely cover the platform, but of the chamber 1s shown) a normal (ideal) charging.

should not enter the gutters. If air bubbles enter

the platform or fluid enters the gutters, discard the
specimen and recharge.
1 b undercharging c overcharging

under the low-power and high-power objectives of the

6. Allow the cells to settle for 2-3 minutes before microscope. While focusing the chamber, especially in
the high-power objective, . care should be taken not
placing the charged chamber on the stage of the
to break the chamber. In fact, before charging the
microscope for counting.
chamber, the chamber should have been focused earlier
under the low-power microscope, so that focusing
1. The chamber and the coverslip should be properly becomes easier after the charging.
cleaned. For beginners, it becomes difficult to directly
2. The contents of the bulb must be thoroughly mixed focus a charged chamber. Therefore, a student should
first focus the chamber to locate the desired squares
before charging.
3. Two drops of fluid must be discarded from the and then take out the chamber from the stage of the
microscope for charging without disturbing the setting
pipette before charging as the stem of the pipette
contains only diluting fluid. of the microscope. After charging the chambers, she
4. Air bubbles should not enter the platform of the can place the charged chamber on the platform of the
microscope and with the help of :fin.e adjustment can
chamber while charging.
easily focus the chamber.
5. The chamber should not be overcharged (overflow
0\.-0 -- ➔ "M)
of fluid into the gutters) or undercharged (fluid
does not spread on the entire central platform).
1. Dilute the given sample ofblood for RBC cotmt.
" If the chamber is overcharged, the cells may enter the
gutter and settle there, which gives false low results. Steps:
If the chamber is undercharged, the cells may not be 1. Select the pipette.
,. found in the peripheral squares (Fig. 6.5). 2. Clean and dry the pipette.
3. Take diluting fluid in a watch glass.
DISCUSSION 4. Shake the blood sample to mix it properly.
5. Place the tip of the pipette deep into the blood
Students should practise pipetting and charging and suck blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark.
repeatedly. But, before learning this, they should learn If blood is sucked above the mark, adjust the
to focus the RBC and WBC squares of the chamber level by tapping the tip of the pipette against
40 Chapter 6

fingernail or by touching the tip of the pipette blood from the supplied pipette.
with nonabsorbent material. Steps:
6. Wipe the tip of the pipette. 1. Clean the Neubauer's chamber and the
7. Maintaining the blood level at the 0.5 mark, coverslip.
place the tip of the pipette in the diluting fluid 2. Place the coverslip on the central platform of
and suck fluid exactly up to the 101 mark. the chamber.
Take care to prevent entry of air bubbles into 3. Mix the contents of the bulb thoroughly.
the pipette. 4. Discard the first two drops of fluid from the
8. Mix the contents of the bulb of the pipette by - pipette.
rotating the pipette with its tip pressed against 5. Place the tip of the pipette on the surface of the '
the fingers. chamber touching the edge of the coverslip at
9. Place the pipette on a horizontal surface. an angle of 45° and allow the diluted blood to
flow under the coverslip by capillary action.
2. Di,/ute the given sample of blood for W'BC
6. Remove the pipette quickly from the edge of
the coverslip as soon as the counting platform
is filled with the diluted blood. Take care to
Same as OSPE 1 except that the student uses thf
prevent overcharging or undercharging of the
WBC pipette and WBC diluting fluid.
3. Charge the Neubauer's chamber with the diluted • 7. Place the charged chamber on a surface.

VIVA - -- -- - - - - -- --
1. What are the uses of the hemocytometer in hematology?
2. How do you identify the RBC and WBC diluting pipe.ttes?
3. What are the steps for diluting the blood for various cell counts?
4. What are the precautions taken for pipetting?
5. How do you level the blood if the blood is sucked above the 0.5 mark of the pipette?
6. Why is the fluid not sucked directly from the scock bottle?
7. How do you prevent the entry of air bubbles into the pipette while diluting the blood?
8. How do you calculate the area and volume of RBC and WBC squares?
9. What are the steps for charging the Neubauer's chamber?
10. What are the precautions taken for charging the chamber with diluted blood?
11. Why are the contents of the bulb mixed thoroughly before charging?
12. Why are the two drops of fluid discarded from the pipette before charging? I
13. What do the terms overcharging and undercharging mean and what is their significance? I


7 Total RBC Count

the same size. h
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: dioxide is
1. Describe the importance of performing RBC This shape
count in practical physiology. to e,asily p
2. Identify the RBC diluting pipette.
3. S-uck blood up to the 0.5 mark of the pipette. Red cell dimensions:
4. Dilute the blood in the pipette.
5. Ch,arge the Neubauer's chamber. Shape Biconcave disc
6. Perform the total RBC count. Size 7.5 (7 to 8) µmin diameter
7. Calculate total RBC count to express the result Thickness 2.0µm
in mm3 of blood. Surface area 140µm 2
8. List the precautions taken for performing
RBC count.
9. Describe the composition and function of each Formation
constituent of the RBC diluting fluid.
The formation of red cells is known as erythropoiesis.
10. List the steps and factors involved in regulation
of production of red cells.
In postnatal life, erythropoiesis takes place in the bone
11. Enumei;ate the functions of red cells. marrow. In children, cells are produced in the marrow
12. List the normal value of RBC count in adults. cavities of all the bones. By the age of 20, the marrow
13. Define polycythemia and anemia. in the cavities of the long bones, except for the upper
14. Name the common causes of alteration in humerus and femur, becomes inactive. The active
RBC count. cellular marrow is called the mi mmrow; the inactive

You MAY also be able to:
1. State the name, composition and advantages of
marrow that is infiltrated with fat is called the _yellow
ffJPfTO"'· During fetal life, el)$hro oiesis occurs in the
spleen, liver, thymus and bone marrow. After birth, it
I other RBC diluting fluids.
is confined to the red marrowl ~ u \ \ ~ e.~po.t

2. EJ!;plain the principle of automated methods of
I red cell count. The stages of erythropoiesis are as follows.

k 3.
Classify polycythemia and anemia.
Explain the physiological basis of alteration of r Pleuripote7 stem cells

red cell count in different conditions.
Describe the stages and regulation of
1 Unipotent stem cells

Explain the causes and mechanism of
polycythemia and anemia.
Pronormoblast troerythroblast)
l .
Early normoblast (Basophil erythroblast) l
I termediate.norrnoblast (P!iychromatophil erythrobl st)EJ~

Late normoblast (Orthochromatic erythroblast) •

The human re~ cell is normally a circu ar., no~ - Reti.ciocyte C. J'u.,.~r,el\e. l2;C}
nu,cleared, bicobtave disc. The red blood ~ • s~~
(erythrocytes) contain herrysglobin. The surface area Erythrocyte - ~ o,
42 Chapter 7

As the cell matures in the bone marrow, its diameter Manual Method
decreases and the nucleus becomes denser, smaller and
finally disappears from the cell. While this occurs, Principle
the hemoglobin concentration increases and the The blood specimen is diluted (usually 200 times)
with the dil t' flu· ·c doe ot r ove the
~oplasm progressively changes from blue to orange
m appearance, on a stained blood film. The whole ~ . but allows the red cells ra be cauot~d in
sequence of maturation from the early precursor to a a known volume of fluid. Finally, the number of cells
circula · red cell takes 3-5 days. in undiluted blood is calculated and reported as the
. ~ h o oie~1 ~ subject_ t~~ ...
ac !l!;k...c ~ti~1. It is
=.o~nf number of red cells per mm3 of whole blood.
inhibited by a nse m the cm:~ ng red cells and is
stimulated by decreased red cell t. This alteration Re uirements
is mediated by a number act at influence the I. Apparatus
secretion of erythmpoietin, a hor. ne s ted by the l. Microscope
kidney. Interleukins (ILL, lL3, ILJ and GM-CSF also
2. Hem6cytometer (RBC diluting pipette and
affect the develo1.ment of ~ d cells. - counting chamber)
L'To..Mo..~~o..1 3. Equipment for sterile finger prick
Functions 4. Watchglass
5. Coverslip

II. RBC diluting fluid

The red cell dilut·

Sodium chloride : 0.5 g No..Ll
Sodium sulphate : 2.5 g ~ 04
Mercuric chloride : 0.2s g t-\~ 1
Distilled water : 100 ml
Dissolve thoroughly with a stirrer, in a beaker.
Normal Values Function ofeach component:
In adults : :±:0 · "1"-
rJ' > 9 (": E~~n) Sodium chloride maintains osmolarity .
Males 5.2 (4.5-6.0) million per mm3 of blood Sodium sulphate prevents aggregation of RBC.
Females : 4.7 (4.g-s.s) million per mm3 of blood Mercuric chloride acts as a preservative (it 1s
RBC count is higher°rn~newborns (6-8 million per mm3 antifungal and antibacterial)
of blood). The count rapidly decreases thereafter, and is Distilled water acts as a solvent.
lowest at about two to four months of life (3-4 million 2. Dacie's fluid
per mm3). The count slowly increases from one year of This is an alternative to Hayem's fluid.
life to reach 5 million per mm3 at about ten years. Composition
Trisodium citrate : 3.13 g
METHODS OF COUNTING Commercial formaldehyde
(37 % formalin) : 1.0 ml
Red cells are counted by two methods: non- Distilled water : 100 ml
automated (manual) and automated. Manual cell Dissolve thoroughly with a stirrer, in a beaker.
count is less accurate but is still widely used in Caution
developing countries as the automated counting is Formaldehyde is corrosive, and should be handled
very expensive. carefully.
Total RBC Count 43

Dacie's fluid is preferred in some laboratories .,,: . ~

because of the following advantages:

• It is simple to prepare. -~
• It keeps well and does not need to be sterilised. ~,.
• Red cells maintain their normal disc-like form
and do not agglutinate.
Cells- are well preserved and counts may be ~-
performed several hours after the blood has been ' ,

3. Isotonic saline
If the above two diluting fluids are not available, ... .. .
\ ..
isotonic saline may be used. The counting should
r commence immediately following dilution as it
does not contain any agent to prevent aggregation Fig. 7.1. Non-uniform d1stribut1on of red cells las seen under low
power) Note that cells arc clumped , t a tew places and sµarse at
of red cells. other plac s

Procedure 10. Focus the RBC squares under the high-power

1. Assemble all equipment needed for the practical and objective. Count the cells in five medium RBC
ensure that the pipenes, coverslip and Neubauer's squares in sequence as described in Fig. 7.2A
chamber are thoroughly clean and dry. (four corner and the central medium-sized RBC
2. Take adequate RBC diluting fluid in a watchglass. squares) that is 16 x 5 = 80 small RBC squares.
3. Prick the finger under aseptic conditions (as described 11111 Care should be taken not to count the same
in Chapter 3) and suck blood into the pipene and cells again. To avoid this, count the red cells present
dilute it following the procedure step by step as in the square and those pre.s:ent on its left and lower
described in Chapter 6 (procedure of pipening). lines. Ignore those on its right and upper lines (Fig.
4. Hold the pipette horizontally and close both ends, 7.2B).
then gently mix the contents of t he bulb. For
mixing, shake the pipette at right angles to its long
axis for a few seconds. The red bead in the pipette 0. ,'-
sh~~d move from one side to the other during the
/ 't'
muang. ... A
5. After mixing, keep the pipette in a horizontal
position to prevent any loss of its contents until the
r ,'-
cell count is performed. z ,, 'Y
6. Discard the first two drops of fluid from the
7. Charge the Neubauer's chamber as described in
Chapter 6 and allow two minutes so that the cells
settle down.

II{: 8. Place the charged chamber on the stage of 0

• the microscope and adjust the microscope for 8

observation under low power.

() • Counted
9. Focus the central square of the Neubauer's
chamber under the low-power objective, and 0 Not counted

check for uniform distribution of cells. If the cells

Fig 7 2 Pattern of counting red cell n a med1u'll RSC square 1

are not uniformly distributed (Fig. 7.1), clean the Arra,•, ,nd,cates the d,rect1 not counting IA1
N eubauer's chamber and recharge it. cells to be COU'.lted 18) as S'lO •m 1n a small square
,g\---i-ould Zo..rn L,tf> 1b
44 1 0 0 -1ozo
Chapter 7
(_ ...

11. Draw t he RBC squares in your notebook and enter extra blood sticking to the tip of the pipette will be
the observation. Calculate the final result. / sucked into the bulb along with the diluting fluid
/ and will give a false high result.
Dilution obtained / 6. Blood in the pipette should be diluted quickly,
T he volume of the bulb is 100 (101 - 1 = 100). The otherwise blood clots in the pipette.
stem of the pipette (from t he tip of the pipette to mark / 7. Suck the RBC diluting fluid exactly up to the 101
1) contains diluting fluid that does not take part in mark. If the fluid is drawn much above the mark
dilution. D ilution (mixing of blood with diluting fluid) (more than 1 mm), do not adjust it back to the
occurs only in the bulb. Thus 100 volumes of diluted / mark as it pushes cells in the bulb to enter into
blood (in the bulb) contain 0.5 volumes of blood and
the stem of the pipette. T his affects the dilution
99.5 volumes of dilutin fluid, resultin · · ·
and cell concentration in the bulb. Therefore, it is
0.5 in 100, Thus, th ution obtained is 1 in 200 a
better to discard this, clean the pipette and restart
200 times. the procedure.
8. Before charging the chamber, gently mix the
Area of 5 medium-sized squares = 1/25 x 5
I contents of the bulb.
9. Discard the first two drops of fluid as fluid in the
= 1/5 m.m2•
Volume of 5 medium-sized squares = 1/5 x 1/10 =
1/50 mm3 (1/10 is the depth).
I 10.
stem does not contain cells.
Do not overcharge or undercharge. If the chamber
is overcharged, discard that, clean the chamber and
Dilution factor = 1: 200
Let us say the cells in 1/50 mm3 volume of diluted
11. If the distribution of cells is not uniform, discard
blood is n. I
and recharge.
Therefore, cells in 1 mm3 volume of diluted blood =
12. A void counting the same cells twice.
nx~ I
Therefore, cells in 1 mm3 volume of undiluted blood )
Sources of error
=nx~OO The error in manual total RBC count is 15-30 per cent.
= n x 10' Cwhere --.._
n is the total number of cells'
It can be reduced by counting more cells. The possible
counted in 5 medium-sizeaRBG-squares.

Precautions ~~~
-- /

sources of error may be errors inherent in the method
or technical errors.
1. The pipette, coverslip and Neubauer's chamber A. @rrors inherent in t~ h~ ·
should be thoroughly clean and dry. 1. Error of visualfte ce count: Error decreases
2. The puncture should be deep enough to allow with incr~ased total number of cells counted.
sp"o ntaneous flow of blood. Do not squeeze, as ~ ~ ~oth sides of the Neubauer's chamber can be
squeezing expresses tissue fluid. If blood is taken ~ charged and counting can be done on both the
from \l sample, it should be mixed properly prior to chambers. The average of these can be taken for
pipetting. final calculation. This decreases the error.
3. Wipe off the first drop of blood as it is mixed with
2. Error due to distribution of cells since
tissue fluid.
~"'o distribution can never ?~
perfectly ~form
\) ~ even with near-perfect nuxmg and chargrng.
4. Draw blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark. The blood
.column (from the tip of the pipette to the 0.5 mark) I
should not be fragmented, nor should it contain air
bubbles. If blood is drawn above the mark, gently
B. CTechnical error;)
1. Improper volume measurement of blood and
tap against the,:finger tip or nail bed to bring to the diluent
level. Never use absorbent material for this purpose 2. Use of defective pipettes
,as it absorbs water from the blood and makes the
3. Improper charging of the chamber
blood concentrated.
5. W ipe the tip of the pipette before diluting the 4. Improper counting
blood. This should always be done, otherwise the 5. Wrong calculation
Total RBC Count 45

Automated Methods mass in the blood. The change in erythrocyte number

is frequently detected in clinical practice by ordering
There are two automated methods: (1) impedance estimation of hemoglobin rather than total RBC
counting and (2) light scattering technology. As these count, as estimation of hemoglobin is easy and less
methods are not usually practised in Indian laboratories, expensive. Moreover, total RBC count by the manual
• only the basic principles of the methods are described method is more likely to be erroneous (more than
here. 20 per cent). The total RBC count is still performed
lm.Pedance counting in some conditions to detect the red cell popuJation,
This was first described by Wallace Coulter in 1956. especially if the count is expected to be very hight, as in
Impedance counting depends on the fact that red cells polycythemia.
are poor conductors of electricity, whereas certain ~c::r-~t..Ql~ -<"\--\h.
diluents are good conductors. Blood is highly diluted Conditions that Alter Total ABC Count
in a buffered electrolyte solution. An external vacuum
initiates movement of a mercury siphon, which Conditions that decrease RBC count
I. Physiological
causes a major volume of the sample to flow through
an aperture tube of specific dimension. By means of 1. Pregnancy (due to hemodilution)
2. Children have lower values than adults.
a constant source of electricity, a direct current is
3. Women have lower values than men.
maintained between two electrodes, one in the sample
RBC count is higher in men because (jpalle sex
beaker or the chamber surrounding the aperture tube,
and the other inside the aperture tube. When a blood
® · . It is lower in
women beca o en inhibits e hro oie~~ and
cell is carried through the aperture, it displaces some
there is cyclical loss of blood during reproductive
of the conducting fluid and increases the electrical
• life. N O'T" d..u.t, ~ ~~ OT\.
resistance. This produces a corresponding change in
potential between the electrodes which lasts as long as II. Pathological
the red cells pass through the aperture. The height of 1. Different types of anemia
the pulses produ~ed indicates the volume of the cells 2. Relative decrease in RBC count occurs in different
passing through. The pulses can be displayed on an pathological conritions that produce he~odilmion,
oscillograph screen. The height of the pulses is used to for example, excess ADH secretion as occurs in
determine the volume of the red cells. posterior pituitary tumours. <Q,oJ~-~ r~~i p\
Li ht scattering Conditions that increase RBC count
Red cells are counted by means of electro-optical I. Physiological Neu> bc,r-n
detectors. A diluted cell suspension flows through an 1. High altitude (due to hypoxia) fdJ 1 1._ .. ,.. ri,
aperture so that the cells pass in single file, in front of 2. Newborns have a high count ~ tt\YVV..VL.ltj ~
the light source; light is scattered by the cells passing 3. Excessive sweating (due to hemoconcentration)
through the light_beam. Scattered light is detected by
II. Pathological
a photomultiplier or photodiode, which converts it
1. Conditions that produce hemoconcencration (due

into electrical impulses which are accumulated and
counted. The amount of light scattered is proportional
to the surface area and therefore, the volume of the
cells, so that the height of the electrical pulses can be
and vomi(lilg
2. Conditions that produc
to loss of body fluid), for example, severe dianyea
chronic hyp~xi~9 for
example, congenital heart ·sease and emplr~;ema
used to estimate the cell volume. 3. Polycythemia vera (C\-tD) C&')
DISCUSSION Polycyt~emia
Clinical Significance
The term polyc~mia, stricd peaking, implies
The total RBC count is performed to assess the red cell elevated levels o ~he ar elements of blood,
46 Chapter 7
' cl!(.,~
though it is usually used to deJribe the increase in OSPE
the red cell count alone. Pol~hemia may result
from an i · total u f..red_cells in I. DiJute the blood (from the given sample) for
the body (true pol cythemia) or fro; a reduction in total RBC count.
the plasma volume relative to e volume of the red Steps:
cells (relative polycythemia).Tru polycythemia may 1. Select the RBC pipette and ensure that it is

be due to a primary disorder Qf t emopoietic tissue clean and dry.
which produces excess of redkells {polycythemia vera) 2. Mix blood thoroughly.
or secondary to excessive &ulation of erythropoiesis 3. Pipette blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark.
by erythropoietin (secondary polycytbemia). If blood is drawn above the mark, remove the
extra blood by tapping with a finger nail (not
Causes by touching with absorbent material).
I. True polycythemia 4. Wipe the tip of the pipette.
1. Polycythemia vera C. P n ~) 5. Suck diluting fluid up to the 101 mark. While
2. Secondary polycythemia drawing the fluid, avoid entry of air bubbles.
a) ondary to tissue hypoxia 6. Gently mix the contents of the bulb and keep
i) High altitude the pipette on the table.
ii) Congenital heart disease II. Charge the Neubauer's chamber for total RBC
iii) Chronic pulmonary disease count.
b) Secondary to inappropriately increased Steps: :
erythropoietin production 1. Clean the coverslip and Neubauer's chamber.
i) Kidney tumours 2. Place the coverslip on the platform of the
ii) Liver tumours Neubauer's chamber. •
iii) Pheochromocytoma 3. Mix the contents of the bulb of the RBC
iv) Virilising ovarian tumour pipette.
4. Discard two drops of the fluid from the
II. Relative polycythemia pipette.
1. ~hydrajon 5. Touch the tip of the pipette with the edge of
2. ~distribution of body fluids the coverslip.
6. Slowly release fluid from the pipette (fluid ,
Anem.ia ..... ~cu..Xed moves by capillary action) in such a way that
~~ the fluid spreads just beneath the coverslip and
Decrease in number of red cells or Hb content below does not spill into the gutters or contain air
normal is known as anemia {Chapter 3). bubbles.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
1. What is the composition and function of each component of Hayem's fluid? What other fluid can be used as
RBC diluting fluid?
2. What are the advantages of using Dacie's diluting fluid? ..
3. What are the precautions taken in RBC count?
4. What are the functions of the red bead that is present in the bulb of the pipette?
Ans. The red bead has two functions. It helps in mixing the contents of the bulb and in quick identification of
the RBC pipette.
5. What is the significance of different markings present on the RBC pipette?
Ans. There are three markings on the RBC pipette: 0.5, 1 and 101. The 0.5 mark is the mark up to which blood is
sucked and the 101 mark it_the mark up to which the diluting fluid is sucked to get a dilution of 1 in 200. In cases
Total RBC Count 47

of polycythemia, dilution may have to be increased and in case of anemia, dilution may have to be decreased. The
1 mark is used for pipetting blood in conditions of severe anemia where more blood is taken for dilution. In such
conditions, blood is sucked up to the 1 mark and then diluted up w the 101 mark, giving a dilution of 1 in 100.
6. When is the RBC pipette used for white cell countin ? at are the other uses of the RBC pipette?
Ans. An RBC i ette is used for WB · ,~ ocyres are counted not io thousands hur in
lakhs or millions per mm 3~ f blood. In leukemia, bloo 1s sucked up to mark 1 in the RBC pipette and then diluted
to 101 mark giving a~ ilution of 1 in..lliFJThe RBC pipette is ~ 1sed for s erm count and platelet nt.
7. Why are the two drops of the solution from the pipette discarded before charging the Neu auer's chamber?
8: Why is the dilution obtained 1 in 200, not 1 in 202?
I 9. What are the sources of error in RBC count? t,..:)Q,C~ ~~
I 10. What happens to \VBCs in the RBC count? ~ CD.u...t\
I Ans. WBCs are not lysed, and hence can be seen along with red cells. But the normal~a.tio o RC to WBC is 700:1)

Therefore, hardly any WBC is counted, as total red cells coi:inted in 5 medium RBC squares are usually less than 700.
So WBCs do not affect RBC count.
11. How do you remove a blood clot from the pipette?
. Ans. First the clot is dissolved and removed by a strong acid or H 1y~ 1
; then the pipette is cleaned with distilled water.
The pipette can be rinsed with alcohol or ether for rapid drying. ·
12..,What is the value of normal red cell count in adults and why is there a sex difference?
13. 'What are the functions of red cells?
14. What are the sites of red cell formation before and after birth?
I. Before birth (fetal life): During fetal life, erythropoiesis takes place in three stages:
i) @ .robla.rtic sta~ In the early embryo, blood formation takes place first in the inesoderm of the yolk sac (the
area vasculosa), and later in the body of the fetus. The mesoderm consists of the syncytium (nucleated
mass of protoplasm) which later gives rise to a network of capillary vessels. Erythropoiesis takes place
inc,-avascular)y I bis is rbe a oly example of inrravaswlat be-roapai~~is.
ii) Hepatic stage: After the third month of fetal life, the spleen and the liver are the most important sites of blood
formation. Erythropoiesis occurs mainly in the liver. Thc!refore, it is called the hepatic stage. Red cells
develop from the mesenchyme between the blood vessels and the tissue cells.
iii) iHyekJid stage: From about the zniddle of fetal life ~ tli mondi), the bone marrow begins to form red cells.
r: Slowly, the erythropoiesis in the liver decreases and finally towards term, the marrow becomes the sole
;egion of erythropoiesis.
II. After birth: After birth, blood cells are actively produced in the marrow cavities of all the bones. By the age of
20, the marrow in the ~avities of the long bones, exc1:pt for the upper humerus and femur., becomes inactive.
In adults, erythropoiesis is limited to the bone marrow of the femur, humerus and membranous bones like the
sternum. This is called 111etfEf!::.!Y hw.eJ,q;pieys. Sometimes, because of increased demand, erythropoiesis takes place
in the liver and spleen. This is called extramed11/lary he111atopoiesis. · ·
15. What are the stages of erythropoiesis?
16. What are the factors that regulate erythropoiesis?
Ans. The factors involved in regulation of erythropoiesis can be classified as follows.
.... i) Environmental
ii) H ormonal
Thyroid hormones
48 Chapter 7

Growth hormone
{All these hormones stimulate erythropoiesis except estrogen, which inhibi1ts it)
iii) Hemolysates (products of hemolysis)
Products of red cell destruction stimulate erythropoiesis
iv) Vitamins
Vitamin BIZ
Folic acid
Ascorbic acid
v) Metals
vi) Proteins
17. What are the conditions that alter RBC count?
18. What is anemia?
19. What is the most common cause of anemia in developing countries? What are the types of anemia?
20. What is polycythemia and what are its causes?


8 Determination of Reel Blood
Cell Indices

LEARNING OBJECTIVES are used, the error is significantly reduced. Indices

calculated directly by electronic methods have been
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: found to be more accura~e. In recent years, electronic
1. Explain the importance of calculating red cell counting of indices is routinely practised in advanced
indices in clinical hematology. laboratori,es.
2. Calculate different red cell indices. It is important to verify all indices against
3. State the normal values of MCV, MCH and observations of stained films. When the red cell
MCHC. indices are used in conjunction with an examination.
4. Name the common conditions in which these of the stained blood film, a clear picture of red cell
indices alter. morphology is obtained. Since red cells are very small
You MAY also be able to: and the amount of hemoglobin in a single cell is minute,
1. Correlate the change in red cell indices in different the units in which the red cell indices are expressed are '
clinical conditions. picograms (pg) and femtolitres (fl).
2. Explain the physiological basis of these changes.
~ .

INTRODUCTION Red ceU indices are determined by two methods:

1) indirectly by calculating the indices from PCV,
From the estimated hemoglobin content, PCV and hemoglobin a:id red cell count and 2) directly by
red cell count, it is possible to derive other values, automated counting.
which indicate the red cell volume, hemoglobin

t content and concentration in the red cells. These

values are commonly referred to as the red blood cell
Calculation of Red Cell Indices
indices. They are 111ea11 co,p"smlar vol11111i: (MCV), mean MeJn corJJiuscular volume MCV)
co1p11Smlar hen1oglohi11 (NICH) and 111ea11 mt 11smlt1r he1J1oglobin MCV is the average volume of a red cell expressed in
co11rentration (NICHC). Th C •1.. .11«-u.u,es t e lume or femtolitre (1 fl = 10-15 1).
~ of the average RBC, the ~ weigh_£
Hematocrit (per cent) x 10
of hemoglobin in the average RBC, and ~~ MCV (fl) "'
defines the hemoglobin concentration or c~ u~ RBC count in millions/mm3
average RBC. , where the factor 10 is introduced to conven the
Another quantitative measurement of red cells, the hematocrit readin in er cent) from volume of packed
mean corpuscular diameter (NICD), is made directly. red cells pe-r 100 ml t vo um~ .
A derived measurement determined electronically For example, if the hematocrir reaaing is 45 per cent,
is the red cell distribution width (RDW). This is a and the red cell count is 5 million/mm3 of blood, then
measurement of red cell variability. the MCV will be 90 fl.
Determination of these indices is of considerable
clinical importance and is widely used in the MCV = 45 x lO - 90 fl
classification of anemia. When the red cell indices 5
are calculated from manually determined values {8-96 a)
i\'orll/11/ va/11,.-. The MCV in normal adults is $IC
for hemoglobin, hematocrit and red cell count, the Manual estimation of red cells is less reliable; so
major disadvantage results from the errors associated is the determination of MCV. Automated electronic
with manual counts. If electronic counting devices counting devices measure the electrical impedance
50 Chapter 8

caused by each red cell when it passes through the Colour index C:I
counting devices. The extent of impedance provides This is the ratio of hemoglobin per cent and RBC per
an accurate indication of the volume of each cell. Such cent. CIN~lD6) (O\JtS.ID°0
machines not only indicate the profile of distribution Hb per cent
of the volume of red cells, but also provide a highly CI= - -- --
RBC percent
reproducible value for the MCV. Therefore, the MCV
derived by this means provides a reliable index ·of the 100 per cent of Hb = 14.8 g/100 ml
100 per cent of RBC = 5 million/ mm3
average size of red cells.
Normal value: The normal range of CI is between 0.85 l
Mean cor uscular hemo lobin MCH and 1.10.
The MCH is the average weight of hemoglobin content CI less than 0.8:S indicates hypochromic anemia.
in a red cell expressed in picograms (1 pg = 10-12 g).
MCH (pg) = _ _ _H_b _(g/
_dl_)_x_l_O_ _ DISCUSSION
RBC count in millions/mm3 MCV
For example, if the hemoglobin content 1s
14 g/dl, and the RBC count is 5 million/mm3
MCH = 14 x 10/5 = 28 pg
Nonnalvalue:ThenormalrangeforMCHi 7-33p.
It may be as high as 50 pg in macrocytic an ·
The MCV indi,cates whether the RBCs are microcytic,
normocytic, oir macrocytic. If the MCV is less than
80 fl, the red cells are microcytic. If it is greater than
96 fl, the red cells will be macrocytic. If it is within
as low as 20 pg or less in hypochromic microcytic the normal range, the red cells will be normocytic.
The main source of error in the MCV is the considerable
error in the m:mual red cell count.
Mean cor uscular hemo lobin concentration
(MCHC) Microc osis
T he M CHC is an expression of the average hemoglobin Definition W1ien the MCV is subnormal, the condi-
concentration per unit volume of packed red cells. It is tion is called microcytosis.
expressed as g/dl or per cent. ~
Hb (g/100 ml)
MG\\ Causes Microcytosis occurs due to decreased syn-
MCHC (per cent) = PCV/loo ml - -
'lt\Q:\hesis of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin deficiency can be
caused by either iron deficiency or by a defect in the
For example, if the hemoglobin content is formation of the globin component of hemoglobin.
15 g/dl and hematocrit is 45 per cent, 1. Iron deficiency (as in iron deficiency anemia)
MCHC = 15/45 x 100 = 33.3 per cent.
N u e: normal range of MCHC is 2. Globin deficien£Y (as in thalassemia)
30-37 g/dl (or per c nt Microcytosis frequently occurs in anemia due to
a ave 40 per cent indicates errors hypoproteinemia and iron deficiency.
in the instrument or the calculation of the manual
measurements used, as an MCHC value of 37 per Macroc osis
cent is near the upper limit for hemoglobin solubility. D efinition \Xi'hen MCV is elevated the condition is
Therefore, this limits the pbysiologic upper limit of called macrocytosis.
the MCHC MCHC is a more reliable index than Causes Macrocytosis occurs due to a number of
other indices as it does not involve RBC count for its
diseases, the most important being megaloblastosis of the Jt
calculation. Therefore, the error associated with RBC
count is excluded in MCHC.
In hypochromic anemias, the ·hemoglobin
- -
bone marrow dlue to vitamin B11 or folate deficiency.

concentration is reduced and values as low as 20-25
per cent are not uncommon. MCH indicates the mean amount of hemoglobin
Determination of Red Blood Cell Indices 51

per red cell. A subnormal MCH occurs in is commonly seen in iron deficiency or thalassemia.
microcytosis, but MCH is significantly less when
microcytosis is associated with hypochromia Increased MCHC '-
(decreased concentration of hemoglobin in red cells). Increased MCHC reflects dehydration of the red cells.
This is seen in iron deficiency and t1!,_alassemi~ This is commonly seen in spherocyto~is.

Colour Index
MCHC reflects an entirely different parameter
from MCH. It indicates the a_yer~ e_heg_ 10globin CI is the ratio of Hb per cent to the RBC per c,ent.
C9,D,centratio,E_ per ,l.!.,.nit_yolume oip;ck.ed rectcells. CI decreases if Hb per cent is low and increases if RBC
per cent is low. The CI indicates the Hb content of
Decreased MCHC RBC. It is not a good index of hemoglobin comenc
A subnormal MCHC indicates the abnormality because when the Hb per cent and the RBC per cent
where interference with hemoglobin formation is change prop ortionately , the CI may not change :as it
more than that of other constituents of red cells. This is calculated as the ratio of both these parameters.

1. What are the different red cell indices?
2. What is the practical utility of red cell indices in clinical hematology?
3. Define MCV, MCH and MCHC.
4. How do you calculate MCV, MCH and MCHC?
5. What is the significance of calculating MCV?
l 6. What are macrocytosis and microcytosis? What are their causes? ,,
7. What does MCH indicate? What is the significance of calculating MCH?
8. What does MCHC represent? What is the significance of calculating MCHC?
9. Why is MCHC more reliable than other indices?
10. Why does MCH~ have a physiological upper limit?
Ans. Because red cells cannot possess hemoglobin beyond a limit (metabolic limjt). Therefore, a_!!e~ neveJr
11. Why is the colour maex not a good indicator of hemoglobin content of the red cells?
12. Classify anemia based on blood indices.
Ans. Described in Chapter 4.
9 Total LeucocyteCount

LEARNING OBJECTIVES m the b.i;me mav~ The lymphocytes and monocytes

also develop frc>mthe stem cells in the bone marrow.
Afte r comple ting this p ractical you WILL b e able to: In adults, l:f.!!!p hocytes are produced pri wacil)', in
1. Explain the importance of performing total the lymphoid tissue Qymph nodes and SJ?leen) and
leucocyte count (TLC) in practical physiology. @ icondarily in tlhe bone marrow. Granulocyres develop
2. Explain the structure and functions of leucocytes. inthe followillg sequence: -
3. Perform TLC by manual method (using the
Pleuripotcnt stem cells
principle of hemocytometry).
4. List the precautions and sources of error of TLC.
Urtlpotent stem cells
5. State the composition and function of each t
constituent of Turk's Auid. Myeloblast
6. State the normal value of TLC. t
7. Define leucocytosis, leucocytopenia and leukemia.
8. List the common causes of leucocytosis and t
leucocytopenia. eutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil)
9. Name the types of leukemia.
You MAY also be able to:
1. Describe the steps of leucopoiesis.

( cutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil)

2. Describe the fate of leucocytes. 't

~ t
3. State the principle of automated method of TLC.
4. Explain the variation in leucocyte count in

Eosinophil Basophil

different conditions. The number of circulating leucocytes is very precisely

5. Briefly describe the types of leukemia. controlled. Though there is no definite feedback control
system like tha1l for red cells, a number of chemical
substances released from the site of destruction of
leucocytes affect the development of the cells. The
substances that re ulate the development of leucocytes
Leucocytes (white blood cells) are nucleated cells that a re are loosely called anulo oietins. These substances are
involved in the defence mechanism of the body. Unlike various types of mter et! ms an co~ stimulating
red cells, white cells use the bloodstream primarily factors, and other c~'kines. I.Ls.., CS f ,,, CKL
for tr~rtation to ibeir place af function in the
bo y-t1ssues. Leucocytes are classified as granulocytes Fun_
and agranulocytes. Granulocytes are neutrophils) The granulocy,:es act as phagocyric scavengers. They
eosinophils and basophils, and agranulocytes are engulf and destroy invading microorganisms, and clea·r
lymphocytes and monocytes. the body of unwanted paniculate materials such as
W BC "'"~e... = <is-- ~oJ.)Jn. dead or injured tissue cells. The neutrophils are said >

Formation to be the first line of defence against acute bacterial

invasion. They kill organisms by phagocytosis.
Development of leucocyres is called leucopoiesis. The monocytes are also phagocytes and are thought
In the embryo, white blood cells develop in the to be the second line of defence against microbial
mesod~rm and migrate secondarily in the blood invasion. The monocytes enter the tissues where they
vessels{b.fter b~ granulocytes develo p exclusively form tissue macrophages (reticuloendothelial system)
Total Leucocyte Count 53

ha ocytose m the tissues. easy. Counting is done using a microscope under low-
Lym hoc es an lasma ce act as immunocytes power objective and with knowledge of the volume of
and maintain the 2ch;;'s immunity. Plasma cells are fluid examined and the dilution of the blood obtained.
not normally found in blood, but they are formed The number of white cells per mm3 of undiluted whole
from B lymphocytes under specific immunologic blood is calculated.
stimulation. Plasma cells produce antibodies that
in3ctivate antigens. Requirements
I. Apparatus
Life histor 1. Microscope
Radioactive labelling has shown that the entire 2. Hemocytometer (WBC diluting pipette and
maturation process, from myeloblast to neutrophil, counting chamber)
takes about three days. The leucocytes, especially the 3. Equipment for sterile finger prick
granuolcytes that circulate in blood, are marginatcd 4. Watchglass
on vessel walls (m argination) and sequestered in closed 5. C overslip_ _ _ _ _ __

I capillaries. Neutrophils have a half-life of about six

hours in the circulation. After their immigration into
the tissues, they never return to the bloodstream, and
survive in the tissues f~r a few days. The lifespan of
granulocytes is about four to eight days. Their entire
population turns over about two and a half times each
1. 1 per cent glacial acetic acid.solution
jlmd. )
diluting fluid is also known as@ rk '.r

2. Gentian yjql ~ stain or aqueous methylene blue

(0.3 per cent w/v)
day . Th us, over 100 billion cells are produced by the 3. Distilled water
bone marrow each day. Lymphocytes survive for Fu11diot1 ef each constituent
about 80 to 100 days. Monocytes, after their activities Acetic acid causes destruction of red cells
in circulation for few hours, enter different tissues of (hemolysis).
the body where they transform themselves into tissue Gentian violet stains the nuclei of leucocytes
, ' ·~ d stay in the ,;,sues for a long time (a Distilled water acts as a solvent

Normal ~Q_unt Se~-ez tA?tth AGE- 1. Clean and dry the pipette, watchglass, coverslip and
Adults : 4,000-ll,000/ mm3 ofblood Neubauer's chamber thoroughly .
Newborns : 10,000- 25,000/mm3 of blood 2. Take enough WBC diluting fluid in a watchglass. l \: 2.0
Infants : 6,000-18,000/mm3 of blood 3. Prick the finger under aseptic conditions and wipe
Children; · 5 OP°=J~/mm of blood off the first drop of blood. Allow a good-sized blood
There is ~; sex differenc; ~een in RBC count. drop to form on the finger tip spontaneously (do
not squeeze).
METHODS OF COUNTING 4. Touch the blood drop with the tip of the pipette
and suck blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark.
White blood cells are counted by two methods: If blood is drawn above the 0.5 mark, bring the
non-autom ated (manual) and automated. The manual blood column to the 0.5 mark by tapping the tip
cell count is less accurate, but is still used widely in of the pipette on the palm or finger, or by using
developing countries because of its lower cost. nonabsorbent material. Do not use gauze or conon
for this adjustment, because the liquid portion of
Manual Method the sample inside the stem will be drawn into the
absorbent material, leaving a higher concentration
Principle of cells inside the stem.
Blood is diluted with an acid solution that removes red 5. Wipe the tip of the pipette and maintain the blood
cells by hemolysis and accg1t11~ of wbife level at the 0.5 mark by holding the pipeue in a
cells. The counting of the white cells then becomes horizontal position.
"->. M~~ 10'111'U.O.. -;;: : N O , ~ C..ClllL& 1'n .l."'9,· .... VO\WTI-C. ':"b D\O.l.Ol \V\ 1.-q.,
2-_1>,l.uHo"' ~"'~
54 -chapter 9
x N~or ~-
6. Dip the tip of the pipette into the diluting fluid the dilution. Dilution (mixing of blood with diluting
(in the watchglass) well below the surface of the fluid) occurs only in the bulb. Thus 10 volumes of
liquid. diluted blood (in the bulb) contain 0.5 volumes of
7. Suck WBC diluting fluid exactly up to the blood and 9.5 volumes of diluting fluid, giving a
11 mark. While the bulb is being filled, you may tap dilution of 0.5 in 10. Thus, ~ n obtained is
the pipette with a finger to knock the bead down 1 in 20, or 20 times. ~
below the surface of the solution in the bulb. This
will help prevent the formation of bubbles. Calculation
8. While removing the pipette from the diluent, Area of 4 WBC squares = 4 x 1 = 4 mm2
maintain the level of the mixture at the Volume of 4 WBC squares= 4 x 1/ 10 = 4/10 mm3
11 mark by closing the pipette tip with the index Dilution factor = 1:20
9. Hold the pipette horizontally and close both ends Cells in 4/10 mm3 volume of diluted blood = n
Therefore, cells in 1 mm3 volume of diluted blood =
of the WBC pipette, then gently mix the contents
of the bulb. For mixing, shake the pipette at right n X 10/ 4
angles to its long axis for a few seconds. The glass Therefore, cells in 1 ~ e of undiluted blood =
bead in the pipette should move from one side to nx 10/ 4 x 20 ~
the other.
10. After mixing, place the pipette in a horizontal
(Same as precautions taken for RBC count; for details
position to prevent any loss of its contents until the
see Chapter 7.)
cell count is completed.
1. The pipette, coverslip and Neubauer's chamber
11. Discard the first two drops of fluid from the pipette
should be dry and thoroughly cleaned. ;I
as the fluid in the stem does not contain cells.
12. Charge the Neubauer's chamber as described in 2. The prick should be at least 3 mm deep. Do not
Chapter 6 and allow two minutes for the cells to squeeze to get blood.

settle down. 3. Wipe off the first drop of blood.

13. Place the charged chamber on the stage of the 4. Draw blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark
microscope and adjust it for observation under low 5. Wipe the tip of the pipette.
power. 6. Suck the WBC diluting fluid exactly up to the 11
14. Focus the Neubauer's chamber under the low-power mark.
objective and check for uniform distribution of cells 7. Air bubbles should not enter while pipetting the
in the WBC squares. If the cells are not uniformly fluid.
distributed, clean the Neubauer's chamber and 8. Before charging the chamber, gently mix the
recharge it. contents of the bulb of the pipette.
15. Count the total number of WBCs in the
9. Discard the first two drops of fluid.
four corner squares under the low-power objective.
10. Do not overcharge or undercharge.
To avoid counting the same cells again, count the
white cells present in the square and those present on 11. Do not allow air bubbles to enter the chamber.
its left and lower lines. Ignore those on its right and 12. Once the counting chamber is filled (charged),
its upper lines. WBCs appear similar to clumped red complete the counting as early as possible before
cell debris or stained particles. They are identified as the fluid begins to dry.
clear, nucleated arid refractile bodies. 13. If the distribution of cells is not uniform, discard
16. Draw the WBC squares in your notebook and enter and recharge.
the observation. Calculate the final result. 14. Avoid counting the same cells twice.

Dilution obtained Sources of error

The volume of the bulb is 10 (11 - 1 = 10). The stem Fortunately, error in the leucocyte count is not as
of the pipette (from the tip of the pipette to mark critical as error in the red cell counts. Even an error as
1) contains diluting fluid that does not take part in high as 20 per cent does not affect the result much. The
10"'1'~''- , _ -· •~ n\J ·· \l--'J
C.\·Ytrn \ C.~'-q. 15ti~ ~
b~ ._J)'\ C1"i 55
""':II 1{') e.c,W @) ~
possible sources of error may be 1) errors inherent in migration are called{cbemoattrac an The white
t he method or, technical errors. cells, once they reachtlie site of invasion, engulf
and digest the foreign substances (pbagocytosis). All
A. Errors inherent in the method granulocytes, especially n~rophils, and mo~ytes
1. Envr of visual count: One potential error is kill the organisms by phagocytosis. Lymphocytes are
mistaking dirt or clumped red cell debris for the principal cells of the body's immune system.
leucocytes. This error decreases by making a 0
second count in the Neubauer chamber of the Clinical Significance · Pi"'-l.J~===-
opposite side.
2. Error dtte to distrib11tio11 ef cells: Distribution can
Total leucocyte count is a part of the routine
never be perfectly uniform even with thorough hematologic investigation used to assess the nature
and severity of an infection, extent of spread of the
mixing and charging. If there is clumping of
leucocytes, recharge the chamber. disease and the body's defence capability. In · some
diseases, alteration in leucocyte count alone may
B. Technical errors be diagnostic, but frequently the leucocyte count is
1. Improper volume measurement of blood and ordered with other investigations, especially with the
diluent differential leucocyte count, to aid in diagnosis. When
2. Use of defective pipettes the total leucocyte count increases above the normal,
3. Improper charging of the chamber the condition is called leuracytosis, and when the count
4. Improper counting decreases below norm.J, le_!:,coqtopenia.
5. Wrong calculation , \_~ ~
&~ v Conditions that Alter
Additional inform~ · "·"1
moJ\"- Total Leucocyte Count
In case of a very high~ ucocytee co n, as seen · 0
__ ..,...._, ~err, \1'
leukemia, dilution may av to e increased to 100
times or more. The ~1!.1 ette can be used for this
- - --. ~\.<. : ~,~clioin
.J./~~p ~ ,.
· ~ ·--J v-!)eC- ~~~
p-!1rpose . .Blood is sucked up to mark 1 of the RBC 1. Newborns and infants: Count is as high as
pipette and then diluted 100 times. Calculation is 15,000-20,000/mrn3. cilseul~o
according to the dilution. ~
:.(p,\. ;:'(3)0 . 2. Physical exercise: During physical exercise, ~
--F--- ,7,t✓✓- circulation becomes more dynamic, which causes
Automated Method 0.od ~ ·('disruption of m argrnauon of the leucocytes along
~\\ irf\ClA'(. -
ot e um. ere ore, leucocytes
Automated cell counting is done either by impedance their margination pool into the
counting or by light scattering technology. The ;:.!::=~~ ~~ ~~.Ji.Siijeral circulation). This is
principle is the same as that described in Ch apter 7.
!;;,;s;;;;;;iii~=~o~s~ Leucocytosis does not
ormation of cells.
DISCUSSION 3. llowing food intake, the
Physiological Significance body's :::::---:..--..~ -b<- reases; this increases the
body's(1im1 era ecause of this, circulation
The total leucocyte count is performed to assess the improv~~ s causes cfisruption of margination of
subject's ability to defend his body against microbial leucocytes and results in leucocytosis.
invasions. The leucocytes are a P:!£ ofthe body's defen5e 4. Exposure to sun and increased enviro nmental
system that provides protection against infections. temperature.
The leucocytes constitute the mobile defences of the 5. Pregnancy: Leucocytosis occurs in spite of
body. T hey can(e,_ass thro ugh the vascular endothelium hemodilution. The exact cause of leucocytosis in
a§ enter the tissues 6 means otfoped~eucocytes pregnancy is not known, but it may possibly be due
migrate to the site of mJury 111 response to chemical to the action of hormones on leucopoiesis.
substances released by the microorganisms, or by the 6. Parturition: Leucocytosis occurs due to the
injured oJ:.-lllkc~d cells. T he process of migration is combined effects of tissue injury, hemo rrhage and
called ~ n d the substances that promote severe exertion.
56 Chapter 9

7. Pain, nausea and vomiting 4. Aplastic anemia: H ypoplasia of bone marrow

8. Menstruation decreases all the cell counts.
9. Emotion and anxiety 5. Cytotoxic therapy: Treatment of malignant
II. Pathological diseases by cytotoxic drugs
1. Acute bacterial infection: Infection with gyogeni~ 6. Drugs (especially in sensitive individuals): I
bacteria Qocalised or generalised) is the com.moue t
Sulpha drugs
.- j
cause of · leucocytosis. Examples of bacterial
infections are boils, abscess and pneumonia. Aspirin
But, there are a few bacterial infections in which 7. Hypersplenism i
leucocyte count decreases. One of the typical 8. Starvation and malnutrition
xamples of leucocytopenia in acute bacterial Leucocytopenia usually occurs due to neutropenia.
infection is typhoid fever. (' JL...oaib)
2. Chronic bacteri~ infection, for example, Leukemia
t~berc~l~sis. ( ~ ~ )
3. TISsue mmey Leukemia is a cancerous disease of the blood forming
Infarction tissues. Uncontrolled roliferation of one or more
Burns (NoarO-- of the various he";!.TAPPieric cells occurs, and t ese
Surgery progressively displace the ~ r-cellular elemeg ts.
4. H emorrhage
5. Neoplasia Definition
6. Stress states and hyperactivity Leukemia is a malignant neoplasia of hemopoietic
Convulsions cells in which there is abnormal proliferation of
Severe colic leucocytes and their precursors. It results in appearance
7. Inflammatory disorders of abnormal and immature cells with very high
Certain collagen diseases leucocytos1s tn t he penpheral bto od, and infiltration

Rheumatic fever
Metabolic disorders such as diabetic ketoacidosis
of tissues by leukemic cells. There is increased
infiltration of bone marrow by the roliferatin
9. Corticosteroid therapy ( D~) cells. Th tota eucoc e count is usuall ve
except m the ~ leukemic or leukemic form o
LeuJ;oc_Y!_o_penia leukemia. U~ ly, the prolifer ·on involves the
I. Physiological leucocytic senes; occasionally, erythroid precursors
Ph siological decrease in leucoc e count is very o~ megakaryocytes may also be involved in the
xposure to severe cold ay , s~times d1sea e process.
c ease the tota WBC count. ~
II. P athological mo..~'\Nll~e<\) Causes
1. Infections The exact cause of leukemia is not known. Some of the
Typhoid fever (!n ~ i n ~ ) probable causes are:
Paratyphoid fever l. H eredity and genetic predisposition
Early phases of many viral infections such as 2. Environmental factors, especially exposure to
infectious hepatitis. t D \cf,) ga~ma radiation producing genetic mutation or
2. Overwhelmingsepsis: Inseveresepsis,consumption chromosomal aberration f '-' 1
of neutrophilsexceeds production. 3. V ~ gs l ~R ~\Jim ..
3. Replacement of hemopoietic tissue in the bone
marrow by neoplastic infiltrative cells:
4· So rt. _
i 1_ ~~
..11 c... "-=

A) Acute leukemia ~:J~'~'.< Classification

6) Lymphoma ----:/ u ~ •~ Leukemia is broadly classified into two main categories:
'l-) Multiple myeloma ~ ou)° ' myeloid (myelocytic) and lymphocytic leukemia.
D) Myelofibrosis These two types are again classified into acute and
Total Leucocyte Count 57

d' >9 .
affected twice as frequently as women. Patients present
chronic forms on the basis of the clinical course and
the number of blast cells present. nonspecific symptoms. I-:Jmphadenopatf?y is the outstanding

pf?.ysical sign. Hepatosplenomegaly may be present. Mild
Acute IY.ffil!.hoblastic leukemia (ALL) to severe increase in leucocyte count is seen. More than
ALL is primarily a disease of childr~ oung 90 per cent of leucocytes are lymphocytes.
adults. This constitutes 80 per cent of childhood acute
leukemias. It rarely occurs in adults and the elderly. OSPE
The most common mode of presentation is with
I. DiluLe the blood (from the given sample) for
symptoms of anemia or hemorrhage, infective lesions
of the mouth and pharynx, fever, prostration, headache
total leucocyte count.
and malaise. There is generalised lymphadenopathy, Steps:
splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. The typical blood 1. Select the WBC pipette and ensure that it is
picture consists of anemia, thrombocytopenia and dry and clean.
moderate or marked increase in leucocytes, the majority 2. Take adequate diluting fluid in the watchglass.
of which are blast cells ~ymphoblasts; 60-80 per cent). 3. Mix blood thoroughly by gently shaking the

Acute myeloblastic leukemia AML 4. Suck blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark. ff blood
This primarily affects adults betw~ ges of is drawn above the mark, the extra blood is
15 and 40. years. It constitutes only 20 per cent of removed by tapping with a finger tip (not by
childhood leukemias. The presentation is like that of touching with absorbent material).
ALL, but lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly 5. Wipe the tip of the pipette.
is not common. Blood picture presents anemia, 6. Suck diluting fluid up to the 11 mark. While
thrombocytopenia and moderate to high leucocytosis. dra1wing the fluid, avoid entry of air bubbles.
More than 60 per cent of leucocytes in the peripheral 7. Gently mix the contents of the bulb and keep
blood are blast (myeloblast) cells. the pipette on the t~ble.

Chronic my~loid leukemia (CML) ~ II. Charge the Neubauer's chamber for total WBC
This form of leukemia accounts f o ~ per cent count.
of all cases of leukemia. It is primarily a disease of Steps,:
adults of 30- 60 years with peak incidence in the fourth 1. Clean the coverslip and Neubauer's chamber.
and filth decades of life. Onset is usually slow with 2. Plaice the coverslip on the platform of
nonspecific features like anemia, weight loss, weakness N€::ubauer's chamber.
and easy fatiguability. Splenomega!;· is the 011tstandi11gpqysical 3. Mix the contents of the bulb of the WBC
sign. Hepatomegaly may be present, but lymph node pipette.
enlargement is rare. Markedly elevated total leucocyte 4. Di:scard two drops of the fluid from the
count, usually more than one lakh cells per mrn3 of pipette.
blood, is seen. Neutrophils and metamyelocytes 5. Touch the tip of the pipene with the edge of
constitute most of the circulating cells. Blasts cells are the coverslip.
rarely present except in the blastic crises. 6. Slowly release fluid from the pipette (fluid
moves by capillary action) in such a way that
Chronic lymphoc~ leukemia (CLL) fluid spreads just beneath the coverslip and
CLL is the most indolent of all leukemias. It occurs does not spill into the guners and does not e
' typically in persons over 50 years of age. Men are contain air bubbles. Y.:. ~
,c"ff'Qr')k--. ~mp~-- •( c.i..:
l - --
~~emlO.. -I
e ~ L~F\~ ~fi(J.J.~- 9,Q"'/~ d,\\._J ( P>L.L)
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4 hl\Je\01u--~
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\..J '"", ___ ~
58 Chapter 9

1. Which diluting fluid-is used for determinatin g total leucocyte count and what is its composition? What is the
function of each component? f
2. Why are two drops of blood discarded from the pipette before charging the eubauer's chamber?
3. Why is Jbe dilution obtained 1 in 20, and not 1 in 22?
4. In which condition is the RBC pipette used for white cell counting?
5. What are the precautions for performing total leucocyte count? What are the possible sources of error in total
leucocyte count?
6. What are the functions of the white bead present in the WBC pipette?
7. What are the functions of leucocytes?
8. What is the physiological significance of performing a tq,tal leucocyte count?
9. What are the causes of physiologica l leucocytosis?
10. What is the mechanism of leucocytosis in physical exercise?
11. What are the pathological causes of leucocytosis and leucocytopenia?
12. What is leukemia? What are the types of leukemia?
13. What are the most frequently occurring leukemias in children and in adults?

1o Preparation and Examination of
... Blood Smear
LEARNING OBJECTIVES routine hematologic test can be reassessed. Therefore,
a peripheral smear is a permanent record. A peripheral
After completing practical you WILL be able to: smear made fo differenti count of leuco not only
1. List the uses of peripheral blood smear. provides information re · g them but also about
2. Select a spreader for making blood smears. the other cellular elemen f blood. It is used to study
3. Make a good ~mear using the wedge method. the morplb.ology of red eel and platelets, and to detect
4. Fix and stam the smear. the presence ~ ~asite ike alacia parasitPS~
5. List the criteria of an ideal smear. and microfilana. Perip o me r is also used to
6. Name and e....plain the functions of each verify h~no~lobin sta us, hematocrit an ed cell
constituent of the Leishman stain. count of the subject. Be~ uR tS @ ~ ) nany
7. List the precautions and sources of error in uses, a smear must be car~y~ij,and-smdied.
prepanng a smear.
8. Identify red cells, platelets, and different
leucocytes in a smear. tMJOHDS OF PREPARATION OF A SMEAR
9. List the identifying features of all the cells. The blood smear is prepared in two stages:
10. List the differences between neutrophils and 1. Making a hlaad smear
,. eosinophils, and large lymphocytes and monocytes. 2. Fixing and staining the blood smear
You MAY also be able to:
1. Explain the possible sources and effects of error Making a Blood Smear
I .;.
in making a smear.
2. Name the other stains used in staining a smear. A blood smear can be made by three methods:
3. Explain the principle and advantages of other 1) cover g.lass method, 2) glass slide (wedge) method and
methods of making smears. 3) centriJfugal method. The glass slide method is
4. List the causes of defective staining and the steps commonly practised.
to prevent them.
,Nedge or Glass Slide Method.

!he wedge method 1s so called because the smear

resrmbles a wedge.
Microscopic examination of peripheral blood smear is
performed as a routine hematologic investigation. It Principle
is done by preparing, s ·t gaand ~·· n a thin Spreading; a drop of blood on the glass slide makes ~
film of blood on a glass slid 1 ~ s often thin film.
called periph,·ral blood s1111:m : e cellular components of
blood are noted while examining a blood smear under Requirements
a mtcroscope. l. Glass slides
The unique feature of a blood smear is chat it 2. Spreader: These are specially designed glass slides
can be retained and preserved as an original record with a smooth edge, the breadth is slightly less
in the laboratory to recheck for errors or to evaluate than that of usual glass slides. If spread.::rs are not
the progress in the clinical status of the patient, or to available, a glass slide with a smooth edge can be
assess the response of the patient tb treatment. Thus, used.
it can be reused after days, months or years. o ocher 3. Equipment for sterile finger puncture
60 Chapter 10

Procedure can be slightly shaken sideways to facilitate the

1. Take four clean and grease-free glass slides and select spread of blood along the edge of the spreader.
one as a spreader. 8. When the blood has spread evenly across the edge
2. Clean the tip of the middle finger with alcohol, of the spreader slide, push the spreader to the other
allow the linger to air dry and prick the finger tip
with a sterile lancet.
end of the slide with a smooth, quick and controlled
m ovement. 111111
All the blood should be used up
3. ~wtt the first droe. of blood. before you reach the other end of the slide. Keep
4. Place a drop of blood on one end (say the right end) the angle of the spreader constant throughout the
of a slide in the middle, about 1 cm from the end, process. As the spreader is moved, a thin film of
by touching the slide to the top of the blood-drop . blood will be deposited behind it. The blood film
Take care not to touch the skin of the tip of the should cover half to three-fourths of the slide when
finger with the slide. Ill1f the slide touches the properly prepared (Fig. 10.lC). It should also be
finger, moIStUre or oil from the skin of the finger noted that no blood is left at the end of the smear
may spoil the smear. (all blood should be completely used in making
5. Place the specime.r;i slide on the flat surface of the the smear), otherwise distribution of cells becomes
table, and ho!g it in position at the left end of the unequal (for explanation see Precaution 8)
slide (the end opposite to the blood drop) with 9. Turn the sp.reader slide over (this gives another
che middle or index finger and thumb of the left clean edge) acnd prepare a second blood film using
hand. the same p rocedure. Ill A third smear can also
6. Place the smooth dean edge of the spreader slide on b~ prepared. At least two films should be made for
the specimen slide just in front of the drop of blood. the same blood specimen.
There should be an approximate angle of 30°- 45° 10. D ry the blood smears quickly by waving them in
between the two slides (Fig. 10. l A). the air, or if the moisture is too high, as occurs in
7. Using the right hand, draw the spreader back until it the -rainy season, dry the films by waving them ...
touches the drop of blood. Let the blood run along rapidly about: 5 cm above the flame of a spirit lamp.
the edge of the spreader (Fig. 10. lB). The spreader Never bring the smear close to the flame as excess

Spreader slide

Smear slide

Fig. 10.1 . Stt,ps of prepar3t1on of blood smear (arrows 1r1d1cate the d1rect,on f movement of spreader sl ide)
.1 ~ F rQu.5l. a.... t>f~~~ a~=;> ~ "ttd. ""UE:, ;_ J.b ~o '-'-' yv\.A.. u-.

· .....
damage 1t.
Preparation and1 amination o\ Blood Smear
f'f\O~ ,g)OJJ t.J Nf)~ r-..(Tl'\O.,il' e.

ng area)
~ -~C'lrt!.~ e.
d..wp 61
{he. ONj mum If t he smears are not
Body Head (thick end)
dried quickly, the blood cells will shrink and appear
distorted. ever put the slide directly over the flame.
.. However, adequate drying is essential to preserve A
the quality of the film. Hence, before staining the
slide, make sure that the film is completely dry. It is
• also observed that if the smear is not dry, it washes
Ta~ (leather edge)
off when the slide is washed after staining.

Precautions ~
1. Th ass slid rruistbe sc~u .
slides o not give an even mtear.
2. Discard the~t 11i..Q.(,hlgg.d as it contains tissue
fluid and is _ i__7nro12Jiils>
3. Do not squeeze to make a drop of blood. The
puncture should be deep enough to form the blood
drop spontaneously.
4. Use a medium-sized blood drop. If the drop is small,
the size of the smear decreases, and if it is too large, C

some blood will be left at the tail end of the smear.

5. Make the smear immediately after placing the drop
of blood on the slide. A delay will cause uneven Fig. 10.2. Good I A I anci I drl I B C I smears
distribution of white cells on the film. Rouleaux
formation by the red cells and clumping of platelets accumulate at the end to a greater extent than the
occurs if the blood is not spread immediately. other white cells, resulting in uneven distribution
The blood may also clot. of white cells in the body of the smear. Platelets also
6. The spreader slide must be moved steadily and tend to accumulate at the end of the smear if some
confidently with a single, quick and smooth blood is left (not used in the smear), decreasing the
movement. Loss of contact between the spreader number in the body of the smear.
slide and smear slide yields poor smears. Pressing too 9. The angle between the prr ader slide and the glass
much on the spreader slide results in accumulation slide should be about 45°. 1.he angle of holding the
of white cells and platelets at the end of the smear. spreads..alille a,m.-ittwa- o the ,,--..nuess of the
Pushing the spreader slide with an uneven movement film. In.~l9il!ig th • yi a rhicker smear,
results in thicker and thinner areas in the body of whereas creasin gives a smear.
the smear (Fig. 10.2C). The smear should not be 10. The smeai""iloul om leu,lydry. A wet smear
made very fast or slow. The smear beconm thick ifmade if stained will not the slide. The cells are
t'!!Y_iast or thin ifmade s/ou
1• practice the student distorted if the smear takes long time to dry.
will learn the optimum speed.
7. Before the smear is made (before the spreader slide is Cover Glass Method
moved) ensure that the blood has spread uniformly
along the edge of the spreader; otherwise a thick Princi~
narrow smear results. A drop of blood is spread between two cover glasses as
8. The entire amount of blood taken on the slide they are pulled in opposite directions.
should be used in making the film. The film should
gradually fade away at the feather edge and no Disadvantages
blood should be left at the tail end of the smear (Fig. 1. It is a time-consuming method. It takes more time
10.2A). A defined border at the end of the smear than the wedge method.
indicates that most of the white cells have piled up at 2. It is difficult to learn and perform correctly.
the end. When this occurs, the heavier neutrophils 3. The preparation has to be handled carefully.,~ ti Me. ~
62 ( :=t-m,rv Chapter 10

Centrifugal Blood Smear Method stain, very similar to the Leishman stain. It
produces the same colour reaction with the
With the use of a cytocentrifuge, a monolayer of cells
cellular components of blood as the Leishman
can be prepared. These centrifuges facilitate rapid stain.
spreading of the cells across a slide.
ii) Ma_;'-Gmmrald and Gie1J1sa st,1i11: The slide is first
stained with the May-Grunwald stain for S
Pri_!lciple •
minutes, and then replaced by the Giemsa
A drop of blood is spun from a central point creating
stain for 10 minutes. Staining of the cells is
an evenly dispersed monolayer of cells. The blood similar to that of the Leishman stain.
spreads across the slide by virtue of rhe high torque
iii/ Field stain: It was originally introduced for
and low inertia of motion.
thick films for malarial parasites in field study.
Staining is rapid and convenient. It is used for
rapid screening of blood smears.
1. Only a small volume of a sample of blood is used.
2. Cellular destruction and artifacts, present in the 2. Staining rack: This consists of two glass rods
glass slide method, are eliminated. placed parallel, about S cm apart, on a tray. The
3. Cells are evenly distributed and less distorted. glass rods hold the slrdes and the tray holds the
4. A smear of single-layer thickness is easily obtained. stain and water poured on the slides.
3. Distilled water
Fixing and Staining a Smear
4. Pasteur pipette
le:,______________----. 5. Blood smears
The ~ n g method for blood films fixes dead cells)
as oppos u avit · · ·g which is used with
livin s. FrxaJ:i is the process by which ~
c:cll~ ace wade re ac:ibece to the slidt, and stai'!Ji'!, is the 1. Place the slides on the staining rack with the blood
process by which the cells (cyJ;oplasm.,and .mfclci) are smear (dull side of the slide) facing up. If the staining
swru:,tl. The blood cells are fixe ymet ano . t is rack is not available, place two glass rods over a tray
advisable IQ stain the smear soon after makin~t. If it to hold the slide.
cannot be stained within few hours, it should be fixed 2. Pour 8-12 drops of Leishman stain on the slide.
by immersion in absolute methyl alcohol (methanol) The stain should just cover the smear.
for 2-3 seconds, and then air-dried. 3. Note the time and leave it for 1½ to 2 minutes.
/':I) I@@ During th~ period, the alcohol in the stain
Requirements '\l5l
fixes the cells (fixation time) .
. . .
1. Leishman stain: This 1s a mixture of methylene
~ Ad~ uble ·
he amount of distilled water on the
h h l f dr akin h
. . sme , t e e p o a opper, t g care t at
blue and eosm m acetone-free methyl alcohol. h d ill
Methy ene ue tams t e ac1clic part o t e t ~ water o_es not sp · .
(basic dye) cell, that is, the nuclei (DNA) and 5. MIX the Stam and the water evenly by blowmg
cytoplasm ~ f WBCs and gently or by blow0g air_ through a Paste~r pipette.
granules of basophils. MlfiiN A metallic shiny layer (greerush scum)
Eosin (acidic dye) Stains the basic pa.rt of the cell - should form on the top of this mixture.
eosinophil~ ~d Hb of red 6. Note the time and leave it for 7-10 minutes.
cells. 0 ~ MN This is the time when staining occurs '-

Methyl alcohol (staining time). Staining time may have co be

acetone free because acetone causes adjusted according to the reaction of the stain.
lysis of the cell reaks cell membrane) Reduce the time if it is overstained, and increase the
Other stains that can be used in place of the Leishman time if it is poorly stained.
stain: 7. Pour off the stain, and wash the slide gently and
i) Ir'nihl sltii11: This is a modified Romanowsky thoroughly under tap water. 11111 Make sure
Preparation and Examination of Blood Smear 63

that the stream of water does not fall directly on The oil-immersion examination includes:
the smear. While pouring off the stain it sho uld be • Examination of the erythrocytes for alterations and
ensured that the greenish scum does not stick to the variations in morphology
surface of the smear. • Evaluation of platelet numbers and morphology
8. Shake off all water adhering to the slide and set • Differential count of leucocytes
the slide in an upright position in a drying rack.
MN Keep the smeared surface of the slide face Steps of Examination
down. This prevents dust from settling on the
smear. Examination of a smear takes place in three steps:
general scanning, selection of the site for examination,
!jecautions and identification and count of cells.
1. The smear should dry completely before staining.
Unless completely dry, the smear will not stick to GenfU'al scanning
the slide and is removed while washing. First, examine t he stained blood smear under low-
2. Adequate quantity (8-10 drops) of stain should be power 'objective for screening. This allows you to
poured on the smear and the stain should cover the scan the entire slide of blood smear quickly. Note the
entire smear. f>o not pour excess stain (it should backg~ound colour and distribution of white cells. In
just cover the smear). an ideal stained smear, three zones can be identified
3. Allow adequate fixing time (check the recommended (Fig. 10.2A):
time of fixation for the given sample of stain). i) the thick area or the 'head' of the smear
4. The distilled water should just cover the slide. Care ii) the 'body' of the smear
should be taken to prevent spillover of the mixture iii) the thin end or 'tail' of the smear
of water and stain. Towards the tail end, the red cells lie singly, and
5. It is important that the staining rack be level so that neutrophils and monocytes predominate, while in the
the stain is uniform throughout the film and the body, the red cells overlap each.other to a certain extent
mixture does not spill over. '
and the lymphocytes predorrunate. Towards the head
end, the red cells considerably overlap and eosinophils
.! 6. Water and stain should be mixed by gentle blowing.
Mixing should be done immediately after pouring predominate. This non-uniform distribution of various
the distilled water. types of leucocytes is inherent to the smear prepared by
7. Exact timing for staining should be followed (check the glass slide method. Therefore, the smear should be
the recommended time). examined in a zigzag fashion (Fig. 11.1) across the length
8. When the mixture of stained water is poured off the of the smear but not along the breadth of the smear,
slide, take care to prevent deposition of scum on the to get an accurate differential count. If the scanning
smear. indicates very irregular distribution of leucocytes
9. While washing, ensure that the smear is not directly (neutrophils and monocytes are fully concentrated in
under the stream of water. the tail), the smear will give an inaccurate differential
count. In this case, make a new smear. The scanning of
the entire slide also gives an opportunity to detect the
presence of large abnormal cells like megakaryoblasts,
and parasites like microfilaria.
After the initial preparation of the smear, it is examined
under the low-power and high-power objectives, and Selection of site ! or examination
then under the oil-immersion objective. The low- If the smear is an ideal one (one-cell thickness), it
power and high-power examinations include: should be examined throughout its length excluding
• Evaluation of th:e quality of the smear the extreme, thin portion of the tail and the very thick
• Rough estimation of the red cell and leucocyte portion of the head. But, if the smear is not an ideal one
numbers (which often happens in practice) select the portion of
• Distribution of rhe cells in the smear the blood smear where the red cells just touch each
• A scan of the film other or slightly overlap but are not piled on top of
64 Chapter 10

r I



Fig. 10.3. Cells observed 1n a normal peripheral smear A Segmented neutroph1I B Band neutroph1I. C Eos1n ph1I O Basophil
E Monocyte F Large lymphocyte G Small lymphocyte H Red cells I Platelets

one another. This area is usually found near the feather b) Platelets
edge (between the body and tail) of the film. Place a Appearance Under high power, they look like
drop of immersion oil on the slide (do not place on a dirt and stain deposits. Under oil-
coverslip) directly on the smear. Now switch to the oil- immersion, they look like pin heads.
immersion objective. Ensure that the objective makes They contain no nuclei. On fine
contact with the oil. Look through the microscope and adjustment, platel1ets look refractile; !.
increase the light by opening the iris as needed. this is a characteristic feature that
distinguishes them. from deposited
Identification of cells stained particles .
• Identify various types of cells on the basis of the Staining Stain mauve-pink.
following characteristics as a result of staining with Distn"bution Usually they are present in groups
the Leishman stain. Even if the smear is not properly or aggregates (many platelets lying
stained, the shape and size of the cells provide sufficient close to each other), but presence
clues for their identification (Fig. 10.3). of a single (isolated) platelet is J].Ot
a) Red blood cells Siz{ They are the smallest cells in the

Red cells appear as round bodies
contammg n
discrete materials.
ucleus, granules or

Stain orange-red. The red colour is

darker at the edge of the cell than
c) Leucocytes
i) Neutrophils (Fig. 10.4)
peripheral s~~ diameter of
the platelets i~~
in the centre (giving the appearance Size : E ~.
of a central halo). This variation is Nucleus : ~lt~Z::f> lo bes), lobes are
caused by the biconcave shape of the connec~d by llirn strands. In
cells which contains les hemoglobin band-forLP, the nucleus is sausage-
in "ts (thinner) centre. s aped (also called stab form).
Size The diameterof the cells is about Cytoplas111 Looks pale pink,, containing fine
7.2µm. pink granules.
9b ~nf"U\~
__,,,,,,. ~ ~ - ........ .....,

~ n bo.Q.~ ~ NUCL~VS
Preparation and Examination of Blood Smear 65


Fig. 10.4. Neutroph1I Fig. 10.5. Eos1 ophll

Fig. 10.6. Large lymphocyte Fig. 10.7. Small ly phocyte


Fig. 10.8. Monocyte Fig. 19.1 . Ret1culocyte (S prav1tal sta1r11r1g)

66 Chapter 10

ii) Eosinophils (Fig. 10.5) appearance and pinkish violet in

Size 10-14 µm~ colour
11cle11s Usuall{h'ilobed, lobes are connected Cytoplasm Ground-glass (hazy, turbid)
by a - ~ strand, giving the
appearance of spectacles (spectacle- - grey-blue in colour
sbaped nucleus). - usually contains no granules, but
<;ytoplasm Stains faint pink containing coarse sometimes (15- 30 per cent of
brick-red or red-orange granules. monocytes) fine granules may be
The cytoplasm is usually not visible present.
as it is obscured by granules.
iii) Basophils
N11cle11s Usually bilobed or trilobed, but
A bad smear results from lack of sincerity and interest
lobes are usually not distinctly
in making the smear. If all the steps of preparing and
visible because the cell is studded
staining the smear are properly followed the smear will
with granules.
definitely be a good one. The smear may be prepared
Cytoplas"' Contains numerous coarse granules.
well but improper staining may spoil it completely.
Granules are blue-black and fill the
cells and obscure the nucleus. Staining Defects
iv) ·Large lymphocytes (Fig. 10.6)
The following staining defects are frequently observed.
Size 10-14 µm
1. Presence ojmoreprecipitated stainedpmticles: This occurs due
ude11s Occupies 80- 90 per cent of the cell.
to either improper washing or using an old stain that
It is eccentrically placed and oval or
has not been properly filtered. Improper washing
round with or without a dent. It is
means inadequate washing of metallic scum. It can be
homogenous (compact) and violet in
corrected by using a freshly prepared or adequately
filtered stain or by correcting the washing procedure.
Cytoplasm Clear blue cytoplasm; usually
The smear should be washed for about one minute.
contains no granules.
2. Excessivefy {!!!)
appearance: This occurs due to
iv) Small lymphocytes (Fig. 10.7)
undema irnog, averwasbio~qr use of a highly acidi:,
SiZ! 7- 8 µm (same as or slightly larger stain or water (for staining). It can be rectified by
than red cells). increasing the fixing and staining time, and properly
Nucleus Occupies almost the w hole cell. It washing the smear. Buffered water (pH 6.8) or
is homogeoous (compact) and deep distilled water should be used for staining.
violet in colour. 3. Excessive_!Jf!J>?pearance: This re~ults from over~ng,
Cytoplasm May not be present or sometimes overstammg uate washLh or use of a h1 hly
there may be a thin rim of clear blue al stain or water for stamm . t can e
cytoplasm present at the periphery. rectified by decreasing the xing an staining time,
There are no granules. proper washing of the smear and using proper stain
and water.
v) Monocytes (Fig. 10.8) 4. Faded appearof/ce of the cells: This results from
Size 12-24 µm, the largest leucocytes overwashing, understaining, underfixing or from
N11cle11s Occupies SO per cent of the cell, an improperly made stain.
centrally or slightly eccentrically
placed. It is usually kidney-shaped Morphological Differences in Leucocytes
or horseshoe-shaped, but may be
round, oval, dumb-bell shaped, or Usually, students confuse neutrophils with eosinophils,
irregular. and large lymphocytes with monocytes. The important
Nonhomogenous (spongy) m points to differentiate these cells are given here.
Preparatio n and Examinatio n of Blood Smear 67

Criteria of an Ideal Smear vi) Place the spreader in front of the drop of
blood at an angle 30°- 45°, and then draw
1. A good blood smear should cover one-half to three-
.. ql,Wl.ers of the length of the slide.
the spreader back until it touches the drop of
blood. Wait for spread of blood along the edge
2. It should be thickest at the origin and gradually
of the spreader or slightly shake the spreader
thin o ut rather than having alternate thick and
to facilitate spreading.
chin areas. The thin end of the smear should have a
vii) Push the spreader with a steady, smooth, and
good feather edge, that is, the film should fade away
quick movemen t to the other end of the slide
without a defined border at the end. It should be
to make an ideal smear (examiner to look for
tongue shaped.
thickness and size of the smear).
3. There should be no streaks or ~ap~in the smear.
viii) Immediately dry the smear by waving the
4. It should be one-cell thick (of red cells), that is, the
slide in the air.
red cells should not overlap each other nor should
they remain far away from each other. If a film is 2. Stain the supplied smear for DLC.
thick, the cells pile up. Steps:
i) Select an ideal smear.
Thicknes s of the film is determined by: ii) Place the slide horizonta lly across the two glass
i) Size of the drop of blood used-a thick film rods on the staining tray.
results when the drop of blood is large and a iii) Select the Leishman stain.
thin film from a small drop of blood. iv) Put 8-12 drops of stain on the smear (the stain
ii) The speed of the stroke used to move the should be adequate to cover d e smear) and
spreader slide-a thick film results from fast note the time.
spreader movemen t and a thin film from slow v) After 1½ minutes, add distilled water, and
movemen t. double the amount of stain on the smear,
iii) The angle at which the spreader slide is moved- taking care not to spill the mixture.
a thick film results when the angle is greater vi) Mix the stain with water by blowing gently or
than 45° and a thin film results when the angle with the help of the Pasteur pipf tte. Take care
is less than 30° to prevent spillover of mixture.
5. It appears salmon pink to the naked eye if stained
properly. 3. Focus a neutrophil in the given smear, under the
6. It should not contain precipitated stained particles. oil-immersion objecti've.
7. When examined microscopically, the backgrou nd or
i) Select an ideal smear.
space between the cells should be clear, the red cells
ii) Place the slide on the stage of the microscop e
sliould appear light red-orange, the p latelets should
and scan the smear under the low-powe r
look pink, the leucocytes should have the proper
objective by making necessary microscop ic
colour of the nucleus, cytoplasm and granules.
adjustmen ts (concave mirror, condense r at
OSPE lowest position and iris partial y closed) and
select the proper site for further examinat ion
1. Prepare a smear from the gi,ven sample of under the oil-immer sion objective.
blood. iii) Place a drop of oil on the chosen site and
Steps: change to the oil-immer sion objective.
i) Clean four slides. iv) Make other micros.copic adjustmen ts (change
ii) Select a spreader. to plan.e mirror, raise the condense r to
iii) Mix the blood thoroughl y. maximum height, and open the iris fully)
iv) Place a drop of blood at one end of a slide. for examinati on under the oil-immer sion
v) Hold the opposite end of the slide with the objective.
middle or index finger, and thumb of the left v) Focus on the neutrophi l and make fine
hand. adjustmen ts to get 1:he clear picture of the cell.
68 Chapter 10

4. Focus an eosinophil in the given smear, under Steps are the same as OSPE 3 except that the
the oil-immersion objective. student focuses on the large lymphocyte.
Steps are the same as OSPE 3 except that the 6. Focus a monocyte in the given smear, under the
student.focuses on the eosinophil. oil-immersion objective.
5. Focus a large lymphocyte in the given smear, Steps are the same as OSPE 3 except that the
under the oil-immersion objective. student focuses on the monocyte.

1. What are the methods of making a blood smear?
2 Why is t he glass slide method called the wedge method?
3. What are the advantages of making a smear by the centrifugal method?
4. H ow is a spreader selected for making a smear?
5. Why should the angle between the spreader and the specimen slide be between 30° and
6. Why sho uld the smear be dried quickly after making it?
7. What is the method of drying the blood smear?
8. What are the precautio ns of preparing a blood smear?
9. Why is the smear immediately made after placing t he drop of blood o n the slide?
10. Why is the smear made by a steady and smooth movement of the spreader?
11. Why should the initial drop of blood be fully used in making a smear?
12. ame the factors that determine the thickness of a smear.
13. Why is the fixing done immediately after making a smear?
14. What is the method of fixing a smear if staining is to be delayed?
15. Which is the stain usually used in staining the blood smear? What are its constituents
functions of each constituent?
and what are the ..
16. Why is the alcohol present in the Leishma n stain acetone free?
17. Why is distilled water added to the stain after fixation?
Ans: In the first two minutes, ethan in the stain caus ation of cells. Distilled water is added after that to cause
ionisatio n of rhe sraio (ionisatio n of methylen e blue and eosin). Stains work only in their
ionised form. Therefore,
distilled water is added to the stain after fixation has taken place.
18. Why is water not used as a solvent for the Leishma n stain?
Ans: Staining of cells is done only after they are fixed, by adding distilled water.@ rater
o pposes fixation of eel~
If water is present in the stain, the cells will stain but will not fix to the smeai;,. Therefore, stain is
water free. Water
~)sq rolrnocrs rnuleaux formatio n red cells, but this rarely happens after the smear is made.
19. Why is buffer water preferred to distilled water for staining?
Ans: Ionisariao $1}. st~ aximally ar pH 6 8 The pH of buffer water is 6.8. Tap water is not used
as it contains impurities.
20.. ame t he other stains that can also be used for staining the smear.
21. In which special circumst ances is the Field stain used?
22. What are the precautions for staining a smear?
23. Why is the stain diluted with distilled water after 1½ to 2 minutes and not earlier?
24. What is the significance of the appearan ce of scum on the staining fluid after addiciao
pf djsrjlled water?
Ans. It indicates that the staining has been done properly . If the gretvm ..dQC-U lOI
R~ t on the diluted stained
surface, this indicates that the scum is deposited on the surface of th~
examined under a microscope.
r, In that case, the cells look hazy when
Preparation and Examination of Blood Smear 69

25. Why is the smear examined under low-power objective before being examined under an oil-immersion objective?
26. What is the purpose of general scanning of the smear prior to DLC?
.. 27.
Which is the most ideal area of the smear for DLC and why?
What are the uses of a blood smear?
Ans. A blood smear is used for:
i) ·DLC and detection of abnormalities of leucocytes if present, for example, immature and abnormal leucocytes
as seen in different leukemias.
ii) Study of red cell morphology (size, shape, hemoglobin content).
iii) Rough estimation of i;ed cells and PCY.
iv) Determination of indirect platelet count and morphology of platelets.
v) Detection of the presence of parasi~es, for example, malarial parasite, microfilaria and so on.
vi) sv can be iffereotiated by identifying the presence of Barr bady in the nucleus of neutrophils (it needs special
29. How do you identify red blood cells and platelets in a·smear?
30. How will you differentiate neutrophils from eosinophils and large lymphocytes from monocytes?
31. What are the crjteria of an ideal smear?
32. What are the causes of deposition of precipitated stains in the smear and how do you prevent it?
33. What are the causes of excessive red or blue appearance of the smear and how do you prevent it?
l 34. What are the causes of the faded appearance of the cells in the smear and how do you prevent it?

I ~~H lle.d v0~e.9- -'> Pot,1r t~a.nn- ~ GCXJ-d ~ bro.Y'\e,e__

l P,cewne C~-¥~
AC£.ro{)-e.. re. -rn~thcmol ~ ~.

11 uifter~ntial Leucocyte Count ,


After completing this practical you WILL be able to:

1. Describe the importance of performing DLC in
the same field, which are approximately 7.5 µm in
diameter. The various characteristics of the nucleus
and the cytoplasm of the cells are considered for
identifying leucocytes. The features of the nucleus that
practical physiology. are considered include the shape and size compared
2. Select a good spreader slide. t o the rest of the cell, and the pattern of chromatins
3. Prepare a good smear for ma.king DLC. in the nucleus. T he features of t he cytoplasm th at are
4. Identify the leucocytes. considered include the presence or absence of granules,
5. Perform a differential count within the stipulated the nature of granules and their st aining characteristics
time. and colour, and the relative am ount of cytoplasm.
6. Describe the structure and functions of various
7. List the common causes of increase or decrease in LEUCOCYTES
different leucocytes.
You MAY also be able to: Neutrophils are the commonest leucocytes. They
1. Explain the functions of different leucocytes. constitute 50- 70 per cent of the total leucocytes.
2. State the physiological basis of alteration in cell Typically, there are two types: segmented and band
counts in different clinical conditions. neutrophils.

Segmented Neutrophils

The types and numbers of each type of leucocyte . meter of neutrophils (Fig. 10.4) varies from 10
counted are traditionally reported as percentages. , 4 ~ d the nucleus forms a relatively small part
etermination of percentage distribution of ~
of t e cell. The nucleus can assume various shapes,
leucocytes in peripheral blood is known as differential but its usual configuration is lobular (a series of lobes
leucocyte count (DLC). Increase or decrease in connected by narrow st nds of chromatin filaments).
individual cell lines are reported separately and It usually contains -5 lo e , but sometimes may
give more meaningful info rmation to the physician contain more o nucleo are visible in the nucleus.
regarding the status of the leucocytes in the blood. The cytoplasm has a amt pink colour and contains a
Five types of leucocytes are encounter ed in normal lar ge number of fine p~ _gr~ les. About two-thirds
peripheral blood . They are divided into ·granulocytes of the granules are specific?"n ~ tro ilic ules, while
and agranulocytes. N eutrophils, eosinophils and the remaining one~third are az ilic granules.
basophils are granulocytes, and ly mphocytes and
monocytes are agranulocytes. In 15-30 per cent of Functions
monocytes, granules are seen. H owever, since N eutrophils are actively phagocyti&· The granules have
this is not a constant feature, mon ocytes are classified , . many ~ s and appear to be lysosomal
under agranulocytes. :o: in character. Phagocytosis occurs through a series
The size of the cells, whether small, medium or.C · of events, which include opsonisation, chemotaxis,
large, cannot be directly measured in che smear in the:! : ingestion and degranulation. During phagocytosis, a
micr?scopic field but c'.111 easily be compared with:p ; numb~r of chemicals are _released, such as hy~en
the size of the surrounding normal red blood cells in peroxide, and hypif1onte and hy ~ l raaicals,
Different ial Leucocyte Count 71

all of which Stru~ture

form the They are about the @IJJe me as neutrophilD
infections. T he nucleus occupies a relative! reater orti n of
the cell. T he n eus is often irre lar in sha The
Band Neutrophils cytoplasm is colourless and contains coarse granules.
The nucleus and cytoplasm are very often totally
T hese neutrophils are younger neutrophils. The obscured by granules which are large, deeply stained
relative band neutrophil count in adults is l-5 per cent and blue-black or dee brown in colour.
(of the total neutrophils). G'Anct.? , ~ .
Functions fil\ c. &. AnT1-~
~tructure T he exact Jfunctih" basoph ~ not known aso~hil
Band neutrophils resemble segmented neutrophils granules contain rin, histah11ne and a sl,~ ::re,
except for the shape of their nucleus. The nucleus substance (SRS). The cells are(ppagoc C After their
may be rod- or band-shaped. There may be slight activities in the blood, they ent~e issue.
indentations, but without definite lobes. The number
of granules in band neutrophils is more than in
segmented neutrophils.
Monocyte.s constitute 2-8 per cent of the total
Functions leucocytes.
T he functions are the same as in segmen,,...._~
except that the cells are more active
Monce e:s i . 10.8 are the largest leucocytes,
Eosinophils 1 - m in diameter. The nucleus is large and
occupies 50 per cent of the cell. T he nucleus is
Structure frequently kidney-shaped or horseshoe-shaped, but
Eosinophils (Fig. 10.5) are slightly larger than it may be oval, lobular, notched or polymorphic.
neutrophils. Their diameter is 10- 14 µm . It never undergoes segmentation. N uclear chromatins
T he nucleus usually h lobes sometimes 3 . The are sharply segregated and distributed in a linear
lobes are plumper. · are visible. The arrangement of delicate strands which gives the nucleus
cytoplasm is packed with brick-red coarse granules. a stringy appearance. T he cytoplasm is abundant and is
T he cytoplasm is pale blue, but is usually obscured ground-glass or muddy blue in appearance. Sometimes,
by granules. T he granules are hard, firm bodies that it contains extremely fine pink granules. The granules
are not easily damaged. Eosinophilic granules are also are azurop.hilic.
highly refractile, a feature that is often valuable in -~,--..,..-,...; f-"{e,,
--=-:---.--r---- = , - ~
distinguishing them from neucrophilic granules. Functions .I""> mru:.w ,c. APU
. Monocytes are c ive a oc . ey remain
Functions ~ -R-nti-all.~,c.., ~Cl9Vict&n\J~9'9~&ln circulation for a few hours and then migrate into
Eosinophils are involved in defendi~the
- body from the tissues and transform clu;msehres iero tissue
allergic reactions. Eosiqm,hil ~ ml contain a ~coph?,!~S. They are the second line of defence
n~ber of che~als like 'MBP (maJOr asic proteins), ohhe body. T hey protect the body against bacteria,
pr'Brein X, ECP="'A (~ophil chemotactic factor of viruses, fungi and parasites. They also participate in
anaphylaxis) and lys~mes that neutralise allergens immunity . They act as the antigen-presenting cells,
and are also larvicidal and parasiticidal. tJ't1<;"7'- and also secrete a number of cytokines that mediate
various immunologic responses.
Basophils are the~arest leucocyte.t)onst ituting 0 ~
cent of the total eucocyte population in peripheral Lymphocytes constitute 20-40 per cent of leucocytes
blood. in adults. But the count is slightly higher in infants
72 Chapter 11

and children, who have more lympho~ytes and less Normal Count
For a differential leucoctye count, a mm1mum of
Structure 100 cells should be counted, though ideally, 200 or
Structurally, lymphocytes are of two types- small more cells should be counted to find out the more
and large. The majority (80 per cent) of the circulating accurate percentage of each type of leucocyte. The
lymphocytes are small. Only 20 percentoflymphocytes percentage distribution of cells in a normal leucocyte
are large. cQunt in adults is: ~.

Small lymphocytes eutrophil 50-70 per cent

The size of small lymphocytes (Fig. 10.7) is the same "'Eosinophil 1-4 per cent
as or slightly bigger than the red cells. Their diameter
"Basophil : 0-1 per cent
ranges from 7 to 10 µm. The cells are mainly occupied
by the nucleus. The nucleus is round or slightly Lymphocyte : 20-40 per cent
notched. Almost the entire nucleus stains deep purple. "M'onocyte : 2-8 per cent
The cytoplasm may not be present, but there may be a Infants and children have fewer neutrophils (40-60
thin rim of cytoplasm to one side at the periphery. per cent) and more lymphocytes (25-55 per cent).
Large lymphocytes
Large lymphocytes (Fig. 10.6) are the same size as or METHODS OF COUNTING
slightly larger than neutrophils. Their diameter varies
from 10 to 16 µm, but may be as much as 20 mm.
A blood film stained with the Leishman stain is
A large lymphocyte is confused with monocytes.
examined undef"'an oil-immersion objective and the
The nucleus is large and occupies about 90 per cent of
different types of white blood cells are identified.
the cell. The nucleus contains homogenous chromatin
The percentage distribution of these cells is then
with some clumping at the nuclear periphery.
This gives the nucleus of lymphocytes a compact ..
appearance in contrast to the spongy appearance of Re uirements
the nucleus of monocytes. The cytoplasm is clear and 1. Glass slides
nary blue in colour, in contrast to the hazy or turbid 2. Leishman stain
cytoplasm of monocytes. The cytoplasm contains 3. Microscope
no granules, but on very rare occasions, a few fine 4. Distilled water
azurophil granules may be seen. 5. Pasteur pipene
C)'I\ I.
Functions < ftM 1: ·
Lymphocytes mediate the llI!fJlunologic res12qnses ofthe
1. Prepare blood smears and stain the smears with
body. Functionally, lymphocytes are divided broadly Leishman stain as described in Chapter 10.
into two categories: T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. 2. First,examinethesmearunderalow-power~tive
The majority (80per cent) of the circulating lymphocytes for tneral scanning and ~sessing the quality of the
are T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes mediate cellular sme , and for stuaying the distribution panern of
immunity, which is concerned with viral and fungal the cells.
infections; .p~asitic infestation, cancer cells, transplant 3. Place a drop of cedar wood oil on the smear at the
rejection and rejection of tumour cells. B lymphocytes feather edge. Bring the oil-immersion objective into
mediate hurnoral immunity by producing antibodies position and make the lower end of the objective
~oncemed with protecting the body against bacterial touch the drop of oil. Using the fine adjustment
and other infections. B lymphocytes do not directly screw, adjust the objective and focus the cells.
synthesise antibodies, which are produced by plasma cells. 4. For counting cells, start from one end of the smear
B cells, on specific immunologic stimulation, transform and move the slide in a zigzag manner (Fig. 11.1).
themselves into plasma cells. Therefore, plasma cells are Count individual white cells that you come across
not normally found in the blood. and enter your observation in a table (as described
Differential Leucocyte Count 73

below) in your rough notebook. Continue cour,1.ting

until 100 cells are counted.
5. Calculate the percentage of each leucocyte and
report your observation.

I Precautions

All the precautions described in the previous chapter are
Fig. 11 .1. Zigzag way of counting leucocytes for d1fferent1al applicable to this practical. In addition, the following
count Arrows indicate the direction of counting
precautions should be observed:

Observation and Result

Different leucocytes \ire placed in groups of 5, five lines indicating five cells (four vertical lines and one oblique
line placed over the four lines which indicates the fifth cell). In this way, 100 cells are counted. An example of
such type of counting is shown below.
Neutrophils I-H1 U-f-t 1-H-t 1-H-t u+t Uf1 u+t 1-H-t l-+t1 1-H-t I-H1 = 55 cells
Eosinophils w-+t u+t Uf1 = 15 cells
Basophils - nil
Lymphocyte 1-H-t w-+t 1-H-t u+t l-+t1 = 25 cells
Monocytes 1-H-t - 5 cells
T oral = 100 cells
Neutrophils : 55 per cent
Eosinophils : 15 per cent
Basophils : 0 per cent
Lymphocytes : 25 per cent
Monocytes : 5 per cent

Alternatively, a table of 100 small squares can be drawn and each cell counted can be entered in the small
squares of the table, till 100 cells are filled. On the right side of the table, against each row, the number of
different leucocytes present in that row can be entered in separate columns and finally, the percentage can be
taken as shown below.
- N E B L M
N 1N N L L- N N N E M 6 1 0 2 1
N L L N L E E N N N 5 2 0 3 0
N N N L E N E M N N 6 2 0 1 1
N -L L E N N N L N N 6 1 0 3 0
- -
li.i N N L L L N E N E 5 2 0 3 0
N N N L L N N N N M 7 0 0 2 1
N L L N E E N L E N 4 3 0 3 0
N N N L L N E M N N 6 1 0 2- 1
N L L E 1E N M L N N 4 2 0 3 1
1N N N L L L N E N N 6 1 0 3 0
55 15 0 25 5

Neutrophils 55 per cent

Eosinophils 15 per cent
Basophils 0 per cent
Lymphocytes : 25 per cent
Monocytes : 5 per cent
Inference: There is moderate eosinophilia of 15 per cent. Other leucocytes are in the normal range.
74 Chapter 11

1. The quality of the smear should be assessed before 4. Food intake

starting the count. The smear should be discarded 5. Emotional stress
if it is not good and a fresh smear should be 6. Exposure to cold
B. Pathological
2. Count cells throughout the length of the smear,
1. Acute pyogenic infections, for example,
except the extreme ends of head and tail.
tonsillitis, pneumonia
3. Counting should be done in a zigzag pattern to
2. Noninfective inflammations, for example,
prevent double counting of a cell.
rheumatic fever
4. A minimum of 100 cells should be counted.
3. Noninflammatory conditions, for example,
5. The slide should be preserved for future rechecking
myocardial infarction, pulmonary
of the result. embolism ·
4. Acute hemorrhage
5. Muscle trauma, for example, following
Differential count is a frequently o rdered investigation surgery
in clinical medicine. Usually it is done along with 6. Leukemia, for example, chronic myeloid
other hematologic tests, like total leucocyte count, to leukemia
assess the ability of the subject to defend the body from 7. Toxic conditions, for example, ureIIlla,
microbial invasion, and also to assist in diagnosing the hepatic coma
disease. 8. Coticosteroid therapy

Clinical Significance ~ ~ eutropenia

Differemialcount isvitalforthediagnosisofanumber A. Physiological

blood-related diseases involving leucocytes or red c 1 Physiological neutropenia is very rare.
Its primary use is to identify changes in the distributi Sometimes, it occurs after chronic exposure to
of white cells, which may be related to a particu a severe cold.
disease like a specific infection (for example, typhoi B. Pathological
or a malignant condition (like leukemia). C linical 1. Starvation and debility
terms like increase in specific white cells (neutrophilia, 2. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever
eosinophilia, lymphocytosis and m onocytosis) or their 3. Aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure)
decrease (neutropenia, eosinopenia, lymphocytopenia 4. P arasitic infections, like malaria, kala azar
and monocytopenia) are based on the result of the· 5. Viral infections, like measles, influenza, viral
differential count. In addition, a study of the blood hepatitis
smear reveals morphological abnormalities of blood 6. H ype·rsplenism
cells, the presence of abnormal cells, and the presence 7. Drug-induced neutropenia
of blood parasites. Differential count also helps in
III. Eosinophilia
the approximate estimation of other cells (RBCs and
1. Allergic conditions ( '.' ~ ~~k.""
platelets). Morphological studies of red cells enable
a physician to recognise the hemoglo bin status and Bronchial asthma
types of anemia, and also helps to check reports on Urticaria
blood indices. Food allergy
Hay fever
Conditions that alter different cell counts 2. Parasitic infestations l-·{)
H ookworm
I. N cutrophilia Filariasis
A. Physiological H ydatid disease
l. Exercise 3. Skin diseases (_ ·: ~ ~'"' g\iJ('. ~~
2. Pregnancy Psorias'is
3. Panuricion Pemphigus
Differential Leucocyte Cou nt 75

4. Collagen diseases 2. Infectious mononucleosis

Periarteritis nodosa 3. ]Lymphocytic leukemia
5. H odgkin 's disease 4. Lymphomas·
6. ~ ddisoo 's disease 5. Viral infections
7. Certain leukemias
VIII. Lymphocytopenia
IV. Eosinopenia 1. lmmunosuppressive therapy
► 1. ACTH therapy 2. ACTH therapy
2. Cush,ing's dg ase 3. H odgkin's disease
3. £cute pyogenic infections l futt .\r,~ct\cyf')) 4. Bone marrow failure
4. Aplastic anemia_ IX. Moniocytosis
V. Basophilia 1. Protozoan diseases
1. Chronic myeloid leukemia
Kala azar
2. Polycythemia
2. Hodgkin's disease
VI. Basophilopenia 3. Monocytic or myelomonocytic leukemia
It occurs rarely, as seen in severe septicemia or 4. ACTH therapy
aplastic anemia
X. Monocytopenia (rare)
VII. Lymphocytosis 1. Bone marrow failure
2. Aplastic anemia
1. Chronic infections 3. Siepticemia
T uberculosis
Pertussis (whooping cough) OSPE
Syphilis The OSPE discussed in the previous chapter are also
Brucellosis applicable to this chapter.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All the questions asked in the p revious chapter can be asked here too. Additional questions are:
1. What are the funct~ons of neutroph1ls, eosinophils and basophils?
2. What are the functions of lymphocytes and monocytes?
3. What is the normal percentage distribution of different leucocytes in peripheral blood?
4. What is the clinical significance of performing DLC?
5. What are the conditions that increase or decrease the different types of leucocytes?
6. H ow do you calculate the absolute count of each type of leucocyte by using the value of TLC and DLC?
Ans. Absolute count of a cell is equal to the number of that cell counted in DLC divided by 100 x TIC
For example, if TLC = 7,000/ mm' of blood and DLC is,
eucrophils 55 per cent
Eosinophils : 15 per cent
Basophils : 0 per cent
Lymphocytes : 25 per cent
Monocy tes S per cent
Ab olute count of:
eutrophils (55/100) x 7,000 = 3850/mm3 ofblood
Eosinophils (15/100) x 7,000 - 1050/ mm 1 of blood
Lymphocytes (25/100) x 7,000 = 1750/ mm3 of blood
Monocytes (5/100) x 7,000 - 350/mm3 of blood
12 Arneth Count ◄

LEARNING OBJECTIVES · separated lobes by thin strands) are not

found. In some of the neutrophils, the
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: nucleus may be U-shaped (these are
1. Identify neutrophils of various stages. called stab ne11trophils.)
2. State the percentage distribution of neutrophils N 2 (Stage 2): The nucleus is bilobed (two lobes,
in various stages. separated by a thin strand).
3. Perform the Arneth count. N J (Stage 3): The nucleus is trilobed (three lobes,
4. List the precautions taken while doing the separated by thin strands).
Arneth count. N 4 (Stage 4): The nucleus is tetralobed (four lobes,
5. List the functions of neutrophils. separated by thin strands).
6. Explain the meaning and causes of 'shift to right' N 5 (Stage 5): The nucleus is pentalobed (five lobes,
and 'shift to left'. separated by thin strands).
You MAY also be able to: Rarely, N 6 (six lobes) and N 7 (seven lobes) may be
1. Explain the clinical significance of the Arneth encountered.
count. This staging of neutrophils is base~ ~e" de ree
2. Explain the mechanism of 'shift to right' and of maturity.4f't7e ~unger neutrophifs contaid ewer
'shift to left' that occur in various conditions. nuclear lobes than the older ones. !.C0
Sometimes it is difficult to stage neutrophils,
especially when the lobes of the nucleus are folded.
INTRODUCTION In such situations, two other parameters may be
considered: (1) the number of granules and (2) the cdl
Arneth count is the determinatio~ the percentage ~e. The younger cells contain more granules. As the
distribution of different types of ~ rophils on the cells participate in physiologic activities, they lose their
(biwot the ~ber of.nucl ear lobes.Joseph Arneth, granules (degranulation), and therefore, the older cells
a German physiologi; 'classified neutrophils into five contain less granules. The neutrophils of Stage 6 or 7
types (stages) according to the number of lobes of their contain very few or no granules. The size of the cell
nucldi (Fig. 12.1). also decreases as the age advances. In older cells (N5, N 6
N 1 (Stage 1): The nucleus is unilobed. This is called
band 11e11trophilbecause the nucleus is rod-
or band-shaped. There may be slight
indentations, but distinct lobes (clearly
and pyknosis. rt)~
and N 7), the nucleus may also exhibit the features of
degeneration in the form of fragmentation (of lobes)
t,l ~ 05t e,,
\...ARf:t a>, ~ AANV &.-ARJ
®~~\4 I @
~~~ --~,.. ....~ :.· . -~
Normal count
N 1: 2-10 per cent
ll N 2 : 20-30 per cent
l N J: 40-50 per cent
Lt,S LOQ~'b
~E,Y © >

_m N 4: 10-15 per cent

1-J t3>
'j. N~ 2-5 per cent
Fig. 12.1. Stages of ncutrophils Note that with maturation.
number of nuclear lobes increases but the number of granules Principle
and cell size decreases Neutrophils are grouped into different stages based
Arneth Count 77

on their nuclear lobes. The percentage distribution the cell should be considered.
of different stages of neutrophils is determined by 4. At least 100 oeutrophils should be counted.
exarrurung a stained smear under an oil-immersion
objective. DISCUSSION
Neutrophils are active phagocytic cells in the blood.
They are the first line of defence against acute bacterial
Same as for differential leucocyte count (Chapter 11).
► infections. They are actively motile, therefore, they
migrate immediately to the site of infection and kill the
organisms. In acute infections, the neutrophil count
1. Prepare blood smears and stain with Leishman stain
increases in the blood proportionate to the degree of
as described under DLC.
2. Examine the smear under a low-power objective to
assess the distribution of cells.
Clinical Significance
3. Count neutrophils under an oil-immersion objective
as N 1, N 2, N 3, N 4 and N 5 for neutrophils of Stage 1, Arneth count is not usually ordered in clinical
2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. BIii
For counting the practice, but in some clinical conditions, it is used to
cells, start from one end of the smear and proceed determine the number of younger or older neutrophils
in a zigzag manner as described under D LC. in circulation. When th~ more younger cells, the
4. Count at least 100 neutrophils and enter your change is called(shift to le@and when there are more
observation in a tabular format (in 100 small older ells, the change is calle ~hift to rig&) In shift
squares). to left, t te m N 1 and N 2 are more
than SO per cent, and in shift to right, the total cells
Observation counted in N 4 and N 5 are more then 20 per cent. As
Note the percentage distribution of various stages of Arneth count reveals the productio1;1 of neutrophils, it
... neutrophils and plot a graph (Fig. 12.2). indirectly reflects the activity of the bone marrow.

Precautions Shift to left

1. The smear should be one-cell thick. This indicates that the bone marrow is hyperactive,
2. Staining should be proper. therefore the circulating neutrophils are mainly N 1
3. Lobes of the neutrophil should be counted and N i- This occurs due to the active response of the
accurately. If there is confusion in staging a bone marrow to different stimuli to form and release
neutrophil, the number of granules and the size of more neutrophils into the circulation. T band
G:) \4'1P6RAcnVt1'-/ forms increase in number, which ma som tim s be
' I O ~ ~li'A9Jl.OW accompanied by the presence of· e ut 1 s.
, c.em If immature neutrophils are present withjbe younger
® 3
neutrophils, the condition is called a leucoblastotic
~e, ,, ~ ..
/ ', ~ n.e:t'oxic §ac~ may manifest in neutr~p?ils in
~ 40 Jl.lf; \ ,'
the form of basophilic stippling (deep blue sta.mmg of
3 30 ,
, ' \
the neutrophil granules like that of basophil granules).
Because shift to left occurs due to increased production
I \
\ of cells, this is also called regenerative shift.
20 \

'\ Shift to righJ

10 '\
\ This indicates the presence of older cells in the
'' circulation. It occurs due to decreased production of
cells by the bone marrow (inadequate hematopoiesis)
as occurs in aplastic anemia. Sometimes neutrophils of
Fig. 12.2. Arneth curve Normal count ( 1) shift to left (2) and shift
to nght (31 Stage 6 or 7 may also appear in the blood. Neutrophils
78 Chapter 12

may undergo toxic changes in the form of presence of 2. Aplastic anemia

basophilic granules (dark blue granules that resemble 3. Septicemia J
basophilic granules), vacuolisation of cytoplasm , 4. Uremia j
hypersegmentation (more than five lobes) of nucleus, t I
and degeneration and pyknosis of the nucleus. As OSPE
shift to nght occurs due to hypofunction of the bone
1. Focus a neutrophil of Stage 3 in the supplied
~ l
marrow, this is also called degenerative shift. i
slides under an oil-immersion objective.
Conditions that affect Arneth count
Shift to left ➔
leu-KD ~~"\!-5
a. Select an ideal smear.
b. Place the slide on the stage of the microscope
1. Acute pyo~enic infections and scan the smear under a low-power objective
2. Tuberculosis (In tuberculosis, lymphocytosis by making necessary microscopic adjustments
occurs. However, in Arneth count, a shift to left is (concave mirror, condenser at lowest position
observed. This may be due to increased destruction and iris partially closed). Select the appropriate
of older neutrophils). site in the smear for further examination under
3. Hemorrhage an oil-immersion objective.
4. Irradiation (exposure to radiation): Low-dose c. Place a drop of oil on the chosen site and
irradiation stimulates the bone marrow and change to the oil-immersion objective.
increases production of cells. However, exposure d. Make other microscopic adjustments (change
of bone marrow to a high dose of irradiation causes to plane mirror, raise the condenser and open
shift to right as the bone marrow is suppressed. the iris fully) for examination of the slide under
the oil-immersion objective.
Shiftto . ht + e. Place in focus a neutrophil of Stage 3 and make
1. Megaloblastic anemia fine adjustments to get a clear picture of the cell.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What are the functions of neutrophils?
2. What is the half-life of neutrophils in circulation and how long do they survive in tissues?
3. What is the normal percentage distribution of neutrophils in different stages of Arneth count?
4. What is the relationship between the lobes and age of the neutrophils?
5. What is 'shift to left' and what is its clinical significance?
6. What is 'shift to right' and what is its clinical significance?
13 Absolute Eosinophil Count

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Structure and Developm ent of Eosinophils

Eosinophils usually have bilobed nuclei. In a stained

After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
preparation , the granules take on a deep red or
1. Describe the importance of performing absolute
brick-red colour. Eosinophils are distinguished from
eosinophil count (AEC) in practical physiology.
neutrophils primarily on the basis of granules rather
2. Describe the structure and functions of
than the number of lobes in the nuclei. In absolute
3. State the normal value of AEC. count, other leucocytes and red cells are destroyed,
4. Count eosinophils by using the principle of making it easy to distinguish eosinophils.
hemocytom etry. Developme nt of eosinophils occurs along the same
5. List the precautions taken for AEC. lines as that cl-other granulocytes (as described in
Explain the composition and function of each Chapter 9). ~ ~ o f eosinophils is regulated by

constituent of the Pilot solution.
List the common causes of eosinophilia and
~~a:IL 5•

eosinopenia. Life History

You MAY also be able to:
1. Explain the principle of indirect absolute , most eosinophils
eosinophil count. ~igrate within 30-60 minu s mt extravascu ar tissues
2. Describe other diluting fluids used for eosinophil 1 ~h~re th~y s~~ for 8~2 d~s. Like neutrophils ,
count. eosmoph1ls are ~ e i f s w hose movement is
3. Name the chemicals present in the granules of directed b chemotacti c fact s derived from a variety
eosinophils and list their functions. of sources inc u · mast c s and I mphocytes.
4. State the physiologic basis of alteration of
eosinophil count in different conditions. Functions

1. Eosinophils are present in large numbers in

INTRODU CTION parasitic infestations in which they appear to serve
an important defence function. The granules of
Differential count of leucocytes yields the relative eosinophils contain a number of chemicals. Some
number of eosinophils in the leucocyte population. of these chemicals directly kill the larva of the
It is possible to find the absolute number of eosinophils parasites Qarvicidal) and also the adult parasites
in circulation by performing direct and indirect absolute (parasiticidal).
counts. The direct method of absolute eosinophil count Granular contents: The granules ofthe eosinophils
(AEC) is done by using the principle of hemocytometry. contain the following chemicals.
Indirect AEC is done by calculating the number of Alqfor basic protein (MBP) The MBP makes 50 per
eosinophils as a percentage of the total leucocytes cent of the mass of the granules. It is a potent tissue
present in the circulation. Therefore, for indirect toxin that kills larva and adult parasites.
count, two tests should be performed; the differential Eo.rii1ophilic ';dtionic proteins (ECP) The ECP is a
count and the total count of leucocytes. The sources of bactericidal and larvicidal agent.
error are greater in the indirect count as it multiplies Eosinophil peroxidase This enzyme participates in
the error of both the methods. The direct count on the
~OJE, ctivi~ .
other hand is more accurate. The staining properties of Ary/ sulphatase B his enzyme inactivates
eosinophils make the direct count possible.
80 ¼e~ Chapter 13

leukotrienes that are involved in h}q:iersmm.LYJty i) Fuchs-Ro senthal counting chamber

re,acria os. It also inactivates theslow -releasmg ii) Neubauer counting chamber
substance A~ 12,~),,i\ iii) Speir counting chamber
1=,y.rophosphnlipasr T his is a membran e bound en- ri,ch.r-R.osenthal counting chaJJJber is preferred because it is
zyme that c~ses hydrolysis of intracellu lar lipo- specially designed for the eosinophi l count. It has a
Hista111i11ase It causes degradati on of histamine .
depth of 0.2 mm to accommo date more diluting fluid. •
The Speir chamber is very similar to the Fuchs-Ro senthal
2. Eosinoph il count also increases in patients
suffering from allergic diseases in which exposure
to abnormal exogenous or endogenous antigens
leads to an immunologic reaction. In these allergic
counting chamber.
However , as these chambers are not usually
available, the Neubaue r chamber is commonl y used in
our laborator ies.
condition s, eosinophi ls dampen the host's response 3. Materials for sterile finger puncture
by limiting the antigen-induced release of mediators 4. Watchglass
of inflamma tion. 5. Filter paper
3. -"Eosmophils are also phagocytic and destroy 6. Petri dish
organisms through oxidative mechanisms similar
but not identical to those of neutrophils. Eosinophils II. Reagent (diluting fluid)
can phagocytose bacteria, fungi and inert particles, There are three diluting fluids available
for eosinophi l count: Pilo t solution, Randolph solution
but are less efficient than neutrophi ls.
and Dunger solution.

Normal Count Pilot solution

This is the most frequently used diluting fluid.
The normal range is 40 to 440 per µl of blood. There is
no sex and age variation.
i) Phloxine B (1 % solution in water) 10ml
ii) Propylene glycol 50ml r
COUNTI NG METHO DS iii) Sodium carbonate solution
(10% solution in water) 1 ml
Absolute count of eosinophi ls is done by two methods: iv) H eparin 100 units
(1) directly by using the principle of hemocyto metry v) Distilled water 40ml
and (2) indirectly by studying the smear and total F. . ,r h . <
1eucocyte count. unctton 0; eac. conslttuent:
c'f'€J .J Phloxm·e : starns
· eosmop
· hil granules
. ~~ - ~ Propylen e glycol : Lyses the red cells .
Direct Method ~ ~ ~ ~dium carbonate ~ Lyses all white cells except
· · I
Prmc1p e ....._~w :-,
"..- ~~\' H
(with water) eosinophils
dil d 10 · · WBC · · h
· p gu1 ·
Bl0 od 1s ute times ma pipette epann : revents coa ation
wit a spec1 . . uall 1 ·
y not a e tot e so ution as red ce11s
· flw·d h . h dd d h
dilutmg , w 1c removes red ce11s and stains · the Hepann 1S us
· hils. The dil dbl d · · h ench
eos10op ute oo specimen 1st arged are lysed
. by propylen e glycol. However. , to prevent
· · h b d h 11
m a countmg c am er an t e ce s are counted under a clumping of red cell fragments, hepar10 should be
dd d h l .
. h -power o b.Ject1ve.
hig · The pop ulation
· o f eosmop· hils 1·s a e to c e so uuon.
then calculated for the undiluted blood.

Re uirements
Randolph solution
This is very similar to the Pilot solution except that
methylen e blue is added to help in differentia ting
I. Equipme nt other leucocytes (blue) from eosinophils (orange-red).
1. Microscope Dunger solution
2. Hemocyt ometer (WBC pipette and counting Composition
chamber). Three counting chambers are commonly i) Aqueous eosin (1 %) : Stains eosinophil.
used. ii) Acetone : Fixes white cells
Absolute Eosinophil Count 81

iii) Distilled water : Lyses red cells gently to avoid undue rupture of the eosinophil,
This solution does not remove other white cells, which membranes.
appear as grey bodies. 4. After diluting the blood, 1:he pipette should be kept
under the cover of a petri dish lined with moist filter
III. Specimen paper, for 15 minutes (staining time) to prevent
Capillary blood or EDTA-anticoagulated venous evaporation.
blood is used. 5. Use the indirect counting method simultaneously
► to check the result of direct counting.
1. Clean the watchglass, coverslip, WBC pipette and Indirect Method
Neubauer's chamber thoroughly and ensure that
these are dry. This is one of the ways to check the result of the
2. Take adequate Pilot fluid in a watchglass. absolute eosinophil count. It should tally with the
3. Prick the finger tip under aseptic conditions. value obtained in the differential leucocyte count
4. Suck blood exactly up to the 0.5 mark and clean the (relative count). In the indirect method, the value of
I tip of the pipette. the total leucocyte count is riequired in addition to the
5. Suck Pilot fluid up to the 11 mark. value of the eosinophil percentage of the differential
6. Shake the pipette for at least 2 minutes to mix the count.

blood thoroughly with the diluting fluid. ·
Differential count
7. Keep the pipette for 15 minutes under the cover of AEC = - - - - - -- X Total leucocyte
a petri dish lined with moist filter paper. 100 count
8. After 15 minutes, take out the pipette, mix the For example, if the eosinophil percentage in DLC is
solution by gently shaking the pipette and discard 4 and the TLC is 7,000/ mm3 of blood, then the AEC
2-3 drops of the solution from the pipette. = (4/ 100) x 7,000 = 280/ mm3 of blood. 1111 If
9. Charge the N eubauer's chamber (as described in the results of the direct and indirect methods differ
.... Chapter 6). significantly, the absolute count of eosinophils by the
10. Count eosinophils in four WBC squares under the direct method should be repeated.
high-power objective of the microscope.
11. Enter the observations in your rough notebook in
similarly drawn squares.
Absolute count of eosinophils by the direct method
Calculation is not a routine hematologic test. In clinical practice,
Dilutionis 1 in 20. Therefore, the number of eosinophils the absolute count of eosinophils is usually done using
c<>unted per mm3 of blood will be n x 50 (for details the indirect method. However, sometimes, it becomes
see Chapter 9) where n represents the total number of mandatory to determine the number of eosinophils
cells counted. in a particular volume of blood because this gives an
accurate result.
Precautions and sources of error
All the precautions observed for pipetting and charging Clinical Significance
the chamber (described in Chapter 6) should be followed
for this experiment too. In addition, the following The number of eosinophils in the blood alters
precautions should also be observed. significantly in different allergic diseases and parasitic
1. Counting with capillary blood gives a higher result infestations. The eosinophil count is also taken as
(about 10-20 per cent more) than with venous an index of ACTH activity in the blood. If ACTH
blood. is injected intramuscularly in a subject with normal
2. Counting should be done within 30 minutes of adrenocortical function, it results in the reduction of
charging the chamber because eosinophils slowly the total number of circulating eosinophils. This effect
disintegrate in the diluting fluid, has been used as a test of adrenocortical function.
3. For mixing the contents of the pipette, shake This is called the Thom test. It is not a ·specific test
82 Chapter 13

and the value of the test is limited. Therefore, with 3. Skin diseases
the availability of superior methods, the Thorn test

is not usually used for assessment of adrenocortical
The condition in which the eosinophil count
Dermatitis herpetiformis
increases is called eosinophilia and the conditioh in which
4. Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia and Loeffler' s
syndrome r
the count decreases is called eosinopenia.
5. Malignant neoplasia
Conditions that Alter Eosinophil C9unt
. ~c__o~
Eosinophilic leukemia 1
Lymphoproliferative disorders,
Eosinophilia rv for example, Hodgkin's disease
1. Allergic diseases l.Y
Bronchial asthma Secondary carcinomas
Hay fever 6. Addison's disease
Food allergy
2. Parasitic infestations
Hookworm 1. Cushing syndrome
Roundworm 2. Aplastic anemia
Tapeworm 3. ACTH therapy

1. What are the methods of absolute eosinophil count?
2. What are the other counting chambers used for absolute eosinophil count in addition to Neubauer's chamber,
and what are their advantages?
3. What are the different diluting fluids used for absolute eosinophil count?
4. What is the composition of the Pilot solution and what are the functions of each constituent?
5. After diluting the blood why is the pipette kept under the cover of a petri dish lined with moistened filter paper?
6. Why should the counting be performed within half an hour of diluting the blood?
7. Why is the blood with the diluting fluid in the pipette mixed gently?
8. What are the precautions for absolute eosinophil count?
9. H ow are the eosinophils counted by the indirect method?
10. Why is the direct count preferred to the indirect count for obtaining the absolute value of eosinophils?
11. What is the structure of an eosin ophil and wh at are the chemicals present in the eosinophil granules?
12. What is the half-life and fate of eosinophils?
13. What are the functions of eosinophils?
14. What is the n ormal eosinophil count?
15. What is the clinical significance of this investigation?
16. Name the conditions that alter eosinophil count.
17. What is the Thorn test? What is its significance?

14 Determination of Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate ··

ESR mainly depends on four factors: (1) the size of the

Mter completing this practical you WILL be able to:
rouleau, (2) plasma factors, (3) the shape and number
1. Explain the importance of determining ESR in
of red cells and (4) technical and mechanical factors.
practical physiology.
2. Explain what ESR is and how it differs
fromPCV. Size of the rouleau ~
The ESR primarily depends on the size or mass of the
3. List the factors that affect ESR.
falling particles, that is, the rouleaux. The larger the
4. List the methods of determination of ESR.
5. Identify the Westergren pipette and
particle, the faster the fall. The size of the falling particles
Wintrobe tube.
depends on the formation of red cell aggregates, that is,
6. Load the ESR tubes with blood. rouleaux formation.
7. List the precautions and sources of error in
determination of ESR. Plasma factors
8. State the normal value of ESR in males and 1. Plasma proteins The size of the rouleaux de-
females with each method. pends on the presence of certain factors in the
9. Name the common conditions in which there plasma, especially its fibrinogen and globulin
occur alteration in ESR. content. Normally, red cells tend to remain sepa-
You MAY also be able to: rate from each other, because they are negatively
1. Explain the role of :6.brinogeo and other factors charged (zeta potential); as a result they repel one
in determining ESR. another. Fibrinogen neutralises the charges on
2. Explain the physiological basis of variation in the red cells and makes them sticky. Therefore,
ESR in different physiological and pathological when the fibtinogen concentration increases in the
conditions. plasma,, the repelling force on the red cells is re-
moved; this facilitates rouleaux formation. In some
pathological conditions, in addition to fibrinogen,
other plasma factors called acute-phase reactants
increase in the blood. These phase reactants also
Sedimentation of the red cells occurs when anti- neutralise the charges on the red cell surface and
coagulated blood is allowed to settle. The rate at facilitate rouleaux form~tion. A rise in C reactive
which the red cells fall is known as the erythrocyte protein in the plasma in acute rheumatic fever is an
sedimentation rate (ESR). Students should not example of such acute phase reactants.
confuse ESR with PCV. In the case of hematocrit, the
2. Viscosity When the medium in which red cells
packing of red cells is accomplished by centrifugation,
while in ESR, the column of red cells settles by gravity. settle becomes thick (more viscous), the rate of
sedimentation decreases and conversely when the
Sedimentation of red cells occurs due to rouleau (singular
medium becomes thin ~ess viscous), the rate of
rouleaux) formation. Rouleaux is the piling up of red
cells, so they look like a stack of coins. When the red sedimentation increases. Thus, in the conditions
cells form rouleau, the cells (together) become heavier in which the viscosity of blood increases, the ESR
as they sit on one another. Sedimentation is faster when decreas~s, and in which viscosity decreases, ESR
the size and number of rouleau are large. Therefore, increases. Viscosity of blood increases in polycy-
any factor that facilitates rouleaux formation increases themia and decreases in anemia. Therefore, ESR is
ESR and any factor that inhibits it decreases ESR. low in polycythemia and high in anemia.
84 Cha pter 14

Sha_p~ and number qf red cells an internal bore of 2.5 mm. It is graduated from
Red cells are biconcave discs. This shape favours 0-200 mm along the lower two-thirds of its
rouleaux formation . A change in the shape of red cells length. The graduated volume of the pipette is
opposes rouleaux formation . Therefore , in sickle cell 1.0 ml. The pipettes are held verticaUy in the
disease and hereditary spherocyt osis the ESR is low in Westergren rack after filling with blood, and the
spite of anemia. Polycythe mia lowers ESR and anemia rack is provided with rubber pads at the lower
raises ESR. end and metal clips at the upper end (Fig. 14.1).

Technical and me~ anical factors
Some technical and mechanical factors also affect
2. fr?estergre11 rack This is a special rack designed to
hold Westergren pipettes in a vertical position. 1
1. Temperat ure: The rate of sedimenta tion increases
It is construct ed in such a way that the rubber
stoppers attached to springs close the open ends
of the tubes when they are placed in the rack
with temperatu re. Increase in temperatu re increases
ESR by decreasing the viscosity of blood. (Fig. 14.1).
2. Position of the pipette: ESR pipettes are kept II. Blood sample
vertical in the rack. Slanting of the tubes in the Anticoagulated blood is taken for the study. So-
rack facilitates ESR. dium citrate solution (3.8%) is the preferred anti-
coagulant. The ratio of blood to the anticoagu lant
Normal Values is 4:1, that is 4 parts blood (say 2.0 ml) is mixed
Wintrobe method with 1 part anticoagulant (0.5 ml). EDTA can also
Males : 0-9 mm/h be used.
Females : 0-20 mm/h
Westergre n method Procedure

Males 3-5 mm/h 1. Mix the blood thorough ly by inversion or
Females : 5-12 mm/h swirling.
2. Fill the citrated blood into the Westergren pipette
METHO DS OF DETERMINATION up to the 0 mark, making sure that there is no air
bubble in the blood column drawn through the
There are two traditiona l methods for determini ng tube. The Westergren pipette can either be filled by
ESR: the Westergren method and the Wintrobe mo uth suction (not usuaUy recommended) or by
method. The Westergren method is mo re sensitive means of a rubber bulb if available.
and provides more accurate values than the Wintrobe 3. Immediately close the upper end of the Westergren
method, because the former uses longer and narrower tube to prevent the blood from running down.
tubes for ESR measurem ent.
Westergren pipette
Westergren Method 0

Anticoagulated blood is taken in a pipene and left 20
undisturb ed in a vertical position. The level of the
column of red ceUs is noted in the beginning (0 h) and 40 Westergren rack

after 1 and 2 hours. The distance (mm) the column

moves is noted as the ESR (rnm/ h).

I. Apparatu s re quired
I. U-este(t(rm pipe1te The Westergren pipette is an
open-ended tube. It is 300 mm in length with Fig. 14.1 . Westergren pipette and rack
Determination of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

1111111The upper level of the blood column nation of ESR in clinical practice. It is used in some
should coincide with the O mark of the pipette. If laboratories, because it provides two results simulr
a difference exists, it should be noted and adjusted taneously from the same sample, that is, ESR and
-~ accordingly with the final result. hematocri.t. The ESR reading is taken in the first hour,
4. Place the Westergren cube in the rubber pad of the then the tube is centrifuged for hematocrit value. _
W estergren rack and fix it vertically with the metal The Wintrobe tube is made in such a way that both
• clips provided on the rack. the readings are available on two different graduations
5. Note the time and allow the cube to stand for marked o:n the tube. _H owever, the ESR result by this
1 hour. method is not as accurate as that of the Westergren
6. Record your observations (note the level to which method. · ·
the red cell column has fallen) after 1 hour. Bill
Ideally, observations should also be recorded a.t the PrincjpJ_e
end of the second hour. The principle is the same as that of the Westergren
1. Concentration of anticoagulant should be Requirements
appropnate. I. Apparatus required
2. Blood should be properly mixed before pipetting. I. 11Yi11trobe tHbe The Wintrobe tube is a thick-
3. T he pipette should be clean and dry. walled cylindrical tube, 11 cm in length with an
4. Blood should be filled exactly up to the O mark and incernal bore of 3 mm. The tube is graduated
should not contain air bubbles. If the upper level of in mm in both directions from Oto 10 cm. The
the blood is above the O mark (say 2 mm), care must marking 0-10 from above downwards is used
be taken to add the additional distance travelled by fo:r reading ESR. The marking 0-10 from below
the blood column (2 mm) in the final report. This upwards is used for reading hematocrit (Fig
means that if the reading is 12 mm after 1 hour,
report it as 14 mm/1" h. 2. IY'ti•rtrobe rack This is a wooden rack with holes at
5. The tube should be kept vertically in the rack.
the top for holding Wintrobe tubes. (Fig. 14.3)
6. The reading should be taken at the end of 1 hour
3. PasteJfr pipette This is a pipette with a long neck
and 2 hours.
used for filling Wintrobe tubes.
Sources of error
1. The concentration of anticoagulant affects the ESR II. Blood! sample
value. A false low value is reported in case of higher Fresh EDTA-anticoagulated qlood is used for
concentration of anticoagulant. this method. Note that blood is not diluted in
2. Be accurate about timing. Do not take a reading chis method. Double oxalate is also preferred as
after 30 minutes and report it as a one hour reading anticoagulant.
by multiplying by two. The rate of sedimentation
is slow in the beginning and fast after about 45 0 10
minutes. A one-hour reading gives the final picture.
Therefore, the reading should be taken only after
- one hour.
3. TemperaturedirectlyaffectsESR.Hightemperarures
! Plasma

lead to false high values, and conversely low

temperatures give false low values. Therefore the
specimen must be brought to room temperature
before setting up the test.
4. Tilting of the tube increases the ESR.

10 0
Wintrobe Method
This method is not usually followed for the determi- Fig. 14.2 . W111trobP tuhr. hllPrJ w1tl1 tJlryyJ
86 Chapter 14

minutes. A one-hour reading gives the final picture.

Therefore the reading should be taken only after
one hour.
2. T emperaturedirectlyaffectsESR. High temperatures
lead to false high values, and conversely low
temperatures give false low values. Therefore, the
specimen must be brought to roo m temperature •
before setting up the test.
3. Tilting of the tube increases the ESR rate.

Fig. 14.3. Wintrobe rack

Clinical Significance
1. Mix the blood thoroughly by inversion or swirling ESR is a nonspecific test to detect inflammation.
for at least 2 minutes. ESR increases in inflammatory conditions, be it
2. With a lo ng-necked Pasteur pipette or with a special infective or noninfective. A rise in plasma fibrinogen
syringe, fill the Wintrobe tube to the O m ark. For as occurs in acute infections (pneumonia), or a rise
this, the tip of the pipette should be . introduced in plasma globulin as seen in chronic infections {like
right down to the bottom of the Wintrobe tube and tuberculosis), or a rise in phase reactant as seen in
the blood slowly forced out of the pipette into the noninfective inflammations Qike rheumatoid arthritis)
tube from below upwards. While filling, draw out increases ESR. ESR also increases in malignant diseases
the pipette tip as the tube is filled with blood. This like carcinoma and leukemia. ESR is the index of
will prevent air bubble formation. inflammatory activity in the body. It increases with an
3. Place the Wintrobe tube in an exactly vertical increase in the rate of inflammation and decreases with
position in the rack. N ote the tim e. a decline in inflammatory activity. Thus, ESR gives
4. N o te the reading of the erythrocyte column at the a clue to the physician regarding the progress of the
end of one hour and report ESR as mm/fu-sthr. disease and the response of the disease to treatment.
Sometimes ESR remains elevated long after the clinical
Precautions , manifestations have disappeared, indicating that th~
1. The W introbe tube should be very clean and dry. 1 defence mechanism of the body continues to be more
2. D o not use hemolysed blood. active than normal.
3. Blood should be mixed properly before pipetting.
4. Blood should be filled exactly up to the O mark. Conditions that alter ESR
If blood is drawn above the mark, do not use I. Increased ESR
absorbent material to adjust the level. Use a dropper
A. Physiological
for this purpose.
1. Pregnancy (due to increased fibrinogen and
5. T he blood column should not contain air bubbles
globulin) ,
o r blood clots.
2. After a meal (therefore, blood for ESR
6. The tube should be kept vertical in the rack.
measurement is collected early in the
7. The reading should be taken after an hour.
morning on an empty stomach).
8. While filling the pipette the tip of the pipette should
be kept below the level of blood. B. Pathological
1. Acute infection {like pneumonia)
Sources of error 2. Chronic infection {like tuberculosis)
1. Be accurate about timing. Do not take a reading, 3. Acute noninfective inflammation (for example,
after 30 minutes and report it as a one hour reading · gout)
by multiplying by two. T he rate of sedimentation 4. Collagen vascular disease {like rheumatoid arthritis,
is slow in the beginning and fast after about 45 systemic lupus erythematosus etc)
Determination of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 87

5.. Malignant disease (for example, carcinoma of breast, OSPE

1. Load thti Wintrobe tube with the supplied blood
6. Anemia
for determining ESR.
II. D ecreased ESR Steps:
..., • Select and clean the tube.
- 1. Polycythemia
2. Afibrinogenemia • Mix the blood.
• With the help of a Pasteur pipette fill the
3. Sickle cell anemia
Wintrobe tube (starting from the bottom)
4. Hereditary spherocytosis
with lblood up to the O mark taking care to
avoid air bubble formation.
Zeta Sedimentation Ratio (ZSR)
• Place the Wintrobe tube vertically on the
Blood in special capillary tubes is spun in the vertical stand.
position for four 45-second cycles in a centrifugal • Note the time.
device, called the Zetafuge. This leads to rapid
compaction of red cells, allowing rouleaux to form and 2. Load the Westergren pipette with the supplied '
sediment in just three minutes. The capillary tube is blood for determining ESR.
then read like a microhematocrit. The value obtained Steps:
is referred to as zetacrit. The true hematocrit is • Mix tlhe blood.
divided by zetacrit giving a value in percentage, which • Pipette blood up to the O mark taking care to
is known as ZSR. The interpretation is easier as ZSR avoid air bubble formation.
is not affected by anemia. It is an equally sensitive test • Immediately close the upper end of the
a like that of recording ESR. The advantages of ZSR are
that it requires only 100 microlitres of blood and its • Observe the upper end of the blood column.
measurement is considerably faster. The normal value Note the difference if any with the Omark.
'"' ~ adults is_ 40% to 50% for both genders. As zetafuge • Place the pipette on the rubber pad of the
• 1s not a:v~1lable _now, recording ZSR is impossible, stand and fix it vertically with the metal clips
though 1t 1s a sausfactory alternative to ESR. provided on the rack.
• Note the time.

1. . What is ESR? How does it differ from hematocrit?
2. What are the factors that affect ESR?
3. What is the role of plasma fibriuogen in ESR?
4. What are the methods of determining ESR?
5. Why should the anti~oagulam concentration be appropriate for ESR estiimation?
6. What are the precautions and sources of error in the Winrrobe method? f
7. What.are the precautions and sources of error in the Westergren method!?
8. Why 1~ the W:s~ergr~n ~erhod more accurate than the Wintrobe method?
9. What 1s the chmcal s1g01ficance of determining ESR?
.. 10- the blo?d ~ollec_ted on ~ ~mpty stomach for determioing.ESR?
11. What are the phys1olog1cal conditions of increased £SR?
· WWhhat :ire the diseases in which ESR increases? What are the diseases in which ESR decreases~
13 . at 1s ZSR? ·
15 Determination of Blood Group


After co~ple ting this practic al you WILL be able to: There are more 1than 30 blood group system s contai ning
1. Describe the clinical significance of determination about 40? a~tig~!ns ..Fortun ately, most of these antigen s
of blood group. · are not signifi cant 1Illlnunologically. Moreo ver, many
2. Name the blood groups of the ABO and Rh of them have cold anti_bodies that do not react at body
systems. 1 tempe rature. The antigen s that are involv ed in blood
3. State the physiological significance of the ABO groups are called agglutinogen s and the antibo dies
and Rh systems. that are produc ed agains t these antigen s are called
4. Define Landsteiner's la~. agglutinins. Clinica lly, the impor tant blood groups
5. State the principle of determination of blood are: (1) the ~~) system and (2) the Rh system . The
groups. ~ system IS impor tant from the medicolegal point
of view.
6. Determ ine blood groups by using anti-A and
anti-B antisera.
7. List the precautions taken while determining the .. The ABO System
blood group.
8. List the commo n indications of blood
Thil l~ i o system is the rrwsr im12ortant •
of all'"'6loc;'d group st s because of the pres;: ce of
transfusion. "'
natura l A and B an ibodi s in individ uals from birth
9. List the commo n hazards of transfusion. tigen on their red cells.
w ho lack corres pondin g
10. ame the diseases transmitted by blood
In additio n, transfu sion of ~om p1f_ible ABQ_blood
groups immedia.tely leads to serious consequences.
11. Explain universal donor and universal recipient.
In this system there are two antigen s, antigen A
12. Explain the importance of cross-matching.
and antige n B. Based on the presen ce or absence of
You MAY also be able to:
these antigens, blood groups are classified as:
1. ame and explain the importance of other blood : Antige n A is presen t ;
Group A
group systems. : Antige n B is presen t
Group B
2. State the physiological basis of development of : Both A and B antigens are presen t
Group AB
blood groups. : Neithe r A nor B antigen is presen t
Group O
3. Explain the physiological basis of major and
The A antige n is of two types, A and A 1• Theref ore,
minor cross-matching.
Group A is furthe r divide d into two subgro ups:
4. List and explain all the effects of mismatched : Contai ning A and A 1 antigen s.
Group A 1
transfusion. : Contai ning the A antigen only.
Group A 2
5. Explain the procedure of storage of blood in the •
Similarly, the AB blood group is subdiv ided into the
blood bank.
A 1B and AzB blood groups .
6. .Explain the physiological changes in red cells The antibo dies in the ABO system are of two
during storage and after transfusion. •
types, anti-A (c1) and anti-B (13). These antibo dies are
7. List the cause, features, treatm ent and prevention
natura lly occurr ing and are presen t in the blood of
of erythroblastosis fetalis.
individ uals in whom the respec tive antigen s are absent .
8. ame the diseases associated with different
Thus, Group A (havin g A agglut inogen on the red
blood groups.
cell memb rane) will have anti-B and Group B (having
, Determinatio n of Blood Group 89

B agglutinogen on the red cell membrane) will have It canfnly determine who is not the father of a baby)
anti-A agglutinins in their plasma. The AB group will but cannot confirm who is. For example, if the baby's
have no antibody and Group O will possess both the blood group is Mand the suspected father's is N, then
antibodies. it can definitely be said that N is not the father of M.
Bue, it can never specifically be said who the father
Distribution of the baby is. Determination of other blood groups
- - assist in establishing paternity.
In the Indian population the distribution of the ABO
blood group is as follows: MN groups are also useful for anthropological and
A : 28 percent genetic studies. (:£)'!s'n\\:y ~\:s .
B : 22 per cent Me ~ morn_,, &a\_..., o ~
AB : 5 per cent . The i E?wis System
0 : 45 per cent
In the A blood groups, the distribution o f ~ 75 per The antigens of the Lewis system are Lea and Leh.
centand~ 25 ~ c . ~ ---.,, rl-. These are nol really red cell antigens because they are
. ~ ~~'4 A ~ ~ 6. A,~ produced in t he Rlaswa and are then absorbed into the
red cells. The antibodies are of the I~ -~ - They do
Landsteiner's law Karl Land~einer, 1900J
This law tates that if W gglutinogen is present on the not cross the placental barrier and, Tereme,.,do not
cause hemolytic disease of the newborn. J ~
red cell mem~~ ch~ corresponding agglutinin must
M ::: ff\ OVO.f'r\f't'-~
'tiab~~~h 1 , a'. If the agglutinogen is absent
""'°""' ~ C.l'O f\
fa>~d c ~ responding agglutinin must be The h System 8' ~ G.~\~ w In~~
present in t iFpfasma. The second half of the definition
may not be applicable to all blood group systems. There are two antigens in the li system, 1and i~This ?'-'-"""'"
• For example, in Rh-negative individuals, absence of system differs from other blood groups in several
Rh agglutinogen in the red cells is not accompanied by ways:
--, the prese!1ce of anti-Rh agglutinin in the serum. 1. At birth, the 1antigen is poorly developed, but red
cells of the fetus and neonates are rich i~ origeos-
2. There occurs a gradual changeover from i to 1in the
, The Rh (Rhesus) System
' LG,~U~ first two years ~-~~ ·
3. In conditions ~ e h_eJnogJobinopathies, red cells
This system was . fir~ discovered in Rhesus
monkeys, hence ·t i~ed the Rh system. In this show ~r@ ased 1 anrigeo wi thout any decrease in
system, there :e s· anugens, but there are no naturally the 1antir~-
occurring antibo 1es. The antigens are C, D.1-,.E, c, cl
a ~ Of these six antigens, immunologically D is ~he The ougi)system
most significant. Therefore, the Rh system has two ,,
blood groups: There are two ~od group antigens in this system,
Rh positive : D antigen present the Fya and th~ b antigens. This system has three
Rh negative : D antigen absent blood groups.: Fya, Fyb and Fyab. A close relationship
The antibody in this system is called anti-D antibody between the Duffy blood group and malaria has
and is produced only when an Rh-negative individual been well established. The Fyab blood groups are
£ receives the Rh-positive blood. These antibodies r~ant toJ>asmodium tilJ!?C, whereas Fya and Fyb are
develop slowly in the first encounter, but rapidly in susceptible to vivax m aria. This is because the Fya
subsequent encounters. and Fyb antigens, if present separately on the red cell
• In the Indian population , 95-98 per cent are Rh membrane, increase the entry of the malarial parasite
positive and 2-5 per cent are Rb negative. into the red cells.

The MN System The Kell System

In this system there are three blood groups: M, N and In this system there is only one antigen called
MN. This system is usually required for paternity tests. the K antigen. Peoi:He with K positive blood group

(containing K antigen on the red cell membrane) are • • o • •

• • • • 0 ••••

susceptible to chronic granulomatous diseases. • ••• • •• 0

• • •• 0 ••••
• • ••

•• • • : •• • 00•0
•• • • • • o O e 0
eo••••o• ••oo
o••o•• • • oo •o • •
•• •• 0 0 • •

• Princi le
f e
.. . .
o •
o •o • •• • •
0 O •

Red cells contain different types of agglutinogens

while plasma contains agglutinins. The red cells of the ~~ N O ~ Y'clfm
subject are allowed to react with commercially made
agglutinins. The presence or absence of the clumping
of red cells in different agglutinins determines the
blood groups.

• •
Anti-A serum (containing anti-A agglutinin)
Anti-B serum (containing anti-B agglutinin)
Test tubes

4. Slides
5. 0.9 per cent saline Fig. 15.1. Cont1rmat1on ot blood grouping under low-power
microscope A No agglut1nat1on (cells arP 1m1tormly d1stnbuted)
6. Microscope 8 Agglut1nat1on present
7. Equipment for sterile finger prick
8· Capillary pipette examined before it dries up to differentiate cfumping
9. Glass marking pencil ~c., (actual agglutination) from rouleaux formation of ~
10. Glass rods r. \ red cells. z 1
~rocedur~ g Wf\9
o ,9 °./ 0 10. Record the presence or absence of agglutination r
1. Take 2 ml of 0.9 per cent saliiiesolucioa. i:rra test in each slide and interpret the result as follows.
tube. 111111 A false-positive result if present should
2. Make a sterile finger prick and collect a large drop be excluded by comparing with the control

1f"l'-i ~
of blood into the test tube containing the saline

4. On one of the slides, place a drop of anti-A serum

on its left half and label it 'anti-A' with the help
(control will also show clumping of cells). False-
solution. ('To ~ ' t ~ou..l~)c. ~O'\Pl.;t1\71'i) negative results may occur because of d ~ d
3. Mix the solution to obtain red cell suspension. immmunocompetence of antisera which may occur
due to use of 1~ ~tqre~ ' ¼ - -
: ~\.u.t, th
of the glass marking pencil. On e left half of l~ he slides must be labelled correctly .

n~ G
another slide, place a drop of anti-B serum and label
it 'anti-B' .
5. Place a drop of saline on the right half of each slide
2. While mixing the red cell suspension with antisera,
care must be taken not to inix anti-A and anti-B sera
with the same glass rod.
and mark it as control (C). 3. H there is no clumping in either of the slides, wait
6. To each of these drops, add a drop of red cell for at least 15 minutes.
suspension by using a capillary pipette. ..
7. Mix the red cell suspension with the sera using
Anti-A Anti-B Agglutinogens Blood
separate glass rods or by gently shaking the slides. serum serum (in RBC) group
Wait for 5-10 minutes.
+ - A A
8. Observe the serum-cell mixtures for agglutination
- + B B
(clumping). Compare it with the cells in the saline
+ + AB AB ◄
controls (Fig. 15.1).
9. Confirm your findings under the low-power - - Nil 0
objective. The serum-cell mixture should be + : agglutination - : no agglutination
Determination of Blood Group 91

4. The observations should finally be checked under is preferred. In hemophilia, cryoprecipitate (rid~ in
the microscope. factor VIII and fibrinogen) is given
5. A control should always be used to exclude false-
positive results. ProceduJe
6. Blood should be always diluted for blood grou_:>ing Blood grouping and cross-matching are always done
test. Use of undiluted blood may give false-positive before blood transfusion to ensure a safe and compatible
results (r · may be confused with transfusion. A satisfactory compatibility procedu re
clumping). ~~~~~~~d reases rouleaux should include:
f;;mation. JY ABO and Rh typing
7. Cell-sera suspension should be examined for ..if'f Cross-matching
clumping before the preparation dries up. ~ Antibody screening of the patient (to detect the
presence of clinically significant antibodies)
DISCUSSION Cross-match in ~ : ~ ~ ~ Pl~E.~-
t There are two types of cross-matching (i) major cross-
To be able to donate or receive blood, an individual
matching and (ii) minor cross-matching.
should know his or her blood group. This may be

I required in many medical emergencies. Therefore, the

blood group is always noted on the identity card of a
person. The blood group is always determined prior to
any surgical intervention.
Major cross-matching The cells of the donor are
directly matched against the pl~sma of the recipient.
It is imponant to ensure that antibodies present in the
recipient's plasma do not harm the donor's red cells.
Minor cross-matching The donor's plasma is
checked against the red cells of the recipient. It is called
• Physiological and Clinical Significance minor cross-matching because it is not very imponant,
I . The uses of blood groups are to: [P!2 I TS] as the small volume of the donor's pl~ ma is diluted
in a large volume of the recipient's plasma. Therefore,
... 1. Ensure compatible blood transfusion
the titre of antibodies present in the donor's plasmh
2. Eliminate hemolytic disease of the newborn due to
falls to such a low level after transfusion that they ar~
Rh incompatibility
quite unlikely to damage the red cells of the recipient.
3. Solve paternity disputes
4. D etect suscepti~ili5r to various diseases Universal Donor and Recipient
5. Detect personality . , • . yQ\:on'"1
~u.itep~'lcn ~~,
..i.1' c.ompoh'"b;\ i"J; , Universal donor
• Blood Transfu~~n ,,o.S'l\\}j,6Y>1\~ersons with blood group O negative are considered
to be universal donors because the red cells contain no
Indications antigens. T herefore, their blood can be given safely to
1. Acute blood loss-Whole blood is preferred anyone.

3. B one marrow failure

A •


2. Chronic anemia-Packed red cells are preferred
• __,.. '- ,, , -•'-
H (_C.\u_C'C"'n '-V""'c:
Universal reci ient
· · Jt~ h Persons with blood group AB positive are considered
. al . . b h. 1 .
• \4o.t ~~i"-f.. H pniUci.. to e umvers rec1p1ents ecause t eir p asma coi;itams
I P1astic aneffil_a , ~ \ . c ~~\~ ~-0 no antibodies. Therefore, they can receive blood from
Bone m.;trrow infiltration by neoplasi:iccells anyone.
In bone marrow failure, fres~ blood and specific Though technically this concept is true, its use
blood components are reqwred. Red cells are sometimes may lead to mismatched transfusion due
~~stered along with granulocytes to fight t,o the presence of variam arbec roioac blood gro~ s.
wfect1ons. Therefore, prior to transfusion, blood should alw;iYs
4. Purpura-Platelet transfusion is preferred (so blood be cross-matched to eiiroioare rbe pmsibilities of
grouping may not be necessary) mismatch. H owever, in emergency conditions, this
5. Clotting· factor deficiencies-Fresh frozen plasma concept may be used in selecting the do nor.
tff P)
92 Chapter 15

Hazards of Blood Transfusion 2. Malaria ✓

3. AIDS ✓
I. Due to mismatched transfusion 4. Syphilis v_
Wheo an incompat ible blood group is transfused,
reactions occur primarily due to agglutination of
t he donor 's red cells. This results in hemolysis. Flh lncompatibililty
The severity of the eaction dep ends on the degree
of hemolysis. The complications of mismatched
If an Rh-negat ive individual receives Rh-positive
blood, there will be no immediate reaction because
transf~io_n are: ~~. ~CO'-~, 'i'.~&t" Rh-negative individuals do not normally have anti-Rh
1. Shivering and fever

£ 2. Hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria

3. Jaundide ·
L.,,.4. Acute renal failure-Reaal failure occurs due to:
antibodies. H oV{ever , the donor's red cells induce an
immune response in the recipient to synthesise anti-
Rh antibodies. ese take about 2-4 months to reach
a significant titn, but by that time the donor's red
@emoglobw)c~~king the renal tubules cells die a natura.l death. The anti-Rh antibody cannot
and dwaging;be rnbes cause any harm to the recipient's red cells because
• Release of tg_xic sub~ ances from the lysed red the recipient's red cells contain no Rh antigens. But,
cells causing re.n,al vas_ocon,striction
__..-...v - if the same Rh-megative person receives a subsequent
• Cy_-culaw ~ck Rh-positive t ransfusion, the anti-Rh antibodies are
➔ 5. H yperkalemia (due to release of potassium ions
synthesised in large amounts immediately by the
from red cells) that causes cardiac problems. memory cells, causing a mismatch reaction.
;DUL -\:-o rnotc~ e_d 'Tirn.t -il~~Of'\
II. Due ~ faul~ techniques of giving blood
1. TjJr2.111boph!ebifil_ This is a common complication in
• Ery1throbla$tosis Fetalis
. those who receive repeated transfusions. Etio athogenesi:s
2. Ai,.: e111bolisn1 Air ~ s the venous circulation and This is a hemoJ3/{ic disease of the newborn which
lodges a;_!he o~let M the...rj_ght vsinricle and blocks the occurs due to Rh incompatibility, when an Rh-
flow of blood to the lungs. Death may occur in severe negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus. Usually,
cases. The use of plastic bags has reduced chis complica- no reaction occurs in the first pregnancy. H owever,
c10n. if the mother has received transfusion of Rh-positive
blood earlier, reaction may occur in the first pregnancy.
~ Due to massive transfusion A small amount of blpod leaking into maternal
This occurs when ~ o o d are circulation at the time of delivery induces formation
given within 24 hours or when the total blood volume of anti-Rh agglutinins in the mother. In subsequent
... is exchanged within 24 hours. Cardiac arrh •thmias or pregnancies, the mother's agglut inin crosses the
~~ cardiac ams! may occur due to hi · vels · placenta to the fetus and causes hemolysis in the fetus.
~ _the stored blood. K,+
-. .- tV. Febrile reaction
Clinical features
If the hemolysis is severe, the fet us may die in utero
• The p~ el · and ma ri or due to or if the fetus is born alive, he may have the following
raised b ody temperature. 1s occurs mai y due to
:he presence of pyrogens in the transfusion apparatus.
1. L:r A~6~) ,.
V. Allergic reactions 3.
· This is i~ss frequent and is characterised by itching, 4
erythema, nausea, vomiting ana, in severe cases,
anaphylactic reactions.

VI. Transmission of diseases

1. Hepatitis ✓ 2. fflolo>lla. 3 . ~\ OS
4. S Wj~
Determination of Blood Group 93

5. Presence of erythroblas ts (nucleated red cells) in decreased active transpon of ions across the cell
the blood. membrane. There is mainly a decrease in Na+-K+
p ·s results in net increase in the
Treatment total base and w r of the cell.
The best treatment lS to ~n:y out an t;ichaq~ 2. Cells swell an come more spherocytic. This .
transfus1cii) soon after binh. results in spontaneou s hemolysis. C' ~~J~ ~
3. The ATP content in the cell decreases and inorganic
PreventiOI! phosphate concentrati on increases. This is due to
The disease is prevented byadmi wsceci an imbalance between the phosphoryl ation and
anti-Rh antibodies in the form of<Bh iroro11aoglo6ulia:> dephosphor ylation processes in the cells.
during the postpartum period followin~ the first
delivery. Th~ disease can also be prevented by passive Changes in stored blood after transfusion
immunisati on of the mother with a small dose of Rh Within 24 hours of transfusion, the cell metabolism
immunoglo bulins during pregnancy. greatly increases; consequently, the sodium is extruded
from the cells and the potassium is drawn back into
• Storage of1Blood for Transfusion the cells. The volume, shape and fragility of the red
cells revert to normal within 24-48 hours. Red cells
Procedure _--::-. tiHC
show 80 per cent survival 24 hours transfusion
Blood is stored in the blood bank(fil 4 °C)J.!wdi'!!!! if the transfusion is given within 14 days of storage of
hydrogen citrate is used instead of trisodium ~itrate
the blood. But the survival rate greatly decreases if the
as anticoagula n·. because this fa_vours the fall of plj,
blood is stored for more than two weeks. Therefore, it
which is required h . - survival of red cells. Stored blood
is ideal to use blood within 14 days of storage.
should ideally be used within two weeks of storage.
Blood should not be used if it is stored for more than
o ~ g r _ o s s hemolysis occurs after this Diseases Associated with Blood Groups
Different blood groups are prone to different diseases.
Group 1\ : Carcinoma of stomach
Red cell changes durlfill storage
0 : Duodenal ulcer -
Red cells undergo rapid changes during storage in
I simple citrate solutions even at 4 °C. During cold Fva&Fvb
: Vivax malaria
: Chronic granulomat ous
storage, the changes that occur are mainly due to
J reduction of metabolism of cells. They are: diseases
1. Increase in sodium and decrease in potassium Rh negative : Autoimmun e hemolytic anemia

I concentrati on in the red cells. This occurs due to Li : Hemoglobi nopathies

1. What 1s the physiological basis of determination of b oo groups?

2. What are the precautions taken for determination of ABO blood groups?
3. How will you confirm the clumping (agglutination) of red cells?
4. What is the mode of inheritance of blood groups?
Ans. Blood groups are genetically determined. In general, the presence of a blood group antigen is a codominant
characteristic. Therefore, the antigen is present in the phenotype regardless of the genotype (whether homozygous
or heterozygous). However, the homozygous or heterozygous state determines the type of contributions the
individual can make to the progeny. This is why, the blood group of a child may be different from that of both
5. What is Landsteiner's law and what are the exceptions to this law?
6. What is a 'universal donor' and a ' universal recipient'?
94 Chapter 15

7. What is cross-matching of blood and what is its clinical significance?

8. Why is minor cross-matching usually not done for blood transfusion?
9. What is Rh incompatibility and how does it differ from ABO incompatibility? ~
Ans. When an Rh-negative person receives blood from an Rh-positive person, there is a reaction. This is called Rh
incompatibility. This differs from ABO incompatibility in terms of the speed with which the transfusion reactions
develop. In ABO incompatibility, the reaction develops immediately, but Rh incompatibility reaction may not
occur at all in the first exposure. Though the reaction does not occur in the first transfusion, the donor's red cells
induce an immune response in the recipient as a result of which anti-Rh agglutinins are slowly formed in the
recipient's plasma. When the same individual receives i second transfusion of Rh-positive blood, the transfusion
reaction occurs immediately.
10. What is erythroblastosis fetalis and how can it be prevented?
11. How is blood stored in the blood bank?
Ans. Blood is collected from the donor in a labelled plastic bag or glass bonle. Disodium hydrogen citrate is used
as anticoagulant because it favours survival of red cells by decreasing the pH.
Blood is stored in the blood bank at 4 °C.
12. What are the physiological changes that occur in the red cells during storage?
13. What is the cause of hemolysis of stored blood?
14. What is the MN system and what. is its clinical use?
15. Why does mismatching of blood of the Lewis system not cause hemolysis?
16. What is the clinical significance of the Ii system?
17. Which disease is closely associated with the Duffy system and why?-
18. What is the clinical use of the Kell system?
19. What are the different diseases associated with different blood groups?

r-----------· -- -•·• --+--------

16 Osmotic Fragility of Red Cells

LEARNING OBJECTIVES the concentrati on of solute inside the red cells by

placing the cell in different concentrations of sodium
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: chloride and observing hemolysis in a hypotonic
1. Describe the utility of this practical in clinical solution. When red cells are introduced into a
physiology. hypotonic solution of sodium chloride, they take up
2. Prepare saline solutions of different percentage. water and swell until a critical volume is reached and
3. Perform the osmotic fragility test. then rupture. When the critical volume is reached! the
4. Explain the mechanism of hemolysis when red cells become spherical. As the cells take up water they
cells are exposed to hypotonic solutions. become more fragile. The red cells that are already
5. List the precautions taken for the osmotic spherical, as seen in hereditary spherocytosis, have
fragility test. increased osmotic fragility in hypotonic solutions
6. Define and explain osmotic fragility. because they can swell only a little before they burst.
7. List the conditions that alter the osmotic fragility Conversely, the cells that are biconcave or fiat !have
of red cells. decreased osmotic fragility in hypotonic solutions
You MAY also be able to: because they can swell considerably before they reach
1. Correlate the applicability of this practical in the spherical shape and burst. The osmotic fragility
different clinical conditions. ,, is thus a measure of the rate of hemolysis of the red
2. Explain the physiological basis of alteration in cells when exposed to hypotonic solutions of sodium
osmotic fragility in different diseases of red cells. chloride.

Princi le
Osmotic fragility of red cells is defined as the ease with When the red cells are suspended in a hypotonic solution
which the RBCs are ruptured (hemolysed) when they of sodium chloride, they take up_water and swell until a
are exposed to hypotonic solutions. It assesses the critical volume is reached and hemolysis occurs. As the
integrity of the membrane of red cells. cells take up water, they become increasingly fr.agile.
The osmotic fragility test helps in the diagnosis of Thus, the intracellular solute concentration, as refi1ected
anemia in which the physical properties of the red cells by red cell fragility, can be helpful in establishing the
are altered. This test detects whether or not the red cells functional state of the red cells.
can be easily hemolysed. The red cell membrane allows
water to pass through while restricting solutes. This is Re uirements
called osmosis. Red cells shrink due to exosmosis when L Apparatus
they are placed in a solution that is more concentrate d 1. Clean test tubes
than the concentration of the solute inside. On the 2. Test tube rack
other hand, red cells absorb water by endosmosis, 3. Distilled water
when kept in a hypotonic solution like water which 4. 1% NaCl solution
results in hemolysis due to swelling and rupture of the 5. Dropper
cells. ln an is9tonic solution, that is, solution of equal
concentrati on as the red cell content (for example, II. S ecimen
0.85% NaCl), the red cells stay intact. Freshly drawn heparinised or defibrinated venous
The test of osmotic fragility attempts to determine blood is preparyd for this test. The test should be
96 Chapter 16

carried out within two hours of blood collection. 5. After 30 minutes observe the tubes against a
Heparin is frequently used as an anticoagula nt because white background without disturbing the tubes.
it causes less distonion of the red cells. Note the number of the first tube that shows
panial hemolysis and the number of the tube in
Procedure which hemolysis is complete. A tube with panial
1. Arrange the test tubes in the rack and number them hemolysis shows an upward supernatant fluid
serially from 1 to 12. with pink colour proportiona te to the degree of
2. Prepare solutions of increasing hypotonicit y by hemolysis and a lower layer of sedimented red cells
mixing the required number of drops of 1 per cent at the bottom of the tube. A tube with complete
sodium chloride solution and distilled water in the hemolysis shows a clear, uniformly pink solution
test tubes serially from 1 to 12, as given in Table in the absence of red cells at the bottom. A tube
16.1. Use one dropper for all saline solutions and with no hemolysis shows a clear, straw-coloured
another for distilled water. supernatan t fluid with few red cells settled at the
Note that the first tube contains saline, which is bottom (Fig.16.1).
nearly isotonic and the last tube is filled with only
distilled water (tonicity nil). Observation
3. Shake the tubes thoroughly and add a drop of blood Beginning of hemolysis: in _ _ per cent saline.
in each tube. Completion of hemolysis: in _ _ per cent saline.
4. Inven each cube gently once to mix the blood with Express the result, giving the range from the beginning
saline, and then place them in a rack. of hemolysis to its completion .

Table 16.1
Test tube no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Distilled water drops 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25
1 per cent saline drops 22 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 0
% saline soln. obtained 0.88 0.64 0.60 0.56 0.52 0.48 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.28 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Test tube no

State of saline solution

No hemolysis
Complete hemolysis
(clear supernatant)
(uniformly red)
Onset of hemolysis
(pink tinge or supernatant)

Fig. 16.1. Osrnot1c frag1!1ty test Note that hemolys1s st;irts ,n the sixth tube (slight pink tinge of the supernatant!
and 1s completed ,n the
tenth tube (solution 1s uniformly red) No hemolys1s ,s observed in test tubes 1 to 5
(clear supernatant with red cell clumps at the bottom)
Osmotic Fragility of Red Cells 97

Normal value surface area and functional state of the red cell
Normally, osmotic fragility begins at 0.45 to 0.50 and membrane. As the resistance of the red cell membrane
compietes at 0.30 to 0.33 per cent saline. to rupture is related to its geometric configuration, red
cells which are spherical (spherocytes) demonstrate
Precautions increased he:molysis, while the cells that are (sickle
1. Separate droppers should be used for pouring the cell or target cells) demonstrate decreased hemolysis.
drops of distilled water and 1% saline into the test Hypochromic red cells (as seen in iron deficiency
tubes. anemia) are very thin and contain less hemoglobin,
2. Drops should be counted exactly as recommended therefore, they can swell to a greater extent before
in the table. they rupture.
3. A minimum time of 30 minutes should be allowed
for hemolysis to occur. Condi1tions that Alter Fragility of ABC
4. Hemolysis should be checked against a white
background by placing a white paper behind the Diminishf!.~ fragility
tubes. 1. Iron deficiency anemia
5. The tubes should not be disturbed while recording 2. Thalasse:mia
the observation. 3. Sickle cell anemia
4. Obstructive jaundice
DISCUSSION 5. After splenectomy .
6. Variety of anemias where target cells are seen in the
When the rate of hemolysis of the red cell is increased, peripheral blood

I •
the osmotic fragility is increased, and when the rate
of hemolysis 1is decreased, the osmotic fragility is
decreased. Increased osmotic fragility of red cells
denotes decreased resistance of these cells to rupture.
Increased f1ragility
1. Hereditary spherocytosis
2. Congenital hemolytic anemia
Osmotic fragility is related to the shape of red cells. 3. Other conditions in which spherocytes are found
The shape of red cells is dependent on the volume, in the blood

1. What do you mean by osmotic fragility of red cells? What are the factors that determine this?
2. What is the principle of the osmotic fragility test of red cells?
3. What is the normal range of osmotic fragility of red cells?
4. What are the conditions in which there is alteration in osmotic fragility of red cells?
5. What is the physiological basis of the increased fragility of red cells in ]hereditary spherocytosis and decreased
fragility in sickle cell disease?
17 Determination of Bleeding Time
and Coagulation Time
LEARNING OBJECTIVES vessels to injury. The response is vasoconstnct1on.
This decreases the loss of blood and assists in the
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: process of platelet plug formation. The contraction of
1. Describe the importance of determining BT and the smooth muscles of the blood vessels in response to
CT in clinical physiology. injury is tpe~ ~ o c o n ~ triction. It is
2. List the steps of blood coagulation. potenti~ y the release of chemi 'als like serotonin
3. Determine BT by the Duke method. from the platelets aggregated at thesite of injury.
4. Determine CT by capillary tube method. The effectiveness of vascular response is detected by
5. Give the normal values of BT and CT. the capillary fragility test, but vascular response cannot
6. List the precautions taken for determination of be clearly separated from p latelet response. Therefore,
BT and CT. determination of bleeding time and capillary fragility
" 7. Name the diseases in which BT and CT are test are necessary to measure the integrity of both the
prolonged. responses.
8. List the tests to determine platelet function and
to assess the efficiency of intrinsic and extrinsic formation
pathway of blood coagulation. latelet plug (temporary hemostatic pit~ formation
You MAY also be able to: _..-.IL.I..., ccurs due to three properties of platelets: agµesi-011.
1. Explain the mechanism of intrinsic and extrinsic ;:igg,:egariqp and release ceactiQn. BT is tlie time
pathway of blood coagulation. from onset of bleeding to temporary hemostatic
2. Describe the role of platelets in blood plug formation that stops bleeding. ~ e response
coagulation. of platele~ hemostasis includes ~~e in shap~,
3. Explain the principle and clinical significance increase i?s'u1 · eness and the tendency to
of different tests for investigation of bleeding 0 re ate w r telets t orm a lug. Platelets
disorders. adhere to the injured vessel wall. Adhesion is followed
by aggregation of platelets, which are activated to
release a number of chemicals (release reaction) that cause
INTRODUCTION vasoc r ,riction and temp~ hemostatic plug
formation (see Chapter 18).
The effectiveness of platelets in hemostasis can be
assessed by:
• B~~
• P_w:eler count
• Platelet aggregation studies
• P latelet adhesiveness test
• Clot retraction test
formation whereas clotting time
~-- • Prothrombin consumption test

Coa ulation or clot formation

Blood coagulation occurs in three stages: (1) activation
of Stuart-Prower factor, (2) formation of thrombin
Vasoconstriction from prothrombin and (3) formation of fibrin from
Vascular response is the immediate response of blood fibrinogen (Fig. 17.1). CT is the time from the onset of
Determination of Bleeding nme and Co_a gulation nme 99

bleeding to the clot (definitive hen,ostaticpl1w formation. recognised by the activated panial thromboplast:in
time (PTT).

Formation of thrombin from prothrombin In statge

2, prothrombin (factor II) is activated by Xa in the
presence of Va, calcium and platelet phospholipid, the
x nnszc s em end product of stage 1. This results in the formation of
an me u es actor III, IV and VII. In the meantime, thrombin. Any defect in this stage results in prolon:ga-
there is activation of the intrinsic rystem when factor tion of prothrombin time. ( "f"f)
XII is activated by its contact with the negatively
charged surface of_,0~c~a:: tes -~~ the i~ju~ed Formation offibrin from fibrinogen This is the fiioal
vessel walls. Th~ nn t-P ongrnares 10s1de stage of the coagulation process. Fibrin is formed from
rhe blood yess~Js and includes factors ~ ' ~r, p(, fibrino en b thromb· roduct of stage 2.
VJH, and calcium (IV). Finally, both extrinsic and First, rin onomers are form , then polymeriisa-
intrinsic systems follow a common pathway that tie.£of Gbtio rakes pl~ W l the hele of actr~tecl
results in t he formation of active Stuan- Prower factor ~ to form th rjn c@)
factor (Xa). Th~ rn tnne41!,rolonged if there is a defect in
Any defect in the intrinsic system of stage 1 is the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen.
Injury to wall of
blood vessel (tissue injury)
Release of tissue
Subendothelial factor (tissue thromoboplastin)
posure (collagen)

Activation of
Activation of
intrinsic pathway extrinsic pathway

Factor X ------:11~------xa
(Stuart- Prower factor) COMMON PATHWAY
Va !PL
Prothrombin _ _ _...;....._---1. Thrombin

! Fibin

Fig . 17.1. Stages of blocd coayu lat,on
100 Chapter 17


BLEEDING TIME 1. Gather all the necessary materials before starting
the test.
two 2. Do not rub too much while cleaning the skin as
rubbing increases blood flow and alters BT.
3. The skin should dry completely before pricking.
Duke Method 4. The puncture should be deep {about 4 mm).
5. Do not squeeze. Blood should flow freely.
The Duke method is the more frequently used method 6. Blot the blood exactly every 30 seconds.
to determine BT in clinical laboratories as it is easy 7. Do not allow the filter paper to press on the bleeding
to perform and requires minimal equipment and spot as it may interfere in bleeding.
laboratory skill. 8. If bleeding continues for more than 10 minutes,
discontinue the test and ask the subject to apply
Princi le pressure to the wound.
A deep skin puncture is made and the length of time
required for bleeding to stop is recorded. It determines ~ormal value
the function of the platelets and the integrity of the The normal range of BT by the Duke method varies

from 1 to 5 min1:ttes. ( 1.-4-rnin)

Clinical significa~ _ .--:-

1. Equipment for sterile finger puncture Prolongati~ B 1 found in thrombQf)/lgpeniE,
2. Blotting paper or filter paper t ~ l hema and von illebrand disease. It occurs
3. Stopwatch when platelet count 1s less than 50,000/µl of
blood. Thrombasthenia is the condition of platelet
Procedure dysfunction in which platelet count remains normal,
1. Assemble all necessary material and supply proper but the platelets are functionally abnormal. In von
instructions to the subjects (this can be done by the Willebrand's disease, platelet defect is combined with
student). factor VIIl deficiency.
2. Clean the finger tip or the ear lobe of the subject
with alcohol, and allow the skin to dry completely. 1'. Ivy Method
11111 Though the ear lobe is a good site for this
test, the finger tip is more convenient. The Ivy method is more reliable than the Duke
3. Make a deep puncture (blood should flow freely method, but it is more painful to the subject. Skill is
without squeezing) with the help of a sterile lancet. required for using a sphygmomanometer. Therefore,
4. Immediately st:µt the stopwatch.
the Duke method is commonly preferred in clinical

5. Blot te drop of blood coming out of the incision

every )eJ" seconds by using the blotting paper or

circular filter paper. Place each subsequent drop A standard incision is made on the forearm under a
a little further along the side of the filter paper.
standardised condition, and the length of time required
&ml Do not allow the filter paper to press on for bleeding to cease is recorded.
the bleeding spot. N ote that the drops become
progressively smaller.
6. Stop the stopwatch as soon as bleeding ceases. 1. Sphygmomanometer
7. Count the number of drops on the filter paper and 2. Sterile lancet, capable of making an rnc1s1on
multiply it bl~seconds. 1 mm wide and 3 mm deep
11111 If the bleeding does not stop in 10 minutes, 3. Blotting paper
discontinue the test and apply pressure to the spot 4. Alcohol
to stop bleeding. 5. Cotton wool
Determination of Bleeding Time and Coagulation Ti!11e 101


1. Explain the procedure to the subject. CLOTTING TIME
2. Tie the sphygmomanometer cuff on the patient's
arm above the elbow. Clotting time (CT) is usually determined by two
methods: (1) capillary tube method and (2) Lee-White
· 3. Raise the cuff pressure to 40 mm Hg, and maintain
(venipuncture) method. The capillary tube method
it for the entire period.
is routinely used in clinical laboratories to determine
4. Select an area approximately 5 cm below the cubital CT.
fossa on the anterior aspect of the forearm and clean
with alcohol.
Capillary Tube Method
5. Hold the skin tightly by grasping the underside
of the forearm firmly and make two separate Princi le
punctures 5 cm apart in quick succession using the A standard incision is made in the skin of the patient
sterile lancet. Start the stopwatch. and blood is taken into a capillary glass tube. The
6. Blot the blood from each incision site on a separate length of time that it takes for the blood to clot (as
piece of blotting paper, every 30 seconds. detected by the appearance of fibrin string) is reported
7. When the bleeding stops, stop the watch and release as CT.
the pressure from the sphygmomanometer cuff.
8. Record the bleeding time of both the punctures.
1. Materials for sterile finger prick
The longer of the two bleeding times is more
2. Capillary tubing (10-15 cm in length and 1.5 mm in
accurate than the average of the two.
diameter) without anticoagulant
9. If the bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes,
discontinue the test and apply pressure to the Procedure
puncture to stop bleeding, and report as BT more 1. Explain the procedure to the subject.
than 15 minutes. 2. Make a sterile finger puncture by using the lancet to
a depth of 3 mm.
Precautions 3. As soon as blood is visible, start the stopwatch.
1. Explain the procedure to the subject. 4. Wipe off the first drop of blood and allow the next
2. The area selected for puncture should be properly drop of blood to flow into the capillary tube by
cleaned. introducing one end of the tube into the drop and
3. Two incisions should ideally be made for holding the other end at a lower level.
determination of BT by this method. 5. Hold the capillary tube filled with blood between
4. A constant pressure of 40 mmHg should be the palms so as to maintain it at body temperature.
maintained throughout the procedure. 6. After 2 minutes, break off the capillary tubing
5. The incision should be made deep into the skin. 1-2 cm from one end every 30 seconds and look for

r 6. The longer of the two bleeding times (rather than

the average) should be taken for the result.
appearance of a thread of fibrin.
7. When a thin string of fibrin is seen between the
broken ends, stop the watch and note the time.
Normal values 8. In the report, mention the use of the capillary
The normal range of BT by the Ivy method varies method.
from 5 to 11 minutes.
Clinical si nificance 1. Explain the procedure to the subject.
The clinical significance is the same as that of the Duke 2. The finger tip should be cleaned with alcohol before
method. Though the Duke method is commonly pricking.
followed, the Ivy method should be the method of 3. The puncture should be deep and blood should
choice, as it is more reliable. flow spontaneously.
102 Chapter 17

4. Immediately after filling, the capillary tube angle of 90° without spilling the contents. As soon
should be held between.. the palms to maintain its as the blood is ·clotted, examine the second tube.
temperature. Temperature affects clotting. The blood in the second tube usually clots as soon
5. With each break of the capillary tube, appearance as blood clots in the first tube.
of the fibrin string should be looked for. 7. Stop the stog_watch and note the time.
8. The CT is the clotting time of the second tube.
Normal value
Precautions and sources of error
The normal range of CT by capillary glass tube method
is 2-8 minutes. 1. Orie important source of error is inappropriate
volume of blood taken for the test ~ess than 1 ml
Clinical si nificance gives a shorter CT).
CT is prolo~ged in diseases in which clotting factors 2. The temperature of the tubes should be maintained
are deficient. If the CT is more than 10 minutes, the at 37 °C.
patient should be subjected to detailed investigations 3. While collecting blood, air bubbles should not
to identify the missing coagulation)a._ctors. enter the syringe. Presence of air bubbles shortens
'-n : \H't -~ d...t.\f ~ -l~ ~ ~/;. 1 . 9,,') the CT.
U Lee-White Methdct_ o&:.l'no..\
~ \/u? p-ri'rr\L f\O. Normal value
This is more reliable and sensitive than the The normal range of CT by the Lee-White method is
capillary method, but it needs special arrangements 5-12 minutes.
for venipuncture and a temperature"-Controlled
waterbath. Clinical si nificance
This method is more reliable than the capillary tube
Princi le
method. The clinical significance of this method is the
Venous blood is collected in a clean glass tube without
same as that of the capillary tube method.
any anticoagulant. The time taken by blood to clot at
37 °C is noted as clotting time.
1. Materials for drawing blood by venipuncture
2. Test tubes There are many other tests that are performed to detect
3. Waterbath at 37 °C the nature and degree of various bleeding disorders.
4. Stopwatch As these tests are not routinaly carried out in physiology
labonories but asked in viva, the basic principle and
Procedure clinical significance of each test are described.
1. Explain the procedure to the subject.
2. Collect over 2 ml of venous blood by making a Capillary Fragility Test
sterile venipuncture. Start the stopwatch as soon as
the blood enters the syringe. Principle
3. Remove the needle from the syringe and fill each of This test measures the ability of the capillaries to
the two tubes to the 1 ml mark. withstand increased stress. Petechiae appear in the
4. Plug the tubes with non-absorbent cotton wool and forearm of the subject when the blood pressure cuff
place them in the waterbath at 37 °C. in the arm is inflated to a max~um pressure of
5. After 3 minutes, remove the first tube from the 100 mm Hg for about 5 minutes.
waterbath and tilt the tube gently to 45° to check
whether the blood has clotted. If not, return the Clinical si nificance
tube to the waterbath and examine every 30 seconds Normally, 0-10 petechiae appear. More than 10
to check the appearance of a clot. petechiae indicates capillary weakness, thrombo-
6. When blood clots, the tube can be tilted through an cytopenia or both.
Determinatio n of Bleeding Time and Coagulation Time 103

Platelet Aggregation Test process. Due to lysis the clot becomes fluid and red
cells sink to the bottom of the test tube.
An aggregating agent is added to a suspension of Clinical si nificance
platelets in plasma and the response is measured The lysis time for the normal clot is about 72 hours.
turbidometrically as a change in the transmission of If lysis is seen within 24 hours, fibrinolysis is considered
light by an instrument called the aggregometer. to be abnormal

Clinical si nificance Prothrombin Consumption Test

Measurement of platelet aggregation is an essential
part of the investigation of any patient with suspected Principle
platelet dysfunction. T his test determines the amount of prothromb in
present in the serum after clot formation .
.. Platelet Adhesiveness Test
Clinical si nificance
Principle Normally, in the coagulation process more than 95 per
This test measures the ability of platelets to adhere to a cent of prothromb in is used up as it is converted to
glass surface. When anticoagulated blood is allowed to thrombin. The presence of more than 5 per cent of
pass at a constant rate through a plastic tube containing prothromb in in the serum indicates a quantitative or
glass beads, some platelets adhere to the glass beads. qualitative platelet deficiency.
The percentage difference of the platelet count prior
to and after passing through the glass bead column Prothrombin Time (PT)
indicates the functional status of platelets.
Clinical si nificance A · preparation of rabbit brain emulsion (which
The normal range is 75-95 per cent of platelet retention. contains tissue thromboplastin) is added to plasma in
The platelet adhesiveness test is nonspecific. The results the presence of calcium. This, in the presence of factor
are abnormal in several platelet functional disorders. , VII, triggers stage 2 of the coagulation mechanism,
and the clotting time is recorded after the addition of
Clot Retraction Time calcified thrombopla stin to the plasma.
Principle '
Normal value
Blood clots when collected in a glass tube without any
The normal value is 12-16 seconds.
anticoagulant. The clot begins to retract (after blood
has clotted) within 30 seconds, and is about 50 per cent
Clinical si nificance
at the end of 1 hour. At the end of 18-24 hours the
Prolonged PT suggests the possibility of deficiency
clot should have retracted completely.
of factors II, V, VII and X. In stage 2, prothromb in
is converted to thrombin which triggers the
Clinical si nificance
Abnormal clot retraction is reported when less transforma tion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Abnormal
than 50 per cent retraction occurs at 1 hour. Clot prothrobm in time suggests a stage 2 defect.
retraction is primarily dependent on platelet function.
,,. Hematocrit and 6.brinogen levels also affe~ it. Poor Partial Thrombo plastin Time (PTT)

I clot retractability is usually seen when platelet count is Principle

less than 1,00,000.
The platelet substitute, in the form of partial
thromboplastin, is prepared from rabbit brain
Clot Lysis Tlo,e
as chloroform extract. When mixed with test
Principle plasma containing excess of calcium, it leads to clot
T he clot is lysed due to 6.brinolysis, which is a natural formation.
104 Chapter 17

Normal value Plasma Recalcification Time (PAT)

The normal value is 60-80 seconds.
Clinical si nificance When excess of calcium is added to the citrated plasma,
PTT is prolonged when there is a deficiency of one or clotting occurs. Because platelet factor ill is also
more clotting factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II and
I. Abnormal PTT indicates a stage 1 defect and the
absence of one or more of the intrinsic factors.
involved in clotting through the intrinsic pathway of
coagulation, the clotting occurs in a shorter time in
platelet rich plasma than in platelet poor plasma.
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Normal value
Platelet rich plasma: 100-150 seconds
Platelet poor plasma: 135-240 seconds
Princi le
The platelet substitute, in the form of partial Clinical si nificance
thromboplastin, is prepared from rabbit brain. This is
incubated with a contacting agent (kaolin) to provide
This is an easy screening test that detects deficiency of
the factors of the intrinsic pathway, that is, factors XII,
optimal activation of the intrinsic coagulation factors.
The clotting time is determined after the addition of
XI, IX, VIII, X, V and II (all coagulation factors except
VII and XIII).
excess of calcium.
- - value
The normal value is 25-40 seconds. Bleeding occurs when a blood vessel is injured and
scops by a process called hemostasis. Abnormal
Clinical significance bleeding occurs spontaneou sly or following trauma,
APTT is prolonged in deficiencies of factors XII, XI, due to the derangement of hemostasis which warrants
X, IX and VIII. APTT is a more reliable test than investigatio n. Patients prepared for surgery must be
PTT. When used in conjunction with PT it provides routinely checked for bleeding disorders to ensure
a simple method for differentiating between stage 1 normal hemostasis during the procedure.
intrinsic defects and other factor deficiencies. APTT
is mainly determined in hemophilias that involve the Clinical Significance
deficiency of factors VIII, IX or XI.
Laboratory investigations for bleeding disorders are
Thrombin Time (TT) required for patients who have a history of spontaneou s
bleeding or excessive bleeding following injury or
Thrombin (commercially available) is added to the
~urgery. Hemorrhag ic disorders are b~oadly classified Pr ::>1.
mto inherited and acq11ired defects. Acquired defects are p C
plasma along with calcium and the clotting time is more common than inherited defects. The platelet "> '
determined . defects are more commo11than the coagulation defects.
Deficiencies of factor Vill (hemophilia) and factor
Normal value IX (Christmas disease) are more common inherited
The normal value is 15-20 seconds. coagulation defects. The common acquir d defects are
-~ ombocytop enia, vitamin K deficiency, disseminated
Clinical significance ( "v\ ((ntravascular ccagi,lafr)ll and liver failure.
Thrombin time detects the effectiveness of stage 3 Bleeding time is prolonged in conditions in which
of coagulation in which fibrinogen is converted to platelets are defective or less in number, and the
fibrin. Prolonged TI is considered to be due to either vascular response to injury is impaired. Clotting time
a decrease in fibrinogen concentrati on or the presence is prolonged in conditions in which clotting factors are
of dysfunctional fibrinogen. defective or deficient.
Determination of Bleeding nme and Coagulation nme 105

Conditions i11 1JJhich BT is prolonged i11 tbe presence of11om1a/ CT life. Blee~ m wounds is a characteristic sympt:om,
are: which is u SiWWand persjsrs from days to weeks
• ThromhP~opeoia. due to any cause iu spite a£ rhe pceseoce a+~1gts. Bleeding may
• Ihrombasgi~ ~ 'Jon w\l~T01'Cl also occur spontaneously · . e tiss'l,es,1 joi!_its and
• Idiopathic tl»:ombocyropenic purpm:.a d ~ cavities of the booy. The patient is t"reated with fresh
Conditions in 1JJhich CI' is prolonged i11 the presence of11om1a/ BT blood transfusions because factor VIII is lost rapidly
are: on storage. The better , native is to administer a
• Hemophilia factor VITI concentrate.
• Christmas disease
• Any bleeding disorder in which\flouing factors ~ Christmas disease ( 8)
deficient. =- Christmas disease occurs due to deficiency of factor
IX. It is clinically indistinguishable from hemophilia.
Hemophilia Therefore, it is also called hemophilia B.
Hemophilia occurs due to the deficiency of factor
VIII. It is an X-fui~ rk>essive bleeding disorder. Purpura
The abnormality is located on the X ch romosome. Purpura is a group of diseases that occur du1e to
Women are carriers and usually do not suffer from thrombocyto enia. The two commonest forms of
the disease because they are protected by the second (ITP) and
X chromosome which is usually normal. The disease
manifests with a bleeding tendency that usually appears
in infancy, but, which in mild cases may appear in adult

1. What are the methods of determination of BT, and what are their normal values?
2. What are the precautions taken for determining BT by the Duke and Ivy methods?
3. Which method is more reliable for determining BT, and why?
4. What is the clinical significance of determinating BT by the Duke and Ivy methods?
5. What are the methods of determination of CT, and what are their normal values?

... 6. What are the precautions taken while determining CT by the capillary tube and Lee-White methods?
Which method is more reliable, and why?
7. What is the clinical significance of determinatio~ of CT by the capillary tube and Lee-White methods?
8. Why is CT normally more than BT?
Ans. 6rrlis ~the time from ~ t of bleeding to stoppage of bleeding. Bleeding stops due to the formation ,of a
tepip~ emostatic plug.~1s ihe riwe ra~eo £cam onser af b!eeding_to formation of rh¥ efigjriye beroast:,auc
, p)~ /clot\. 'I emporary hemostatic plug formation occurs earlier than the definit ive hemostatic plug. Therefore,
normally, CT is more than BT.
9. What are hemostasis and homeostasis?
Ans. Hemostasis means arrest of bleeding. Homeostasis is defined as maintenance of constancy of the internal

environment of the body, that is 111ilieu interior. As hemostasis tries to maintain constancy of blood volume, it is ]Part
of the total homeostatic mechanism.
~ 10. What are the mechanisms of hemostasis?
11. What are the steps of blood coagulation, and how do you detect the defects in these steps?
12. What are the tests to detect defects in the vascular response of hemostasis?
13. What are the tests to detect defects in platelets?
Ans. Defects in platelets can be detected by:
• bleeding time
• platelet count
106 Chapter 17

• platelet awegation studies

• platelet adhesiveness test
• clot retraction test . ..
• prothrombin consumption test
What is normal prothrombin time and what is its clinical significance?
What is the normal partial thromboplastin time and what is its clinical sign1ificance?
What is the normal value of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTI'j, and what is its clinical significance?
What is normal thrombin time (T1), and what is its clinical significance?
What is plasma recalcification time (PR'I), and what is its clinical significance?
' 1
19. What is hemophilia? -


\ ,,/
18 Platelet Count·


After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. Describe the imponance of performing platelet t
count in practical physiology.
2. List the methods of performing platelet count. t
3. Perform platelet count by the Rees-Ecker
method and peripheral blood smear method.
Megakaryocytes form platelets by pinching off bits of
4. List the precautions and possible sources of error
cytoplasm and extruding them into the circulation.
in the Rees-Ecker method.
The production and release of platelets from the bone
5. State the normal value of platelet count.
marrow normally remains constant. Production
6. List the functions of platelets.
is depressed by transfusion of platelets, and is
7. Name the conditions that alter platelet count.
enhanced by removal of platelets from the blood
You MAY also be able to:
(thrombocytopheresis). This indicates that there exists a
1. Explain the role of platelets in bemostasis
feedback .regulatory mechanism for platelet production.
(temporary bemostatic plug formation and blood
Thrombopoietin, a hormone, is probably involved in
this process. Platelet production is also regulated by the
2. Name the granules of platelets and list the
colony stimulating factors (GM-CSF) ' Il.,I' Il.,3 and Il.,6°
chemicals present in these granules.
3. Describe the regulation of thrombopoiesis.
Life History
4. List the principle and advantages of platelet count
by the Brecher- Cronkite method. Platelets normally have a half-life of about 4 days.
5. Explain the causes of thrombocytopenia and Their survival time in circulation is about 8- 12 days.
thrombocytosis. Aged platelets removed from the circulation by the
reticuloendothelial system. The spleen is an important
site of dlestruction of platelets. Therefore, platelet
count increases after splenectomy and decreases in
Platelets are anuclear cytoplasmic fragments of
megakaryocytes. They play an important role in Normal Count
hemostasis (the control of bleeding) and the formation In adults: 1.5-4 lakhs/mm3 of blood

of clots within the blood vessels.

Platelets are small, anucleated, granulated, spherical
~ or oval lbodies, 2-4 µm in diameter. They contain
They are developed from megakaryocytes, the giant
microtuhules and microfi.laments. The cytoplasm
~ells in the bone marrow. The development of platelets
contains two types of granules: alpha and dense.
1s known as thro1JJbopoiesis. The steps of thrombopoiesis
The alpha,granulescontain PDGF (platelet-derived growth
factor), platelet factor 3 (a phospholipid), fibronectin,
108 Chapter 18

plasminogen, platelet fibrinogen, proaccelerin (factor synthetase, form thromboxane Az- Thromboxane A 2
5), thrombospondin, alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor and causes vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation, and
hydrolases. The dense gra1111/es contain serotonin, ADP also increases calcium influx into the platelets. In-
and calcium ions. creased intracellular calcium brings about contraction
of microfilament.s that cause movement of granules to
Functions the canaliculi of the cells. Granules fuse with the cana-
licular membrane and finally discharge their contents
Platelets perform four main functions in the body: to the exterior through the open canaliculi (release
(1) temporary hemostasis (arrest of bleeding), (2) reaction).
cloning of blood, (3) phagocytosis of small particles and
organisms and (4) storage and transport of chemicals. Blood clotting
Platelets participate in the cloning process because
Tern orarv._hemo~tasis platelet factor 3 (platelet phospholipids) is needed for
The most important function of platelets is the arrest formation of X. (activation of the Stuart-Prower factor)
of bleeding. The initial events following damage to and for the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
the blood vessels are vasoconstriction and temporary by factor X. and V. Another important function
hemostatic plug format.ion. This is followed by of platelets is to promote clot retraction. This is the
conversion of the temporary plug into the definitive shrinkage of the dot, which depends on metabolically
clot. The formation of a hemostatic plug at the site active platelets. This is produced by contraction of
of injury immediately stops bleeding. This hemostatic anached platelet pseudopodia in the polymerised
plug is formed by platelets and is their primary fibrin, which contains actin-myosin-like proteins. If
function. The hemostatic plug is known as the platelet the clot does not retract, it may not be stable and may
plug. The temporary hemostatic plug is formed by disintegrate.
three properties of platelets: adhesion, aggregation and
release reaction. Phagocytosis
Carbon particles, immune complexes and viruses
Platelet adhesion Platelets adhere to the exposed
undergo phagocytosis by platelets in the circulation.
collagen of the lining of the damaged blood vessels.
The von Willebrand factor facilitates platelet adhe-
Stora e and tran:s ort
Platelets take up 5 HT and synthesise, store and
Platelet aggregation Platelets have the tendency to transport serotonin. They also store and transport
stick to each other and to the damaged vessel wall. heparin.
This phenomenon is called platelet aggregation. Fi-
brinogen, chrombin. and P AF (platelet activating fac- ODS OF COUNTING
tors) foster platelet aggregation.
Platelet activation and release reaction The bind- Several problems are encountered in the counting of
ing of platelets to collagen initiates platelet activation. platelets because:
1. They are small and difficult to discern.
Activation is also produced by ADP and thrombin.
The activated platelets change their shape, put out 2. They have an adhesive character and attach readily
pseudopodia, and discharge the contents of their gran- to glassware, particles or debris in the diluting
ules. This is known as release reaction of platelets. fluid.
When platelets adhere to the collagen in the damaged 3. They clump easily.
vessel wall, ATP in the adhered platelets is converted 4. They are not evenly distributed in the mixture of
to ADP. ADP and collagen activate phospholipase blood and diluting fluid.
A2, which causes hydrolysis of membrane phospho- 5. They readily disintegrate in blood diluted with fluid
lipids to form arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is making it difficult to distinguish them from debris.
then converted to endoperoxides by cyclo-oxygenase. Therefore, unless carefully done, accurate counting of
Endoperoxides, when acted upon by thromboxane platelets ?ecomes impossible.
Platelet Count 109

Three methods of platelet count are frequently 4. Provide a low specific gravity so that the platelets
used. These are: settle in one plane.
1. Hemocytometry (direct count)
·- The Rees-Ecker fluid meets all these requirements. 1%
2. Study of blood smear (indirect count)
ammonium oxalate can be used, but it is not as good
3. Automated counting as the Rees-Ecker fluid.
Compositio11 ofthe Rees-Eckerfluid
Platelet Count by Hemocytometry
1. Sodium citrate:
Two methods of platelet count by hemocytometry • prevents coagulation,
are frequently used: (1) the Rees-Ecker method and • preserves RBC,
(2) the Brecher-Cronkite method. The details of the • provides the necessary low specific gravity.
Rees-Ecker method will be discussed, as this is the 2. Formalin: acts as a fixative
method usually followed in our laboratories. 3. Brillant cresyl blue: identifies the diluent.&IIIThis
dye does not stain the platelets, as it is not essential
for counting. D ye is used only for identification of
The Rees-Ecker Method for Manual
the diluent.
Platelet Count 4. Deionised water: acts as a solvent.
Princi le 11111 The Rees-Ecker fluid must be stored in the
Whole blood is diluted with a solution of brilliant refrigerator and filtered before each use.
cresyl blue which stains the platelets as light blue. III. Specimen
The diluent also prevents coagulation. No attempt is Capillary blood (from a finger puncture) can be used.
made to lyse the red cells. Platelets are t~en counted G<"nerally, venous blood gives more satisfactory tesults,
by hemocytometry. as platelet count in capillary blood is usually less than
that of venous blood. This difference is due to clumping
of platelets at the site of puncture in finger prick blood
I. Equipment collection. The venous blood that is collected should
1. Microscope be anticoagulated with EDTA because EDTA reduces
2. H emocytometer (RBC pipette and counnng the tendency of platelet clumping. If venous blood is
chamber) used, the test should be performed within 2 hours of
3. Materials for sterile finger prick collecting blood.
4. Petri dish
5. Filter papers
1. Clean the RBC pipette and Neubauer's chamber
Instead of Neubauer's hemocytometer, a specially
designed Spencer-Brightline hemorytomeler is used for
tho~oughly. 11111 All glassware must be
scrupulously cleaned. This is co prevent adhesion
platelet counts. This uses the Spenr;er-Brightline
and• aggregation of platelets. Anything in the
counting chamber. The metallic surface of this chamber
pipette to which the platelets could adhere must be
makes it easier to see the platelets. The cell distribution
removed. 95 per cent ethanol is used to clean the
also -appears better, sin.ce the chamber's surfa-ce is
hemocytometer. A lint-free cloth should be used.
smoother. If the Spencer.:Brightline hemocytometer
2. Puncture the finger tip and suck the blood exactly
is not available Neubauer's hemocytomet er may be used.
up to the 0.5 mark of the RBC pipette.
II. Reagent 3. Rapidly dilute the blood with the Rees-Ecker fluid
The diluent used for counting platelets must meet to the 101 mark of the pipette.
certain requirements. It must: 4. Shake the pipette immediately after dilution for at
1. Provide fixation to reduce the adhesiveness of the least 1 minute.
platelets 5. Discard 3-5 drops of the solution from the pipette.
Prevent coagulation 6. Charge the Neubauer's chamber.
Prevent hemolysis 7. Cover the charged chamber with a petri dish lined
110 Chapter 18

with moist filter paper and allow 15 minutes for Important notes:
the platelets to settle in the chamber. 1111 The ·l. It is ideal to make a duplicate count to minimise
chamber is covered to revent evaporation.
8. After 15 minutes, count the platelets under a high-
errors. This is done by charging both sides of the
counting chamber simultaneously, and counting --
power objective. Ill The platelets are bluish and both the sides separately.
must be distinguished from debris. Platelets are oval 2. A blood smea.r should be made and stained
or round bodies, normally 2-4 µmin diameter and simultaneo~£ly to check and compare the value
refractile in nature. observed iri' the direct method.
9. Count the platelets in all the 25 medium squares of
3. If the count is low, the WBC pipette can be used
the RBC square, that is, in 1 mm2 area or 1/10 mm3
· for dilution for recounting. The calculation can be
done by using the correct dilution factor.
10. Enter the results in the squares drawn on paper.
4. If other hematologic tests are to be performed with
Calculations platelet count, and blood is used from the same
The cells are counted in 25 medium squares, and each puncture, it is necessary to draw the blood for
' of these squares have 16 smaller squares. platelet count first before drawing blood for other
The area covered by the 25 medium squares 1s
lmm2 5. The finger should not be squeezed excessively to
P latelet count/µl or mm3 of blood collect blood.

Number of platelets counted x dilution 6. In spite of all precautions, the error of platelet count
in this method is 15-30 per cent.
Volume of fluid
Dilution is 200. The Brecher-Cronkite Method
Volume of fluid in 1 mm2 = 1 x 1/10
= lx 0.1 =- 0.1 µl or mm3 f rinci~ _,.
Platelet count/ µl or mm of blood This method uses phase-contrast microscopy.
= Nwnber of platelets counted x 200/ 0.1 Ammonium oxalate is one of the constituents of the
= Number of platelets counted x 2000 diluent that completely lyses the red cells. Platelets are
then counted with a phase-hemocytometer and phase-
Precautions and sources of error contrast microscope to enhance the refractileness of
1. The glassware must be scrupulously cleaned. Debris the platelets.
and dust are the main sources of error as they are Advanta es
easily mistaken for platelets. 1. Identification of platelets is easier.
2. The diluting fluid must be filtered just before use 2. The error involved is low (5-10 per cent).
(to remove stained particles from the stain).
3. If venous blood is used, the platelets must be Platelet Count by Study of Blood Smear
counted within. 2 hours. D elay causes disintegration
and clumping of platelets. Principle
4. Blood should be rapidly diluted. This is essential The principle is the same as that of making a blood
because the platelets may form clumps. smear.
5. Blood must be thoroughly mixed with the diluent
by shaking the contents of the pipette for at least Procedure
one minute. Inadequate mixing results in clumping 1. Place a drop of 14% magnesium sulphate solution
of platelets. on the tip of a finger and prick through this drop
6. The charged chamber sho uld be kept for 15 minutes of solution. 11111Magnesium sulphate prevents
under a petri dish to prevent evaporation and for clumping of blood.
the cells to settle down. 2. Make a blood smear and stain with Leishma
7. Other precautions of hemocytometry (as described Starn.
in C hapter 6) should also be followed. 3. Count platelets per 1000 red cells.
Platelet Count 111

Normal count P rolonged bleeding time 1s the hallmark of

• The normal ratio of platelets to RBCs is 1:20. 1111 thrombocytopenia. When platelet count is less
Total red cell count can be done separately. If the red than 50,000 per mm3 of blood, the count is called
cell count is 5,000,000/mm3, and platelet count in the critical count, as bleeding may occur spontaneously.
indirect method is 1:20, then the indirect abso/11te count of The hemorrhagic tendency is proportional to the
platelets will be 250,000/ mm3 of blood. degree of thrombocytopenia and is characterised by
petechiae, ecchymoses, menorrhagia and bleeding from
Platelet Count by Automated Method mucous membranes into t he central nervous system.
To differentiate the causes of thrombocytopenia,
Automated platelet counting is done with an S Plus the bone marrow should be carefully examined.
Coulter counter. In the S Plus model, platelets and red If megakaryocytes are absent in the bone marrow, this
cells pass through the apertures. The particles that are implies failure of platelet production.
between 2 and 10 fL are counted as platelets. A platelet
graph is also plotted according to the size distribution
Conditions that Alter Thrombocyte Count
of the platelets counted.
Thromboc osis
DISCUSSION 1. Polycythemia vera
2. Chronic myeloid leukemia
Platelets participate in the coagulation of blood and are, 3. Iron deficiency anemia
therefore, associated with the hemostatic mechanisms 4. Splenectomy
of the body. 5. Chronic infection
6. Surgery
Clinical Significance 7. Acute hemorrhage

Platelet count is usually ordered as a part of the Thrombocytopenia

laboratory diagnosis of a bleeding disorder. When 1. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
platelet count increases in the blood, the condition 2. Aplastic anemia
is known as thrombocytosis, and when the count 3. H ypersplenism
decreases, the condition is called thrombocytopenia. 4. Acute leukemia
Thrombocytopenia can be caused by impaired 5. Cytotoxic chemotherapy
production or increased destruction of the platelets. 6. Radiation treatment

1. Why does the platelet count produce inaccurate results unless performed very carefully?
2. What are the different methods of platelet count?

r 3. What is the principle of the Rees-Ecker method?

4. What are the advantages of using the Spencer-Brightline counting chamber for platelet count?
5. Why is the Rees-Ecker fluid an ideal diluent for platelet count?
6. What is the composition of the Rees-Ecker fluid and what are the functions of each constituent?
7. Why is the Rees-Ecker 8uid filtered before every use?
8. Why is venous blood preferred to capillary blood for platelet count?
9. Why is glassware cleaned thoroughly for platelet count?
10. Why is the blood rapidly diluted and thoroughly mixed with the diluting fluid?
11. Why is the charged chamber covered by a petri dish for 15 minutes?
12. How do you identify platelets under the high-power objective?
13. What are the sources of error in the manual method of platelet count?
14. What is the other method of platelet count using the principle of hemocytometry and what are its advantages?
112 Chapter 18
15. H ow is the indirect count of platelets performed?
1_6. What are the precursor cells for platelets?
17. What are the factors that regulate the developmertt of platelets?
18. W:hat is the lifespan of platelets and how are they removed from circulation?
19. What is the normal platelet count? ·, ,

20. What are the properties of platelets? What are its functions?
21. What are the causes of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia? 6•· )
· 19 Reticulocyte Count


LEARNING OBJECTIVES network appear in the fo:rm of a heavy wreath, or

clumps of small dots, or a:s a faint .thread connecting
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: two small nodes (Fig. 19.1; see the colour photographs
1. Describe the importance of performing of cells in Chapter 10). The ribosomal and cytoplasmic
reticulocyte count in practical physiology. remnants of reticulocytes pick up a supravital stain
2. State the value of normal reticulocyte count in when the stain is allowed to penetrate the cells while in
newborns and adults. the living condition. Supra.vital stains may also reveal
3. Identify reticulocytes in the smear prepared by basophilic stippling. In pathological conditions, the stained
using supravital staining. basophilic materials preseint in the form of clumps
4. Perform reticulocyte count by the manual in the cytoplasm appear as discrete blue particles
method. (p,mctate basopbilia). The basophilic stippling represents
5. List the precautions and sources of error for precipitation of RNA in the cytoplasm. Such stippling
reticulocyte count. is seen in red cells in toxic conditions such as heavy
6. Explain the meaning of supravital staining, and metal poisoning, especially lead poisoning.
name the supravital stains.
7. List the common causes·of reticulocytosis and ReticulocytE~ Production
You MAY also be able to: Reticulocytes are produced in the bone marrow from
1. Explain the structure, function and fate late (orthochromatic) norm oblasts. The nucleus is
of reticulocytes. extruded from the late normoblast to form reticulocytes.
2. Explain the reticulocyte response. Reticulocytes lose their mitochondria, ribosomes and
3. Explain the physiological and clinical significance basophilic tint to form mature erythrocyte. One per

, of reticulocyte count.
4. Explain the physiological basis of reticulocytosis
cent of the circulating red cells is replaced every day by
newly formed red cells. With the release of young red
in different conditions. cells into the circulation, a few reticulocytes are also
5. Describe the method of absolute reticulocyte released. When the bone marrow sends out red cells
count. at an increased rate, more reticulocytes are released.
6. State the principle and advantages of reticulocte Thus, the number of reticulocytes in peripheral
count by the automated method. blood is an index of erythropoit-sis (production of red cells).
7. Explain the phenomenon of punctate basophilia. Reticulocytes are the immediate precursors of red
cells. Therefore, whenever the demand for red cells
in the circulation increases, reticulocyte formation
and release is also accentuated. Sometimes the demand
may be so high that nuclea1ted red cells are also released
Reticulocytes are juvenile red cells that pass into the from the bone marrow .
bloodstream from · the bone marrow. During the
process of development the nuclei are lost but not the Lifespan
cytoplasmic RNA. Therefore, reticulocytes do not
possess nuclei, but contain a network of reticulum Reticulocytes stay in circiulation for about 24 hours
in the cytoplasm that represents the remnants of before they mature into erythrocytes. Most of the
basophilic cytoplasm (the RNA) of the precursor reticulocytes are present in the bone marrow where
cells. On vital staining with cresyl blue the reticular they actually mature into ired cells.
114 Chapter 19

Normal Count reticulocytes

Sodium citrate prevents coagulation
In adults, the count is 0.5-1 per cent of the red cells. Sodium chloride : provides isotonicity
In newborns, the count is 2-6 per cent. The number Brilliant cresyl blue is prepared as a 1% solution in
falls during the first year to less than 1 per cent and the isotonic saline or methyl alcohol.
level is maintained throughout life.
ii) New methylene blue stain
New methylene blue : stains the RNA of
Reticulocyte count can be done by manual methods
and automated methods. The manual method includes Sodium oxalate
: prevents coagulation
the relative count and absolute count. A relative count Sodim chloride : provides isotonicity
is taken against the number of red cells and then New methylene blue is prepared as a 1% solution in
expressed as a percentage of red cells. An absolute isotonic saline and then diluted to 100 ml with 3.8%
count is taken against the relative count and the total sodium citrate. New methylene blue is chemically
RBC count. different from methylene blue, · which is a poor
r.eticulocyte stain. It is preferred to brilliant cresyl blue
Manual Method (Relative Count) of as it deeply stai~s the filamentous net-like structures
Reticulocyte Count (reticulum) present in the cytoplasm of reticulocytes
so that they are easily identified.
The RNA co~tent of the rericulocytes can be detected Procedure
by exposing the living cells to a supravital stain. 1. Clean the glass slides thoroughly.
In supravital staining, the living blood cells are mixed 2. T a~e a drop of stain on a clean slide.
with the stain as opposed to differential leucocyte 3. Make a sterile finger prick to get a drop of blood.
count, where the smear is made before staining. In one 4. Add the drop of blood to the stain.
method, the stain is sprayed on the slide and blood
5. Mix the blood gently with the help of the blunt edge
is added to the stain. In the other method, the stain
of a slide without touching the specimen slide.
is mixed with a drop of blood and covered with a
6. Cover the slide with a watchglass lined with moist
coverslip. The mixture is sealed on the slide and viewed
filter paper for 15 minutes to prevent evaporation.
in liquid form under the microscope.
7. Select a spreader.
8. After 15 minutes, place the edge of a spreader on the
Re uirements
mixture, transfer the portion of mixture sticking
1. Supravital stains
to the spreader to another slid~, and immediately
2. Glass slides
make a thin smear.
3. Watch glass
9. Make a minimum of 2-3 such smears.
4. Filter paper
5. Microscope 10. Allow the smear to dry.
6. Equipment for sterile finger puncture 11. Examine the smear first under a low-ppwer objective
and locate a thin portion of the smear where the red
Supravital stains: These are dyes that are used for cells are evenly distributed.
staining the living cells in vitro (outside the body). 12. Carefully change to the oil-immersion objective. ·
Usually in practice, living cells are stained (for diag-
Focus sharply and try to locate an area in which
nostic purposes) outside the body. Vital stains are used there are approximately 100-150 red cells visible in
for staining living cells in vivo (rarely used nowadays). the oil-immersion field. J
Therefore, supravital stains (not vital stains) are com-
monly used.
13. Identify reticulocytes and red cells. Bill Reti-
culocytes are identified by the fine, deep, violet
i) Brilliant cresyl blue stain filaments and granules arranged in ~ network. Red
Composition cells stain pale blue. Red cells are slightly smaller in
Brilli~t cresyl blue : stains the RNA of size than reticulocytes (Fig. 19.1; page 65).
Reticulocyte Count 115

14. Enumerate the reticulocytes and red cells in each the reticulocyte count. Stained platelet granules
field. Count a minimum of 1000 cells (minimum and leucocyte granules must not be mistaken for
of 10 fields). 11111 Counting is easier if the size of a reticulocyte. Precipitated stain might also be
the microscopic field is reduced. This can be done mistaken for reticulum within the erythrocytes.
by placing in the eyepiece of the microscope a small To minimise · this possibiility, the dye must be
circular piece of black paper in which a hole of filtered immediately before use. Immediate
5 mm diameter has been made with a puncher. drying of the smear also prevents formation of
15. Enter your observation in a tabular form, as given the crystalline objects thatt sometimes appear in
in Table 19.1. the red cells.
5. Supravital stains also stain other red cell inclusions
in addition to staining the RNA in the reciculocytes.
~C = Number of reticulocytes counted x 100 These include Howell-Joll.y bodies, Heinz bodies
L Total number of cells counted
and Pappenheimer bodies. These bodies are present
in different pathological comdicions. In a reticulocyte
where, RC is the reticulocyte count (per cent). count, if these bodies are !Present, they should be
For example, the total number of cells counted counted separately.
(reticulocytes + RBCs) 1500. Number of 6. Equal volumes of staining flluid and blood specimen
reticulocytes seen (in 15 fields) =- 15. should b~ used. In case o:f low hematocrit value
15 X 100 (anemia), use a large proportion of blood; and
Reticulocyte count (%) = _ _ _ _ = 1 per cent
1500 ·
when the hematocrit is high (polycythemia),
use a smaller volume of blood. This variation
in dilution helps in the spreading out of 100-150
Precautions and sources of error red cells per microscopic field making it easier
1. Staining time should not be less than-10 minutes. to count. Therefore, hematocrit or hemoglobin
2. Mixing of the blood with the stain should be done content of the blood should be determined prior
gently but thoroughly prior to making the smear. to reticulocyte count. At least the lower palpebral
This is important because the reticulocytes have conjunctiva should be examined to clinically assess
a lower specific gravity than mature red cells, the hemoglobin status of the subject.
and therefore, settle on top of the red cells in the
mixture. Thus an unmixed or poorly mixed blood
Absolute Reticulc,cyte Count
specimen will not give the correct result.
3. Reticulocytes should be properly identified. A direct absolute count of reticulocytes by
The red cells showing highly refractile areas may be hemocytometry is not possible. An indirect count is
confused with reticulocytes. These artifacts in the taken against the m,1mber of .red cells and expressed
red cells are probably due to moisture in the air.and as a percentage of red cells. This relative value can be
poor drying of the smear. Use a fresh specime6. convened to an absolute value by performing the total

4. Careful focusing of the microscope is essential in RBC count of the same sample of blood.

Table 19.1: Observation for reticulocyte count

Field no. Number of reticulocytes Number of RBCs Total number of cells
(1) (2) (1 + 2)


116 Chapter 19

Absolute count of reticulocytes/ µl of blood reticulocytes are released with the release of young
red cells. The corresponding increase in reticulocyte
RC (%) x RBC count/ µl of blood
count is called retiClfloryte response. Reticulocyte response
100 indicates a favourable response to treatment. This is
where RC is reticulocyte count (per cent). typically observed in the treatment of pernicious
anemia and iron deficiency anemia. When vitamin B12
Normal value: 20,000-50,000/mm3 of blood is administered as part of the treatment of pernicious
anemia, ·the number of reticulocytes increases in the
Automated Method of Reticulocyte Count blood in the initial phase of the treatment. This indicates
that the patient is responding well to the treatment.
With the use of automated techniques the process of Similarly, when iron is given in the treatment of iron
counting reticulocytes has become easier. This is done deficiency anemia, the reticulocyte count increases in
by the principle of flow cytometry. the blood. Thus, the reticulocyte count is performed
to assess the response of the patient to the treatment in
Principle pernicious and iron deficiency anemia.
Cells are stained with a fluorochrome dye that
preferentially stains RNA. The cells are counted Detection of es of anemia
by a fluorescent technique. The RNA containing The reticulocyte count may provide useful information
reticulocytes will fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet about the type of anemia, as it is elevated in conditions
light. This instrument can count thousands of in which the erythroid precursors can increase the
reticulocytes in just a few seconds. production of red cells in response to an increase in the
demand for them. This is commonly seen in hemolytic
Advanta es anemia in which erythropoietic activity remains
1. The process of counting is made easy. unimpaired. This is also seen in blood-loss anemia.
2. It takes very little time.
3. It is an accurate method. Conditions that Alter Reticulocyte Count'

DISCUSSION Ail increase in reticulocyte count is known as

retiCl(/orytosis, and a decrease m reticulocyte count is
Physiological Significance known as reticulorytopenia.

The number of reticulocytes in circulation indicates Reticuloc osis

the degree of activity of the bone marrow. When the I. Physiological
marrow is very active, the reticulocyte count increases; 1. Newborns and infants
and when the marrow is suppressed, the reticulocyte 2. High altitude
count decreases. Therefore, the numberof reticulocytes II. Pathological
in the peripheral blood is a good index of bone marrow 1. Hemolytic anemia
activity, especially of the erythropoiesis. Reticulocyte 2. Acute hemorrhage
count is proportionate to the red cell production. 3. During treatment of deficiency anerruas
(reticulocyte response)
Clinical Significance 4. Any condition that stimulates the bone
marrow to produce red cells
The reticulocyte count is performed to follow-up Reticulocytopenia •
therapeutic response for anemias in which the patient 1. Aplastic anemia
is deficient in one of the substances essential for the 2. Myxedema
synthesis of red cells. When therapy begins, new red 3. H ypopituitarism
cells will be formed and released rapidly into the 4. Leuco-erythroblastic anemia
circulation before the cells are fully matured. Many The leuco-erythroblastic blood picture is use
Reticulocyte Count 117

describe the presence of immature myeloid and • secondary carcinoma of bone

nucleated red cells in the peripheral blood often as • myelofibrosis
a consequence of a disturbance of the bone marrow • after splenectomy in thalassernia major
architecture by abnormal tissues (infiltration). It is • multiple myeloma
seen rn: There is no physiological reticulocytopenia.

1. What is the normal reticulocyte count in adults?
2. What is the normal reticulocyte count in newborns and at what age does it reach the aduk value?
3. What are the methods of reticulocyte count?
4. What is a supravital stain? Give examples. How does it differ from the vital stain?
5. What is the composition and function of each constituent of brilliant cresyl blue stain?
6. What are the sources of error in the manual method of reticulocyte count?
7. What happens when blood is not properly mixed with the stain?
8. How do you identify reticulocytes in the smear?
9. Why should equal volumes of staining fluid and blood be used for the reticulocyte count?
10. How do you perform absolute reticulocyte count?
11. What is the principle and what are the advantages of the automarled method of reticulocyt.e count?
12. What is the lifespan and fate of reticulocytes?
13. How do reticulocytes develop in the bone marrow?
14. What is the physiological significance of reticulocyte count?
15. What is the clinical significance of reticulocyte count?
16. What is reticulocyte response and what is its significance?
17. What are the conditions of reticulocytosis and reticulocytopenia?
18. What is the cause of reticulocytosis at high altitudes?
19. What is punctate basophilia? In what conditions is it seen?

20· General Examination

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 12. Lymphadenopathy

13. Skin condition
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
14. Vital signs: Temperature,, Respiration, Blood
l. Describe the importance of general examination pressure
in clinical physiology.
2. List the parameters (signs) to be examined in
general examination. GENERAL APPEARANCE
3. Examine and elicit different signs.
Look at the subject, and observe whether he looks
4. List the common causes of abnormalities of the
healthy, unwell or ill. If he looks ill assess the severity
of the illness: whether the patient is ill, very ill or in
You MAY also be able to:
1. Explain the physiological basis of development
of abnormal signs.
2. C~rrelate the abnormal signs with the MENTAL STATE AND INTELLIGENCE
pathophysiology of the disease processes.
One should assess the mood of the patient and should
try to study the mind of the patient. This is detected by
observing the way the patient describes his emotional
A thorough and detailed general examination is an The patient's level of intelligence is one of the
essential part of the clinical examination of a patient important pieces of information to be obtained from
and should be performed prior ta any systemic the interview. This helps to determine the suitable
examination. If meticulously performed, the general treatment. An approximate assessment of intelligence is
examination provides adequate clues ta the diagnosis. obtained from the educational and occupational history
The general examination begins the moment the and from an assessment of his general knowledge.
patient ~s seen. It should be done without unnecessary
embarrassment and discomfort to the patient. CONSCIOUSNESS AND COOPERATION
It should preferably be performed in daylight. General
examination is carried out under the following It is important to ascertain the level of consciousness
headings: of the patient. The level of consciousness can be clear
1. General appearance sensorium, drowsiness, stupor, semicoma and coma.
2. Mental state and intelligence If he is fully conscious, assess whether he is cooperative
3. Consciousness and cooperation enough to provide all information.
4. Build
5. Development (height, weight and sexual)
6. State of nutrition
7. Pallor (anemia) Build is the skeletal structure of a person. It is assessed
8. Jaundice {1 -C.'t°c.."NJI.) in relation to the age and sex of the individual as
9. Cyanosis ~ \ CC\.. G S compared to a normal person. It should be observed
10. Clubbing whether the patient is tall or short, lean or fat, and
11. Edema muscular or asthenic.
General Examination 119

thickness). Anthropometric measurements include

recording of height and weight. It is performedl to
Height ascertain whether the patient is well nourished or
malnourished. Malnutrition may be due to starvation,
The height of each patient should be measured to find maldigestion of food or malabsorption of nutrients
out whether he is of average height for that age and from the gastrointestinal tract.
sex. U he is too tall or short, details of the measurement
of span (from the tip of the middle finger of one side
to the tip of the middle finger of the other side of
outstretched upper limbs), upper segment (crown to
the pubic symphysis), and the lower segment (pubic
symphysis to foot) should be taken. Normally, in

Pallor is P.aleness of the skin. It depends on the thickiness

and quality of the skin, and the amount and quaility
of the blood in the capillaries. Thus, pallor is seen

adults the armspan is equal to the height of the person
in persons with thick or qpaQ..Ue skin, in condititons
and the upper segment is equal to the length of the where blood flow in the capillaries is diminished, such
lower segment. as shocJ&_2.f when the h~@Qglo!2m,.,sontent@ the
blood is decreased. Pallor is detected by examining, the
Weight lower palpebral conjunctiva (Fig. 20.1), tip and dorsum
of the tongue, soft palate, palms and nails. The de:gree
The weight should be recorded preferably on an
of pallor is expressed as:
empty stomach, without shoes and with minimum ] NORtviM.

Pallor : 0 {no anemia)
clothing. It should be ascertained whether the patient's
Pallor : + (mild anemia)
weight is normal for age and sex or if he is over or Pallor : + + (moderate anemia) flNflE:NIIFI
underweight. Pallor : + + + (severe anemia)

Sexual Development

Effort should be made to assess the development of

secondary sexual characteristics.
In males, secondary sexual characteristics develop
between 13 and 18 years. H air grows on the face, trunk,
axillae and pubic region. The pubic hair develops with
the upper border convex upwards and may extend up
to the umbilicus. Laryngeal growth results in thick
voice. Considerable muscular development occurs.
In females, seconclary sexual characteristics develop
between 11 and 15 years. There is development of
breasts, and the female distribution of fat gives the
characteristic curves of the body. Hair also grows in
Fig. 20.1. Method oJ detection of pallor. Note. lower eyell
are retracted down to assess the paleness of lower
palpebral coniuncllva

the axillae and pubis. The pubic hair exhibits an upper
margin, which is concave upwards. ICTERUS (JAUNDICE)

lcterus Gaundice} is the yellow discolouration olf the

sclera (Fig. 20.2 , skin and mucous membranes of the
Assessment of the nutritional state of a patient is an body ue to the presence of excess bilirubin iI1L the
important part of the general examination. It is done blood. Normal serum bilirubin concentration i:s 0.2
by taking dietary history, and by performing physical to 0.8 mg/100 ml of blood. When the bilirubin level
examination including anthropometric measurements. exceeds 2 mg per cent, jaundice appears clinically.
The physical examination includes measurement Hyperbilirubinemia between 0.8 and 2 mg% is called
of the bulk of the muscles and body fat (skinfold subclinical or latent jaundice. o. ').. - Q. <;s - N o,rrr,,
O. ~- :),O - ~~
120 Chapter 20

Causes of yellow discolouration of skin

1. Jaundice
2. Carotenemia lfo..c,:n C~ t ~~~,
3. Hemochromatosis p h' \;¥. e.. k 'C.. ) \\'v-olro <,

4. Picrates
5. Mephacrine l'Y--=-
\o.\'°' '·
Cyanosis is the bluish discolouration of the skin and
mucous membranes of the body due to the presence of
Fig. 20.2. Method of detection of 1cterus Note upper eyelids reduced hemoglobin in more than 5 g% in the blood.
arc retracted upward and sub1ect 1s asked to look downward to R ~ \.-\b.
assess the yellow d1scoloura11on 01 sc1era Physiolo ical basis
Hemoglobin in the arterial blood is 95 per cent saturated
with oxygen. Therefore, about 14.25 g (taking 15 g%
Jaundice is classified clinically into three types: of hemoglobin as the standard) in the arterial blood is
prehepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic. oxyhemoglobin and only 0.75 g is reduced hemoglobin
in a normal adult. 'In mixed venous blood, about 70
Prehe atic ·aundice 1nd,~ecl: st\e per cent of hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen.
Prehepatic jaundice occurs due to excessive destruction Hence, 10.5 g of the 15 g per cent of hemoglobin in the
of red cells._Therefore. it is also called hemo!Jticj aundice. venous blood is oxyhemoglobin and 4.5 g is reduced
Jaundice is usually mild to ffierate and bilirubin is hemoglobin. The amount of reduced hemoglobin in
~ t~)'.'unconjugat~d. Fecal ste~ gen and urinary capillary blood is assumed to be the mean of arterial and
u~ ilinogen are rncreased. E n of bilirubin venous content of the reduced hemoglobin. Thus, in a
in urine is absent because the excess unconjugated normal individual at rest, capillary blood contain 2.6 g%
] (0.75 + 4.5 I 2) of reduced hemoglobin. The colour of
bilirubin in the blood combines with albumin ansi
therefore cannot be filtered in the kidneys. The van normal skin and mucous membrane is therefore pink.
den Bergh test is indirect posjtive. When the co11ce11tratio11 ef reduced hemoglobin is fllOre than 5 g per
cent, the skin and m membrane becomes blue
He . atic ·aundice B,~ha.~-k., because of the co ou of the reduced hemoglobin.
This usually occurs due to hepatitis or damage to the The presence o ess o er hemoglobin complexes
cells of the liver. Therefore, it is also called hepatic or like methemogl in and sulfhemoglobin in the blood
hepatoce//11/ar jatmdice. Jaundice is usually moderate to also produces cyanosis because of their dark colour.
s~v_ere ~~ may be as~ociated ~ ithj!_e~ding disorders. 11111
Bili~ ~ is both conJugated~ unconjugated. Fecal 1. Patients suffering from sev~ anemia with
steU tlmogen and urinary~ ilinogen are normal hemoglobin content less than 5 g per cent may not
or raised. Bilirubins exhibit a biphasic reaction to the show cyanosis (as the total hemoglobin is less than
van den Bergh test. , 5 gm per cent). N\
2. Cyanosis may not be seen in carb&rmonoxide
P9st-hepatic j~undice t),'<re..e..'t
t\.e. . poisoning, b.5.ause carboxyhemoglobin prevents
This occurs due to obstruction in the biliary tract. reduction ot°tSxy:hemoglobin and the colour of
Therefore, it is called obstmctive j aundice. Because of car
~ herry redQJ
obstruction, no bilirubin reaches the intestine. Hence, Types
fecal s~ bilinogen and urinary ur@fuogen are Cyanosis is of three types: peripheral, central and
absent. The bilirubin is conjugated and appears in the mixed. There is another special category of cyanosis,
urine. The van den Bergh test is direct positive. called differential cyanosis.
General Examination · 121

Peripheral cyanosis hypertension, cyanosis is s- bs;

This occurs due to slowing of the flow of blood through bmh upper limbs are spared.
the tissues, thereby allowing more time for removal of
oxygen by the tissues. CLUBBING

Causes Definition
r '
1. Decreased cardiac output, for example, hean Bulbous enlargement of soft parts of the terminal
failure phalanges ~ overcurving of the nails both
2. Local vasoconstriction, for example, extreme cold transversely and k mgitudinally is called clubbing.
3. Venous obstrucrion, for example, superiorvenacaval
obstruction Detection
4. Increased viscosity of blood, for example, Clubbing is diagnosed by the presence of any of the·
polycythemia following five signs.

Central cyanosis 1. Nail bed fluctuation Normally, the nail bed fluctu-
When reduced hemoglobin concentration is more than ates very slightly. Fluctuation increases in clubbing.
5 g% due to mixing of arterial blood with venous blood, This is elicited by exerting light pressure over the-nail
or inadequate oxygenation of the arterial blood, central base.
cyanosis results. In the early stage, cyanosis manifests
in the palate, tongue and inner side of the lips. When 2. Curving of nails In clubbing, the nails curve in
the amount of reduced hemoglobin becomes very high both transverse and longitudinal directions. The curv-
cyanosis appears ~ different peripheral site; too. ing is due to hypertrophy of nail bed tissue.

Causes 3. Profile sign The presence of a transverse ridge at

I. Due to admixture ofveno1ts and artenal blood the root of the nail due to thickening of fibroelastic
This occurs in right to left shunt in which venous tissue is called profile sign.
!. blood bypasses~ circulation and t<ooih ~c..Snaom.
4. Schamroth's sign When two fingers are held to-
directly enters into systemic circulation. It is seen in: gether with their nails facing each other, a ~ e is seen
i) Fallot's tetralogy at the nail folds. This space is lost in clubbing (positive
ii) Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula Schamroth's sign).
iii) Patent truncus arteriosus
iv) Transposition of great vessels 5. Base angle In a nqrmal finger the angle between
ll. Due to inadequat-e o::,~ygena-tio11 ofarterial blood the base of the nail and the adjacent portion of the
1. Low atmospheric oxygen, for example, high dorsum of the terminal phalaI1¥- is an obtuse angle of
aliitude about 160°. In clubbing, this angle gets obliterated .
2. Inadequate ventilation, for example, lung in the outward direetion and becomes 180° or more:
c.;"uapse, airway obstruction This is best viewed vertically from the side.
3. Decreased gaseous exchange through the
pulmonary membrane, for example, hyaline PhY-siolo ical basis
membrane disease The exaet physiological basis of clubbing is not known.
It may be due to any of the following causes:
Mixed cyanosis 1. Dilatation of AV~ astomosis In clubbing, the AV
., In this type of cyanosis both central and peripheral (arteriovenous) an~ motic channels increase in the
mechanisms operate. The most common example is fingers {the cause is not known). This causes hypertro-
chronic cor pulmonale due to emphysema. phy of tissues in the nail bed.
Differential cyanosis 2. Increased pressure gradient between the radial
This is a condition where cyanosis appears only in artery and digital artery causes edema and increased
one half of the body. For example, in patent ductus cellularity of the connective tissue in the finger. This
arteriosus with reversal of shunt due to pulmonary predisposes to clubbing.
122 Chapter 20

3. Capillary stasis Capillary stasis results from back fi'l!_eS

pressure, which may cause clubbing. Edema is classified as localised or generalised and
4. Vitamin deficiency and hormonal disorders are emmg or nonpmmg.
thought to be involved in the~ is of clubbing.
Causes Edema is diagnosed by pressing against the bones in
A. Bronchopulmonary diseases the dependant parts, which leaves a pit (depression).
1. Bronchiectasis Edema may also be nonpitting as seen in filaria.
2. Lung abscess Common causes
3. Bronchogenic carcinoma A. Cardiac causes
.,t. Emphysema ~ Congestive heart failure

B. Cardiac diseases 2. Constrictive pericarditis

l~ngenital cyanotic heart disease B. Hepatic causes
2. Subacute bacterial endocarditis j . Cirrhosis of liver
2. Carcinoma of liver
C. Gastrointestinal diseases
1. Ulcerative colitis C. Renal causes
2. Biliary cirrhosis of liver ~ Nephrotic syndrome
2. Acute nephritis
D. Endocrine disorders
J . Thyrotoxicosis D. Anemia and hypoproteinemia
2. Acromegaly
S~ecial features
E. Hereditary Cardiac edema: It is usually seen in the dependant
parts of the body. D yspnea at rest is one of the associ-
Degrees of clubbin ated features. ✓
First deg ree: When only increased fluctuation of the Hepatic edema: Edema is prominent on the abdo-
nail bed is present, it is first degree clubbing. men. Ascites is one of the associated features.
Second degree: When curving of nail is present in Renal edema: Edema first appears in the face. Puffi-
c.. addition to increased flu~ on of nail bed, there is ness of the lower eyelid in the mo rning is a character-
second degree clubbing. istic feature. (. AT t+ f ~ 'N)

- -
Third degree: If increased fluctuation, increased curv-
:C.0 ing and obliteration of b~e ~ le of the nails is present
together, there is third degree clubbing. ·
Anemia and hypoproteinemia: Edema is generalised
from the beginning. Severe pallor is one of the associ-
ated features.

Fourth degree: Combination of the above changes

_physiological basis
.,oT plus subperiosteal thickening of the wrist and ankle Edema occurs due to excess accumulation of fluid in
bones with the presence of definite tran sverse ridge at
the interstitial tissue space. Interstitial fluid is formed
the root of the nails.
by filtration through the capillary walls. The capillary
wall is regarded as. a semi-permeable membrane.
EDEMA The main driving forces causing filtration of fluid
through the capillaries are hydrostatic pressure within
Definition the capillaries and oncotic pressure (osmotic pressure
Edema is swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissues exerted by the plasma ·proteins). Hydrostatic pressure
due to ac_9!mulation of free fluid inQ~ the favours filtration whereas oncotic pressure opposes
interstitial tissue space. · it: Therefore, when hydrostatic pressure increases or.,~
\-\P - ~o.vO'l ~ -\1St10..\ion ( GfiPlLL~'!J
c_ o ? - ?1S,e.Ye.nt~ t"t,<iliet'\lr'Roit:1~
General Examination 123

oncotic pressure decreases, there is excess filtration thoroughly to check for enlargement of lymph nodes.
of fluid into the interstitial tissue space. Normally, The lymph nodes in the neck should be examined
the fluid from the interstitial space is removed by the by standing behind the subject and with the patient's
lymphatics. When excess filtration of fluid occurs, the head slightly flexed. The glands should be examined in
lymphatics cannot remove all the fluid and more fluid proper order starting from the submental group and
~, accumulates in the interstitial tissue space. This leads proceeding to the submandibular, cervical, posterior
co formation of edema. auricular and the occipital groups. Lymph nodes in the
axilla should also be examined by standing behind the
Ph_ysiolo ic mechanisms subject and with the patient's arm slightly abducted.
Cardiac failure: In congestive cardiac failure, edema In the axilla, anterior, posterior, apical and lateral
develops in dependent p ~ f the body due to the groups of lymph nodes are examined. The lymph
following mechanisms. \.:a:J M .P nodes in the inguinal region are examined in a supine
1. Decreased cardiac output decreases blood volume position with thigh extended.
and pressure, which increases renin release from the
kidney. Renin forms angiotensin II that increases Procedure of Examination
aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex.
Aldosterone increases reabsorption of sodium and Lymph nodes are palpated to check their size and
~ er from the kidney. ~ y shape, consistency, mobility and tenderness.
~ r that results in e~ema formation.
2. Decreased cardiac output also stimulates sympathetic 1. Size and shape: The size of the e ~ lymph
acuv1ty that causes renal vasoconstnctton. node is expressed in centimetres in its longest di-
Constriction of the renal artery causes release ameter. The surface of the enlarged nodes may be
t of renin that activates the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone axis.
smooth, irregular or lo bulated. Malignant lymph
nodes are often irregular.
I ~
3. In congestive cardiac failure, due to failure of the right
ventricle {backward failure), pressure in the systemic 2. Consistency: Lymph nodes are often elastic and
rubbery. They are fuEJ. in tuberculosis, firm 4Ild
• veins increases. This increases hydrostatic pressure in
the capillaries that results in edema formation. shorty in syphilis, and hard in carcinoma. .

Nephrotic syndrome: The main cause of edema forma- 3. Mobility: Nodes may be mobile or fixed. In benign
tion in nephrotic syndrome ~ loss of protein in conditions nodes are usually _separated and mobile.
the urine. Protein pa'11f~glomerulus into the In tuberculosis the nodes are often matted. In ma-
tubular fluid; that res~~ oteinuria. Loss of protein lignant conditions the nodes are usually fixed to
from the kidney d e ~ ~ l ~ c a u s e of the skin and surrounding tissues.
hypoproteinemia and r e s ~ r m a t i o n .
4. /e~~ness: While palpating the ly~ph nodes,
Cirrhosis of liver: In cirrh<ft;f
of liver, there is loss of the patient may co~plain of pain or may grimace
liver tissue. Synthesis of protein by the liver decreases. during palpation, which indicates that the lymph
This results in hypoproteinetn1a that causes decreased nodes are tender. Usually lymph nodes are tender
oncotic pressure and edema formation. in inflammatory conditions and -~ d~r (pain-
Anemia and hypoproteinemia: In ~ ypoxia of less) in malignant diseases. ·
capillaries incieases capillar:y permeability that results
in edema formation. However, the main cause of Causes
edf a~ ~pemi€ is hy r ;peinemiv
A. Neoplastic }
I. Hematologic '
1. Lymphomas (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin)
The neck, axilla, inguinal region and supratrochlear 2. Acute leukemia
areas of both the sides should be examined 3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia ·
124 Chapter 20

II. Nonhematologic }
1. Carcinoma o{ breast
2. Carcinoma of lungs There are four vital signs that must always be checked
in general examination. These are temperature, pulse,
B . Inflammatory respiration and blood pressure.
I. Infections
1. Tuberculosis
2. Syphilis
3. Filariasis Body temperature is usually recorded by using a clinical
4. Infectious mononucleosis thermometer. The thermometer is placed either in
the mouth or in the axilla for at least one minute.
II. Connective ti5t>ue diseases
The thermometer cah also be placed in the rectum,
1. Systemic lupus erythematosus
especially in infants and collapsed patients. The body
2. Sarcoidosis
temperature is usually expressed in Fahrenheit or in
C. Endocrine diseases Centigrade.
1. H yperthyroidism
2. Addison 's disease Normal value
The normal body temperature at rest 1S
D . Drugs 98-99 °F {36.6- 37.2 °C).
1. Carbamazepine Febrile : > 37.2 °C (> 99 °F)
2. Cephaloridine Mild fever : 37.2-38.3 °C (99-101 °F)
3. Meprobamate Moderate fever : 38.3- 40 °C {101-104 °F)
4. Phenylbutazone
High fever : 40-41.2 °C (104-106 °F)
5. Phenytoin
H yperpyrexia : > 41.6 °C ( > 107 °F)
THE SKIN Subnormal : < 36.6 °C ( < 98 °F)
H ypothermia : < 35 °C ( < 95 °F) .-
The skin is examined carefully, preferably in daylight
and the maximum surface of body should be exposed. Fever
The skin is examined for the colour, pigmentation,
eruptions and secondary lesions. Definitioo_
Increase in the diurnal variation of body temperature
Colour.of t~ skin of more than 1 °C (1.5 °F) ·or rise of temperature above
Pallor of the skin is seen in anemia. Yellow skin is seen the maximum normal temperature is called fever. ...
in jaundice. Blue skin is seen in cyanosis.
\ !YJJ~s
Pi mentation Typically, three classical types of fever are seen in
The skin looks white in albinisim. Patches of white clinical practice. These are continued, remittent and
and black pigments are seen in vitiligo. The skin is intermittent fever. - -
dark in Addison's disease.
Continued feve r: The temperature remains high ..
Eru tions throughout the day and at n2._ tim.!_doe,s it touchJhe
Different skin eruptions like macules, papules, vesicles, baselli!.e and the diurnal ~tfup of temperature is
pustules and petechiae occur in different clinical ~ This is commonly seen in:
conditions. _,, Typhoid
• Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Seconda lesions • Urinary tract infection
Scales, crusts, excoriations, fissures, ulcers and scars • Brucellosis
occur in different conditions. • Glandular fever
General Examination 125

Remittent. fever: The temperature remains raised 3. Hypopituitarism

throughout the day and at no time does it touch the 4. Hypoglycemia
baseline, but the d i ~ s more than 2 °~. 5. Hypnosedative poisoning

Intermittent fever: Fever is present only for several Physiolo~ical effects

hours during the day and remits to no,mal for the Hypothermia causes bradycardia, hypotension and
rest of the day. Intermittent fever maye quotidian, shallow respiration and, in severe cases, confusion,
tertian, quanan or irregular intermittent. stupor and coma. The brain is probably protected by
Q11q_tidJan When the paroxysm of intermittent the low temperature.
Ull1 fever occurs every day.
Tertian When the paroxysm of fever occurs on Pulse
LJ.J alternate days.
Q11artan When !;YR days mtervene between Count the radial pulse for a minute when the subject is
t..w.1 consecutive attacks. at rest. Examination of pulse is not only performed as
Img11lari11tennittent Paroxysm of fever occurs irregy)ar4'. pan of the examination of the cardiovascular system,
but also routinely in general examination as it provides
Causes information about the functioning of the heart. It is
1. Infections palpated by three middle fingers with the patient's
• Bacterial forearm semipronated and wrist slightly flexed.
• Viral The pulse is examined for rate, rhythm, volume,
Rickettsial character and condition of the arterial wall. A normal ,',
• Fungal pulse is 60-100 per minute, regular in rhythm, and '
• Parasitic normal in volume and character. T he arterial wall
2. Immunologic is neither thickened nor tortuous. (Details of the
Rheumatic fever procedure and abnormalities of pulse are given m
Rheumatoid arthritis Chapter 27).
Other collagen diseases
• 3. Neoplastic
Carcinoma of any organ Respiration
Rate of respiration is counted for a minute. It should
4. Metabolic
preferably be counted when the subject's attention
is distracted from his breathing. Rhythm and type
of respiration are also noted. The normal rate of
Addison's disease
respiration in an adult is 12- 20 ~er minute. (Details
5. Physical agents
of change in respiration in different conditions are
Heat stroke
given in Chapter 22).
Radiation sickness
6. Drug-induced fever
Blood Pressure
Hypothermia The blood pressure is recorded by a
Definition sphygmomanometer, first by the palpatory and then
., by the ascultatary method.
Hypothermia is a condition in which body temperature
decreases below the normal range. Normal range of blood pressure in adults:
Systolic : 100-119 mm Hg l 10 O -\ ~O)
Causes Diastolic : 60-79 mm Hg ( bO - i O)
1. Prolonged exf>osure to cold (Details of blood pressure recording and the conditions
affecting blood pressure are given in Chapter 2?).
2. Myxedema l ~ "'""~ @)
126 Chapter 20

1. What is the importance of general examination in clinical medicine?
2. What are the parameters that are looked for in general examination?
3. How do you assess the development of the subject?
4. How do you assess the nutritional status of the subject?
5. Where do you look to confirm pallor clinically?
6. What is jaundice?
7. Where do you look to detect jaundice clinically?
8. What are the types of jaundice and how do you differentiate them?
9. What are the causes of the yellow colour of the skin?
10. What is cyanosis?
11. What are the types of cyanosis and how do you differentiate them?
12. What is the physiological basis of cyanosis?
13. What is clubbing?
14. What are the causes of clubbing?
15. H o~ do you detect clubbing?
16. Define edema.
17. What are the types of edema and what are their causes?
18. What is the physiological basis of edema in hean failure, nephrotic syndro me and cirrhosis of the livi:r?
19. Which regions of the body are specially checked for lymph node enlargement? Why?
20. What are the common causes of lymphadenopathy?
21. What are the vital signs?
22. What is the normal body temperature?
23. What is fever?
24. What are the types of fever?
25. H ow do you differentiate between various types of fever?
26. What are the common causes of fever?
27. What is hypothermia?
28. What are the causes of hypothermia?
29. What is the importance of examination of pulse in general examination?
30. What is the normal rate of respiration in adults?
31. What is the normal systolic and diastolic pressure in adults?
21 Stethography


After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 1. ~:[£Yh

of a c
Th«;. stethograph (Fig. 21.1) consists
'<:!~er rube with a srner at each end
1. Define stethography.
2. Tie the stethograph at the proper position
and an air outlet pipe connected to the tambour.
aro,und the chest of the subject. 2. Marey's tambour It is a metallic cup with a side
3. Record respiratory movements (normal and tube and a rubber diaphragm mounted at the top.
following different maneuvers). A writing lever is attached to a small metal disc, which
4. List the precautions taken during stethographic rests on the irubber diaphragm. The side tube of the
recordings. metal cup i1 connected to the stetbograph by a rubber
5. Define breaking point. tube (Fig. 21.2).
6. List the factors that affect the breaking point.
7. D efine and give examples of periodic breathing. 3. Kymograph
You MAY also be able to:
4. Drinking water
1. Explain the effects of exercise and hyper-
ventilation on respiration. Procedure
2. Explain the differences in breath-holding time 1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool with
following inspiration and expiration. his/her back towards the recording apparatus.
2. T_k the st,ethograph around the chest of the subject l\ th
at the level of the fourth intercostal space and l~
INTRODUCTION connect it: to the tambour. 1111!1 Check that when
the stethograph is connected to the tambour the
Stethography is the method by which respiratory pressure change in the stethograph is transmitted
movements are recorded. to it. It is ,confirmed by movement of the lever with
movement of the chest.
. METHOD 3. Bring the writing lever in contact with the paper of
the kymograph and set the drum to move at a slow
.e!inci~le speed (2.5 rnm/s).~ Speed
T he stethograph is tied around the chest of the subject. 4. Record normal respiration for about 5 cm. ( NOQ~~)
The movement of the ch est causes a change in the air 5. Ask the subject to drink water ar:id record the effect
pressure in the stethograph, which is recorded on a of deglutition on respir~ry movement. Then take
woving drum. (~ ?~ J
=O Re.told.~01 a normal tracing. C't> t ft\..V,ITI ON - 0-pY'\e..o.)

~ onmo~rt) O."l\1..

twnWW"WMWlirnw < ~to~a

Fig. 21.1. Stethograph Fig. 21.2. Marey's tambour

128 Chapt er 21

6. Take a normal tracing and ask the subject to hold (for example, swallowing water), normal tracings
his breath as long as possible after quiet inspiration should be taken.
and expiration and following deep inspiration and 4. The recording should not be made during the act of
deep expiration, and record the effects. The 11111 hyperventilation but immediately after.
effects of all these respiratory maneuvers should
5. The stethograph must be disconnected from t he
be recorded separately. Normal tracings should be
tambour during exercise, and recording should be
recorded before and after each recording.
made immediately after exercise.
7. Record normal respiration and stop the drum.
Ask the subject to take deep breaths as rapidly as 6. For breath-holding time (BH1), the recording
possible for one and a half minutes. Immediately should be made after quiet inspiration and quiet
after hyperventilation, start the drum and record expiration, and forceful inspiration and expiration.
the effect on respirat?ry movement.
8. Record normal respiration. Disconnect the Observation
stethograph from Marey's tambour and ask the Note that downstroke is inspiration and upstroke is
subject to exercise (spot jogging-J for one minute. expiration. Note that apnea occurs during the act
Immediately after exercise, connect the stethograph of deglutitio.q,,Study~ duration of BHT following
to the kymograph and record the effect of exercise normal and d~piration and expiration. Observe
on respiratory movement. the breathing pattern following hyperventilation and
exercise (Fig. 21.3).
Precautions ◄
1. The subject should sit comfortably and in an erect
2. The t s be tied at the level of the Deglutition Apnea
fourth · @~a e because .e~si£n of the
chest is m · ~ During deglutition (drinking of water) respiration
3. Before and after the recordings for each maneuver stops temporarily. This is called deglutition apnea. It is

Deglutition apnea

Breath-holding following
Effect of deglutltion Breath-holding after
quiet expiration
quiet inspiration

Breath-holding after
deep Inspiration

t t
Recordihg after exercise
Recording after voluntary

Fig 21.3 Re'f''l1nq o• rcsp,ra:ory movemer'ts to study the effect of deglut,t,on 11oluntary hypervent,lat,on ;:ind exercise and to determme
breath-hol<11ng time
Stethography 129

due to closure of the glottis, which helps in passage of Hyperventilation r\ 'f poC.Pi\' N
food or water in the esophagus and prevents entry of
Periodic breathing occurs f~~g voluntary
food materials into the respiratory tract.
hyperventilation. There OCS!!fS ~ followed by a
brief period of liyper~e _6;.' ff e apnea occurs due to
Breath-Holding Time (BHT) removal of carbo~oxide during hyperventilation, so
BHT is the maximum time for which the subject can respiration stops temporarily. This causes accumulation
hold his breath. BHT is greater following inspiration of carbon dioxide that stimulates respiration; as a result
than expiration. Respiration can be v~ d there is hyperventilation.
Periodic breathing (Che e-Stokes br athing) is
~or som~ time, but, e~tu,a_l.!z_tli~.)J.!l.,31:X co,DE:ol
characteris1ed byalternat · and hyperventilation.
i.s o~ndden. The point at which breathing can no ~
It is seen physi c in sleep (especially in
longer b ~untaril inhib~ed is e rea ·,, \
infants), ~ 1gh altitude and following \'.°Oluntary
p§ The breakin · o rise in art 1al pC and
the fall in p 2, as body tissues continue to hyperventilation, and pathologic left ventricular
oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. The r· failure and brain damage. ?~~- (LV~)
arterial pC0 2 and fall in p02 st· ulate c
peripheral cbewaceceRtors that stimulate respiration. Exercise
Generally, breaking point is reached,at-alv~ O. \
of 56 ~ g and alveolar Gc'"°'i
c,j-49 ~m'M(. ,
During exercise, hyperventilation occurs due to
stimulation of respiratory centres by increased
It has been suggested that pr~oc;eprive impn)srt_S
from respiratory muscles and joints may be involve · · discharge from the proprioceptors in t he joints,
ligaments and muscles. Though the increase in
in the breaking point.
respiration. i ~ rate to the increase in oxygen
Factors affectingJ!_reaking point consumptio , of oxygen in stimulation of
hypervemillat1 is still not clear. Increased .• body
1. Bz atbing 100 per cent oxy~ increases BHT.
temperatw:e increase K + level and lactic acid
Breathing 100 per cent oxygen before holding
-.: concentrati n~,........+role · e · a ·on. But, as
breath increases alveolar p02 so the breaking point
the exercise is mild to moderate h~ypervemilation
is delayed. ·
is mainly due to increased proprioceptive information
2. Hyg rventilation at room air increases BHT. This
from the exercising muscles and joints.
is because hyperventilation removes CO2 from the Hr. erventilation ersists after intense exercise due
blood and therefore delays breaking point. to increased erial H + concentration that occurs due
3. Psruiologi~ factors play a role. Encouragement to l a ~ ~- Sometimes, a pattern of periodic
delays breaking point. ( rno T Iv ~no ) breathing :is also observed following exercise.

• VIVA --------''----- - - - - - - - - . . . . . !
1. What is stethography?
2. Why is the stethograph tied at the fourth intercostal space around the chest?
3. What are the precautions taken for stethography?
4. What is deglutition apnea? What is its cause?
5. What is breaking point? What are its causes?
6. What are the factors that affect breaking point?
7. What are the causes of periodic breathing that occur following voluntary hyperventilation?
8. What are the effects of exercise on respiratory movement?
9. What is periodic breathing? Give examples.
10. Briefly explain the effects of p02 and pCO~on respiration.
22 Clinical Examination of the
·Respiratory System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES .Anatomical Landmarks

After completing this practical you WILL be able to: Different linE!S
l. Trace the different lines, prominences, lung
1. Midsternal line This is a vertical line drawn through
fissures and borders on the surface of the chest.
the centre of the sternum and xiphoid.
2. Perform a clinical examination of the respiratory

system, proceeding in the proper sequence. 2. Midclavicular line This is a vertical line, parallel
3. List the different.abnormalities of the shape to the midsternal line, that extends downwards from
of the chest. the centre of each clavicle. The centre of the clavicle is
4. Name the different types and causes of

abnormal respiration.
State the causes of unilateral and bilateral
located betw,een the middle of the suprasternal notch
and the tip of the acromion. j
restriction of chest movements. This is a vmi9-l line extend-
3. Anterior a,illlary line
6. State the causes of increased and decreased vocal ing downwards from the anterior axillary f(!ld.
7. List the rules of percussion. 4. Posterior :axillary lfoe This is a vm!Sal line ex- ~
8. List the differences between vesicular and tending downwards from the posterior axillary fold.
bronchial breath sounds. 5. Mida>illlary line This is a v~ l line originating
You MAY also be al)le to:
at a point midway between the anterior and the pos-
l. Explain the common abnormalities observed in terior axillary line.
different parameters of examination of the
respira_tory system. 6. Midspinal line This is a vertical line that passes
2. Explain the differences between vesicular and through the centre of the back~fined by the spinal
bronchial breathing. processes.
3. Describe the types and causes of
7. Midscapullar line This is a vertical line on the
bronchial breathing.
posterior aspect of the chest that ~ parallel to the
4. List the reasons for production of different
bronchial breath sounds. midspinal line and extends through the apices of the
scapula. C!n)J 0'""3\e ~ ~c.o..p~)

DiffererJt prominences
1. Sternal angle This is a transverse bony ridge at
Clinical examination of the respiratory system 1s the junction of the body of the sternum and the ma-
performed to assess the functional status of the
respiratory tract and lungs. It should be carried out
meticulously and methodically in a patient suffering
from lung disease. The clinical examination can provide -
l ,Hd1iig's angle.

Significance of the sternal angle

nubrium. This is also known as the angle qf Louis or •

sufficient information to diagnose the exact nature 1. The second costal cartilage articulates the sternum
of pathology in the lungs. For interpretation and at this point. Therefore, the rib that corresponds
correlation of the findings of the clinical examination to this point is the second rib. The intercostal space
with the disease process, one should have a knowledge below this is the second intercostal space. It helps in
of the functional anatomy of the lungs. identifying all the intercostal spaces.
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 131

2. The trachea bifurcates into two main bronchi at this

3. The level of the upper border of the atria of the heart
c ~ with this point.

- 4. The anreciar borders of the lungs meet 41.,th~ne

5. The disc between the fourth and fifth thoracic
vertebrae in the back coincides with t h i ~ " )

2. Suprasternal notch This is the top of ~


3. Vertebral prominence The spinous process of the

1. Measuring tape
seventh cervical vertebra is most prominent on the
2. Stethoscope
back and is easily seen and felt.

Lung.£issure and Borders Procedure

It consists of examination of the chest that follows
1. Oblique fissure (major ioret!obar fissure) It observation of a few particular signs in general
the second thoracic spine posteriorly examination, that are relevant to this system. It is
obliquely downwards and forwards to best accomplished when the patient is standin g or is
the sixth costochondral junction anteriorly. comfortably seated in an erect position after complete
exposure of the chest in good light.
2. Horizontal fissure (minor interlobar fissure) It
starts from the right fourth costochon-
dral junction and ~ es horizontally to meet General Examination
the oblique fissure ~ e .
1. Pallor Presence of anemia is common in patients
DIii The 'l ower lobe lies below the oblique fis-
with chronic hemoptysis.
sure on eitheli_ side. Above it lies the upper lobe on
2. Cyanosis Cyanosis occurs due to the presence of
the left side. On the right side the upper lobe lies
excess deoxygenated hemoglobin (> S tl-'o). The
above the horizontal fissure. Between the oblique
cyanosis may occur due to inadequate ventilation
and the horizontal fissure lies the middle lobe of
of perfused lung areas as in pneumonia, oir due to
the :right lung. The greater part of the back of the
the decrease in the total amount of air ventilating
chest is occupied by the lower lobe. The anterior
the lungs, as seen in poliomyelitis.
aspect of the chest is occupied by the upper lobe in
3. Clubbing Clubbing is recognised by the
the left and upper and middle lobe in the right.
bulbousness of the soft, terminal portion of the
3. Upper border of lung It is limited to a level S cm ~ fingers and by an excessive curvature of the nail in
above the sternoclavicular joint. both the longitudinal and lateral planes. It is seen
in bronchogenic carcinoma, chronic suppurative
4. Lower border of lung It lies on the sixth rib on diseases of the lung like bronchiectasis, empyema,
the midclavicular line, on the eighth rib on the and lung absces~.
midaxillary line and on the tenth rib on the poste- 4. Lymph node enlargement The neck and
rior scapular line. supraclavicular region should be particularly
examined to check for enlargement of lymph nodes.

Princi le Examination of the Chest

Examination of the respiratory system is carried out
by inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation
of the chest. Inspection shows the configuration, the 1. ·shape of the chest: Examine the shape of the chest.
132 . Chapter 22

The chest of a normal healthy adult is bilaterally

1---"· mmetrical. The transverse diameter is greater
---.::i.i.~ the antgopo ster~am eter, the ratio being
~ heck for abno~ali ties of the chest.
2. Symmetry of the chest Look for symmetry of the
chest, comparing both sides. The chest may bulge
or be depressed either on one or both sides.

3. Moveme nt of the chest: Observe whether

the chest moves normally and symmetrical-
ly equally on both sides with respiration and
whether a difference exists in the movement of Fig. 22.1." DemoJ,strat1on of chest expars1on Note that chest
expansion 1s perfor ed by firmly holding the chest with both palms
the chest becween the upper and lower parts. and apposing th mbs at the centre SubJect 1s asked to take
11111 Normally, the ~ are equal on maximum 1nsp1raltorJ) possible with which thumbs move apart The
both the sides and is more m t1ie"oase of the lungs d1stancf' between th thumbs 1s noted as the degree of exp1rat1on

than the apex. But one should keep in mind that

if lesions are present in both the lungs, the move- 2. Position of the trachea The p ~·on
- of the trachea
ment may be equally affected on both sides. can be detected in three ways. E
a) Place the tip of the index an ring finger of the
4. Respiratory movement: Look for the following right hand on the sternoclavicular joints (~ternal
points while observing the movements of the chest ends of the clavicles) on either side and place the
with respiration. middle finger on the suprasternal notch. Then
a) Rate: The normal rate of respiration in adults gently push the middle finger forward to feel
is 12-18 per minute. Respiration rate is higher the tracheal rings. The position of the trachea is
in childre ~increa sed rate of respiration determined by observing the spaces between the
is called cl?Jp11ea and the decreased rate of finger tips. Normally, the trachea is centrally
respiration lS . ed bratfypnea. placed or slightly deviated to the right.
b) Rl?Jlh111: Determine ~ -"-,rthe respiration is b) Place the index finger firmly into the suprasternal
regular 6r irregular. notch and locate the tracheal rings in relation to
c) Depth: Look for the depth (degree) of respiration. the sternum.
The respiration may be decreased unilaterally c) Find the space between the anterior border of
or on both sides. the sternomastoid muscle and the trachea. If
d) Type: Note whether the respiration is the trachea has deviated to one side, the space
predominantly thoracic; or abdominal. In ~ n, becomes narrow on that side.
respiration is abdominothoracic and in wt ien, 3. Position of the apex beat Locate the position of
the respiration is thoracoabdominal. the apex beat (details of the procedure are described
Pal ation in Chapter 32). Displacement of the apex and the
trach ea.-tc r""O r~ shifting of the
1. Expansio n of the chest Expansion of the chest is
~astinu m 1:0 that side. ------- -
assessed by placing the cwo palms firmly on both 4. voZai fremitus (VF) Ask the subject to repeat
the sides of the chest and apposing the thumbs in
'ni~-nine.'.._...2!:-2,ne-t~o..:iliree' and feel the
the midline anteriorly (Fig. 22.1). The subject is vibration from the surface of th~ chest by placing
asked to take a deep breath and the movement of the ulnar border of the han che .
the thumbs away from the midline is observed. The vibration transmitted to t e c est w rom t e
This indicates the extent of expansion of the chest. respiratory passages represents YE...._The vibration
Normally, the expansion is more than 5 cm at the is conducted from the larynAy t~ tr~chea and
base of the lungs in adults. The expansion is less at bronchi to the smaller tug es within the"'lun~s and
the apex of the lungs. Expansion may be less on the then through the lung nssu e~ chest wall.
side where the lung is affected by ~ It should be elicited over symmetrical areas on both
( ,,e-1 ~ 1\- ~ -\tu. ('.)A,< ~~\- e\ ~~
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 133

the sides of the chest alternately. It may be normal, 4. The percussing finger should be lifted up
increased, reduced or absent. immediately after striking the pleximeter finger.
5. Tenderness Palpate all the regions of the chest 5. The long axis of the pleximeter finger should be
wall to elicit tenderness if present. Tenderness may parallel to the edge of the organ being percussed.
be seen in injury to the chest wall, inflammatory 6. Percussion should be carried out from the more
conditions of the ribs and intercostal muscles, resonant to the less resonant area.
malignant deposits in the ribs, pleurisy, a painful
lung infection and so on. Auscultation
Auscultate all the areas of the chest (supraclavicular,
Percussion infraclavicular, mammary, inframamm¥Y,
Percuss different areas (supraclavicular, infraclavicular, axillary, infra-axillary, suprascapular1 interscapular
mammary, inframammary, axillary, infra-axillary, and infrascapular) and c o m ~ ~ ~ e s
suprascapulc¼r, interscapular and infrascapular) on simultaneously. While auscultating, place the chest
both side~ the chest. While percussing the back of piece of the stethoscope firmly over the chest and ask
the subje~sk hirn IQ cmss__his___arms in front of his the patient to breath regularly and deeply with mouth
chest, the left ~-w~ii;gthe~igh;-;houlder and slightly open.
vice versa, a r ® ~ d . While percussing The purpose of auscultation is too brain information
the axillary region ask the subject t ~ ds over and above what the three st s · spection,
up on to his head. The areas are percussed keeping palpation, and percussion) of ysical examinat
the pleximeter finger in the intercostal spaces. furnish. Auscul ti · ec e ype of
The clavicle should be percussed directly by the acter of vocal
percussing finger without using the pleximeter finger. sounds.
Percussion of corresponding regions on both sides
should be performed and compared simultaneously. Breath sounds Auscultate all the areas over the chest
for breath sounds. Use the diaphragm of the stetho-
Rules ofpercussion scope to auscultate breath sounds. Try to note the
1. Apply the pleximeter finger firmly on the surface
of the chest (Fig. 22.2). ~ -----
inte~ d J Paracter of the breath sounds.

2. The percussing finger should strike the middle Vocal resonance Vocal resonance is the ausculta-
phalanx of the pleximeter finger perpendicularly tory counterpart of vocal fremitus. Ask the subject to
(vertically). repeat 'one-two-three' or 'ninety-nine' at a constant
3. The strokes should be delivered from the wrist and volume and auscultate the symmetrical areas of both
finger joints, nodrom che elbow. the sides of the chest. The intensity of vocat resonance
depends on the loudness and depth of the subject's
voice and the conductivity of the lungs. It may be
normal, decreased or increased. Vocal resonance of
normal intensity conveys the impression of being pro-
duced just at the chest piece of the stethoscope and is
heard as a soft sound.

Adventitious (added) sounds Note th_e presence of

any adventitious sounds.

1. The examination should be carried out with the
subject standing or seated comfortably with chest
Fig. 22.2. Demonstration of percussion of the anterior aspect fully exposed.
of the chest Note that plex1rneter finger 1s firmly placed on the
2. General examination should be carried out before
surface of the ctiest 1r1 the mtercostal space Percussing finger
strokes the plex1metcr finger at right angle examining the chest.
134 Chapter 22

3. Inspection of the chest should be performed wit!i~ut Flat chest: This is usually associated with long neck,
t ~ g the subject. ' promment larynx and clavicle, and long narrow
4. While detecting expansion of the chest, the subject chest.
should be instructed to expand his chest as much
p~. . i:'eatures
1. Exaggerated supra- and infraclavicular fossa
5. While detecting the position of the trachea, palpate
2. Narrow intercostal spaces
the tracheal rings gently. If you press hard on the
3. Acute subcostal angle
trachea, the subject will feel uncomfortable.
6. Both VF and VR should be elicited on the Causes: It is seen in healthr persons, but may be
symmetrical areas on both sides simultaneously and associated with:
compared. 1. ~ s in childhood
7. In case of percussion, the rules should be strictly
followed, and the maneuver should be carried
2. Chronic nasal obstruction from hypertrophied
out on both sides simultaneously to compare the 3. Bilateral tuberculosis Re s
findings. -
Pigeon chest: The sternum is unduly prominent and
8. For elicting VR on different areas of the chest, the projects beyond the plane of the front of the abdo-
subject should be instructed to utter the words

men. It is seen in:
at a constant pitch and volume throughout the • Persons with rickets
• Recurrent lung infection in children
Funnel chest: The features are
1. Depression at the lower end of the sternum
lnspectory Findings 2. Pramioeoi costochondr;al junction
Sha e of the chest 3. Diminished anteroposterior diameter of the chest
Causes could be rickets or congenital.
The chest of a normal healthy adult is bilaterally
symmetrical and the transeverse diameter is greater Barrel shaped chest: T features are
than the an~ero-posterior _d_iameter, the ratio bein@ 1. Increased antero ·or diameter of the chest
The followmg abnorrrialmes should be looked for at 2. The ribs are wide apart and tend to be horizontal
inspection (Fig. 22.3). 3. The spine is unduly concave

,, ,.. ~ - - - - -... ...
, '\
/ I
I ,
\ /
', 0- - __,,
..... .._, _.,.,

Normal Flat chest Pigeon chest

.,,,--- - ... _
,- .\ .
.,... . .. .. . '·. ~

.,f.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ',·'"\
f.,. .: :. R, :t ~ST.S·.. .·.1
...... ~

Funnel chest Barrel-shaped chest

Kyphoscoliotic chest

Fig. 22.3. Types (shape) of chest Normal shape of the chest ,s marked by dotted lines Note that the ratio of transverse to anteroposterio
diameter of the normal adult chest ,s 7 5
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 135

4. The sternum is more arched Bilateral depression

5. Angle of Louis is more prominent .
1. Bilateral fibrosis
6. Fullness of supraclavicular fossae 2. Bilateral collaEse
Cause: The usual cause 1s chronic obstructive
emphysema. Res iratory movements
Rate: The norm al rate of respiration in adults is 12-18
Kyphosis: T his is backward bending of the vertebral
per minute. T he respiration rate is greater in children
column resulting in convexity posteriorly and concav-
than in adults. Increased rate of respiration is called
i~ eriorly. It causes, shortening of the chest and
tacf?ypneo and decreased rate of respiration is called
undue prominence of the vertebrae.
1. Caries spine Causes of tachypnea
2. O steoarthritis A. Pl!Jsiological conditions
3. Secondary osteoporosis 1. Newborns and infants ~ e. , Se. Y. >
I 4. Chronic obstructive emphysema 2. C hildren tt)o\:ivo.,\i\'.Y()•
5. Ankylosing spondylitis 3. Gender (rate of respiration is higher in women)

l Scoliosis: This consists of lateral bending of the spine

and rotation of the vertebrae resulting in undue
prominence of the chest and Sfapula on the side of the
convexity, and flattening of the chest.
4. Exercise
5. Excitement and emotion
6. N ervousness

B. Pathological co11ditio11s
Kyphoscoliosis: In this, kyphosis is associated with Different disease conditions that produce hypoxia;
scoliosis. for example, pneumonia causes tachypnea.

.- Harrison's sulcus: This is a transverse groove or con- Causes of bradypnea

strictio n jg rbe cbest that begins at the xiphisternum Bradypnea is not seen normally . It is usually seen
and passes outwards and slightly downwards which in conditions of C~ on, as in narcotic
may sometimes reach the midaxillary line. It is seen poisoning. ( CX~ No:-rc.o\, ~
in ricket,:;. Rhythm: Irregular respiration is commonly seen in
intracranial lesions.
Rickety rosary: This is characterised by the presence Depth: The respiration may be decreased unilaterally
of a number of rounded or knob-like prnjecrions at the or on both sides.
costochondral junctions. It is usually seen in rickets. Unilateral restriction ofn1ovement
• Pleural effusion
SyJYlmet of the chest Pneumo thorax
The chest may bulge or be depressed either on one side • Fibrosis
or on bo th the sides. • Collapse
• Consolidation
Localised or unilateral fullness (bulging)
Bilaterial restriction of111ot'fllllet1I
1. Pleural effusion
• Emphysema
2. Pneumothorax
• Bilateral pleural effusion
3. lntrathoracic tumours
• Bilateral consolidation
Symmetrical or bilateral fullness Type: Respiration may be predominantly thoracic or
1. Emphysema abdominal. In men , respiration is abdorninothoracic
2. Bilateral pleural effusio n and in women the respiration is thoracoabdominal.
3. Bilateral pneumothorax
Types of abnormal respiration
Unilateral depression Kussmaul respiration: T~re is increased rate and
1. Fibrosis depth of respiration (ai~unger). It is seen in meta-
2. Collapse bolic acidosis like diabetic ketoacidosis.
..., - ( N\ . A ~ --------
136 Chapter 22

Ch eyne-Stokes respiration: In this type of respiration VF is absent in

a period_ of h?'perpnea _i~ follo:"'ed ~y apnea. It_ is se~n VF may be completely absent ~ i : : g _ is
in phys1olog1cal condmons like s eep (especially m S F t ~ h e_~st wall by massive pleural
infants), at high altitude, following hyperventilation, e ion or pneumothorax.
and in pathological conditions like cardiac failure, ~
~ IN
_ failure , brain tumour and narcotic poisoning.
nal Tenderness
Tenderness may be present due to an injury to the
Biot's respiration: The respiration is irregµlar in deeth
chest wall, inflammatory conditions of tli'e'ribs and
and rhythm. Irregular pauses with occasional sighs oc-
intercostal muscles, malignant deposits in the ribs,
cur. It is seen in meningitis.
pleurisy, or in painful lesions of the lungs.

Palpatory Findings

Expansion of the chest

Normally, the expansion is more than 5 cm at the base
of the lungs in adults. The expansion is less to~ar~s
Percussion Findings

Percussion is carried out to detect the limit of lung

resonance and presence of any pathology in the lungs.
the apex of the lungs. Ma.ximum chest expansion 1s
Percussion over a normal lung produces a resonant
detected at the f~nh interc~stal space. It i~ always less
note. 'Resonant' is a relative term as there is no absolute
on t he side of the est that 1s affected~ disease,of the
standard.(S:ardiac dulln~ is noted on th~ left side
chest wall orlung. d u.e.- "h) Coro?'ho.\"\C.e · between the third and fifth s ace an epauc dullness
is noted on the right side from the ri ownwar_
Position of a ex and trachea I
in the midclavicular .line, e ~ m
Displacement of the apex and trachea to one siqe
t ~ line and tenth rib. do~nwards in_ the
indicates the shifting of the mediastinum to that side/
midscapular line. One should keep m mmd that lesions
But, displacement of the apex may occur without
that are more than 5 cm away from the chest wall or
displacement of trachea, or the apex and trachea may
the lesions less than 2-3 cm in diameter will not alter
displace in opposite directions depending on the nature
the p~ion note. The ssion note is ex re~sed
of pathology.
as ~ r ance, h e resonance, aire
resonance o dulln s, an stony d ess. W en the
Shifting_of mediasti!!U.!!1
dullness shift r he ther,
i) The mediastinum shifts to the side of collapse and
it is called shifting dullness.
fibrosis of the lungs.
ii) I~ts to the opposite side in pleural effusion, Hyper-resonance
pneumothorax and hy<lropneumothorax or a mass
Hyper-resonance occurs when the ~ ~ i n the
(for example, tumour) in the thorax.
lyn~ o u : h ~ is increased. This occurs in:
1. Emphysema
Vocal fremitus VE)
2. Pneumothora.x
VF may be normal, increased, reduced or absent.
3. Over an emphysematous bulla
VF is increased in 4. Over a large superficial cavity
• Coosa)idariao a£ luov,, for example, lobar Dullness or im_paired resonance
Dullness or impaired resonance results from any
• ~ e cavity near the chest surface
condition that interferes with the production .of
VF is diminished in normal resonant vibrations within the lungs or that
• Bronchial obstruction imerferes with the transmission of these vibrations to
• Collapse the chest wall. This is seen in:
• Fibrosis 1. Consolidation
• Thickened pleura 2. Thickened pleura
• Emphysema 3. Fibrosis and collapse
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 137

4. Atelectasis Reduced intensity Breath sounds decrease in in-

tensity if there is a lQca.lis,ed airway narrowing, if the
Ston dullness lung is extensively damaged by the disease process or
When the percussion note is -qery dull, it is called stony if there is interference in transmission of sound from
dullness. It is seen in pleural effusion. the lung tissue to the chest wall.
.. Shiftin dullness
If the dullness shifts when the patient changes position,
1. Airway narrowing
• Bronchial obstruction with or without collapse
• this is called shifting dullness. It is one of the important of -che lung
tests to detect the presence of air and fluid in the pleural • Qmsolidation with an obstructed bronchus
cavity. It is a reliable sign of hydropneumothorax. (obstructive pneumonia)
2. Damage to lung tissue
Tidal ercussion
Ad note obtained above the upper border of liver
• Filbrosis
• At:electasis
dullnes ay be due to liver enlargement or due to a 3. Interference in transmission of sounds
disorder either in the lungs or pleura. Tidal percussion • Thickened pleura
is done to diffazentiate the pathology. Normally, there • Plieural effusion C..R~~C-~'vc..)
is an increase in the area of resonance downwards • Pneumothorax
by 4-6 cm during'full inspiration due to movement • Emphysema ( O ~ ~
of t~hragm, l~gs and liver downwards. Increased intensity Breath sounds may bet.t:\creased
lrf°upward enlargement offiver, the increase in the area in intensity in thin subjects or when the vedt!Ution of
of resonance in deep inspir~ (in tidal percussion) lung tissue is increased, as in compensatory emphyse-
remains within normal limits. In lung pathology, the ma. Loud breath sounds should not be confused with

area of resonance decreases on tidal percussion. bronchial breath sounds.

Auscultatory Findings
On the basis of character, breath sounds are divided
• Auscultation is performed to detect the type of breath
sound, the intensity and character of vocal resonance
- -
into two types: vesicular and bronchial.

A. Vesicul!ar breath sounds

and presence of any adventitious sounds.
The normal character of breath sounds is vesicular.
These sounds ori inat in lar e airways, but when
Breath sounds transmitted through lung tissue to the chest wall
The breat ounds originate in the large airways due to
they be~me low-pitched vesicular sound@e,hu't
turbulent airflow during breathing. Sounds produced v..:>ol.l
in the large airways (bronchial breath sounds) are of The charactuirtics of these sounds are:
higher frequencies, above 600 Hz. These sounds are 1. Duration of inspiration is more than that of
transmitted to the lung tissue, which acts as a{!g;- expiration. t '> E ( T1mt.. + bu.YWOf')
pass filter~ filtering out higher frequency sounds and 2. Intensity of inspiration is greater than that of
converting them into low frequency sounds (vesicular expiration.
sounds) that are transmitted to the chest wall. 3. There is no gap between inspiration and expiration
Therefore, squnds a~ ~M gi~e,r-~l in (Fig. 22.4A).
normal persons1biresicular breath sounds though the 4. Sounds are rustling in nature.

sounds originate in the large airways ~ronchi). 5. They are lo~ched, with frequencies between
The breath sound is produced by the repetitive Vesicular breath sound with rolon ed expiration
movement of air ~and out of alveoli that are In some 1seases, e breath sound is normal in
ventilated. The (ititensit~~f the sound is directly character (vesicular) but the duration of expiration is
proportional to tli'ea'm6unt of air entering che alveoli. either equal to or more than that of inspiration. There
It may be normal, reduced or mcreased. will be no gap between expiration and inspiration.
138 Chapter 22

over a very large cavity communicating pneumothorax.

It is also seen in large pulmonary cysts having commu-
nication with a patent bronchus.

Expiration ~eq,u.oJ to 1 Vocal resonance

Vocal resonance is the auscultatory counterpart of vocal'
f Inspiration _
, rr-o..\l fremitus. The intensity of vocal resonance depends on
the loudness and depth of the subject's voice and the
conductivity of the lungs. It may be normal, decreased or .
Fig. 22.4. Vesicular (A) and bronchial /B) breath sounds increased.

his is seen when there 1s partial obstruction of the

Increased vocal resonance
bronchi as in asthma. When the sounds appear to be nearer to the ear than the
chest piece and louder than the normal, the vocal resonance
B. Bronchial breath sounds is said to increase. The three types of increased vocal
The bronchial breath sound originates in the larger resonance are bronchophony, aegophony and whispering
airways and are transmitted directly ta rhe chest pectoriloquy.
wall without passing through the alveoli. The sound
Bronchophony lf the vocal r~onance is increased and
passing through the lung t:1.ssue 1s not modified and
appears to arise from the earpiece of the stethoscope, it is
auscultated like bronchial sounds from the chest walls.
described as bronchophof!Y. It is seen in consolidation of the
This sound resembles the sound obtained by listening
lungs as in lobar pneumonia.
over the trachea (directly placing a stethoscope on the
trachea). Aegophon( . When the increased vocal resonance is
, r ,,, ~ °""'high-pitche.~ving a nasal intonation or having a bleating
The characteristics of these sounds are: b?f'. 9'. Y ~ ~ haracter ('goat voice'), it is called aegophof!Y.
1. Duration of expiration is equal to or lorPger than ,___
that of inspiration. Whispering pectoriloquy If the vocal resonance is
2. Intensity of expiration 1s more than that of increased to such an extent that the sounds become very
clear and seem to be spoken right in to the listener's ear, it
3. There is a definite gap between inspiration and is JJJhisperi11gpectoriloq19. This is tested by asking the patient
expiration (Fig. 22.4B). to whisper instead of speaking loudly. It is seen in consoli-
4. Sounds are harsh or aspirate in nature. dation, and over a large superficial cavity communicating
5. They are high-pitched with frequencies above with a patent bronchus.
600 Hz . . Di.minished vocal resonance
Bronchial breath sounds are of three types: tubular, Vocal resonance decreases in:
caverno~ amphoric. 1. Pleural effusion
T h e ~ bronchial breath sound is a high-pitched 2. Pneumothorax
sound resulting from the passage of vibrations produced 3. Collapse
in the small bronchi directly to the chest wall through a 4. Thickened pleura
solid lung tissue. This is seen when the lung parenchyma 5. Emphysema
becomes a solid mass, as in consolidation. ·
The ~ bronchial breath soimd_ is a law-pitched Adventitious added sounds
bronchial breath sound heard over a cavity, which is
These sounds may arise from the lungs and bronchi or
situated superficially and communicated to a patent Rleura. The sounds that arise from the lungs and bronchi
bronchus. The size of the cavity should be more than 2 are ronchi, wheeze, stridor and crepitations. The sound that
cm in clia t_er to produce a cavernous breath sound.
originates from the pleura is the pleurafrub.
The amphoric bronchial breath sound is a high-pitched
bronchi sound that resembles the sound produced by Ronchi
- -
blowin_g air into a wide-mouthed bottle. T his is heard These are prolonge~terrupted musical sounds that

Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 139

that occur due to panial obstruction to the flow of air • polycystic diseases of the lungs
in a narrowed bronchus or bronchiole. • resolving st.age of pneumonia
The narrowing of the lumen of the airway may • bronchiectasis
-;~ occur due to mucosa! swelling, viscid thick secretion,
spasm or infiltration of the wall.
Pleural rub
This is' a rough, harsh crackling sound produced by the
~ Ronchi are of two types: sibilant and sonorous.
rubbing of the visceral and parietal pleura against each
· Sibilant rvnchi are high-pitched, and are produced in the
other during respiration. It indicates inflammation
smaller bronchi. Sonorous rvnchi are low-pitched, and are
of the pleura amd presence of inflammatory exudates.
produced in the large bronchi.
It can be confused with coarse crepitations. It disappears
The causes mqy be: when the subject is asked to hold his breath and remains
1. Bronchitis unaffected by coughing.
2. Bronchial asthma
3. Obstruction of bronchial tube by a tumour or OSPE
foreign body
1. Clinically, assess the expansion ofthe lower part
Wheeze of the chest.
W heeze is a high-pitched musical sound that results Steps:
from partial airway obstruction. This is louder and 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
more persistent during expiration. Sometimes the 2. Place both the palms on both sides of the
... sound is so loud that it can be heard without the aid of lower part of the chest in such a way that the
a stethoscope. It is heard during attacks of asthma. thumbs remain in the front and other fingers
on the sides of the chest.
3. Try to bring the thumbs close to the midline
This is a jerky, high-pitched and coarse sound usually
in the front of the chest in such a way that
~ heard during inspiration. It occurs due to obstruction
• to inspiratory airflow due to airway obstruction. It is tips otf the thumbs just touch each other.
commonly heard in: 4. Ask the subject to take a deep breath.
!. 5. Note the expansion of the chest by observing
• Foreign body impaction
• Tumour (pressing the airway from outside) the movement of the thumbs away from the
• Diphtheria (diphtheric membrane) midline on both sides.

Crepitations 2. Elicit vo1cal fremitus from the infraclavicular

These are moist discontinuous crackling or bubbling region ofthe chest ofthe given subject and report
sounds produced either in the alveoli, bronchi or in your findiings
cavities. These are produced only in the presence of Steps:
fluid or secretions. 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
Crepitations are of two types: fine and coarse.
Fine crepitations: These are caused by the opening of
2. Place the ulnar border of the hand on the
infraclavicular region of one side of the
I collapsed alveoli. It occurs at the end of an inspiration chest.
I and indicates the presence of exudate in the alveoli. 3. Ask the subject to say '1-2-3' or '99'.
When collapsed alveoli open, the separation of the 4. Feel for the vibration on the chest wall.
[· ; aleveolar wall produces a crackling sound. These 5. Repeat the same on the opposite side and
~ are heard in the early stages of pneumonia, localised compare.
• tuberculosis, and at the base of the lungs in heart 6. Repo1rt the findings.
! failure.
3. Elicit vocal resonance from the infraclavicular
Coarse crepitations: T hese are heard in any phase of
region of the chest of the given subject.
respiration and indicate the presence of secretion in
the bronchi or bronchioles. It is heard in:
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• bronchitis
140 Chapter 22

2. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope on 6. Report the findings.

the infraclavicular region of one side of the

Ask the subject to say '1-2-3' or '99'.
Hear the sounds on the chest wall.
Repeat the same on the opposite side and
5. Assess the position of the mediastinum of the
gi,ven subject and report your findings.
1. Stand on the right side of the subject and
compare. supply proper instructions to him.
6. Report the findings. 2. Place che tip of the index and ring finger of
your right hand on the right and left sternal
4. Percuss the infraclavicular regi,on ofthe chest of ends of the clavicle, respectively, and the tip
the gi,ven subject and report your findings. of the middle fing~r on the tracheal rings just
Steps: above the sternal notch.
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject. 3. Palpate the tracheal rings and compare the
2. Place the pleximeter (middle finger of the distance of the middle finger from index
left hand) firmly on the intercostal space and ring finger to locate the position of the
horizontal to the ribs with the ocher fingers trachea.
not touching the chest wall, on one side of 4. Place the palm of the right hand on the apical
the chest.
area on the precordium.
3. Strike the pleximeter finger with the
5. Localise the apex on the tip of the middle
percussing finger (middle finger of the right
hand) by moving the wrist joint and after
6. Count the intercostal space and draw the
each stroke immediately lift the percussing
midclavicular line to locate the position of
the apex.
4. Percuss all the intercostal spaces and note the
resonant sounds. 7. Compare the tracheal and apical positions to
5. Percuss the opposite side of the chest and assess the position of the mediastenum.
compare. 8. Report your findings.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. H ow do you draw the midsternal, midclavicular, anterior-axillary, posterior-axillary, midaxillary,
midspinal and midscapular lines?
2. H ow do you locate the sternal angle? What is its significance?
3. H ow do you trace the surface anatomy of major interlobar and horizontal fissures of lungs?
4. How do you determine the lower border of the lungs on the chest?
5. What is the significance of looking for clubbing and cyan osis before examining the chest?
6. What are the common abnormalities of the shape of the chest?
7. What are the features of chest and in what conditions is it observed?
8. What is 'pigeon chest' and in what conditions is it observed?
9. What is ' barrel-shaped chest' and in what conditions is it observed?
10. What is kyphoscoliosis and in what conditions is it observed? \
11. What is 'rickety rosary' and in what conditions is it observed?
12. What are the causes of unilateral bulging of the chest?
13. What are the causes of unilateral depression of the chest?
14. What are the causes of tachypoea?
15. What are the causes of unilateral restriction of the movement of the chest?
16. What are the types of abnormal respiration?
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 141

17. What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration? What are the causes of this abnormal respiration?
18. How do you clinically determine the expansion of the chest?
19. How do you clinically determine the position of the trachea?
20. What are the causes of shifting of mediastinum?
21. What are the causes of increased and decreased vocal fremitus?
22. What are the rules of percussion?
23. What are the causes of hyper-resonance of the lungs?
24. What are the causes of dullness of the lungs?
25. What is stony dullness and in what conditions does it occur?
26. What is shifting dullness and in what conditions does it occur?
27. What is tidal percussion and what is its significance?
28. What are the types of breath sounds and how do you differentiate between them?
, 29. What are the conditions that decrease the intensity of the breath sound?
30. What are the types of breath sounds and how do you differentiate between them?
31. What are the features of bronchial breath sounds?
32. What are the types of bronchial breath sounds and how are they produced?
33. What do you mean by vocal resonance?
34. Name the conditions in which vocal resonance is increased and those in which it is decreased?
35. What is bronchophony and in which condition is it seen?
36. What is aegophony and in which condition is it seen?
37. What does whisp~riog pectoriloquy indicate?
38. What are adventitious breath sounds?
39. What is the mechanism of production of ronchi and in what conditions is it seen?
40. What is a wheeze?
41. What are the types and causes of crepitations?
42. What is the mechanism of production of crepitations?
43. What do you mean by pleural rub and in what conditions is it seen?
23 Effect of Posture on Vital Capacity
~ l
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4. Physical build VC is low in obese and very thin
persons. It is high in well-built persons. Vital capacity
After completin g this practical you WILL be able to: depends on chest size, muscle power and body surface
l. Define vital capacity. area of the individual.
2. Record the effect of posture on vital capacity.
3. List the precaution s taken during the recording. 5. Pregnanc y VC is low during pregnancy because
4. State the normal value of vital capacity. chest expansion decreases as abdominal size increases.
5. List the factors that affect vital capacity.
6. Physical training VC is higher in trained athletes
You MAY also be able to:
than in untrained individuals. It is even higher in
l. Explain the variation in vital capacity in different
swimmers and ,divers.
2. List the reasons for alteration in vital capacity
Patholo ical factors
with change in posture.
1. VC decreases in the ~~~~:i llll,
3. Explain the physiological significance of vital

INTRODUCTION lung expansion is restricted as seen in a\?dominal
tu.mours and ascites. -
Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of air
that can be expired from the lungs by forceful effort
following a maximal inspiration. VC is computed as METHO D
the sum of tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume Principle
and expiratory reserve volume. The average value of Change in posture changes the ability to carry out
VC is 4.5 litres in males and 3.3 litres in females. VC physical effort, and ventilatory capacity of the lungs.
depends on the grovt;rli and develo~ ent of the subject Therefore, posture affects the vital capacity.
and the physical tra.i, he/she has received. Change
of posture also affects vital capacity. Apparatus required
VC= lV""'t~ \I "'° t:\<\I. 1. Student's spiromete r (vitalometer) (Fig. 23.1}.
Factors Affecting Vital Capacity 2. Mouthpiece

Physiological factors Procedure

1. Posture VC is greater in an erect posture than 1. Adjust the reading of the vitalometer to the zero
in the sitting and lying postures (for explanation, see mark.
Discussion). 2. Ask the subject to lie down comfortably on a
2. Age VC is · h in young adults, and low in chil- couch.
dren and old people. As age adv n es, compliance of 3. Connect the mouthpiece of the vitalometer to the
the lungs and chest wall decreas s, d therefore vital subject's mouth.
capacity decreases. 4. Ask the subject to exhale forcefully to the maximum
after taking a deep inspiration.
3. Sex VC is greater in males because the size of the. 5. Record the vital capacity from the scale of the
c~est is larger and muscle power is more in males. vitalometer.
Effect of Posture on Vital Capacity 143

5. The gap between each attempt should be a minimum

of one to two minutes.
Pointer (movable)
6. The test should @ be performed on a full


Bell (inner cylinder)
► Vital capacity is more in the erect posture than in
supine and sitting postures because of the following
1. More physical (muscular) effort is applied in the
erect posture.
2. In the {erect posturj) the dia hra descen95,
therefore, the capacI""ty of the thoracic cage increases.
In the ([upllle pos1t1o__p., the diaphragm is pulled
U_I?Ward because the abdominal viscera push the
c!llphragm. Therefore, the capacity of the thoracic
cage decreases. Hence, vital capacity is greater in the
ere posture
c~t than in the supine position.
3. In ~~, ~"" c&ylimination of
6. Change the position of the arrow to zero and ·ask the gr,~ e b ood 1:low to the lungs
the subject to repeat the maneuver. increases. This decreases vital cap;icity. In the
7. Record vital ca acicy_t~, with a a of_ru: ~ ding posture, blood is p_ooled in the lower
least two minutes..her.weeaeach, and record the best extremities, therefore ve~ return decr~ases.
one. This decreases pulmonary blood fl_ow. Thus~
r 8. Ask the subject to sit on a stool with his/ her spine ca aci_!Y incr~ n st~g.
9. Record vital capacity (as described above) three Physiological si nificance
times and record the best reading. The vital capacity indicates the S!I.~gth_ of the
10. Ask the subject to stand up. res iratoIT,_ muscles. Therefore, the maximum
11. Record vital capacity three times and record the inspiratory and expiratory effort of the person can be
best reading. assessed by determining vital capacity.
12. Compare the vital capacities recorded in the three
positions. .,,,,,, :1. Re.~e..d e-n C<ou.<.h
~ ~ ..:i. E.,~ .&, ~ ~ Pot. ~oof\.
Observation 3. S>,;;~ v-f> f 9 ~i n o1'>, 1. Determine the vital capadty ofthe gi.ven subject
Note that vital capacity is maximum in the erect in the sitting posture by using the student's
posture, and minimum in the supine posture. spirometer.
Precautions 1. Adjust the zero reading of the vitalometer.
1. Each time, before recording vital capacity, the 2. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a
! arrow mark of the scale should be adjusted to zero. stool.
'l. 3. Instruct him to put in the maximum effort
2. In the sitting and standing postures, the spine of the
,, subject should be e~. during recording.
3. The subject should be trained and encoura~ed to 4. Connect the mouthpiece of the vitalometer
put his/ her maximum effort possible to the mouth of the subject.
4. A minimum of three attempts should be made in 5. Ask the subject to exhale forcefully to the
all the postures and the ~ should be maximum after taking a aeep inspiration and
taken. -~ - - note the reading.
N1J, o..v1-
144 Chapter 23

6. Ask the subject to repeat the procedure three 4. Connect the mouthpiece of the vitalometer
times, and record the best one. to the mouth of the subject.
5. Ask him/her to exhale forcefully and
2. Record the effect of standing (from lying-down
posture) on the vital capacity of the given maximally following a deejp inspiration and

subject. record the reading from the vitalometer scale.
Steps: 6. Ask the subject to stand up erect.
1. Adjust the zero reading of the vitalometer. 7. Adjust the zero reading of the vitalometer.
2. Ask the subject to lie down comfortably in 8. Ask him/her to exhale forcefully and
the supine posture on a couch. maximally following a deep inspiration and
3. Instruct the subjects to put in the maximum record the reading from the vitalometer scale.

effort during recording.

Define vital capacity.

What is the normal value of VC in males and females?
9. Compare both the readings and report.

3. What are the factors that affect vital capacity?
4. What are the precautions for recording vital capacity?
5. Why is the vital capacity greater in the standing than in the sining and supine postures?
6. What is the physiological significance of VC? ( RS.¢ :lOf.,


24 Pulmonary Function Tests

LEARNING OBJECTIVES the pulmonary function tests I l l i Y ~

equipment and procedures, but most of the tests are
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: simple, noninvasive and inexpensive.
1. Describe the importance of performing this
practical in clinical physiology.
Classification of PFTs Based on
2. Classify the pulmonary function tests (PFTs).
Lung Function
3. Record the lung volumes and capacities and FEV1
by spirometry. From the physiological point of view PFTs are best
4. Define lung volumes and capacities. (cl sifieg c~ rising different tests to study
5. State the normal values of all PFTs. v tilati n, ventdation-perlusiao relationship,
6. Explain the differences between patterns of FEV 1 diffusion kd pulmonary blood flow and pressure.
in obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.
7. State the importance of FVC and FEV I in the Parameters that assess ventilation
diagnosis of r.espiratory diseases. A. Lmg vo/11mes and copocilies (Fig. 24.1)
8. Name the common conditions that alter the

,. f
1. Lung volumes
' result of PFTs.
You MAY also be able to:
• Tidal volume M t
• Inspirarory reserve volume lt?.V)
1. Explain the significance of all PFTs.
• Expiratory reserve volume C..tR'I)
2. Explain the disturbances in pulmonary
circulation, diffusion, and ventilation-perfusion • Residual volume ( ~ v)
ratio in the pathophysiology and diagnosis of 2. Lung capacities
respiratory diseases. • Vital capacity eve.,)
• Inspiratory capacity ( '.lC)
• Functional residual capacity C..f P.c..)
INTRODUCTION • Total lung capacity (.1lt.)
B. Mechanics ofbreathing
The most important function of the lung is to 1. Timed vital capacity C. -rvt,)
maintain tension of_ OX),"gfO and cacbo.n dioxid~
2. Maximum midexpiratory flow rate t FEf- ~~ - "K".f-
the arterial blood within the normal range. This is
3. Maximum voluntary ventilation (J'•(\'4°\')
achieved by uptake of oxygen from the inspired air
and giving up of carbon dioxide in the expired air. 4. Peak expiratory flow rate (_ PE.f-~)
Thus, tissue oxygenation is adequately maintained and 5. Maximum expiratory flow-volume curve
accumulation of carbon dioxide in excess in the body is 6. Closing volume (_C..V)
prevented by the lung. The fuo~ental mech~ms
Study of ventilation-perfusion relationship
.~ involve<};in anaining this goal are ventilation, di.ffusron
and pe~ n. Therefore, PFTs should be aimed at Uniformity of ventilation is assessed by:
assessing different aspects of ventilation, diffusion and 1. Nitrogen washout method (Breath nitrogen test)
perfusion. 2. Radioactive xenon method
The assessment of the type and degree of functional
impairment caused by various diseases affecting the Assessment of diffusion
respiratory systems requires an understanding of the 1. Measurement of pO! and pC02 in arterial blood
basic principles of respiratory physiology. Some of 2. Measurement of diffusing capacity of 0 2 and CO2
D ,-.. 'D r,-.
146 Chapter 24

p '-:: J\°Al<K_
Determination of blood flow and that can blbreathed in or out of the ILLng in one minute.
pressures Q x resp1ratory rate per iniii:) This is also called ~
Measurement of mean pulmonary artery pressure, resting minute volume or pulmonary ventilation I
pulmonary capillary wedge p~ssure, pulmonary blood (PV). ormalvalueofMVis ~ . ~ l. / mlh ' / '
flow and pulmonary vascular resistance.
2. Inspiratory reserve volume The volume of air
inspired with a maximal inspiratory effort in excess of
Ventilation the tidal volume is called the inspirator~ serve volume
" ◄I
Ventilation is the process of movement of air in and out
(IRV). The normal value of I~ lli1 ~
women. Inspiratory muscles should be used to the maxi-
of the gas exchanging units of the lung~ that is, the alveoli.
mum when measuring IRV.
Ics adequacy depends on the lung volumes and capacities
and the mechanics of breathing. The various lung volumes 3. Expiratory reserve volume The volume of air that
and capacities are indices of static dimensions of the lung at
various stages of inflation. ~hanics of breathing deal
can be expired with a maximum expiratory effort after
p~ve e;piration is called expiratory~ rve volume
with static as well as dyn~ m~arucal properties of the (ERV). The normal value of ERV is 1 li~in men and 0.7 ~
respiratory apparatus. ~ in wo~n. Expiratory muscles should be used to the
maximum when measuring ERV.
Lun volumes
1. Tidal volume Ti~al volume (TV) is the volume 4. Residual volume The volume of air left in the lung
of air inspired or expired dur· · uiet breathing. This at the end of a maximal expiratory effort is the residual
is 500 ml in adults. Abouc......_,p,J..._.,.,,..,... f volume oc- volume (RV). The normal value of RV in men is ~ .2 and
cupies the upp~r airways a d up to the respiratory in women is 1.1 litres. <i> ~
bronchioles,~ amoun does not take part in gas
Lung ca acities

exchange. This is caH-ecj. ana mica/ dead space. The re-
maining volume that is, 30 m is available for alveolar 1. Vital capacity The maximum amount of air that
ventilatton. - - , - can be expired forcefully after a maximal inspiratory
Minute -:;,entilation {M\1: This is the volume of air effort is called the vital capacity 0/C). The normal

Maximum inspiratory

25 --, I
IRV I Total Lung Capacity

l End inspiratory position

End expiratory position


I Residual Volume
Max expiratory position

Fig . 24.1. l rnq H>lurnes and capac1t<es TV !1(Jal volume IRV 1nsp1ratcrv reserve volume ERV expiratory reserve volume
vital cap,lClty 1VC1 = IRV + ERV • TV
FEV Forcf>d expirc1t,iry volume 1n t,rst second For calculat1on of FEF note T as time and Vas volume as drawn from FEV cur.'e
Pulmonary Function Tests 147

value of VC in men is about 4.5 Land in women is mechanical problems and ~~yspnea. The degree
about 3 L ~ of dyspnea depends on the severity of the increased
. .
Forced vital capacity (FVC): The total volume expired airway resistance.
forcefully with greatest force and speed after a maximal MeasU1rement of the following parameters gives a
inspiration is the FVC. FVC differs very little from fair idea of the mechanics of breathing.
·/ VC in the normal subject, but it is proportionately
more reduced when there is airway obstruction with 1. Timed vital capacity This is also called forced
air trapping. V C ~ ~ -V t
. . . .
,o No't'm~t ~~tdi
expiratory volume in the first second (FEV 1). This is
defined as, the fraction of the vital capacity expired in
2. l~spuatory cap~c1~ This is the m~um a:°1ount the specified time, for example FEV t> that is, the frac-
of air tha_t ~ be mspired fro1:1 the res~xpiratory tion of vi1:al capacity expired in the first second. This
level. This is the IRV+ TV. It is aboute,!J r;(' test measures the vital capacity in relation to time
• (FRC) Th'is ·is t h e
3. F uncn..onal rest·du al capacity and
. gives. the portion
. .of. the vital
. capacity
. expired
a.mount Of a1·r remarnrng
· · m · the lungs at t h e end of m a specified ume. . . This is an mdex of airflow e. ~
a normal expiration at rest. F_R_C_=_E_R_V_+_R_V. It is ~ nlormal _con_diuo~s 8d0-:-85 hperficent of thde forced 9
about'21" er" vita capacity is expire rn t e rst secon , 95 per
~ ::r . cent in two seconds (FEV2) and 97-100 per cent in 99
4. Total lung capacity T~ ~me of present in three seconds (FEVJ. It is one of the most useful
the iungs at the end of maxlma!]µpjrar!_on is the total tests to detect generalised airway obstruction. It
lun& capacity (TLC). The normal value in men is 6 l is a ~vel ins siti.Ye..indicator of small airw~
and in women is 4.2 l. ~ obstructum.

Mechiics of Breathing 2. Ma,dmum mid expiratory flow rate

(MMEFR) This is the maximum flow achieved
In carrying out the process of ventilation certain during th1~ middle third of the total expired volume.
forces are required to overcome the elastic recoil of the This is expressed as forced expirato.ry_flow at 25- 75
lung and thorax, the non-elastic resistance caused by per cent of the lung vol~(FEF2s-75J) FEF25_75%
movement of tissues during breathing, and the airway indicatec 1hr pateu9• of rma/1 ai~s. 'I'liemeasurement of
resistance. ~ow rate betwee~ 2?0 mlrn - . .:J
and 1200 ,._.~_._!F200-, 200 in
heres per :second rndicates thp_JJatetJ9' of 7ar,gerai/ii:n-:S.
The compliance measures the relative stiffness and 3. Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) This
distensibility of the lungs and thorax. The elastic recoil is also called maximum breathing capacity (MBC).
@ of rbe Jung;, whjch is measured under static condition MVV is 1che maximum volume of that can be
is called compliance. The compliance is defined as breathed out per minute by maximal voluntary effort.
the v ~ n e er unit trans ona pressure The normal value of MVV in adult males is 150 1/min
difference between the esophageal or intrap eural and for ad.ult females is 125 1/min.
pressure. and the mouth pressure. If the volume change
per unit pressure change is higher than normal, the Breathing reserve (BR}: This is the maximum
'?'-- tissues more distensible, and if it is less, then the amount o.f air that can be breathed in and out of the
tissues are stiffer than normal. Patients with decreased lung ab_w,,e the minute venri!arian CMV). BR = MVV
compliance put more respiratory effort to achieve
adequate alveolar ventilation and therefore they are
- MV. N~rmal value of BR ranges from 115 1 to
Dyspneic index(DI):
-=- MVV- P~
Airw~ resistance DI = BJL x 100. Normally it is 90% 1)t =~ _ pv\
This represents the frictional resistance to airflow MVV _ __ l' r-r,vvT
through the conducting air passages. Patients with When DI is (<60o/odyspnea ~ curs at rest. DI is also
increased airway resistance often present serious
,..... -
known as breatlfmg resm,e rafto (BRR).
148 Chapter 24

4. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) It is the ~ - Ventilation:-:_Perfusion Relationship

mum velocity in litres per minute with which air is
forced out of the lungs. PEFR can be read directly The inspired air is not distributed evenly even in
from the dial of the peak flow mete.x:.- The normal normal conditions. In an erect posture, restin ·'
value of PEFR is 400-6001/min or ~ -(!) 00 ventilation per unirv-olutne of lung is ~~ at.she
bases than at the apices. The difference in values is less
5. Maximum expiratory flow volume curve pronounced when lying down and during exercise.
(MEFVC) Because of the limitation of FEV1, cer- In disease states, the distribution becomes more uneven
tain other tests are performed to detect airway ob- resulting in hypo- and hyperventilated areas. Such non-
struction in its early phase. These include Vmax 75 per uniform distribution of inspired gas leads to decreased
cent, response of maximum expiratory flow volume oxygen tension in the arterial bloo_sl. The uniformity
curve (MEFVC) to inhalation of helium, and closing of distrfu.ution of inspired ai~ is~easured oy th.e nitroge~_
volume. In MEFVC, flow is plotted against volume lllashout"tnethod. An alveolar gas sample after 7 minutes of
exhaled. Vmax 75 per cent is the volume achieved after 6reathing oxygen normally contains less than 2.5 per
exhaling 75 per cent of the total FVC. cent of nitrogen. The higher the percentage of nitrogen
Flow--VolHnu curve-. The flow rate is plotted against the in the alveolar sample, the greater the degree of non-
lung volume to obtain a flow-volume curve (Fig. 24.2). uniformity of distribution of inspired gas.
The subject expires maximally, and forcefully to
residual volume following a deep insiration (TLC). Diffusion
The flow rate _quickly reaches a maximum and then
falls slow]y. In o_l>stru_£ti,ve d·se~es the volU.!)lL is Diffusion is the physical proces§ by which gas moves
~eater because of air tra ing, and the flow rate is less across a membrane from the region of higher partial
in airway obstruction. pressure to the region ~f lower pmial pressure. In the _.•
lungs, oxygen moves from the alveoli to the pulmonary
6. Closing volume (CV) This test detects small
capillaries and carbon dioxide moves in the opposite
airway obstruction by measuring the volume of gas
direction. The diffusion. capacity of ca.rbon dioxide
remaining in thelung after closure of small airways in
is twenty times that of oxygen. Therefore, diffusion
the gravity dependent lung areas.
- problems usually do not produce carbon dioxide
retention. Dc....,.J. - Q:J,.. ~('.._

- PaO2 and PaCO2 depend on diffusion of the gases
through the alveolocapillary membrane. It is difficult to
Peak flow
measure the diffusing capacity of the gases. Therefore,
25%-75% of vc
measurement of the art~ial blood gas tension is
essential in the ev.aluation of 12..ulmonarr fuiictions. ..
The normal value of PaO2 is 90-95 mm Hg, ancl of
PaCO2 is 36-44 mm Hg.
""~ 4
.9 Pulmonary Blood Flow and Pressure
w Pulmonary function test is incomplete without the
study of pulmonary circulation. Measurement of
pressures, vascular resistance, blood volume and
vital capacity
distribution of blood flow in the pulmonary circulation
help in de ecting _:vasculat=- occlusio_n_ and decreased
o+s 5 4
Volume (litres)
ulmonary calillla volume.
. I
I The pulmonary vasculature accommodates
Total lung capacity Residual volume 5 1/min of right ventricular output. The vessels are
comparatively thin-walled and provide less resistance
, Fig. 24.2. Expiratory flow-volLwie cw,e to flow in comparison to systemic vessels. The normal
Pulmona ry Function Tests 149

mean ulmonar y arte ' ressure is 15 mm Hg. In ::

erect posture the arterial pressure is !9~es~ t !he ~ex
and ~hest a~!,v1: _g bases. ~ ---~~


r •
Subject exhales forcefully into the instrument that
detects different parameters which reflect various lung

functions. ~


1. RecorcUng spirome ter A recording sp · ometer

(Fig. 24.3) is a spirometer with recording kymograph.
The spirometer consists of a hollow double-walled ves-
~ l. The space between the ~ alls contains water;
making it air tight. In the space between the two walls,
4 5
an invened hollo~ cylindrical bell of 9 L capacity is
Fig. 24.3. Spirornete r 1Exp1rog1,1pt 1 1 [\f'II ol thi· ,p1rr)n1, t,,

placed. The bell is attached to a counterbalance with a 2 Papp, spe,-.d •,f'lectc· , P,W(" .J P c,t .-,-,,; ', O ti n :., 1,

chain, which passes over a pulley. The counterbalance swrtch 6 Writ•"qP< '" t,c1de1 7 ExJ H"'",. ,._. 8 1 , , 1· ,.

carries a pen for writing on the kymograph paper. valvf' q 81rl1rt:C11una1 v., ,,,. •ap H1 R,-1. »-1,, 1,, 1' • ,, 1

The kymogr aph operates at the speeds of 60 and 1200

mm/min. The spirometer records the volume and
' capacities of the l_ung.

2. Wright's peak flow m~ter This is a simple ponable

device for measuring ventilatory functions (Fig. 24.4).
It has a mouthpiece, which is connected to a body
piece that contains a calibrated scale with marker.

-- -- -
The calibrations are from 60-800 litreu,e r minute.

3. Qiluglas bag This is a bag to collect air when a

person breathes into it. This is used for determining
:.. 4. Gas volume meter
Fig. 24.4. Wright c, p!'ci' f'c'N Ill, tu

Proced ure
6. Close the nostrils with the help of a nose clip.
Lung volumes and ca acities 7. Ask the subject to breathe in and out normally
1. Fill three-fourths of the bell of the spiro~e ter with through the mouth; this is the tidal volume.
air or 100 per cent oxygen. 8. Ask the subject to breathe in as much as possible
2. Ask the subject to sit comfortably and relax. after a normal expiratio n--this is the IRV; then also
3. Adjust the speed of the spirometer at 60 mm/min. record a few normal breaths.
4. Place a sterilised mouthpiece in the SUDJect's mouth 9. Ask the subject to exhale as much as he can after a
in such a way that the mouthpiece remains fitted normal inspiration to record ERV and record a few
between the teeth and the lips. normal breaths after that.
Connect the mouthpiece to the spirometer. 10. Ask the subject to brea.the out forcefully with
150 Chapt er 24

maximum effort possible after taking a ·deep a vertical line from the 75% mark, and mark the point
inspiration. This records VC. of intersection. The horizontal limb denotes time (I)
11. Calculate TV, IRV, ERV, VC, and IC from these and the vertical limb denotes volume (V).
recordings (height 1 mm = 30 ml) as depicted in f

Fig. 24.1. Maximum voluntary ventilation

1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably. .. ,. -
Timed vital capaci!YJffV1l 2. Connect the mouthpiece of the Douglas bag to the
1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably and place the subject's mouth.
mouthpiece and nose clip as described above. 3. Ask the subject to breathe as de,eply and as rapidly
2. Record few normal tidal respiration by asking the as he can for 15 seconds into the Douglas bag.
subject to take quiet breaths, at 60 mm/mip speed 4. Measure the air collected in the Douglas bag with
of spirometer. the help of a gas volume meter and multiply the
3. Ask the subiect to take maximu m inspiration and volume by 4 to derive MVV.
hold his breath. Immediately change the s~ed of
the spirometer to1200 mm/~ and ask him to Ai/emotive method
MVV can also be recorded by recording FEV in a
~ale as rapidly _and ~forcef ully as he can, to 1
record timed vital capacity. spirometer and by multiplying the value by 38. This
4. Repeat the procedure three times and note the best gives an approximate value of MVV. _
one. (' ' I = d~xl= 'c '
5. Calculate FEV I from the obtained recording. Peak ex irato flow rate ------
1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably.
Cala1/otio11 of FEV, 2. Connect a Wright's peak flow meter to the subject's
To calculate FEY1 draw a vertical line from the mouth.
top of the beginning of the curve, and take 20 mm 3. Ask the subject to inspire maximally and then blow
( = 1 sec) from its base to the right to check at what out as fast as he can into the flow meter.
percentage it intersects the curve (Fig. 24.5). Likewise 4. Note the reading from the dial of the flow meter. f'

FEV2, FEV3 and FEV4 are calculated by intersecting 5. Repeat the procedure minimum three times at a gap
the curve with vertical lines at every 20 mm. of two minutes each and take the value of the best
Cole11/otio11 ofFEF5-75.,_
Divide the FEV1 curve (Fig. 24.1) equally into four
parts. Draw a horizontal line from the 25% mark and Gas sam lin and analy~is
Respiratory gas analysis : Samples of inspired' (atmo-
spheric) air, mixed expired (from the Douglas bag)
\ air and alveolar (collected by the H alclane-Priesdey
method) air are taken for analysis of partial pressure
of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Gas analx_sers
' \
\ C show the ,eartial pressure of different gases.
'' Blood gas analysis : The oxygen content of the blood
is determined by Haldane's gas analysis apparatus.
Arterial and venous blood are collected and sent for
analysis. The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is
estimated by the Van Slyke gasometry method. The
0 2 3 4 partial pressure of carbon dioxide is also determined
Time (s)
with the help of gasometers.
Fig. 24.5. T,nk ::J , •,, , ,lPilC ty A ''( '"'.l ;,,1• 1, rn , . 5C r,H c rt
expired ,n '•1,;t ::.eccnoI8 Rec.:,1ct V' :>cittorn, 1 CJt,1 1 ,. t ii capc1u·v 1s
Pulmona blood flow
i'?" t'u' Fl::V d:c-, o· ,;,,. · ci' FVC cc •1~,,.111 r, C:,,•·c1~• ,1,,: .,t:r
n Assessment of pulmon ary circulation depends upoP
fl/ '- j'J~sJy rr lll1 f j P,,f:' F[V I'-, 1,~.-..,, •l'l' ~. ;,.., ! ( ,,, t
measuring pulmonary vascular pressures and car ·

Pulmonary Function Tests 151

output. These are usually measured in intensive care athlet~~,tall persons and may be less in non-athletes
units with the facilities of invasive monitoring . With and astheruc persons.
a flow-directed pulmonary arterial (Swan-Gan z)
catheter, the pulmonary arterial and pulmonary Lung Volumes and Capacities
capillary wedge pressures are measured directly. The
,.. cardiac output is obtained by the thermodilu tion Lung volumes and capacities show a wide range of
method. The pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is value in the normal population depending on the age,
calculated as: sex and height of the subject. The Indian population
PVR • 80 (PAP - PCW)/CO shows si nificantly lower valutes compared to their
where PAP - Mean pulmonary arterial pressure in western counterpart s. re cte normogram s are
mm Hg, PCW - Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure available based on these variable factors. Deviations
in mm Hg, and CO = Cardiac output in 1/min up to 20 per cent from the predicted value for a given
age, sex and height are commonly seen in normal
subjects. Serial measureme nts of these values are of
great imponance , because changes of even 5 per cent in
1. The subject must be comfonabl e and relaxed. a particular individual are likely to be of significance.
2. The apparatus should be sterilised and cleaned
properly. Vital ca acl!Y
3. The subject should be trained adequately to Conditions that decrease VC

perform different maneuvers like taking maximum
inspiration, expiring maximally, and so on
4. The subject sliould sit with his/her spine erec~.
1. Loss of functioning lung tissue
• Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
• Chest deformity
5. Minimum three recordings should be taken for • Neuromusc ular disease
FEV 1, MVV, and PEFR at a gap of two minutes • Thickened pleura
each and the best of the three should be taken for 2. k9ls of distensi~ility of lung tissues or pleura
the final reading. • Atelectasis-
6. For recording of FVC and FEVJ, the subject should • Consolidation
be encouraged to give his maximum effort to exhale • Pulmonary ~
fast and to the maximum extent possible. • Pulmonary resection

Conditions that increase VC

DISCUSSION 1. VC is more in the western population compared to
Normal Values of PFT the Indian. f\Aal.e.. !A)e.&Q:n"'> Ad.ui\:;
2. vc is higher in males. Athlete- :: 'Y~Of\ ~~ .
Normal value in an adult male: 3. VC is higher m athletes compared to
TV : 500ml non-athletes.
IRV : 3000ml 4. VC is higher in adults than in children and the
ERV : 1100 ml elderly.
FVC : 4600 ml 5. VC shows a higher increase in the standing posture
FEV 1 : > 80 per cent of FVC than in the supine and sitting postures.
PEFR : 400 to 600 1/min There is no pathologica l condition in which VC
" RMV : 6000 ml mcreases.
-lr MVV : 125 to 170 1/min
~ Breathing reserve : 115 to 1601/min Mechanics of Breathing
Dyspneic index : > 90 per cent
Dyspneic index is also known as breathing reserve Static lun
ratio (BRR). Static lung compliance decreases in:
All lung volumes and capacities are about 15-25 1. Pulmonary edema
per cent less in females. The values may be more in 2. Chronic pulmonary cong1~stion
152 Chapter 24

3. l\yphoscoliosis
4. Fibrothorax
lliWays. It is slower in diseases that cause large aicway
obstruction .
5. Interstitial fibrosis
6. A te/ectasis PEFR
Patients with decreased compliance have to put in As it measures peak expiratory flow rate during peak-
more respiratory muscular effon to achieve adequate expiration, it decreases in airway obstruction . MMEFR -:,
alveolar ventilation . Therefore, very often they are and FEF200- 1200,nl are better indicators and more sensitive
dyspneic. than PEFR.

Airway resistance MW
Airway resistance increases in: The normal value is 150 l in adult males and 125 l in
1. Bronchial asthma adult females. However, the value can be fallacious if

2. Chronic bronchitis the patient does not cooperate and fails to use maximum
3. Emphysem a possible effon to perform the test.
4. Other diseases that are characterised by airway MVV decreases in patients with subjective
obstruction dyspnea.
Patients with increased airway resistance are often
dyspneic, and dyspnea depends on the severity of Ventilation-Perfusion relationshi
airway, obstruction . In the erect position, ventilation per unit volume
of lung is greater at the bases than at the apices.
Forced vital c@acity (FVC The perfusioii" is also not uniform in the erect posture
\ FVC decreases in conditions in which there is due to the effect of gravity. But a greater degree of non-·
obstruction to the airways resulting in air trapping, for uniform perfusion occurs in diseases like pulmonary J

example, bronchial asthma. embolism and diseases with destruction of lung tissue.
The arterial blood gas tension is primarily affected by the
relationship of ventilation with perfusion. The normal
FEV1 is the s.i,n~e m__£S,l., useful test to detect generalised ratio of ventilation to perfusion i~ Alteration in
airway obstruction . But this must be done properly to this ratio affects PaO2 more than P~ .
get the proper results, as it is e.fforr-depeo<lenr. This is
also relatively non-specific in the sense that it gives the Diffusion
idea of generalised obstruction (not specific for small
airway obstruction ). The pulmonary diffusing capad!J decreases:
FEV1 decreases in obstructive diseases of the lung, 1. When the !_! ta su ace area of the alveolar capillary

for example, bronchial asthma. membrane is reduced
• Emphy1~ma
• Pulmonary embolism
The ratio of FEV/FVC is approximat el 0.75-0.80 • Thrombosi s of pulmonary capillaries

--- -
This is a more sensitive indicator of airway · • Following surgical removal of lung tissues
than FVC or FEV1 alone.

of the membrane)
• Asbestosis
2. When there is a defect in the membrane (thicke~·

This is one of the most sensitive indicators of patency • Sarcoidosis

af the sm all airways. This is slowed in diseases that • Progressive systemic sclerosis
cause small airway obstruction . • Collagen diseases
• Interstitial edema
FEF20CH200ml • Interstitial fibrosis
This is the flow rate between 200 and 1200 ml of FVC. • Diffuse metastatic lesions of the lung
It is one of the sensitive indicators of patency of larger The p1ilmo11ary d!ffi~sing capaci!J inqeases in exerciss,,.
Pulmona ry Function Tests 153

Disturbance in Pulmonary Circulation . .

expmmo n. ~
2. RV is eleva ted~ traQ_pin_g _of air during
Pulmon ary vascular resistance (PVR) increases by
3. Ratio of RV/ TIC,Wcreased.
different mechanisms as given below:
4. VC is frequently decreased (not due to decreased
1. Pulmon ary arterial or ateriolar vasoeonstriction in
lung volumes but due to increased RV).
response to alveolar hypoxia increases P\!R.(1)
r 5. FEV1 is less than 80 per cent of TLC.
2. Inrraluminal thrombi in pulmona ry vessels decrease
6. FEV/FVc,@-eases.
the luminal cross-sectional area and increase PVR(f)
7. MMEFR d~ es.
3. Proliferation of smooth muscle within the vessel
In the early phase of obstruction, which originates
wall decreases luminal cross-sectional area and
in thes airways FEV/FV C may be normal, but
increases PVR.
deer FR cl an normal confi ration
4. Destruc tion of small pulmon ary vessels either by
in the terminaJ.1Sh'rtion of forced expiratory flow-
scarring or by loss of alveolar wall, decreases total
volume cui-Vm ay .indicate the presence of the
cross-sectional area of the pulmon ary vascular bed -
and increases PVR.
When PVR increases, the pulmonary arterial pressure Restrictive diseases
rises, this decreases right ventricular output.
l>VR increase s in:
1. Cardiac conditions that elevate left atrial pressure
1. Decreased TLC
2. Decreased VC
The hallmarks of a restrictive pattern are:

such as mitral stenosis. 3. Decreased RV

4. Preservation of ced expiratory flow rates,
2. Chronic pulmonary hypoxemia
• COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) especially FEV1 expressed as percentage of FVC, is
• Interstitial lung disease normal. 1
The restrictive diseases can be broadly subdivided
• Chest wall diseases, for example, kyphoscoliosis
into parenchymal and extraparenchymal disease.
• Obesity hypoventilation
Extraparenchymal dysfunction is again of two kinds,
• Sleep apnea syndrome
the extraparenchymal dysfunction in inspiration and
3. Diseases affecting pulmon ary vessels
the _ext~aparenchymal dysfunction in inspiration plus
• Recurrent pu.lroooagr embolism.
• Scleroderma (occludes small pulmon ary arteries
and arterioles) Restrictive parenchy1!Jal dysfunction
1. Decreased TLC
Restrictive and Obstructive Lung Diseases 2. Decreased RV
Commo nly two major patterns of abnormal ventilatory 3. Decreased VC
function of the lung are encountered: restrictive, and 4. Normal or increased FEV/FV C
obstructive lung disease. In the obstructive disease, the Restrictive extraparenchymal dysfunction
hallmark of dysfunction is the decrease in expiratory Inspiratory rfysfimction: In extraparenchymal inspirato ry
flow rates, particularly the MMEFR and FEV/ FVC. dysfunction, which usually occurs due to inspiratory
The hallmark of restrictive disease is the reduction in ruuscle weakness or a stiff chest wall, the adequate
FVC (Fig. 24.5) distending forces are prevented fr~m being exerted on
.,, In obstructive diseases, FEV 1 decreases as there is
an otherwise normal lung. Therefore, UC is reduced
obstruct ion to the outflow of air from the lung, but but RV is not affected, and expiratory flow rates are
UC remains normal (11..C may increase due to air preserved.
trapping). In restrictive lung diseases, UC is decreased
lllspiralory plus expiratp,y dJ•sfimclion: This usually occurs in
as there is a problem in lung expansion but FEVI
• expiratory muscle weakness or due to deformed chest
remains normal (as per cent of FVC) as there is no wall that is abnormally rigid at lung volumes below
obstruction to the outflow of air from the lung. FRC. Therefore, RV is often significantly elevated.
Obstructive diseaseJ The ratio ofFEV/ FVC may be affected depending on
1. TLC is qacroal or increased. the strength of the expiratory muscles.
154 Chapter 24

Uses of PFTs
• Instruct the subject to breathe in and out
1. Assist in dia~osis of respiratory diseases. quietly through the mouth to record tidal
2. Help in monitorin g the efficiency of treatm~nt. volume.
3. Help in monitorin g the progress of the disease. • Ask the subject to exhale as much as she can
4. Help in monitorin g the efficacy of physical immediat ely following a deep inspiration.
2. Record FEV, of the gi.ven subject and report
5. Help in studying the prevale0<;e of respirator y
diseases in the communi ty or respirator y industrial
your findings.
• Ask the subject to sit comfonab ly with an
S. Help in evaluating the respirator y fitness of the
patients for general anaesthesia prior to surgery. erect spme.
• Check that the bell of the spirograp h is filled
7. Assist in m~coleg al cases to decide fitness or
amount of compensa tion. up to three-fourths of its capacity with air.
• Adjust the speed of the spiromete r at
8. Used in evaluation of lung functions in research.
• Place the mouthpie ce into the mouth of
the subject in such a way that mouthpie ce
1. Record vital capacity of the gi.ven subject by remains between the teeth and the lips.
ming recording spirometer. • Connect the mouthpie ce to the spiromete r.
Steps: • Instruct the subject to breathe in and out
• Ask the subject to sit comfonab ly with an quietly through the mouth to record a few
erect spine. tracings of tidal volume.
• Check that the bell of the spirograp h is filled • Ask the subject to take a deep breath and
up to three-four ths of its capacity with air. hold it.
• Adjust the speed of the spiromete r at • Immediat ely change the speed of the
60 mm/min., spiromete r to 1200 mm/min and ask the
• Place the mouthpie ce into the mouth of subject to exhale to the maximum and as
the subject in such a way that mouthpie ce rapidly as possible.
remains between the teeth and the lips. • Switch off the spiromete r as soon as FEV is
• Connect the mouthpie ce to the spiromete r. recorded.

1. What are the uses of pulmonar y function tests?
2. Name different PFTs.
3. What are lung volumes and capacities?
4. Define vital capacity. What is the normal value of vital capacity in males and females and why is
there a difference?
5. Define residual volume. What is its normal value?
6. What is the significance of functional residual capacity and how is it determined? In which condition
is it altered?
Ans: FRC maintains a constult RV and at the same time it allows continuous exchange of gases in
both phases of
respiration . It checks sudden fall in partial pressure of gases in blood. It is measured by the helium dilution
and nitrogen
washout methods. FRC increases in conditions in which air trapping occurs, like asthma, emphysema and so
7. What are the tests that determine the mechanics of breathing (compliance and airway resistance)?
8. What is timed vital capacity and what is its significance?
9. What is MMEFR and what is its significance?
10. What is MVV and what is its normal value?
11. What are the precautions for PFT?
Pulmonary Function Tests 155

12. Why are most of the parameters of PFT recorded at least three times, and the best of three taken for considerat
13. Name the conditions in which vital capacity decreases.
14. Name the conditions in which FEV1 decreases.
15. Why is the ratio of FEV/FVC a better indicator of obstructio n than the FEV 1 and FVC alone?
16. What are the differences between restrictive and obstructive lung diseases and how do you differentiate
between these two patterns?
17. What are the diagnostic hallmarks of obstructive lung disease?
18. What are the two subcategories of restrictive extraparenchymal dysfunction?
Name one test to differentiate these two dysfunctions.
19. Name the tests to detect the abnormalities of pulmonar y circulation.
20. What are the mechanisms of increased pulmonar y vascular resistance?

I 21. Name the diseases in which pulmonar y vascular resistance increases.

22. What are the lung volumes and capacities that cannot be recorded by a simple spirometer?
Ans: RV, FRC and TLC cannot be recorded by a simple spirometer.
23. What is the breathing reserve ratio? What is its clinical significance?
24. What is minute ventilation? What is its normal value?
25. What is FEF 200-,2000} What is its significance?

____.;. ;______________ __ - -
25 Clinical Examination of the
Gastrointestinal System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES two transve rse and two vertical lines (Fig. 25.1).
The quadran ts are epigast rium, right hypoch ondrium ,
After comple ting this practica l you WILL be able to: left hypoch ondrium , umbilic al, right lumbar , left
1. ame the different quadrants of the abdomen.
2. Explain the imponan ce of clinical examination
lumbar , hypoga strium (supra.pubic), right ileac and left
of the GI system.
3. Enumerate the steps of examination of the
GI system.
4. Demonstrate the procedures for palpation of the Examination of the GI system proceed s in the followiflc
liver and spleen. sequence:
5. Percuss the abdomen. 1. History ta.Icing
6. Auscultate bowel sounds. 2. General examination
You MAY also be able to: 3. Examination of the oral cavity
1. Explain various positive inspectory findinb,s· 4. Abdominal examination
2. List the causes of hepatomegaly and 5. Special examinations
3. Explain the importance of Auid thrill and
shifting dullness. History Taking
4. Corrdat e abnormal bowel sounds with In a patient with a GI disorder, the following poinis
intestinal dysfunctions. should be asked (and noted in the examination record)
while taking the history. Accurate and relevant present
and past histories give the physician importa nt dues to the
1. Appetite: D oes the patient have a good appetite, or
Disorde rs of the gastroi ntestinal system (GI) system
does he have anorexia, nausea or vomiting?
are very commo n. Dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery,
indiges tion and vomitin g are routinel y encoun tered
complaints in clinical practice. Many of the causes
of these dysfunc tions can be easily diagnos ed if the
physician carries out a thoroug h and systema tic . .
examin ation of the G I system. Examin ation of the ...R~. ..........2 ...........[3 ....... H.
. . .:
abdome n is the major part of clinical examination of the :

GI system. While perform ing abdomi nal examin ation, i. UA

i. LL
the physician should rememb er the anatom ical position s 4 i
... i 6
of abdomi nal viscera. D isorders of abdomi nal structur es ..
RIF· --··: ............. ........ :. .... LIF
can be appropr iately diagnos ed, as the location of these 7 1 8 1 9
organs is precise. Therefo re, an abnorm al sign elicited .:'
from a particul ar region of the abdome n indicates the
dysfunc tion of the viscera underne ath.
Fig. 25.1 Q .. ae!r,111·, ut tl1e d tHtun,cn 1 r,9 111 r•ypoct,,,nr1riu•1
Anatomical Landmarks 2 t•ro1q,htr1 v11 ~ l+>ft h/p(l( l1r__Hl 1r'L,P 4 • q• ♦ I ,n tJ,lr ., JP1h1 I !

The abdom en is divided into nine quadra nts by 6 ,,ft ltJfl"'\r' 1r ..... '1(]' 1 t I t'--if K I yµ<.'q,1c,t•1urr, (CY { lJpriH~lJr,I ('
q lef 1 iledc

Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal System 157

2. Is he able to swallow properly or does he have patient. Fully expose the abdomen. Clothing should
dysphagia? be drawn up till the xiphistern um and pulled below
3. Is there abnormal flatulence? till the lower margin of the pubic symphysi s (sites of
4. Are there frequent acid eructations, retrosternal hernial orifice should be visible). Closely observe for
burning or water brash? the following findings.
5. Stool: Diarrhea, constipation, colour of stools, 1. Shap~ of abdomen: Is the abdomen normal in shape,
worms or excess mucus in stools. distended or scaphoid?
6. Abdomin al abnormalities: Abdomin al pam, 2. · Umbilicus: Note the position of umbilicus . Is it
swelling and distension. central and inverted or everted?
7. Is there a history of hematemesis (vomiting out of 3. Abdomin al movements: Observe the abdominal
blood), melena (dark tarry stool d ue presence of movemen t during inspiratio n and expiration. Is it
altered blood in it) or bleeding per rectum? free and equal on both sides, markedly diminished
8. Is there a history of jaundice, fever or recent weight or absent?
loss? 4. Pulsations: Is the pulsation of abdomina l aorta
9. H abits: Alcoholism and smoking. visible? Is there any other pulsation?
10. Past history of tuberculosis, malaria, kala azar, 5. Dilated veins: Is there any dilatation of the
hem olytic crisis (sudden onset of pallor and dyspnea) abdominal vein?
and drugs. 6. Peristalsis: Is gastric or intestinal p~ristalsis visible?
Peristalsis is best elicited by patiently observing the
abdomen for some time.
General Examination
7. Hernial orifices: Are the hernial orifices bulging
T he following points are particularly noted during with strain or coughing? The hernial sites in the
general examination. groin should be observed for any swelling. If there
1. Build and nutrition is no swelling, the patient should be asked to stand
2. Examinat ion of nails and conjunctiva for pallor, up, turn his head to one side and cough. The impulse
clubbing, cyanosis and icterus on coughing should be noted if prese~t.
3. Signs of liver failure: scanty hair, palmar erythema, 8. Scars: Is there any surgical scar mark on the
spider nevi, gynecomastia and testicular atrophy abdomen? Is the scar recent (pink or red) or old
4. Vital signs: Pulse, blood pressure, respiration and (white)?
temperatu re 9. Surface and skin of abdomen: Is the surface smooth?
Is the skin shiny? Note abnormal pigmenta tion and
Examination of Oral Cavity striae, if present.

1. Condition of the teeth - -of Abdomen

Pal-·~ation -- -
2. H ealth of the tongue and oral mucous membran e Palpation of the abdomen is an importan t part of
3. Condition of tonsil and orophary nx clinical examinat ion of the GI system. The subject
should lie on his back, with legs semi-flexed to -relax
Examination of Abdomen the abdomen . Ask him to relax and breathe quietly.
Palpation should be done for all areas of the abdomen.
Abdomin al examination consists of the following Generally, it can start from the left ileac region and
steps: then proceed anticlockwise to end in the suprapubic
1. Inspection and umbilical regions. If the subject complain s of pain
2. Palpation in an area, that area should be palpated last.
3. Percussion First, palpation can be performe d lightly. Later,
4. Auscultation deeper palpation can be performe d (with both hands
Ins ection of Abdomen if necessary) . While palpating, note for consistency
(softness or rigidity), tenderness (can be observed
T he subject should lie comforta bly on a couch in
from the facial changes) and guarding of abdomen
the supine position with arms by his side. T he room
in any particular region, if present. T hen palpate
should be well lighted. Stand on the right side of the
158 Chapter 25

for liver, spleen, right and left kidneys, gall bladder, the height of inspiratio n, press the index finger slightly
urinary bladder, aorta and para-aorti c glands. If a mass inwards. The liver edge is felt against the radial border
is present, note the location, size, surface, borders, of the index finger. lf resistance is ~ncountered, move
consistenc y and tendernes s. If Auid is present, try to the hand further down till the resistance disappears.
confirm the presence of fluid by eliciting fluid thrill
and s hifting dullness. (fhis may be learned better in Spleen palpation: From the left subcostal margin, the
clinical postings. However, a first year medical student spleen enlarges downward s towards th~ right ileac fossa
sho uld know the procedure s for general palpation of (Fig. 25.3). Therefore , the spleen is palpated along an
the abdomen, and liver and spleen palpation) . oblique line, starting from the right ileac fossa cowards
the left subcostal margin. Place the palm of the right
Liver p alpation: Ask the subject co lie down hand on the right ileac fossa lower and to the right of the
comfortab ly on the couch and fl.ex his leg slightly. umbilicus , with fingers close to each other and pointing
Give proper instructio ns. Expose the abdomen (as towards the left subcostal margin. Ask the subject to
described aboye). Sit on the couch beside the right side take a deep breath and press deep with the fi ngers of
of the subject. Place both hands side by side on the right hand. If the spleen is palpable, it touches the
the abdomen in the right subcostal region, lateral to tip of the fingers with each inspiratio n. Palpate the
the rectus, with the fingers pointing to the ribs. Ask surface of the spleen and examine for consistenc y and
the subject to take a deep breath and at the height tendernes s.
of inspiration , press the fingers firmly inwards and If the spleen is not palpable, repeat the procedure of
upwards. If resistance is encounter ed, move the hand palpation 2 cm above in the line of spleen enlargem ent,
further down till the resistance disappear s. If the liver is and repeat the procedure till you reach the left
palpable, its margin is felt as a sharp regular border that subcostal margin (Fig. 25.4). l f the spleen is still not
rides beneath the fingers.' Note the size of enlargeme nt, palpable, place the flat of the right hand beneath the
surface, consistenc y and tendernes s of liver. left costa1 margin and the left hand over the lowermos t
r.1-ltemate method of liver palpation (commonl y used): Sit on rib posterola terall y on the left side of the subject. Ask
a chair to the right side of the subject. Place the right the patient to take a deep breath and press deep with
hand lower and parallel to the right subcostal margin the fingers of the right hand and at the same time exert
in such a way that the index finger remains below it considera ble pressure medially and downwar d with the
(Fig. 25.2). Ask the subject to breathe deeply and at left hand. If the spleen is not palpable but s uspected
to be enlarged, turn the patient halfway on to his right
side and ask him to rest/lean o n your left hand, and

/ Spleen


Fig. 25.3. The direction of spleen enlargemen t The dotted line

Fig. 25.2. Method of liver palpation Note that index finger of the below the left subcostal margin depicts the surface marking of an
right hand 1s pressed inwards below the right subcostal margin enlarged spleen The arrow 1nd1cates the d1rect1on of
when sub1ect takes deep breath splenomega ly (towards right lleac fossaJ
Clinical Examina tion of the Gastrointestinal System

makes the diagnosis of hepatomegaly and splenomegaly

or an abdominal tumour unlikely. Thus, percussion
confirms hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, if present.

Shifting dullness: If presence of fluid is suspected,

. ... percussion should be performed first with the patient
lying on his back and then lying alternately on each
side. While lying on one side, the upper flank will be
resonant as the fluid is pushed down by gravity to the
lower flank. Hence, this is called shifting dullness.

Auscultation of Abdomen
Auscultation is carried out by placing the diaphragm
of the stethoscope on different areas of the abdomen.
Auscultation is performed to detect bowel sounds,
peristaltic rub and bruit.N ote whethe r bowel sounds are
normal, absent or increased. Norma l bowel sounds are
heard as intermittent low- or medium-pitched gurgles,
Fig. 25.4. The method of spleen palpation occasionally interspersed with high-pitched noises.
repeat the maneuver.
If the veins are promin ently engorged, the direction Special Examinations
of flow should be assessed to differentiate between
The following special investigations are done in some
inferior and superior vena caval obstruction (this will
be taught in greater detail in the clinical classes). To
1. Per rectum (PR) examination
determine the direction of flow, a section of the vein is
emptied using two fingers, and each end of the emptied 2. Proctoscopy
part is pressed with a finger. One finger is released and 3. Abdominal ultrasound
the filling of the vein is noted. Similarly, the other
finger is released and filling of the vein is noted. Blood DISCUSSION
enters more rapidly and fills the vein from the direction
lnspectory Findings
of the blood flow.
Sha e of Abdomen
Fluid thrill: Ask the subject to lie on his back. Ask an --
assistant to place the ulnar border of his hand firmly The abdomen in a person of normal build is boat-
on the midline of the abdomen of the patient. Sit on shaped. Abdom inal distension occurs due six factors
a chair to the right of the subject and place the of (the 6 Fs):
your left hand on the side of the left lumbar region of • Fat (abdominal obesity)
the subject. Using your right hand, tap the side of the • Fluid in excess in peritoneal cavity (ascites)
righ t lumbar region of the subject. If a large amoun t • Flatus (excess gas in large intestine)
of ascites is present, a fluid thrill or a wave is felt as an • Fetus (pregnant woman)
impulse by the left hand (which is placed on the left • Full urinary bladder
lumbar region of the subject). • Feces (accumulation of excess stool in large intestine
as seen in constipation)
Percussion of Abdom en Abdom inal swelling also occurs in tumour s of
Percuss the abdomen lightly following the rules of abdominal organs.
percussion (described in Chapte r 22). Norma lly a Generalised distension occurs in ascites, obesity
resonan t (tympanitic) note is heard, except on the areas and patients with excessive flatus. Localised distension
of liver and spleen enlargement and over a tumour , occurs in hepatomegaly (distension in the right

__ mass or fluid. Absence of dullness over these areas

__________- -
.;....;.. -
hypoch ondriac region) or splenomegaly (distension
160 Chapter 25

in the left hypochondriac region), and in neoplasms. small intestine is seen as ladder pattern below the
Full bladder and bowel produce distension of the centre of the abdomen.
hypogastrium. A scaphoid or sunken abdomen is
seen in starvation, and malignancy, especially of the Hernial Sites
stomach and esophagus.

The impulse observed at hernial sites on coughing l
suggests hernia. Femora l or inguinal, and direct or
Umbilicus indirect hernia should be differentiated (to be studied
Normally, the umbilicus is inverted and situated in clinical classes) ..
centrally in the abdomen. The distance between the
xiphisternum and the umbilicus is equal to the distance Skin Over the Abdomen
between the umbilicus and the symphysis pubis. Smooth and glossy skin indicates abdominal distension
In ascites, the distance between the xiphisternum and whereas wrinkle d skin suggests an old distension
umbilicus is more than that between umbilicus and that has been relieved. Abdominal striae represent
symphysis pubis, whereas in ovarian tumour s the the rupture of sub-epidermal connective tissue as a
distance between the xiphisternum and umbilicus is less result of abdominal distension. When formed first,
than that between the umbilicus and symphysis pubis. the striae are reddish or pink; when the distension
In,ascites, the umbilicus is flattened or evened, whereas stabilises or regresses, the colour of the striae fades
in obesity the umbilical cleft is deeper than normal. to white. Abdominal striae are seen commo nly in
obesity, massive ascites and following pregnancy or
Abdominal Movement corticosteroid therapy.
Movem ent of the abdom inal wall occurs during
respira tion. In fact, respira tory rate is counte d by Palpatory Findings
observing abdominal movem ent during respiration.
Abdom inal movem ent is absent in peritonitis. The normal abdomen is soft and no tenderness 1s
elicited on palpation. .
Norma lly, pulsations are not visible over the abdomen. Abdominal Tenderness
Howev er, aorticpulsation may be visible in the nervous or On applying pressure, the pain felt by the subject is called
anemic individual. Aortic aneuryslll produces expansible tenderness. It is commo nly found in inflammatory
pulsations. lesions of the viscera and the surroun ding peritoneum.
The location of tenderness often suggests a specific
Dilated Veins
pathology. Some examples are:
Presence of dilated veins suggests venous obstruction.
• In the epigastrium: peptic ulcer
In i,iferiorvena caval obsfnlctio11, there will be dilated veins on
• In the right hyhpochondrium: hepatitis,
the siqes with flow of blood from below upwards. This
occurs because the blood bypasses the inferior vena
• In the right iliac fossa: appendicitis
cava and travels from the lower limbs to the thorax via
the veins of the abdominal ·wall. In portal vein obstmction, Purely visceral pain such as gastric or intestinal
colic may not be associated with tenderness.
the engorged veins are centrally placed and may
form a cluster around the umbilicus (caput medusa).
The blood in these veins flows in all directions away
Guarding_and Rigidity
from the umbilicus. They represent opening of Abdominal guarding and rigidity are due to contraction
anastomosis between portal and systemic veins. of muscles of the abdominal wall; this is often a part
of the defence mechanism over a tender region.
- --lsis Abdominal rigidity usually occurs over an in.flamed
Peristaltic wave of the stomach (moving from left to organ as in pancreatitis or cholescystitis. Generalised
right) is seen in pyloric stenosis in the epigastric and rigidity occurs in peritonitis.
left hypochondriac region. Peristaltic wave of the large
intestine {transverse colon) is seen in the same region Fluid Thrill
but moves from right to left. Peristaltic wave of the Presence of fluid thrill indicates accumulation of
Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal System 161

a large amount of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity note. Since fluid first accumulates in the flanks, the
(gross ascites). areas of dullness on both sides resemble a horseshoe.
Hence, it is called horseshoe dullness, which is confirmed
by eliciting shifting dullness.
Hepatomeg aly means enlarged liver. Usually, the liver
In addition to determining the presence of
. ., is palpable if enlarged, as normally the lower border
fluid, percussion helps to delineate the border of an
of the liver lies at the right subcostal margin. The
• common causes of hepatomegaly are:
1. Infective hepatitis
enlarged viscera or abdominal tumour. Hepatomegaly,
splenomegaly and abdominal lumps or tumours can be
confirmed by eliciting the dull note over the respective
2. Chronic amebiasis
3. Malaria
4. Kala azar Auscultatory Findings
5. Congestive heart failure
6. Leukemias Bowel Sounds
7. Hodgkin's disease These are intestinal sounds generated by the contractions
8. Hepatic tumours of the muscular walls of the gut and the resultant
9. Portal hypertension vibration of the gut wall produced by the movement
10. Hydatid cyst of a gas-fluid mixture through the gut. These bowel
sounds persist in the fasting state due to the presence of
intestinal secretions and swallowed air.
Splenomegaly is the enlargement of the spleen. To
Loud bowel sounds occur due to hyperperistalsis of
be palpable, the spleen has to enlarge 2.5 times its
the intestine (peristaltic msh). Exaggerated bowel sounds
normal size. Thus, a mildly enlarged spleen is not
accompanied by some degree of abdominal distension
always palpable and the palpable spleen is considerably
and cramp-like abdominal pain suggest partial bowel
enlarged. The common causes of splenomegaly are:
obstruction. Absence of bowel sounds for at least 10
1. Malaria
minutes suggests bowel atony or paralytic ileus.
2. Kala azar
3. Leukemias Other Sounds
4. Lymphomas Arterial bruit: These are variable harsh sounds that
5. Hemolytic anemias occur due to turbulence in arterial fl.ow. A loud
6. Portal hypertension bruit suggests aortic aneurysm and atherosclerosis or
7. Tropical splenomegaly extreme tortuosity of the aorta. Bruit over the kidneys
in the flanks suggests renal artery stenosis.
Percussion Ffndings Venous hum: Venous hum is a continuous, soft and
The normal percussion note of the abdomen is resonant low-pitched sound. This may be heard over the liver
(tympanitic). Accumulation of excess gas yields a high area and umbilicus in portal-systemic shunting of
tympanitic note and accumulation of fluid yields a dull venous fl.ow when portal flow is obstructed.

- - - - - - - -- -- - - VIVA
1. Name the various quadrants of the abdomen.
2. What is fluid thrill and what is its importance?
3. What is shifting dullness and what is its importance?
4. What are the types of bowel sounds and how are they produced?
5. What are the common causes of hepatomegaly?
6. What are the common causes of splenomegaly?
7. What is the normal shape of the abdomen and how is the shape altered in different conditions?
8. What is the importance of the position of the umbilicus?
9. What is the importance of abdominal venous engorgement?
10. What is the significance of abdominal guarding?
2Q Electrocardiography


After completing this practical you WILL be able to: An ECG is useful in the diagnosis of many heart
1. Define ECG. diseases. It is regularly recorded before any surgical
2. Classify ECG leads. intervention co assess the cardiac status of the
3. Handle the ECG machine properly. patient. However, it does not give direct information
4. Record ECG. concerning the mechanical performance of the
5. List the precautions taken while recording ECG. heart. It may be completely normal in a patient with
6. List the uses of ECG. organic heart disease or may show some nonspecific
7. Identify the different waves and complexes abnormalities in a normal subject. Therefore, the ECG
of ECG. must be interpreted with the clinical features of the
8. State the cause of production of the P wave, QRS patient and wi1ch the findings of other investigations.
complex and T wave. The ECG is recorded to study the following
9. Calculate the heart rate and mean QRS axis. parameters:
10. Define and state the normal duration and 1. Anatomical orientation of the heart
significance of PR interval, QRS complex and 2. Relative siz;e of the chambers of the heart ~
QT interval. 3. A variety of disturbances of rhythm and
You MAY also be able to: conduction
1. Explain the physiologic significance of 4. To detect ischemia of the myocardium, if present
different waves, complexes and intervals. 5. The location, extent and progress of myocardial
2. List the conditions that cause alteration in infarction
different waves, complexes and intervals. 6. The effects of altered electrolyte concentration
3. Explain the physiologic basis of such alterations. 7. The influence of certain drugs like digitalis
8. Evaluation of electronic pacemaker function


Electrocardiography is the method of recording an Principle

electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG is the recording, and Electrical act1v1t1es generated with each beat are
electrocardiograph is the machine that records the conducted from the heart to the body surface, which
ECG. It is one of the most important and commonly are picked up and recorded by the electrocardiograph.
ordered diagnostic tests in clinical practice.
ECG is the graphic recording of the electrical
activities of the heart. The body is a volume conductor,
that is, body fluids are good conductors of electricity. 1. ECG machine
Therefore, electrical changes occurring in the heart with In modern electrocardiography, two types of ECG
each heart beat, are conducted all over the body and can apparatus are used: rhe string galvanometer and the
be picked up from the body surface. The record of these radio-amplifier.. The apparatus should be sensitive to
electrical fluctuations during the cardiac cycle is called potential chang;es of the order of microvolts and have a
an electrocardiogram. Thus, the ECG recorded at the frequency response of 50-100 Hz. The use of the string
body surface represents the algebraic sum of the action galvanometer needs experience. This apparatus is not
potential of the individual cardiac muscle fibres. used in routiille practice because the photographic
Electrocardiography 163

13 12 10 8 9 6

... ! • --------
TO TI n m...-.-y

-- --
/l t 111V jl
LO. C.H. & 0,, STOP 25

- &f ~T ~
11 2.1 7 3
2.3 5 4

BPL Ltd ) ( 1 Handle 2 1 2 2 and 2 3

Fig. 26.1. Shemat1c diagram of the front view of an ECG machine (Source Card1dat 108T'MK-VI
4 and 5 Lead posItIoners 6 Lead selection button 7 Voltage selection 8 Filter AC CJ Gair
Cont rel switches 3 Stylus adIuster
for guIdIng paper movement)
10 Stylus deflector 11 Battery strength Ind1cator 12 Stylus protector. 13 Table

paper used for recording needs to be developed . At A

present, the transistor amplifier and cathode ray tubes
are used for chis purpose. It has a main switch, which
regulates the power supply; a lead selection switch,
l - _/1
which selects various leads; a calibration switch, used 0.04s
for calibration; and a start-stop switch to regulate paper B
speed (Fig. 26.1).
2._Cardiac ·e11 Fig. 26.2. Squares of the ECG paper A large square 8 small
This is a specially made paste that contains fine sand or square Time depicted in figures represents the time of the paper
speed of 25 mm,s
glass particles used for placing electrodes on the body
surface. It helps in establishin g proper contact of the Sensitivity
electrode plates to the body. Voltage is measured along the vertical axis. Usually, a
3. ECG aper 10 mm deflection is equivalent to 1 m V. T here
is provision to change the sensitivity in special
This is the strip of graph paper, which has vertical
circumstances, for example, when ECG complexes
and horizontal lines 1 mm apart. The horizonta l
are too small, the sensitivity can be doubled so that a
axis represents time whereas the vertical axis denotes
1 m V deflection is equivalent to 20 mm. When ECG
amplitude. T here is a heavy line every 5 mm in both
complexes are too large, sensitivity may be reduced to
the planes. Thus, there are small squares of 1mm x
half from the original so that 1 m V is equivalen t to 5
1 mm, and big squares of 5 mm x 5 mm. The ECG
mm. The process of determination of sensitivity is called
paper is a heat-sensitive, plastic-coated paper. The
sta11dardisalio11. It is displayed by pressing the calibratio n
ECG is inscribed on this paper by a hot stylus.
button before and after an ECG is recorded.
Paper speed Conventional ECG is taken at a speed of
25 mm/s. One small square (1 mm) corresponds to 0.04 4. ECG leads
seconds, while the big square (5 mm) is equivalent to 0.20 The ECG leads are broadly classified into two
seconds (Fig. 26.2). When the ECG paper runs through 5 categories, the direct and the indirect. A lead or
big squares, one second recording has been taken. an electrode is a metal plate (flat discs of dimension
164 Chapter 26

7.5 x 5 cm , noncorrosive) applied snugly over an Lead Ill : Between the left arm (negative electrode)
appropriate body part. For better contact of the leads, and the left leg (positive electrode).
ECG jelly is applied after the skin su rface is deaned Unipolar limb leads In this method, one electrode
thoroughly. is active while the other is indifferent. There are three
D irect leads unipolar limb leads: aVR, aVLand aVF. H ere 'a' stands
Leads applied directly to the surface of the heart to for augmented leads. The potential recorded in aVL is
record ECG are called direct leads. These leads are one--and-a-half times that recorded in VL, and similarly
used to record cardiac activities during cardiac surgery for aVR and a VF. Therefore, these leads are called
or during an experiment . augmented leads. 'V' stands for voltage, and R, Land F
indicate that the exploring (active) electrode is on the
Indirect leads right arm, left arm and left foot respectively. The other
Leads applied away from the heart to record the cardiac (indifferent) electrode is connected to the remaining
activities are called indirect leads. The different indirect two leads through a high resistance coil. For example,
leads are limb leads, chest leads and esophageal leads. w hile recording from lead aVL the active electrode
is placed on the left arm, the indifferent electrode is
Limb leads connected through a high resistance to the other two
Limb leads are of two types, bipolar and unipolar. electrodes placed on the left foot and left arm.
Bipolar limb leads Bipolar standard limb leads (I, II aVR Between the right arm (positive electrode) and
and III) are the original leads selected by Eimhoven left arm + left leg (negative electrode).
to record electrical potential on the frontal plane. aVL Between the left arm (positive electrode) and
In the method of bipolar leads, two similar electrodes right arm + left leg (negative electrode).
are placed on the body surface and the potential dif- aVF : Between the left foot (positive electrode) and
ference between these two electrodes is recorded. The right arm + left arm (negative electrode).
electrodes are attached to the right arm, left arm and Vector of augmented limb lead = 3/ 2 vector of
left foot as depicted in the Einthoven triangle (Fig. unaugment ed limb lead.
26.3). Another electrode is applied to the right leg, aVR=VR - VL+VF
which acts as a ground wire to prevent external distur- 2
bances during recording. 2 aVR = 2VR - (VL + VF)
Lead I Between the right arm (negative electrode) Since VR + VL + VF = 0 (Einthoven triangle),
and the left arm (positive electrode). VR = -(VL + VF)
Lead II Between the right arm (negative electrode) 2 aVR = 2VR + VR
and the left leg (positive electrode). aVR - 3/ 2 VR

Chest leads

r-----L_eoT" "d_l _L
__ +.;.. IA
Chest leads are of two types, bipolar and unipolar.

Bipolar chest leads These leads were used before the

discovery of unipo lar chest leads. These leads record
differences of potential between any given position
on the chest and on one extremity. They are not used
now because the potential in the extremity apprecia-
bly alters the pattern of the chest leads.

Lewis lead: This is a special bipolar chest lead used for

recording ECG in atrial arrhythmias. This lead ampli-
fies t he waves of atrial activity. .
Fig. 26.3. E1•1"'t1ven s triangle RA right ,Hin LA left drm LL left
Iey 1-J, tc, that 1wrµendIcular s c1rilwn from the m,opo,nt of each Unipolar c hest leads There are six chest leads that
l,mh of tile> tri,inglc intersect at the centre of tile elcctriec1I act1v1ty are used routinely; V 1 to V6 • There are three other
Electrocardiography 165

chest leads (Y7-V The chest leads employ an explor- left and right wrists and left and right leg just above
ing electrode on the chest surface. The reference elec- the ankle joint and apply jelly.
trode is connected to the right arm, left arm and left 3. Connect the electrodes in these positions.
leg through a high resistance, called Wilson's terminal, 4. Switch on the machine and keep the stylus at the
that is maintaine d at zero potential. The right leg is centre of the paper.
• r
connected with a groundin g electrode to avoid electri- 5. Adjust the sensitivity to get a standard calibration
cal interference. The position of the chest electrodes of 1 cm/1 m V by pressing the 'CAL' button 3 to 4
(positive electrodes) on the chest surface in different tunes.
leads are as follows: 6. Adjust the lead selector knob to record ECG of the
V 1 : In the right founh intercosta l space at the right 12 leads in the following order: I, II, ill, aVR, aVL
border of the sternum. and aVF.
V2 : In the left founh intercosta l space at the left 7. Place the chest electrodes in an appropria te position
border of the sternum. on the chest after thorough cleaning and application
V3 : At the midpoint between V 2 and V4 • of jelly, and record the ECG from V1 to V 6•
V◄ : In the left fifth intercostal space on the 8. Again take the standard calibration.
midclavicular line. 9. Tear out the paper from the machine and label the
V5 : In the left .fifth intercosta l space on the anterior record.
axillary line. 10. Write the name and age of the subject and the date
V6 : In the left fifth intercostal space on the mid- of the recording.
axillary line. 11. Calculate heart rate and QRS axis as described in
V7 : In the left fifth intercostal space on the posterior the 'Discussion'.
axillary line. 12. Study and interpret the ECG as described under
V8 : In the left fifth intercostal space on the posterior 'Discussion' (Systemat ic Interpreta tion of ECG).
scapular line.
V9 : In the left fifth intercostal space on the back just Precautions
left to the spine.
1. The subject should be totally relaxed.
Eso ha eal leads 2. The skin in the area where the electrodes are
In these leads, an electrode is fixed on the tip of connected should be thorough ly cleaned and jelly
the esophageal catheter, which is positione d in the should be applied to decrease skin resistance.
esophagus close to the hean chambers . The leads are 3. The right foot should be connected for grounding.
designated as E 18, E 20 and so on. Here E stands for 4. Ensure that the leads are properly applied at the
'esophageal', and the number indicates the distance appropria te places and are in good contact with the
of the electrode from the incisor teeth expressed in body surface. ·
5. Before starting the recording, ensure that the
: Used for recording the activity of the
El>-25 required voltage is available at the mains and that
right atrium.
the instrumen t is properly eanhed.
Ei>-Js : Used for recording the activity from
6. Standardisation should be done before and after
the AV groove region.
the recording, to ensure that proper standard was
Used for recording the activity from the
E 40-50 maintaine d througho ut the recording.
posterior surface of the left ventricle.
7. A minimum of three ECG complexes should be
recorded for each lead.
Procedure 8. The stylus should be adjusted so it records at the
centre of the paper.
1. Ask the subject to lie down on a couch
comfonab ly. 9. Recording of 12 leads should be done in proper
2. Clean the skin thorough ly with alcohol around the sequence as I, II, ill, aVR, aVL, aVF and V 1 to V 6•
166 Chapte r 26

\)~ \:n ~ Ck )e:p c\~

DISCUSSION R wave: Is the positive deflection in the QRS com-
Features of a Good ECG
S wave: Is the second negative deflection in the QRS ;

1. Optimal standardisation of the calibration signal complex. •

forms rectangles. The corners of the signal form a S com lex is the term used w ~ S
right angle. com x 1 ne, witho ut any positive deflection.
2. The base lice is srabl~.
3. Contains a minim um of three complexes of each Twave
- -
T wave 1s the p~ e deflection produced by
lead. ~
ventricular repolarisation.
4. Contains a ½::ng strip of II and V if arrhythmia is
suspected or present.
U wave
5. No interference by alternating current.® U wave is the final ~ e deflection in the ECG. This
6. ECG complexes are q~corded at the centre of the wave is not always ~ nt normally. It occurs due to
paper and do nor overshoot the margins. s~~ of !!ie E_ap~r y muscle.

Normal ECG Segments

The ECG tracing shows different waves, intervals and · PR se_g_ment T

segments (Fig. 26.4). This lies betwee n the end of the P wave and the
beginning of the QRS complex.
ST segl,llent
Pwave This lies between the end of the QRS complex and the
P wave is the deflection produced by atrial beginning of the T wave. The point where the QRS
l x ends ~nd the ST ~egme n_t ?egins is called _the
T ~ no elecmcal act1v1cy at the J pomt.
ORS complex o of the J point {even 1 mm from the base)
This consists of Q, Rand S waves. The QRS complex is suggests my ar,dial ischernia.
the deflection produced by ventricular depolarisation.
Q wave: Is the initial negative deflect ion in the QRS Intervals
PR interval ·
D efinitio n: This is the interval betwee n the begin-
ning of the ~~ o the beginning ·of the QRS
PR segment complex. R o( .J..
ST segment \-\-R.


p W·~


Norm al duratu m! The I'til-ge of PR interval is
0.12-0 .20 second s (average 0.18 s). PR interval short-
ens as the heart rate increases, from the average of
0.18 sat the rate of 70 to 0.14 sat the rate of 130.
~ I
I( )

IPR Interval a
I I ' QRS duration Signifi cance: This represents atrial depolarisation and
--0.5 , QT interval
conduction throug h the AV node.

0 02 0.4 0.6 ORS interval ORS duratiol!)

llme (s) Defini tion: This is the interval of the QRS complex.
Fig. 26.4. ~Jow1zi1 ECG d1ttercn t wzivcs segmen It is measured from the beginning of the Q wave (or R
zin d inte rvals wave if the Q wave is absent) to the J point.
Electrocardiography 167

ormal duration : The normal range is 0.08-0.10 sec- towards the positive pole of that lead, and a negative
onds. (downward) deflection is seen if depolarisation spreads
towards the negative pole of the lead. An isoelectric
Significance: This represe 5 ventricu lar depolarisa- or biphasic deflection is seen when the depolarisaton
tion. The atrial repolarisat1on also occurs in this pe- starts in the SA node and spreads downwards to the
riod. subject's left {towards the positive pole of lead II and
away from the positive pole of lead aVR). The P wave is
QT interval always positive in lead II and negative in lead aVR (Fig.
Definition: This is the interval of t he QRS complex 26.5). Ventricular septum depolarises from left to right
and T wave. It is measured from the beginning of the {towards lead V 1 and away from lead VJ This produces
QRS complex to the end of the T wave. a small q wave (septa/ q wave) in V6 and a small r wave (septa/
t0ect'>f'') ~ C&-d) r u.•ave) in lead V 1• During ventricular depolarisation,
0.40-0.43 sec-
Normal ~uration : The normal range is---... as left ventricular mass is more than right ventricular
0 .c.-.:::;,,,r
onds. mass, the net direction of depolarisation is towards
the left chest leads (Fig. 26.6). This produces tall 'R'
Significance: T his represents ventricular depolarisa- wave in leads V5 and V6, and a deep S wave in leads V 1
tion and ventricular repolarisation. It corresponds to and V 2. Chest leads between these two positions show
the duration of electrical systole. a transitional pattern. In extremit y ieads, the QRS
complex varies depending on whether the heart is more
ST interval - . (~T :- 6lR(1 ) . horizontal or vertical. When the heart is more vertical,
Definition: This 1s the mterval ¥etween the J pomt leads II, ill and aVF show a qR pattern and when the
and the end of the T wave. It is calculated by deduct- heart is more horizontal, leads I and aVL show a qR
ing QRS interval from the QT interval. pattern. The T wave normally follows the direction of
the QRS complex deflection. In chest leads, the T wave
ormal duration : The average duration is 0.32 sec-
is positive in left-sided leads (and also in VJ. In V 1, the
T wave may be positive or negative.
Significa nce: This represents ventricular repol~isa-

■ ■ II

Definition: This is the interval measured between n m
either the peaks or the be~innings of two. successive
P waves.

Significance: The PP interval is measured for calculat-

ing the w;ial c:ije.
RR interv I
Definitio : This is the interval between two successive
• aVR aVL • aVF

R waves. t is measured between the p~ -

cessive R aves.

Significa ce: The RR interval is measured for calculat-

ing the he rt rate {the ventricular rate).

Normal 12-Lead ECG

The deflection of waves in a particular lead is governed

by a basic law; that is, a positive {upward) deflection Fig. 26.5. Normal 12-lead ECG
is seen in any lead if electrical depolarisation spreads
168 Chapt er 26

but, somet imes the ventri cular rate may be different

from the artial rate.
When the RR interval is irregular, as in atrial
fibrillation, the numb er of QRS complexes are count ed
over 5 seconds in the rhyth m strip and this numb er
is multip lied by 12 to provid e the numb er of QRS
complexes in 60 seconds (1 minut e). This enables the
measu remen t of the average ventri cular rate.
The norma l heart rate is 60-100 per minut e.

Norm ally the rhyth m is regular. It is seen by calculating
Fig. 26.6. D1agrd·11 of or,enLlt1on of prccord1al ECG leads
Leads successive cycle lengths (RR intervals). Howe ver, there
V d'1d V ovc>· 1e tt1c • qht ,cn:r,cl c L0Jds V awl V
t1ona1 leacl,-, betwee n ttie r1qt1t ,ind lelt ventrn:l es c111d
are :·ans1- may be minor variat ions of rhyth m. A variat ion up to
leads V and
V ci 1erl,e :r·e le!! v0ntr1clP 10 per cent in the adjacent cycle length is considered
norma l.
Systematic Interpretation of ECG
Routi ne screening of the ECG requir es step by step Mean ORS Axis (Cardiac Vector)
exami nation of the ECG. Cardi ac vecto r can be calculated rough ly and
1. What is the heart rate? What is the atrial rate and accurately.
what is the ventri cular rate?
2. Is the rhyth m regular or irregular? Rou9h estimation
3. What is the mean cardiac vector? Normal: For rough estima tion of cardiac vector , QRS
4. Are the P waves normal? Do the P waves have a complexes are seen in lead I and aVF. When the QRS
fixed relation to the QRS complexes? complexes are predo minan tly uprigh t (that is, there is
5. What is PR interval? What is the voltage durati on a domin ant R in both leads), the axis is norma l.
and configuration of the QRS complex?
6. Is the ST segment isoelectric? Right axis deviation: If the QRS compl ex in lead I is
7. Are the T waves normal? predo rrunan dy negative (that is, domin ant S in lead
8. What is the QT interval? Is the QTc appro priate for I) while it is predo minantly positive in aVF {that is, (
the heart rate? (QTc is the QT interval corrected domin ant R in aVF), there is right axis deviation.
for the rate.)
Left axis deviat ion: If the QRS compl ex is predo mi-
riantly positive in lead I but negative in aVF, left axis
deviat ion is present. When the QRS complexes in
The heart rate shoul d be calculated first. The comm ent both lead I and aVF are predo minan tly negative, the
shoul d be made on both aerial and ventri cular rates. is interm ediate .
Usual ly, the heart rate means the ventri cular rate.
~ a paper speed of 25 mm/s· Accurate estimation
The vecto r at any given mome nt in the two dimen sions
Atrial rate/m in= _ _ _1500
_ _ __ of the fronta l plane can be calculated from any two
PP interval in mm standa rd limb leads. The heigh t of QRS comp lexes in
mm in lead I, II, and ill are measu red and an Einth oven 's
Ventr icular race/min = _ _ _1500 triang~e is drawn (Fig. 26.7A). In each lead, distances
_ _ __
RR interval in mm equal to the heigh t of the R wave minus the heigh t of
the largest negati ve deflec tion in the QRS comp lex
Norm ally the RR interv al is equal to the PP interv al
are measu red. These distances are drawn from the
Electroca rd iog ra phy 169

midpoint to the side of the triangle representing that +10~

+5 A +5
lead. Perpendicular lines are drawn from the midpoint A 0 ,....,,JLtL- 2
.. of the arms of the triangle to the centre and from -5
the end of the QRS complexes drawn on the triangle.
a ,I-
. An arrow is drawn from the centre of the triangle
to the point of intersection of the perpendiculars
extended from the distances measured on the sides.

• This arrow represents the magnitude and direction of
the mean QRS vector. The normal direction of the
mean QRS vector is generally said to be -30 to + 110 +15
degrees (Fig. 26.7B). If the axis falls to the left of - 30°,
left axis deviation is present and if the axis falls to the
right of + 110°, right axis deviation is present.
r -5 +12
I Waves and Intervals =+10

Duration and amplitude Normal P wave duration
does not exceed 0.10 s and P waves are not more than
r- 2.5 mm tall.

Configuration Usually P waves are upright in lead B
I to aVF and V 3-V6; inverted in aVR; and upright,
- 120°
inverted or biphasic in lead ill, aVL, and V 1 and V6 •
P wave morphology is best studied in lead II and V 1•

PR interval
Normal PR interval is 0.12- 0.20 seconds, that is,
3-5 small squares. Normally, there should not be any
variation in PR intervals. Nonnal

ORS com ·1ex

Amplitude In limb leads, that is, in lead I, II, ill, +1200

aVR, aVL and aVF, the total amplitude of QRS

should be 5 mm or more. In chest leads, the amplitude F,g 26 7 Mean ORS ax,s deterrrnn t1on (A) and normal value (Bl

of QRS complex should be 10 mm or more.

be deep Q waves in lead ill alone in normal individuals
Duration The normal duration of the QRS complex and may become less prominent on deep inspiration.
does not exceed 0.11 seconds. Occasionally, a deep Q wav,e is found in V 1 and V2 •
• Depth of Q wave is less than 25 per cent of the height
• Configuration Normally, the R wave is dominant in of the ensuing R wave in most leads and may be up to
leads I, II, V 4- V 6 and the S wave is dominant in aVR, SO per cent in aVL. Any Q wave with greater amplitude
V 1 and V2• Either R or S wave may be dominant in is considered pathological.
lead ill, aVL, aVF and V3 depending on the position
of the heart. ST segment
T he normal ST segment is isoelectric. ST depression
awave less than 0.5 mm is not abnormal. ST elevation up to
Normally, Q waves are small in lead I, aVL, V5 and V6 • 1 mm in limb leads and v5and v6and 2 mm in VI-V4
A QS complex is commonly found in aVR. T here may may be normal.
170 Chapter 26

Twave • Viral infections

T waves are upright in lead I, II, V4-V6; inverted in • Rheumatic heart disease
aVR; and upright, inverted or biphasic in lead ill, aVL, • Digitalis toxicity A
aVF and V 1-V3 • • Cardiomyopathies
4. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
QT interval 5. Atrial fibrillation
. ,. ..
The upper limit of a normal QT interval is 0.42 s in • Rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis
males and 0.43 s in females. QT intervals should be • Coronary artery disease
me~ured in the lead where the end of the T wave is • Cardiomyopathies
best discernible. QT interval varies with the heart rate. • Thyrotoxicosis
Therefore, corrected QT interval (QTc) is measured 6. Atrial flutter
by using Bazett'sfaromla. • Rheumatic heart disease ( ?, HD)
QTc = QI • Coronary artery disease (<! At>)


(QT is the QT interval and RR is the RR interval in

Ventricular premature beats
Ventricular tachycardia

Abnormal Axis Deviation

ABNORMAL ECG Ri ht axis deviation

Abnormalities of Heart Rate

1. Right ventricular hypertrophy ( RY H)
2. Left posterior hemiblock
3. WPW syndrome
The physiological basis for alteration in heart rate has
4. Dextrocardia
been described in Chapter 27.

Brad cardia Left axis deviation

1. Left ventricular hypertrophy l \. ~ ~)
1. Sinus bradycardia
2. Left anterior hemiblock
• Athletes
3. WPW syndrome
• Sick sinus syndrome
4. Inferior myocardial infarction
• Drugs (for example, beta blockers)
5. Obstructive airway disease
• Obstructive jaundice
• Raised imracranial pressure
• Myxedema P Wave Abnormalities
2. Junctional (nodal) rhythm
P wave may be abnormal due to atrial enlargement
3. Complete heart block
and intra-atrial conduction abnormalities. Atrial
Tachycardia enlargement results in tall and peaked P waves.
1. Sinus tachycardia
Abnormal PR Interval
· • Anxiety
• Fever Short PR interval
• Hypoxemia 1. WPW syndrome
• Thyrotoxicosis 2. Nodal rhythm
• Cardiac failure 3. Atrial prema·ture beats
• Acute carditis
2. Ectopic (re-entrant) tachycardia Lon PR interval (!irst degree AV block
3. Atrial premature beats 1. Rheumatic carditis
• Anxiety 2. Digitalis effect
.- • Excess tea or coffee intake 3. Coronary artery disease
Electroca rdiog ra phy 171

Abnormalities of QRS Complex Abnormalities of T Wave

Am litude Tall T wave
• 1. Low amplitude 1. H yperkalemia
• Marked emphysema 2. Acute myocardial infarction
-,· • Myxedema
Inverted T wave
• Pericardial effusion
• <:;:ardiomyopathy I. Physiological
• Young children
2. High amplitude • Deep inspiration (occasionally)
• Ventricular hypertrophy • After a heavy meal (occasionally)

Patholo ical Qwaves II. Pathological

Depth of Q wave more than 25 per cent of the height • Ventricular hypertrophy (due to strain)
of the ensuing R wave, or more than 0.04 sin duration, • Bundle branch block ( BB b\oo:.)
is considered pathological. Common causes are: • Digitalis effect
• Acute or old myocardial inf~ tion Po.~o \ C..· • Myocardial ischemia
• U nstable angina tS} ~cure,,-, YJ+ "\ P.
• Dilated cardiomyopathy
►- • H U?ertrophic cardiomyapat y ~ W>CkVe. ➔ >o~~ _,.,. ~ Abnormal QT Interval
ed QT interval
Abnormalities of ST Segment 1. Hereditary
2. Antiarrhythmic drugs, like quinidine
- elevation
--- 3. Hypokalemia .
1. Acute myocardial infarction
4. Acute myocardial infarction
r 2. Acute pericarditis
I- Shortened QT interval
ST de ression This is of l~s cli!iica!.~nce and may be seen in
Commonly seen in myocardial ischemia. hypercalcemia.

1. D efine ECG.
2. What are t he uses of ECG?
3. What are the types of ECG machines used to record ECG in the laboratories?
4. H ow does the stylus write on the ECG paper?
5. What is the need for standardisation before and after the recording of ECG?
6. What are the types of ECG leads?
7. What is Einthoven's triangle?
8. Where should the different chest leads be placed?
9. What is the use of esophageal leads?
r 10. What are the precautions taken during recording of ECG?
11. Why is the right leg connected during ECG recording?
12. H ow is the main line frequency interference kept free from the ECG recording?
Ans: Main line frequency disturbance is kept free by keeping electrode resistance below 10,000 ohms, using a single
grounding electrode from the subject, and keeping all AC cords away from the subject.
13. What does a QRS complex represent?
14. What do the P, QRS, T and U waves represent?
172 Chapter 26

15. What is ST segment and what is its significance?

16. What is the 'J' point? What is its significance?
17. How do you calculate the PR interval? What is its normal duration? What is its significance?
18. How do you calculate the QRS interval? What is its normal duration? What is its significance?
19. How do you calculate the QT interval? What is its normal duration? What is its significance?
20. How do you calculate the ST interval? What is its normal duration?
21. How do you calculate the PP interval? What is its significance?
22. How do you calculate the RR i~terval? What is its significance?
23. How do you calculate the heart rate?
.. ,
24. How do you calculate ventricular rate when the RR interval is irregular?
25. How do you determine the QRS axis (cardiac vector)?
26. What do you mean by right and left axis deviation? Give examples.
27. What are the causes of tachycardia?
28. What are the causes of bradycardia?
29. What are the causes of short and long RR interval?
30. What are the causes of high and low amplitudes of QRS complex?
31. When does a Q wave become patholo6ical? What are the conditions of pathological Q wave?
32. What are the conditions of ST depression and ST elevation?
33. What are the causes of tall T wave?
34. What are the causes of inverted T wave?
35. What are the causes of prolonged QT interval?


27 Clinical Examination of
.. the Radial Pulse
~- LEARNING OBJECTIVES along the walls of the arteries that are produced during
each systole of the heai:t.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. Describe the importance of examination of radial Importance
pulse in clinical physiology.
2. Define arterial pulse. Examination of the arterial pulse provides physiological
3. List the parameters to be considered for the information regarding:
clinical examination of radial pulse. 1. The working of the heart
4. Examine the radial pulse properly (with proper 2. The circulatory state and hemodynamics (blood
sequence and procedure). volume, blood pressure and so on)
5. List the common causes of tachycardia, 3. The ccwdition of the blood vessels
bradycardia, irregular pulse, high and low
volume pulse, water hammer pulse, pulsus
4. The st.ate of autonomic activity in the body at that
paradoxus and pulsus alternans. 5. The mental state of the subject
You MAY also be able to: 6. The state of body metabolism and temperature
' 1. Define and describe different abnormal pulses.

2. Explain the causes of variation of different
parameters of the arterial pulse.
The Radial Pulse

3. State the physiological basis of changes in The pulse recorded from the radial artery shows the
different parameters of arterial following waves (Fig. 27.1). The pulse wave has an
pulse in different conditions. upstroke and a downstroke. The ' ' wave ercussion wave
4. Explain the mechanism of genesis of tachycardia, or tidql 111a~ occurs due to ejection o ood rom the
bradycardia, irregular pulse, high and low ventricle during systole. The 'd' wave (dicroticwave) occurs
volume pulse, water hammer pulse, pulsus due to rehound of blood against the closed aortic valve
paradoxus and pulsus alternans in different during diaLStole. The 'n' (dicrotic notch) represents the
conditions. closure of the aortic valve. Sometimes, in the upstroke
of the pulse wave, a small 'a' or anacrotic w:pq; is seen
which occurs due to change in the velocity of ejection
of blood from the ventricle towards late systole. ·
I (p)
Examination of the radial pulse is an imponant
and essential pan of the clinical examination of a
J - dlt.~\:, e, ~
patient. It is not only important for examination of
the cardiovascular system but also for any systemic n - cilc..~o\1c. no~
.. examination of the patient, because arterial · pulse is
QDe of the yjtal signs that must be checked along with
- Ano.c...wnc. \\n
the general examination.

Definition 1'< Systole I Diastole

Arterial pulse is defined as the rhythmiG _x_p_a noes;;;,
;;::;·)of .1 The 1;,d1al pulse t 1,cJ,11 l[lf:rCLJt,;,1011 ;.;I WclV>'
the arterial wall due to transmission of pressure wav(,S r7 d1crot ( 'Oh'"\ d ci1cro· 1( \"/,IVP
174 Chapte r 27


Principle Rhythm is the spacing order at which successive pulse
waves are felt. When spacing between all the waves
With ea v ntricular contractio n the blood is not is constant, the pulse is said to be regular. When
only pum ed into the aona~ so generates pressure ,,,,--'7'""..,_constant, the pulse is said to be irregular.
waves that are transmit t&Ion~ tf'ie walls of the vessels. arP.u mayhavea fixedpacternofirregu larity
These pressure waves ex~and the arterial wall and the ~ ~ = =£=:!i l~~als) or the irregularity may
expansion is palpated as a ~ \~::w"h_arl y irregular).
-> \•~ J l\ th~<~ 1-v. 1'-czn ~~Prf C:n? ~ -
Procedure Volume r....,.,,,~ .1 J

It is the degree of expansion of the arterial walls

The arterial pulses are detected by gently compressing
the vessel against the bone. The radial pulse is examined w
during each pulse wave. Us~...r.. _12.9}'Siological
condition s, the volume is no~al' i n ~ ~ on both
by compress ing the radial artery against the head of the
the sides. Normal volume cannot be described but
radius. For better elicitation of the ~~
only be appreciated by palpating the artery of a normal
of the subject should be semipron ated and the ~
individual. The pulse volume gives an indication of the
slijWtly flexed.
stroke volume of the left ventricle.
The fofiowing aspects (parameters) of the pulse are f>u.\':.~-v"O\ · == ~~ yo\J...Lt-N.._
1. Rate
Study the character of the arterial pulse waves.
2. Rhythm
The character of a normal pulse is described as 'normal'
3. Volume (amplitude)
when no abnormal ities are detected. The abnormal ities
4. Character
may be seen in rate, rhythm or amplitude of the
5. Condition of the arterial wall
pulse. Dependin g on these changes, various types of
6. Radiofem oral delay (presence or absence of delay of
abnormal pulses are described. It should be noted
the femoral pulses compared with the radials)
that the character of the pulse is besr appreciated by
7. Other periphera l pulses
palpating the carotid artery in the geek. -Jr
Condition of the arterial wall
Count the rate of the pulse, not immediat ely after
Place three middle fingers on the artery to assess the
placing the finger on the artery, but w hen the
condition of the arterial wall. Obliterat e the flow of
nervousness of the patient subsides. Count the pulse
blood into the artery by pressing the index finger and
complete ly for o ne minute. Ill Pulse rate should be
empty the vessel by the ring finger. Then palpate the
counted only when the pulse resumes its normal rate.
artery with the middle.finger. Roll the artery against
Therefore , it is advised to feel the radial pulse gently
the bone to assess the thickness of t he arterial wall.
while eliciting the history of the patient. The pulse
Normally the arterial wall is not palpable or just
should be counted for a minimum of one minute.
palpable. But, in old age, it is well palpable (thickened)
The counting of pulse for 5 or 10 seconds and
and may be tortuous.
multiplyi ng it by 12 or 6 to get the rate per minute
is not correct, at least for beginners . The ideal time is Dela_y -. Rc..a.., o't,e.~r al ~ .
3 minutes and the average of the three may be taken. Compare the appearance of the femoral pulse with
In condit ions of irregularities of the heart, the the appearance of the radial pulse and mark if any
counting of radial pulse may not reflect the true delay is present between them. Normally there is no
ventricula r contractions. In these condition s, the
radiofemo ral delay . Also compare with the radial pulse
heart beat should be c o u ~ auscultating the apex. of the opposite side.
The difference e ~ s e rate and the heart
rate is called 11/se deficit. should also be noted that the
pulse rate can ne e-more than the heart rate. posterior tibial and
t\--) ~ ~ p R. . A \v0rur
Clinical Examination of the Radial Pulse 175

dorsalis pedis artery of both the sides and see if the Conditions that Allter Heart Rate
pulses are well felt and appear simultaneously on both
I. Physiological
Precautions • Exercise
• After eating
1. The subject should relax and rest for a minimum of • Anger
fure roioutes. • Emotion and excitement
:: 2. The subject's forearm should be semipronated and • infants and children
the wrist should be semiflexed. • Pregnancy
3. Pulse rate should be counted for a minimum of one • High environmental t,~mperature
m.imise. If irregularity is detected, the pulse should In exercise, the heart rate increases due to
be <;Qunted_ for a ajnimum of three minutes and sympathetic stimulation and. due to increased body
► the average of the three should be taken as the pulse ~ temperature. Increased sympa.thetic discharge to the SA
rate. node causes tachycardia. Tachycardia occurs following
4. If the pulse is irregularly irregular, h~ eating due to increased body metabolism that increases
_be deteu pulse.deficit, if p~ - body temperature. The heart rate increases in anger,
5. Pulses of both the sides should be examined and emotion and excitement due to increased sympathetic
,,.~ compared. activity. The exact cause of rach cardia in re anc
6. Femoral artery must be examined simultaneously is not known, but it may be clue t d~ of
with radial artery to detect radiofemoral delay, if p~~one ~ node®
7. The radial pulse should be examined with the II. Pa~ cal
• eve Increased body temperature causes
middle three fingers to check the condition of the
arterial wall. The index finger should be used to tac ycardia by directly stimulating the SA
obliterate the fl.ow of blood, the ring finger should node.
be used to empty the vessel and the middle finger • ~ Tachycardia. occurs in anemia as a
should be used to palpate and roll the artery against compensatory mechanism to improve blood
(o en u ly to the tissues.
the bone. ~
• otoxicosis: Thyroxine increases the
I 8. If the artery is thickened and tortuous, 'iJi"e brachia!
number of beta receptors in the heart and also
~- artery should be examined for locomotor brachii.
9. The condition of the other peripheral pulses should increases the sensitivity of the beta receptors to
I catecholamines.
be assessed.
10. If alternating pulses appear to be strOh_l and ~ . • Beriberi
· sphygmomanometry should be d~ to confirm • Paget's disease
the presence o(pulsus alternan]) ~ • Arteriovenous fistula
~- • Heart failure
• Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
DISCUSSION • Ventricular or supraventricular tachycardia
Pulse Rate • Other tachyarrhythmias
• Shock as seen in hemorrhage
The normal pulse rate is 60-100 per minute.
The het!b ~~if W ily under the control of t he Brad cardia
autonorruc nervo } stem. The heart rate increases I. Physiological
with increased~ ya etic activity and decreases with • Athletes: Heart rate is: lower in athletes because
increased parasy pat ic activity. A heart rate of
more than 10 calle tachycardia,
1WAV •
and less than 60 is • Fear
'";::: -
of their increased vagal tone

L called braefl·catia. Normally, the heart rate is higher in • Grief

children an ow in elderly persons. The heart rate is • Very old age
• "Meditation and pranayama
higher in inspiratiol~ ~w~ ~ ~ ~~)
176 Chapter 27

II. Pat~ Pulse deficit

• ~ : Inhypothyr oidismthen umberand This is the difference between the pulse rate and
sensitivi of rece tors to catecholamines the heart rate. Normally, there is no pulse deficit.
decreases. .l. However, in conditions of irregular rhythm some
Increased intracranial pressure, as rn brain of the heart beats may he weak The heart may beat •
t..!:1ID9PCS Increased intracranial pressure o.J!lilie_con,l@S;tion Jl!il .11Q! -S,J1£ £ i c ~o
decreases heart rate by activating Cushing's generate.. w:essu.r.e..3s'.aves in the walls of the arteries.
reflex. Therefore, the pulse rate may be less than that of the
ebsrmccive ja~ce: In obstructive jaundice, rate of heart contraction. Pulse deficit is usually seen
the concentration of bile salt increases in the in atrial fibrillat~ ~h the deficit is more than
blood. The toxic effect of bile salt inhibits the ten. Pulse defic1·t seen in ~ er types of heart blocks is
usually less tar1 ten. ( HR _ p~ "> t o ~
• i

·s. Propranolol Ano~ t lb\o~ Volume
is a nonspecific ~-receptor blocker. Therefore, it
produces bradycardia by inhibiting l3-receptors The volume of the pulse is a rough guide to the pulse
of the SA node. Digitalis produces bradycardia pressure. Pulse pressure is the ~ e between the
by stimulating vagal nuclei (increases vagal systolic and dicl!Stolic pressure. ,~ ststolic pressure
activity} in the medulla. mainly depends the sti;2ke vofume and the

diastolic pressulre on compliance of the arteries.
Therefore, the volume of the pulse gives an indication 1
of the stroke volume and the compliance of the vessels.
The normal rhythm is regular. Irregular rhythms may In normal conditions, where the compliance of the
be regularly irregular or irregularly irregular. Irregular vessels is normal, the volume of the pulse mainly
rhythm may be due to sinus irregularity or premature reflects the stroke volume.
contraction. When the volume of the

Sinus irre ularity

This is callect:~ffel-111::s.;:..a-"2 i~ In this type of irregularity
the p~ ~ E Utlr,.,£hanges ~ e s pirati9n.
Conditi1ons that Alter the Volume
Normally, the pulse rate is gr~ater in inspiration than
in expiration. In sinus arrhythmia the variation of heart of the Pulse
rate in expiration and inspiration is more marked. Low volume ulse
The low volume pul~e is also known p11!.ms pamu
Premature contraction (Fig. 27.2D). It occurs whe'n t@troke vo ume 9 t e
This is calle~ It occurs due to generation of heart decreases or when the pulse pressure decreases.
impulse from an ectopic focus present in the ventricle. Pulsus parvus is seen in:
Therefore, this is also called edopic beat. • Aortic stenosis
-o • Obstructive cardiomyopathy - n ~
Irregularly irre ular ulse • Pericardia! effusion ~~\.3..6-
This is commonly seen in atrial fibrillation. In this • Constrictive pericarditis
condition irregularity occurs not only · ~ interval ~ Pulmonary stenosis
between the beats, but also in the volu of the15e~ ~ ')' Tight mitral stenosis
L~~~ • Shock due to any cause
lrre ulari associated with heart blocks
1. Partial heart block with dropped beat filgh volume_ID!J~e
2. Atrial Butter with irregular block The high volume·pulse is call ulsu ma i (Fig. 27 .2E).
In these conditions, irregularity occurs due to block It is seen in conditions in which troke volume is
in conduction that occurs irregularly. greater and tliere is widening of the pulse pressure.
Clinical Examination of the Radial Pulse 177

Pulsus magnus is seen in: abnormal pulses are described in clinical medicine.
• Aortic incompetence Common among these are anacrotic pulse, dicrotic
• Thyrotoxicosis pulse, water hammer pulse, pulsus bisferiens, pulsus
• Pat:nt ~uctus arteriosus @ ~ ~- earadoxus and pulsus alternans. t,BA PJ~F\_r-o.uorl
, • Benben ~ c.JY - D I C::lro\i
I • • Anemia '\ Anacrotic ulse \.<olt.YNI.
• Fever This is also called anadicrotic pulse, which means two ~
• Old age (due to increased pulse pressure) 1!E_beats. A secondary wave occurs in the upn roke of
• Exercise the pulse. It is commonly found in aortic stenosis.
The upstroke is slow and sloping (Fig. 27.2A). The
anacrotic wave is exaggerated and has 2 upbeats.
Characte r
Therefore, this pulse is called anacrouc pulse.
The character of a pulse is described as normal when
no abnormalities are detected. Different types of Oicrotic ulse
A better name for this is 'twice-beating pulse'.
p The dicrotic wave is pro~ent in this pulse and gives
d • the impression of tw.,p beats. Therefore, this is called
\Ji>~1rb"04_) (- ~~)~'( dicrotic pulse (Fig. 27.2B). It is commonly seen in
~\OW+ febrile states, especially in .;K!'hoid fever.

.. p


p Causes
1. Common causes
• Aortic incompetence
t • Patent ductus arteriosus

2. Less common causes

F G • Arteriovenous fistula
• yent~ l;!_ar seetal defect (VSD)
• Hyperkinet ic circulatory states for example
thyrotoxicosis, severe anemia and beriberi.
1111 The collapsing pulse is better appreciated when
the patient's arm is elevated and the wrist is grasped
" with the palm (of the examiner's hand) against the
Inspiration H Expiration palmar surface of the wrist.
Fig 27 2 A• ri '"1',\I ,JcJl",P- A A",'' , !1• r11w, ,nnte 1'1df tl1P
Physiological basis: The collapsing pulse occurs due
• ' ~ ; 'f" , '' [3 [11 I •, ;:- , , ,,•,, t ► ,~• •,~p

J I.' 1: .........i , · .... , V 1~ ',,1St 1 ._ to rapid upstroke and rapid downstroke of the pulse
~t- ' • ~, ; , C: f ~ . . ; ' ' ,- wave. The rapid upstroke is due to a forceful,·hig h am-
1 I'
plitude and steep rising percussion wave which gives a
t • t J t' , 11 ' ' , !' f J '- ; I 1 .l lJ
178 Chapter 27

sharp tap to the palpating hand and rapid downstroke • A mass in the thorax
is due to a rapid fall of the descending limb of the pulse • Advanced right ventricular failure
wave that results in sudden disappearance of the pulse
Mechanisms (physiological basis}
from the palpating hand.
1. During inspiration, the intrathoracic pressure
The steep rise of the ascending limb of the pulse
be omes more negative. Blood pools in the
wave is due to increased end diastolic ~ e (EDV)
pul onary vascular bed. This decreases venous
of the left ventricle that causes force~ jection of
blood during systole. This is because during diastole, retur to the left atrium. So, left atrial filling
in addition to the ventricular filling from the left decre s, which results in decreased left ventricular
atrium, the filling also occurs from the aorta through stroke v ume. Therefore, the volume of the pulse
the incompetent aortic valve. The aortic valve does not decreases · inspiration. This is more accentuated in
close completely, so blood from the aorta enters into the above c ditions.
the left ventricle during diastole. This increases the 2. During insp · tion the intrapericardial pressure
total EDV of the left ventricle. So, during systole the increases due t the traction from the attachments
referred to the p icardium. This decreases venous
force of contraction of the left ventricle increases due
to the Frank Starling mechanism. Therefore, there is a return to the he and results in low stroke
volume. This is acce tuated in pericardia! effusion
st"eep ri~e in the percussion wave during systole.
The steep fall of the descending limb of the pulse and constrictive pericarditis.
3. In constrictive pericarditis and pericardia! effusion,
wave is due to the collapse (sudden disappearance) of
the filling of the atria and ntricles decreases due to
the pulse wave from the palpating hand. This occurs
restrictio n to the expansion of the heart chambers.
due t) two factors:
The limitation in the diastoli · g of the atria and
(1) the diastolic run-off of blood into the left ventricle
the ventricles during inspiratio results in lowering
(2) rapid run-off of blood into the periphery because of of left ventricular stroke volume.
4. In advanced stages of right ve tricular failure,
decreased systemic vascular resistance.
increase in lungvolume in inspiration ccommodates
more blood than normal due to m h decreased
Pulsus bisferiens ·
pulmonary vascular resistance. Ther is as such
Pulsus bisferiens is a combination of the low rising pulse
decreased right ventricular output. herefore,
(anacrotic pulse) and the collapsing pulse (Fig. 27.2F).
This is typically seen in aortic stenosis associated with these two factors result in decreased left ve tricular
stroke volume (due to decreased venous re to
aortic incompetence.
left atrium).
5. In acute and severe bronchial asthma, the incr
Pulsus aradoxus
respiratory effort makes intrathoracic pressure
This is a m i s n o m ~ t h i n g paradoxical
more negative during inspiration. So, there is more
in this type of p~e. Actually this is an a ~
pooling of blood in the pulmonary veins that results
o ~ e n o n . Normal ly, the volume
of the pulse decreases in ins iration, and increases in in decreased left ventricular stroke volume.
expiration. In u sus parado
volum ·
uring inspiration the
l decreased, or may be Pulsus alternans l' *
The pulse is regular, but alternate beats are strong_
lbsent in severe cases (Fig. 27.2H). ~ ~~
and weak (Fig. 27.2G). It is difficult to appreciate
Commo n causes
~- pulsus alternans by palpating the artery. Diagnosis _is
confumed while measuring blood pressure. There will
• Constrictive pericarditis
be a ~enc ~20 mm H_g in the s_ystolic__pres~~e
• Pericardia! effusion
~ between two alternate beats. When the mercury ts
• Less common causes being lowered, the stronger beats are heard fim, and
• Emphysema on further lowering, the weaker beats also become
• Asthma (m the acute phase of severe asthma) audible, thus suddenly doubling the number of
• Massive pleural effusion audible beats.
Clinical Examination of the Radial Pulse 179

Causes delay is typically seen in ~ a

1. Left ventricular failure: This is the commonest (especially when the constriction is present distal to
cause of pulsus altemans. the origin of left subclavian artery).
2. Toxic carditis
Other Peripheral Pulses
Physiological basis: In left ventric;ular failure, because
of the decreased myocaiialcontracrility the left ven- In the absence of any pathology, all the peripheral
tricular stroke volume ecreaS$!S-~ n ~ pulses are well felt and appear simultaneously on both
r pulse volume. So, the amount of blood left in the ven-
tricle at the end of systole (end systolic volume of the
left ventricle) increases. Therefore, prior t~e next
sides. Peripheral pulses may not be felt properly in
peripheral vascular diseases.
ventricular contraction, the ventricular v~(EDV) OSPE
is also increased. This increases the force of contrac-
tion of the left ventricle in the next beat due to the Examine the radial pulse of the given subject and
Frank-Starling mechanism. Hence, the second beat report yoi,r findings.
becomes stronger. Likewise, the strong beats alternate Steps:
with the weak beats. • Stand on the right side of the subject and hold the
right hand of the subject in a semipronated and
Condition of the Arterial Wall slightly flexed position and support the limb.
r • Place three middle fingers on the radial artery
Normally, i ~ individuals, the arterial wall is
just above the wrist.
soft and elastic or may not be palpable. In the elderly,
• Count the pulse for 1 minute and check for
it is palpable, hard and may be tortuous. This is due
.. to thickening of the arterial wall by atherosclerosis.
volume and character of the pulse.
• Check the condition of the arterial wall by
In such a condition, the bra~hial and temporal arteries
obliterating the blood flow with one index
may be quite prominent ~ s . The brachia!
finger, by emptying the vessel peripherally by
artery may exhibit a ty_pical cin movement with
ring finger and palpating and rolling the artery
each beat, called locomotor brachii.
on the bone by the middle finger.
• Compare with the puls~ of the opposite side.
Radiofemoral Delay • Examine the femoral artery to check for
radiofemoral delay.
Normally. there is no delay between the appearance
• Report your findings.
of pulse in the radial and femoral artery. Radiofemoral

VIVA - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - '
1. Define arterial pulse.
2. What is the importance of examination of the radial pulse in clinical medicine?
3. What are the precautions taken during examination of the radial pulse?
4. What are the different aspects of the pulse that are examined during clinical examination of the radial pulse?
S. Why are the three middle fingers used for examining the radial pulse?
6. What is pulse deficit and what is its most common cause?
7. What is the normal pulse rate and what is the main factor that regulates it?
.. 8. What are the physiological conditions that cause tachycardia?
9. What is the cause of tachycardia in exercise?
10. Why does tachycardia occur after eating?
11. What are the causes of tachycardia in pregnancy?
12. Name the pathological conditions in which tachycardia occurs.
13. What is the cause of tachycardia in thyrotoxicosis?
180 Chapter 27

14. What is the cause of tachycardia in anemia?

15. What is the cause of bradycardia in trained atheleies?
16. Why is the heart rate reduced during sleep?
Ans. Sy mpathetic activity decreases 'a nd parasympathetic activity increases during sleep. Therefore, the heart rate is
lower in sleep than in the awake state.
17. What is the cause of bradycardia in increased intr ranial pressure?
Ans. When intracranial pressure increases as see in a brain tumour, the blood flow to th1e vasomotor centre
(VMC) in the medulla decreases because of th compression of intracranial blood vessels. This causes local
hypoxia and hypercapnia, and stimulates VMC th t results in intense vasoconstriction. This is called C,11hing's rrflex.
V asoconstriction increases blood pressure, which s imulates baroreceptors, and the activation of baroreceptor re.flex
results in bradycardia. Therefore, bradycardia rat er than tachycardia is one of the important: clinical features of
raised intracranial pressure.
18. What is the. relationship between pulse rate and bl od pressure?
Ans. Pulse rate is inversely proportio nal to the bl od pressure but not vice versa. This is callc~d Mad's law. When
blood pressure increases the baroreceptors present · the arterial side of the circulation are stimu ated. This activates
the baroreceptor reflex, which results in bradycar a and hypotension. Conversely, when blood pressure decreases
there is tachycardia. T herefore, heart rate is invers y proportional to the blood pressure. But, !blood pressure may
not change with change in heart rate.
19. What is sinus arrhythmia?
20. What are the causes of high volume and low volu pulses?
21. What is the physiological significance of examining the volume of the pulse?
22. What do you mean by the collapsing pulse and wh t is its physiological basis?
23. What is pulsus paradoxus and what are the conditi ns that produce it?
24. What is the physiological basis of pulsus paradoxus · constrictive pericarditis and pericardial effusion?
Ans. In constrictive pericarditis and in pericardia effusion, the filling of the atria and ventricles decreases due r
to restriction to the expansion of the heart cham rs. The limitation in the diastolic filling of the atria and the
ventricles during inspiration results in lowering of l ft ventricular stroke volume.
25. What is pulsus alternans and what is the physiologi al basis of this pulse?
26. What is the significance of examining the femoral a ery simultaneously with the radial artery?
28 Arterial Pulse Tracing

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Student's physiograph The student's physiograph is

an ink recording device used for graphic recording of
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: various physiological parameters. F ecording the
L Define radial pulse. arterial pulse, a sensor is on the pulp of the
2. Differentiate central pulse from peripheral pulse. finger which is con.QJ~:a to the input of the coupler.
3. Describe the arterial pulse. The sensor 1ves the pulsations which are then
4. State the importance of study of arterial pulse tran~·d into wave foi-ms by the coupler. The
tracing in practical physiology. pulse is recorded on moving paper.

Using the sphygmograph
1. Feel the pulsation of the radial artery and k the
Arterial pulse is the pressure wave that travels along artery by drawing a line with a pen.
the arteries due to forceful ejection of blood during 2. Place the padded knob of the s mograph ou the
systole into the arterial system. Recording of arterial wrist on a point on the · where the pulsation is
a pulse by a sphygmograph gives the details of nature and maxunum.
pattern of the pulse wave that cannot be recorded by 3. Adjust the press e of the knob to get the maximum
. .
clinical examination. Arterial§~vided into excursion e wrmng point.
central and peripheral pulses. eg~ral puls~} the pulse 4. Recor, 10-15 beats and then switch off the
which is corded from the ao 1 er arteries. machine.
~tipheral puls is that which is ecorded from the 5. Fix the smoked paper with fixing solution.
pefii5h rteries. Central puls is usually recorded
Using the student's physiograph
by invasive echniques duri experiments or during
1. Place the sensor on the pulp of the finger.
abdominal r thoracic surgery. Peripheral pulse can
2. Connect the sensor to th · put of the coupler.
be reco o by noninvasive techniques by using the
3. Adjust the speed oft physiograph.
sphygmograph, sphygmochronograph, physiograph
4. Adjust the posi · n of the pen of the physiograph
or polygraph. so the rec g is at.the centre of the paper.
5. Recor~ 0-15 beats.

f!_inciple DISCUSSION
During each ventricular contraction, pressure waves
are transmitted along the walls of the vessels. These Pulse Waves
pressure waves are detected by transduc._ers p ced on
The form of the pulse recorded depends on the
the artery and are transmitted to the s mo ra h
artery from where the recording has been obtained.
that records it.
The recording of the arterial pulse from a central artery
Apparatus required like the aorta is different from that from a peripheral
Sphygmograph The Dudgeon's sphygmograph is artery. Tlhe central arterial pulse is characterised by
used for recording arterial pulse. The padded knob a fairly rapid rise to a somewhat rounded peak. The
is placed over the radial artery, which transmits the anacrotic shoulder present on die ascending limb
pulsation to a finely balanced surface-writing hinged occurs at the time of peak rate of aortic flow just
before the maximum pressure is reached. The less steep,
lever. The lever writes on a smoked piece of paper.
_,.,. ..._"I"""

182 Chapter 28

~,t\t. '"'{~ve
~ p replacement of incisura by a smoother dicrotic notch
R o ~ )\) lncisura Notch
(Fig. 28.1).
~'(_ The percussion 1vave or tidal wave occurs due to ejection
of blood during ventricular systole. This corresponds
to the maximu~ jection ,d2,,,,hase. The dicrotic 1vave
occurs due to rebound of blood from the closed aortic
valve. This marks the end of the ventricular systole.
~ ~ ~re.
Fig. 28.1. Arterial pulse recorded from a central artery (A) and a
peripheral artery 181 P percussion wave d d1crot1c wave,
n d1crot1c notch
Clinical Significance

Radial pulse tracing is not routinely done in clinical

descending limb is interrupted by a sharp downward practice. The physician can diagnose the diseases of
deflecti s nchronous with aortic valve closure, the cardiovascular system by clinical examination
calle incisura. of the arterial pulses. Radial pulse tracing is of more
Recor · from the peripheral artery shows a physiological and research interest than clinical
L •
steep upstroke, less apparent anacrotic shoulder and practice.

1. Define arterial pulse.
2. What do you mean by central and peripheral pulse?
3. What are the methods of arterial pulse tracing?
4. What are the differences between central and peripheral pulses?
f What is the significance of arterial pulse tracing?

29 Measurement of Blood Pressure


~ -
After completing this p ractical you WILL be able to:
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is defined as the
1. Define blood pressure; define systolic, diastolic,
maximum pressure produced during the cardiac cycle. ~<;
mean arterial and pulse pressure.
It is recorded during systole. Therefore, it is called
2. State the normal values of systolic, diastolic,
systolic blood pressure.
mean arterial and pulse pressure.
3. Tie the BP cuff properly around the arm of the
Significance SB? ex co
SBP depends mainly on the c~ ~ut. Thus,
4. Raise the mercury column ar.d decrease the
SBP increases in conditions in which cardiac output
mercury column of the sphygmomanometer at
required speed, during BP recording.
5. Detect the appearance and disappearance of the
Diastolic BP
sounds by placing a stethoscope on the brachia!
artery while measuring blood pressure. Definition
6. Record BP by palpatory and auscultatory Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is defined as the
methods, and list the precautions of recording BP. minimum pressure recorded during the cardiac\
7. List the physiological variations of blood It is recorded during diastole. Therefore, it is called
pressure. diastolic pressure. · }.'.'
l - 8. Define hypertension and hypotension.
9. Name the reflexes involved in regulation of BP. Sirumicance t>~f o< '?~.~t\·~f{)-~ce, ~ b,
10. State the importance of baroreceptor reflex. DBP depends mainly on peri!;,heral resistance. Th~
You MAY also be able to: DBP changes in conditions in1which there occurs a
1. List the merits and demerits of different methods change in peripheral resistance. Peripheral resistance
of measuring blood pressure. ·· depends mainly on the diameter of the blood vessels
2. Explain the mechanism of alteration in blood and viscosity of the blood.
pressure in different physiological conditions.
3. Explain the physiological basis of different types Pulse Pressure
of hypertension and hypotension.
4. Explain the mechanism of short-term and long- Definition
term regulation of blood pressure. Pulse pressure (PP) is the dtifference between the
5. Correlate the change in BP in some common systolic and diastolic blood pres~ p =- S 9? _ f.> B ~
clinical conditions.
Sj gnificance
This is the pressure that maintatins the ~
.g.atur e o__f!:h£ flow of blood in thc~vascularcompartment.
INTRODUCTION The p: isatile nature of the flow is required for the
eerfusion of the tissues.
Blood pressure (BP) is defined as the lateral pressure
exerted by the column of blood on the walls of the Mean Arterial !Pressure
arteries. Blood pressure usually means arterial pressure.
T he p ressure in the arteries fluctuates during systole Definition
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the average pressure
and diastole of the heart.
- - - - -~"""""'- 1_~(-:::~:-::::
~ --:- ~-- ~~-::::
B~f ~) - ,
~~ - ~?>'>~ 0 + i ! Bf
184 o Chapter 29
~-, ~D'BP +
produced during the cardiac cycle. It is calculated by 1. Preload
addin one-third of the PP to the diastolic pressure. Preload is the end diastolic volume (EDV), that is, the
· MAP = DBP + 1/3 PP amount of blood present in the ventricle at the end
Because t e duration of the systole is less than the of the diastole. When the EDV increases, the cardiac ;
duration of the diastole, the MAP· is slightly less output increases and when EDV decreases, the cardiac
than the value halfway between systolic ~d diastolic output decreases. This occurs due to 'the operation of
pressure. MAP also determines ti~11e pec:fosiogQ) · the Frank-St.arling mechanism. EDV depends on the
Significance ~ fhq• "B? s\ CAAdl~e.. venous return to the heart.
- ~'
The MAP is the pressure that helps in the forw~ Factors that increase preload
move~ent of blood in the lumen of blood vessels. • Increased total blood volume
MAP also determines tissue perfusion. • Increased venous tone
-A :time.. • Increased pumping action of skeletal muscle
~ sual e1ood Pressure • Increased negative intrathoracic pressure
Blood pressure measured at any time of the day is • Increased atrial contraction
called casual blood pressure. Factors that decrease preload
@ .12> AA al ~btle. • Decreased. blood volume
~ I Blood Pressure
• Venodilat:ion
Blood pressure recorded in the basal state is called • Increased .intrapericardial pressure
basal blood pressure. It is recorded following complete • Decreased ventricular compliance
physical and mental rest, after 12 hours of fasting.
2. Afterload
Normal Values Afterload is ]peripheral resistance. When peripheral
Normal values of different pressures in the adult male resistance increases as in hypertension, the cardiac
are as follows. output decreases and when peripheral resistance
SBP : 100-1. mm Hg (120 to 139 mm Hg is decreases as in anemia, the cardiac output increases.
prehypertension) 3. M ocardiall contractili
DBP : 60- gEamm Hg (80 to 89 mm The contractility of the myocardium exerts a major
influence on the cardiac output. The -strength of the
PP : 20-50 mm Hg
cardiac contraction is called inotropic state of the
MAP : 75- 105 mm Hg
heart. The factors that increase the strength of the
contraction are said co be positively inotropic and the
Factors Affecting BP factors that d,ecrease the strength of contraction are
said to be negatively inotropic.
Blood pressure - cardiac output ·1
] x peripheral resistanccl Factors that a:re positively inotropic
Thus, factors that affect cardiac output and penpheral • Sympathetic stimulation
resistance also affect blood pressure. Alteration in • Digitalis
cardiac output mainly affects systolic pressure and • Glucagon
alteration in peripheral resistance mainly affects
• Caffeine and theophylline
diastolic pressure. i)o\. /
~ 'f,.'-"ve·-" , fW:- 0<lJ.n. ""'> @f:E Factors that ai:e negatively inotropic
Factors A~ ecting Cardiac Output • Parasympa.chetic stimulation
Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate • Hypoxia, hypercapnea and acidosis
-Therefore, any factor that affects stroke volume or • Loss of myocardium
heart rate alters cardiac output. The stroke volume • Drugs like _propranolol, quinidine and barbiturate
is affected by preload, afterload and myocardial
contractility, and the heart rate is mainly affected by 4. Heart rate
parasympathetic and sympathetic activities. Increase in he:art rate increases cardiac output, and
Measurement of Blood Pressure 185

decrease in heart rate decreases cardiac output. blood pressure of experimental animals. In humans, the
However, a change in heart rate cannot significantly blood pressure is measured by the indirect method.
alter the cardiac output unless it is associated with a
change in ventricular filling. Indirect Method (Sphygmomanomefry)

Factors Affecting Peripheral Resistance The instrument used in this method is the
sphygmomanometer. Therefore, the method of •
1. Diameter of blood vessels measurement is called sphy'gmomanometry.
The decrease in vessel diameter (vasoconstriction)
increases peripheral resistance and increases blood Princi le
pressure. V asodilation, on the other hand, decreases The cuff of the sphygmomanometer is wrapped around
peripheral resistance and decreases blood pressure. the arm of the subject. The bag is then inflated until the
The diameter of the blood vessels depends mainly on air pressure in the cuff overc</mes the arterial pressure
the vasoconstrictor tone, which is the rate of discharge and obliterates the arterial Jtmen. his is a afirmed
in the vasoconstrictor nerves (sympathetic tone). by atin the radial ul that disa ars when
Increase in vasoconstrictor tone causes arteriolar the cuff pressure is raised above the arterial pressure.
constriction and increases blood pressure and, The pressure is then raised further by about 20 mm H g
conversely, decrease in vasoconstrictor tone decreases and then slowly reduced. When the pressure ~ the cuff
blood pressure. When the wall · of the blood vessel reaches just below the arterial pressure, blood escapes
becomes stiff ~ess compliant), peripheral resistance beyond the occlusion into the peripheral part of the
increases and, therefore, blood pressure increases. artery and the pulse starts reappearing. This is detected
by the appearance of sounds in the stethoscope and
2. Viscosi is taken as the systolic pressure. Subsequently, the
Viscosity of blood depends on the composition of quality of the sound changes and finally, disappears.
plasma, total number of cells in the blood, and resistance The level where sound disappears is taken as the
of the cells to deformation and temperature. diastolic pressure. The sound disappears because the
flow in the blood vessels becomes laminar.
Factors that increase viscosity
• Polycythemia
C,-.e.., K<9'\r~~
Re uirements
• Hyperproteinemia 1. Sphygmomanometer ~e. r)
• Hereditary spherocytosis 2. Stethoscope
• Decreased temperature
Sphygmomanometer The sphygmomanometer
Factors that decrease viscosity
• Anemia .
air pump.
(Fig. 29.1) consists of a mercury manometer, cuff and

• Hypoproteinemia
• Increased temperature Mercury manometer The mercury manometer has
two limbs. One limb is broader and shorter than the
other. The broader limb is the reservoir for mercury.
The narrow limb is graduated from Oto 300 mm, with
Blood pressure is measured by two methods, a smallest division of 2 mm Hg. The mercury reser-
di,rect and indirect. voir is connecte to a rubber tube.
Cuff The cuff is called a~ va-Rocci cuff) t consists
Direct Method
of an inflatable rubber bag covered by nondistensible
The blood pressure is measured directly by placing cotton fabric. Two tubes are attached to the bag, one
a cannula in the lu and connecting transmits air pressure to the mercury manometer
the cannula to a mercu manometer or a pressure and other is connected to the air pump. The width
transducer. This metho is used for recording the of the cuff is usually 12 cm. The length and width
186 Chapter 29

of the cuff are different for different age ~ and Pre-recording instru~tions
body build. Roughly, the length of rubber bag Before recording blood pressure, satisfy the following
should be two-thirds and the · th should be one- conditions.
third of the mid-arm · umference of the subj~ct.
The wid;h of the
ing BP in
5 cm
should be 12.5 cm for measur-
ts, 8 cm for children up to 8 years,
children up to 4 years and 2 to 3 cm for
1. The subject should be physically and mentally
relaxed, free from excitement and apprehension.
2. The subject should lie down or sit comfortably.
3. The 'zero' of the sphygmomanometer and the cuff
oms and infants. should be at the level of the heart.
The bloo4Rressure can be ~ asured by three methods:
Air pump It is a rubber hand bulb provided wi h a
® palpato~cultatory anc'fcSscillatory. Ideally, blood
one-way valve at its free end and a leak valve arran~e- pressure should be measured first by the palpatory and
ment at the other (Fig. 29.1). A rubber rube connects then by the auscultatory method.
· pump to the rubber bag. The rubber bag is
inflated · screw clockw ·se and repeatedly j
c ressing the bulb. e acio of the bag is achi~ved Palpatory Method
by turning the screw nn- e. Procedure
1. Check the level of the mercury column in the
sphygmomanometer. 111111 Before recording the
blood pressure, it should be ensured that the upper
meniscus of the mercury coincides with the 'zero' of
the mercury manometer. If the mercury column is
p."t hed s rt s are higher than the zero level and cannot be readjusted,
better heard with the dia agm of the stethoscope. the difference should be noted and deducted from
For recording blood pressure, the diaphragm type
chest piece is used.
level, the apparatus shou e ·scarded
2. Expose the arm up to the shoulder.

Rubber tube


5 ..
Fig. 29.1. Sphvgmornanon1eter ( 1 Mercury manometer.
2 Mcrc,Hy rcservo,r 3 Detact1able cuff 4 A,r pump. 5 Screw.
6 Mercu valve Fig. 29.2. Stethoscope

~~.,,, I\ fl" 1]_7~

~ 'j cu.. ~bP
- ~~Y '~•
3. Wrap the cuff around the middle of the arm (middle 7. The cuff should be kept at the levef of the heaq1 t
of the cuff lies over the brachia! artery) in such a to avoid the effect of gravity . The pressure in any!'/o u
way that the lower edge of the cuff remains at a vessel above the heart level is lower and in any}~ '
vessel below the heart, higher. ~ -
minimu m distance of one inch above the cubital
the~ ~
4. Palpate the radial artery at the wrist by placing the
8. The level of disappearance or reappear
pulse should be noted accurately.
ance of
( '_..o~
middle three fingers over it. Advantages
5. H old the rubber bulb in the other hand in such a 1. A stethoscope is not required for measuring BP. \ '- -
way that your thumb and index finger remain free 2. As auscultation is not required, this method can be
to manipulate the leak-valve screw. used by less experienced medical personnel.
6. Raise the pressure of the mercury manome ter 3. Recordi ng is not time consumi ng.
by repeatedly compressing the rubber bulb, and 4. It gives a rough indicatio n of the systolic pressure
continue to feel the radial pulse simultaneously. before recording BP by the ausculta tory method.
t Note the level of the mercury in the manome ter 5. An auscultatory gap, if present, is not missed in
I scale where the pulse disappears. the ausculrarocy method when the blood pressure@
7. Raise the mercury column to about 10 mm Hg is first recorded by the palpator y and then by the
above the point of disappearance of the pulse. auscultatory method.
8. Reduce the pressure gradually by 2-4 mm Hg per Disadvantages •
second. H owever, reduction in this pressure may 1. This method records oclr~ sto.Ji c Q[essure.
funher be slowed if there is significa nt bradycardia. Diastolic pressure cannot be determin ed.
Note the mercury level where the pulse reappears. 2. The systolic pressure recorded is a!?,guJl_- 5_0U]_l Hg
11111 The pulse reappears at the same level where less than the actual pressure.
it had disappeared.
9. Reduce the pressure rapidly to the zero level. Auscultatory Method
10. ote your observation and express the result in
Procedure (Fi~ 29.3)
mm Hg. 111!1 The point of disappearance (or
1. Record blood pressure by the palpator y method as
appearance) of the pulse is the blood pressure
describe d above.
recorded by the palpator y method. This blood
2. Raise the pressure to 30 mm H g above the palpator y
pressure is the systolic pressure. level, that is, 30 mm Hg above the level at which
radial pulsation is no long~c...klt.
Precautions 3. Place the dia hra m of the stethosco e li hd o u:,;
1. The subject should be mentally and physically
t e rac ·al artery in the cubital fossa, that is, ov ~~
relaxed. the upper part of the forearm medial to the tendon
2. The subject should lie down or sit comfort ably for ~ the bicep s.
a minimu m of five minutes before the recording. 4. Lower the pressure at the rate of 2-4 mm Hg per
3. The zero level of the mercury should be checked. second. Note the appearance of the sound, the
If the mercury is not at the zero level, the dilierence change in character of the sound and finally the
should be noted and deducted from the result. cessation of the sound, w hile the pressure in the
4. The arm should be complet ely exposed and kept at cuff is progressively lowered.
heart level. 5. Note the level w ~rst heard
5. The cuff should be tied neither very tightly nor as the systolic pressure, a.nd the level where t he
loosely around the arm. sounds cease a~he Q.i.astolic pressure. 1111 When
pressure in the~ is progressively lowered, the
6. The width of the cuff should be according to
sounds undergoes a series of changes in their
the circumference of the arm to overcome the
quality and intensity. These sounds are known
tissue resistance. The width of the cuff in adults is
as Korotko ff sounds {described by the Russian
12.5 cm. If a narrowe r cuff is used in adults, the
scientist Korotko ff in 1905). They are heard in five
recorded pressure will be falsely high. The narrowe r
different phases (Fig. 29.4).
cuff is used for children. - -- -
188 _Chapter 29

Phase V : Sound s compl etely disappear.

Appea rance of the sound is recorded as systolic blood
pressu re and disappearanc sound as diastolic blood t
pressure. In person s w· sev e h ertensi on and in
childre n, muffling_ra!herJl!an_ the_dis ~peara nce of the
sound is ta£;;n as the.di ~cp"T essure . - -

1. The subject should be menta lly and physically
2. The size of the cuff should be propor tionate to the
circumference of the arm of the subject.
3. The zero reading of the manom eter should be kept
at the level of the heart.
4. Blood pressure should be detected first by _the
palpat ory metho d before record ing by the
auscul tatory metho d.
Fig . 29.3. Measure ment ot b,ood pressure by ausculta tory method 5. Pressure must be raised 30 mm Hg above the
Note that t11e sphygm omanom eter Is kept at the level of the palpat ory level.
6. The cuff pressure should be decreased to the zero
No sounds level betwee n successive trials.
7. While reading the manom eter, the eye should be at
First appearance of sound
the level of the mercu ry colum n to avoid parallax.
10 Jl"\m~1 8. U coarct ation of the aou ~ suspected, blood

10IT"n~1 Phase II (munnurs)

pressure sh.2..ulci also be r ~ in the thig!i.
1111 A cuff of greater width (about 18 cm) is
used for measuring blood pressure in the thigh.
! ', mm ~l
Phase Ill (loud and clear) The patien t lies face downw ards, the cuff is applied
above the knee and auscultation is carried out over
the popliteal artery. ®
11111 Blood pressure should first be checke d

e;~~~1 Disappearance of sound

b the al ato metho d before record ing by the
~~ta metho d. This is done to include the
~lta to gap in the pressure range. In severely
hypert ensive patients, after the appearance of
the sounds, occasionally the sounds disappear at
Fig. 29.4. Phases of Korotko tt sounds a point below 200 mm Hg for a range of 20-50
mm Hg and then reappe ar and finally disappear at
P hase I Sudde n appearance of faint tappin g sounds the level of diastolic pressure. The p ~
which becom e gradua lly louder and clearer (teme_orary) disap~ arance of sounds is called silent
during the succeeding 10 mm Hg fall in ~ or auscultatacy S!IP· The auscul tatory gap is
pressure. never missed if the pressure is measured first by
Phase II : The sound becomes murm urish in the next the palpat ory metho d because the auscultatory ,.
10 mm Hg fall in pressure. gap comes within the range of the systolic pressure
Phase ill : The sound changes a little in quality but
recorded by the palpat ory metho d. U the BP is
becom es clearer and louder in the next 15 directl y measured by the auscul tatory metho d, the
mm Hg fall in pressure. auscul tatory gap may be missed and the systolic
Phase IV : Sound s becom e muffled in charac ter during
value may be report ed as lower than the actual
the next 5 mm Hg fall. value. The e~ct cause of the auscul tatory gap is
Measurement of Blood Pressure 189

not known. It is thought to be due to the transient In adults Systolic pressure is 100-119 mm Hg.
1iyger.-FE!SJ?.Onsiveness of the vessel to compressi2 n. Diastolic pressure is 60-79 mm Hg.
.. In elderly The upper limit of systolic is considered
Disadvanta es to be 160 mm Hg, but diastolic
1. Unless followed by the palpatory method, the 90 mm Hg or above is always considered
auscultatory method may miss the auscultatQry abnormal.
~ 2. Gender BP is less in females due to the effect of
2. Needs adequate experience of detecting sounds by
progesterone that relaxes the smooth muscles of the
the stethoscope.
blood vessels. This difference in females disappears
Advanta es after menopause.
1. Gives the accurate value of systolic pressure. 3. Eating BP increases after a meal. This may be
2. Detects diastolic pressure. due to increased body metabolism that increases the

4. Sleep BP is less during sleep than in the waking

state. This is because the human being is under con-
2. eart eve gives stant stress which is absent in sleep.

3. 5. Emotion and excitement In emotional and ex-

cited states, increased sympathetic discharge increases
the blood pressure.
Oscillatory Method 6. Exercise During exercise, the systolic pressure
always rises because of increased cardiac output due to
sympathetic stimulation that causes tachycardia and
The procedure is the same as that in the palpatory
increased myocardial contractility. Diastolic pressure .
method, but instead of palpating the artery,
depends on the degree of exercise. Diastolic pressure
the oscillations of the mercury column in the
increases in mild exercise due to vasoconstriction, re-
sphygmomanometer is noted to record BP.
mains unchanged or may even fall in moderate exercise,
The pressure in the cuff is raised and the appe":f'allce
but always falls in intense exercise because of metabolic
and the disappearance of the oscillations of the mercury
vasodilation and increased body temperature.
column are noted while loweriri'g the mercury column.
The point of appearance of the oscillation gives the
7. Posture On immediate standing from the supine
systolic pressure, and the point of disappearance of the
posture, BP decreases and then returns to normal
oscillations gives the diastolic pressure.
or increases due to correction by the baroreceptor
Disadvanta es reflex.
1. This method does not give accurate systolic and
diastolic pressure. 8. Temperature BP decreases in a hot environment
due to vasodilation and increases in a cold environ-
2. Needs adequate experience to detect the exact level
ment due to vasoconstriction.
of the appearance and disappearance of oscillation.
9. Pregnancy Increase in cardiac output due to
DISCUSSION increased blood volume increases systolic pressure
Clinical Significance -, f) ~ 3cun during pregnancy, but diastolic pressure falls due
to decreased peripheral resistance. Peripheral resis-
tance decreases due to the effect of progesterone that
1. Age Blood pressure increases with age. relaxes the smooth muscle of blood vessels (causes
In children: Systolic pressure is 90-119 mm Hg. vasodilation). Therefore, pulse pressure increases in
Diastolic pressure is 50-79 mm Hg. pregnancy.
190 Chapter 29

Patholo ical conditions · Causes

Blood pressure increases (hypertension) and decreases • Primary adrenocortical insufficiency
(hypotension) in different pathological conditions. • Hypopituitarism
• Malnutrition
Pathophysiology of Hypertension

Hypertension is defined as sustained elevation of

Chronic diarrhea
Prolonged bed rest --
systemic arterial pressure. Usually, hypertension Acute h otension
means rise in diastolic BP. Hypertension is broadly The sudden fall of blood pressure is called acute
classified as essential and secondary. hypotension. Usually, if severe, it is associated with
Essential h ertension
This is the commonest cause of hypertension and Causes
is seen in 90 per cent of patients with hypertension. • Acute hemorrhage
The cause of essential hypertension is not known, • Acute diarrhea
but is thought to be due to a hereditary defect that • Severe vomiting
predisposes to hypertension. • Acute myocardial infarction
• Excessive diuresis
Secondary hypertension
• Acute vasodilation
This is the hypertension secondary to a disease
elsewhere in the body. The following are the causes of
Postural h otension
secondary hypertension.
If systolic blood pressure falls by 20 mm Hg or more
1. Adrenocortical diseases
when a subject assumes an erect posture (from the
• Hyperaldosteronism
supine posture), the condition is called postural or
• Cushing syndrome
orthostalic h_Jpotqnsion. This usually results from autonomic
• H ypertensive form of congenital virilising
imbalance. It may be of chronic or acute variety. • I
2. Renal diseases Acute postural hypotension This is due to temporary
• Glomerulonephritis fall in blood pressure that results in transient fainting. 1
• Pyelonephritis It is usually seen in the following conditions: ·
• Polycystic disease • Prolonged standing
• Tumours of JG cells • Rising from bed after a prolonged illness
3. Pheochromocytoma • Strenuous physical exercis~
4. Severe polycythemia
5. Oral contraceptives Chronic postural hypotension Chronic postural hy~
potension can be primary or secondary. Chronic primary
posh,ral f?)potension is called idiopathic postural hypoten-
Pathophysiology of Hypotension
sion. The cause of this hypotension is not known.
Systolic pressure less than 90 mm Hg in adults is It usually occurs in the elderly and may be due to the
known as hypotension. Clinically, there are three types degeneration of peripheral autonomic nerves. Chronic
of hypotension: (1) chronic hypotension, (2) acute secondary postural ~potension has several causes:
hypotension and (3) postural hypotension. • Polyneuropathy as seen in diabetes, amyloidosis
and beriberi
Chronic h otension • Autonomic neuropathy as seen in syringomyelia,
Chronic hypotension is characterised by persistent low tabes dorsalis and subacute combined degeneration
blood pressure. Usually, the patients are asymptomatic, of spinal cord
but sometimes they complain of lethargy, weakness • Patients receiving sympatholytic drugs
and giddiness. • Sl!,fgical sympathectomy
Measurement of Blood Pressure 191

Regulation of Blood Pressure Cushing's reflex In severe hypotension, blood flow

to the brain decreases. Hypoxia and hypercapnea of
The mechanisms involved in regulation of blood vasomotor centre occur. This causes stimulation of
pressure can be divided into two broad categories: vasomotor centre to the maximum, which results in
(1) Short-term regulation and (2) Long-term regulation. intense -vasoconstriction that attempts to bring the
Short-term regulation is mainly neural and long-term pressure back to normal. This response is called CNS
regulation is mainly hormonal. ische1JJic response and is a life-saving mechanism when
blood pressure falls below 40 mm Hg.
Short-term regulati11n When intracranial pressure increases, blood flow
Baroreceptor reflex Baroreceptors are present in the to the vasomotor centre decreases due to compression
carotid sinus and aortic arch that respond to stretch- of blood vessels. This stimulates the vasomotor centre
ing. They detect any change in pressure in the vessels and causes intense vasoconstriction that results in
in which they are situated. Increase in blood pressure increaseq blood pressure. This is called Cushing's
causes distension of the carotid sinus and aortic arch, reflex. The increase in blood pressure activates the
that stretches the baroreceptors and increases the baroreceptor reflex and causes bradycardia. Therefore,
firing rate in the afferent nerves (IX and X cranial bradycardia rather than tachycardia is an outstanding
nerves). This leads to excitation of the nucleus tractus feature of brain tumours.
solitarius (NTS) in the medulla, which in turn inhibits
the vasomotor centre via interneurons. The inhibition Capillary fluid shift When blood pressure increases,
of the vasomotor centre decreases the sympathetic the hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries increases.
output and causes vasodilation, bradycardia, decrease This causes a shift of fluid from the intravascular com-
in cardiac output and fall in blood pressure. The exci- partment to the extravascular space. As a result the
tation of NTS also stimulates the vagus nerve which circulating blood volume decreases and blood pressure
decreases the heart rate and cardiac output. falls to normal.
Conversely, when blood pressure falls, less
distension of the carotid sinus and aortic arch inhibits Stress relaxation When blood pressure increases sud-
I • the receptors and decreases the discharge rate in the denly, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels relax
afferent nerves. Due to decreased activity in the IX in response to sudden stretching. This decreases the
and X cranial nerves, NTS is inhibited, which in turn vascular tone and brings the pressure back to normal.
causes disinhibition (stimulation) of the vasomotor Hormonal mechanisms Catecholamines are released
centre that increases sympathetic output. Inhibition of from the adrenal medulla when sympathetic discharge
NTS also inhibits the vagus nerve. This finally results in increases, as in hemorrhage and hypotension. The nor-
vasoconstriction, tachycardia, increased cardiac output epinephrine is a potent vasoconstrictor. The renin-an-
and increase in blood pressure. The baroreceptor giotensin system is also activated when blood pressure
reflex regulates blood pressure in the pressure range of falls. Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor.
70-150 mm Hg.

Chemoreceptor reflex Chemoreceptors are located Long-term regulation

in the aortic and carotid bodies. They respond to the Long-term regulation is mainly achieved by hormonal
change in chemical composition of blood that occurs mechanisms that involve changes in the fluid volume
in conditions like hypoxia, hypercapnea and acidosis. of the body. The kidneys also play a role in long-term
Stimulation of these receptors results in bradycard.ia regulation of BP.
and vasoconstriction. This also causes pulmonary hy-
perventilation and secretes catecholamines from the Hormonal mechanism
adrenal medulla that increase heart rate. Therefore, 1. The re11i11-a11fiotensi11 !JSlelJI Fall in blood pressure
the net effect of stimulation of chemoreceptors is no releases renin from the JG cells of the kidney. Renin
change in heart rate or mild tachycardia, and hyper- converts angtiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is
tension. Chemoreceptors regulate blood pressure in further converted to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II
the pressure range of 40-70 mm Hg. causes vasoconstriction and increases blood pressure.
192 Chapter 29

Angiotensin II also increases synthesis and ~ecretion

• Mark the level of the mercury column for
of aldosterone, which incr~ases sodium an!water re-
disappearance of the radial pulse.
absorption from the kidney, that assists in restoration
• Release the pressure in the cuff.
of pressure.
2. Record the blood pressure ofthe gi,ven subject by
· 2. Vasopressin (ADH) Decrease in extracellular fluid
the ausczJtatory method.
· volume increases the release of ADH from the pos-
terior pituitary. ADH increases water reabsorption
• Expose the arm.
from the kidneys and causes vasoconstriction.
• Tie the cuffofthesphygmomanometeraround
3. Catechola1JJines Stimulation of sympathetic fibres the arm of the subject properly (neither tight
to the adrenal medulla causes the release of catechol- nor loose) about 2.5 cm above the cubital
amines. These hormones {especially norepinephrine), fossa, in such a way that the midpoint of the
are potent vasoconstrictors. rubber bag of the cuff overlies the brachial
Renal mechanism
When alteration in blood pressure occurs, the kidneys • Check that the mercury column of the
try to restore the pressure by changing the excretion of sphygmomanometer is adjusted to the zero
sodium and water. This mechanism is independent of
other factors and is intrinsic to the kidneys. • Keep the sphygmomanometer at the level of
the heart of the subject.
OSPE • Palpate the radial artery.
• Raise the mercury column m the
I. Record the blood pressure ofthe gi,ven subject by sphygmomanometer by increasing the
the palpatory method. pressure in the cuff and mark the level of
Steps: ., -
disappearance of the radial pulse.
• Expose the arm.
• Raise the mercury column about 30 mm Hg
• Tie the cuff of the sphygmomanometer above the palpatory level.
around the arm of the subject properly (not
• Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope medial
very tight nor loose) about 2.5 cm above the
to the tendon of the biceps where pulsation
cubical fossa in such a way that the midpoint
of the brachial artery is felt.
of the rubber bag· of the cuff overlies the
brachial artery. • Slowly lower the mercury column by
releasing the pressure in the cuff at the
• Check that the mercury column of the
rate of 2-4 mm Hg per second and while
sphygmomanometer is adjusted to the zero
reading. decreasing the mercury column, auscultate
for the appearance, change in quality and
• Keep the sphygmomanometer at the level of
the heart of the subject. disappearance of the sounds.
• Palpate the radial artery. • Note the appearance of the sounds as systolic,
• Raise the mercury column in the and disappearance of the sounds as diastolic
sphygmomanometer by raising the pressure blood pressure.
in the cuff. • Release the pressure from the cuff.
Measurement of Blood Pressure 193

1. Define blood pressure.
2. Define systolic and diastolic blood pressure and give their normal values.
3. What is mean arterial pressure and what is its significance?
4. What is pulse pressure and what is its significance?
5. What are the methods of measurement of blood pressure?
6. What are the conditions that must be satisfied before recording blood pressure?
7. Why are the zero level of the sphygmomanometer and the cuff kept at the
heart level of the subject while recording blood pressure?
8. Why is the blood pressure ideally recorded by the palpatory method before recording by the auscultatory method?
9. What are the precautions for measuring blood pressure by the palpatory method?
10. Why is the pressure in the cuff raised by about 30 mm Hg above the palpatory
level for recording blood pressure by the auscultatory method?
11. What is auscultatory gap and what is its significance?
12. What is the cause of the appearance, change in quality and disappearance of
the sounds at various phases of blood pressure measurement?
13. What is the ideal size of the cuff for different age groups?
14. What are the precautions taken for recording blood pressure by the auscultatory method?
15. What is the oscillatory method of measurement of blood pressure?
16. In which condition is the blood pressure measured in the lower limb
and what is the size of the cuff used for this purpose?
17. What are the factors that affect blood pressure?
18. Why is the pressure lower in females?
19. Why is the pressure lower during sleep?
20. What is the mechanism of alteration of systolic and diastolic pressure during exercise?
21. What happens to blood pressure on immediately standing from the supine position?
22. What is the baroreceptor reflex and what is its significance?
23. What is essential hypertension?
24. What are the causes of secondary hypertension?
25. What are the causes of acute hypotension?
26. What is postural hypotension and what are the causes of postural hypotension?
27. What are the mechanisms of short-term regulation of blood pressure?
28. Why is bradycardia a feature of raised intracranial pressure?
29. What is the role of the renin-angiotensin system in the genesis of hypertension?

30 Effect of Postureon Blood Pressure
and Heart Rate ..

LEARNING OBJECTIVES ~ompensat]ry mechanisms

The immediate compensatory mecha~i~ ~2tanding
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: are vasoconstriction, tachycardia and ~ cardiac
1. Record the effect of change in posture on heart output. These compensatory mechanisms are t riggered
rate and blood pressure. by a fall in blood pressure, and are mediated by the
2. List the precautions to be taken while recording baroreceptor reflex. D ecreased pressure in the carotid
this effect. and aortic sinus d~ ~ f rate of discharge from the
3. Enumerate the changes in response to standing. baroreceptors, which in rhi'n decreases stimulation of
You MAY also be able to: nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). This in turn decreases
1. Explain the compensatory mechanisms in vagal activity and increases sympathetic activity, which
response to standing. results in restoration of blood pressure.
2. Describe the physiological and clinical utility of
this practical. On Prolonged Standing
If the individual does not move (stands still), more
INTRODUCTION than 500 ml of bl~ is pulled in the capacitance
vessels of the lowe5, extremities. This increases J be.
Change in body posture affects the functions of the
ca ilia h drostat# ressure in the lower limbs.
cardiovascular system. W.changes are more marked
The fluid from intravascular compartment moves
when a person immediat~ tands u,Q_from the su_eine
irU£.._1he interstipaL ti~ paces a accumulates
posture. The cardiovascular changes ~ different on there, as a result of which ~ nous re o the
i~ iate standing and on prolonged standing. significantly decreases. This decreases t
volume by up to 40 per cent. Therefore, cardi output
On Immediate Standing is grossly reduced, which d,ecre~cerebr blood
..flwv. Th~ subject may beco~scious and faIT.
Effect Fainting is a homeostatic mechanism to restore venous
When a person assumes an erect posture, the blood return, cardiac output and cerebral blood flow in the
is pulled to the lower parts of the body due to the horizontal position.
effect of gravity. About 200-500 ml of blood is
immediately pulled in the capacitance vessels of the Co[Tl_pensato mechanisms
lower e:x.-tremities. This decreases venous return, The baroreceptor reflex restores blood pressure to
which results in decreased cardiac output. This is the normal. Ac~ tion ~ sympathetic fibres leads to
cause of immediate fall in blood pressure on standing. release of carecholamines from the adrenal medulla.
The effects of a change in posture are more marked Catecholamines increase heart~ , cardiac ~ ut and
if it is done passively with the help of a tilting table, blood pre@e. The renin-angiotensin-al@1erone axis
as the muscular activity of the act of standing is nil. is also activated. Angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction
The muscle ':lrrnn,-v fter assumin the osture is also and increases blood pressure. Aldosterone increases
lower in passive tilting. The eao arterial pressure reabsorption of sodium and water from the kidneys
in the feet in the standing pos · 180-200 mm Hg and mainta,ins blood volume and pressure. But, if the
and at thflQ~.. el ➔60-80 mm Hg, th~~~}i6iis subject continues t'3_0tand for a much longer period,
pressure at' reet fevel is 85-90 mm H g and . e head the compensatory mechanisms may fail and the subject
leyel is 0. may develop~ean:es of hypotens1on.
Effect of Posture on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate '195

METHOD pressure product from the heart rate and blood

.. Principle 7. Enter your observation in a tabular form .
On resuming an erect posture, changes occur in
cardiovascular function. The change in heart rate and Observation
blood pressure is noted immediately on standing and Enter your observation in a format as given in Table
after two, five and ten minutes of standing. These 30.1. Note that BP falls immediately on standing.
changes are compared with the heart rate and blood Within 15-30 seconds systolic pressure returns to
pressure recorded in the supine position prior to the normal (or remains slightly elevated), but diastolic
change in posture. pressure remains elavated and tachycardia persists.

· Re uirements Precautions
1. Sphygmomanometer 1. The subject should relax for 5 minutes before
2. Stethoscope recording blood pressure and pulse rate in the
supine pos1t1on.
Procedure 2. Pulse rate and blood pressure should be r,
1. Ask the subject t~ n in the supine position soon as the patient sra ods np (within 15 seconds if
on the couch, mirumum for 5 minutes. possible).
2. Tie the.BP cuff properly at the proper position of 3. The BP cuff should not be removed while chang;ing
the arm of the subject. the posture of the subject.
3. Record blood pressure and pulse rate in the supine 4. The subject should stand passively Qeaning against
position. the wall).
4. Do not remove the BP cuff; ask the subject to stand
up, and immediately record the pulse rate and blood DISCUSSION
pressure of the subject. 11111 The s~ d
st~ th th~ sueport of the "!.all
the wall) to prevent the effe~
Q 1
The immediate result of standing is that the cardiac
output decreases due to pooling of blood in the
reflex. The increase in heart rate~ ..£......!_raction lower extremities. Therefore, a fall in blood pressure
of eletal muscles is known as muscle-heart reflex. is noted immediately (tf possible within 15 seconds).
If the subject stands without support, the muscles The fall in pressure (through baroreceptor reJ3.ex)
in the lower limb and trunk contract more, which results in tachycardia, increased cardiac output and
affects the heart rate. Therefore, maximum possible vasoconstriction. Therefore, within 15-30 seconds
relaxation should be achieved during the procedure the blood pressure reverts to normal. But, because
by asking the subject to stand passively. of vasoconstriction peripheral resistance increases,
5. Record pulse rate and blood pressure two, five and which in turn increases the diastolic pressure. Heart
ten ~utes after standing. rate increases and systolic pressure remains normal or
6. Calculate pulse pressure, mean pressure and rate slightly raised.

Table 30.1: Change in posture observation

.. Supine (after 5 min)
• On standing
1. immediate
2. after 2 min
3. after 5 min
4. after 10 min
Pulse rate; SBP - Systolic blood pressure; DBP - Diastolic blood pressure; PP - Pulse pressure;
PR -
MP - Mean pressure; RPP - Race pressure product (RPP - systolic pressure x heart rate x 10-~.
196 Chapter 30

Physiologic Significance Of late, asanas have become popular because of their

beneficial effects.
A change in posture initiates changes in cardiovascular
function, which can be detected by various tests. These ...
3. Problems of traffic ersonnel
changc;s reflect the integrity of the autonomous nervous
Traffic police personnel stand (without activity) for ~ -
system, because the compensatory mechanisms are
hours together. This causes accumulation of fluid in
dependent on the intactness of the reflex activities,
the lower parts of the body and may cause hypotension
especially the baroreceptor reflex. Therefore, the heart
and pedal edema, and sometimes results in fainting.
rate aod blood pressure response to standing is among
Therefore, instead· of standing at one place, these
the important tests to assess autonomic functions.
This test detects the efficiency of cardiovascular and
people are advised to walk around so that the skeletal !
muscle pump activity increases the venous return and J
autonomic functions.
maintains cardiac output and blood pressure.

Clinical Significance OSPE

1. Postural h otension 1. Record the effect ofstanding, on blood pressure
In some individuals, sudden standing causes a significaqt of the gi,ven subject and report your findings.
fall in blood pcessm f! (fall in systolic pressure of more Steps:
than20mmHg~ fallin~olicpressureofmorethan • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
10 mm Hg) that results inf · ing. This is called postural • Expose the arm of the subject.
or orlhos(fi/fl?Jpotension. It is usualfy seen in patients with • Tie the BP cuff properly (not very tight or
autonomic neuropathy like diabetes or syphilis. It also loose) on the arm of the subject in such a
occurs in patients receiving sympatholytic drugs. This way that the middle of the cuff lies over the J.
is also seen in primary autonomic failure and sometimes in brachial artery and lower edge of the cuff
primary '?J'Perdldostero11ism, because the baroreceptor reflex remains 1 inch above the cubital fossa.
is abnormal in these conditions.
• Place the chest piece of the stethoscope on
the brachial artery just below the cubital
2. Thera eutic uses fossa, medial to the insertion of the biceps
Acute change of postures are part of the practice of tendon; record systolic and diastolic pressure
different asanas. Regular practice of change of postures by appropriately inflating and deflating the
(asanas) improves auto ·c functions. Persons
practising asanas regularly keep good health, as it
pressure in the cuff. -.l
• Ask the subject to stand up. Immediately
improves their cardiac, respiratory, neuromuscular, record systolic and diastolic pressure.
autonomic, mental and physiological functions. • Report your findings.

1. What are the physiological changes that occur on suddenly standing up and why?
2. What are the physiological changes that occur on prolonged standing and why?

3. Why should the pulse rate and blood pressure ideally be recorded within 15 seconds to record the immediate
cardiovascular response to standing?
4. What is the significance of RPP (rate pressure product)?
Effect of Exercise on Blood
Pressure and Heart Rtate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES done and raite of rise in heart rate, exercise is classified
into three categories: mild, moderate and severe.
After completing t~s practical you WILL be able to:
1. Describe the importance of study of the effect of Mild exercii;e
exercise on blood pressure and heart rate. In this case, oxygen consumption is 0.5- 1 litre per
2. List the types and degrees of exercise. minute, work done is 150- 350 watts, and rise in heart
3. Record the effect of exercise on heart rate and rate is about 25 per cent, that is, if the basal heart rate
blood pressure. is 80, the heart rate will increase to about 100 per
4. List the precautions of recording this effect. minute.
5. Explain the effects of exercise on heart rate and
I Moderate e:1eercise
blood pressure.
l You MAY also be able to:
1. Explain the differences between isotonic and
In this case, oxygen consumption is 1-2 litres per
minute, wOJrk done is 350- 550 watts and rise in heart
isometric exercise. rate is about 50 per cent, that is, it rises from a basal
2. Describe and explain the various effects of acute heart rate of 80 to 120 per minute.
and chronic exercise on different body systems.
3. State the therapetic uses of exercise in common Severe exe1rcise
diseases. In this, oxygen consumption is more than 2 litres per
minute, work done is more than 550 watts and rise
is heart rate is about 75-100 per cent, that is, from a
basal heart rate of 80 per minute it increases to 150 per
minute or more.
Regular exercise improves health. Exercise affects all the
body systems and improves the functioning of almost all Types of Exercises
the organs of the body. .The body's response to exercise
can be a short-terrri. response to an acute exercise or Exercise may be isotonic or isometric.
a long-term response to chronic exercise. Long-term
response to regular exercise makes the exercise easier Isotonic exorcise
and improves performance. What has been descri'i,ed in In isotonic exercise, there is a change in muscle length
this chapter is the body's response to acute exercise; t he and the exeircise is phasic in nature. Common examples
short-term heart rate and blood pressure response to a are walking, jogging and running.
single bout of exercise (acute exercise). The immediate
response to acute exercise depends on the degree and
Cardiovascular changes
• Heart rate increases proportionately with the
• type of exercise, and the exercise training that the
severity of exercise.
< individual has received. Exercise training means the
• Cardiac output increases markedly due to increase
regular practice of exercise for months or years together.
• The cardiovascular response to exercise is different in in heart rate and stroke volume.
trained and untrained individuals. • Systolic pressure increases.
• Diastolic pressure increases in mild exercise, does
not change or decreases slightly in moderate exercise
Degree of Exercise
and always decreases in severe exercise.
Depending on the rate of oxygen consumption, work • Blood fl.ow to exercising muscle increases.
198 Chapter 31

Isometric exercise 3. Record the pulse rate and blood pressure ..

Isometric exercise is the exercise in w~ch there is no immediately, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 minutes after the
change in the· length of the muscles: The exercising exercise.
muscle remains contracted throughout the maneuver 4. Calculate pulse pressure, mean pressure and rate
(e.g. pushing against the wall). Therefore, this type of
exercise is called tonic exercise.
pres51:1re p~oduct-
exercise v ues.
o;pare the pre- : ; post-
ate pressure pr uct =
systolic pressure x heart ~ 1;t2 • RPP is a good
Cardiovascular changes
index of heart function. ~ R'Pf' == SBf)t .
• Heart rate rises at the start of ex!!rcise. This is mainly
due to decreased vagal tone. Increased discharge of 5. Record your observation in a tabular form. hRa
cardiac sympathetic fibres may also contribute. l OO
• Stroke volume changes relatively little. Observation
• Systolic and diastolic pressures rise sharply. Record your observation in the format given in Table
• Blood flow to the exercising muscle decreases. 31.1. Note that heart rate and systolic pressure rise
The cardiovascular response to isometric exercise is significantly immediately after exercise. As 5 minute
different, because the exercising muscles are tonically spot jogging is a mild exercise, diastolic pressure also
contracted during exercise. Peripheral resistance rises (or may not change). Pulse pressure changes
increases, whic'1increasesdiastolic pressure significantly accordingly. Also note that blood pressure returns to
. . . .
m isometric exercise. normal within 5-7 minutes of termination of exercise,
whereas the heart rate takes a longer time to return to
METHOD normal.
Principle -Precautions
Cardiovascular functions alter during exercise. Pulse 1. The pre- and post-exercise heart rate and blood
rate and blood pressure are recorded before and pressure should be recorded in the same position.
immediately afterthe exercise. The results are compared 1111 To eliminate the effect of posture on BP, it .,.
to study the effect of exercise on thes~ parameters. should be re~ rded in the standing position both
before and after exercise. If BP is recorded in the
Re uirements s~ or sitting posture bef;;-;- ~r;~~n p~st-
1. Stethoscope exercise BP should also be corded in the same
2. Sphygmomanometer position. As e}l:ercise is done inthe e ~stu~ it
isbetter to record BP in the standing posture.
Procedure 2. The subject should be encouraged to exercise
1. Record the blood pressure (by using properly for five minutes.
sphygmomanometer) and the pulse rate of the given 3. For the first recording following exercise
subject after 5 minutes of rest. (immediately after exercise), blood · pressure
2. Ask the subject to perform spot jogging for a period and pulse rate should be recorded as quickly as
of 5 minutes. possible.

Tab1e 31.1: Exercise observation
l. Basal (before exercise)
2. Immediately after exercise
3. Two minutes after exercise
4. Four minutes after exercise
5. Ten minutes afer exercise_

PR - Pulse rate; SBP = Systolic blood pressure; DBP = Diastolic blood pressure; PP - Pulse pressure;
MP = Mean pressure; RPP - Rate pressure product.
Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate 199

• The systolic pressure increases due to increase in

cardiac: output.
,. Effect of Acute Exercise • The diastolic pressure increases in mild exercise due
to sympathetic vasoconstriction. But in moderate
Cardiovascl!!_ar cha'!9es exercise, diastolic pressure remains normal or falls
Heart rate Heart rate increases and the degree and in severe exercise it always falls. This occurs
of increase depends on the severity of the exercise. due to vasodilation in the exercising muscle.
The maximum heart rate achieved during exercise de- The blood vessels in the skeletal vascular bed
creases with age. In children, the heart rate can rise up receive sympathetic vasodilator fibres. Therefore,
to 200 beats per,minute or more; in adults it seldom vasodillation occurs in the skeletal bed. In addition,
rises above this and in elderly subjects, it rarely goes the systemic blood vessels also dilate in severe
beyond 150. exercise due to: (i) rise in body temperature (thermal
Cardiac output There occurs a marked increase in vasodillation), and (ii) deposition of metabolites
cardiac output. Cardiac output may increase even up like lactic acids, K• and CO2 in the active tissues
to 25 litres per minute or more. Increase in cardiac (metabolic vasodilation). Total peripheral resistance
output is due to increase in heart rate and stroke vol- decreases due to vasodilation. Therefore, in spite of
ume. increased sympathetic activity diastolic pressure
falls during severe exercise.
Systolic blood pressure Systolic pressure rises mark- • Muscle blood flow increases to a great extent.
edly. This occurs due to increased cardiac output. This happens even before the start of exercise.
The initial increase in blood flow is due to neural
Diastolic blood pressure Diastolic pressure may mechanisms and continued blood fl.ow is due to
remain unchanged or may fall. This occurs due to de- local mechanisms. The neural mechanism is the
creased peripheral resistance, which is due to vasodila- activation of the sympathetic vasodilator system
tion in the exercising muscle. and a decrease in tonic vasoconstrictor discharge.
Muscle blood flow Blood flow to the skeletal muscle The local mechanisms are accumulation of
increases due to vasodilation in the skeletal bed. metabolites and rise in temperature in the active
There occurs vasoconstriction in the cutaneous and muscles. Vasodilation opens up many closed
splanchnic circulation. So, the blood is diverted from capillaries.
the cutaneous and visceral circulation to the skeletal
vascular bed. Respi_ratory changes
• There is hyperventilation and increased oxygen
Pl!Jsiological basis of cardio1,asmlar changes supply to the tissues. Hyperventilation also
• Cardiac output increases due to increased heart removes excess CO2 and heat produced by the
rate and stroke volume. Tachycardia and increased acuve ussues.
stroke volume occur due to increased activity • Respiratory minute volume increases linearly with
in the noradrenergic sympathetic nerves to the work rate.
heart. Sympathetic activity increases by psychic • Pulmonary blood· flow increases and this increases
stimuli and stimulation of receptors in the muscles, perfusion of alveoli.
joints and tendons. Inhibition of vagal tone also
•• contributes to tachycardia. Stroke volume increases Other chain ·es
due to increased myocardial contractility by • The body metabolism increases.
sympathetic stimulation and also due to increased • The body temperature increases.
venous return. Venous return increases due to • Catecholamine secretion from the adrenal medulla
sympathetic venoconstriction and increased skeletal and glucocorticoid secretion from the adrenal
muscle pump activity. Increased thoracic pump cortex increase.
and mobilisation of blood from the splanchnic and • Glycogenolysis is stimulated in the liver and skeletal
cutaneous beds also contribute to increased venous muscles.
return. • Lipolysis occurs in prolonged aerobic exercise.
200 Chapter 31

Effect of Regular Exercise (Training) The number of mitochondria and the enzymes
on Health involved in oxidative metabolism increase. The number
of capillaries increases which increases extraction of
On the cardiovascular s stem oxygen. "
There is profound improvement in cardiovascular ..,..
function. The basal heart rate decreases due to increased On the mind ~ -
vagal tone. Stroke volume increases due to increased Exercise improves mental functions.
myocardial muscle mass. A trained subject achi~ves
the required cardiac output during exercise mainly by
increasing the stroke volume rather than by heart rate, Clinical Significance
w hereas an untrained individual achieves the same
Exercise is becoming popular nowadays because
cardiac output mainly by increasing the heart rate.
of its visible therapeutic advantages. It is regularly
The blood pressure is usually maintained within the
prescribed as part of treatment for patients suffering
normal range. Hypertension usually does not occur
from cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension
unless associated with some secondary pathology.
and myocardial infarction. It has been seen that
On the respiratory system isotonic exercise (mild to moderate) performed
There is increase in breathing capacity and V02mu· regularly, decreases blood pressure significantly in
V02mu is the product of maximal cardiac output and otherwise resistant cases of hypertension. Exercise also
maximal oxygen extraction by the tissues. Both these improves cardiac performance in patients suffering
parameters increase with training. from myocardial infarction, and prevents infarction in
subjeets at risk. Exercise also improves joint functions,
On the skeletal muscles and is therefore prescribed in patients suffering from
. The size of the muscles and work capability increases. chronic joint diseases .


VIVA - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
1. What are the various types of exercise?
2. How do you determine the severity of exercise?
3. What are the differences between isotonic and isometric exercise?
4. What are the ~ardiovascular responses to acute exercise?
5. What are the causes of increased cardiac output in exercise?
6. What is the cause of systolic rise in blood pressure in exercise?
7. Why does diastolic pressure not change or decrease in moderate to severe exercise?
8. Why does heart rate take more time than blood pressure to come back to normal level following exercise?
Ans: Heart rate increases in exercise due to increased sympathetic activity. Sympathetic activity takes time to return
to normal, therefore the heart normalises slowly. BP returns to normal in 5- 7 minutes due to muscle relaxation
with stoppage of exercise that produces vasodilation.
9. What are the effects of exercise on the respiratory system?
10. What are the benefits of performing regular exercise?
32 Clinical Examination of the
Cardiovascular System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES pulses should always precede examination of the
precordium. Auscultation of the heart should be taken
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: up only after the precordium has been thoroughly
l. Describe the importance of examination of the ;xamined. Many students do not give enough time to
cardiovascular system (CVS) in clinical physiology the examination of arterial and venous pulses and the
2. List the parameters to be examined in clinical precordium, and directly auscultate the heart to diagnose
r examination of CVS.
3. Define precordium and apex beat.
heart diseases. Beginners especially, become anxious to
hear the heart sounds and neglect other aspects of the
4. Draw the midclavicular line on the precordium. CVS examination. Before one auscultates the heart,
S. Localise the apex of the subject. one must have some idea of what abnormalities one
6. Locate the different auscultatory areas on the expects to detect with the stethoscope. One should
precordium. also have a minimum knowledge of the physiological
7. Auscultate the heart sounds. basis of production of these sounds.
8. Examine the neck veins.
9. List the common causes of impalpable apex beat. Anatomical Landmarks
10. Enumerate the types and causes of heart sounds.
11. Name the waves in JVP and their mechanism of The recordium
't. production. The precordium is defined as the au,terior aspect of the
chest wall that overlies the heart. Different borders of
You MAY also be able to:
the heart and the positions of the valves are demarcated
l. Draw different anatomical lines and borders of
on the precordium to make clinical examination of the
the heart.
cardiovascular system convenient.
2. _ Locate the position of the heart valves and auscul-
tatory areas.
3. Elicit parasternal heave and appreciate the thrill, Different Lines
if present.
1. Midclavicular line This is defined ,as the vertical
4. Percuss to define the border of the heart.
line dropped from the centre of the clavicle. The mid-
.S. List the different conditions in which JVP is
point of the cla,vicle is determined by taking a point
raised and prominent 'a', 'v' and 'c' waves are
on the clavicle midway between the middle of the
seen in the JVP.
suprasternal notch ~d the tip of the acromion.
6. Explain the different conditions in which apex is
not palpable. 2. Anterior axill~ line This is defined as the vertical
7. List the ~uses, character and significance of heart line descending from the anterior border of the axilla.
8. Explain the mechanism and causes of split of first 3. Midaxill_py line This is defined as the vertical line
and second heart sounds. descending from the centre of the axilla.

4. Posterior axillary line This is defined as ·the verti-

cal line descending from the posterior border of the

The examination of the cardiovascular system (CVS) .5. Parasternal line . This is defined as the vertical line
comprises an examination of the precordium and blood passing through the costochondral junction close to
vessels. Careful assessment of the arterial and venous either sideof the sternum.
202 Chapter 32

Borders of the Heart

1. Base of the heart This is represented by a line join- •

ing the ri h · d sternocostal articulation to a point at
the level of e left second intercostal space, just internal

to the parasternal line.

This extends from the

3. Left border of the heart This is traced by a line join-

ing the point at the level of left second intercostal space
just internal to the parasternal line above and the apex
beat below.
r Ma.f'~ -
Position of the Heart Valves GS
Aortic murm~ s are often best heard in the~ thir
Mittal valve · This is obliquely placed behind the inner intercos~ : lose to the sternum. Therefore, this area
is called second aor.tic area or Erb's~nt.
end of the left fourth costal cartilage _a nd the adjoining
part of the sternum. -
I>) Tricuspid area This area is half an inch in diameter
Tricuspid valve This is situated obliquely behind the with its centre oin the left side close to the sternum to-
right fifth costal cartilage. wards its lower end.

Pulmonary valve This is placed horizontally at the up-

per border of the left third costal cartilage.
Aortic valve This lies obliquely across the left half of
the sternum at the level of the lower border of the left The process of examination of the cardiovascular
third costal cartilage. system consists of inspection, palpation, percussion
and auscultation of the precordium that follows the
Auscultatory Areas examination of arterial and venous pulses, recording of
blood pres.sure a1nd a brief general examination of the
subject. The fun,ctions or any alteration in functions of
Pi) Mitral Area This area corresponds to the apex beat
the CVS are det,:!cted by thorough examination of the
of the heart. The first heart sound is best heard over
precordium and blood vessels.
the mitral area. ormally, this is present in the left fifth
intercostal space half an inch medial to the midclavicu-
lar line (Fig. 32.1). But in different pathological condi-
bODS the position of the apex chang~s. Therefore, the 1. Stethoscope
auscultatory area of the roitral valve changes with the 2. Cardiac bed or a couch with provision to lift the head
position of the ae_ex. end.

~ Pulmonary area This area is half an inch in diameter

with its centre in the left second intercostal space close to
the parasternal line. The examination of CVS includes (1) general
examination (emphasising a few particular signs)
l) Aortic area This area is half an inch in diameter with including examination of radial pulse and the recording
its centre in the right second intercostal svace close to the of blood pressure, (2) examination of the neck veins,
parasternal line. and (3) examination of the precordium.
Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System · 203

General Examination in Relation to CVS · Pulse

Examine the radial pulse for at least one minute.
Anemia The arterial pulses of both the sides should be examined
• Check for the degree of pallor. The degree of anemia to check the bilateral symmetry, and the femoral
gives a rough idea of the dynamics of circulation, heart arteries should be examined to detect radiofemoral
rate and blood pressure. delay, if present. Brachial, carotid, temporal, popliteal,
posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis aneries should also
Cyanosis be examined (also see Chapter 27).
Check for the presence of cyanosis. This may be
present in conditions where there is mixing of arterial Blood ressure
blood with venous plood, as seen in Fallot's tetralogy Blood pressure (BP) should be detected by
sphygmomanometry, preferably by using a mercury
or patent truncus artenosus.
manometer. It should be recorded on both sides in
cardiac patients. BP should also be recorded by both
palpatory and auscultatory methods, especially, if the
Check for the presence of edema in the dependent pans
patient is hypertensive (see Chapter 29).
of the body. In cardiac patients, the location of edema
depends on the posture of the patient. It is detected by
applying pressure over the distal end of the tibia if the The Venous Pulse
patient is mobile. But, if the patient is confined to bed,
Venous pulses are examined especially in the neck
the sacral area should be examined for the presence of

Clubbin The Neck Veins

Nail beds should be. examined for the presence of Proc_!!dure
clubbing. If cyanosis is present along with clubbing, Examine the neck veins in daylight with the patient
this suggests right to left shunt. Clubbing may be reclining at an angle of about 45 °. If the patient is
present in congenital cyanotic hean disease and in lying on a cardiac bed or a couch, the head end of the
subacute bacterial endocarditis. bed can be raised to 45° for this purpose. Otherwise,
the back of the subject can be supported g> that the
Dyspnea neck ~ s are relaxed and the subject ~clines at
Breathlessness is a feature of heart failure. Dyspnea 45°. Study the level of pressure in the internal jugular
may be present even at rest. veins Gugular venous pressure: JVP). The pressure
is expressed in terms of centimeters for the vertical
Abdominal si ns distance between the top of the column of the blood
1. Hepatomegaly: A tender hepatomegaly may be and the sternal angle, which corresponds to the upper
present in congestive cardiac failure. border of the clavicle with the subject reclining at 45~
(Figs. 32.2 A and B). It may be easier to recogntse the
2. Splenomegaly: The spleen may be enlarged 10 pulsation in the external jugular veins, but pulsation
bacterial endocarditis. in the internal ju&11lar vein is more reliable, because
3. Ascites: Ascites may be present in heart failure. it directl reflects the ressure chan es in the rig "')i
,, ~m. External jugular veins are not re a e ecaus
4. Epigastricpulsation: Epigastric pulsation may occur of the following reasons:
due to the following cardiovascular disorders: • Venous valves, present in the external jugular
• Aortic pulsation: usually in thin and nervous veins, prevent the smooth conduction of venous
patients pressure.
• Aneurysn of abdominal aorta • As the external jugular system passes through the
• Hypertrophy of the heart (especially the right fascial planes, they are ~ ~cted by
ventricle) may give an epigastric systolic thrust ex.1,e.mal compression.
204 Chapter 32

• I

Carotid artery

Internal jugular vein

External Jugular vein
- .,... - - - - - Height of pulsations
.~~~~--li~~C,-':::___,_'r.::._:..:_=_j~JVP in cm of H,0

Horizontal line

Fig . 32.2. A Method "f clin cal assessrn ,,n: of 1u(Jul.1r venous pressure
1JVP1 It Is measure d as vert c;il height cf ~VP ,,l)ove thr cI.1v•cle
w1tli th0 ri;it,ent rccl1ninq at 45 B lnspect1on of Iuq1il,1r vPnous
presst,re I

The neck of the subject is reclined to 45° because, confuse d with venous pulsation. The venous pulses
normally, in this position the sternal angle comes can be differentiated from the ariterial pulses by the
to the level of the clavicle. If the person is in good following parameters. .
health the sternal angle corresp onds to the middle i) The venous pulse is better seen. than felt whereas
of the right atrium and approxi mately represents the the arterial pulse is better felt th an seen.
normal venous pressur e, whatev er the position of ii) >The vep<?us pulse has a definite upper level, which
the subject. Whe.n the subject is proppe d up at an

falls during inst?iration when blood is drawn into
angle of 45°, the venous pressur e appears just at _the the heart.
upper b order of the clavicle, as in this positio n the By exerting modera te pressure above the clavicle
ster~al angle and clavicle remain at th~ same level '7t>l with a finger, the venous pulse can be ab!iterated.,
horizontally. Therefore, venous pressur e above the ~ but not the arterial pulse.
clavicle in this position is conside red as raised JVP: iv) If carefully observe d, two to three waves can be
- Iq the neck, the arterial pulsation may ·be s<¢:n in the venous pulse.
oc\-- ~ d c.... . . s ~ b~ c.~e ..c~ ~\A?C.~
C{ n ·\. ,'.I, ,., l..c...t,. ~ .
Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System 205

Examination of the Precordium palpable, ask the subject to lean forward as much as he
can in the sitting posture and try to locate the apex in
The process of examination of the precordium consists this leaning position. If the apex is still not palpable,
.... of ins e · ercussion and ausc · palpate the corresponding ar,ea of the chest on the
The subject she e own on a couc an t e right side (in dextrocardia or d1extroversion the apex of
examination should be carried out in adequate daylight the heart may shift to the right}. The apex should never be
with the precordium fully exposed. palpated in the left lateralposition bemuse it shifts the apex lateral!J.
Note the position of the apex in the intercostal space
Ins ection in relation to the line. The intercostal
1. Skeletal deformity: Look for any precordial bulg-
spaces are counted by palpating the manubrium
sterni (the most elevated point on the sternum).
ing or depression. The former is usually seen in
The second rib joins the manubrium sterni. The space
~ e a s e . ((ttt)~)
below the second rib is the second intercostal space
2. Dilated and engorged superficial veins: Look for and accordingly other intercostal spaces are counted.
the presence of any dilated and engorged superfi- 11111 1. The apex is defined as the lo1Pent1ost and 011te1most
cial veins over the precordium. This may be seen definite cardiac impulse. T herefore, if other pulsations are
in s!!Ee.ri£.~or inferior ,31.1acaval obstruction. present .on the precordium, the apex can be easily
identified. 2. The apex beat is normally located in the
3. Pulsati~ left fifth intercostal space half an inch medial to the
Apical pulsation: Look for pulsation of the apex. midclavicular line. When studlents are asked to locate
~ ~ormally, the pulsation of the cardiac apex is the apex, before they palpate and localise it, they start
~~isib_k. P~ce of all other pulsa~s ov~, the counting the intercostal spaces and put the tip of the
~ "' precordium_ is £,onsic;kred abnormal. finger medial to the mid-clavicular line in the fifth
..,. Otherpulsations: Look f?kPulsation in the other areas ~pace to feel the apex. This is w rong, because the apex
of t~recordium, ~ecially on the pulmonary may not always be present exactly in that position.
~ ~ic area and in t1'5 left parasternal area. Moreover, you do not know if the subject has any
Pulsations are seen in the following conditions. pathology in the heart. Therefore, the apex must be
• Pulsation on th~ulmonary area is ~ in fitst localised as described above and then its position
pulmonary hYP&ension or pulmon~ should be demarcated.
• Pulsatio~ n the aortic area may be seen in the Causes of impalpable apex
aneury:sHr-bf the aorta. 1. Left-sided pleural effusion
• Pulsation on the left parasternal area indicates 2. Pneumothocax
right ventricular hypertrophy. C.RVt-\) 3. Hydropneumothorax
• Pulsation over the suprasternal notch indicates 4. Peric.ardia) effusion
aneurysm of the arch of the aorta or coarctation 5. Shift of mediastinum to the right (right~sided lung
of the aorta. fibrosis and collapse)
6. Obesiry (thick chest wall)
Palpation 7. Apex lying under a rib
1. Apex beat Describe the position and character of 8. Dextrocardia {the apex willl be palpable on the right
the apex. side)
Position Locate the position of the apex of the heart.
This is done by first placing the palm on the precordium Character Try to describe the character of the apex.
to.feel the apical impulse and then by placing the ulnar 1111 Normally, the apex beat just touches and
border of the palm on the pulsation area horizontally. slightly elevates the examining finger. The common
Finally, the apex is localised by the tip of the middle or abnormal characters are:
index finge!:_. If the apex is in !.he supine • Tapping apex: Seen in advanced mitral stenosis.
~ iolb ~\he subject to sitdown ancftry to locate • Forr:eful and 111ell-sustai11ed ape>..: Seen in gross left
the apex in tlie ~tti_ngJJostufe. If the apex is still not ventricular hypertrophy due to chronic systemic
~-c; _. R~ (L \JH)
206 (~apter 32

hypertension, as it causes pressure overload and In each area, the following points should be noted
increases wall thickness. during auscultation.
• Forcejitl but ill-s11stai11ed apex. Seen in right
(?. '\J \,-\~ emricular hypertrophy or mild to moderate
1. First (S1) and second (SJ hea1rt sounds Note •
their ~ 1 . -in~nsity, durati~,_and ch~er. S1
left ventricular hypertrophy. In left ventricular
hypertrophy due to volume overload (as in
is heard better on the mitral area, and S, is heard
better over pulmonary and aort~c area. 1111 The
aortic regurgitation), there is increase in the
first and second heart sounds can be differentiated
ventricular cavity size rathenhan wall thickness.
by their pitch and duration. The first heart sound
Therefore, the apex is forceful but ill-sustained.
is heard as 'lub' and the second sound as 'dub'.
2. Parasternal heave Place the ulnar border of the
palm on the left parasternal line and feel for pulsations
and whether the palm is lifted with each pulsation.
111111 Presence ~ rasterna] heave suggests right ven-
tricular hypertr y .Rv\-\
3. Thrills Palpate ail over the precordjum foe rbcilk
11111 A@€illls a palpable murrnun The thrills are 2. Other sounds (if present)
best appreciate when the atient holds his breath in • Third heart sound (SJ }
expiration. Thrills may be present in v
or in aneu©11 of great vessels.
4. Tender point"-c:c~-Ulate the precordium for pres-
• Murmurs
• Opening snap
• Fourth heart sound (Sj

ence of any painful p ints o it. 1111 A tender • Ejection click

point over the precor m may be coscochon- U: murmur is pcesP.nt note the site of origin, timing,
dritis, myalgia, fracture of ribs or pleuritis. character, radiatio~ relation with respiration.

5. Direction of fl ow in veins If the veins are di- <

lated and engorged over the precordium , detect the
direction f flow in the veins. InGuperior venacaval Clinical Significance -;> A-IZJcw-,
obstructio , th~eaj_cm of blog! flow in the veins is
from above do~?:fdsr@~nor venacaval obstru9 Arterial pulse
tion, the direction of blood flow in the veins is from Detailed discussion on arterial pulse 1s given 10

below upwar~ 1111 The position of the trachea Chapter 27.

should be checked along with the position of the apex
to assess the position of the mediastenum. Venous pulse
The pulsation of internal jugular veins in the neck is
Percussion examined clinically to determine the atrial pressure
Percussion is of less significance in the examination of activity. J ugular venous pulse QVP) has five waves:
the CVS. But percussion is carried out sometimes to three positive waves (ascents) and two negative waves
detect the extent of cardiac dullness in conditions like (descents). The positive waves are a, ,c and v waves, and
pericardia! effusion. Cardiac dullness 1s detected 6y negative waves are x and y descents QFig. 32.3).
performing a light percussion. The details of the mles a wave due to atrial contraction
of the percussion are discussed in examination of the c wave coincides with the onset of ventricular
respiratory system. systole and results from the movement
(bulging) of the tricuspid valve ring into
Auscultation the right atrium as the right ventricular
With the help of the stethoscope, auscultate the pressure nses.
different areas in the following sequence: mitral area, vwave indicates the passive rise in pressure in the
pulmonary area, aortic area and tricuspid area. Use the right atrium as venous return continues
diaphragm of the st ethoscope to hear the heart sounds. while the tricuspid valve is closed.
Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular Syst em 207

ns, ~

Heart sounds

Systole Diastole

Fig. 32.3. JVP Jugular venous pulse S first heart sound. s. second heart sound

xdescent caused by a fall in right atrial pressure Cannon wave

due to relaxation of the right atrium. When the amplitude of the a wave is very high, it is
J' descent occurs due to fall in right atrial pressure called cannon wave (giant a wave). It is seen when the
when blood enters into the right ventricle right atrium contracts against a closed tricuspid valve.
as the tricuspid valve opens. It occurs in:
1. Complete heart block when atrial and ventricular
Conditions that Alter JVP systole coincides.
2. Nodal rhyth m w hen the atrium and ventricle are
Raised JVP activated sim ultaneously.
1. Right ventricular failure Absence of 'a' wave The a wave disappears in atrial
2. Obstruction of superior vena cava
't fibrillation.
3. Increase in circulating blood volume
• Pregnancy Prominent 'v' wave It is seen in tricuspid regurgi-
• Acute nephritis tation, because when the ventricle contracts during
• Over-judicious treatment with N fluids systole, blood enters into the right atrium through the
4. Constrictive pericarditis incompetent tricuspid valve. It is also seen in constric-
5. Tricuspid incompetence 11m Persistent elevation tive pericarditis and heart failure.
ofJVP is one of the earliest sign of congestive cardiac
failure and is probably the most reliable sign of the Precordial Examination
The two most important parameters in precordial
Prominent 'a' wave examination are (1) character and position of the apex
1. Pulmonary stenosis of the heart and (2) hean sounds.
2. Pulmonary hypertension
3. T ricuspid stenosis (usually in this condition there is A_pex of_ the heart
atrial fibrillation, so, the a wave may not be seen). The position of the apex beat is a valuable physical
4. Myxoma of right atrium sign in the examination of the CVS. The apex of the
5. Distended right atrium in atrial septal defect heart is formed by the left ventricle. Therefore, in
6. Cardiomyopathy left ventricular hypertrophy the apex becomes more
Physiological basis A prominent a wave occurs due forceful. Displacement of the apex occurs due to push
to increased force of right atrial contraction associated or pull from the surrounding viscera. Pushing may be
with right atrial hypertrophy or hypertrophy of right due to pleural effusion and pneumot hora.x, and pulling
vent ricle. When the right atrium contracts against in- may be due to pulmonary fibrosis and collapse. Apical
creased resistance, the a wave becomes prominent. displacement also occurs due to cardiac diseases like
208 Chapter 32

enlargement of the left ventricle. It can also occur due sound is heard, it is always considered as pathologi-
to deformity of the thoracic cage like scoliosis. cal.

HEART SOUNDS Second heart s our1d

Four heart sounds have been described. These are first Causes
heart sound (S), second heart sound (SJ, third heart • The second heart sound is primarily caused .by the
sound (SJ and fourth heart sound (SJ. S1 and S2 are closure of the sernilunar valves.
heard normally. • Rushing of blood into the ventricles due to opening
of the AV valves also contributes.
First heart sound Character: This is heard as 'dub'.
The first heart sound represents the beginning of the Duration : about 0.12 seconds
systole. Frequency : 50 Hz
Significance: It signifies die end of clinical systole and
Causes: It occurs due to vibration set up by:
closure of the sernilunar valves.
• Sudden closure of the AV valves.
Loud ~ (increased aonic component) is seen in:
• Rapid increase in tension in the ventricular
• Systemic hypertension
muscles during isometric contraction acting on full Diminished A2 is seen in:
• Aortic stenosis
• Turbulence created in the blood due to ventricular
• Aortic incompetence
Loud P2 (increased pulmonary component) is seen in:
Character: It is a soft sound, heard as 'lub'. • Pulmonary hypertension
Duration : about 0.15 seconds Diminished P1 is seen in:
Frequency : 25-45 Hz • Pulmonary stenosis
Splitting Splining of the second sound is due to the
Significance: It signifies the beginning of the ventricu- gap between the aortic and pulmonary components.
lar systole and AV valve closure. It is easy to detect because aonic and pulmonary valve
a) Accentuation of first heart sound closure sounds are high pitched and can be separated.
• Exercise Aonic valve closure is audible in all areas whereas
• Hyperkinetic circulatory states like anemia and pulmonary valve closure is audible only in the pulmo-
nary area. Splitting is most easily heard in children and
• Hypertension
may not be audible in elderly subjects.
b) Diminution of first heart sound
• Shock Mechanism of splitting The splitting of the second
• Acute myocardial infarction heart sound is due to the separation between the clo-
• Constrictive pericarditis sure of aortic and pulmonary valves. The closure of
• Pericardia! effusion pulmonary valve always follows the closure of aortic
• Cardiomyopathy (advanced stage) valve (aortic valve closes first). The splitting is distinct-
• Obesity ly heard during inspiration. During inspiration more
• Emphysema blood is drawn into the thorax. Therefore, venous
return to right atrium increases and right ventricular
Splitting The first heart sound has two components: stroke volume increases. This increases the duration of
the mitral and the tricuspid components. The mitral right ventricular systole. Thus, P1 is slightly delayed.
valve closes just before the tricuspid valve. This gives Also, during inspiration left ventricular stroke volume
rise to splitting of the first heart sound. But this split- decreases, because blood is pooled in the dilated pul-
ting cannot be detected by auscultation, because both monary vessels and dilated left atrium (this dilatation
the components are very low pitched and merge into qccurs due to increased negative intrathoracic pres-
each other. Therefore, when splitting of the first heart sure). Therefore, left ventricular systole is shortened
Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System 209

and A 2 comes earlier. Therefore, during inspiration ~ Fourth heart sound

occurs earlier and P 2 occurs later. Hence, splitting of
the second sound widens during inspiration. Exactly This is also called the atrial sound, because it is produced
the opposite happens during expiration and splitting during atrial contraction. It is not heard in normal
narrows. individuals. Presence of the fourth heart sound is
always considered abnormal.
Reverse splitting This occurs when the left ventricle Causes
takes more time to empty than the right ventricle.
• It is caused by atrial contraction.
It is seen in left bundle branch block {LBBB) and in
• It is produced by the vibration set up within the
left ventricular failure.
ventricle due to inflow of blood produced by atrial
Third heart sound
Character: It occurs just before the first sound, that is,
late in the diastole and is low-pitched.
Third heart sound is usually not heard in many healthy
individuals. Sometimes it may be heard in children
1. It always indicates increased stiffnes or non-
and in young adults. It is usually heard in condi-
compliance of the ventricles. Therefore, when a
tions in which the circulation becomes hyperkinetic.
bolus of blood is delivered into the ventricle by
The third sound can arise from either side of the heart,
atrial contraction, it facilitates a sudden increase of
but usually it arises in the left ventricle.
pressure in the ventricle.
Causes 2. It is seen in left ventricular hypertrophy due to
• It is caused by the vibration set up in the ventricle hypertension, myocardial infarction, pulmonary
-., during the early period of rapid ventricular filling. embolism and pulmonary hypertension.
• Rebound fencing of the cusp of the valve and
' -~ Triple heart sound
chordae of the respective valve due to vigorous
~. elongation of the ventricle caused by rapid inflow
of blood also contributes to this.
This consists of three heart sounds: the first and second
heart sound, and the third one cari be either the third or

► Character: It is best beard in the mitral area. It fol- fourth heart sound. The triple rhythm associated with
lows the aortic component of the second sound and a normal heart may not be a serious one, but if it is
heard early in the diastole, that is, just after the second present with a definite cardiac pathology, it may signify
' sound. a serious condition. When the heart rate increases to
Duration : 0.1 second more than 100 per minute, the triple rhythm is called
Pitch : low-pitched gallop rl_J)lthm, because it produces a typical cadence of
the gallop of a horse. The individual sounds cannot be
Signific ance identified separately. If the gallop is due to the third
1. This is attributed to rapid ventricular filling. It is heart sound, it is called a protodiastolicgallop; if it is due to
found in relatively hyperkinetic circulation, in the fourth heart $Ound, it is called pre.rystolicgallop.
young persons, and where the mitral diastolic flow
is increased as in mitral regurgitation and VSD. Murmurs
2. It is an important sign of heart failure due to any Murmurs occur due to turbulence in the blood fl.ow at
or near a valve, or an abnormal communication within
cause. In heart failure, the atrial pressure is increased
the heart. Murmurs differ from normal heart sounds in
and early filling of the ventricle is rapid.
the sense that these are of longer duration and higher
3. It may be heard shortly after myocardial infarction frequency, whereas heart sounds have shorter duration
or in diseases where the distensibility of the and lower frequency. When a murmur is present, the
ventricular muscle is altered. The sound arises from following points are carefully noted.
vibration in the atrioventricular valve structures
and in the ventricular muscle. 1. Site of origin The area over which the murmur
210 Chapter 32

is maximally heard should be noted. The point of • Inspect for the apex beat.
maximal intensity usually (but not always) indicates • Put the palm on the precordium over the
its site of origin. mitral area to feel apical pulsation.
• Use the ulnar border of the hand to further
2. T iming and du.ration Depending on the tim-
confirm the pulsation.
ing of the murmur, they are classified into systolic,
• Use the tip of the finger to finally locate the
diastolic or continuous murmurs. Depending on the
apex, and mark the position.
duration, it may be early diastolic, mid-diastolic, early
• Count the intercostal space and report the
systolic, pan-systolic, and so on.
exact position of the apex.
3. Character The murmur may be soft, blowing to
2. Examine the neck veins of the given subject and
harsh, rough and rumbling. Loud and rough murmurs
report your findings.
are usually associated with organic valvular and con-
genital lesions, for example, murmur of mitral stenosis
• Ask the subject to lie down on the couch and
is always rough and rumbling in character.
stand on the right side of the subject.
4. Radiation (conduction) From the site of maxi- • Elevate the head end of the bed or support
mum intensity auscultation is done in different direc- the back of the subject to recline him at an
tions to detect whether the murmur is localised or angle of 45°.
conducted to other parts. Conduction is characteristic • Turn the subject's head to the opposite side.
of some murmurs, for example, the murmur of rnitral • Ask the subject to relax his neck.
stenosis is usually localised whereas the murmur of • Look for the engorgement of the internal
rnitral incompetence selectively propagates towards jugular vein.
the axilla. • If the JVP is raised, look for the upper level
of the engorgement and measure the height
5. Relation with respiration During inspiration the of the pressure.
stroke volume of the right ventricle increases while
that of the left decreases. Therefore, any murmur 3. Auscultate the apex of the given subject and
becoming louder during inspiration is considered to report your findings
originate from the right ventricle, and any murmur Steps:
louder during expiration is said to originate from the • Expose the precordium.
left side of the heart. • Localise the apex of the given subject.
• Lightly place the diaphragm of the stethoscope
OSPE on the apex to auscultate it.
• Place fingers gently on carotid artery to
I. Locate the apex beat of the subject and report
differentiate the first from the second sound.
your findings.
Steps: • Check for the intensity and character of the
• Expose the precordium. sounds and report the findings.

1. What are the general physical signs that are specifically looked for before
commencing the clinical examination of the cardiovascular system?
2. What is the importance of detecting cyanosis in examination of the CVS?
3. What ar.e the characteristics of edema seen in cardiac patients?
4. Why should t he radial pulse be examined before the examination of the precordium?
5. What is the importance of recording blood pressure in examination of a patient of CVS?
6. Why are the neck veins usually preferred for the examination of the venous pulse?
7. How do you differentiate venous pulses from arterial pulses in the neck?
Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System 211

8. Why are the internal jugular veins preferred to the external jugulars for examination of the neck veins?
9. What are the waves seen in JVP and how are they produced?
10. In which conditions does an a wave become more prominent?
11. What is a cannon wave and how is it produced?
12. In which pathological conditions can a and ,, waves be absent?
13. What is the significance of raised JVP and in which clinical conditions is it seen?
14. Define precordium.
15. What are the points one should look for during inspection of the precordium?
16. In what clir;cal conditions can precordial bulging occur?
17. Define apex beat.
18. What are the procedures to localise the apex if it is-not palpable in the supine position?
19. Why should apex beat not be localised in the left lateral position?
20. ame the different conditions in which the apex beat may not be palpable.
21. What are the conditions in which the apex may become forceful and well sustained, and why?
22. What do you mean by 'tapping apex', and in which condition is it seen?
23. What is the importance of examining the position of the trachea along with the location of apex?
24. What is parasternal heave? In what conditions is this seen?
25. What are che different heart sounds normally heard?
26. What are the causes of the first heart sound, and how is it confirmed clinically?
27. What are the conditions in which the first sound becomes louder?
28. What do you mean by splitting of the second sound? Why is splitting better appreciated in inspiration?
29. What is reverse split? In which clinical condition is it seen?
30. What is gallop rhythm, and what is its significance?
31. How are murmurs produced? What are the types of murmurs?
33 Systolic Time Intervals .

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. Phonocardiogram (PCG).

3. Pulse transducer to pick up the pulse from the
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: carotid.artery.
1. State the importance of the study of systolic 4. A microphone to transduce the heart sounds into
time intervals (STis) in clinical physiology. electrical output.
2. Define PEP, LVET and QSr 5. ECG electrodes.
3. State the normal values of PEP, LVET and QS2 •
4. State the importance of PEP/LVET.
1. Ask the subject to lie down comfortably on a couch
5. Name the conditions that alter STis.
in the supine position.
6. Explain the clinical significance of STis in the
2. Connect the ECG electrodes from the subject
diagnosis of cardiac diseases.
(for recording lead II electrocardiogram) to the
3. Place the microphone firmly over the pulmonary
INTRODUCTION area of the chest and connect to the polygraph.
Systolic time intervals (STI) are noninvasive indicators 4. Place the pulse transducer firmly on the neck over
the carotid pulse and connect to the polygraph.
of systolic cardiac function. The study of STI involves
the determination of the pre-ejection period (PEP),
5. Record lead II ECG, PCG and carotid pulse in the
left ventricular ejection time (LVE1) and total polygraph simultaneously, at a speed of 100 mm/s.
electromechanical systole (QSJ. These are measured 6. Calculate the following systolic time intervals from
the polygraph tracings.
by simultaneous recording of the phonocardiogram,
carotid pulse and ECG.
Normal values Measure STis from the recordings (Fig. 33.1).
Males Fen;a/es
QS2 (ms) 546± 14 549± 14
QS2 .

LVET(ms) 413±10 418±11 This is measured from the onset of the QRS complex
PEP(ms) 131±0.04 133±0.04 to the earliest high frequency vibration of A 2 {aortic
component of the second heart sound).
11111 The values of STI depicted here are values .
corrected for heart rate using Weissler's regression
equauon. LVET
This is measured as the interval from the beginning of
the upstroke of the carotid tracing, to the trough of the
METHOD OF DETERMINATION dicrotic notch in the carotid pulse tracing.
Princi~ DIii Care should be taken to accurately demarcate
the dicrotic notch of the carotid pulse tracing as it does
Different electrical and mechanical events occur in the
not actually represent the aortic pressure.
heart during systole. A study of these changes helps to
understand the systolic functions of the heart.
Re uirements This is calculated by subtracting LVET from QS •
1. A multichannel polygraph (having a minimum of It represents the time for the electrical as well as the
three channels). mechanical events that precede systolic ejection.
The PEP is made up of two components, one constant,
Systolic nme Intervals 213


A. Conditio ns that increase STI
1. Left ventricu lar failure
2. Left bundle branch block (I.BBB)
3. Negative inotropi c agents
4. Preload
1. Aortic valve disease
~ LVET -.:j
2. After load

-; 2. Aortic valve disease
Fig. 33.1. Systolic time intervals L VET Left ventricular eiect1on B. Conditio ns that decrease STI
t,,,,e PEP Pre-eiect1on period OS electro-me chanical systole PEP
ld1starce bP.tween beg1ning of O wave 1r ECG to the
appearanc e of first v1brat1on ol S S. First heart sound
1. Aortic valve disease
S second heart sound 2. Left ventricu lar isovolum etric pressure
3. Positive inotropi c agents
and the other variable. T he constant compon ent
is electromechanical. The variable compon ent is LVET
the isovolum etric contract ion phase, which is the 1. Left ventricu lar dysfunctio n
main physiological informa tion obtained by the 2. Preload
measure ment of the STI. 3. Positive inotropic agents

The ratio of PEP to LVET is also known as L VET 1. Positive inotropi c agents
1. This is common ly used to assess left ventricu lar 2. Left ventricular dysfunc tion
function because this is a very highly sensitive index of
ventricu lar function. Clinical Applications

Precautions The STis have applications in the assessment and

1. The subject should be relaxed mentally and follow up of patients with chronic left ventricular
physically. dysfunct ion, which may occur primaril y due to
2. The PCG and carotid pulse transduc er should be ventricu lar myocardial disease· or seconda ry to aortic
placed firmly. valve disease.
3. The ECG must show a clear recording, which 1. Left ventricu lar d ysfu nction Left ventricu lar
depans acutely from a flat baseline.
dysfunc tion is seen in conditio ns like cardiom yop-
4. A sharp inscripti on of the initial high frequency
athy, myocard itis and myocardial infarction. STI
vibratio n of A 2 (aortic compon ent of the second heart
can be used for prognos tic assessment of chronic
sound) must be obtained on the phonoca rdiogram
myocardial diseases.
5. The carotid pulse tracing should have a pulse wave 2. Left ventricuJar outflow obstruc tion This oc-
of at least 5 cm height and show a good rapid curs in aortic stenosis . The PEP is shortened
upstroke and pointed single incisural notch. because of a rapid rise of ]Pressure (dp/dt} in the
Chapter 33

isovolu metric phase. L VET lengthe ns due to left ventric ular functio n.
obstruc tion. PEP/ L VET ratio is reduced. These 3. Aortic regurgitation There occurs shorten ing of
changes reverse in the opposi te directio n with PEP and lengthening of LVET. o exact correla-
. onset of left ventric ular dysfun ction. It is difficult tion has been establis hed betwee n the severity of
to predict the exact import ance of STI in such aortic regurgitation and the change in STI.
cases. Howev er, a ratio of PEP to L VET reflects

1. What are systolic time intervals and what are their normal values?
2. What is the significance of PEP?
3. What is the significance of the PEP/ LVET ratio?
4. What are the precautions for recording STI?
5. Name the conditions that alter STI.
6. Explain the role of STI in the assessment of left ventricular functions.
34 Nerve Conduction Study

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Anatomical and Physio,logical Aspects

After completing this practic al you WILL be able to: The conduction velocity of the nerve depends on
1. Explain the importance of the study of nerve the fibre diameter, degree of myelination and the
conduction in clinical physiology. internodal distance. As the axon increases in size, the
2. Classify nerve fibres. myelin sheath becomes thicker and the internodal
3. Explain the difference in nerve conduction in distance becomes longer. T he conduction therefore
myelinated and unmyelinated fibres. becomes faster. T he diameter of the nerve axons varies
4. List the factors that affect nerve conduction. between 0.2 and 20 µ . The nerve fibres are classified
5. State the principle of nerve conduction study. as myelinated and unmyelinated. The myelinated
6. Explain the basic methodology of nerve axons are surrounded by Schw ann cells, but there
conduction. is no Schwann sheath in unmyelinated fibres. The
7. List the precautions taken during the recording junction between two Schwann cells is known as the
of nerve conduction. node of Ranvier, where the axons remain uninsulated.
8. Correlate the findings of nerve conduction with The internodal distance, which is the distance
the clinical abnormality. between the two nodes of Rainvier, depends on the
9. List the causes and effects of some of the spacing of Schwann cells at the time of myelination
common neuropathies. during develpoment. P roliferation of Schwann cells

,'. .J
does not occur afterwards, but the imernodal distance
increases during the growth olf the nerve. Thus, the

INTRODUCTION fibres myelinated early have a longer internodal
distance, larger diameter an d wider spacing at the
Nerve conduction study (NCS) is part of the nodes of Ranvier.
electrodiagnostic procedures that help in establishing Nerve fibres are _classified into groups A, B and
the type and degree of abnormalities of the nerves. C depending on the fibre diamet er. Group A fibres
CS establishes diagnosis very early and more contain both afferent and effere:nt myelinated somatic
accurately then other electrodiagnostic techniques fibres of small, medium and large diameter (1- 20 µ).
because of its sensitivity in detecting conduction They are subclassified into a., p, y and 6 in order of
slowing (or block) which is an early indicator of nerve descending diameter and conduction velocity. Group
entrapment or peripheral neuropathy, the problems B fibres consist only of small preganglionic myelinated
most frequently encountered in neurology clinics. axons of the autonomous nervous system (1-3 µ).
The principle of NCS is very simple-apply shock G,vup C fibres consist of small unmyelinated fibres,
at one. point of the nerve and record the signal from which are present in visceral afferents, pain and
another. But the complexity of NCS lies in the clinical temperature afferents and preganglionic autonomic
application and interpretation of results. To interpret efferents (2-2.2 µ m).
the result of nerve conduction studies, one should
· koow the anatomical course of the nerve, the muscle Impulse Condluction
supplied by the nerve, the normal conduction velocity
of the nerve, the physiologic basis of the conduction of The action potential originated in the axons is
impulse in the nerves, the pathophysiologic response propagated in either direction from its site of origin.
of the nerve and muscle to disease and the biological T he conduction is continuous. in unmyelinated and
electrical signal. saltatory in myelinated fibres.
216 Chapter 34
r-4iyelinated fibres
Conduction is much faster in myelinated fibres than
in unmyelinated fibres. Myelin thickness is inversely
values. It attains the adult value by ithree to five years
of age, then remains relatively stabLe until sixty years
of age, after which it startS declining at a rate of 1.5 per
related to internodal capacitance and conductance. cent per decade. This is related to gradual loss of larger ., 1
Therefore, conduction velocity rncreases with
increasing myelin in the axon.
As the myelin sheath becomes thinner, the
internodal conductance and capacitance increases
neurons with ageing.
3. Height An inverse relationship exists between
the height of the individual and the velocity of nerve
conduction. This is because the shon:er nerves conduct
in conditions of segmental demyelination or during
faster than the longer nerves of the same age group.
remyelination. This causes greater loss of local current
In tall subjects, distal conduction slowing occurs due
before reaching the next node of Ranvier and fails
to greater axonal tapering and lesser myelination. Tall
to activate the nodes of Ranvier. This results in a
individuals are also subjected to more loss of large-
conduction block. The segmental demyelinarion of
smaller fibres may result in continuous conduction sized axons with ageing because of higher metabolic
instead of saltatory conduction. stress related to supplying the more distal axon.

4. Limb In the upper limb, conduction velocity

Unm elinated fi_!Jre1 is higher; this too is attributed to the length of the
Impulse conduction in unmyelinated fibres is much nerves.
slower than in myelinated fibres. The conduction The factors that contribute to t:he difference in
velocity is slow due to the continuous nature of conduction velocity of nerves between the upper and
conduction. The conduction velocity further slows lower limbs are:
down in conditions of focal compression, which may • Abrupt distal axonal tapering in 1rhe lower limbs.
occur due to demyelination or decrease in the diameter
• Shorter internodal distance in the lower limbs.
of the fibres.
• Progressive reduction in axonal diameter in the ,,.. .
Factors that Affect Nerve Conduction lower limbs.
• Lower temperature of the feet compared to hands.
A number of physiological and technical factors can
influence the result of nerve conduction studies. 5. Gender Gender is known to affect nerve conduc-

1. Temperature Nerve temperature is the single

Technical factors
most important factor that affects conduction veloc- Technical factors that affect nerve conduction may be
ity. The nerve conduction velocity is directly related due to a defect in the stimulating system or due to a
to intraneuronal temperature which in turn depends defect in the recording system .
on internal body temperature. Five per cent increase
Stimulating system Failure of th,e stimulating sys-
in conduction velocity occurs per degree Celsius rise
tem may result in small responses 01r no response.
of body temperature, from 30 °C to 40 °C. Con-
Faulty location ofstimulator The stimulator may
versely, a low temperature decreases the conduction
be placed wrongly on the skin suirface or the nerve
velocity. For each degree Celsius fall in temperature,
may be stimulated submaximally. In such cases, the
the latency increases by 0.3 ms and velocity decreases
stimulator should be relocated dose to the nerve
by 2.4 mis. The change in conduction velocity due to
and pressed firmly.
alteration in body temperature is attributed to the ef-
Fat or edema between stimidator and
fect of temperature on sodium channels in the nerves.
nerve In some situations like obesity or
Therefore, the laboratory temperature should ideally
edema, the needle electrodes may be used, as the
be maintained between 20 °C and 25 °C.
impulse may not reach the target properly.
2. Age Age significantly affects nerve conduction. Bridge formation between anode and cathode An
The conduction velocity of nerves is low in infants important source of failure of the stimulating
and children. In neonates, it is nearly half of the adult systems, is the shunting of current between anode
Nerve Conduction Study 217

and cathode either by sweat or the formation of a latency difference in ms (Fig. 34.2). The nerve con-
bridge by conducting jelly. duction velocity is expressed as mls.

Recording system Results may be erroneous if the Principles of sensory nerve conduction Similar to
recording system is defective, especially if the connec- the motor nerve conduction study, the sensory nerve
tion is faulty. conduction measurement includes onset latency, am-
Damage in the electrode wire The intactness of the plitude, duration of SNAP and nerve conduction
recording system is tested by asking the subject to velocity. Sensory nerve conduction can be measured
contract the muscle with the electrode in position. orthodromically or antidromically. In orthodromic
If there is a damage in the cable, the stimulus- conduction, a distal portion of the nerve, for example,
induced muscle twitches cause movement related digital nerve is stimulated and sensory nerve action
Incorrect position of active or reference electrode
An initial positivity preceding the peak of
compound muscle action potential suggests
incorrect positioning of the active electrode.
The recorded potential is also distorted if the L
reference electrode is located in an active rather
than a remote region in relation to muscle action
Wrongly connected preamplifier/Wrong settings of
gain, sweep or filter Amplifier filters can change all
the components (amplitude, latency and duration)
. ., of the recorded response. C >
Fig. 34.1. Compound muscle action potential (CMAPi L Latency
a Base to peak amplitude b Peak to peak amplitude c Dura-

The nerve conduction study requires an external
stimulation that initiates depolarisation simultaneously
in all the axons of the nerve to produce a recordable •
response. The response is recorded by stimulating the
nerve at two different points. Conduction velocity is
determined by studying the clifference in latencies of
the responses, compared with the distance between the
two points. The nerve conduction study involves the
study of motor and sensory conduction.
Principles of motor nerve conduction The mea-
surement of motor nerve conduction study includes
= onset of latency, duration and amplitude of com-
pound muscle action potential (CMAP) and nerve
:. conduction velocity. The onset of latency is the time
in ms from the stimulus artifact to the first negative
deflection of CMAP (Fig. 34.1). This is achieved by
stimulating the nerve at least at two points along Fig. 34.2. Pr1nc1ple of motor nerve conduction The conduction
velocity 1s calculated by d1v1d1ng the distance between tl1P proxi-
its course. The motor nerve conduction velocity is
mal (S ) and distal (S ) st1mulat1ng electrodes oy the difference
calculated by measuring the distance between two 1n proximal (x) and distal latency (yl R Reference elPctro.Jb G
points of stimulation in mm, which is divided by the Ground electrode A Active recording eler.t,odc
218 Chapter 34

potential (SNAP) is recorded at a proximal point 2. Fix the cup electrode on the skin overlying the
along the nerve. In antidromic sensory nerve con- muscle supplied by the nerve (Fig. 34.3).
duction, the nerve is stimulated at a proximal point 3. Connect the electrodes to the oscilloscope through
and the nerve action potential is recorded distally. the preamplifier.
The latency of orthodromic potential is measured 4. Keep the sweep at 5 ms/ cm.
from the stimulus artifact to the initial positive or 5. With the help of stimulating eliectrodes, stimulate
subsequent negative peak. The initial positive peak the nerve first at the distal end and observe the
in SNAP having a triphasic appearance is a feature action potential on the oscilloscope. 1111
of orthodromic potential. In antidromic potential, stimulus artifact, which is due to current leak,
the initial positivity in SNAP is absent. The sensory appears at the beginning of the sweep. This is useful
conduction velocity is calculated by dividing the dis- for noting the point of stimulus. The latent period
tance (mm) between the stimulating and the recording is measured as the interval between the beginning
site by the latency (ms). The amplitude of SNAP sug- of the stimulus artifact and the fast deflection of the
gests the density of nerve fibres whereas the duration muscle potential.
suggests the number of slow conducting fibres. 6. Then, stimulate the nerve at the proximal end and
record the action potential. Note the latent period.
Re uirements 11111 The difference between the two latent
1. Stimulator periods gives the time taken by the impulse to travel
2. Stimulating and recording electrodes from the proximal point to the distal point.
3. Preamplifier 7. Measure the distance between the points of
4. Oscilloscope stimulation.
5. Electrode jelly 8. Calculate the conduction velocity in mis by the
6. Spirit formula: distance/ difference in latent periods.
,. .
Procedure Observation
1. Clean the area and the skin overlying the nerve Express the nerve conduction velocity in metres per
with spirit at the proximal and the distal ends. second (mis).

F ig 34 3. P·ut edurc c,f 11erve crnduct,on study (median nerve) 1 Grounding electrode 2 Recording lectrorJe
, St1•1°1,1c1t,ri:.i LIPc !•ode 4 Computerised ·1erve conduction - EMG mact11ne
Nerve Conduction Study 219

Precautions • Hypothyroidism
1. The subject should be properly instructed and • Acromegaly
motivated to provide full cooperation.
2. The subject should be fully relaxed. Ulnar Nerve
3. The room should be quiet and comfortable.
4. The subject should be grounded properly. The ulnar nerve arises from C7-T1 through the
medial cord of the brachial plexus. It does not supply
any muscle in the upper arm. It passes through the
condylar groove in the elbow, to enter the forearm
Recording of nerve conduction study is ordered where it passes through the cubital tunnel. Here · it
in neurological practice to assess the velocity of supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris. Then it supplies the
conduction of impulses in the nerve. The important B.exor digitorum profundus ill and IV. At the wrist, it
nerves tested are median, ulnar, radial nerves and passes through Guyon's cannal where it bifurcates to
brachial plexus in the upper limbs, and sciatic, femoral, form a superficial sensory and a deep motor branch.
common peroneal, tibial and sural nerves in the lower The motor branch supplies hypothenar muscles
limbs. and abductor pollicis, medial half of flexor pollicis,
interosseous and third and fourth lumbricals.
Median Nerve
Ulnar neuropathy
The median nerve {C5-T1) is a mixed nerve. It supplies Ulnar nerve neuropathy can occur at the elbow, the
the B.exors of the forearm and thenar muscles of hand. It distal forearm, and wrist. · ·
is sensory to the lateral aspect of the palm and the dorsal
surface of terminal phalanges. It has no innervation in Ulnar nerve lesion at the elbow
the upper arm. In the forearm it supplies pronator teres, There are two vulnerable sites for lesion of the ulnar
flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, B.exor digitorum nerve in the elbow: the condylar groove and the cubital
superficialis, B.exor digitorum profundus, B.exor pollicis tunnel.
longus and pronator quadratus. The nerve then passes At condylar groove
through the carpal tunnel to enter the hand, where it • Repeated pressure
supplies lumbricals I and II, opponens pollicis, flexor • Fracture of ulna
pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis brevis. • u pro,!J
At cubital tunnel
Median entra ment neuro ath • A rthriti.s
The entrapment {compression) neuropathy of the • Ganglion
median nerve occurs commonly during its course
in the carpal tunnel. In fact, the carpal tunnel syndrome Ulnar nerve lesion in the distal forearm
is the commonest entrapment neuropathy seen in a The ulnar nerve in the distal forearm can be damaged
neurology clinic. Pronator tens !Jndrome of the median by trauma or chronic repetitive ergonomic stress. It
nerve {entrapment of the nerve between the heads of the is usually associated with median and radial nerve
pronator teres, through which the nerve descends into involvement. The ulnar nerve may be compressed
the forearm from the arm) also occurs occasionally. in the middle of the upper arm by the head during
In these syndromes, the conduction of the median sleeping.
nerve decreases. The nerve conduction decreases distal
to the site of compression. Ulnar nerve lesion at the wrist
1. Lesion proximal to the branch to hypothenar
Causes of ca al tunnel s ndrome m uscles This produces profound weakness of
The common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are: interossei and lumbricals, which is associated with
• Rheumatoid arthritis mild hypothenar weakness. The sensations remain
• Overuse of wrist normal.
220 Chapter 34

2. Lesion distal to the branch to hypothenar motor conduction reveals reduced CMAP. T he radial
muscles This causes weakness of interossei and sensory conduction remains normal.
lumbricals, but not of the hypothenar muscles.
The sensation remains normal. In distal forearm This affects the superficial sensory
nerve. Therefore, it results in pure sensory loss in 1
3. Lesion before the division of the superficiaJ and the distribution of radial nerve. Motor conduction
deep branches A lesion at this site causes weak-
ness of the intrinsic muscles of the hand supplied
remains normal. ~
by the ulnar nerve and impair ment of sensation in - I
Brachia! Plexus
the area of distribution of the superficial branch.
The brachia} plexus (Cs- T 1) carry the fibres that
4. Lesion of the superficial branch of the ulnar
provide motor and sensory supply of the shoulder
nerve There is impairment of sensations in the
girdle, upper trunk and upper limb. It has two trunks
areas supplied by the superficial branch. The mo-
(suprascapular and subclavian) and three cords (medial,
tor conduction remains normal.
posterior and lateral). The medial cord gives rise to the
medial pectoral, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm,
Radial Nerve and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The
T he posterior cord of the brachia} plexus extends as the posterior cord gives rise to the superior subscapular,
radial nerve. It has the root value of Cs- T 1• It supplies thoracodorsal and inferior subscapular nerves. The
the triceps and then descends down in the spiral groove lateral cord forms the lateral pectoral nerve. The
of the humerus. It supplies the brachioradialis and terminal branches of the brachia! plexus form the
extensor carpi radialis and longus. In the proximal part musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median and ulnar
of the forearm, it divides into the posterior interosseous nerve.
and superficial radial nerves. The posterior interosseous erve conduction in the brachia! plexus can be
nerve supplies the supinator, abductor pollicis longus, measured by stimulating at Erb's point. T he F waves
extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, extensor have been used in assessing conduction in t he proximal
digiti minimi, extensor pollicis longus and extensor portion of the nerves, plexus or roots. The brachia!
indices. The superficial cutaneous nerve supplies the plexus is involved in brachial neuritis, thoracic outlet
dorsum of the hand. compression syndrome, radiation induced plexopathy,
and the obstetric and congenital brachial plexus palsy
Radial neuropatl!}! in newborns.
A lesion of the radial nerve causes 1vrist drop. The radial
nerve may be affected in the axilla, behind humerus Femoral Nerve
(retrohumeral), proximal forearm or distal forearm.
The femoral nerve has the root value of L2_... It
In axilla Lesion of radial nerve in the axilla usually innervates the extensors of the knee. It carries sensation
occurs due to compression during sleep. There is weak- from the am eromedial thigh , medial leg and foot. In its
ness in all the muscles supplied by the radial nerve, im raabdominal course, it supplies the iliopsoas muscle.
including the triceps. The motor and sensory nerve It emerges from the pelvis under the inguinal ligament
conduction of the radial nerve reveals abnormality. and divides into the anterior and posterior branches. •
The anterior division supplies the anterior and medial
Retrohurneral lesion This is the commonest form of
thigh , and the posterior division supplies the knee and
radial nerve palsies. It occurs due to compression as in
hip joint and quadriceps muscle and terminates as the

saturdqy night parafysis or following general anesthesia.
saphe110/fs 11en-e.
In proximal forearm T he posterior interosseous
nerve is involved in the lesion of the radial nerve in Femor~I neuropatl!Y
the proximal forearm. Posterior interosseous nerve is Causes
a pure motor nerve. There is weakness in the exten- • Diabetes mellitus
sors of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints. The • Vertebral tumours
Nerve Conduction Study 221

• Compression of inguinal ligament during pro- The deep peroneal nerve supplies the muscles of the
longed surgery in lithotomy position anterior compartment.
In femoral neuropathy, the motor conduction
abnormalities include decreased conduction velocity Common causes oJ commgn perone_!Lne~e lesions
and small CMAP amplitude. Compression at the level The neuropathy usually occurs due to compression
of the inguinal ligament results in conduction block of the common peroneal nerve as it winds around the
which can be detected by stimulating the femoral nerve fibula. It usually occurs in:
1• .ibove and below the inguinal ligament and comparing 1. Plaster cast
the CMAP. 2. Tight b mdage
3. Fracture neck of fibula
Saphenous Nerve 4. Habitual crossing of legs
This is a purely sensory nerve. It is the largest and The nerve conduction studies reveal defects in both
longest branch of the femoral nerve. The lesion of the motor and sensory conduction..
saphenous nerve, which occurs in laceration injuries
or during surgery for varicose veins, results in sensory Tibial Nerve
impairment in the medial aspect of the knee, leg and This is the continuation of the medial trunk of the
foot. There is no defect in motor conduction. sciatic nerve below the popliteal fo,sa. It supplies both
heads of the gastrocnemius, sol,eus and tibialis posterior
Sciatic Nerve muscle. It descends and passes through the tarsal tunnel
and supplies the intrinsic foot muscles.
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve of the body. It
has medial and lateral trunks. The medial trunk below Tibial neurop_athy
the popliteal fossa continues as the tibial nerve and The tibial nerve is frequently affected in leprosy.
the lateral trunk continues as the common peroneal
Lesion of the tibial nerve resiults in the weakness of
nerve. Sciatic neuropathy commonly results from
plantar flexors, inverters and intrinsic foot muscles.
fracture dislocation of the hip joint, hip replacement
The nerve is also involved in t,mal tunnel syndrome.
surgery, prolonged compression during anesthesia or
Nerve conduction reveals impairment in both
sitting in an awkward position, or sometimes during
motor and sensory conduction. The tarsal tunnel
gluteal injection. The electrophysiological evaluation
syndrome is diagnosed by demonstrating a conduction
involves motor conduction studies of the peroneal and
block and latency prolonga1tion across the tarsal
posterior tibial, and sensory conduction of the sural
and superficial peroneal nerve.

Sural Ne·rve
Common Peroneal Nerve
The sural nerve is the root value of S1 and Sr It is
The common peroneal nerve winds around the neck
derived from both the tibial and peroneal nerves. It is
of the fibula and descends down to divide into the
a purely sensory nerve. It innervates the posterolateral
superficial and deep peroneal nerves. The superficial
part of the distal leg and the lateral aspect of the foot.
peroneal nerve innervates the peroneus longus and
peroneus brevis, and then supplies the lateral and In sural neuropathy, there is abnormality in sensory
dorsal portion of the lower leg and dorsum of the foot. conduction.

VIVA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. What is the importance of nerve conduction study in clinical medicine?
2. How does myelination affect conduction velocity of the nerves?
3. How do you classify nerve fibres?
4. What are the factors that affect nerve conduction?
222 Chapter 34

5. What is the principle of nerve conduction?

6. What is the course and innervation of the median nerve?
7. What are the common sites and causes of median neuropathy?
8. What are the effects of median neuropathy at different sites?
!. I
9. What is the course and innervation of the ulnar nerve?
10. What are the common sites and effects of ulnar neuropathy? . ·J
11. What are the effects of ulnar neuropathy at different sites?
12. What is the course and innervation of the radial nerve?
13. What are the common sites and causes of radial neuropathy?
14. What are the effects of radial neuropathy at different sites?
15. What is the course and innervation of the femoral nerve?
16. What is the common site of lesion of the femoral nerve?
17. What are the causes and effects of femoral neuropathy?
18. What is the course and innervation of the common peroneal nerve?
19. What are the common sites and causes of common peroneal neuropathy?
20. What are the effects of common peroneal neuropathy?
21. What is the course and innervation of the tibial nerve?
22. What are the common sites and causes of lesion of the tibial nerve?
23. What are the effects of tibial neuropathy?
24. What is the F wave and what is its significance?
Ans: The F wave is recorded from the muscle. When a supramaximal stimulus is given, an action poten!ial travels up
the motor nerve and ventral root to the motor neuron, and is reflected back down to the muscle, causing a delayed
muscle contraction.
25. What is the H reffex and what is its significance?
Ans: An' H reflex is recorded in the soleus muscle using a submaximal stimulus. The action potential travels in the
proprioceptive sensory fibre within the nerve, and through the dorsal root and a monosynaptic reflex arc it reaches
the motor neuron, resulting in a late muscle contraction. This is sensitive for detecting S1 radiculopathy.
35 Electromyography

I~ LEARNING OBJECTIVES synchronously near the needle electrode. Therefore, the

MUP has higher amplitude and longer duration than
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: the action potential produced by a single muscle fibre.
1. Explain the importance of performing EMG in The MUPs can be characterised by their firing pattern
clinical physiology. and appearance. With mild contraction, the firing rate
2. List the uses of EMG. of MUPs atre normally 5-15 Hz. With additional firing
3. Describe the types and features of motor unit during m111scle contraction, · there is recruitment of
potentials. MUPs. The recruitment of MUPs depends on the size
4. List of factors that affect motor unit potentials. principle. According to the size principle, the motor
5. Describe the principle and precautions of record- neurons a.ire recruited in the order of size from small
ing £MG. to large.
6. Explain insertional activity.
7. List the different types and common causes of Features
spontaneous activity. The MUP is characterised by its duration, number of
phases, amplitude and rate of rise of first component
(Fig. 35.2) ..

Electromyography refers to the recording of action

potentials of muscle fibres firing singly or in groups,
near the needle electrode in a muscle. The muscle
action potential when recorded by a needle usually has
three phases. The rise time and fall of muscle action
potential depends on the distance of the recording
electrode from the muscle fibres.
Each muscle is composed of thousands of muscle
fibres and each fibre is a complex multinucleated cell of
variable length and diameter. Each muscle fibre receives
a nerve twig from a motor neuron in the anterior Peripheral nerve axon
horn of the spinal cord. A single motor neuron and
the group of muscle fibres innervated by it is known
as a motor unit (Fig. 35.1). The rate and pattern of
• firing of muscle fibres of a motor unit depend on the
stimuli that approach through the nerve. A denervated
muscle exhibits unstable membrane potential and fires
spontaneously (~vithout stimulation).
Muscle fibres
Motor Unit Potential

The motor unit potential (MUP) is the sum of the Neuromuscular junc-
action potentials produced in the muscle supplied
by an anterior horn cell. The muscle fibres discharge . Schematic representation of a typical motor unt!
224 Chapter 35

Factors that affect MUP

Technical factors
• Type of needle electrode
• Characteristics of recording surface
• Electrical characteristics of cable
• Preamplifier and amplifier
• Method of recording
Fig. 35.2. Normal motor unit potential. a amplitude:
d duration Physiological factors
• Age of the patient
- -- • Muscle examined
The duration is measured from the initial take-off • Temperature
to the point of return to the baseline. It varies from
5-15 ms. It is shorter in children and longer in elderly
subjects. METHOD
The duration of MuP is a measure of: Principle
• Conduction velocity A resting muscle does not show recordable electrical
• Length of muscle fibre potential. If allowed to contract, it does. With increased
• Membrane excitability force of contraction, the amplitude of potential
• Synchrony of different muscle fibres of a mo- mcreases.
tor urut
Phases 1. Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)
Usually MUP is triphasic, that is, positive, negative 2. Preamplifier and amplifier
and positive. The phase is defined as the portion of 3. Recording electrodes ,.
the MUP between the departure and the return to 4. Electrode paste
the baseline. .t}.n MUP with more than four phases is 5. Spirit
called a polyphasic MUP. Normally, the polyphasic
potentials do not exceed 5-15 per cent of the total MUP Recording electrodes There are different types of
population. Presence of more polyphasic potentials recording electrodes. They are broadly divided into
indicate desynchronisation or dropout of muscles. needle electrodes and surface electrodes.
Different types of needle electrodes are:
• Concentric needle electrodes
The amplitude is measured from the maximum peak
• Monopolar needle electrodes
of the negative phase to the maximum peak of the
• Single fibre needle electrodes.
positive phase. The amplitude depends on:
• Macro needle electrodes
• Size of the muscle fibres
The concentric needle electrodes are the most
• Density of the muscle fibres commonly used electrodes in clinical practice. It
• Synchrony of firing consists of 24-26 gauge needle with a fine wire in its
• Proximity of the needle to the muscle fibre lumen. The recording area of the titp of the needle is
• Type of muscles exaniined 125 x 580 µm1 • In this electrode, the shaft of the needle
• Muscle temperature is considered as the active electrode, thus, reducing
• Age of the subject the surrounding m~scle noise. The :monopolar needle ..
electrode is a solid, 22-30-gauge teflon coated needle
Rise time with a bare tip. The MUP recorded by a monopolar
The rise time of MUP is the duration from the initial electrode is slightly higher in amplitude and longer in
positive to the subsequent negative peak. The usual rise duration.
time is less than 500 µs. If it is more than 500 µs, the
increased resistance and capacitance of the intervening Procedure for surface EMG
tissue could be accountable. 1. Clean the skin overlying the muscle with spirit.
Electromyo graphy 225

2. The subject should be fully relaxed.

A ~ 3. The room should be calm and comfortable.
4. The subject should be grounded properly.
1mVL 10 ms DISCUSS!
Motor Unit Pot,entials
1. Short duration MUP
2. Long duration MUP
3. Polyphasic MUP
4. Mixed pattern MUP
Fig. 35.3. Motor unit potentials A Normal. B Neurogenic (MU Ps 5. Doublets MUP
are larger, prolonged and polyphas1c. C Myopath1c (MUPs have
low amplitude) Short duration MUPs are usually low amplitude
MUPs (Fig.35.3). They have rapid recruitme nt with
2. Fix a set of three electrodes on the skin over the minimal effort. These are found in diseases associated
muscle (one for ground, and the other two for with the loss of muscle fibres. Short duration MUPs
recording EMG) with a small amount of electrode are commonl y seen in:
paste. The electrode paste minimises the skin- 1. Myopathi es (endocrine and metabolic)
electrode resistance. 2. Neuromu scular junction disorder
3. Connect the elecq·odes through the preamplifier to 3. The early stages of reinnerva tion after nerve
the oscilloscopes. ·damage.
4. Observe the resting potentials in the oscilloscope.
Long duration MUPs are generally associated with
5. Ask the subject. to contract the muscle, and observe
high amplitude and poor recruitme nt (Fig.35.3). Long
the potentials.
duration MUPs are commonl y seen in:
Procedur e for needle EMG 1. Motor neuron disease
1. Clean the skin overlying the muscle with spirit. Fix 2. Neuropat hies
the ground electrode. 3. Chronic myositis
2. Insert the concentric needle electrode into the When there are more than fou:r phases in MUP, they
muscle to be tested. are called po!Jphasic. They are commonl y seen in:
3. Observe the potentials in the oscilloscope during 1. Myopathi es where there is regeneration of fibres
illSert1on. and increased fibre density,
4. Ask the subject to contract the muscle, and observe ii. In neurogenic diseases where there is regeneration
the potentials. of axons.
5. Move the needle in different directions in the muscle In a 11/ixed pattem of MUPs, short duration MUP, long
and record the potential. duration MUP and polyphasi c MUPs occur. This
pattern is seen in both myopathi es and neuropath ies.
Observation Normally , MUPs are discharged as a single
The following activities are observed during recording potential in a semi-rhyt hmic fashion. In some diseased
EMG. conditions, the rhythm of MUPs is disturbed and
1. Insertional activity occurs in bursts of two or more at an interval of 10-30
2. Spontane ous activity ms. These are called doublets, tripl,•ts or nmltiplets depending
3. Voluntary activity on t he number of bursts.
This is commonl y seen in:
Precautions 1. Hyperven tilation
1. The subject should be properly instructed and 2. Motor neuron disease
motivated to provide full cooperation. 3. Muscle ischemia
226 Chapter 35

lnsertional Activity B. Diseases of neuromuscular junction

When a needle is introduced into tbe muscle, normall y • M yasthenia gravis
there is a brief burst of electrical activity. This is due • Botulism

~ -I
to mechanical damage of the muscle by the needle. C. Myogenic diseases
It appears as positive or negative high frequency spikes • Myositis
in clusters. • Muscle trauma

Alteration of insertional activity Fasciculations

Increased insertion al activity is seen in: Fasciculation potentials are spontaneous act1v1t1es
1. Denervated muscles generated by a number of muscle fibres belonging to
2. Myotonia whole or a part of motor unit. They occur randoml y
3. Familial and irregularly at variable rates of 1-500 per minute.
Their size and shape depend on motor units from
D ecreased insertional activity is seen in:
which they arise and on the distance of recording
1. Periodic paralysis (during the attack)
electrode from the motor unit.
2. Myopathies (in which muscle is replaced by
connective tissue and fat) Causes
3. Insertional activity is lower in calf muscles A. Physiological
• Benign fasciculations
Spontaneous Activity • Muscle cramps
B. Neurological
Normal ly, there is no spontaneous electrical activity
(after the decay of insertional activity). However, • Root compression
some kind of spontan eous activity is recorded in the • Amyotr ophic lateral sclerosis
end plate zone, which appears as monophasic negative • Syringomyelia
waves of less than 100 µV and duration of 1-3 ms.
The end plate potentials are known as end plate noise. Complex repetitive discharge
The end plate spikes occur due to mechanical activation This refers to repetitive and synchronous firing of
of the nerve terminals by the needle. The abnorma l a group of muscle fibres. They have amplitudes of
spontaneous activities are: SO µV-1 mV, duration of 50-100 ms and frequency of
• Fibrillations 5-100 Hz.
• Fasciculations
• Complex repetitive discharges {CRD) Causes
• Cramp potentials 1. Polymyositis
2. Poliomyelitis
Fibrillations 3. Spinal muscular atrophy
Fibrillations are spontaneously occurnn g act1on 4. Chronic neuropathies
potentials . from a single muscle fibre. These fire
regularly at a rate of 1-15 Hz with amplitudes of Cramp potentials
20-200 µV and duration of 1-5 ms when recorded by a During muscle cramp the spontaneous discharges of
concentric needle. Fibrillations are biphasic or triphasic potential occurs at 40-60 Hz, usually with abrupt
waves with initial positivity {this differentiates it from onset and cessation .
end plate spike).
Causes 1. Salt depletion
A. Neurogenic diseases 2. Chronic neurogenic atrophy
• Anterio r horn cell disease 3. Pregnancy
• Axonal neuropathy 4. Also seen in normal persons
Electromyography 227

1. What are the clinical uses of electromyography?
2. What is the motor unit potential (MUP)?
3. What are the factors that affect MUPs?
4. What is the principle of EMG?
I ,._
5. What are the types of needles used in EMG recording?
6. What are the precautions taken for EMG recordings?
7. What are the different types of activities recorded in EMG?
I 8. What are the different types of MUPs?
I 9. What are the features of short duration MUPs? In what conditions are they seen?

10. What are the features of long duration MUPs? In what conditions are they seen?
11. What are the features of polyphasic MUPs? In what conditions are they seen?
12. What are the features of mixed MUPs? In what conditions are they seen?
13. What is doublet or multiplet MUPs? In what condition is it seen?
14. What is insertional activity? What are the conditions in which insertional activites increase and decrease?
15. What is spontaneous activity? What are the different types of spontaneous activity?
16. What are the features and causes of fibrillation?
17. What are the features and causes of fasciculation?
18. What are the features and causes of complex repetitive discharge?
19. What is cramp potential? In what conditions is it seen?

36 Mosso's Ergography

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 5. Training A physically trained individual can al-

ways perform better than untrained persons.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. State the importance of performing this practical
6. ~ e Europeans and Caucasians perform better l
than Asians.
in human physiology.
2. Define ergography.
3. Perform Mosso's ergography.
7. Motivation Encouragement and motivation stim-
ulate the reward system in the brain and increase the
4. List the precautions to be taken for Mosso's performance.
5. Calculate the work done. Factors that Affect Fa1tigue
6. List the factors that affect fatigue and work done.
7. Name the sites of fatigue in human beings. • The degree of work
• The duration of work
You MAY also be able to:
1. Explain the factors that affect the performance.
In Mosso's ergograpf}y1-fatigue is af'fecte!!_by:
2. Explain the effect of venous and arterial
1. The 111eigh1 to he lifted When the weight to be lifted
occlusion and motivation on work done.
increases, fatigue occurs early.
3. Explain the sites of fatigue in humans.
/ 2. The.freque11ry of co11tractio11s Fatigue occurs early when
,' the frequency of contractions increases.
INTRODUCTION 3. Motfratio11 Encouragement delays fatigue.
Ergography is the recording of ~ ergogram. It was 4. Blood supply to the exercising 11111.rcle Venous and arterial
first described by Mossa, and is therefore called occlusion accelerate fatigue.
Mosso's ergography. An ergograrn is a recording of 1 :
the voluntary contractions of the skeletal muscles · \ Factors that c11use !.TIUS&le fatigue
of a human being on a moving kymograph. Mosso's
ergography is done to assess the performance (the ,
Depletion of nutrients (oxygen, cneatine phosphate,
ability to work) of the flexors of the fingers of the -. Depletion of neurotransmitters [NMN]
hand. It is also performed to study the phenomenon of Accumulation of metabolites
fatigue in human skeletal muscles.

Factors that Affect Performance
Princi~le •
1. Age Young adults can perform better than chil-
The su1?i_ect_sQ_n tracts the flexors of the fiugers again~t
dren and elderly individuals.
r~ c~ icg Mossr,u ergogcam, till the finger 1s
2. Sex Men can perform voluntary contractions bet- fatigued.~ work done is calculated to study the
ter. effect of various factors on the performance.
3. Height Usually taller people perform better.
4. Physical build Persons with sound physical build
1. Mosso's ergograph Mosso's ergograph (Fig.
can perform better than the obese or very thin.
36. 1) is the apparatus Qaboratory setup) used to
Mosso's Ergography 229

2 3

7 6 5

Fig. 36.1. Mosso·s ergograph ( 1 Writing point of the lever. 2 Drum. 3 Kymograph; Arm f1x1ng clamp, 5 Finger holder. 6 Pulley
7· Cord connected to weights)

record an ergogram. In Mosso's ergograph, there is

an arrangement for fixing the fingers and forearm
in the appropriate holders. A cord passing over
a puJley and carrying a !Qad of 3 kg at one end
is attached to a sliding plate. The sliding plate is
connected through a sling to the finger, the Aexors
of which are being studied. The metal plates also
carry a writing lever, which writes on a slow mov-
• ing drum. ~ d d l e finger is flexed, the
laad is l i f t e d ~ Cfil!!UCe~ ro ugh which the
I load is lifted is 'marked by che w'k"ting leYer on the

2. Metronome (Fig. 36.2) This instrument is used
in experiments requiring an interrupter adjusceri
from 40 to 200 conracrs/mi11. The frequency
of interruption is adjusted by sliding the clip
on a sideways-movable metal plate in front of a

graduated scale. The position

3. Electrical kymograph
4. S£_hygmomanometer
w of the cijp , o n 1.he
s~e gives the frecµieru; which,_ the., soun2,_ is
- Fig. 36.2. Metronome

into the fixed-tube holders, leaving the middle

finger to pull the load.
3. Set the metro no me to oscilla.t( o nce in two
5. A set o f 500 g weights
seco nds. ~i,c,c ~1 OSC~
4. Connect the sling to the middle finger.
Procedure 5. Ask the subject to lift the load by maximal
1. Supply proper instructio ns to the subject. contraction of the Aexors of the middle finger and
2. Insert the index and the ring finger of the subject
230 Chapter 36

repeat lifting the load every two seconds along with Calculation
the metronome oscillations. Calculate the work done for each ergogram by the ...
6. Ask the subject to continue (lifting the load) till the formula: lI
load can no longer be lifted. 111111 The record of Cw= F x s)
ntractions obtained in the drum is called an where W is the work done (in kg m), F is the load
7. Atr'o the subject to rest for 15 minutes.
(in kg), and S is the total distance (in metres) through -'
which the load is lifted. S is the sum of all the vertical
8. After rest ask her to repeat the same procedure till amplitudes in each ergogram, that is, total length of all
she is fatigued. vertical lines.
9. When she can no longer lift the weight encourage
her (to study the effect of encouragement) ...!2.. Observation
nd record the e o am. Study the amplitude of contractions and the time
10 Allow the subject to rest fo minute ollowing of the onset of fatigue. Work done improves with
which obtain the ergogram after venous occlusion. encouragement and decreases with venous and arterial
Venous occlusion is obtained by tying the occlusion (Fig. 36.3).
cuff ar un t arm of the sub'ect and raising 1. Motivation and encouragement increase the
and maintaining tin;..+i?~i.u...~ ~rwi.u..Hg. This amplitude of contractions and delay the onset of
occludes the veins in arms. fatigue.
Allow the subject to rest fo~S minut"?} following 2. Venous occlusion decreases the amplitude of
which~tain the ergogram er arterial occlusion. contractions and shortens the onset of fatigue.
erial occlusion is obtained by raising the 3. The arterial occlusion funher decreases the
pressure 200 mm Hz and keeping the BP cuff amplitude of contractions and brings on early onset
inflated till the experiment is over. This occludes ,... of fatigue. €~~I! ;.;~~
oth veins and arteries.
Study the ergogram of each condition and calculate
t-Pn\~ l.Jel_.,, ~l!illlt!il1-" h
the work done (as described below) for each.
Mosso's ergograpay is performed to study the work
Precautions done by the flexors of the fingers and to study the
1. The subject should be instructed properly to give phenomenon of fatigue in human skeletal muscles.
her maximum effort.
2. The subject should move the finger (contract Encouragement
the flexors of the middle finger) according to the
oscillations of the metronome. Encouragement and motivation increase the
3. The subject should continue to do the work till she performance of the subject. The exact mechanism of
is unable to lift the load. motivation increasing the performance is not known.
4. Fifteen minutes of rest should be provided between The prefrontal cortex is part of the reward system
all the procedures (encouragement, venous occlusion in the brain which on stimulation increases the bar
and arterial occlusion). pressing in experimental animals. It is possible that
5. T ostudytheeffect ofencouragement and motivation, F man beingsto~rage~t stimulates the
the subject sbauld be properly and adequately -........~w_....._.....-'\i~--e ~ cortex that increases the activity in
encour ed to ·ve maximum erformance. oto corte This in tum stimulates the flexor
6. For obtaining venous occlusion, t e BP cuff y mcreasing the activity in the corresponding
pressure should be raised to 40 mm Hg and should motor neurons.
be maintained at the same pressure till the subject is
fatigued. Venous Occlusion
7. For obtaining arterial occlusion, the BP cuff
pressure should be raised to 200 mm Hg and should Venous occlusion decreases the work done due to
be maintained at the same pressure till the subject is accumulation of metabolites in the muscle. Metabolites
fatigued. like lactic acids and so on are removed from the tissue
Mosso's Ergography 231

Fig. 36.3. A Normal ergogram (a ris,ng phase b plateau phase c falling phase) B Effect of encouragement (arrows 1nd1cate ti
starting of encouragement pri::ir to which 1s the normal record,ngJ C Effect of venous occlusion D Effect of arterial ucclus1uri
by the veins. Accumulation of metabolites decreases is accompanied by venous occlusion. Therefore,
muscle performance. ~ work done decreases maximally.

Arterial Occlusion Sites of Fatigue in Human Beings

. ,.
Arterial occlusion decreases the work done maximally
► In human beings, t h ~ site of fatigue is t~::Ny
because it prevents the supply of nutrients to the
l muscle. Nutrients, es eciall ox e are esse tial
for metabolic oxidation in die 1SSues to provide
as is proved by the fact th~~r~ement enhances
performance and prolongs ~~v@ fitigue. This can
be demonstrated by Merton's expenfI1ent. The next
energy (ATP). Therefore, ~~ct _l,lo~ ~ply
t e scle is minimum torii:stuncrioning. site of fati e is the mu:ci'e followed b neuromuscular
The sphygmomanometer pressure that occludes the junction, as rest hel in continuation of work. Th_e
nerve is theoretically atiguable.
artery also occludes the veins. So, arterial occlusion
rr===============,=,= =----'T----..,a➔• ~~
232 Chapter 36

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is the use of Mosso's ergography in physiology?
2. What is an ergogram?
3. What are the precautions observed for Mosso's ergography?
4. What are the factors that affect performance (the work done)?
5. What are the causes of fatigue?
6. What are the factors that delay and facilitate fatigue?
7. How does encouragement improve physical performance?
8. Why does venous occlusion decrease the performance?
9. Why does arterial occlusion decrease the performance maximally?
10. What is the primary site of fatigue in human beings?
11. How can you prove the primary site of fatigue in intact muscle?

1, .
0 1
\ 1

0~ ,
- VJ

37 Clinical Examination of
the Sensory System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Lesions at different levels of the sensory system produce
specific sensory deficits.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. Describe the importance of performing this Sensory Modalities
practical in clinical physiology.
2. Classify different sensations and receptors. Sensations are broadly classified into general sensations,
3. Draw the sensory map of the body. special sensations and visceral sensations.
4. Elicit all the sensations.
5. List the precautions taken during elicitation of General sensations
sensations. Different types of general sensations are:
6. Trace the pathway of all sensations. • Touch and pressurJe
7. Name the common abnormalities of alteration in • Warmth1
sensations. • Cold J
You MAY also be able to: • Pain L------------
1. Explain the abnormalities of alterations of • Vibration - - - -
sensations. • Movement and position of joints (proprioception) _j
2. Correlate the clinical findings with abnormalities
if present. Special sensations
3. Localise the diseases affecting different parts of The sensations that originate in the special sensory
the sensory system. receptors present in the structures like the eye and ear
4. Explain the effects of lesions at various levels in are called special sensations. Different types of special
the sensory pathways. sensations are:
• Vision
• Hearing
• Taste
Anatomical and Physiological • Acceleration {rotational and linear)
Visceral s~nsations
The sensory information conveyed to the central
Sensations that originate in the visceral structures are
nervous system by the peripheral nerves originate in
referred to as visceral sensations. Some of the examples
the special structures that are distributed in the skin,
of visceral sensations are un inflation, distension of
subcutaneous tissues, muscles, tendons and joints.
the~ and change in arten o@ ure.
These special structures are known as ~ modified
nerve endings. From the p e r i p h e ~ e Receptors
s~ e r the spinal cord through the posterior
nerve roots. In the spinal cord, the sensations ascend Receptors are q;wsducers that caoverr various forJ~of
in different sensory tracts to finally reach the sensory
cortex via the thalamus. Some of the sensory inputs also ·-
energy in the eovi caoroem iota rhe acriao patentials in the
neurons. They may be a part of the neuron or a specialised
reach the cerebellum, and these inputs are mainly the ccllthat generates action potential in the neurons. Very
unconscious proprioceptive and kinesthetic sensations often, the receptors are associated with non-neural[ cells
that are involved in the modulation of motor activities. that surround them to form a sense organ.
234 Chapter 37

Types ~ P) ~ [aln to as the anterolateral [YStem (Fig. 37.1). The neurons in

The receptors are di~ ded into four categories: the sensory pathways are placed in sequential order
1. Exteroceptors These receptors are concerned and accordingly they are called first, second and third
with the changes in the external environment close to
the body. Exteroceptors are distributed on the surface
order of neurons. The first order of neurons sends
the encoded information from the receptors to the 1
of the body, in the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
These cutaneous sense organs are broadly divided into
expanded endings and encapsulated endings.
The expanded endings are:
• Merkel's discs and
spinal cord and medulla. The second order of neurons
transmits the impulse from the spinal cord and medulla
to the thalamus from where the third order of neurons
conveys the information to the cortex.
- I

• Ruffini endings Fine touch
Merkel's discs and Ruffini endings are slow- Touch receptors are present in large numbers in the
adapting touch receptors. skin of the fingers and lips and in fewer numbers
The encapsulated endings are: in the skin of the trunk. The first order of neurons
• Pacinian corpuscles, carrying fine touch sensation enter the spinal cord via I
the posterior root and then ascend up in the dorsal
• Meissner's corpuscles and
column of the spinal cord of the same side. They
• Krause's end-bulbs terminate in the nucleus gracilis and cuneatus of the
Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles are rapidly medulla. The second order of neurons arises from
adapting touch receptors. Most of these sensory these nudei, crosses to the opposite side in the medulla
endings are present around the hair follicles, and ascends in the contralateral medial leminiscus, to
~herefore, the slightest movement of hair, elicits terminate in the ventral posterior nucleus and related
the sensation of touch. Some of the endings specific sensory nuclei of the thalamus. The third order
especially Ruffini endings and Pacinian corpuscles of neurons arises from the thalamus and reaches the
are also found in deep fibrous tissues. It appears
that none of these endings are needed for elicitation
sensory cortex via thalamic radiation. The sensations that - -~
are earned in the postenor column of the spinal cord are:
of sensations, because sensory modalities can be • Fine touch
elicited from the areas that contain only free nerve • Proprioception Goint sensation and sense of
endings. position)
2. lnteroceptors These are concerned with the • Sense of vibration
changes in the internal environment of the body, like • Tactile localisation
osmoreceptors tha~ respond to change in osmolality • Two-point discrimination 1I
of body fluids. • Stereognosis
3. Proprioceptors These provide information about
Crude touch
the position of the body in space at any given time.
The first order of neurons after entering the spinal
The conscious component of proprioception comes
cord, synapses on the second order of neurons in the
from the receptors in the joints, and from the cutane-
dorsal horn of the cord. The second order of neurons
ous touch and pressure receptors.
crosses to the opposite side at that spinal segment and
4. Teleceptors These are concerned with the events ascends in the contralateral ventral spinothalamic tract to
that occur at a distance from the body. terminate in the specific sensory relay nuclei of the ,_
thalamus. The third order of neurons arises from the
Sensory Pathways thalamus and terminates in the sensory cortex through
thalamic radiation.
The sensory pathways are divided in the two systems.
The pathways that ascend in the posterior column Proprioception
of the spinal cord are frequently called the lem11iscal The pathway for proprioceptive inputs is the same as
system and the pathways that ascend in the anterior that of fine touch. A large part of proprioceptive input
and lateral quadrant of the spinal cord are referred goes to the cerebellum in addition to its projection to
Clinical Examination of the Sensory System 235

also terminate ill the periaqueductal gray ill the

r midbrain.

There are two types of sense organs for temperature
Thalamus sensation, one is responsible for eliciting cold and the
other for eliciting warmth. The afferents for cold are
Ao fibres and C fibres, and for warmth, only C fibres.
Midllne The first order of neurons terminates in the same
segmental level of the spinal cord. The second order of
neurons crosses to the opposite side and ascends in the
contralateral lateral spinothalamic tract to terminate in the
thalamus from where the third order of neurons arises
(N gracilis and
and terminates in the sensory cortex.

OCP Sensory Map

The spinal cord is made up of different segments. From
each segment, a pair of motor and sensory nerve roots
arise. The sensory fibres from each segment innervate
a specific dermatome of the body. This dermatomal
innervation by sensory fibres constitutes the sensory
map of the body (Fig. 37.2). Sensations are elicited
from the skin of different dermatomes to check the
intactness of a particular segment of the.spinal cord.

Fig. 37.1. Sensory pathways ALS anterolateral system DCP

dorsal column pathways METHOD OF EXAMINATION

the sensory cortex, which is involved in modulation of

Princi le
motor activities. Different sensory modalities are elicited from different
dermatomes of both sides and compared.
The sense organs for pain are free nerve endings. Re uirements
The sensation of pain is transmitted to the central 1. Cotton
nervous system by a two-fibre system. The Ao fibres 2. Von Frey's hair aesthesiometer (Fig. 37.3)
carry fast pain whereas the C fibres carry slow pain. 3. Compass aesthesiometer (Fig. 37.4)
The Ao fibres terminate mainly on the neurons in the 4. Tuning fork (128 Hz) 6
laminas I and V, and the C fibres terminate on the 5. Pin f'--./
neurons in the laminas I and II. The second order of 6. Algometer
.. neurons crosses to the opposite side of the spinal cord,
at the same segmental level and then ascends in the
7. Test tubes containing warm and cold water
8. Ballpoint pens
contralateral lateral spinothalamic tract to terminate in the
► Procedure
specific sensory relay nuclei in the thalamus. From the
thalamus, the third order of neurons aris~s and projects The following different forms of sensation are tested.
to the sensory cortex. Many fibres activated by pain 1. Tactile sensibility. This includes:
terminate in the reticular system from where they • Fine touch,
project to the midline and intralaminar (nonspecific • Pressure (crude touch),
projection) nuclei of the thalamus and from there to • Tactile localisation (ability to localise a point
many different parts of the cortex. Many pain fibres on the surface of the body being touched)
236 Chapter 37

' \I
Occiput I

C2 \

I . -,
C3 /


Middle finger

T4 Posterior/Medial arm


- ~
Knee Leg




Posterior thigh Posterior calf

v.>~'t, yos., o_ ••
• Two-point discrimination (ability to ~ -
I',.....-1 :fcl'nl::, 4.-o\ ~\~.• •
2. Position sense, ana the apJ!,'rec1at1on of passive
nate ,2et~ ~ ~o E?ints w hen t he two points movement (proprioception).
are touched simultaneously), and 3. Vibration
• Stereognosis (ability to kel and ...!,_eco~se
the familiar objects by their size, shape and 4. Pain }
form). 5. Temperature
Clinical Examination of t he Sensory System 237

with the corresponding area on the opposite part of

the body.
/E (~~~~ 5. Elicit the sensation dermatome-w~ on both
sides of the body. reas o hypoesthesia,
paresthesia, or hyperesthesia, if present, should be
e C$lid,tt} GYOJ4~ properly delineated.
'Tu.he) 6. ote down your observation.

0 (_ 'B~ \u_\ot,) Precautions

1. Supply proper instructions to the subject to gain
maximum cooperation.
2. The subject should close his eyes throughout the
entire procedure.
jS.. 3. Sensations should be elkited according to different
dermatomes a£ rbe bQSly.
Fig. 37.3. Von Frey s hair aesthes1ometer (A Body B Sliding 4. Sensation of the corresponding area of the
gr;irluatPci tuhe C Protective cap D Bodv tube E Protruding opposite side of the body should also be elicited
horse hair)
simultaneously and compared.
5. If ~ sensation is altered in a particular part of the
body, the area of alteration of sensation should be
properly delineated.

Pressure crude touch

1. Supply proper instructions to the subject
2. Ask the subject to close his eyes.
Adjusting screw _ _
3. Elicit the pressure sensation by pressing with your
finger tip on the skin of clifferent dermatomes.
4. Record your observation.

Same as are described for 'Fine touch'.

Tactile localisation
Fig. 37.4. Compass aestt1es,ometer Steps
1. Supply instructions to the subject to localise (with
Tactile Sensibility the help of a ballpoint pen) the part of the body that
is touched by the tip of a pen.
Fine touch 2. Ask the subject to hold a pen and close his eyes.
.. 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject (to raise
3. Touch the skin of one area of the body with the
help of a ball pen and ask the subject to immediately
his finger or say 'yes' when he feels the sensation of localise that point by touching with the pen that he
' couch).
t -. 2. Ask the subject to close his eyes.
is holcling.
4. Measure the distance between the two points (this
3. With the help of cotton wool, lightly touch the skin ml
is c~lled the localisatio11 distance). This distance
of the different parts of the subject. varies greatly 1n clifferent parts of the body. It
4. If the subject raises his finger or says 'yes' enguire corresponds with the concentration of touch spots,
whether the feeling is normal or different. l f the which are numerous on the tips of the fingers and
subject does not feel the sensation, compare carefully palms and fewer on the back. The localisation
238 Chapter 37

\OJ.Ch .J..pot.( c,I.. \.~~&I«·

distance is less if the concentration of touch spots 4. The two points of the aesthesiometer should be

IS more. touched simultaneously.
5. Likewise, determine the localisation distance on 5. The sensation of the corresponding part of the
different parts of the body on both sides. opposite side of the body should be elicited and
compared simultaneously.
1. The subject should be instructed properly regarding Stereo nosis
his role in the experiment. Steps
2. The subject should close his eyes throughout the 1. Supply instructions to the subject to identify the
procedure. object when asked to handle it.
3. Sensations should be elicited according to different 2. Ask the subject to close his eyes.
dermatomes of the body. 3. Place a familiar object in one hand of the subject
4. The localisation distance of the corresponding area and ask him to recognise it by palpating the object.
of the opposite side of the body should also be 4. Repeat the procedure with four to five familiar
elicited simultaneously and compared. objects.
5. Repeat the procedure io rhe apposite ~iand.
Two- oint discrimination
Steps Precautions
1. Supply instructions to the subject to say w,bether he 1. The subject should be instructed properly.
feels the touch of one point or two points when he 2. The subject should close his eyes during the
is touched by a compass aesthesiome~r. experiment.
2. Ask the subject to dose his eyes. 3. The sensation s_hould be elicited by giving objects
3. Separate the two limbs ofthe compass aesthesiometer that are familiar to the subject.
a linle and touch the skin of the subject lightly with 4. The test should be repeated with at least three
the two points ofthe aesthesiometer simultaneously. different objects.
Ask the subject to say whether he is being touched 5. The sensation should be elicited in one hand at a
at one or two points. time and should be repeated in the other hand.
4. If the subject says one point, increase the distance K1 NE{; T"H ES\A:
between two points a little more and repeat the Sense of Position ·and Joint Movement
test till two separate points are appreciated by the
subject {the distance between two points when the
subject feels it as two points is called the( 111inimw11
s ~ This distance varies greatly
in · erent parts of the body with the richness of
This is tested by ·passively moving the limbs of th~
subject to a particular position with the eyes closed
and asking him to recognise the posmon of the limb.
T he perception of movement is closely related to the
touch ~pg,s. N ormally, it is a~ 2 m~ on fin&Fr sense of position, therefore, both the senses are tested I
tips, 5 mm on the hands and more on o? er parts of together.
the boay.
5. Record the minimum separable distance on different
parts of the body on both the sides.
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject (to
recognise the particular position of the limb when
1. Proper instruction should be given to the subject to
the limb is moved).
2. Ask him to close his eyes.
gain maximum cooperation.
2. The subject should close his eyes throughout the
3. Move his finger or hand, up or down and ask the
subject to recognise the movement by calling out
the position of the finger/limb o r by imitating the
3. The sensation should be elicited by starting from same movement in the other limb.
the minimum distance between the two limbs of 4. Repeat the procedure by changing the position of
the aesthesiometer, and the distance should be all the limbs.
increased little by little till the minimum separable 5. Make movement at all the join~s (all small and big
distance is obtained.
Clinical Examination of the Sensory System 239

. ints) and ask the sub~ect to reco~nise the~ int
r movement. l l l @ot the an~le _hrou~h _bich
the limb was moved) If the sense of movement
is decreased, this angle is greater than that in the
normal limb. Movements of less than 10° are
appreciated at all the normal joints.
6. Make a particular movement {flexion or extension
at a joint) and ask the subject to recognise the
direction of movement. Ill The p.a.cient cag
sometimes recognise the occurrence of a movement
but not its direction.

1. The subject should be properly instructed to
cooperate fully in the experiment.
2. The subject should close his eyes during the
3. Movement at different joints and position of Fig. 37.5. Testing the sense of v1b at1on Note that the examiner
places !holds the stem without tou 1,1119 the blade1 the tun,ng fork
different parts of the limbs should be performed. on the bony p1 m1nence
4. The sensation should be elicited on both the sides
and compared simultaneously. eminence of the palm or against the thigh, not
against any hard surface.
Sense of Vibration 3. The examiner should hold the tuning fork by
Steps holding the stem of the fork close to the base
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject. without touching the blades.
2. Make the tuning fork vibrate by hitting the blades 4. The vibrating fork should be placed only on the
of the fork against the hypothenar eminence of the bony prominence. ONL':I ·
P.,_alm or against the thigh. 5. After the subJect ceases 1:0 feel the vibration, the
3. Place the foot of the vibrating tuning fork on examiner should place the fork immediately on the
the surface of the bCll:9(, especially on ~ ony corresponding point on his own body to check if
~ prominence like the lo~ r end of the tibia~ d the vibration has actually ceased.
process of the radius and medial or lateral malleolus 6. The sensation should be elicited on the
(Fig. 37.5), and ask the subject whether he feels the corresponding bony prominence of the ~ ite
vibration. side of the body.
4. Ask the subject to raise his finger when he ceases to
f feel the vibration.
5. Immediately place the tuning fork on the
4\ Pain
corresponding bony prominence of your bodv and
note whether you can still perceive the vibration. Steps
11111 If the examiner perceives the vibration 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
after the subject ceases co perceive it, the sense of 2. Explain properly that you will be eliciting pain.
vibration is impaired in the subject.
3. With the help of a pin {not a needle), lightly prick
6. Elicit vibration sense on all the bony prominences
the skin of different parts of the body and ask the
of the body.
subject to indicate whether he feels pain.
Precautions 4. Elicit pain from all the dermatomes of both sides of
1. The subject should be instructed properly. the body.
2. The tuning fork should be allowed to vibrate by 5. Delineate the area of ..,:m~~sia,_ hy_poajgesia or
hitting the blades of the fork against the hypothenar ~ perals~ia, if present.
240 Chapter 37

Precautions B. OJ co,nplete anesthesia

Same as described for 'Fine Touch' 1. Usually occurs in peripheral nerve lesions. The
common causes are lepro!J and complicated diabetes
PressuJe pain mellitus. Lesions of peripheral nerves result in
Steps anesthesia corresponding to the distribution of
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject. sensory fibres.
2. With an algometer, carefully press on the surface of 2. Complete anesthesia also occurs in complete
the body and note the minimum pressure required transection of the spinal cord where anesthesia is
to produce pain. seen in the limbs and trunk below the level of the
3. Repeat the procedure on the identical points of lesion.
the body on the opposite side and compare the
Dissociated anesthesia When the sensation of pain
results. 11111 Clinicall ressure pain is elicited by
and temperature is lost with the preservation of the
squeezing the muscle or tendon Ac i es ten on)
touch sensation, the condition is kn?wn as dissociated
till pain is produced. anesthesia.
( N01 ~~ \n (OU.Sl \o..b) Physiologic basis Dissociated anaesthesia occurs in
Temperature conditions where the grey matter of the spinal cord
Steps near the central canal is damaged. The fibres carrying
1. Give proper instructions to the subject (to say the touch sensation ascend in the dorsal column of
whether he feels cold or warm when touched with the spinal cord and are therefore spared. The fibres
different glass tubes). carrying pain and temperature cross to the opposite
2. Take two test tubes containing warm and cold side of the spinal cord at the same segmental level of
water separately. the cord. While crossing to the opposite side, the fibres
travel very close to the central canal, therefore they
3. Place the test tubes on the skin of the subject, each
are damaged in the disease process involving the grey
in turn or randomly and ask the subject to say
matter of the spinal cord.
whether he feels warm or cold.
4. Examine warm and cold sensation on all the
• Syringomyelia
dermatomes of both sides of the body and note
• lntramedullary tumours
your observation.
• Brainstem lesions (syringobulbia)
Precautions • Thrombosis of the posterior inferior cerebellar
Same as described for 'Fine Touch'
DISCUSSION Definition This is loss of sensation that affects the
face, arm and leg of one side (usually opposite side) 1
Abnormalities of Sensation
of the body.

Tactile sensatio11 Causes Usually seen in lesions of the thalamus, in-
Anesthesia means loss of all sensation. ternal capsule or cortex.
Anesthesia is graded as f?ypoesthesia when the sensation Hyperesthesia
is decreased or complete anesthesia when the sensation is Definition When t he response to a sensory stimula-
totally lost.
tion is exaggerated, the condition is called hyperes-
Causes thesia.
A Ofl?Jpoesthesia
Causes Thalamic lesions
It is seen in lesions of the central sensory structures,
like lesions of the thalamus, internal capsule or cortex. Paresthesia
Usually it affects the distal parts of the limbs more Definition When the touch sensation is perverted
than the proximal parts. (touch may produce an unpleasant sensation almost
Clinical Examination of the Sensor}, System 241

amounting to pain) is called paresthesia. This consists Causes

of sensations like pricking, numbness or band-like • Spinall cord disease, for example, tabes dorsalis
sensations around the trunk. • Thalamic lesions
• Deep-seated lesions in the parietal lobe
• Nerve compression: This is the commonest cause Common Clinical Conditions
of paresthesia. It occurs when peripheral nerves are
stretched or subjected to pressure. The commonest Peripherc~ nerve pain
example is paresthesia {numbness and pricking) This occurs due to injury to the nerve, neuritis and
after sitting for a longer time with legs crossed. neuropathy. It may be associated with other sensory
• Spinal tumours loss with or without motor changes. Sometimes only
• Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord nerve pain may occur without other sensory or motor
(Vitamin B12 deficiency) loss. Then it is called neuralgia; for example, trigeminal
• D isseminated sclerosis neuralgia.
~ • Thalamic lesions
Root paini
l The proprioceptive sensation is that of joint movement,
Pain is se,en in the area of distribution of a particular
root that is affected. The most common examples

k sense of the position of different parts of the body

and the sense of vibration. The loss of proprioceptive
sensation can occur without loss of other sensations.
are cervical and lumbar root pain distributed to the
appropria.te limb, as in cervical spondylosis or lumbar
disc prolapse. It is characteristic of extra medullary
It is characteristic of the lesions of the posterior column cord compression.
or lesion of the fibres ascending in the posterior column
' to the medulla.
Loss of propioception is seen in:
1. Tabes dorsalis
· Causalgt1
This is an abnormal type of burning sensation usually
seen after limb injuries. It occurs when the nerve injury
2. Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord is mild.

Pain Visceral pain

Analgesia This occurs due to diseases of the viscera. For example,
Definition Loss of pain sensation is called analgesia. infl.amma1tion of abdominal viscera produces pain.
Visceral pain differs from somatic pain in various
Causes Analgesia occurs with anesthesia, and usu-
ways. These are:
ally seen in peripheral nerve lesion. Analgesia can also
1. Poorly localised. The pain receptors in the viscera
occur without anesthesia. A hereditary analgesia syn-
are relatively few, therefore, the visceral pain is
drome has been described, in which the pain receptors
poorly localised.
are totally absent in the body.
2. Assoc:iated with autono011c changes like
H ypoalgcsia hypotension, nausea, vomiting and sweating.
Definition Partial loss of pain sensibility is called Autonomic changes occur due to activation of
hypoalgesia. visceral reflexes.
3. Associated with muscle guarding (spasm of the
Cause Nerve compression abdominal wall). Muscle guarding occurs due to
reflex contraction of the skeletal muscle in the
.. Hyperalgesia
abdominal wall. This is a protective reflex as it
Definition This is a condition of exaggerated sen-
sibility to pain. In this condition, a mild stimulus, prevents further injury to the viscera.
4. Often radiates or is referred to other areas. Usually
which ordinarily does not produce pain, causes severe
pain. It may occur in response to a mild cutaneous visceral pain is referred to a somatic structure that is
developed from the same dermatome of the visceral
stimulus or sometimes as an intractable spontaneous
structure in which the pain originates. The most
activity (without stimulus).
242 Chapter 37

common example is pain of myocardial infarction Physiological Significance

radiating to the ulnar border of the left hand or
the pain of cholecystitis radiating to the tip of the Examination of sensory system is peirformed ro localise
shoulder. disease processes that affect any part of ~2~ neuraxis of
the sensory system. This is called localisation OJ' ..0,, of the
sensory system. Localisation of lesion partly <. ... ds
This occurs in a hemisection of the spinal cord. It is on the distribution of the sensory loss and partly
usually seen in injury to the spinal cord or in tumours the type of sensory loss. The disease may affect the
that affect one half of the cord. On the side of the lesion, nerve, the nerve root, the spinal cord, the brainstem,
the thalamus or the conex.
the dorsal column sensations (the fine touch sensation,
proprioceptive sensations and the tactile localisation J
and discrimination) are lost. On the opposite side of Nerve lesion
Lesion of a peripheral nerve results in anaesthesia
the lesion pain, temperature and crude touch sensations
corresponding to the distribution of that particular
are lost. This otcurs because the sensation for fine
touch, proprioception, and two-point discrimination nerve (Figs. 37.6, 37.7). 1
ascend the dorsal column of the same side, whereas
the sensation for pain, temperature and crude touch
ascend the anterolateral system of the opposite side of
Nerve root lesion
There is segmental anesthesia in root lesions
corresponding to the involvement of the segment of
the spinal cord. the spinal cord from where the nerve root arises.

Syringomyelia S inal cord lesion

In this condition there is a lesion around the central Complete section of spinal cord causes anesthesia in the
canal of the spinal cord. The lesion interrupts the pain limbs and trunks below the level of lesion. Hemisection
and temperature fibres passing to the opposite side of of the spinal cord results in dissociation of anesthesia e
the spinal cord. Therefore, there is loss of pain and (dissociated sensory loss as seen in Brown-Sequard
temperature with preservation of touch and postural syndrome). A lesion around the central canal of the
sensibility. spinal cord results in loss of pain. and temperature

Lateral Posterior cutane-

" ous nerve of thigh
(branch of sciatic)

I - Sura! (from sciatic)


Plantar nerves
(from tibial branch
of sciatic)

Superficial and d&ep

peroneal branches
of sciatic

Fig 37 6 f'cr1plw•;il ne,ve lesions iri the upper limtJs Fig. 37.7 . Pcript,er(l1 r0 crvp 'PS IOt'S "l
Clinical Examination of the Sensory System 243

on both the sides below the level of the lesion with • Elicit touch sensation on the other forearm
preservation of other sensations. and compare the finding.
• Report your findings.
Brainstem lesion
Above the medulla, the spinothalamic tract (fibres of 2. Elicit crude touch.sensation ofthe anterior aspect
the anterolateral system) remain in close association of the f oreanns of the subject and report your
with the trigeminothalarnic tract in the tegmentum, findings.
whereas the medial lemniscus carrying the fibres Steps:
of posterior column lie medial to it. A lesion of the • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
lateral part of the tegmentum causes hemianalgesia • Ask the subject to close his eyes.
and thermoanesthesia in the opposite side of the • With the help of his finger tips, lightly press

' body without affecting other sensations (as the medial

lemniscus is spared). A deep-seated lesion in the
upper part of the brainstem may involve the medial •
the skin of the anterior .a,pect of one forearm
(according to the different dermatomes).
Elicit crude touch sensatio n on the other
leminiscus without affecting the spinothalarnic fibres. forearm and compare the finding.
This results in loss of posterior column sensations with • Report your findings.
preservation of pain and temperature.
3. Elicit two-point discrimination ofanterior aspect ·
of the right forearm of the subject and report
Thalamic lesion
\ your findings.
Severe and extensive lesion of the thalamus results in
gross impairment of sensory modalities o n the opposite
• Supply proper instructions to the subject.
side o_f the body. The threshold for pain m ay be raised,
• Ask him to close his eyes.
but a less painful stimulus may cause an exaggerated
• Separate two limbs of the compass
response (hyperalgesia). The touch sensation may
aesthesiometer a little and touch the skin of
induce an unpleasant sensation (paresthesia). This is
the subject lightly with the two points of
called the thalamic !Jndrome, which occurs in the lesions
the aesthesiometer simultaneously. Ask the
of the lateral and ventral nucleus.
subject to say whether he is being touched at
one or two pomts.
Cortical lesion .
• If the subject says one point, increase the
The cortex is primarily involved in processing the
distance between the two points a little m ore
finer aspect of sensations, especially the spatial and
and repeat the test till two separate points are
discriminatory sensibility. Tactile localisation, two-point
appreciated by the subject as two points.
discrimination and stereognosis are therefore called
• Repeat the procedure in the other forearm of
cortical sensations. The cortical lesion results in impairment
the subject and compare.
of tactile localisation, two-point discrimination and
• Report your findings.
stereognosis. O ther sensations may remain intact.
4. Elicit pain sensation ofthe anterior aspect ofthe
OSPE right forearm of the given subject and report
your findings.
1. Elicit touch (fine touch) sensation of anterior
aspect of the forearms of the subject and report • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
your findings. • Explain properly that you will be eliciting
• Supply proper instructions to the subject. • With the help of a pin (not a needle) lightly
• Ask the subject to close his eyes. prick the skin of the right forearm and ask
• With cotton wool, lightly touch the skin of the subject to say whether he/ she feels pain.
anterior aspect of one forearm (according to • Repeat the procedure on the opposite side of
the different dermatomes). the body.
244 -Chapter 37

• Delineate the area of analgesia, hypolgesia or fork on the bony prominence of the upper
hyperalgesia, if present. limb and ask the subject to report when the
• Report your findings. vibration ceases.
• When the subject gives indication of the
5. Perform tactile localisation in the anterior aspect cessation of vibratio n, immediately place the
of the forearms of the given subject and report tuning fork on the same point on yourself to
your findings. feel if the vibration has actually ceased.
Steps: • Repeat on the other limb.
• Supply proper instructions to the subject and • Report your findings.
ask him to hold a ballpen.
• Ask the subject to close his eyes. 7. Test the sensation of joint movement and
• With the help of a pen, touch the right forearm position in the lower limbs of the given subject
at a particular point and ask the subject to and report your findings.
touch the same point with his pen. Steps:
• Repeat the procedure on the other side of the • Supply proper instructions co the subject (to
body and compare. recognise the p~icular position of the limb
• Report your findings. when the limb is moved).
• Ask him to close his eyes.
6. Test the vibration sense in the upper limbs ofthe • Move his toes or foot, up or down and ask
given subject and report your findings. the subject to recognise the movement by
Steps: saying the position of the toes/ foot or ask
• Select a tuning fork of 128 Hz or less. him to imitate the same movement in the
• Instruct the subject. other limb.
• Make the tuning fork vibrate by striking it • Repeat the procedure by changing position
against the hypothenar eminence of your of the limb at different joints.
hand or against the thigh. • Make a particular movement (flexion or
• H old the tuning fork by holding the stem of extension at a joint) and ask the subject to
che fork close co the base without touching recognise the directions of the movement.
the blades. • Repeat the procedure in the ocher limb.
• Immediately place the vibrating tuning • Report your findings.

VIVA _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
1. How do you classify sensations?
2. Define a recept0r.
3. What are the types of receptors?
4. What are the sensations carried in the dorsal column?
5. What are the sensations carried in the anterolateral system of the sp:nal cord?
6. Trace t b e pathway for fine touch.
7. Trace the pathway for proprioception.
8. Trace the pathway for pain and temperature.
9. What is a sensory map? What is its physiologic significance? ..
10. What are the precautions to be observed during elicitation of fine touch sensation?
11. What are the precautions to be observed during elicitation of tactile localisation and two-point discrimination?
12. Why is the tuning fork placed on the bony prominence for eliciting vibration sensibility?
13. What are the precautions to be taken during elicitation of vibration sensibility?
14. What is dissociated anesthesia?
15. What are the causes of dissociated anesthesia and what is the physiological basis of it?
Clinical Examination of the Sensory System 245

16. What is hyperesthesia and what are its causes?

17. Define paresthesia. Give two causes of paresthesia.
18. What is hyperalgesia? What are its causes? What is causalgia?
19. How does visceral pain differ from somatic pain?
20. What is the Brown-Sequard syndrome? What are its features?
21. What are the sensory changes seen in syringomyelia?
22. What is the physiological significance of examination of the sensory system?
23. What are the sensory features of brainstem lesion?
24. What is the effect of a lesion of the thalamus on sensory functions?
25. What is the effect of a lesion of the cortex on sensory functions?


,I •

38 Clinical Examination of
the Motor System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES and the muscles. The motor system deals w ith the
body functions related to movement of different parts -l I
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: of the body. Movement occurs due to contraction and
l. Describe the importance of performing this prac- relaxation of the agonises and antagonists. Agonists are I
tical in clinical physiology.
2. Measure the bulk of the muscles.
muscles that facilitate movement by their contraction,
whereas antagonists facilitate movement by their
3. Estimate and grade the strength of various relaxation. Movement depends on the maintenance
individual and groups of muscles. of posture and balance. A balanced posture provides a
4. Assess the tone of flexors and extensors at various stable background for movement.
5. Elicit superficial and deep reflexes. Muscles
6. T est the coordinatio n of movement in the upper
and lower limbs. Muscles can be classified in various ways. But, to
7. ame the descending motor pathways. understand motor physiology, the muscles can be
8. Trace the pathway of corticospinal tracts. best classified as the medial (proximal) and the lateral

9. List the differences between upper and lower (distal) group.
motor neuron paralysis.
You MAY also be able to:
The _proximal 91.oup_Qt_muscles
The proximal groups of muscles are the muscles of the
l. Trace the pathway of all descending motor tracts. l
trunk, girdles and proximal pares of the limbs. These • j

2. List the functions of motor pathways, basal

muscles are primarily involved in the maintenance of
ganglia, cerebellum and motor cortex.
posture and equilibrium.
3. Explain briefly the role of alpha and gamma 1
motor neurons in regulatio n of muscle tone.
4. Name the common conditions associated with
The distal group of muscles
alteration in bulk, tone and strength of the
muscles and reflexes.
The distal groups of muscles are the intrinsic muscles
of the digits and the muscles of the distal parts of j
the extremities. They are not required for postural
5. Explain the changes in motor functio n in upper
and lower motor neuron paralysis.
activities, but are primarily involved in the control
6. List the differences in coordination of movement
of skilled voluntary movement, that is, manipulatory
in cerebellar, sens<?ry and corticospinal ~athway

7. Describe the different types of abno rmal gaits Lower Motor Neuron
and involuntary movement.
The lower motor neurons are the final common
pathway for the output of the motor system. The cell
bodies of the lower motor neurons are present in the .. ~
anterior horn of the spinal cord. The lower motor
Anatomical and Physiological
neurons consist of the anterior horn cells and the
homologous cells in the brainstem, their efferent nerve

fibres that pass via the anterior spinal nerve roots and
The motor system consists of motor ;reas in the brain, peripheral nerves to the muscles, and the terminal 1
the upper motor neurons, the lower motor neurons axonal branches that innervate the muscle fibres.
Clinical Examination of the Motor System 247

In the ventral horn, the most medially situated motor mostly indirectly on the medially placed motor neurons
neurons innervate the proximal groups of muscles in the anterior horns. This includes the vestibulospinal
(the axial muscles and the proximal limb muscles) and Qateral and medial), reticulospinal (medullary and
the most laterally situated motor neurons innervate pontine), tectospinal and interstitiospinal tracts. As
the distal groups of muscles of the body. Therefore, the medial system fibres terminate on the medial
the medial groups of motor neurons are involved group of motor neurons in t he anterior horn cells that
in postural control, whereas the lateral groups of innervate the proximal group of muscles of the body,
motor neurons are involved in manipulatory (skilled) they are primarily involved in regulation of posture
act1vmes. and equilibrium.

Upper Motor Neuron

Origin, course and termination (Fig. 38.1) The fibres
The upper motor neurons ongKJ.ate in the motor of the corticospinal tract originate in the fifth layer of
• cortex and other areas in the brain that are involved the motor cortex. Fibres pass through the posterior
in the regulation of motor activities, and terminate on limb of the internal capsule where all the fibres coming
the anterior horn cells. The upper motor neurons are from different areas of the motor cortex converge
classically divided into two types: (i) pyramidal fibres into a nanrow space (therefore a lesion in the internal
(corticospinal tract) and (ii) extrapyramidal fibres. The capsule causes maximum motor deficit). Then the §bres
pyra1111dalfibres are the motor neurons that pass through descend down through the midbrain and pons into the
the pyramid in the medulla, regardless of their cells medulla where they form the pyramid. In the medulla,
of origin. The extrapyra111ida/ fibres are the neurons that 80-90 per cent of the fibres after passing through the
do not pass through the pyramid of the medulla. pyramid, ,cross over (decussate) to the opposite side
The corcicospinal tract is synonymous with the and then enter the contralateral spinal cord to form
pyramidal tract for all clinical purposes. The
extrapyramidal tracts are rubrospinal, vestibulospinal,
reticulospinal and tectospinal tracts. Strictly speaking,
Corona radiata
some of the fibres of the pyramidal system do not
pass through the pyramid and some of the fibres of
the extrapyramidal system pass through the pyramids.
Therefore, from the physiological point of view, the Internal capsule
upper motor neurons are better divided into the medial
system pathways and the lateral system pathways.

The lateral s stem Medullary pyramid

The upper motor neurons of the lateral system

descend in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord and
Lateral CST
terminate directly or indirectly on the laterally placed
motor neurons in the anterior horns. This includes
two major pathways: the lateral corticospinal tract 1-..___1-- Anterior CST
and the rubrospinal tract. As the lateral system fibres
terminate on the lateral group of motor neurons in the
anterior horn that innervate the distal group of muscles
r -. of the body, they are primarily involved in regulation k /1---- Distal group
of skilled voluntary activities. n~ ofmuscle

The medial system

The upper motor neurons of the_medial system des~end
in the ventral funiculus of the spinal cord and termmate
_, ~ Proximal group
Y of muscle

yram1dal (corticospinal) tract Lateral CST LatPral

al tract Antenor CST Antenor cort1cosp1nal tract
248 Chapter 38

the la/era/ corticospinal tract. These upper motor neurons body that are involved in maintenance of balance and
enter the anterior grey horn of the spinal cord and posture. The /a/era/ vestib,llospinal tract (LVST) originates
project directly onto the lower motor neurons. Fibres from the Deicer's nucleus that receives input from
of this tract have monosynaptic connections with the the utricles and saccules and traverses the length of
motor neurons that innervate the distal groups of the spinal cord. The LVST is involved in adjustment
muscles. The remaining 10-20 per cent of the fibres of body posture in relation to linear acceleration. The
in the medulla do not cross over to opposite side. medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST) originates from the
They descend down ipsilaterally in the same side of medial and the descending vestibular nuclei that receive
the spinal cord as the ante,ior corticospinal tract and cross input from the semicircular canals and traverses up to
over to the opposite side only at the segmental level (at the midthoracic level. This tract adjusts body posture
the segments in the spinal cord where they innervate (head, neck and trunk movement) in relation to angular
the muscles through the lower motor neurons). These or rotational acceleration.
fibres project onto the lower motor neurons (mostly
indirectly) through interneurons that supply the Reticulospinal tracts
proximal groups of muscles. The reticulospinal tracts originate from the reticular
formation, traverse through the entire length of the
Functions spinal cord and convey informatipn to the proximal
1. The lateral corticospinal tract conveys the group of muscles. Therefore, these tracts are involved
information from the motor cortex to the distal in the regulation of posture. The med11/lo,y retiC11lospinal
group of skeletal muscles on the opposite side of the tract facilitates flexor reflexes, inhibits extensor reflexes
body that coordinate and regulate skilled voluntary and decreases muscle tone. The ponline retiC11lospi11al tract
movement. inhibits flexor reflexes, facilitates extensor reflexes and
2. The anterior corticospinal tract conveys the increases the tone of antigravity muscles. Therefore,
information from the motor cortex to the proximal poncine RST is the most importan t tract involved in
group of skeletal muscles on the opposite side of the

the control of posture.

body, that coordinate and regulate the movement
of the axial skeleton (that is involved in the control Tectos~_inal tract
of posture).
Origin, course and termination The fibres in the
tectospinal tract originate from superior colliculus and
Rubros inal tract
This tract originates immediately cross over to the opposite side. This tract
Origin, course and terminati on
descends down only up to the midcervical segments in
from the red nucleus in the midbrain, which receives
the spinal cord and innervates the muscles of the head
input from the motor cortex, basal ganglia and cer-
and neck.
ebellum. The fibres cross over to the opposite side in
the midbrain and descend down in the contralateral Function The tectospinal tract conveys impulses
spinal cord to terminate on the lower motor neurons from the superior colliculus to the skeletal muscles
in the anterior horn that innervate the distal groups on the opposite side of the body that are involved

of muscles. in movemen t of head and neck in response to visual
stimuli. Therefore, it controls visually guided head
Function s This tract conveys motor impulses from
the red nucleus to skeletal muscles on the opposite side
of the body that governs precise, discrete movements
of the hands and feet (skilled voluntary movemen ts).
lnterstitiospinal tract
O rigin, course an.d terminati on The interstitiospi- ..
Vestibulos inal tracts nal tract arises from the interstitial nucleus of Cajal in
The vestibulospinal tract conveys motor impulses from the midbrain and descends down in the same side of
the vestibular nuclei, which receive inputs regarding ~e spinal cord througho ut 1ts rostrocaudal extent Lo
~ead movement from the vestibular apparatus in the Ulllervate the muscles of the axial skeletal structures
. al
mner ear, to the skeletal muscles on the same side of the and th e proxun parts of the limbs.
. Clinical Examination of the Motor System 249


Function The interstitiospinal tract adjusts the body
posture, especially when there is rotation of the head
and body about the longitudinal axis of the body.
the spinocembellum (paleocerebellum) is involved in
smoothening and coordination of movement, and
the corlicocen~bel/11m (neocerebellum) is involved in the
planning and programming of movement.

The Motor Areas in the Brain
The motor areas in the brain include the cortical motor
areas and the other areas that are involved in regulation Principle
of motor activities. Corticospinal tracts (the pyramidal The integr.ity of the motor system is assessed by
tract) arise from cortical motor areas. The other examining ithe size, tone and srceggth of the muscles,
descending motor pathways, especially ex:trapyramidal and by evaluating the reflex response of the muscle to
tracts, do not directly arise from the cortical motor str5)i<:h, and. co~ ation of movement.
areas, rather they originate from the brainstem areas
that receive inputs from the basal ganglia, cerebellum Re uirements
and motor cortex. Therefore, apart from the cortical 1. Measuring tape
motor areas the important motor areas in the brain are 2. Knee haLIIlIIler
the basal ganglia and cerebellum.
f Procedure
The cortical motor areas The aspects of motor functions are assessed
The cortical motor areas in the brain include the areas in while examining the motor system:
the cortex that on stimulation produce motor activities. 1. Bulk of muscles ·}
This includes the pn1JJary motor cortex (area 4), premotor 2. Tone of muscles
cortex Qateral portion of t he area 6), the s11pplementary motor 3. Strength of muscles
I •
cortex (medial portion of the area 6), the somatosensory 4. Reflexes
cortex {areas 3, 1, 2), and the posteriorparietal cortex (areas 5,
5. Coordination of movement
7). About 60 per cent of the fibres in the corticospinal
tract come from motor areas (primary motor cortex, 6. Gait - - - - - - -- -
premotor cortex and supplementary motor cortex) 7. Involuntary movement (if present)
whereas the remaining 40 per cent originate from the
sensory areas in the cortex. Bulk of Muscles

l Basal ganglia The bulk of the muscles can be easily estimated by

The basal ganglia is a subcortical structure that consists inspection and palpation.
of several groups of nuclei in each cerebral hemisphere 1. Ask the subject to sit on a stool or lie down on a
that includes neostriatum (caudate nucleus and couch comfortably and remove all his clothing.
putamen}, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus and 2. Inspect the muscle mass of all parts of the body and
substantia nigra. T he basal ganglia receives inputs from noteift)b.eceisan;ywasriog'31rnpbx) or hypertrophy
the cortex and thalamus and projects back to the cortex of any particular group of muscles.
via the thalamus. It is involved in control of posture 3. Palpate the muscle to assess the consistency.
and movement, especially in the initiation, planning, 11111 Wasted or atrophic muscles are not only
programming and smoothening of movement. smalJer..cJfu~ ofter and flabbier than normal
muscles, especially when they are contracted.
Cerebellum Hypert.rophic muscles are usually .1ia:n. in
The cerebellum receives inputs from the vestibular consiste·ncy. H m~le wasting is associated with
apparatus, the spinal cord and the cortex. It influences fibrosis as is in(po~ yositis~ uscles 3(; hard
the lower motor neuron activities indirectly via its to palpate and inel . >
projection to the vestibular nuclei, the brainstem areas 4. Compare the bulk of die muscles of both,sides of
and the cortex. The vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) the body.
is involved in maintenance of equilibrium and balance, 5. Measur,ethemid-armandmid-forearmcircumference
250 Chapter 38

~o 'fN)\1'0"('1.
in the upper limbs, and mid-thigh and mid-calf Grade O
Com lete aralysis (no contraction)
circumference in the lower limbs of both sides with A flicker of contraction o y wit out any
Gra e 1
~ ~a~uring tape. 11111
Measurement of the},\c~e~ resultant movement of any limb or joint)
~~e muscles is the best way of estimating Grade 2 The muscle can make movement on1y--
the b,illk of the muscle. 'no"'
~~ when the opposing force of gravity is
Q ~· eliminated b a ro riate ositioning ..
Tone of Muscles Grade 3 The limb can be moved against t e orce
AlYn --O;)"T(;X>f· of gravity, but not against the examiner's
Tone is a state of partial contraction of muscles. ~~ resistance
Clinically, tone means the resistance of the muscle _ G_r_a_,
d_e _4_ __,,T,,.,.h_e_m
_ us_c-:-1-e ".is-a-:-
"'" b-:-le_t_o_m
_ a,..
k-e ""
......,,...r_a_n-ge- of
to passive stretching. It is estimated by handling and f\'f\'\\ : ~ ~~mal movement, but can be overcome
passively moving the parts of the body. (£)~{'~ ,);:~y resistance) to a variable extent
1. Ask the subject to relax completely. Grade 5 Normal power
2. Passively move different parts~ f the body at ~'AT'IO - ~~ :\.@ ~'\r
various joints and try to feel che cR!lr:ee of resistance Testin the stren ~ of muscles_m_ th!.!!J!Per limbs
encountered during each passive movement. 1111 Interossei and lumbricals
The degree of resistance offered by the muscle
during passive movement indicates the state of
First Dorsal lllterosseo11s Ask the patient to abduct his
index fing~~resistance; while doing so, this
tone. For ex~assive flexio(l. of the forearm muscle bec~~ inent and the contraction of
stretches the triceps muscle an ass e extensioo. of the muscle can be felt.
the forearm stretches the bice muscle. Therefore Dorsal interossei These are abductors of the fingers.
Therefore, their power can be tested by asking the
patient to abduct the fingers against resistance.
may e normal, decreased (l?Jpotonia or increased Polnzor i11terossei These are the adductors of the fingers.
(0'/)ertonia). These are tp~tl, placing a paper or card between
3. Assess and compare the tone of muscles of both the fingers and trying to pull out the paper/card.
sides of the body si.rnultaneously. Llm,bricals These are tested by asking the patient to
flex his metacarpophalangeal joints and to extend
Strength of Muscles his distal interphalangeal joints. This can be done by
asking him t~ o@ a pe!J)While the terminal phalanx
The stren~ h of muscles is better estimated hy acrixe of the thumb 1s teing apposed against the terminal
movement a~ainst resistance. phalanx of any other finger, the examiner may try to
1. Ask the subject to perform a movement of any part dislodge the pen by force. This gives a combined test
of the body (say flex.ion of the forearm) and you for opponens pollicis and lumbr icals.
o ose th moveme actively (oppose flexion of
the forearm y placing your palm on his forearm Flexors of the fingers Flexors of the fingers are
and giving maximum resistance to stop flex.ion) . flexor pollicis longus, flexor poll'i.cis brevis, flexor digi-
1111 The strength of the subject is assessed by These torum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus.
are tested by asking the subject to squeeze your
comparing with the strength of the examiner. Age,
sex and build of the person should be kept in mind index and middle finger.
while comparing the strength. Flexors of the wrist Flexors of the wrist are flexor
2. Compare strength of the same group of muscles of carpi radialis, flexor pollicis brevis, and palmaris lon-
the other side simultaneously. gus. Ask the subject to bring the tips of his fingers
3. Test the strength of muscles of the lower limbs, towards the front of the forearm so as to touch the
upper limbs and the trunk of the body. crease on the from of the wrist joint.
Grading of the strength of the muscles Ex~e~sors of the wrist These are extensor carpi
Strength or weakness of muscles is graded into six radialis and extensor carpi ulnaris. Ask the subject to
degrees by the Indian Medical Research Council Scale. flex the fingers in the form of a fist and the hand is held
Clinica l Examination of the Motor System 251

with the palm downwards. Then hold the wrist joint Lattisimus dorsi The subject is asked to clap
fir~y and ask the subject to extend the wrist joint hands behind his back while the examiner (standing
agamst resistance. behind the subject), offers passive resistance to the
downward and backward movement.
Brachioraclialis Place the arm midway between the
prone and the supine position. Then ask the subject Testin~ strength of muscles of the tr~l!k
to bend the forearm upwards. Oppose the movement Abdominal muscles The weakness of the muscles
by grasping the hand. The brachioradialis becomes of the abdomen is detected by observing the subject's
promment. inability to raise liimself in bed without the aid of
Biceps Ask the subject to lift up the forearm against his arms. Babinski's nsing-up si$1_1 is also checked. This; is
resistance offered by grasping the hand or wrist with done by asking the subject to lie on his back with legs
the forearm in full supination. The biceps becomes extended and rise without using his hands.
promment as 1t contracts. Erector spinae and muscles of the back Ask the
Triceps Ask the subject to straighten out his fore- subject to lie down on his face and try to raise his head
arm while the examiner tries to keep it flexed by pas- from the bed by extending the neck and back. If the
. . back muscles are healthy, the muscles will stand out
s1ve resistance.
prominently during this effort.
Supraspinatus Ask the subject to keep his arm by
the side of the body and then direct the subject to lift Testing the strength of muscles of the lower limb
it straight outward at right angles to his side. The first Intrinsic muscles of the foot It is difficult to exam-
30° angle of movement is carried out by the supra- ine the strength of intrinsic muscles of the foot Qum-
spinatus. The remaining 60° angle is produced by the bricals and interossei). If the interossei are weakened
deltoid. or paralyse~ claw-foo~ develops.
Deltoid It can be tested along with the supraspina- Dorsifle or and plantar flexors of the feet and jp
I • tus. The subject is asked to make forward and back- toes ors· x are peronei, an (elantar flex<~
I ward movements of the abducted arm at a 45° angle are tibialis posterior:...t2:astr;Q(;'ftelrTi us soleus. Thiese~ t
against resistance {the anterior and posterior fibres of are tested by asking the patient to elevate or depress Scjci,
the deltoid help to draw the abducted arm forward the part against resistance. The observer should try to
and backward, respectively). fix the ankle or apply resistance against the patiem's
movement. Pe.l'01n 'ti
lnfraspinatus Place the subject's elbow by his side
with a forearm flexed to a right angle, then ask the Evertors and invertors of the foot (§ verto:il :are
r subject to rotate the limb outward against the resis- peronei, an~ ialis anterior and tibialis
tance applied to the middle of the outer aspect of the posterior. Tf\ ,iP

forearm. Contraction a.£ the muscle can be seen and

Pectorals Ask the subject to stretch his arm out in

Extensors of the kne~ e the extensors
of the knee. Bend the patient's knee and then pressing
with your hand on his shin, ask him to straighten his
front of him and then to clap his hands while the ex- limb.
aminer attempts to hold them apart.
Flexors of the knee These are biceps femoris, se1~ -
Serratus anterior If the muscle is paralysed the sub- tendinosus and semimembranosus. Raise the straig,ht-
ject will be unable to elevate his arm above a right an- ened lower limb, supporting the thigh with your !left
gle when asked to do so. Paralysis of this muscle causes hand and holding the ankle with your right hand.
winging of the scapula. Therefore, look for 'winged T hen ask the subject to bend his knees.
scapula'. The deformity becomes more prominent
when the patient is asked to push forward against the Extensors of the thigh Gluteus maximus is the ex-
wall with both hands. lR,.ncn, ~ ~ ) tensor of t he thigh. Lift the subject's foot off the bed
252 Chapter 38

when the knee is extended and ask him to depress the lightly stretched by positioning the limb.
limb against resistance. 5. The tendon should be stroked briskly by making a
I:P ~ 1fl SJ,ldden iew _w.,o vemem ~t t b ~ ~int.
Flexors of the thigh These are the iliopsoas and the 6. The knee hammer should be loosely held between
tensor fascia lata. In the extended leg, ask the subject the thumb ru:id the index finger, so that it swings
to raise his lower limb of the bed against resistance, freely in an arc, yet is controlled in its direction. •
without bending the limb at knee joints. 7. The homologous reflex on the opposite side should

Adductors of the thigh ~t~!:' dx!:iircrcc~A2i!~ always be tes1ted immediately for comparison.
8. If the reflexes are not elicited, the reinforcement
gus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus and gracilis. technique (/endrassik's maneuvery should be used.
Abduct the lower limb and then ask the subject to
bring it back to the midline against resistance. Grading of the tendon reflexes: Tendon reflexes can
~, &.to\n be graded into five degrees as given below. 11111
Abductors of the thigh These are the gluteus medius mal ankle jerk is less than average and normal knee
and gluteus minimus. Bring the lower limb to the jerk is brisker than average reflexes.
midline and then ask the subject to move it outward Grade O : Absent (no response)
against resistance. ~ Grade 1 : Pr,esent but diminished (as a normal
Ga\.uxc.t, ~ ' o ~ ankle jerk)
Rotators of the thigh or hip I hese are the ghiteur Grade 2 Brisk (as a normal knee jerk)
medius, gluteus minimus, obturator externus and ob- Grade 3 Very brisk (hyperactive)
turator internus. With your lower limb extended on Grade 4 : Clonus
the bed, ask the subject to rotate the limb outwards,
and inwards against resistance. Biceps jerk (C5,6 ) -1 Tli\,. yi,
1. Ask the subject to relax.
2. Flex the elbow of the subject to a right angle and
place his for1earm in a semi-pronated position and
Clinically, reflexes are of three types: tendon or deep support with your hand (Fig. 38.2) or by placing his
reflexes, superficial reflexes, and visceral or sphincteric elbow on his abdomen (Fig. 38.3).
reflexes. 3. Place your thumb firmly on the biceps tendon.
/-,.. . ~ 4. Strike your thumb with the help of the pointed
Tendon or dee reflexes ~ nd of the kne~ ~ammer so that the bjce,ps tendon
The contraction of the muscle in response to a sudden ~ tc ·~ b.
stretch produced by striking the tendon (with a knee t·
hammer) is called a tendon reflex. Tendon reflexes are
stretch reflexes because they are elicited by stretching
the muscle. These stretch reflexes are monosynaptic
reflexes. The tendon reflexes assess the integrity of
the afferent and efferent pathways and excitability of
the anterior h orn cells in the spinal segment of. the
stretched muscle.
The fallowing precautions should be observedfar eliciting tendon
reflexes: I
1. The subject should be completely relaxed.
2. Reassure the subject that the knee hammer is not a
harmful instrument and will not cause pain while
eliciting reflexes.
3. The subject's limb should be appropriately
4. Before striking the tendon, the muscle should be
Clinical Examination of the Motor System 253

5. Observe the contraction of the biceps muscle and

the flexion at the elbow.
6. Elicit biceps jerk of the other limb and compare.

Triceps jerk (C67) tRo.diol n)

1. Flex the subject's arm at the elbow and allow the
forearm to rest on his abdomen (Fig. 38.4) or be
supponed by your hand (Fig. 38.5).
2. Tap the triceps tendon directly above the olecranon.
11111 Take care not to strike the belly of the triceps
3. Observe the contraction of the triceps muscle and
extension at the elbow.
Fig. 38.3. Demonstration of elicitation of biceps jerk in supine
posture. Note that the subject rests his forearm on his abdomen 4. Elicit the triceps jerk of the other side and
with elbow flexed at an angle of 90 . The examiner strikes the cottipare.
biceps tendon by striking his own thumb (placed and pressed on
the tendon). using the narrow end of the knee hammer.
Supinator or bracruoradialis jerk (C5 J
1. Hold the hand of the subject (Fig. 38.6) or allow the
forearm of the subject to rest on bis abdom~n (Fig.
38.7) and slightly stretch the brachioradialis muscle
by laterally bending the hand in the opposite
2. With the help of a knee hammer strike the radil,15
1-2 inches above the wrist qver its styloid process.
3. Observe the ~ v@id~ of n
the forearm.
4. Elicit the supinator jerk of the other side and

Fig. 38.4. Demonstration of ehc1tallon of triceps Jerk 1n supine Knee jerk (L2,3,J It can be tested with the subject
posture Note that the subJect rests his forearm on his abdomen either in the supine or the sitting position.
with elbow flexed at an angle of 90 ' The examiner strikes the
triceps tendon by using the broad end of the knee hammer.
In the supine position (Fig. 38.8)
1. Expose the part (up to the upper thigh)

Fig. 38.5. Demonstrnt1on of el1c1tat1on of triceps Jerk in sitting or Fig. 38.6: Demonstration of ehc1tat1on of sup1nator Jerk 1n s1tt1ng
standing posture Note that the forearm of the subJect rests on the or standing posture Note that the examiner holds the hand of
forearm of the examiner with his elbow Joint flexed at 90' the subJect and slightly dors1flexes 1t and then strikes the brach10-
The examiner strikes the triceps tendon by using the broad end rad1als tendon at the wrist by using the nmrow end of the knee
of the knee hammer hammer
254 Chapter 38

Fig. 38.7. Dernonstrat1on of el1c1tat1on of supInator Jerk In supine

posture Note that the sub1ect rests hrs forearm on hrs abdomen
anrl the examiner strikes the brach1orad1alrs tendon at the wrist by
using the narrow end of the knee hammer

Fig. 38.9. Demonstration of elicitation of knee jerk in s1tt1ng

position. Note that the subject sits on a stool or chair crossing the
leg to be examined on the other leg. The examiner strikes the
patellar te ndon. The legs of the subJect should hang freely (should

-· not touch the ground)

- - abim-tfr~e&~
t.l:ie edge, br-m'.itin
knee to be tested) on the other knee.
2. Ask him to relax completely.
3. Strike the patellar tendon.
4. Observe the contraction of the quadriceps and the
extension at the knee joint.
Fig. 38.8. Demonstration of elrc1tat1on of knee Jerk in supine
positron Note that the examiner supports the leg to be examined
by placing hrs hand below the leg in such a way that he lifts rt by
Ankle jerk (S1.,J The ankle jerk can be tested with the
with the help of the other leg subject in the supine or kneeling position.

In the supine position (Fig. 38.10)

2. Pass your forearm under the knee to be tested and 1. Place the lo-~er limb {to be examined) of the subject
place your hand on the opposite knee (the knee to on the bed lil such a way that it is everted and
be tested should rest on the dorsum of your wrist slightly flexed.
and forearm). 2. With one hand, slightly: darsiflex cbe fqgr sa auo
3. Semiflex the knee and lift your hand slightly so that stretch the Achilles tendo,0..
the weight of the knee rests on your hand. 3. With the other hand, strike the reodao o.o. its
4. Strike the atellar tendon directly with the help of posterior surface (by using the broad end of the
a knee hammer (by using t e narrow en o t e knee hammer).
hammer). 4. Observe for any contraction of calf muscles and
5. Observe the contraction of the quadriceps and the
brief extension at the knee.
plantar flexion of the foot.
5. Elicit the ankle jerk of the other side and compare. ..
6. Elicit the knee jerk of the opposite side and In the kneeling position (Fig. 38.11)
compare. 1. Ask the subject to kneel on a chair.
2. Slightly dorsiflex the foot.
In the sitting position (Fig. 38.9)
3. Strike the Achilles tendon.
1. - Ask the subject to sit over the edge oFcrfe bed or a
4. Observe for contraction of calf muscles and plantar
stool in such a way that ~ legs daggle freely from flexion of the foot.
Clinical Examination of the Motor System 255

Jaw jerk (Fig. 38.12)

1. Ask the subject to partially open his mouth.
2. Place a finger firmly on his chin.
3. Strike the finger with the help of a knee hammer
(using the narrow end of the hammer).
4. Observe for immediate closure of the mouth (due
to contraction oTthe elevators of the jaw).

Jendrassik's maneuver This is performed by asking

the subject to make a strong voluntary muscular effort
using following methods:
1. While testing the reflexes of the lower limb: Ask the
Fig. 38.1O. Demonstration of ehc1tat1on of ankle Jerk in supine subject to hook the fingers of two hands together
posture Note that the examiner strikes the Achilles tendon after and then pull them apart (against one another) as
slightly dors1flexing the foot Also note that the knee of the
hard as possible (Fig. 38.13).
examined leg 1s flexed to an angle of 120"
2. While testing the reflexes of the upper lirnE
th~ :to cle,_nch his te¥th or to make a fist in
tb~ aacJ-11111 Jendrassik's maneuver ai j
by increasing the!abjlity of the anterior..!Jto
c;ells and by increasing the se~ ~
spindle primary sensory endings to stretch by
inct,easing the ~ma fusiroar~ charge.

Su erficial reflexes
The superficial reflexes are elicited by stimulating the
cutaneous receptors. The stimulation of an area of

Fig. 38.11 . Demonstration of ellc1tat1on of ankle Jerk 1n kneeling

posture Note that the sub1ect kneels on a chair and the examiner
strikes the Achilles tendon after slightly dors1flex1ng the foot

·. '
I ,
~· •
·: t

••• .' ,.


Fig. 38.12. Demonstration of ellc1tat1on of Jaw 1erk Note that the Fig. 38.13. Demonstration of Jendrassik·s maneuver Note that
examiner strikes the thumb placed on the chin of the subject the sub1ect pulls apart the fingers of both the hands hook d
(sub1ect partially opens his mouth) against each other. during which the examiner el1c1ts the I rk
256 Chapter 38

the skin by scratching results in contraction of certain

muscles supplied by the same spinal segment. These
reflexes are polysynaptic reflexes. Superficial reflexes are
of two types, spinally mediated and cranially mediated.
Chief superficial reflexes of the spinal ori~in are:
• Plantar reflex
Cremasteric reflex
Bulbocavernosus reflex
Anal reflex
• Abdominal reflex
• Scapular reflex
Superfical reflexes of c!:nia] origin ~re:
Conjunctival reflex
Corneal reflex
Pupillary reflexes (light and accomodation
These reflexes are described in Chapter 43. 1
Plantar reflex {L5 S1)
1. Ask the subject to lie down on the couch. Fig. 38.14. Demonstration of e11c,tat1on o' plantar reflex Note that
2. Partially flex the lower limb and rotate 1t a pointed obJect 1s used to storke or scratc" on Hie lc1terc1I c1spect
of the sole 1n the d1rect1on depicted 1n the f1qurc
3. With one (left) hand, grasp the leg just above the
2. Lightly scratch the inner aspect of the upper part of
ankle joint.
the thigh.
4. Ask the subject to relax completely.
3. Observe the elevation of the testicle on that side and
5. In the oth~,liN!<;l, with the hel~ .~ ~ted object
the contraction of the dartos muscle as evidenced by
(pointed ih~ f portion of th~Ei.eelia mmer or •• 1
increase in w rinkling of the skin of the scrotum.
a pointed key) gently scratch the outer edge of the
4. Elicit the cremasteric reflex of the opposite side.
sole of the foot from the heel towards the little toe
and then medially across the metatarsus _!.o ward§ Abdominal reflex (f7_u)
the ball of the great toe (Fig. 38.14). 1. Ask the subject to lie down in the supine position.
6. Observe for the plantar response.lDD!IThe plantar 2. Ex,pose the abdomen fully .
. _ ,.,. f esponse may be a flexor plantar response or an 3. Ask him to rel~ complerely.
o-r('f( 1-Yextensor plantar response. The flexor plantar response 4. Stroke lightly but briskly each side of the abdomen
~ is characterised by inversion and dorsiflexion of the above and below the umbilicus, ~~
~ ankle with flexion of all the toes at the metatarsus. a encil or the ointed m · ~
· is normally present in healthy subjects. The hawmer, f&gm the outer aspect towards the midline
sorplantar response is characterised by dorsiflexion (Fig. 38.15).
~ he great coe and abduction or fanning of other 5. Observe the contraction of the abdominal
~ toes with dorsiflexion of the ankle. It is found in muscles after every stroke as evidenced by the
patients with corticospinal tract lesions and is a deviation of the umbilicus towards the stimulus.
pathognomonic feature of upper motor neuron Ill It is ofte 1 oss1 e to e 1c1 abdominal
~ is. This abnormal response is also called reflexes in obr ide y and ·ous patients and 11 •

Babinsk@gn as it was first described by Babinski. in multiparous women.

It is also normally seen in newborns and infants.
Bulbocavernosus reflex (S3,4) This is elicited only in
Cremasteric reflex (L1,2) This is elicited only in male male subjects.
subjects. 1. Expose the part (external genitalia).
1. Expose the part {genitalia and upper thigh). 2. Pinch the dorsum of glans penis.
Clinical Examination of t he Mot or System 257

Coordination of Movement

Coordination of movement means smooth recruitment, R \C r

interaction and cooperation of muscles or groups of l;
muscles to carry out a p~ se, a,ud ~ eiinite mgtor ~ ct.
Coordination of movement should be t$:~ted both in
i\J.bjecr ~ the upper and the lower limbs.

be.- Thi-nte.. In the upper limbs

~()UX'q- Finger-nose test
~ - - - ~ f - - - P u b i c sym'pfiysis 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject regarding
the rest.
Fig. 38.15. Site and d1rect1on of stimulation for elic1tation of 2. Ask the subject to touch the tip of his nose with the
abdominal reflex tip of his index finger rapidly and repeatedly, first
with the eyes o pen, and then with the eyes closed.
3. O bserve the contraction of the bulbocavernosus 3. Observe whether the subject is able to touch his
muscle. no~e every time.
4. Ask him to repeat the test with the other hand.
Anal reflex (S3,J
1. Expose the anal region. Making a circle
2. Ask the subject to rela.-x completely. 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject regarding
3. Stroke or scratch the skin near the anus. the test.
4. O bserve the contraction of the anal sphincter. 2. Ask the subject to draw a circle in the air w·1:h ',is
Scapular reflex (CH , T) 3. Observe whether the subject is able to draw a
1. Expose the upper portion of the back. circle.
2. Stroke the skin in the interscap ular region. 4. Ask him to repeat with the other hand.
3. Observe the contraction of the scapular muscles.
~ adokokinesis Dysdiadokokinesia is the in-
S hincteric reflexes ~ ty to execute rapidlv repeateQ alternate movements.
Diadokokinesis can be tested in different ways.
These reflexes are concerned with swallowing, defecatio n
1. Ask the subject to A.ex his elbow to a right angle and
and micturition. They depend upon complex muscular
then ask him to perform supination and pro nation
movement excited by increased tension in the wall of
of h is forearm as rapidly as possible, or
the viscera concerned.
2. Ask him to tap the palm with the tips of his fingers
([wallowiti°g Ask the subject whether h e has any as fast as possible in an arhythm.ic manner, or
difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia). Also ask whether 3. Ask the subject to clap over the dorsum of one·
there is any regurgitation of food through the nose. If hand with the palm of another hand as quickly as
dysphagia is presen t, ascertain whether it is predo mi- possible. He may be asked to perform this movemen t
nantly for liquids or solids or both. · alternately on either hand.

. . (befecati~ A sk the subject if he has any problem in

passing stools. The subject should also be questioned
In the lower limbs
Knee-heel test
1. Ask the subject to lie down in the supine position.
regarding the presence of normal or abnormal anorec-
2. \'(lith the eyes open, ask him to place one heel on the
tal sensation .
opposite knee and then to slide the heel down the shin
~ cturitio~ T he subject should always be asked of his leg towards the ankle. -
regarding his bladder habits, and whether he has any @
3. Ask him to repeat the procedl!le iJ? quick succession.
problem in co ntrolling or initiating miccurition. Reten- 4. Observe whether he performs the action properly.
tion of urine, incontinence or urgency of miccurition 5. Ask him to repeat the, procedure with the other
should be noted. limb.
258 Chapter 38

Making a circle Tone of the Muscle

1. Ask the subject to dr,aw a circle in the air with his
toes. The tone of the muscle is the state of panial contraction
2. Observe whether he is able to draw a circle. of the muscle. Healthy muscles always exhibit certain
degrees of tone. In some diseases, the tone of the
Walking muscles increases (f?ypertonia) and in others the tone of
1. Ask the subject to walk on a straight line. the muscles decreases (~ypotonia).
.. . j
2. Observe whether he is able to walk on a straight
line. Hypertonia
Hypertonia is a feature of upper motor neuron lesion.
Gait Hypertonia manifests as spasticicy or rigidity .

Gait is defined as the attitude of walkin.g. It is tested by Spasticity Spasticity is a term used to describe a state
asking the subject to walk with bare feet on a straii;ht of increased tone of muscle, which is of the 'clasp-

line. Ask him to walk ,a distance and then to turn round
a nd come back. While the subject is walking observe
knife' type. The tone is much more increased in the
amigravity muscles, that is, in the fl.exors of the upper
the following points: limbs, and extensors and adductors of the lower limbs.
Clasp-knife rigidity is seen in pyramidal tract lesion.
1. Whether he walks at all.
2. If he walks, does he walk in a straight line or does
Rigidity Rigidity is seen in all muscles, without any
he tend to deviate to one sige.
relation to gravity. There are two types of rigidity:
3. If he tends to.fall, in what direction?
lead pipe and cogwheel. This is seen in lesions of ex~
trapyramidal tracts.
Involuntary Movement
Leadpipe t1gjdi!J The resistance to passive movement is
Involuntary movements are not seen normally. In some uniform throughout the range of movement. It is seen
diseases of the nervous system there are involuntary, in catatonic states, dementia and Parkinsonism.
unintended movements. Observe whether there is
any involuntary movement of any part of the body. Cog1vheel ngidi!J The resistance to passive movement
If involuntary movements are present, note the type is seen alternately, that is, there is alternate resistance
of movement. and relaxation. This is typically seen in diseases of the
basal ganglia, particularly in the involvement of the
substantia nigra.
Bulk of the Muscle Strength of Muscles

The bulk of the muscle may be normal, decreased If muscle strength is decreased, there is paresis and if
(atrophy) or increased (hypertrophy). there is no strength, there is parafys-is.
Hemiplegia means paralysis of one side of the body,
Muscle atrophy especially of the arms and legs, paraple,R.ia means paralysis
Muscle atrophy is seen in neurological disorders, of both legs, monople.efa means paralysis of one limb and
especially in lower motor neuron disease. Generalised quad,iplegia means paralysis of all four limbs. ; .
wasting of the muscle occurs in non-neurological Hemiplegia is usually seen in lesions of the
conditions like malignancy, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis corticospinal tract at the level of the internal capsule.
and tuberculosis. Localised wasting is seen in arthritis Paraplegia is seen in spinal cord lesions below the ".
or myopathy. midthoracic level and quadruplegia is seen in spinal
cord lesion above the upper throacic level. Monoplegia
Muscle hypertrophy usually occurs due to lesions of a nerve plexus. Crossed
Hypertrophy occurs due to excessive use of muscles parafysis refers to paralysis of the ipsilateral cranial
as in athletes and gymnasts. It can also occur in some musculature with contralateral hemiplegia. It is usually
myotonic disorders. seen in brainstem disease.
Clinical Examination of the Motor System 259

Weakness of the muscle may occur in the absence Superficial reflexes

of paralysis. It occurs due to myasthenia gravis, The superficial reflexes are polysynaptic and involve
myopathies and myotonic dystrophy. many centres in the neuraxis. These are elicited
by stimulating the cutaneous receptors that carry
Reflexes information to higher centres by sensory pathway_~·
The higher centres then convey information to the
Tendon reflexes concerned muscles by m9tor pathways. Therefore,
Tendon reflexes are stretch reflexes that are activated in superficial reflexes are lost in both upper and lower
response to a sudden stretch of the muscle. These are motor neuron paralysis.
monosynaptic reflexes that are activated by stretching
of the muscle spindle that conveys information via
Coordination of Movement
la fibres directly to the motor neurons in the spinal
cord (Fig. 38.16). Stimulation of the a motor neuron Normal movement is dependent on the ability of the
causes contraction of the muscle that was stretched. agonise muscles to contract to the degree needed and
The presence of the tendon reflexes indicates the the simultaneous relaxation of the antagonist muscles.
integrity of the afferent and efferent pathways, and Impairment in these abilities produces incoordination
of the excitability of the anterior horn cells in the of movement. This incoordination may be due to a
spinal segment of the stretched muscles. The tendon disease of the cerebellum, the corticospinal tract or the
reflexes are continuously affected by the activities in sensory system. Lack of proper coordination is known
the descending (from supraspinal centres) pathways. as ata>..ia.
The higher centres usually inhibit the spinal reflexes.
Therefore, the tendon reflexes are ·exaggera~ed in Cerebellar disease
upper motor neuron lesions. T he tendon reft~·xes are In cerebellar ataxia, the errors of movement tend to occur
diminished or absent in lower motor neuronJesions as at right angles to the intended direction of movement.
there is disruption in the final common pathway. A useful sign of cerebellar ataxia is tfJ'Sdiadokokinesia
Gamma motor neurons increase the sensitivity of which is the impaired ability to execute rapidly repeated
the muscle spindle to stretch. Therefore, increased y alternate movements. All the aspects of movement
motor neuron discharge increases the reflex activity. (init iation, rate, range, direction and termination) are
The y motor neurons are usually under the inhibitory affected.
influence of supraspinal inputs. Therefore, a lesion
of the upper motor neuron results in exaggeration of Corticospinal tract disease
deep reflexes. The incoordination is characterised by slowness
and clumsiness in finger movements. This is tested
by asking the patient to rapidly approximate each
finger to the thumb. Corticospinal tract disease does
not cause incoordination of movement at the more
proximal joints, that is, knee, hip, elbow and so on; it
also does not cause incoordination of movement in the
leg. However, if it is associated with muscle weakness,
impairment in walking occurs.

Sens.!!!Y, s stem diseas~

MS Incoordination of movement can be produced in the
arms or legs by impaired sensation. This is called sensory
ataxia. It is tested by the Romberg sign. The p.:.tient is
asked to stand with his feet close together and if he can
Fig. 38.16. The stretch reflex DAG Dorsal root ganglion
MS Muscle spindle. Ir lnh1b1tory rnterneuron, " and "
do so, he is asked to close his eyes. If the subject sways
Motor neurons. la la afferents or falls, the Romberg sign is positive. It is an important
260 Chapter 38

physical sign of impaired position and joint sense in rn which the movements in the lower limbs are
the lower limb. not coordinated. The patient raises his feet
suddenly and often abnormally to a higher level and
Gait then jerks them forward, bringing them to the ground
again with a stamp, and often heel first. Ataxia increas-
Gait is the posture of the subject while walking.
es in darkness or if the eyes are closed. It is best seen in
The character of the gait is often important in the
tabes dorsalis and severe peripheral neuritis.
diagnosis of neurological diseases. Normally, when a
person walks, he partially flexes the hip and knee joint Drunken gait The patient walks on a broad and
of one lower limb and dorsifiexes his foot. As he does irregular base, the feet being planted widely apart.
so, his foot is lifted above the ground and the other The ataxia is equally severe ·whether the eyes are
lower limb supports the whole weight of the body. opened or closed. It is typically seen in cerebellar
As the first lower limb is moved forward and takes up disorders.
his weight, the other lower limb is flexed and the whole
cycle is repeated. If the smooth manner in which the Festinan.!_g~it
whole movement is performed is disturbed, the gait
becomes abnormal. The common abnormal gaits are:
• Spastic gait
• Ataxic gait
The patient walks with an attitude of generalised flexion
(bent forward) so that the centre of gravity of the
body lies outside in front of him. To bring the centre
of gravity to its proper place, the patient takes rapid,
• Festinant gait short and shuffling steps. But, the centre of gravity
• Waddling gait moves forward and continues to elude him. Thus, he
• High-stepping gait attempts to catch the centre of gravity. His arms do
• Limping gait not swing. It is typically seen in Parkinsonism.
i --1
Spastic gait Waddling_gait
The spastic gait is probably the commonest abnormal This is like the gait of a duck. The patient sways from
type. The patient walks on a narrow base, has difficulty side to side, the body is tilted backwards with an
in bending his knees and drags his feet along as if they increase of lumbar lordosis and with a protruberant
are glued to the ground. The movement is slow and abdomen. The feet are planted widely apart, and the I

the flexion of the knee and hip joints is either absent l

heels and toes tend to be brought down simultaneously.
or imperfectly performed. The affected leg tends to It occurs in proximal muscular weakness, which is seen
remain adducted. The foot is raised from the ground by in myopathies and muscular dystrophies. It is also seen
tilting the pelvis and the leg is then swung forwards so in advanced pregnancy.
that the foot tends to describe an arc (circumduction),
the toe scraping along the floor. It is characteristically Hig(!_-stepping gait
seen in corticospinal tract lesions. There are two types The patient walks taking high steps. It is typically
of spastic gaits: (i) hemiplegic and (ii) scissor. seen in foot drop, as in peripheral neuritis or peroneal
muscular dystrophy.
H emiplegic gait In this type of gait only one leg is
affected. It is seen in hemiplegia. Llnming_g_ait
The patient limps with short steps, keeping the painful
Scissor gait The spasticity is present on both sides. limb semiflexed and dropping the pelvis towards the
The patient walks in a typical criss-cross fashion. It is painful side. It is seen in tuberculosis of the knee and
typically seen in congenital spastic paraplegia. hip joints and in sciatica.
Ataxic gait Involuntary Movement
This occurs due to ataxia. Ataxic gaits are of two types,
stamping and drunken. Involuntary mov~ments can occur either at rest or
during voluntary movement. Involuntary movements
Stamping gait It is a high-stepping ataxic gait are classified into two types, localised and generalised.
Clinical Examinat ion of the Motor System 261

- - -involunta movement a purposeful movement of limbs). Resting tremor is
1. Fibrillation typically seen in Parkiri'sonism and intention tremor
2. Fasciculation in cerebellar disorder. Tremor is also divided into fine
3. Myoclonus and coarse tremors. Fine tremor is seen in anxiety,
4. Tremor hyperthyroidism and so on. Coarse tremor is seen in
Parkinsonism (pin-rolling tremor).
Generalised involunta movement
Causes of tremor
A. Extrapyramidal abnormalities
I. Pl!]siological
1. Anxiety
2. Exposure to cold
3. Old age (senile tremor)
4. Congenital
Torsion dystonia
B. Spasms II. Pathological
Tonic spasm N eurologiral
Clonicspasm 1. Parkinsonism
2. Cerebellar disorder
Fibrillation This occurs due to contraction of a sin-
3. Disseminated sclerosis
gle muscle fibre. Usually it cannot be seen. Clinically,
4. Benign essential tremor
fibrillation, if present, can be observed in the tongue Metabolic
but it can be recorded electromyographically. 1. Thyrotoxicosis
Fasciculation This occurs due to contraction of a 2. Hypoglycemia
bundle of muscle fibre. It can be seen as well as re- 3. Hepatic coma
corded electromyographically. It occurs due to irrita- 4. Uremia
tion of the anterior horn cells or nerve roots during Toxi.-
inflammation or degeneration. 1. Alcoholism
2. Barbiturate poisoning
Causes 3. Opium poisoning
• Motor neuron disease 4. Heavy metal poisoning
• Cervical spondylosis
• Syringomyelia Chorea This is a rapid involuntary dancing type of
• Peroneal muscular dystrophy movement. It occurs in lesions of the caudate nucleus.
It is seen in Huntington's disease (Huntington's
Myoclonus Sudden shock-like contraction of a single chorea) and chronic rheumatic disease (Sydenham's
muscle or group of muscles is called myoclonus. chorea).
It is involuntary and arrhythmic. There are different
varieties of myoclonus. When myoclonus occurs in the Athetosis This is characterised by continuous, slow
face, it is called facial myoclonus, when it occurs dur- or writhing movements. It occurs due to a lesion in
ing muscular activity it is called action myoclonus, and the globus pallidus.
when it occurs in different parts of the body and disap- Choreoathetosis When chorea and athetosis are
pears during sleep it is called myoclonus simplex. present together, the condition is called choreoath-
Tremor Tremor is a regular, rhythmic, purpose-less, etos1s.

to and fro movement of a part of the body (usually Ballism This is an involuntary movement, which is
limbs) due to contraction of a group of muscles and sudden, flailing, intense and violent. It occurs in the
their antagonists. It usually involves the distal parts of lesion of the subthalamic nucleus. When it occurs in
the limbs, tongue, and rarely the trunk. It is divided one side of the body, it is called hemiballism.
into resting or static tremor (when it occurs at rest)
and intention or kinetic tremor (when it occurs during Torsion dystonia The torsion of the limbs and ver-
262 Chapter 38

tebral column causes distorted posture of the limbs to Charcot's artery (the artery of cmberaf hel'Jlotrhage), a
and trunk. Persistent increase in muscle tone occurs. branch of the middle cerebral artery. Corticothalamic,
The dystonia disappears during sleep. corticostriate, corticorubral, corticopontaine, cortico-
olivary, and corticoreticular fibres also pass through
Tonic spasm Tonic spasm of the muscle is seen in the internal capsule. Therefore, a lesion in the internal
tetanus and strychnine poisoning. capsule not only affects the pyramidal (corticospinal)
tract but also the extrapyramidal and other fibres .
Clonic spasm Clonic spasm of the muscle is seen in
Therefore, the paralysis is called upper motor neuron
paralysis, instead of pyramidal paralysis.
Tics These are sudden rapid, repeated, coordinated The extrapyramidal motor system includes the
and purposeless movements that occur usually in basal ganglia and the cerebellum. These two st ructures
the same region intermittently. Usually tics occur in influence the extrapyramidal tracts by projecting
the form of blinking of the eyes or wriggling of the directly or indirectly to the brainstem. Extrapyramidal
shoulders. lesions do not cause paralysis (Table 38.1).

Upper Motor Neuron Paralysis

In upper motor neuron (UMN) paralysis there occurs
Features not only lesions of the corticospinal tract (the so-called
• Muscles are affected in groups (individual pyramidal tract),, but a few extrapyramidal fibres
muscles are never affected) (especially corticoreticular fibres that project onto the
• No muscle atrophy (disuse atrophy may occur reticulospinal trai::t) are also disrupted. This occurs in
in chronic patients) UMN paralysis dlue to a lesion at the internal capsule
• Spasticity (hypertonia) (the commonest site of UMN lesion). The pontine
• Exaggeration of tendon reflexes reticulospinal tract is excitatory to the muscles involved
• Loss of superficial reflexes in postural control, that is, the antigravity muscle, and
• Positive Babinski sign (extensor plantar this reticulosprnal tract is under the inhibitory control
response) of corticoreticular fibres. In UMN lesions, disruption of
corticoreticular fibres facilitates the excitatory output
• No fascicular twitches
of the pomine reticulospinal pathway. Therefore,
• N o denervation potential in EMG
hypertonia and spasticity occur in a UMN lesion.
• Normal nerve conduction studies
Deep reflexes are exaggerated because of the increased
Causes discharge and sen:sitivicy of the gamma motor neurons.
The corticospinal pathways can be interrupted by Excitability of the gamma motor neurons regulates
lesions at any level, starting from the cerebral cortex, spinal reflex activity. Gamma motor neurons are
subcortical white matter, internal capsule, brainstem, usually inhibited by many supraspinal influences. In
to the spinal cord. The most common site of lesion UMN lesions, loss of inhibitory influence increases
of the corticospinal tract is the internal capsule that is gamma motor neuron discharge and therefore increases
usually involved in cerebral hemorrhage due to damage the reflex activity.

T able 38.1: D ifferences between pyramidal (conicospinaJ) and extrapyramidal lesions

Pyramidal Extrapyramidal

1. Muscle tone Spasticicy (clasp-knife rigidity) P lastic (cogwheel rigidity) ,

2. Distribution of hypertonus F lexors of arm and extensors of leg Generalised
3. Shon ening and lengthening reaction Present Absent
4. Involuntary movement Absent Present
5. Tendon reflexes Exaggerated Normal
6. Babinski's sign Positive Negative ~
7. Paralysis Of voluntary movement No paralysis
Clinical Examinat ion of the Motor System 263

T able 38.2: Comp arison of upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron paralysis
UMN paralysis LMN paralysis
1. Muscles affected Muscles are affected in groups Individual muscles are affected
2. Size of the muscles Atrophy not seen (slight atrophy Pronounced atrophy (may be up to
may occur due to disuse) 80 per cent of the t0tal bulk) of muscles
3. Type of paralysis Spastic paralys is Flaccid paralysis
4. Tone of the muscles H ypertonia Hypotonia
5. Power of the muscles Paralysis occurs (no voluntary Paralysis occurs

I 6. Tendon reflexes
7. Superficial reflexes
Diminished or absent

l 8. Babinski's sign
9. Involuntary movement
10. EMG changes
Positive (extensor plantar reflex)
No denervation potentials seen in EMG
Negative (flexor plantar reflex)
Fascicular twitches may be present
Denervation potentials (fibrillations,
fasciculations, and sharp.. waves) are
seen in EMG
11. Nerve conduction No abnormalities in nerve conduction Abnormal nerve conduction (decreased
studies conduction)

The corticospinal trace excites flexor motor neurons • H ypotonia is seen in the affected muscles
and inhibits the extensor motor neurons of the digits • Tendon reflexes and superficial reflexes are
of the limbs. Therefore, normally stroking of the sole diminished or absent
elicits plantar flexion. In UMN paralysis, disruption • Babinsk.i's sign is negative (plantar flexion)
of co.rticospinal influence on the lumbosacral motor • Fascicular twitches·may be present
neurons causes dorsifiexion of the big toe and fanning • Denervation potentials (fibrillation, fasciculation,
of other toes (Babinsk.i's sign or extensor plantar positive sharp waves) are observed in the EMG
response). • Nerve conduction studies reveal abnormalities
Lower Motor Neuron Paralysis OSPE
Lower motor neurons may be injured or diseased in 1. Measure the bulk of the muscles ofthe right arm
the cranial nerve nuclei or spinal anterior horn cells, in of the subject.
the anterior nerve roots, or in the nerves themselves. Steps:
The most common acute lesion of the anterior horn cell • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
is poliomyelitis. The chronic degeneration of anterior • Detect the midpoint of the right arm of
horn cells occurs in motor neuron disease (progressive the subject by measuring (with the help of
muscular atrophy). The anterior nerve roots may a measuring tape) the distance between the
be damaged by trauma, especially in asso6ation median olecranon process and the tip of the
with cervical spondylosis or by an inflammatory or humerus.
neoplastic lesion. The peripheral nerves are mainly ·• Ask him to relax completely.
affected by injury, inflammation and toxic or metabolic • Measure the midarm circumference with a
disorders (neuropathies). As the nerves carry both measuring tape.
motor and sensory information, pure motor deficit • Measure the midarm circumference of the
rarely occurs. Usually muscular paralysis is associated other Qeft) side and compare.
with sensory changes.
2. Assess the tone of the flexors and ex,tensors ofthe
Featur~ of•LMN aralysis right elbow ofthe subject.
• Usually individual muscles are affected Steps:
• Muscle atrophy is pronounced (Table 38.2) • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Flaccidity • Ask him to relax completely.
264 Chapter 38

• Make passive movements (flexion and • Look for contraction of the triceps and
extension) of the forearm at the elbow joint. extension of the forearm.
• Feel (can also palpate the muscles) the tone of • Elicit the triceps jerk on the opposite side and
the extensors and fl.exors. compare.
• Repeat the procedure in the other elbow joint
and compare. 6. Elicit right side supinator jerk ofthe subject.
3. Assess the strength of the biceps muscle of the • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
right side ofthe subject. • Slightly fl.ex the right forearm of the subject
Steps: and suppon the forearm by holding the
• Supply proper instructions to the subject. hand.
• Ask the subject to bend his right forearm • Ask the subject to relax completely.
against resistance (the examiner prevents
• Tap the radius about 1-2 inches above the
flexion of the forearm by applying
wrist over its styloid process.
resistance). .
• Look for fl.exion at the elbow and supination
• Look for the prominence of the biceps muscle
of the forearm.
and assess the strength (in terms of grade) of
• Elicit supinator jerks of the opposite side and
the biceps.
• Repeat the procedure in the opposite side and
compare. 7. Elicit knee jerk of the right side of the subject in
4. Elicit biceps jerk ofthe right side of the subject. the supine position.
• Supply proper instructions to the subject. • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Flex the right elbow of the subject and make • Pass your hand under the knee to be tested;
the forearm semipronated by resting it on and place it upon the opposite knee in such a
the abdomen or on your (examiner's) left way that the tested knee rests on the dorsum
forearm. of your wrist.
• Expose the front of the arm. • Ask the subject to relax completely.
• Ask the subject to relax completely. • Strike the patellar tendon with the broader
• Place your thumb on the biceps tendon end of the hammer with movement at the
firmly to stretch the muscle. wnst JOtnt.
• Strike with .t he narrower end of the hammer • Observe the contraction of the quadriceps
on his thumb. and extension at the knee joint.
• Observe the contraction of the biceps and • Elicit knee jerk of the opposite side and
flexion of the forearm. compare.
• Elicit the biceps jerk of the opposite side and
compare. 8. Elicit ankle jerk ofthe right side ofthe subject in
the supine position.
5. Elicit triceps jerk of the right side of the subject. Steps:
• Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Place the right lower limb of the subject on
• Flex the right elbow of the subject and rest
the bed so that it lies evened and slightly
the forearm on his (the subject's) chest or on
your own (examiner's) forearm.
• Slightly dorsiflex the foot so as to stretch the
• Expose the back of the arm.
Achilles tendon.
• Ask the subject to relax completely.
• Tap the triceps tendon with the broader end • Strike the tendon on its posterior surface
of the hammer with movements at the wrist with the broader end of the hammer, with
ioint. movement at the wrist joint.
Clinical Examination of the Motor System 265

• Observe the contraction of the calf muscles 11. Elicit the cremasteri.c reflex of the sztbject.
and plantar flex.ion at the ankle joint. Steps:
• Elicit ankle jerk of the other side and • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
compare. • Expose the part (external genitalia and upper
portion of the thigh).
9. Elicit plantar reflex ofthe subject. • With the help of a key, scratch the upper and
Steps: inner aspect of the thigh lightly and briskly.
• Ask the subject to lie down in the supine • Look for contraction of the dartus muscle
posmon. and lifting of the testicle.
• Fix the foot by placing the left hand on the • Elicit the cremasteric reflex of the other side
medial malleolus. and compare the findings.
• Ask the subject to relax completely.
• Gently scratch with a key or the pointed 12. Perform the finger-nose test ofthe subject.
metallic end of the knee hammer on the Steps:
outer edge of the sole of the foot, from the • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
heel towards the little toe and then medially • Ask the subject to touch the tip of the nose
across the metatarsus. with the tip of one of his index fingers rapidly
and repeatedly, first with the eyes open and
• Observe the response.
then with the eyes closed.
• Elicit the plantar reflex of the opposite side
• Ask him to repeat the same with the opposite
and compare.
index finger; compare the findings.
10. Elicit the abdominal reflex of the subject in the
13. Perform the knee-heel test of the subject in the
supine position.
supine position.
• • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Supply proper instructions to the subject.
• Expose the abdomen. • Ask the subject to place one of his heels on
• • With the help of a key or the pointed metallic the opposite knee and then to slide the heel
end of the knee hammer, scratch lightly but down his shin towards the ankle.
briskly from the outer aspect of the abdomen • Ask him to repeat the same rapidly 4-5
towards the mid.line in all four quadrants. tunes.
• Look for contraction of the muscle and • Ask him to do the same on the other side;
deviation of the umbilicus. compare the findings.

1. What are the different aspects of motor functions that are assessed while examining the motor system?
2. How do you measure the bulk of the muscles in the upper and lower limbs?
3. What is the tone of the muscle and how is it assessed?
4. How do you grade the strength of muscles?
5. How do you estimate the strength of intrinsic muscles of the hands?
6. How do you assess the strength of the flexors and extensors of the wrist?
7. How qo you assess the strength of the biceps, triceps and brachioradialis?
• 8. How do you assess the strength of the abdominal muscles?
9. How do you assess the strength of the intrinsic muscles of the foot?
10. How do you assess the strength of extensors and flexors of the knee and those of the thigh?
11. What are the precautions observed for eliciting deep reflexes?
12. How do you grade tendon reflexes?
13. What is the root value of different tendon jerks?
266 Chapter 38

14. Name the superficial reflexes.

15. What are the tests for coordination of movement in the upper and lower limbs?
16. What is dysdiadokokinesis?
17. Define gait.
In what conditions are atrophy and hypertrophy of muscles observed? Why?
What is the cause of spasiticity in upper mot0r neuron paralysis? .-
20. What is the cause of flaccidity in lower motor neuron paralysis?
21. What are the differences between pyramidal and extrapyramidal tract lesioms?
22. What are the differences between upper motor neuron and lower motor ne1Uron paralysis?
23. How do you classify muscles clinically?

24. What do you mean by lower and upper motor neurons?
25. What are the descending mot0r tracts?
26. Name the extrapyramidal systems.
27. Trace the pathway of corticospinal tracts.
28. What are the functions of corticospinal tracts?
29. What are the functions of extrapyramidal systems?
30. What are the areas in the b.rain involved in regulation of mot0r activities?
31. What are the functions of the motor cortex?
32. What the functions of the basal ganglia?
33. What are the functions of the cerebellum?

39 Clinicar Examination of
the Cranial Nerves

. LEARNING OBJECTIVES sensory cells that constitute the first order of neu-
rons. Their central processes pass through the olfac-
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: tory forarhina in the cribiform plate of the ethmoid
l. Describe the importance of performing this bone and terminate in the olfactory bulb. From the
practical in clinical physiology. olfactory bulb, the second order of neurons arises
2. List the functions of all the cranial nerves. and projects to the olfactory cortex, which consists
3. Perform clinical examination of all the cranial of the periamygdaloid and prepirifonn areas of the
nerves. piriform lobe.
4. List the pa:.camia oc: observed while examining
each of the cranial nerves. Function The olfactory nerve carries the sensation
5. List the common effects of lesions of the cranial of smell from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory cortex
nerves. of the brain.
You MAY also be able to:
l. Trace the pathway of all the cranial nerves. 0 tic or second cranial nerve
2. Explain the abnormalities observed following Anatomy This is one of the important cranial
lesions of the cranial nerves. nerves as it subserves vision. The fibres of the optic
3. List the differences between supra- and nerve arise in the retina and pass through the optic
• infranuclear palsy of the 71h and 12th cranial for.amen to form the optic chiasma and then the
nerves. optic tract. At the chiasma, the fibres from the in-
• ner half of each retina decussate while those from
the out~r half remain oh the same side. Thus each
I optic tract consist; of fibres from the outer half
of the' retina of the same side and from the inner
There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves. Some of half of the retina of the opposite side (Fig. 45.1).
them contain only sensory fibres and are thus known Most of the fibres of the optic tract pass onto the
as sensory cranial ne,ves. A few are predominantly motor lateral geniculate body of the thalamus, and some
in function and are therefore called 1JJotor cranial nerves. fibres from the optic tract reach the pretectal
I The remaining cranial nerves contain both sensory area, which is involved in regulation of pupillary
I and motor fibres and are thus called mixed cranial neroes. reflexes and movement of the orbital muscles. T he

~I A systematic and thorough examination of cranial fibres from the lateral geniculate body travel in the
nerves is part of the clinical evaluation of a patient optic radiation to reach the visual (calcarine) cortex.
with neurological deficit. The cranial nerves may be The calcarine cortex constitutes the main visual
. . affected by a primary disease of the cranial nerve or by
a disease of the brain or the meninges, or sometimes
ce·m re and represents the opposite half of the field
of vision. The area of central or macular vision has
secondary to other systemic disorders. extensive cortical representation and has dual blood
supply from the middle and posterior cerebral ar-
Anatomical and Physiological
Considerations Function The optic nerve serves the most important
special sensation, vision. Normal vision is dependent
Olfactory or first cranial nerve on the integrity of the visual pathway, that is, recep·
Anatomy This nerve arises from the olfactory mu- tors in the retina, optic nerve, optic chiasma, optic
cosa. The nasal mucous membrane contains bipolar tract, lateral geniculate body and visual cortex.
268 Chapter 39

Oculomotor or third cranial nerve Trigeminal or fi1~h cranial nerve

Anatomy This is predominantly a motor nerve. Anatomy This: consists of both motor and sensory
The third cranial nerve nuclei lie in the midbrain, fibres. It has thnee subdivisions: ophthalmic, maxillary
just anterior to the cerebral aqueduct, at the level of and mandibular. The ophthalmic and maxillary divi- •
the superior and inferior colliculi. The nerve fibres sions are sensory whereas the mandibular division is
emerge at the upper border of the pons, pass through both motor and. sensory.
the cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure and
Motor component of the fifth nerve The motor
supply four extrinsic muscles (Fig. 39.1) of the eyeball
fibres originate in the pons and come out of the brain
(superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus and
through the foramen ovale to innervate the muscles of
inferior oblique). It also supplies the levator palpebrae
mastication (masseters and temporalis). Motor fibres
superioris of the upper eyelid. It carries parasympa-
of the fifth nenre are present only in the mandibular
thetic innervation to the sphincter muscles of the iris
division of the nerve.
(sphincter pupillae) and ciliary muscles (involved in
control of accommodation). Sensory component of the fifth nerve Sensory fibres
of the fifth nerve are present in all the three divisions
1. It controls all the movements of the eyeball except of the nerve (Fig. 39.2).
lateral deviation of the eye and depression of the Ophthalf!lic dit'irio.,1 The ophthalmic division carries
medially deviated eye. fibres that rece:ive sensation from the skin over the
2. It controls the size of the pupil. upper eyelid, eyeball, lacrimal glands, nasal cavity,
3. It is involved in accommodation of vision. side of the nose., the conjunctiva} surface of the upper
but not the lower lid, forehead and the scalp as far
Trochlear or fourth cranial nerve as the venex. These fibres pass through the superior
Anatomy This is primarily a motor cranial nerve. orbital fissure.
The nucleus of the founh cranial nerve is present •
in the midbrain. The fibres decussate before emerg- Maxillary di,irio,, The maxillary division carries sensa-
ing from the brain and enter the orbit through the tions from the upper pan of the cheek, the ·lower
eyelid and its conjuctival surface, skin and mucus •
superior orbital fissure to supply the superior oblique
muscle. It supplies the superior oblique muscle of the membrane of the nose, the upper lip, the upper teeth,
opposite side of the eyeball. This is a peculiar nerve the upper pan of the pharynx, the roof of the mouth
in the sense that it is the only cranial nerve that de- and soft palate and the medial inferior quadrant of
cussates between its nuclei of origin and the point of the cornea. The fibres in the maxillary division enter
emergence. the brain through the foramen

Function It causes depression of the medially devi- Mandibular divirionThe sensory fibres in the mandibu-
ated eye. lar division carry sensations from the lower pan of

Inferior oblique

Superior oblique

Fig. 39.1. Muscles attached to the left eye

Clinical Examinat ion of the Cranial Nerves 269

ent in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, pass through

V, Ophthalmic
the stylomastoid foramen and end in the geniculate gan-
glion, a nucleus in the pons from where fibres go to the
'" gustatory area in the parietal lobe of the cerebral conex
V2 Maxillary through the thalamus.
During its course, the facial nerve travels through the facial
canal in the temporal bone. The chorda tympani nerve
V, Mandibular carrying the taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds
of the tongue, and joins the facial nerve in the facial canal.
This part of the nerve is vulnerable to injury and edema as
it is enclosed in a bony tube.
Fig. 39.2. Areas supplied by the three peripheral sensory Functions
branches of the tnqerrnna l nerve
1. It supplies all the muscles of the face and scalp,
(except the levator palpebrae superioris) and platysma.
the face, the lower lip, the ear, anterior two-thirds of
Therefore, it carries out all facial expressions.
tongue (not taste) and the lower teeth. These fibres
2. It carries the taste sensation from the anterior t wo-
pass through the foramen ovale. The sensory fibres
thirds of the tongue.
from all the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve end
r in the pons.
Vestibulocochlear or ei hth cranial nerve
Functions Anatomy It has two components, the cochlear and the
The trigeminal nerve carries general sensation from vestibular.
different parts of the face, and a part of the head and The cochlear nerve The auditory (cochlear) fibres arise in the
neck. Through its motor functions, it is involved in spiral organ (organ of Corti) and form the spiral ganglion.
mastication (chewing). Fibres from the spiral ganglion pass through the internal
auditory meatus to reach the nuclei in the medulla, from
.. Abducent or sixth cranial nerve where the fibres project to the thalamus and from there
Anatomy This is primarily a motor nerve. The fibres to the auditory cortex.
originate in the nucleus, that is, in the lower part of the
pons near the internal genu of the facial canal. After The vestibular nerve The vestibular fibres originate in the
emerging from the pons, it traverses a long intracranial semicircular canals, saccule and utricle and form the ves-
course to enter the orbital cavity through the medial tibular ganglion. The fibres from the vestibular ganglion
end of the superior orbital fissure to supf?ly the lat- terminate in the vestibular nuclei present in the pons
eral rectus muscle. The long intracranial course of this and medulla. A good deal of projection also reaches the
nerve makes it liable to the effects of raised intracranial cerebellum.
pressure. Functions
J Function It helps in lateral deviation of the eye. 1. The cochlear fibres convey impulses associated with

. . Facial or seventh cranial nerve

The seventh cranial nerve is a mixed nerve. It has motor
2. The vescibulru fibres convey impulses associated with
equilibirium .

Glosso ha n eal or ninth cranial nerve

and sensory components.
Anatomy The glossopharyngeal nerve is a mixed ne:rve.
Motor component The motor fibres originate in the pons, It has motor and sensory components.
pass through the stylomastoid foramen and innervate
The motor fibres The fibres originate in the nucleus
the muscles of facial expression, scalp and platysma
ambiguous in the medulla. lt accompanies the tenth
(neck muscle).
and eleventh cranial nerve and comes out of the skull
Sensory component Fibres arise from the taste buds pres- through the jugular foramen to supply the middle
270 Chapter 39

constrictor of the pharynx and stylopharyngeous spinal origin. The cranial fibres originate in the nucleus
muscle. It also supplies parasympathetic fibres to the
parotid gland.
ambiguous in the medulla. The spinal ft"bres emerge
from the sixth cervical segment of the spinal cord, 1
ascend through the foramen magnum into the brain •
The sensory fibres These fibres arise from the taste buds
and join the cranial fibres. The fibres come out of the
in the posterior third of the tongue and from baro-
skull through the jugular foramen and divide into the
receptors in the carotid sinus. They carry general
cranial and spinal parts. The cranial part supplies a
sensation from the nasopharynx and posterior aspect
motor nerve to the larynx, pharynx and soft palate.
of the soft palate. The fibres terminate in the nucleus
The spinal part supplies the sternomastoid and the
tractus solitarius (NTS).
trapezius muscle.
Functions Functions
1. It is involved in activation of the pharyngeal reflex. 1. The cranial portion mediates swallowing I
2. It carries the taste sensation from the posterior third
of the tongue.
movements. ◄
2. The spinal portion mediates head and shoulder
3. It helps in the secretion of saliva.
4. It is involved in regulation of blood pressure
(baroreceptor reflex).
tliruigJossal or twelfth cranial n_~rve
lagus or tenth cranial nerve Anatomy The twelfth cranial nerve is a pure motor
Anatomy The vagus nerve is a mixed nerve. It has nerve. The fibres originate from its nucleus, which is
motor and sensory components. present in the medulla. It leaves t he skull via the hy- 1
poglossal canal (anterior condyloid foramen) and joins
The motor fibres The motor fibres ongmate in the the ansa hypoglossi in the cervical region. It supplies
nucleus ambiguous in the medulla. The nerve comes
out of the skull through the jugular foramen to sup-
the muscles of the tongue of the same side. It also sup-
plies the hypoglossus, styloglossus and genioglossus
.. J
ply the structures in the neck, thorax and abdomen. muscles.
Its function is motor to the soft palate (with the ex- •
• ception of tensor palati), pharynx, larynx, the respi- Functions
ratory passages, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, 1. It helps in the movement of the tongue and therefore
most parts of the large intestine, gall bladder and assists in speech and swallowing.
heart. Its function is secretomotor to most of these
The sensory fibres It carries sensation from the aortic
arch and aortic bodies that mediate baroreceptor and
chemoreceptor reflexes. It also carries the sensation 'I Olfactory Nerve ~ ~
from the structures that it innervates. The fibres ·pass . . 'SEN~O~'I'
Prmc,p!el. .::::'. J
131'9 B~~~
through the jugular foramen and terminate in the The olfactory nerve carries the sensation of smell.
medulla and pons.
Therefore, this nerve is tested by various olfactory
Functions stimuli.
1. It regulates the functions of the cardiovascular
system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, Requirements
urogenital tract and other thoracic and abdominal One small bottle each of clove oil and P,eppermint oil.
2. L is involved in the elicitation of the palatal reflex. Procedure
3. ll subserves laryngeal and pharyngeal functions. 1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool.
2. Make sure that both the nostrils are patent .filld
Access9ry or eleventh cranial nerve there is no inflammation of the nasal mucosa (no
Anatomy This is a pure motor nerve, of cranial and nasal o bstruction due to common cold).
Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 271

3. Ask the subject to close his eyes and one of his 4. Ask the subject to close one of his eyes and close
nostrils. your opposite eye.
4. Remove the cap of the bottle containing clove oil 5. Move your finger midway between you and the
• and take the bottle close to the open nostril. subject to test the field of vision of four quadrants
5. Ask the subject if he correctly perceives the smell. (upper, lower, nasal and temporal). Bring your
• • 6. Repeat the procedure with peppermint oil . finger from the periphery of the four qyadran.ts
7. Ask the subject to close this nostril and open the to the centre of the visual field and ask the subject
► other nostril, and repeat the procedure. to say 'yes' when he sees the finger, DIii If the
8. Compare the results of both the nostrils. subject's vision is normal, at the point at which the
9. Ask the subject if he has any hallucination of examiner catches sight of the moving finger, the
smell. - subject can also see it.
10. Note your result. re the result as smell normal, 6. Compare the patient's field of vision with yours
reduced absent or erverted, separately or each and note your observation.
nostril. 7. Repeat the procedure with the other eye.

Precautions Precautions
I 1. The subject should close his eyes. 1. The distance between the examiner and the subject
I should be 3 feet.
I 2. The subject must be familiar with the odour.
2. The eye of the examiner should remain level with
l 3.
Both the nostrils should be examined separately.
One nostril should be closed when the other is that of the subject's.
examined. 3. The field of vision of the examiner should be

.l ! Princi le
1[. 0ptic Nerve (g,&N~O~'I)

The optic nerve carries the sensation of vision.

4. The subject s49uld fix his gaze at the centre.
5. The examiner should move his finger midway
between him and the subject.
6. One eye should be closed while the other eye is
Examination of this nerve reveals intactness of the being examined.
visual pathway, field of vision and acuity of vision. 7. The subject should wear glasses during the ,.
procedure if he uses them constantly for refractive
Re uirements
errors. Restriction of the field of vision due to
1. Snellen's chart
glasses should be kept in mind.
2. Lister's or Goldmann's perimeter
3. Ishihara chart
Oculomotor, Trochlear and
The optic nerve is tested for acuity of vision, field of
Abducent Nerves Cmoro I<,)
vision and colour vision. Tests for acuity of vision, Princi le
colour vision and field of vision are described in detail The third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves are tested
in Chapters 51, 52 and 50, respectively. The field of together as they innervate all the external ocular
vision is detected by 'confrontation test' at the bedside muscles. The eyeball moves in different directions and
of the patient. the movements are named accordingly. H orizontal
movement in an outward direction is called abduction
- test
- and in an inward direction is called add11clion, vertical
1. Ask the subject to sit on a stool comfortably in an movement in the upward direction is called elevation
erect position. and in the downward direction is called depression.
2. Sit on a stool in front of the subject in such a way The eye is also capable of rotatory movements. The
that your eyes and the subject's eyes remain at the rolling movement of the eye towards the nose is
same level and at a distance of about 3 feet. called intemCJI ,via/ion and movement away from the
3. Ask the subject to fix his gaze at the tip of your nose is called exlemal rotation. The superior and inferior
nose. rectus elevate and depress the eye when the eye is in
272 Chapter 39

abduction, and the inferior and superior oblique elevate close to the eyes of the subject. Ask the subject to
and depress the eye when the eye is in adduction. look at the tip of your index finger. Examine for
Re· uirements medial deviation and pupillary constriction of both
1. Torch the eyes.
2. Cardboard
Precautions ' . ,

- 1. The examiner's finger should remain about 25 cm
1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool and sit (the normal visual distance) from the subject's eyes
in front of the subject. while testing for eye movement.
2. E!,,,amine the ey_es of the subject for the presence 2. The light reflexes of both the eyes should be elicited
of p~s (drooping of the eyelid) and ny@gmus separately by placing a cardboard between both the
(rhyt~ic, involuntary and jerky movement of the eyes.
eyeball) if any. •
3. Give instructions to the subject to follow the
direction of the movement of your finger.
3. For eliciting light reflex. the light should not
be projected to the eyes from the front; rather it
should be brougbr from rbe side afrbe eye aad rben.
4. Bring your index finger to the front of the subject's
immediately focussed on the pupil.
eyes, keeping a distance of around 25 cm (the normal
visual distance) from the subject. 4. For eliciting accommodation, the subject should
5. Ask the subject to look at and follow the movements shift his gaze immediately from a distant object to
of your index finger, and observe the movement an object very close to his eyes.
of the eyeball of the subject while moving your
finger. Trigeminal Nerve (Som)
6. First, move your finger laterally·to the right of the
~td subject (this tests the function of the lateral rectus Principle . (l-..11.)
C_i of the right eye and the medial rectus of the left The trige~~al nerve supplies the mus'<!le 'o f mastication
<'!. _eye simultaneously). From there move your finger and carri~ s'ensations from the face. Examination of
L/ vertically upwards (this tests the superior rectus of the different sensations on the face and the ability of
the subject to chew tests the intactness of the trigeminal
the right eye and the inferior oblique of the left eye)
and downwards (this tests the inferior rectus of the
right eye and superior oblique of the left eye). Re uirements
7. Then move your finger laterally to the left (this 1. Cotton wool
tests the lateral rectus of the left eye and the medial 2. Pin
rectus of the right eye). From there, move your 3. Tuning fork {128 Hz)
finger vertically upward {this tests the superior 4. Glass tubes containing warm and cold water
rectus of the left and inferior oblique of the right 5. Knee hammer
eye) and downward (this tests the inferior rectus of
the left and superior oblique of the right eye). Procedure
8. Examine the pupillary reaction to light Qight 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject and
reflex). Put a piece of cardboard between the two explain to him the nature of the examination.
eyes. Switch on the torch and bring the torch from 2. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool.
the side of the subject and immediately focus the 3. Ex scribed in Chapter
light onto one of his eyes and look for the reaction 37) of the face kee in the area su
of the pupil of that eye (direct light reflex) as well ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular division in
the pupil of the other eye (indirect or consensual mind (Fig. 39.2).
light reflex). 4. - · e the otor function. Ask the subject to
9. Examine the pupillary reaction to accommodation ench his teet d P.alpate the prominence of the
(accommodation reflex). Ask the subject to look at temporal an masseter on both sides by palpating
a distant object. Bring the index finger of your hand the temple and the upper part of the cheek. Ask the
to a point midway between the two eyes and very subject to open his . mouth and look for deviation
rO'·~ ___, N\Q.51:,D cane:n '- - - l'-,J~IT7f7
Ii · of the Cranial Nerves 273
~ '\U'1d\~ ~ :;=~~~~ ~ ~ -
of the jaw, if presem.1111 If there is paralysis of of wiioioe ac cblacoqni~e) and sour Qime juice or
one side, the muscle on that side will fail to become weak solutions of citric acid) separately.
prominent and on opening the mouth, the jaw 2. Four glass rods.
deviates towards the paralysed side because it is
pushed over by the lateral pterygoid muscle of the
1. Ask the subject to frown or open his eyes wide.
healthy side. Normally, the lateral pterygoid muscle
• 'I Look for the wrinklin~ of the forehead (to test the
ushes the jaw towards the midline.
frontal belly of the occipi@:ontalis).
5. Test the con ·unctival refle . Bring a piece of cotton
• 2. Ask the subject to shut his eyes as tightly as he
wool from the side of the subject (the subject
QO.. Try to open the eyes while he tries to keep
~ should not know that you are going to touch his
~ conjuctiva) and immediately touch the coniunctiva.
them closed (test for orbicuQ oculi~ 111111
Look for the res onse t; " es .
If one side of the nerve is paralrsed, the affected eye
is either not dos at all, in which case the eyeball
6. est the corneal refl uch the lim~us, th 1s, the
rolls upward to ke up for the failure of the lid
sclerocorneal ·unctio the eye with cotton wool
to descend (Bell's enonienon), or if the eye is closed,
and look for the response (blinking of t@es).
the eyelashes are not uried. Bell's phenomenon is
7. ( Elicit jaw jerW ig. 38.12, Chapter 38). Ask the
a normal phenomenon preserved in facial palsies of
patient to partially open his mouth. Place your left

l index finger in the groove under the lower lip and

lightly tap on the nail of the finger with the help of
the knee hammer. Observe the response (if the jerk
the lower motor oeucoo r.ype. (. Lf'l'i N)
3. Ask the subject to show his teeth. Look for
deviation of the angle of the mouth if present (to
test for orbicularis oris).111111 If the seventh nerve
is present, the mouth snaps shut).
is paralysed, the angle of the mouth on the affected
side becomes less prominent and instead of being
elevated upwards and laterally, is drawn towards the
1. The subject should be instructed properly. ~ by the unopposed action ~ -~ bicularis
2. All the sensations should be elicited from the oris of the healthy side.
face according to the distribution of the three 4. Ask the subject to inflate his mouth with air and
subdivisions of the fifth nerve. blow out his cheeks. Tap with the finger on each
3. The masseter and temporalis should be examined
~ated cheek (test for the bucc~r muscle).1111111
on both the sides 'a nd compared simultaneously. Air escapes from the mouth more easily from the
4. While elicitin~ the corneal and conjunctiva! refle,s earalysed side.
the subject should not be aware of t}u: procedure,
5. Ask the su~ct to whistle [test for both@-uaris
otherwise he will closes his eyes before the
oris and bUE91ator).
conjunctiva is touched
6. Ask the subject to ol@eea his t@eth and observe the
prominence of the ~sma muscle in the neck.
Facial Nerve (.. tom~) 7. Test the taste senshi6'ns from the anterior two-
Princi le thirds of the tongue. Ask him to protrude his
. tS) tongue. Dip one glass rod in the sweet solution and
The facial nerve carries the taste sensation from
touch different parts of the tongue of the subject
the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and supplies
thttJ<)uscles of facial expression . Therefore, the with the tip of the rod. Ask him what taste he senses.
Similarly repeat the procedure with the salty, sour
~ . examination of the taste sensation of the anterior two-
- .

thirds of the tongue and the ability of the subject to
perform all facial expressions test the intactness of the
and bitter solutions by using separate glass rods for
each solution.lll!IWhile testing for different taste
facial nerve. sensations, the relative distribution of taste buds in
the tongue for different modalities of taste should
Re uirements be kept in mind. The· taste buds for sweet are more
1. Four small vials containing strong solutions that are concentrated at the tip, bitter at the back and salt
and sour on the sides of the tongue. ·
sweet (sugar), salty (common salt), bitter (solution
274 Chapter 39

Precautions ,snsati~ roro the posterior third of the to~ ~ and

1. The subject should be properly instructed. mucous membrane of the h nx, and supplies motor ~
2. Functio ns of both sides of facial muscles should be res t~ middle constricto r of the p arynx and the
tested simultaneously and compared. srrloph~geous muscle. It also carries sensation from 1
3. Separate rods should be used for testing different the carotid sinus. Jtierefore, functions of the ninth
taste solutions. nerve are tested b~ citin taste sensations from the
4. Sensation for bitterness sho uld be tested last. posterior third of the ton~ h n eal reflex, and
.. ~
5. Rinse the mouth after testing with each solution . by testing the heart rate and bloo pressure response
to standing. f1sJ9 '
Vestibulocochlear Nerve J
(SE-N SOR)') . Recrni!'.!!ments I
Principle 1. Different taste solutions, as described for the seventh
The eighth nerve has two co onents, vestibular and nerve I
cochlea . • rv is involv · hearing and 2. Swab stick ~
the vestibular in balance eguilibirium. Therefore, 3. Sphygmomanometer l
eighth nerve functions are tested by performing hearing
and vestibular tests. The testS of hearing are described Procedure
in Chapter 48. 1. Ask the subject to sit cornforta o d
elicit alLthe taste sensarjQm in the posterior third of
Requirements the tongue as described for the seventh nerve.
~peciaJ cegui'!:-W'~ 2. Ask the subject to open his mouth wide. Tickle
Procedure the back of the pharynx with the help of aswab
1. Ask the subject whether he bas giddioess, dizzioes5 stick, and observe the contraction of the posterior
and verti~o (external objects seem to move around pharyngeal wall. c_·.· ~d&te ~ 't-n~y-OOV-~6
him). 3. Ask the subject to lie down and record his blood i •
2. Examine the subject's eye for the presence of µressure. Then ask him to stand up and immediately
nystagmus (involuntary rhythmic jerky movement cord his blood ressure. 1111 A fall in blood
of the eyeball). 111111 N ystagmus is observed by pressure of more than 20 mm H g is considered •
asking the subjec;r ca laak io a diffecem dii:ec,i.QR, if as orthostatic hypotensio$'\°d may indicate
not found. Nystagmus can be elicited clinically by ys~ ob he ~ ne~
hyperextending the neck and rapidly moving the
head from side to side. Precautions
3. Elicit nystagmus by performing caloric test or 1. Similar precautions should be followed as for testing
rotation test (not usually done in physiology). the taste sensations of the seventh nerve.
2. Swab sticks should not be placed for a longer
Caloric test
duration in the pharynx to elicit pharyngeal reflex.
Irrigate the ear with warm water or with cold water.
This produces nystagmus. Irrigation with warm or cold 3. The blood pressure should be recorded immediately
water sets up convectio n currents in the endolymph of (preferably within 15 seconds) after standing.
the semicircular canals and produces nystagmus.
Vagus Nerve
Rotation test 4 \.vh CJU @) ~ c..e.. c.-~
Rotate the subject in a special rot~ciJlgUchair. Rotation
induces nystagmus.
Principle (M)
The vagus nerve supplies motor :fibres to the soft
p_alate, pharynx and larynx. It also innervates the
Glossopharyngeal Nerve respiratory passage and most of the tho racic and
abdominal viscera. Therefore, this nerve is tested by
Princiftle eliciting palatal, ha n eal and la n eal reflexes, and
The ninth cranial nerve carries general as well as taste by assessing visceral function. ~
Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 275

Re uirements
1. Swab stick

- - --
1. Ask the subject ra apeo hjs mouth wide and say
~ •. Observe the arch of the palate and whether
the arch is formed equally on both the sides o r is
flat on one side or both sides.
2. ~ ~n~ flex as described for the
ninth nerve.
3. The lan:ngea~ fiex is resrcijzy la~ ngoscopy .
4. Visceral functions of the tenth nerve can be tested
separately. Fig. 39.3. Testing the function of the 11·0 cranial nerve (trapez1us
1t: <;e.~®01"\ ~ p~'t·m~\- F't muscle).

Accessory Nerve (9'\_ ro'N:i\,U2 .

(MOi0~) D J
The accessory nerve supplies the sterno mastoid and
trapezius muscles. Therefore, its functions are test ed
by testing the actions of these muscles.

No special requirements.
• '!. Procedure
1. Stand behind the svhjecr and pi:e~, his d~oulder.
Ask the subject to shrug his shoulders against the Fig. 39.4. Testing the function of the 11'" cranial nerve
passive resistance (Fig. 39.3).- . ; rhis test is done (sternocle1domasto1d muscle)
to assess the function of the tr~~ -
2. Ask the subject to move bis cbio ta aoe side. T ry Hypoglossal Nerve
t; prevent it by opposing the movement (Fig. (.~OTDR)
39.4). N ote the prominence of the sternomastoid
The hypoglossal nerve is a pure motor nerve that
ffilJ.Scle oi the oppo~ - : - -Rep7 at the procedure
supplies the muscles of the tongue and the depcessorc;
by asking the subject to move his chin against
of the hyoid bo ne. Therefore, this nerve is tested by
resistance to the opposite side. Ask the subject
testing the movement of the tongue and hyoid bone.
to depress his chin against the resistance of your
hand. Ill Movement of chin to one side against
resistance assesses the ower of th~ sternomastoid
No special requirements.
of the opposite side De ressin the chi gainst
resistance assesses the power of the sternomastoids
of both sides simultaneously .
l. Ask the subject to protrude his tongue and note if
Precautions the median raphe of the tongue is concave towards
l. The examiner should stand behind the sub ject fo r one side. Also observe atrophy, fasciculation or
L_esring the rcapezius. tremor if present.
2. While testing for trapezius, press moderately on the 2. Ask the subject co move his tongue from side to side
shoulders. and push his cheek laterally from inside. Resist the
3. While testing for the sterno mastoid, offer gentle tongue movements by pressing it from the outside
resistance against the movement of the chin. of the cheek (Fig. 39.5).
276 Chapter 39

Bilateral anosn,ia
• Common cold
The cranial nerves are examined thoroughly to detect • Head injuries in which the cribiform plate of the
the abnormalities of these nerves and to localise the ethmoid bone is fractured
lesions at various levels of the brainstem. The lesions of • Atrophic rhinitis 1
the cranial nerve may occur either in the supranuclear
pathway (in the corticonuclear fibres), in the nucleus, Hyposmia
or in the infranuclear pathway, that is, in the nerves. Definition Decreased sensation of smell 1s called
The nuclear and infranuclear palsies of the cranial hyposmia.
nerves, whether unilateral or bilateral, manifest with Causes Same as anosmia.
definite clinical features, but the unilateral supranuclear
palsies of most of the cranial nerves do not manifest Parosmia
with physical signs because of their bilateral cortical D efinition When the sensation of smell is perverted,
representation. The bilateral supranuclear lesions it is known as parosmia. The offensive smell may seem
of the cranial nerves manifest with specific features, like a pleasant odour or vice versa. This is also called
especially the lesions of facial and hypoglossal nerves. cacosn1ia.

Olfactory Nerve Causes It could be due to.

• Mental disorders
A lesion of the olfactory nerve manifests as various • Can occur as an aura in epilepsy
disorders of smell like anosmia, parosmia and olfactory • Sometimes in head injury
Olfacto hallucination
Anosmia D efinition When the sensation of smell is perceived
without actual presence of any odour.

Definition Complete abolition of sense of smell is
called as anosmia. Cause It is typically seen as an aura of temporal •lobe
Causes Unilateral and bilateral anosmia could have
different causes.
Unilateral anosn,ia Optic Nerve
• Tumour of olfactory bulb A lesion of the optic nerve results in defects in the
• Tumour of frontal lobe acuity of vision, field of vision and colour vision. These
• Meningiomas pressing on the olfactory bulb or defects are discussed separately under 'Perimetry',
olfactory tract 'Acuity of Vision' and ' Colour Vision'.

Oculomotor Nerve

The lesion of the oculomotor nerve results in ptosis,

nystagmus, abnormal reaction of pupil to light
and accommodation, diplopia and defects in eye

Definition Drooping of the eyelid is called ptosis.
• Impairment of the functions of the third cranial
Fig. 39.5. T0stin;i the function of the 12 cran,al nerve 1s:·engt11
of tongue musclesI nerve
Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 277

• H orner syndrome (sympathetic lesion) Causes

• Myasthenia gravis (disorder of neuromuscular • H olmes- Adie syndrome (decreased tendon
junction) reflexes)
The ptosis of Horner syndrome is always minimal. • Sometimes seen in young girls
Therefore, presence of gross ptosis excludes
sympathetic lesions. In sympathetic lesions, the ~ Unilateral dilated and fixed pupil
pupil of the affected side is smaller (constricted). In Cause Unilateral third nerve palsy. It is associated
third nerve palsy, ptosis is complete and the pupil with ptosis and laterally deviated eye.
of the affected side is larger (dilated). In myasthenia,
ptosis is usually bilateral and the pupil remains 4. Hippus
unaffected. Definition Alternate rhythmic dilatation and con-
striction of pupil in response to light is called hippus.
Ny_stagn,u~ Cause Usually seen in retrobulbar neuritis.
Definition This is the involuntary, rhythmic and
jerky movement of the eyeball. The nystagmus may Abnormalities of ocular movement
be horizontal, vertical or rotatory. Normally the movements of the two eyes are
symmetrical, so that the visual axes meets at the point
• Vestibular lesion at which the eyes are directed. This is called conjugate
• Cerebellar lesion movement of the eyes. In third nerve palsy, the ability
• Lesion of third cranial nerve of the eye to move medially, to move upward in the
• Congenital adducted position and to move upward and downward
Nystagmus of visual origin is mostly pendular and in the abducted position is lost. The eye deviates
often rotatory on central fixation of the eyes. laterally due to unopposed action of the lateral rectus,
which is supplied by the sixth cranial nerve. ·
Pupillary reactions
The pupils constrict in response to the light Qight Strabismus
reflex). In accommodation reflex, there is convergence Definition Deviation of the eyeball is called strabis-
of the eyeballs, constriction of pupils and increased mus or squint. The visual axes do not meet at the point
convexity of the lens. There are different abnormalities of fixation.
in which pupillary reactions are altered. There are two types of strabismus: paralytic and
nonparalytic. Para!Jtic strabismus occurs due to weakness
of extraocular muscles. Paralytic strabismus causes
1. ..Argyll Robertson u ii
Definition Absence of the reaction of pupils to light diplopia (double vision) because defective movement
of one eye results in images formed by the two
with preservation of the reaction to accommodation
is called Argyll Robertson pupil (ARP, mnemonic for eyes falling upon nonidentical points of two retina.
Therefore, binocular fusion cannot occur in the visual
accommodation reflex present).
cortex and two separate images are perceived.
Causes It is usually seen in neurosyphilis. N euro-
syphilis is very rare in modem times after the advent Diplopia
of modern antibiotics. Definition The occurrence of double vision is called
2. Adie's upjl
D efinition The extremely decreased reaction of the Physiologic basis Diplopia occurs only over that
pupil to light and darkness is called Adie's pupil. part of the field of vision towards which the affected
muscles move the eye. If both the eyes are functional
In light, the pupil constricts very slowly, and in dark-
and one deviates, binocular diplopia results. M onocular diplo-
ness, it dilates very slowly. It also reacts sluggishly to
pia results from lens opacities and astigmatism.
278 Chapter 39

Causes Diplopia can occur in third, fourth and sixth Trjgeminal neu,ralgia
nerve palsy. Neuralgia (nerve pain) of one or more branches of the

Trochlear Nerve
trigeminal nerve is called the trigeminal neuralgia (tic
douloureux). l tt may be associated with sensory loss .. j
and muscle weakness in the area of its distribution.
The trochlear nerve innervates the superior oblique
muscle. Therefore, a lesion of the trochlear nerve Facial Nerve
results in impaired downward movement of the eye.
The eyeball rotates outward by the unopposed action A lesion of the facial nerve is the commonest of the
of the inferior rectus when the subject attempts to look cranial nerve lesions. Bell's palsy is the most common
downward. Usually there is no squint, but diplopia cranial nerve disorder.
may occur below the horizontal plane.
Effects of paralysis
Abducent Nerve 1. The affected side of the face loses its expression.
2. The nasolabial fold is less pronounced.
The abducent nerve innervates the lateral reccus 3. The eye on the affected side is more widely open
muscle. Therefore, lesions of the sixth nerve result in
the inability co move the eye outwards and diplopia
occurs when the subject looks in that direction.
A convergent squint may occur because of unopposed
action of the medial rectus.
than on the other side, and does not close totally
even during sleep.
4. The mouth is drawn to the healthy side.
5. The food is collected between the lips and gum on
the affected. side.
6. The fluid and saliva escape from the affected angle
Trigeminal Nerve of the mouth.
7. There is loss of taste sensation from the anterior
A lesion of the trigeminal nerve results in sensory and two-thirds of the tongue. However, if the lesion is
motor deficits. below the joining of the chorda tympani nerve that
is distal to 1:he stylomastoid foramen, taste will not
Sensory deficits
be affected.
1. There is loss of general sensation from different
parts of the face depending on the division of the Types of parallysis Facial nerve lesion may be infra-
:fifth nerve affected. nuclear or sup1ranuclear.
2. Though the fifth nerve does not carry the taste This is the commonest of all
ltifranuclear facial pals]'
sensation, in the suspected lesion of the fifth nerve lesions of cranial nerves. The idiopathic infranuclear
the sensation of taste should be examined as the facial palsy is called Bell's palsy. It usually occurs due
seventh nerve runs in close association with the to viral infection, or may be idiopathic. Common
fifth nerve in the brain. features are:
Motor deficits 1. Both uppe1· and lower parts of the face are equally ,
1. Paralysis of the fifth nerve of one side: the muscles affected.
of mastication on that side will fail to become
prominent. On opening the mouth, the jaw deviates
towards the paralysed side, being pushed over by
the healthy lateral pterygoid muscle.
2. Taste sensation may be lost depending on the site of
3. No involvement of emotional components of facial

2. Jaw jerk is diminished in infranuclear fifth nerve
palsy. The jaw jerk is exaggerated in supranuclear
fifth nerve palsy (upper motor neuron lesion above
Facial palsy due to a lesion
S11pra1111clear faci,?/ pal~
above the nuclleus involving the corticonuclear fibres
the nucleus of the fifth nerve). is called supranuclear facial palsy. Common features
Reflex deficits Corneal and conjunctiva! reflexes are 1. The lower ]Part of the face is mainly affected whereas
abolished in fifth nerve lesions. the upper part of the face is either totally spared
Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 279

or affected minimally. This is because the frontal 7. Increase in heart rate and impairment in regulation
I of blood! pressure.
belly of occipitofrontalis has bilateral cortical
. .
2. Taste sensation may not be altered.
Accessory Nerve
3. Muscles of the voluntary movement of the face
are paralysed, but muscles involved in emotional A lesion of 1che accessory nerve causes inability to raise
expressions of the face, for example, crying, the shoulders and difficulty in turning the head. There
remain intact or exaggerated (mimic paralysis). may be drooping of shoulders.
: .i
This occurs because the emotional movements are
l n9t dependent on the same cortical innervation as
voluntary movements.
Hypoglossal Nerve

r Vestibulocochlear Nerve
The features of hypoglossal nerve lesion depend on the
type of paraJysis. ·

The effect of cochlear nerve lesion is discussed Lower motor neuron aralysis
separately in Chapter 53. U nilateral paralysis Common features are:
1. Tongue is pushed to the paralysed side.
Effect__gf lesion of vestibular nerve 2. Median raphe becomes concave towards paralysed
1. Patient complaints of vertigo, dizziness and side.
giddiness. Vertigo is the sensation of rotation in 3. Atrophy (with flaccidity) of tongue occurs on the
the absence of actual rotation (hallucination o f affected side.
movement). 4. Fasciculation may be seen on the affected side.
2. Patient may vomit and nystagmus may be present.
3. Orientation in space may be lost. Bilateral paralysis Common features are:
1. Marked wasting with fasciculation on both sides.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve 2. Protrusiion of tongue becomes impossible.
3. Dysarthria and difficulty in pronouncing 'T' .and
Effects of l!_aralysis 'D' may be seen.
1. Loss of taste and general sensation from the posterior
third of the tongue. U_p~r motor neuron
2. Absence of pharyngeal reflex and difficulty during Unilateral paralysis Common features are:
swallowing. 1. Usually asymptomatic.
3. Decreased secretion of saliva. 2. Tongue may be pushed to the opposite side.
4. Orthostatic hypotension may occur.
Bilateral paralysis Common features are:
1. Tongue is spastic.
Vagus Nerve
2. Dysarthria may be associated with emotional
Effects of disturbances.
3. Dyspha1gia may be present. This is due to the
1. Loss of the pharyngeal and palatal reflex. Swallowing
inability· to swallow because the tongue cannot
becomes difficult.
manipulate food properly.
2. Nasal regurgitation of fluid may occur.
3. Uvula deviates to the healthy side. OSPE
4. Paralysis of vocal cord causes aphonia.
5. Paralysis of larynx (all the muscles of the larynx 1. Ched! the acuity of vision of the subject by the
except the cricothyroid are supplied by the recurrent confrointation test.
laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve) results Steps:
in hoarseness of voice. • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
6. Impairment of sensation from many organs. • Make the subject sit comfortably on a stool.
280 Chapter 39

• Sit at a distance of about 3 feet from the subject • Ask for testing taste sensations from anterior
taking care that your eye level remains at the two-thirds of the tongue (need not pedorm).
eye level of the subject.
• Ask the subject to fix his gaze at the tip of 4. Examine the IX cranial nerve ofthe subject and ..
his nose and instruct the subject to say 'yes' report your findings.
when he sees the tip of his finger in the field Steps:
of vision. • Supply proper instructions to the subject and
• Ask the subject to close one of his eyes and ask him to sit comfortably on a stool.
close your opposite eye. • Ask the subject to open his mouth wide, and
• Move your finger midway between you and with the help of a swab stick tickle the back
the subject from the periphery to the centre of of the pharynx and observe the contraction
four quadrants to check the field of vision. of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
• Compare the field of vision of the subject • Ask the subject to lie down and record· his
with your own field of vision. blood pressure, and then record the blood
• Repeat the procedure with the other eye. pressure immediately after asking the subject
to stand.
2. Examine the III, N and VI cranial nerves ofthe
subject and report your findings. 5. Examine the XI cranial nerve ofthe subject and
Steps: report your findings.
• Instruct the subject to look at the tip of the Steps:
finger and follow the movement of the finger. • Supply proper instructions to the subject and
• Bring the tip of your index finger to the eye ask him to sit comfortably on a stool.
level of the subject keeping a distance of • Stand behind the subject and place your
25 cm from the subject's eye. hands on both the shoulders.
• Examine the functions of different extrinsic • Ask the subject to elevate his shoulders. Try
muscles of the eye by making appropriate to prevent this.
movements of the finger. • Ask the subject to move his chin to one
• Ask the subject to look straight at a·distant side. Try to prevent it by opposing his chin
object and then ask him to look immediately movement, and look for the prominence
at the finger tip brought close to his eyes. of the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the
• Examine the pupillary reflex (both direct and opposite side of the neck.
consensual) by focusing light to the eye of the • Repeat the procedure to check the action
subject. For this, focus the light by bringing of the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the
the light from the side of the head of the opposite side.
subject and by placing a cardboard between
both eyes. 6. Examine the XII cranial nerves ofthe subject and
report your findings.
3. Examine the VII cranial nerve of the subject Steps:
and report your findings. • Supply proper instructions to the subject.
Steps: • Ask the subject to protrude his tongue and
• Supply proper instructions to the subject. observe for the presence of fasciculation, tremor
• Ask the subject to frown. or atrophy; and also check the position of the •
• Ask the subject to shut his eyes against median raphe of the tongue. •
(examiner's) resistance. • Ask the subject to move his tongue to one
• Ask the subject to show his teeth, smile and
side and to push the cheek of that side from •
inside. While the subject does this, try to
• Ask the subject to inflate his mouth and blow assess the strength of the tongue by offering
out his cheeks. resistance from outside the cheek.
• Ask the subject to clench his teeth. Look for • Repeat the procedure by asking the subject to
the prominence of the olatvsma muscle. push the cheek of the opposite side.
Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 281

1. Which cranial nerves are sensory in function, motor in function, or mixed?
2. What is the pathway for olfactory nerves?
3. What is anosmia? What are its causes?
4. What is parosmia?
5. Why should a distance of 3 feet be maintained between the subject and the examiner for pedorming
confrontation test and for detecting acuity of vision?
6. What are the functions of the third cranial nerve?
7. Why should a distance of 25 cm be maintained between the eye of the subject and the finger of the examiner
for assessing eye movements?
8. What are the effects of a lesion of the third cranial nerve?
9. What is diplopia and what are its causes?
10. What is ptosis and what are its causes?
11. What is nystagrnus?
12. What are the causes of unilateral and bilateral dilated pupils?
13. What are the divisions of the fifth cranial nerve and what are their functions?
14. H ow do you test for the motor function of the fifth cranial nerve?
15. Why is the fourth cranial nerve more liable to be affected by raised intracranial pressure?
16. What is the course of the seventh cranial nerve?
17. H ow do you test for the motor functions of the seventh cranial nerve?
18. Why is the facial nerve more prone to injury in the facial canal?
19. What is Bell's palsy?
20. Differentiate between supranuclear and infranuclear palsy of the seventh nerve?
, 21. Why does the upper part of the face escape in supranuclear seventh nerve palsy?
22. How do you as~ess the functions of the vestibular division of the eight nerve?
23. What are the functions of the ninth cranial nerve?
~ 24. What are the effects of a lesion of the ninth cranial nerve?
25. What are the functions of the vagus nerve?
26. What are the effects of a lesion of the vagus nerve?
27. How do you assess the functions of the eleventh cranial nerve?
28. What are the effects of a lesion of the eleventh cranial nerve?
29. How do you assess the functions of the twelfth cranial nerve?
30. What are the effects of a lesion of the twelfth cranial nerve?
31. What are the differences between upper motor and lower motor neuron paralysis of the twelfth cranial nerve?

40 Autonomic Function Tests

LEARNING OBJECTIVES inputs from the limbic system and other regions of the
After completing thls practical you WILL be able to: Autonomic functions can be evaluated by a number
1. Describe the importance of performing of invasive and noninvasive testS. The noninvasive
autonomic function tests {AFTs) in clinical testS can be readily performed and used to confirm the
physiology. diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy wherea5 invasive
2. List the functions of ANS. tests require complex procedures and are used for
3. Enumerate the major differences between the localisation of the site of lesion. This chapter describes
sympathetic and parasympath etic systems. the different noninvasive testS to used assess autonomic
4. List the various autonomic function tests. functions.
5. Perform various noninvasive AFTs. Many of these autonomic function tests are affected
6. Explain the principle of AFTs. by age, sex, race and environment. Therefore, every
7. List the precautions taken for doing AFTs. laboratory should establish its own control values.
8. State the normal values of AFTs.
9. Name the conditions in which there is alteration Anatomical and Physiological
inAFTs. Considerations
You MAY also be able to: I

1. Explain the differences between the

Functional anatomy ,
1. The ANS is divided mto the sympathetic and
parasympath etic and sympathetic functions.
par<1Sympathetic systems. •
2. Explain the physiological basis of AFTs.
2. Both the divisions of the ANS have preganglionic
3. Explain the mechanism of alteration in AFTs.
and postganglionic neurons.
3. Preganglionic neurons are myelinated and
cholinergic. The postganglionic neurons are
INTRODUCTION unmyelinatedandcholinergicinthepara-sympathetic
division, and adrenergic in the sympathetic division,
The autonomic nervous system {ANS) regulates except the fibres that innervate the sweat glands and
the activity of the smooth muscle, cardiac muscle blood vessels in the skeletal muscles (sympathetic
and certain glands. The ANS has traditionally been vasodilator system).
described as a specific motor output portion of the 4. Cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic
peripheral nervous system. However, to maintain neurons lie in the intermediolateral grey horns
homeostasis, functioning of the A S depends on of twelve thoracic and the first three lumbar
a continuous flow of sensory input from visceral segments of the spinal cord. The cell bodies of
organs and blood vessels into the CNS. Therefore, the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons lie in
the ANS has two main components, general visceral four cranial nerve nuclei (III, VII, IX and X) in the
sensory (afferent) neurons and general visceral motor brainstem and lateral grey horns of the 2-4 sacral
(efferent) neurons. The ANS maintains internal segments of the spinal cord (Fig. 40.1).
homeostasis of cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, 5. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse
gastrointesttnal, genitourinary, exocrine and pupillary with postganglionic neurons in the paravertebral
functions. It was originally thought that the A S sympathetic chain of ganglia. The parasympathetic
functions autonomously, but actually it is under the preganglionic neurons synapse with the
control of different centres in the brain, especially postganglionic neurons, which are present very
the hypothalamus and medulla oblongata that receive close to the viscera, sometimes in the viscera.
Autonomic Function Tests 283


Chain of sympa-
thetic ganglia

Salivary glands or
lacrimal glands

Heart and lungs



Fig. 40.1. The autonomic nervous system

6. The gastrointestinal system is richly innervated by 2. The effect of parasympathetic stimulation is usually
the ANS and the innervation has been regarded short-lived as acetylcholine is degraded rapidly,
as the ente,ic nenl()l(S !)'Siem, the third division of the whereas the effect of sympathetic stirpulation lasts
ANS. long and has widespread effect.
3. Cholinergic receptors are divided into muscarinic
P_hysiological considerations and nicotonic types whereas adrenergic receptors
Most organs of the body receive dual innervation from are broadly categorised into a and B.
the ANS. Usually, one division causes facilitation and 4. The parasympathetic division regulates activities that
the other causes inhibition of functions of the organs. conserve and restore body energy; the sympathetic
1. Cholinergic neurons release acetylcholine as division prepares the body for emergency situations
neurotransmitter whereas adrenergic neurons (fight or flight response), and causes loss of body
release norepinephrine or epinephrine. energy.
284 Chapter 40

5. The autonomic reflexes adjust the amvmes of NIBP should be used, this test can also be performed
smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and glands. with a sphygmomanometer and an ECG machine
6. The autonomic reflexes consist of receptors, sensory that are routinely used clinically.
neurons, centre of integration, autonomic motor
neurons and visceral effectors. Procedure
7. The hypothalamus controls and integrates the 1. Ask the subject to lie down in the supine position.
functions of both the divisions of the ANS. 2. Connect the ECG electrodes from the subject to
The control by the cortex occurs mostly during the polygraph and connect the pulse cap of the
emotional states, especially by the limbic cortex. NIBP on one finger of the subject, or tie the cuff of
the NIBP around the arm of the subject.
Autonomic Function Tests (AFTs) 3. Ask the subject to relax completely for a minimum
period of 10 minutes.
A list of AFTs has been described by various authors. 4. Record basal heart rate and blood pressure from the
But the commonly used tests are: polygraph and NIBP.
5. Ask the subject to stand up and immediately note
Cardiovascular function tests the change in heart rate and blood pressure from
1. Heart rate and blood pressure response to standing the monitoring screen of the polygraph and NIBP.
2. Heart rate response to tilting 6. Record blood pressure and heart rate serially for
3. Heart rate variation with respiration 1-3 minutes after standing.
4. Valsalva ratio 7. Determine the 30:15 R-R ratio from the ECG
5. Isometric exercise recording of the polygraph.111111 The longest R-R
6. Cold pressor test interval (slowest heart rate) occurring about 30 beats
after standing divided by the shortest R-R interval
Sweat tests (fastest heart rate) which occurs about 15 beats after
1. Sympathetic skin response standing, gives the 30:15 R-R ratio.
2. Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test (QSAR1j
Precautions •
- 1. The subject should relax completely in the supine
1. Laser Doppler velocimetry skin blood flow position for 10-20 minutes for recording basal
measurement with inspiratory gasp blood pressure and heart rate.
2. Valsalva maneuver 2. When the subject stands up he should lean (passive
3. Cold pressor test standing) against the wall to avoid the effect of
Only the noninvasive tests that can easily be performed muscular effort of active standing on heart rate and
and reproduced are described in this chapter. blood pressure.
3. The change in heart rate and blood pressure should
METHODS be observed within 15 seconds of standing.
Cardiovascular Response to Standing
Prine~ Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Response
Immediately on standing (from the supine position) to Passive Tilting
blood pressure falls by 20 mm Hg and heart rate
increases usually from 10 to 20 beats. These changes Principle
occur within 5-15 seconds. The cardiovascular response to change in position is
tested by tilting (passively) using a tilt table. The early
l3equirements responses are similar but not identical to those on
1. A multichannel polygraph with provision to record standing. The early response to tilt that occurs in 30-60
beat to beat variation in heart rate. seconds reflects the autonomic cardiovascular reflexes,
2. NIBP monitor or a servoplethysmo-manometer but the cha_nges that occur after 30-60 seconds reflect
(Finapres). 1111 Though ideally polygraph and neurocardiogenic reflex.
Autonom ic Function Tests 285

Requirements - - -re
1. Tilt table 1. Supply proper instructi ons to the subject regarding
2. ECG electrodes how to exhale forcefully into the manome ter and
3. NIBP maintain. the pressure at 40 mm Hg. 11111The
subject may be allowed to practice the procedu re
4. Multich annel polygrap h
till he is capable of doing it properly .
2. Ask the subject to lie down in a semirecu mbent or
sitting position .
1. Ask the subject to lie down on the tilt table. 3. Close the nostrils with the help of the nose clip.
2. Connect ECG electrodes to the polygrap h and 4. Put a mouthpi ece into the mouth of the subject and
connect the NIBP. connect the mercury manome ter co it.
3. Ask the subject to relax for 10 minutes . 5. Switch on the ECG machine for continuo us
4. Record baseline heart rate, and blood pressure. recording.
5. Position the head side of the tilt table to an inclinati on 6. Ask the subject to breathe forcefully into the
of 80° (80° head up tilt) from the horizont al. mercury manome ter and then ask him to maintain
6. Immedia tely record heart rate and blood pressure the expirato ry pressure at 40 mm Hg for 10-15
and then record at one-min ute intervals for three seconds.
minutes. 11111 Heart rate and blood pressure 7. Record ECG changes through out the procedu re,
response to passive tilt with head down (head down and 30 s,econds before and after the procedure.
tilt) can also be recorded. 8. Repeat the procedu re three ti.mes with a gap of five
minutes between the maneuvers.
Precautions 9. Calculate the V alsalva ratio and take the largest
1. The subject should be instructe d properly regarding ratio of the three (which represents the best
performance) for consideration.1111!1 The valsalva
.. the maneuv er.
ratio is calculated by dividing the longest interbea t
2. The subject should be complet ely relaxed for a
minimu m of 10 minutes before recordin g basal interval after the maneuv er by the shortest interbea t
heart rate and ECG. interval during the maneuver.

3. The changes in heart rate and blood pressure to tilt

should be recorded accurately.
1. The subject should be instructed properly .
Valsalva Ratio 2. The subject should be allowed to practice the
Principle maneuv er before the actual performance.
The Valsalva ratio is a measure of the change of heart 3. The subject should maintain the pressure constant ly
rate that takes place during a brief period of forced at 40 mmHg through out the maneuv er (10-15
expiratio n against a closed glottis or mouthpi ece seconds:).
(Val.raft.a n1aner1very . During and after the Valasalva 4. The procedu re should be repeated three times
maneuv er there will be changes in cardiac vagal and the best of the three should be taken for
efferent and sympath etic vasomo tor activity, resulting consideration.
from stimulat ion of the carotid sinus and aortic
.. arch barorece ptors and other intratho racic stretch Heart Rate Variation with Deep Breathing
Requirements Heart rate increases during inspirati on due to decreased
1. A mercury manome ter cardiac vagal activity and decreases during expiratio n
2. Nose clip due to increased vagal activity. This is detected by
3. Mouthp iece recordin g -che hean rate while the subject is breathin g
4. Electroc ardiogra ph deeply.
280 Chapter 40

Re uirements 2. Ask the subject to lie down in a semirecumbent

1. ECG apparatus with electrodes position. J
. 2. ECG jelly 3. Connect ECG electrodes for lead II recording and

NIBP monitor/sp hygmoman ometer for blood
pressure measurement.

There are two methods for determining heart rate 4. Record basal heart rate and blood pressure.
variation with breathing. One method uses a single deep 5. Ask the subject to maintain a pressure of 30 per
breath whereas the other method uses deep breathing cent of the maximum activity for about 5 minutes.
at a rate of six breaths per minute. Usually, the method 6. Record the heart rate and change in diastolic
using six breaths per minute is used to determine heart pressure. 111111 Change in diastolic pressure is
rate variation with respiration. defined as the difference between the last value
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject. recorded before the release of hand-grip pressure
2. Ask the subject to lie down comfortably in the and the mean resting value calculated by averaging
supine position with the head elevated to 30°. the last 3 minutes of recording before commencing
3. Connect ECG electrodes for recording lead II . . .
1sometnc exercise.
4. Ask the subject to breathe deeply at a rate of six Precautions
breaths per minute (allowing 5 seconds each for 1. The subject should be instructed properly.
inspiration and expiration). 2. The basal diastolic blood pressure should be
5. Record maximum and minimum heart rate with recorded.
each respiratory cycle. 3. The subject should maintain a pressure of 30 per
6. Determine the expiration to inspiration ratio (E:I cent of the maximum activity for about 5 minutes.
ratio).11111 The E:I ratio is the mean of maximum 4. The diastolic blood pressure before the release qf
R-R intervals during deep expiration to the mean the grip should be recorded.
of minimum R-R intervals during deep inspiration.
The E:I ratio can also be calculated following a Cold Presssure Test
single deep breathing.
Submerging the limbs in cold water results in rise in
1. The subject should be instructed properly to systolic and diastolic pressure, which is detected by a
perform six breaths per minute. blood pressure monitor or sphygmomanometer.
2. The subject should be relaxed and comfortable
before performing the test. Requirements
1. NIBP monitor/sphygmomanoineter
2. Ice cold water Gust below 4 °C).
Isometric Exercise
Princi()le Procedure
Sustained hand-grip against resistance causes an increase 1. Supply proper instructions to the subject regarding
in heart rate and blood pressure. These responses are the test.
detected using ECG and blood pressure monitors. 2. Record the blood pressure.
3. Take very cold water (at or below 4 °C) in a
Requirements contamer.
4. Ask the subject to submerge one of his upper limbs
l. ECG electrodes and ECG machine
2. NIBP monitor/sp hygmoman ometer
in the cold water for 60 seconds.
5. Record blood pressure at 30 and 60 seconds of
Procedure submersion of the limb.

1. Give proper instructions to the subject regarding Precautions

the test.
1. The subject should be instructed to be mentally
Autonomic Function Tests 287

prepared to submerge his limb for one minute in intactness of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
the cold water. pathways.
2. The temperature of the cold water should be 4 °C
or less. Heart Rate Response tQ Standing
3. The subject should dip his limb in ice cold water for
one minute (not less than 30 seconds). On changing the posture from supi.ut. • v ~tanding, the
heart rate increases immediately: usually ·by 10- 26
Sympathetic Skin Response beats per minute. On standing the heart rate increases
until it reaches a maximum at about the 15 beat, after
Princi le which it slows down to a stable state at about 30 beat.
Sympathetic skin response (SSR) assesses the integrity The ratio of R-R intervals corresponding to the 30
of peripheral sympathetic cholinergic (sudomotor) and 15th heart beat is called the 30:15 ratio. The 30: 15
function by evaluating the changes in resistance of skin ratio is a measure of parasymp athetic function. This
to electrical conduction. ratio decreases with age. In young ~dividuals a ratio
less than 1.04 is considered abnormal.
Re uirements The blood pressure changes on standing are
1. EMG equipment/ polygraph with prov1S1on to studied to assess the integrity of the sympathetic
record EMG system. Immediately on standing, blood pressure
2. Electrodes falls but that activates the baroreceptor reflex and
blood pressure returns to normal within 15 seconds.
Procedure When systolic pressure falls by 20 mm H g or more or
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject regarding diascolic pressure by 10 mm H g or more on standing,
the test. orthostatic hypotension is said to be present.
2. Connect the electrodes from the hand or feet of
the subject to the EMG machine or the polygraph.
Heart Rate Response to Tilting
11111 Connect the active electrode on the palm or
sole and the reference electrode over the dorsum Heart rate response to head-up tilt, is especially useful
of the respective body part. Disc electrodes with in the diagnosis of multisystem atrophy and patients
electrode gel are used. suffering from recurrent unexplained syncope. On
3. Set the low frequency filter at 0.1 or 0.5 Hz and changing from the recumbent to the upright position
high frequency filter at 500-1000 Hz.
on a tilt table, there is pooling of about 30 per cent
4. Set the apparatus to obtain the gain to record
venous blood in the peripheral compartm ent. This
potential of 0.5-3 mV and set the sweep to record 5
decreases cardiac filling pressure and stroke volume by
seconds after the stimulus.
40 per cent. The heart rate rises immediately due to
5. Provide a stimulus in the form of startling sound
withdrawal of parasympathetic activity and afterwards
and record the response.
due to increased sympathetic activity.
6. Record the SSR potentials, their amplitude and
Heart Rate Response to Breathing
DISCUSSION The variation of heart rate with respiration is known
as sinJ1s arr~ythmia. Inspiration increases and expiration
The assessment 6f autonomic function is an importan t
decreases heart rate. This is primarily mediated by
part of the evaluation of the peripheral and central
parasympathetic innervation of the heart. Pulmona ry
nervous system . Abnormalities of autonomic
stretch receptor, cardiac mechanoreceptors and
function lead to different clinical entities like
baroreceptors contribute to sinus arrhythm ia.
orthostatic hypotension, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea,
The difference between the maximum and minimum
incontinence, dryness of mouth, and so on. Autonom ic
heart rate during deep breathing is called deep breath
function tests are performed to confirm the clinical
difference (DBD). D BD is more than 15 beats per minute
diagnosis of autonomic neuropathies and to assess the
288 Chapter 40

in normal individuals. It assesses the parasympat hetic increased intratborac ic pressure and mechanical com-
activity. DBD decreases with age. pression of the great vessels. However, the heart rate
does not change much.
Normal values of DBD
10-40 years > 18 bears per minute Phase II This is the phase of straining. In the early
41-50 years > 16 bears per minute part of this phase, venous return decreases that de-
51-60 years > 12 beats per minute creases cardiac oiutput and blood pressure. This change
61-70 years > 8 bears per minute persists for 4 seconds. In the later pan of this phase,
blood pressure returns towards normal, which oc-
Normal values of E:I Ratio curs due to incr,eased peripheral resistance as a result
16-20 years > 1.23 of sympatheti c vasoconstriction. However, the bean
21-25 years > 1.20 rate increases st,eadily throughout this phase due to
26-30 years > 1.18 vagal withdrawal (in the early phase) and sympatheti c
31-35 years > 1.16 activation (in the later phase). 1
36-40 years > 1.14 Phase III This phase occurs following the release
41-45 years > 1.12 of strain in which there occurs a transient decrease in
46-50 years > 1.11 blood pressure lasting for a few seconds. This is caused
51-55 years > 1.09 by mechanical displacement of blood to the pulmonary
56-60 years > 1.08 vascular bed, which was under increased intrathoracic
61-65 years > 1.07 pressure. There i:s linle change in heart rate.
66-70 years > 1.06
Phase IV This is the phase that occurs with funher
Clinical conditions with abnormalities in DBD release of strain. The blood pressure slowly increases
• Multisystem atrophy and the hean rate proponiona tely decreases. It occurs
• Progressive autonomic failure 15-20 seconds release of strain and lasts for about
• Diabetes a minute or more. The cardiovascular changes occur
• Autonomic neuropathy due to increase in venous return, stroke volume and
• Uremic patients cardiac output.
• CNS depression
• Hyperventi lation Calculation of Va1lsalva
• Pulmonary diseases
- ratio
Valsalva ratio (VR) is the ratio of longest R-R interval
Sinus arrhythmia is abolished by parasympat hetic during phase IV to the shonest R-R interval duril'}g
block but not by sympatheti c dysfunction. phase Il.

Valsalva Ratio
The Valsalva ratio is a measure of parasympat hetic and II Ill IV
sympatheti c function . For the response to occur in the
Valsalva maneuver, parasympat hetic aces as afferent
°'::cE 1-40

and efferent and sympatheti c as pan of the efferent

pathway. Therefore, the Valsalva ratio assesses more 120
of parasympat hetic (cardiovagal) function. !!

Valsalva maneuver
1iii 80

The Valsalva maneuver has four phases (Fig. 40.2).

Phase I Phase I consists of the onset of strain.
In this phase, there occurs transient increase in blood '
Fig. 40.2. Bio d pressure changes during d1ffercnt
pressure that lasts for a few seconds. This is due to phases (I I Ill. IV) of the Valsalva maneuver
Autonomic Function Tests 289

VR = Longest R-R interval during phase rv Isometric Exercise

Shortest R-R interval during phase II In the hand-grip test, there is a rise in heart rate and
blood pressure. These cardiovascular responses to
Normal value isometric exercise are mediated partly by influence
A Valsalva ratio of more than 1.45 is considered to be of cardiovascular centres and partly by metabolic
normal. When it is 1.2-1.45, it is borderline, and if it is or mechanical changes or both, in response to
less than 1.2, is regarded as abnormal. contraction of the muscles that activate small fibres
V alsalva ratio in different age groups are: in the afferent limb of the reflex arch. The normal
10-40 years > 1.5 response is rise in diastolic pressure of more than
41-50 years > 1.45 15 mm Hg and rise in the heart rate by about 30
51-60 years > 1.40 per cent. The blood pressure rise is due to increased
61-70 years > 1.35 sympathetic activity and heart rate rise is due to
decreased parasympathetic activity. This response is
Factors that af!ect Valsalva ratio not influenced by age.
• Age
• Sex Cold Pressure Test
• Position of patient
• Expiratory pressure Submerging the limb in ice cold water increases
• Duration of strain systolic pressure by about 20 mm Hg and diastolic
• Practice of yogic techniques pressure by 10 mm Hg. The afferent limb of the
reflex pathway is somatic fibres whereas the efferent
Clinical a1rnlication pathway is the sympathetic fibres. This test is not
1. Changes in the Valsalva maneuver occur due to very accurate as the changes are not consistent in all
changes in cardiac vagal efferent and sympathetic subjects.
vasomotor activity, which are stimulated by the
carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptors and Sympathetic Skin Response
other intrathoracic stretch receptors.
Sympathetic skin response (SSR) helps in studying
2. Failure of heart rate to increase during strain
the functions of peripheral sympathetic cholinergic
suggests a sympathetic dysfunction and failure of
(sudomotor) fibres. SSR is age dependent and
heart rate to slow down after the strain suggests
is present in both hands and feet till the age of
parasympathetic dysfunction.
sixty. Composition of surface electrodes, stimulus
3. If the cardiovascular response to the Valsalva
frequency, skin temperature, and mental state of the
maneuver is abnormal but that to cold pressure
subject affect the SSR. The latency (amplitude) of
test is normal, the lesion is thought to be present
SSR in hand is 1.6 and in feet is 2.1 m V. It is helpful
in the baroreceptors or their afferent nerves. Such
in diagnosing multisystem atrophy, progressive
abnormalities occur commonly in diabetes, other
autonomic failure, diabetes, uremic patients and
neuropathies, multisystem atrophy and autonomic
alcoholic neuropathy.

1. What are the divisions of ANS?
,. 2. What are the postganglionic cholinergic fibres in t he sympathetic system?
3. What are the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of ANS?
4. List the autonomic function tests (AFT).
5. H ow do you assess cardiovascular response to standing? Why is the 30: 15 ratio significant?
6. What is the significance of cardiovascular response to standing?
7. What are the precautions taken for testing cardiovascular response to standing?
290 Chapter 40

8. H ow do you assess cardiovascular response to passive tilting?

9. What is the difference between cardiovascular response to standing and cardiovascular response to passive tilting?
10. What is the Valsalva ratio? What is its significance?
11. What is the normal value of the Valsalva ratio in different age groups?
12. What are the factors that affect the Valsalva ratio?
13. What is the procedure for the Valsalva maneuver?
14. What is the principle of the Valsalva maneuver? .
15. What are the precautio ns taken while performing the Valsalva maneuver?
16. How do you assess heart rate variation with deep breathing? What is the principle of this test?
17. What is the no rmal value of deep breathing difference (DBD) and E:I ratio in different age groups?
18. What is sinus arrhythmia?
19. What are the conditions that alter DBD?
20. What is isometric hand-grip test? What is its principle?
21. What -is the cold pressure test? What is its significance?
22. What is sympathetic skin response (SSR)? What is its significance?
23. What are the factors that affect SSR?
24. What is the most sensitive AFT?
Ans: Spectral analysis of HRV (heart rate variability) is the most sensitive AFT. LF-HF ratio of HRV indicates
symparhovagal balance of the individual.

41 Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (vagal) influence, and sinus arrhythmia is primarily

due to alteraition in vagal tone in inspiration and
After studying this chapter you WILL be able to: expiration, HRV is mainly influenced by vagal
1. Define and explain heart rate variability (HRV). activity, though both the divisions of ANS influence
2. List the different components (time domain it. Recently, HRV has been proposed as the most
and frequency domain) of HRV. sensitive indiieator of autonomic function, especially
3. State the physiological importance for the asses:sment of sympathovagal balance, the
of each HRV component. balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic
4. Explain the principle of HRV re~ording. activity of the individual at any given time. The state
5. Explain the concept of sympathovagal balance. of sympathovagal balance is used for the prediction,
6. Explain the importance of HRV diagnosis, management and prevention of many
in health and disease. cardiovascular dysfunctions and other dysfunctions
affecting cardiovascular function.
You MAY also be able to:
1. Describe the different methods of HRV
Technical Aspects
2. Explain the time-domain and frequency- HRV can be quantified in the time and frequency
domain indices of HRV. domains. The time-domain measures include the usual
3. State the importance of HRV recording tools of assess~ent of variation, as is performed in
in assessing sympathovagal balance. statistics. The time domain is easier to assess but finer
4. Explain the significance of HRV recording aspects of variations are not appreciated. In a short
from other autonomic function tests. period, the overall magnitude of HRV is assessed well
5. Explain the clinical utility of HRV analysis. but the indivitdual contributions of various factors are
not elucidated.
On the other hand, variations in instantaneous


H eart rate variability (HRV) is the cardiac beat-to-

beat variation (variation in cardiac cycle length),
a physiological phenomenon that occurs mainly due
heart rate can be assessed spectrally. That is, an R- R
tachogram is plotted using the R- R intervals in the five-
minute lead n ECG. The R-R tachogran1 is considered
as a non-periodic signal which is transformed to its
frequency spectrum using the Fast Fourier Transform
to variation in cardiac activity during the respiratory (FFT) algorithm or autoregressive (AR) modelling.
cycle (respiratory sinus arrhythmia) at rest, though the The biggest advantage of this complex mathematical
.. circadian rhythm, environmental factors and exercise transformation is that the distribution of magnitude
also contribute to it. Resting heart rates can vary: some of variation in different frequency bands corresponds
have rates of 100 beats/min while others beat at only to the activity of different physiological systems.
60 beats/min for no obvious reason. The rate of the The entire frequency spectrum, 0.0-0.4 Hz, is divided
hean and its beat-to-beat variations are dependent on as follows.
l the rate of discharge of the primary pacemaker, the SA
node, which is influenced by autonomic activities that HRV Components

are controlled in a complex way by a variety of reflexes,
central irradiations and cortical factors. As SA nodal , The power spectrum of HRV in mammals usually
discharge is largely controlled by parasympathetic reveals three :spectral components (Fig. 41.1):
292 Chapter 41

described as the sum of sine waves, and this

decomposition is called the Fast Fourier Transform
¥ (FFT). This is an efficient algorithm, which, with some
i; improvements and modifications, is still in use in many
f;l 0.010 applications such as voice analysis and vibration studies
analysis of short-term HRV (SHRV). FFT algorithms
0.005 impose some constraints on the signal to be analyzed
because an evenly sampled, in.finite, stationary time
series is required.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Frequency (Hz)
Autore ressive modelling
An alternative method to the FFT is the autoregressive
Fig. 41 .1. D1stnbut1on of VLF. LF and HF 1n HRV power spectrum (AR) identification algorithm combined with power
Note 1n this picture the TP was 920 ms of which VLF was
70 ms LF was 500 ms and HF was 350 ms, spectral estimation for the assessment of SHRV. This
method fits the data to a prior defined model and
1. A high frequency band (HF) 0.15- 0.4 Hz estimates the parameters of the model. The power
2. A low frequency band (LF) 0.04-0.15 Hz spectrum implied by the model is then computed.
3. A very low frequency band (VLF) 0.0-0.04 Hz FFT and AR modelling share a common goal:
The HF component is caused by vagal tone during the estimation of the power spectrum of a signal. FFT-
the respiratory cycle. The inspiratory inhibition of based methods are also called non-parametric methods
vagal activity is evoked centrally in the cardiovascular because the time domain prior to spectral analysis is
centre and explains why the heart rate fluctuates with greatly simplified.
respiratory frequency. In addition, peripheral reflexes The FFT and AR algorithms are the most
arising from the thoracic stretch receptors contribute commonly used tools to study the SHRV. The fina1
to this so-called respiratory ·sinus arrhythmia (RSA). step in SHRV analysis is the application of power
RSA is clearly abolished by atropine or vagotomy and spectrum estimation methods to characterize the
the power of the HF component is used as an index of frequency components associated with vagal and/or
vagal modulation. sympathetic outflow. AR methods are parametric:
The LF component of HRV is characterized by because they require prior information of the system
an oscillatory pattern with a period of 10 seconds. under study. Thus, it was suggested that FFT-basecl
This rhythm originates from self-oscillation in the methods are still the best choice for the assessment
vasomotor part (sympathetic component) · of the of SHRV in comparative studies, where no previous
baroreflex loop as a result of negative feedback, and it knowledge of the system is available. In addition, FFT
is commonly associated with synchronous fluctuations algorithms are readily available in many languages.,
in blood pressure, the so-called Mayer waves. even in commercial statistical packages. Once the basic
The VLF component accounts for all other spectral content of the system is known and an initial!
heart rate changes, including those associated with model of the signal can be formulated, AR algorithms
thermoregulation and humoral (especially, the should be a better choice because they provide better
renin- angiotensin mechanism) and local factors. frequency resolution and avoid the problems of
spectral leakage.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most
Power Spectrum Analysis of HRV appropriate signal to study SHRV because it offers
the most accurate representation of electrical cardiac
The power spectrum of HRV is analyzed by two events. In particular, the QRS complex of the ECG
methods: FFT and AR modelling. sharply defines the onset of ventricular electrical!
depolarization and is the closest approach used to time
Fast Fourier Transform the occurrence of pacemaker potentials, which in tum
Any nonperiodic electrophysiological signal can be are modulated by the autonomic outflow.
Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variabil ity 293

HRV Indices reflects the amplitude of the heart rate fluctuations

present at different oscillation frequencies
HRV analysis has two compon ents: time domain and
frequency domain . The HRV assessed by calculating Measurement of HRV
I indices is based on statistical operati ons on R- R
I intervals (time-domain a11a!J•s1s) or by spectral analysis Time-domain methods
I ~ of an array of R-R intervals (freql(e11ty -domai11 a11af)'Sis). The variation in heart rate may be evaluated by a
Both method s require accurate timing of R waves. The numbe r of method s. Perhap s the simplest to perform
analysis can be perform ed on short ECG segments are the time-domain measures. In these methods,
Oasting O.S-5 minutes) or on 24-hour ECG recordings. either the heart rate at any point in time or the
The analysis of the five-minute ECG recording is called intervals betwee n successive normal complexes are
short-te rm HRV and of the 24-hour ECG recording is determined. In a continu ous ECG record, each QRS
called long-te rm HRV. complex is detected, and the so-called normal-to-normal
(N- N) intervals (all intervals between adjacent QRS
Time-domain ana~is complexes resulting from sinus node depolarization or
Two types of HRV indices are distinguished in time- in the instantaneous heart rate) are determined. Simple
domain analysis. Beat-to-beat or short-te rm variability time-do main variabl es that can be calculated include
(STV) indices represent fast changes in heart rate. Long- the mean N - N interval, mean heart rate, difference
term variability (LTV) indices are slower fluctuations betwee n the longest and shortes t N- N interval, the
(fewer than 6 per minute). Both types of indices are difference between night and day heart rates and so
I calculated from the R- R intervals occurri ng in a chosen on.
time window (usually between 0.5 and 5 minutes).
An example of a simple STV index is the standard
I Statistical methods

,I ,
deviation (SD) of beat-to-beat R- R interval differences
within the time window . Examples of LTV indices are
the SD of all the R- R intervals, or the difference betwee n
themax imuma ndmini mumR- Rinterv allengt hwithin
From a series of instantaneous heart rates or cycle
intervals, panicu larly those recorded over longer
periods, traditionally 24 hours, more complex statistical
time-domain measures can be calculated. These may be
the window . With calculated heart rate variability divided into cwo classes: (1) Those derived from direct
indices, respiratory sinus arrhyth mia contrib utes to measurements of the N - N intervals or instantaneous
STV, and baroreflex- and thermoregulation-related heart rate and (2) those derived from the differences
heart rate variability contrib utes to LTV. between N - N intervals. These variables may be derived
from the analysis of the total ECG recording or may
Frequency-domain anal~is be calculated using smaller segments of the recording
Since spectral analysis was introduced as a method to period. The most commo nly used measures derived
study heart rate variability, an increasing numbe r of from interval differences include RMSSD, the square
investigators have preferred this method over time- root of the mean squared differences of successive N -
domain analysis for calculating heart rate variability N intervals; NNSO, the numbe r of interval differences
indices. The main advantage of the spectral analysis of successive N - N intervals greater than 50 ms; and
of signals is that one can study the signal's frequency- pNNSO; the propor tion derived by dividing NNSO
specific oscillations. Thus both the amoun t of by the total numbe r of N - N intervals (Table 41.1).
variability and the oscillation frequency (numbe r of All of these measurements of the short-te rm variation
heart rate fluctuations per second) can be obtained. estimate high frequency variations in heart rate and are
Spectral analysis involves decomposing the series thus highly correla ted.
of sequential R- R intervals into a sum of sinusoidal
functions of different amplitudes and frequencies Geometrical methods
by the FFT algorithm. The result can be displayed A series of N- N intervals also can be converted
(power spectrum} with the magnitude of variability into a geometric pattern such as the sample density
as a functio n of frequency. Thus, the power spectru m distribu tion of N- interval durations, sample density
294 Chapter 41

distribution of difference between adjacent N- N Methods for the calculatio n of PSD may be
intervals, Lorenz plot of - or R- R intervals and generally classified as non-parametric and parametric.
so on. A simple formula that judges the variability on In most instances, both methods provide comparable
the basis of the geometric and/or graphics propenies results.
of the resulting panern is used. The HRV triangular The advantag es of the non-param etric methods
index measurem ent is the integral of the density are: (1) the simplicity of the algorithm used (FFT in
distribution (that is, the number of all N - N intervals) most of the cases and (2) the high processing speed.
divided by the maximum of the density distribution. The advantag es of parametric method are:
The main advantage of the geometric methods lies in (1) smoother spectral components that can be
their relative insensitivity to the analytical quality of distinguished independently of pre-selected frequency
the series of - N intervals. The main disadvantage is bands, (2) easy post-processing of the spectrum with
the need for a reasonable number of N- N intervals to automatic calculation of low- and high-frequency
construct the geometric pattern. power components and easy identification of the
central frequency of each compone nt and (3) an
Table 41.1: Selected time-dom ain measures of HRV
accurate estimation of PSD even on a small number
Variab/p U11il Ducrip tio11 of samples on which the signal is supposed to remain
stauonary .
SD ms Standard deviation of all N-N
intervals The basic disadvantage of parametric methods is
the need for verificatio n of the suitability of the chosen
SDANN ms Standard deviation of the averages
model and of its complexity {that is, the order of the
of N-N intervals in all 5-minute
segments of the entire recording model).
RMSSD ms The square root of the mean of the
sum of the squares of the differences Spectral Components of Frequency Domain
between adjacent N - intervals
Short-term recordings
ms Mean of the standard deviations of
index all N-N intervals for .ill S-minute Three main spectral components are distinguished in
segments of the entire recording a spectrum calculated from shon-term recordings of
2 to 5 minutes: VLF, LF and HF (Table 41.2). The
Standard deviation of differences
beLween adjacent N-N intervals distribution of the power and the central frequency of
LF and HF are not fixed but may vary in relation to
so Number of pairs of adjacent -N
count imervals differing by more than so ms
changes in autonomic modulations of the heart period.
in the entire recording The physiological explanatio n of the VLF component is
less clearly defined and the existence of a specific process
pNNSO % NNSO count divided by the total
attributable to these heart period changes might even
number of all - intervals
be questioned. The non-harmonic compone nt, which
does not have coherent propenies and is affected by
The methods e~pressing overall HRV and its long-
algorithms of baseline or trend removal, is commonly
and shon-term compone nts cannot replace each other.
accepted as a major constituent of VLF. Thus VLF
The selection of the method used should correspond
assessed from shon-term recordings ( ~ 5 minutes) is a
to the aim of each panicular study.
dubious measure and should be avoided when the PSD
of short-term ECGs is interprete d.
Frequency-domain methods The measurem ent of VLF, LF and HF power
Various spectral methods for the analysis of the components is usually made in absolute values of power
tachogram have been applied since the late 1960s. {milliseconds squared). LF and HF may also be measured
Power spectral density (PSD) analysis provides the in normalized units, which represent the relative value
basic information of how power (variance) dist ributes of each power compone nt in proponio n to the total
as a function of frequency. Independent of the method
power minus the VLF component. The representation
used, only an estimate of the true PSD of the signal can of LF and HF in normalized units (LFnu and HFnu)
be obtained by proper mathematical algorithms. emphasizes the controlled and balanced behaviour of
Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability 295

the two branches of the autonomic nervous srstem. by ECG is computed and analyzed by the software to
Moreover, the normalization tends to minimize the determine the spectral indices of HRV.
effect of the changes in total power on the values of
LF and HF components. evertheless, normalized Re uireme!nts
units should always be quoted with absolute values 1. AJI equipment as required for ECG recording
r of LF and HF power in order to describe completely 2. Computer with software for HRV analysis
the distribution of power in spectral components .
The LF-HF ratio provides a better indicator of spectral
powers. There are two types of HRV recordings: the short-term 5-
minute HRV recording and the day-night long-term HRV
Lon -term recordin s recording. As the short-term HRV recording is usually
Spectral analysis may also · be used to analyze the performed for research and clinical investigations, we shall
sequence of intervals of the entire 24-hour describe its procedure as given in the Task Force Report
period. The result then includes an ultra-low frequency on HRV.
(ULF) component , in addition to the VLF, LF and 1. Ask the subject co lie down comfortably in the supine
HF component s. The slope of the 24-hour spectrum position in the laboratory (5 min rest).
can also be assessed on a log-log scale by linear fitting 2. Place the ECG electrodes on the limbs of the subject
the spectral values. Frequency- domain measures are and connect the leads to the machine for lead II ECG
summarised below. recording.
3. Acquire: the ECG signals at a rate of 1000 samples/
Table 41.2: Selected frequency-d omain measures second during supine rest using a data acquisition
of H RV system such as BIO PAC MP 100 (BIOPAC Inc., USA)
Freqflenry (minimum 250-H z sampling rate).
Variable Unit Ana!Jsis of Shorl-fero,
RJcordings (5 minutes) Ivmge - 'The raw ECG signal and the R- R intervals are
acquired on a moving time base.
Total ms2 The variance of Approximately
power (5 - intervals over .:S,0.4 Hz 4. Transfer the data from BIOPAC to a Windows-based
min) the temporal PC loaded with software for HRV analysis, such as
..:. segment AcqKnowledge 3.8.2.
VLF ms2 Power in a very low .:S,0.4 Hz 5. Remove ectopics and artifacts from the recorded
frequency range ECG.
LF ms2 Power in a low 0.04- 0.15 1lz 6. Extract the R-R tachogram from the edited 256-second
frequency range ECG using the R wave detector in the AcqKnowledge
LF n.u. LF power in software and save it in the ASCII format which is
norm normalized units later used offline for short-term HRV analysis (the
LF/ (fotal Power R- R tachogram should have a minimum of 288 R- R
- VLf) x 100
in tervalls).
HF ms2 Power in a high 0.15-0.4 Hz 7. P erform HRV analysis using the HRV analysis
frequency range software version 1.1 (Biosignal Analysis group,
HF n.u. HF power in Finland) .
norm normalized units - Mean R- R is measured in second (s). Variance,
IIF/ (fotal Power
- VLF) x 100 defined as power in a portion of the total spectrum of
frequencies, is measured in milliseconds squared (ms2).
LF/ HF Ratio LF [ms2] / I IF
Mean R- R is measured in seconds (s). Different spectral
indices (I1>, LF, I IF, LF nu, HF nu and LF/HF ratio) and
the time-domain indices (mean R- R, SD and RMSSD)
are calcula1ted as described below.
Calculation of time-domain ind foes
Beat-to-beat variation in SA nodal discharge as recorded 1n a continuous ECG record, each QRS complex ts
296 Chapter 41

detected and the so-called normal to normal (N -N) the cardio respiratory control system. It is a valuable
intervals (that is, all intervals between adjacent QRS rool to investigate the sympathetic and parasympathetic
complexes resulting from sinus node depolarization) function of the autonomic nervous system. SA nodal
or instantaneous heart rate is determined. Simple activity at any particular time is determined by the
time-domain variables that are calculated include the balance between vagal activity, which slows it, and
mean R-R, standard deviation of normal to normal sympathetic activity, which accelerates it. Generally, if
interval (SDNN) and square root of the mean squared the rate is lower than the intrinsic rate of the pacemaker,
differences of successive normal to normal intervals it implies predominant vagal activity, while high heart
(RMSSD) of HRV. rates are achieved by increased sympathetic drive.
The HF component of HRV indicates the vagal
Calculation of frequency_-domain indice1 tone of the individual. Increased HF power (or more
Frequency-domain variables that are usually calculated specifically, increased HF nu) represents increased
include total power (TP), low frequency (LF) vagal activity and decreased HF power (decreased
component, LF component expressed as normalized HF nu) represents decreased vagal activity. The
unit (LF nu), high frequency (HF) component, HF LF component of HRV indicates the sympathetic
component expressed as normalized unit (HF nu) tone of the individual. Increased LF power (or more
and LF/HF ratio. Normalizing spectral powers are specifically, increased LFnu) represents increased
calculated by the formula: sympathetic activity while decreased LF power
1. LF nu = LF x 100 (TP - VLF) (decreased LF nu) represents decreased sympathetic
2. HF nu = HF x 100 (TP - VLF) activity. The sympathovagal balance is assessed by the
3. LF/HF ratio= Ratio of LF tO HF spectral powers LF- HF ratio. Increased LF-HF ratio reflects increased
sympathetic activity, while decreased LF-HF ratio
Precautions indicates decreased sympathetic activity.
All the precautions of ECG recording The relationship between vagal stimulation
(see Chapter 26). frequency and the resulting change in heart rate is
hyperbolic, with changes in frequency at low heart
DISCUSSION rates having a much greater effect that does not
directly control the heart rate, but which regulates
Physiological Significance the interval between successive beats. The effect of
vagal stimulation is rapid. Vagal stimulation releases
HRV analysis is used to precisely assess the efficiency of
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which inhibits the
vagal control of the individual, as it reflects the heart rate
pacemaker potentials. Sympathetic responses differ
variability that occurs mainly due to sinus arrhythmia.
from vagal effects in that they develop much more
Due to inspiratory inhibition of the vagal tone, the
slowly. Hence, responses with longer latency are likely
heart rate shows fluctuations with a frequency similar
to be mainly sympathetic.
to the respiratory rate. The inspiratory inhibition is
Peripheral vascular resistance exhibits intrinsic
evoked primarily by central irradiation of impulses
oscillations with a low frequency. These oscillations
from the medullary respiratory to the cardiovascular
can be influenced by thermal skin stimulation and are
centre. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia can be abolished
thought to arise from thermoregulatory peripheral
by atropine or vagoromy as it is parasympathetically
blood flow adjustments. The fluctuations in peripheral
vascular resistance are accompanied by fluctuations
with the same frequency in blood pressure and heart
HRV Analysis for Assessment of rate and are mediated by the sympathetic nervous
Sympathovagal Balance system. Hence, analysis of HRV also indicates the
tone of sympathetic outflow and therefore reflects
HRV, that is, the amount of heart rate fluctuations the individual's state of sympathetic function and
around the mean heart rate, can be used as a mirror of susceptibility to sympathetic dysfunction.
Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability 297

Clinical Applications 6. As HRV analysis is used to assess the state of

sympathovagal balance of the individual, it can be
Though there is considerable discussion regarding the used to determine the individual's susceptibility
physiology of HRV, it is well correlated and studied in a to developing autonomic dysfunctions like
number of physiological and pathological conditions: hypertension.
1. Decreased HRVis observed in many cardiovascular 7. Decreased HRV is well correlated with the risk of
disease conditions. sudden cardiac death in patients with heart disease.
2. Much before the onset of clinical symptoms of 8. Alterations in HRV are observed in interventions
the cardiovascular disease, alterations are observed like exercise, yoga and relaxation exercises.
3. HRV is equally used as a prognostic tool in The clinical applicability is still limited for lack of
conditions like post-myocardial infarction and established normative data of HRV for different ages,
cardiac transplantation. genders and ethnic groups and because of its demanding
rI 4. The most important application of HRV analysis
is the surveillance of post-infarction and diabetic
technical and mathematical comprehensibility.
. ' However, with increasing use of automation and
patients. computers in medicine, the clinical applicability of
5. HRV gives information about the sympathetic- HRV is bound to increase rapidly.
parasympathetic autonomic balance.

1. What do you mean by HRV? What is its physiological importance?
2. What is sinus arrhythmia? What is its contribution to HRV?
3. What are the frequency distribution curves in HRV as recorded in a parametric spectrum (AR model)?
4. What are the rime-domain and frequency-domain indices of HRV?
5. What do the time-domain and frequency-domain indices of HRV represent?
6. What are the methods of HRV measurement?
7. What is the importance' of HF nu?
8. What is the importance of LF nu?
9. What is the LF-HF ratio and what is its importance?
10. What is sympathovagal balance? What is its importance in health and disease?
42 Brainstem Auditory
Evoked Potential
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Anatomical and Physiological
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. Define brainstem auditory evoked potentials ~udito!'Y _pathway
Spiral ganglion
2. State the physiological basis of generation of
BAEP waveforms. l(by cochlear nerve)
3. List the physiological factors that affect BAEP
Cochlear nucleus (medulla)
Trace the auditory pathway.
List the normal characteristics of different BAEP
Superior olivary nucleus (medulla)

6. Correlate the changes in waveforms with
(through the
common diseases that affect the auditory
lateral lemniscus)

Inferior colliculus (midbrain)

centre for
INTRODUCTION auditory reflexes)

Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs)

Medial geniculate body (thalamus)
constitute an objective hearing test. These are the
potentials recorded from the ear and the scalp in
response to a brief auditory stimulation. The evoked
potentials that appear following transduction of the
Auditory cortex (area 41 )

acoustic stimulus by the ear cells, create an electrical

The axons of the spiral ganglion that innervate
signal that is carried through the auditory pathway to
hair cells of the ear form the cochlear nerve. The first
the brainstem and from there to the cerebral cortex.
order of neurons terminates in the cochlear nuclei in
When the signal travels, it generates action potential in
the medulla from where the second order of neurons
all the fibres. These action potentials can be recorded
arises and ends in the superior olivary nucleus. The
at several points along the auditory pathway and even
third order of neurons originates from the superior
from the surface of the body. BAEPs assess conduction
olivary nucleus and ascends the lateral lemniscus to
of the impulse through the auditory pathway up to the
project onto the inferior colliculus which is the centre
for auditory reflexes. From the inferior colliculi,
Uses of BAEP Clinically BAEPs are used: many fibres project to the medial geniculate body in
1. To assess hearing in uncooperative patients and the thalamus and from there to the primary auditory
very young children. cortex (area 41).
2. To detect degree of hearing loss in infants.
3. To assess the functions of the midpart of the Physiological basis of BAEPs
brainstem. BAEPs are recorded within 10 ms after acoustic
Brainstem A uditory Evoked Pot ential 299

stimulus is given. A series of potentials are generated creases the latency and decreased temperature increas-
corresponding to sequential activation of different es the latency of BAEP.
parts of the auditory pathway, that is, peripheral,
5. Drugi, Barbiturates and alcohol prolong the la-
pontomedullary, pontine and midbrain portions of
tency of wave V. These drugs affect latency by decreas-
the pathway.
ing the body temperature instead of directly acting on
the auditory pathway.
Waves of BAEP
Five or more distinct waveforms are recorded within 6. Hearing loss Hearing deficit affects BAEPs.
10 ms of the auditory stimulus. These waveforms Therefore, hearing tests, especially to detect conduc-
are named wave I, II, ill, IV and V (Fig. 42.1). If the tive deafness and examination of the ear to diagnose
recording continues, a few more positive and negative ear block by cerumen, should be done prior to record-
waves are recorded. ing BAEPs.
Wave I Originates from the peripheral portion

Wave II
of the eighth cranial nerve adjacent to the
Originates from the cochlear nucleus. Princi lei
Method of Recording

I Wave ill Originates from the superior olivary

Wave IV Originates from the lateral lemniscus.
WaveV Originates from the inferior colliculi.
A brief auditory stimulation generates action potentials
in the auditory pathway. These potentials are recorded
from the ear and vertex as BAEPs..

Factors that affect BAEP 1. Reco1rding electrodes
1. Age The latency of BAEP is affected by age, espe- 2. Amplifier and averager
cially in early childhood. Latency is age dependent up 3. Electrnde paste
to two years. The effect of age is more pronounced in 4. Earphone
premature infants. Older adults have slightly longer
I to IV interpeak latency compared to younger indi- Procedure
viduals. 1. Place the recording electrode on both the ear lobes
2. Sex Women have shorter latency and higher am- or mastoid process (Fig. 42.2).
plitude of BAEPs. 2. Place the reference electrode on a point slightly in
from of the vertex (Fig. 42.3).
3. H eight The height of the subject has no direct
3. Place the ground electrode on a point in from of
correlation with latency or amplitude of BAEPs.
the reference electrode.
4. Temperature Increased body temperature de- 4. Connect the recording electrodes to the amplifier.

nrne .2. Sites of placing electrodes for recording BAEP

(mastoid process) for active Plectrode C for
Fig. 42.1 . Bra1nstem auditory evoked potential recorded reference and F for ground electrode
1n a normal ind1v1dual
300 Chapter 42


....---1 I


Fig. 42.3. Recording of brainstem auditory evoked potential ( 1: Earphone: 2· Recording e ectrode wire: 3· Reference electrode wire.
4. Earphone wire, 5 Ground electrode: 6. Computerised evoked pote t1al recording machine)

5. Use amplifications of 2,00,000-5,00,000. -Precautions

6. SeE the low filter at 100 Hz and high filter at 3,000 1. The subject should be properly instructed and
Hz. motivated to provide full cooperation.
7. Give a brief click stimulus of 0.1 ms duration. 2. The subject should be fully relaxed, otherwise
The stimulus applied is usually a square wave
pulse. The pulse can move towards or away from
hypnotics can be used to achieve maximum
relaxation. j
the ear. The earphone movement towards the ear 3. The room sh ould be quiet and comfortable.
is called condensatioJJ phase stimulus and away from the 4. The skin of the scalp and mastoid should be grease
ear is called rarefaction phase stimulus. The amplitude free. I
of the waveforms is affected by the type of
stimulus; for example, wave I amplitude is greater DISCUSSION
with rarefaction stimulus. T he clicks are usually
presented 10-70 times per second. Waveforms are Normal BAEP Waveforms
poorly defined at faster rates. Therefore, slower
or intermediate rates are preferred. The click Wave I
rate of 11-31 Hz is commonly used in clinical Characteristics
practice. Stimulus intensity is usually kept between 1. This is the first prominent upgoing peak in the ipsi-
40- 70 dB. Some laboratories keep stimulus intensity lateral ear recording channel. It is reduced or absent
at 60 dB above the hearing threshold. from the contralateral ear recording channel.
8. Observe the recording of potentials. 2. It appears 1.4- ms after the stimulus.
9. Repeat 2-3 times and see that recordings are 3. The amplitude of this wave can be increased by us-
superimposed to check the reproducibility. Im ing horizontal montage, external canal needle elec-
The BAEP repetition be superimposed almost trode, nasoplharyngeal electrode, increasing stimu-
exactly. lus intensity or decreasing the stimulus rate.
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential 301

Clinical application As it originates from the eighth Measurement of BAEP Waveforms

nerve this wave is preserved in patients who have only
central problems. But, those who have peripheral The following parameters are measured for analysing
hearing impairment have reduced or absent wave I the waveforms of BAEPs:
1. Absolute latency and amplitude
(wave II to V remain relatively normal).
2. Interpeak latencies
Wave II 3. Amplitude ratio of V / I
4. Inter-ear-interpeak difference
1. This is a poorly defined wave.
2. It appears as a small peak following wave I. It may Absolute latency and amplitude
appear in the downgoing slope of wave I or in the The absolute amplitude is measured as the height
upgoing slope of wave III. (expressed in µv) from the peak of the wave to the
3. It is more prominent in the contralateral channel trough of that wave. The absolute latency is measured
recording where it has a slightly prolonged latency as the distance (expressed in ms) from the beginning of
compared to the ipsilateral recording. the first wave to the peak of that wave.
Clinical application It is absent in lesions of the Interpeak latencies
cochlear nucleus. The interpeak latencies (IPLs) commonly measured are
I-V, I-III and III-V. This is measured as the distance
Wave Ill between the peak of both the waves (expressed in ms).
1-V interpeak latency
1. This is a prominent upgoing peak.
1. The normal value is 4.5 ms.
2. It is smaller and appears earlier in the contralateral
channel. 2. It represents conduction from the proximal part of
3. It may sometimes appear as a bi.fid wave (with two the eig;hth nerve through pons to the midbrain.
peaks). 3. It is slightly less in females and more in elderly
Clinical application It is reduced or absent in lesions 4. It is prolonged in:
I of the superior olivary nucleus. • Demyelination

l WavfLlV
1. This is a very small wave that usually appears in the
• Degenerative diseases
• Hypoxic brain damage

I-III inte1rpeak latency

upgoing slope of wave V. 1. The normal value is about 2.5 ms.
2. Sometimes it may be absent or may appear as a very 2. It measures conduction from the eighth nerve
small wave at the peak of wave Y, giving it a bifid across the subarachnoid space into the core of lower
appearance. pons.
Clinical application It is absent in lesions of the 3. It is prolonged in:
lateral lemniscus. • Infiammation or tumour of the eighth nerve
• Diseases at the pontomedullary junction
WaveV • Guillain-Barre syndrome
111-V interpeak latency
1. This is the most prominent peak in BAEP.
1. The normal value is about 2.4 ms.
2. It appears 5.5 ms after the stimulus.
3. It starts usually above the baseline immediately 2. It measures conduction from the lower pons to the
following wave IV. midbrain.
3. It is prolonged in prolongation of 1-V IPL. The
Clinical application It disappears in diseases affect- isolated prolongation III-V IPL is not considered
ing the inferior colliculi. significant.
302 Chapter 42

Am litude ratio of V/1 Clinical Application l
Wave I is generated outside and Vis generated inside 1
the CNS. Therefore, the V/ I ratio compares the The changes in brainstem auditory evoked potentials
have been correlated with diseases at different levels I
relationship of the signal amplitude.
of the auditory pathway. BAEP is usually helpful ~

Normal value The ratio is normally between 50 per in localising the lesions in the brainstem. It is useful
cent and 300 per cent. in diagnosing diseases like cerebellopontine angle
tumour, intrinsic brainstem tumour, multiple
Clinical implication If the ratio is less than 50 per sclerosis, coma, brain death and strokes affecting t he
cent, this suggests small wave V, which indicates a cen- brainstem (thrombosis of vertebrobasilar system).
tral impairment of hearing. If the ratio is more than It is also useful in pediatrics for assessing auditory
300 per cent, this suggests small amplitude of wave I, function in children whose hearing cannot be tested
which indicates peripheral hearing impairment. behaviourally.

1. What are the different waveforms seen in the recording of BAEP and how are t hey generated?
2. Trace the pathway for audition.
3. What are the physiological factors that affect BAEP?
4. What are the precautions observed during recording of BAEP?
5. What should be the stimulus intensity and duration for recording BAEP?
6. By what means can wave I of BAEP be improved in amplitude?
7. In what condition is wave I reduced or absent? I
What is the cause of wave II in BAEP and in what diseases may it be absent?
In which conditions may wave ill be absent?
What is the significance of wave V and in which conditions is it altered?
What does I-V interpeak latency represent and in what conditions is it prolonged?
12. What does I-ill interpeak latency represent and in what conditions is it prolonged?
13. What does III-V interpeak latency represent and in what conditions is it prolonged?
14. What is the significance of the V / I ratio?
15. What is the clinical utility of recording BAEP in children?
43 Visual Evoked Potential

I LEARNING OBJECTIVES nerve. The rods and cones are the receptors that are
stimulated by light impulses and the informati on is
After completin g this practical you WILL be able to: conveyed through the bipolar and ganglion cells to the
1. Describe the significance of performing this visual pathway.

( 2.
practical in clinical physiology.
Define visual evoked potentials (VEPs). Visual pathway
State the physiological basis of VEPs. Fibres in the optic nerves terminate in the la.t eral
4. List the factors that influence YEP. geniculate body via the optic chiasma, which in turn
project to the visual cortex through optic radiation.

5. · List the pretest instructions given to the subject
prior to recording the YEP. For details of the visual pathway see Chapter 46.
6. State the principle of recording of YEP.
Physiological basis of VEPs
7. List the precautions taken during the recording o
The P,00 waveform ofVEPs is generated in the occipital
cortex by activation of the primary visual cortex and
8. Describe the normal waveforms of the YEP.
activation of areas surrotlnding the visual cortex by
9. List the abnormalities of YEP waveforms.
thalamoc ortical fibres. The retinal ganglion cells are of
10. Name the diseases associated with different
three types: X, Y and W. The X cells are small ganglion
cells that mediate the function of cone system {colour
vision). They have small diameter axons arid small
receptive fields. They are concentrated in the central
INTRODUCTION portion visual field {central retina) and exhibit lateral

I Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are electrical potential

differences recorded from the vertex in response to
visual stimuli. The VEPs represent the mass response
of the cortical and possibly subcortical areas. Normal
inhibition. They provide the substrate for pattem VEPs
via the geniculate pathway. The Y cells are large ganglion
cells that mediate functions of the rod system. Their
axons have a large diameter with a large receptive field.
They are concentrated in the peripheral visual field
VEPs indicate the intactness of the entire visual system.
(peripheral retinal location) and provide the substrate
A normal cortical response is recordl'd when the entire
for flash VEPs via the extrageniculate pathway.
visual pathway is normal. Responses become abnormal
The VEPs primarily represent the activity originating
if there is any defect in any part of the visual system. in the central visual field, which is connected to the
Therefore, VEPs can only detect the abnormality,
surface of the occipital cortex. T he activities originating
but cannot exactly localise the site of the lesion in the
from the peripheral retina are directed to the deeper
visual pathway. ·
regions of the visual cortex, which attenuates the VEPs
Anatom ical and Physiolo gical {on peripheral retinal stimulatio n only). The central
Conside ration part of the retina {fovea centralis) has greater cortical
representa tion in the visual cortex and activities in the
Layers of the retina central visual field magnify the VEPs.
The retina has ten layers. The outermos t layer is the
pigment epithelium. The rods and cones lie next to the The waveforms of VEPs
pigment layer. They synapse with the inner nuclear or The VEPs consist of a sen es of waveforms of
bipolar cells, which in turn project to the ganglion cell opposite polarity. The negative waves are denoted
layer. The axons of the ganglion cells form the optic by N and positive waves by P, which is followed by
304 Chapter 43

the approximat e latency in ms. T he commonly seen by eye movement but the latency remain~ unaffected.
waveforms are N 75, P 100• and N 14~ (Fig. 43.1). The peak
latency and peak to peak amplitudes of these waves are 6. Visual acuity With decreased visual acuity the
measured. Generally the peak latency, duration and amplitude of P 100 is decreased, but the latency remains
amplitude of P 100 are measured. The normal values of normal.
parameters of P 100 are:
Latency {ms) : 100 METHOD OF RECORDING
Amplitude (µv) : 11
Duration (ms) : 60 Principl_!!
N 75 mainly results from foveal stimulation and The stimulation of the visual pathway generates
originates in area 17. activities in the visual cortex. A visual stimulus is
P 100 originates in area 19. presented to the subject for a selected number of times,
· reflects the activity of area 18. and the cerebral responses are amplified, averaged by a
computer and displayed on the oscilloscope screen or
printed out on paper.
Factors that Influence VEP
1. Age The amplitude of P is high in infants and Requirements
children, which is almost double the adult value. The 1. Standard disc EEG electrodes
adult value is reached in 5-7 years. After 50 years, the 2. Preamplifie r and amplifier
amplitude decreases. 3. Oscilloscope
4. Electrode paste
2. Sex The P 100 latency is longer in men, which may
be due to bigger head size in men. However, the P
amplitude is greater in women, which may be due to For best results, proper instructions should be given to
hormonal influence. the subject and a thorough eye examinatio n should be
3. Drugs The drugs that cause miosis {pupillary
constriction ), for example, pilocarpine , increase the Pretest instructions
P 100 latency, which is due to decreased area of retinal 1. The subject should be told about the procedure of
illumination . The midriatics decrease P latency. the test to get full cooperation .
2. The subject should avoid applying hair spray or oil
4. Eye d ominan ce The duration and amplitude of
after the last hair wash.
P 100 is shorter if recorded by stimulating the dominant
3. If the subject uses optical lenses, these glasses should
eye compared to the non-domin ant eye. This is attrib-
be worn during the test.
uted to the neuroanato mic asymmetrie s in the human
4. The subject should be instructed not to use any
visual cortex.
miotic and midriatics 12 hours before the test.
5. Eye movem ent The amplitude of P 100 is decreased 5. The full ophthalmol ogical examinatio n should
be carried out to determine the visual acuity, the
N 7s pupillary diameter and the field of vision.
6. If there is any field defect, the electrodes may be
placed laterally (in addition to midline electrodes).
This is done because the field defects alter the
potential field distribution of P _

1 Hz to 300 Hz 1. Prepare the skin by abrading and degreasing.
2. Place the recording electrode at 0 1 (Fig. 43.2) using
conducting jelly or electrode paste. '
Fig. 43.1. Visual evoked potentials recorded from full field
3. Place the reference electrode at F or 12 cm above
mono-ocular st1mulat1on .
t he nas1on.

Visual Evoked Poten tial

4. Place the ground electrode at the wrist.

5. Keep the electrode impedance below 5 kn. DISCUSSION
6. Use amplification ranging between 20,000- 1,00,0
00 For recording VEPs, the eyes are tested one at a time.
to record pattern shift visual evoked potentials
Each eye projects to the occipital cortex throu gh the
optic chiasma. Therefore, unilateral VEP abnormality
7. Set low cut filters at 1-3 Hz and high cut filter
at is obtained by full-field mono-ocular stimulation
100-300 Hz.1111The filter setting should be kept whic h is likely to be due to prechiasmal lesion.
constant. If
the pattern shift visual evoked potential (PSVEP)
8. Keep the sweep durat ion at 250-500 ms. is
abno rmal bilaterally, it becomes difficult to locate the
9. Stimulate visual pathways by different photi
c anatomical site of the defect.
stimulation and record the response.
10. Com pare the obtained tracing, with the norm
one (Fig. 43.1). VEP Abnormalities
The comm on VEP abnormalities are:
- -ns
1. The subject should be instructed properly. 1. Prolo ngati on of laten cy The comm ones t cause
2. The skin of the scalp should be grease-free. of prolonged latency of P is demyelination of
3. Midriatics and miocics should not be used for optic pathways. The amplitude remains normal.
mini mum of 12 hour s before the test.
2. Amp litud e redu ction Amplitude reduction
4. Visual acuity, pupillary diameter and field of visio of
n P 100 occurs in ischemic optic neur opath y that
must be checked before starting the test.
causes axonal loss. The latency remains normal.
5. Additional lateral electrodes should be used if there
This also occurs in refractive errors, media opaci-
is any visual field defect.
ties (for example, lens opacity) and retinal dis-
6. Electrode impedance should be kept below 5 kn.
7. A11:plification ranging should be between 20,00
and 1,00,000, for recording patte rn shift VEP. 3. Com bined latency and amplitude defects This
8. Filter setting should be kept constant. occurs in optic nerve compression that causes seg-
9. The subject should not sleep during the proce dure. mental demyelination and axonal loss.
4. Shap,e abnormalities Usually two types are com-
mon! y observed.
1. Bifid P,00 In bifid P two peaks are observed. This
is seen rarel y in norm al individuals. Its indicates ab-
norm ality .

2. IV-shaped VJ::.:P Whe n two peaks are separated

FPZ . 10-50 ms, it form s W-sh aped P waveform.

Clinical Application

l The VEP studies provide a sensitive method for

documenting the abnormalities in visual pathways
especially anterior to the optic chiasma. The VEP
abnormalities are nonspecific and are not characteristic
any specific etiology. But VEP studies help in ass~ting_a
clinical diagnosis ofdemyelinating diseases, ischerruc opuc
neuropathy, nutritional and toxic optic neuropath~es,
Fig. 43.2. Sites of placing electrodes for record
ing hereditary and degenerative diseases, lesions affecung
VEP (Reference electrode at the point F" ' record
ing electrode at
O, and the ground electrode at wnst ) anterior visual pathways and cortical blindness.
Chapter 43

1. What is the clinical significance of VEP?
2. What is the physiological basis of VEP?
3. What are the wavefor:ms of VEP?
4. What are the factors that affect VEP?
5. What are the pretest instructions given to the subject prior to recording the VEP?
6. What are the precautions taken for recording VEP?
7. What are the different VEP abnormalities?
8. What are the causes of latency prolongation and amplitude reduction of VEP?


44 Somatosensory Evoked Potential

LEARNING OBJECTIVES proprioception (as they contain large diameter fibres).
The proprioceptors are present in and around the
After completing this practical you WIIL be able to: joints Goint capsules), muscles and tendons. The first
1. Describe the clinical significance of study of SEPs. order of neurons carry impulse from the receptors to
2. Define somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs). the spinal cord in type A fibres and ascend the dorsal
3. Trace the sensory pathway for proprioception. column of tche spinal cord to terminate in the gracile
4. State the basic principle of recording SEPs. and cuneate nuclei in the medulla of the same side.
5. Explain the physiological basis of The second order of the neurons originates from the
different latencies and amplitudes of gracile and cuneate nuclei in the medulla and cross to
various waveforms of SEPs. the opposit,e side and ascends in the medial lemniscus
6. List the common abnormalities of latencies and to reach the VPL nucleus of thalamus from where the
amplitudes of various waveforms of SEPs. third order of neurons projects to the sensory cortex
through thaJamocortical radiation.

Physiotogit:al basis of SEPs
The SEPs can be recorded by stimulating any large
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) are the peripheral nerve. However, in clinical practice, SEPs
potentials generated by large diameter fibres (sensory are commonly recorded from the median and posterior
fibres)inresponsetoasensorystimulusappliedtothem tibial nerves.
anywhere in their course, either in the peripheral or
Median SEPs The stimulation of the median nerve
in the central portion of the pathway. The potentials
generates a number of waveforms. Negative waves are
recorded have different latencies and are accordingly
designated by N and positive waves are designated by P.
called short, intermediate and long latency
Normally, the significant negative waves recorded are
potentials. The short latency SEPs appear within
N 9, N 11 , N 13, N 18 and N 20,and the positive waves are P 14
50 ms of stimulation, and are clinically important.
and P 25 • P 14 is clinically considered more significant.
The intermediate and long latency potentials lie
N 9 Generated by the brachial plexus.
within 50-100 ms and 100-300 ms, respectively,
N 11 Generated by the dorsal cervical root,
but these are clinically not significant as they
ascending volley in the posterior column of C;.
are highly variable and inconsistent. Because of
their long course, starting from the receptors on N 13 G<'nerated by the rostral cervical cord.
the body surface and then traversing through P Generated by the medial lemniscus and brainstem
the peripheral nerve to the spinal cord and from colla1cerals.
th ere to the cortex, the sensory pathways are N Generated by the rostral brainstem nuclei, the
potentially vulnerable to lesions at various sites. thalamus.
The SEPs assess the intactness of the sensory pathway N Generated by VPL nucleus of the thalamus, the
and the long course makes it easy to evaluate. primary sensory cortex.
t Tibial SElPs Tibial SEPs are recorded from the
Anatomical and Physiological posterior tibial nerve. The important waveforms are
Considerations N 8 , N 22, N 28 andP,,.
N 8 Generated by the tibial or sciatic nerve.
Sensory pathways N 22 Generated by the dorsal grey matter of lumbar
The SEPs assess the intactness of the pathway for spinal cord.
308 Chapter 44

N 28 Generated by the cervical spinal cord.

P 37 Generated by the primary sensory cortex.

Factors that Affect SEPs

Age In infants and children, N 9 and N 13 potentials of
median SEPs occur early. In elderly individuals, most
of the latencies are.longer by about 10 per cent after
the age of 55. The interpeak latencies are shorter with
increasing age, which indicates slowing of conduction
in peripheral nerves in old age.
Sex Women have shorter central conduction time.
Temperature Peripheral nerve conduction decreases

.• ...•
with decrease in limb temperature. With change
- acing electrodes for recording postt1b1al SEP
in body temperature, conduction in the peripheral . rode. G ground electrode. F,.. C: T , T, . L,
portion of the pathway is more affected than in the • pl1teal Iossa) recording electrode
central portion. The temperature and latency have a
linear relationship.
2. The subject should be fully relaxed in the supine
Sleep The amplitude of the peak component of N 20
position with head supported (to relax the neck
decreases in sleep than in the awake state (waking). muscles).
Drugs SEPs are resistant to various drugs. There- 3. Mild hypnotics can be used to ensure relaxation.
fore, sedatives like diazepam can be used if needed. 4. The room should be quiet and comfortable.
The patient can continue to take them, if already 5. Prior to recording, information about the nerve
advised by the physician, while recording SEPs. Seda- (features of nerve injury, and so on) should be
tives are used in uncooperative patients. obtained.

Steps in brief
(SEPs recorded from the posterior tibial nerve are
PrinclJ!l'1 described here). Place the ground electrode about 5 cm
The stimulation of sensory nerves generates action above the medial malleolus. Stimulate the posterior
potentials that are carried in the ascending pathways tibial nerve just posterior to the medial malleolus, and
to the sensory cortex, from where these are recorded the recording electrode at various points on the body
as SEPs; they are usually recorded from the large as depicted in Fig:. 44.1.
conducting fibres in the sensory pathway.
Re uirements 1. The subject should be properly instructed and
1. Electrodes motivated to ]Provide full cooperation.
2. Amplifier 2. The subject should be fully relaxed, otherwise
3. Averager hypnotics can be used to achieve maximum
4. Oscilloscope relaxation.
5. Electrode paste 3. The room should be quiet and comfortable.

Procedure Observation
Pretest instructions Study the latency and amplitude of N 8 , N 22 , P 37 and
1. The subject should be properly instructed to get N 45 from the recorded tracings. For example, P 37 and
maxunum cooperation. N 45 can be studied from C 2 -F2 recording (Fig. 44.2).
Somatosensory Evoked Potential 309

N 13-N20 IPL represents central sensory conduction

time. Therefore, this is delayed in any condition
- ----- -JV
C,-F2 N.,
that affects the central sensory pathway, that is, the
pathway from the spinal cord to the cortex.
2µV L
10 ms Tibial SEPs
Fig. 44.2. Normal waveforms of SEP (C -F.) of posterior t1b1al Like median SEPs, the latency and amplitude of N 8,
N 22 and P 37 are measured. The two important interpeak
latencies (IPL) are clinically significant. These are N 8-
DISCUSSION P 37, and N -P IPL. The N -P IPL is used to measure
22 37 8 37
the conduction time in both peripheral and central
Median SEPs
pathways. The N 11-P37 IPL is used to measure the
The following parameters are measured for analysis of conduction time in the central pathway, that is, from
the lumbar spinal cord to the sensory cortex.

median SEPs.
1. Latency
I 2. Amplitude Clinical Application of SEPs
3. Interpeak latency
r SEPs have good correlation with impairment of
Amplitude and !atency joint position and vibration sensation but not with
The amplitude and latency of N 9, N 11 , N 13, N 18, N 20 pain and touch. For an abnormality in SEP to
and P25 waveforms are measured. These latencies are occur, a significant degree of sensory impairment
prolonged and the amplitudes are reduced in diseases must take place. In general, latency abnormalities
at different parts of the sensory pathway that they are more pronounced in demyelinating diseases,
represent. and amplitude abnormalities are more common
in ischemic lesions. A combination of latency and
lnterpeak latency amplitude abnormalities is seen in compressive
The two imponant interpeak latencies (IPL) are lesions. Thus, SEPs are helpful in the diagnosis of
clinically significant. These are N 9-N 11, and N 13-N20 the nature and degree of sensory abnormalities in
IPL. demyelinating diseases, vascular lesions, infections
N 9- N 11 IPL represents the conduction time from the of the spinal cord and brain like acute transverse
brachial plexus to the spinal cord. Therefore, this is myeiicis, Pott's paraplegia, degenerative diseases like
delayed by any lesion between the brachia! plexus and cervical and lumbar spondylosis, and nutritional
the spinal cord. myopathies.

1. What is somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)?
2. What is the sensation actually assessed by SEPs and why ?
3. Trace the pathway of propioception.
4. What are the different waveforms of median SEPs and how are they produced?
5. What are the different waveforms of tibial SEPs and how are they produced?
6. What are the factors that affect SEPs?
7. What are the pretest instructions given before recording SEPs?
8. What is the principle of recording SEPs?
9. What are the precautions taken for recording SEPs?
10. What is the information obtained from amplitude and latency of SEPs?
11. Which interpeak latencies of median SEPs are clinically important and what do they actually represent?
12. What is the clinical significance of the study of SEPs?
45 .Motor Evoked Potentials

LEARNING OBJECTIVES stimulation. The MEPs are restricted to the muscles

contralateral to the side of cortical stimulation. The
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: cortical stimulation excites the pyramidal cells in
1. Define motor evoked potentials {MEPs). the cortex that in turn stimulate the corticospinal
2. Differentiate between sensory evoked potentials fibres. The spinal cord can be stimulated by high
andMEPs. voltage electrical stimulation either in the cervical
3. Trace the pathway for the corticospinal tract. or lumbar region. For spinal cord stimulation, the
4. Explain the principle of recording MEPs. cathodal stimulation is preferred. The electrical
5. List the common abnormalities of MEP stimulation of the spinal cord stimulates t he periph-
recordings. eral motor axons close to the spinal cord and the
6. List the clinical uses of MEPs. muscle innervated by the axon.

Magnetic stimulation Magnetic stimulation is more

advantageous than electrical stimulation as it is pain-
INTRODUCTION less and can stimulate the deep structures.
The sensory evoked potentials (visual, auditory and
somatosensory) are recorded from the cerebral cortex or METHOD
from the sensory pathways following the application of
sensory stimulation, whereas motor evoked potentials Princi le
(MEPs) are recorded from the muscles (as EMG Motor evoked potentials are recorded as EMG
responses) following stimulation of the motor cortex responses from the muscles by stimulating the motor
or spinal cord. MEPs can be recorded by two types cortex or the spinal cord.
of stimulations, electrical and magnetic. The MEPs
recorded following transcranial electrical stimulation Re uirements
is painful. Therefore, magnetic stimulation (by using 1. Magnetic or electrical stimulator
2. Electrodes
magnetic stimulator) of the cortex is done to record
MEPs. The MEPs are higher in amplitude and easier to
record in contrast to other evoked potentials. Procedure
Pretest instructions
1. All magnetic objects like watches and so on, should
Anatomical and Physiological be taken away from the patient and the operator,
Considerations and should be kept at a minimum distance of SO cm
Corticos inal tract from the stimulator.
See Chapter 38. 2. Enquire about cardiac pacemaker, cochlear device,
and so on, because electrical or magnetic stimulations
Physiological basis are contraindicated in patients with such devices.
Transcranial stimulation can be carried out by electrical 3. Electrical stimulation should not be performed in
or magnetic stimulation. patients with craniotomies. H owever, magnetic
stimulations can be ca,rried out in such patients.
Electric al stimulation This is done using a bipo- 4. The history of epilepsy should be elicited as
lar or unipolar montage. For transcranial stimula- transcranial stimulation must be avoided in epileptic
tion, anodal stimulation is preferred over cathodal patients.
Motor Evoked Potentials 311

5. Enquire about the use of hypnotics, anticonvulsants

and anxiolytics by the patient as these drugs affect A

Important steps
1. The subject should be briefed about the test.
2. The magnetic stimulator is placed on the vertex
according to the direction of current flow needed
to stimulate the specific area of the cortex, and s 2mVL
' 20 ms
MEP is recorded from the target muscle (Fig.
45.1).Butterfly stimulators are used for deep 8
penetration of the pulses beneath the scalp and
for recording MEPs from the upper limb and
hand muscles.
3. For recording of MEPs from the target muscles,
the surface EMG electrodes are placed over the
4. Then magnetic stimulation is used for stimulating
spinal roots and peripheral nerves, and MEP are

Sites for plac1nq clcctrocJr's for rPrn1rf n,; f\1EP ,S
recorded from the target muscle. g electrodes G qrounrn,,q c, 1r•c•roc-J,, R lf•I r,., 1111
. ced on abductor d1q1: m n r'l, Rrsrr;ns, cf,, 11" a , r
5. The stimulator output is gradually increased in 10111A, and respon~( ct sr,,11.11 er n,ar, , 1 ,n·u "' .., ,81
steps of 10-20 per cent.
6. Ask the subject to slightly contract the target muscle
Biceps 11.6± 1.2 4.9 ±0.5
for cortical stimulation and relax the target muscle
Thenar 20.1±1.8 6.4 ±0.3
for spinal stimul~tion.
Tibialis anterior 26.7 ±2.3 13.2±0.7
7. Record the central motor conduction time (CMCT) 13,3±2.3
Anal sphincter 22.8±3.6
by detecting the difference in the latencies between
cortical and spinal stimulation (Fig. 45.1 A and B).
MEP Abnormalities
Measurement of CMCT
Central motor conduction is measured by Two major MEPs abnormalities are:
subtracting the latency of MEP on spinal stimulation 1. Prolongation of CMCT: This indicates a slowing
from that on cortical stimulation. The latency down in the central pathways. Significant increase
difference is then compared with the distance between in CMCT is found in demyelinating conditions like
two stimulating electrodes. multiplle sclerosis.
2. Inexcitability of motor pathways: This occurs in:
a. Degeneration or damage to the corticospinal
All the pretest instructions can be taken as precautions
for recording MEPs.
b. Motor neuron disease.

DISCUSSION Clinical Applications

Normal Values The central motor conduction studies are used as a

valuable tool for diagnosis and prognosis of various
The normal values of central motor conduction (ms) neurological diseases. This is especially important
of various muscles are: in the di.itgnosis of demyelinating diseases, stroke,
1\tfosde L,tenry CMCF degenerative diseases, hereditary ataxia, acute transverse
Deltoid 10.6± 1.0 4.9 ±0.5 myelitis, encephalitis and Parkinson's disease.
312 Chapter 45

1. What do you mean by MEPs?
2. How does MEP differ from EMG?
3. What is the physiologic basis of EMG?
4. What are the types of stimulations given for MEP recordings? What are the differences between them?
5. What is the principle of MEP recording? r
6. What are the MEP abnormalities?
7. What is the physiological basis of different MEP abnormalities?
8. What is the physiologic significance of MEPs in clinical physiology?


46 Perimetry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES The neurons travel as optic nerves to the optic chiasma
where partial decussation of the fibres takes place.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: The fibre coming from the temporal side of the retina
l. Describe the importance of perimetry in clinical (that receives information from the nasal half of the
physiology. visual field), remain uncrossed and the fibre emerging
2. Define field of vision, visual axis, isopters, from the nasal hemiretina (that receives information
meridians and blind spot (scotoma). from the temporal half of the visual field) cross to the
3. Read the perimeter chart. opposite side at the optic chiasma. Thus, the optic tract
4. State the principle of perimetry. contains fibres from the temporal hemiretina of the
5. Chart the field of vision by using a perimeter. same side and nasal hermretma of the opposite side.
6. List the precautions for perimetry. This means that the left optic tracts carry the fibres
7. Explain the extent of visual field in different from the left halves of both retina and the right q_ptic
quadrants. tract from the right halves of both the retina. In the
8. List the factors that affect field of vision. optic tract, the fibres before crossing ascend in the
9. Trace the visual pathway. optic chiasma for a short distance, which is known as
10. Name the visual field defects with lesions at von Willebrand's knee t · ·
various levels of the visual pathway.
You MAY aJso be able to:
1. Name and describe different perimeters.
and asce e erucu oc canne at w
2. Describe a perimeter chart.
the ~ co ex. Few fibres from the opric react. enter
3. Explain physiological and pathological blind
the superior ~ llicu1us, from where the fibres project
to the pretect area t at me · · (Fig.
4. Explain the effect of lesions of visual pathway.
46.1). The fibres originating rom the lateral geniculate
body form a loop at their origin called Meyer's loop.

Field of Vision
Perimetry is the method of accurate charting of The portion of the external world visible to the eye
peripheral field of vision, using a perimeter. A when the gaze is fixed at a particular point is called
perimeter is the instrument used to determine the field of vision. The visual :field depends mainly
the field of vision. Clinically, the field of vision on the size and colour of the object used for mappi.t;ig
is determined at the bedside of the patient by the
tlie field. In the temporal side of the fixation point at
confrontation method (as d~ Chapter 39).
about 12°-15° a scotoma (blind spot) is located where
The lgpfrontation merho~ gives a rough idea of
perception of light does not occur. This is called
the field of visi~ performed to detect
physiolo~ical scotoma and it corresponds to the@J't!£
the exact natu'h an~ ~f 'irefects in the field of
disc in rhe retina)Nhich does not contain IS@i and
vision. The defects in the field of vision occur due to
lesions at various levels of the visual pathway.
c@. It measures approximately 7.5° in h;tg(t and
5.5° in width. The visual field a£bmt:;ye~overlap
in their medial part to form the a f(binocular
The Visual Pathway
~ in which objects are seen by both the eyes.
Visual fibres originate in the nerve cell layer The extent of visual field is described under the
in the retina (from bipolar and ganglion cells). discussion section.

Patient's actual visual field

@ ,@ Normal

brand's knee
~ ~
~ 2 Monocular blindness
~dl~ -
ght90J 'jQ(.L ~

~ 3(fj ~
Bitemporal hemianopia
we. . ~
(.H~--ron~) NdT ~f'a.. .

._-. ;5 ~}© Homonymous hemianopia

radiations j1 ~ s@
.• .

03,L\ND .S:~
METHOD commonly used petinn~cer in physidlogy labora-
tories is Lister's perimeter.
The part of the external world visible to a person Lister's perimeter (Fig. 46.2) This consists of a
when he fixes his gaze on an object is called the field broad concave metal arc, which can be rotated
of vision. The me~ harting the field of vision around its centre, clockwise or anticlockwise. The
is called ~ The field of vision charted with metallic arc is graduated in degrees. There is a
one eye {the other eye closed) gives the :field of groove in one limb of the metalic ar,c, into which
vision for that eye. One eye is covered while the a test object is fitted. The concavity of the arc faces
other is fixed on a central point. A small target is the subjest. The arc rotates through various angles
moved towards this central point along the selected on a pivot in any direction along with the test ob-
meridians. Along each meridian, the ~cation where ject. There are two metallic chin rests. At the back
the object becomes first visible is plotted in degrees, of the perimeter, there is an arrangel!}efa for fixing
~ a;;:d is repeated in all meridians. Determination of the perimeter chart. ~
the visual field by the confrontation method is described
in Chapter 39 (2 nd cranial nerve) . 2. Perimeter chart (Fig. 46.3) Th~ ntre of the
chart corresRonds to theGim. -The concen-
Re uirements tric circl~ .armmd...!he centre denotes the point of
1. Perimeter Perimeter is the instrument that equal visual acuity~ isopt~s and is marked in
accurately maps the field of vision. There are degrees (at 10° intervals) from the central :fixation
different types of perimeters available. The com- points. Perimeter charts contain lines through the
monly used perimeters are Priestley-Smith's centre of the circle denoting various meridians in
perimeter, Lister's perimeter and student's pe- degrees. These radii (meridians) are marked at 15°
rimeter (a simple hand perimeter). The most intervals. A black oval dot present on the horizon-
.x.Dt"DN\.Q.. ➔ r'~o~\c_aJ_ '\i\.....~~~
Perimetry 315

5. Ask the subject to sit straight and rest his chin on

one of the chin rests.Ill When the field of vision
of the rig ~ is to be tested. the subject should
rest his c on t~e left chin ,rest. This brings his
- - - 11-Aehmlk right eye in line with the fixation point. Cr.en\-re,. ~1:)
6. Focus the eye to be examined an the fixed a~ct,
which is a white object of 5 mm size p,hsed at
thu entre a£, thern_era))jc arc.11111 It shoul,d be
emphasised that the subject's gaze should be fixed
at the object throughout the maneuver.
7. Fix the metallic arc in one m eridian.
8. M ove the test object (which is fixed to the carrier
along the arc) gradually from the periphery (90°)
towards the central fixation point and ask the
subject to indicate when he first sees the object, and
note the point.
9. Note this reading in degrees on the~ marking
on the chart for that meridian./? 0
10. Repeat the procedure at~ interv the field
of vision is plotted in ~eridians of the four
quadrants.1111 The blind spot is marked along~
the horizontal meridian in the temporal quadrant. 'l3I
ar t e point of disappearance y nngmg t e tes
Fig. 46.2 Listers perimeter ( 1 Metallic arc 2 Removable st11elcJ object towards the centre after initial appearance in
3 Hard wheel 4 Chart plate 5 Chin rest\
the field and point of reappearance with further
tal meridian (15° on either side of the central furn- @ movement of the object in the same line. This gives
an idea of the size of the blind s ot.
tion point) corresponds to the normal blind spot.
For comparison with the normal field of vision, 12. Repeat the whole procedure in the opposite eye on
right and left visual fields are marked on the chart the same chart.
as dotted lines. For mapping the visual field, the Observation
chart is fixed to the back of the perimeter.
Observe the obtained field of vision and compare it
3. Test objects Test objects of different colours and with the normal visual field depicted in the chart. ~
diameters are used. Usually, the size of the test the sit~ and size of blind sp9t.~
objects is 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mm. The test object
id itted into a ca·r rier, which moves in a groove in
1. The subject must be instructed properly.
one limb of the metal arc. The test object moves
with a knob, which causes, movement of a pin on 2. Before mapping the field of vision, the perimetry
the back of the metal arc. The most common4' chart should be studied thoroughly.
used object is white and 5 mm in size. 3. While testing for one eye, the other eye should be
Procedure 4. The eye should be fixed on the ce.11tral..€¼ation
1. Read the perimeter chart. point. 1"n:oca~
2. Supply proper instructions to the subject. 5. The procedure should be l!eeated at 15° intervals
3. Ask the subject to sit on a stool comfortably in till the field of vision is plotted in all meridians.
front of the perimeter. 6. The mapping should be done in a dockwise
4. Arrange the perimeter in such a way that the direction.
concavity of the arc faces the subject. 7. The blind spot should be marked along the


Blind spot (.) 16 •

(by perimeterf-'

Blind spot @,. \'5 •

(by scotometer)
27 90

Field of vision
(right eye)

Left Right

Fig. 46.3. Lister's perimeter chart

horizontal meridian in the temporal quadrant. central field of visio~ ripheral field of v~n
8. The field of vision should be tested for both the is mapped by perubetry whereas t ce tral field of
eyes separately. vision is mapped with the hel of a Im mt screm errom's
9. illumination should be adequate throughout the screen) in which a white target js moved across a ~ck
procedure. screen.
10. The subject @io~ d remove his glassev if he
normally uses them, otherwise the field of vision Factors that Affect Field of Vision
will be restricted. ~v-\-,. ',n ~n\-o:h~
~t t
The field of vision depends on: e, \ CS)
1. ThC£~V'f the object. Visual acuity is better for
a w~ b le,c t than coloured objects. Thus the field
The visual field of each eye is the portion of the external of vision is better delineated with a white object.
world visible in that _eye. The visua= ~y Roughly, the field of vi · tained by using blue
should be cicrnlar, but~Jially is r;;."e ~ se and yellow ohjects is 1 0 ~ d that by using
medially and rQofJ2£,.t J.hit superiorly. Mapping of red and green objects is less b 20 om the visual
visual fields is one of the important tests in clinical field obtained by a white object. Rft
neurology to detect different diseases of the brain, 2. Size of the object. The larger the size of the object
especially of those that affect the visual pathway. - the better the visual acuity. However, a standard
The visual field is divided into the peripheral and size object is used in perimetry.
Perimetry 317

3. Brightness of the object. Brightness, contrast and sides of the visual field is called heteronymous defect
illumination affect visual acuity and therefore, field (Fig. 46.1).
ofvision. ~
Com lete blindness
4. illumination. Poor illumination decreases the visual
This occurs due to lesion of the optic nerves. If the
lesion is on one side it causes blindness of that eye.
Normal Field of Vision
Heteron mous hemiano ia :).
The normal field of vision with a white object of 5 mm The lesions that affect 9I?tic chi~m, for example,
size 1s: tumours of pituitary glana expanding the sella turcica
Temporal : U001 (since there is no anatomical causes this defect. Bitemporal hemianopia is seen
~ ruction on the temporal side of the commonly whereas binasal hemianopia occurs rarely.
eyes, the extent of the field of vision in this
I quadrant is more). Homon ·mous hemiano ia
t Inferior : 75° (maxilla of the cheek provides The lesion of the optic tract causes this defect. Lesion
anatomical obstruction and reduces the of the right side of the optic tract produces left


• extent of the field in this quadrant.)
Superior 60° (.supraorbital margin provides
anatomical obstruction and reduces the
extent of the field in this quadrant.)
homonymous hemianopia and lesi~n of the left optic
tract produces right homonymous hemianopia.

Homon ·mous
hemiano ia with macular
Nasal 60° (nasal bridge provides anatomical

obstruction and reduces the extent of the The lesion in the geniculocalcarine tract causes_~his
· t his quadrant.)
field rn ~ . . The macular sparing
defect. .. (loss of pei:ipheral ws10n
\l:Y with mtact macular v1S100) occurs because the macular
Visual Field Defects representation is separate &om that of the peripheral
field and is large relative to that of the peripheral fields.
A defect in the same side of both visual fields is called Therefore, the lesion in the occipital cortex must
a homonymous defect and a defect in half of the visual extend to large areas to affect peripheral as well as
field is called hemianopia. A defect in the opposite macular vision.

- - - - - - - - -- -- - VIVA
1. What is perimetry?
2. What is the use of perimetry in ophthalmology and neurology?
3. What are the different types of perimeters?
4. What are the precautions taken for doing perimetry?
5. Why is the visual field not circular?
6. What are the factors that affect field of vision?
7. Trace the visual pathway.
8. What are the visual field defects produced by lesions at various levels in the visual pathway?
9. How is central field of vision determined?
10. What is blind spot? How is it detected?
11. What is scotoma? ~ 1) ~ ~ bfrnc}. ~ @ '\)CU.\°\ol \.~ e\-'"'I'~"\~ ~
·,h Cl.1'\ o ~ ~ \ M. ,\ ~ o ) ' ~ ~~-
4 7 Visual Acuity

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Therefore, visual acuity is maximal at the fovea and

less io rhe periphery of the retina. --
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
L Explain the importance of determining visual () Stimulus factors
acuity in clinical medicine. The main stimulus factors are the size and colour of
2. Define visual acuity. the object.
3. List the factors that affect visual acuity.
Size of the ?hject Size of th e object and its distance
4. Determine the visual acuity for distant and near
from the eye affect visual acuity. Visual acuity is di-
rectly proportional to the visu al angle 01A).
5. List the precautions taken for determining visual
acuity. ol VA = Size of the object
6. Define myopia and hypermetropia. ~ Distance of the object from the eye
7. Name the type of lens used to correct the defects ~\e.
Colour of the object Visual acu ity is better for
of visual acuity for distant and near vision.
white objects t~ or coloured objects. Visual acu-
ity also depends on the br.igKtness of the stimulus,
c~ ast between t he stimufu; and the background,
INTRODUCTION and the len® of time the subject is exposed to the
Visual acuity is defined as the resolving power of the
eyes, that is, to what extent the ey e can perceive the "
de~ s and co.r\)t)urs of an object. It can be explained METHODS
in terms of@ummum separable dist~, th at is, the
Test for Distant Vision
smallest gap by which two lines can e separated and
still b\ seen as two separate lines. Visual acuity is the Principle
~ function of cones. It is tested separately for distant A series of letters of varying sizes are constructed in
v1s1on and near vision. ~ such a way that the top letter is visible to normal eyes
at 60 metres, and the subse ue t · e at 6, 24, 18, 12;--

Factors Affecting Visual Acuity

9, 6, and 5 metres resp•~ ~~t!~ffl~~ is recorded
according to the form a V = d I D here V is the
Visual acuity is mainly affected by three factors: optical visual acuity, dis the distance at which th e letters are
factors, retinal factors and stimulus factors. readl and D is the distance at w hich the letters should
be read.
I\) Optical factors
T h e image forming mechanism is the Efimary factor Requirement
that determines visual acuity. Optical aberrations and Snellen's c hart (Fig. 47.1) Su ellen's letters are depict-
defects of the image forming mechanism decrease the ed on a cardboard with eight rows of black letters of
visual acuity. different fonts. The tapmost line can be read by a oac-
mal subject at a distance of 60 meters and su bsequent
~A!etinal factors lines at 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6, and 5 metres, respectively.
Visual acuity is the function of the cones. Cones are
more in nu mber at the centre (densely packed in the Procedure
fovea centralis) th an in the periphery of the retina. l. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
'71 vciliJe ~ ~~~~"'~
2. Ask the subject to sit at a distance of 6 metres from acuity is 6/60. If ~ ject can read the lowest line the
the chart (d = 6). visual acuity is® t.hat is, he has better than normal
3. Ask him to close one of his eyes and read the chan vision. Normal visual acuity is 6/6. Accordingly visual
with the other eye. acuity is expressed as 6/6, 6/ 9, 6/12, 6/18, 6/24, and
4. Note up to which line the subject is able to read 6/36, respectively, depending on the line up to which
comfortably. the subject can read. If his visual acuity is less than
5. Ask him to repeat the procedure with the opposite 6/60, that is, the subject cannot read the top line from
eye. a distance of 6 metres, he should moye closer until he
can read th1e top letter. If the top letter is visible at 2
Precautions meters, the visual acuity is expressed as 2/60. If the
1. The subject should be instructed properly. acuity of vision is less than 1/60, the subject is asked to
2. It should be ascertained that the subject knows the count fingers held up (jf._ngercountincmet,J;od} or to perceive
letters Qanguage) written on the Snellen's chart. hand movement (hI!PJUnOvement ,neJh,od). If the subject
3. The Snellen's chart should be well lightc;d. cannot count the finger or perceive hand movement,
4. The patient should sit exactly at a distance of a light is focused in front of his eyes and he is asked
6 meters from the chan. whether he perceives the light (ligh_!jerception methoff).
5. Each eye should be tested separately.
6. If the subject wears glasses, visual acuity should be Test fo€_ear Visi~
tested with and without them.
Principle ~
_9bserv!tion The visual acuity for near vision is tested by reading
If only the top letter of the chart is visible, the visual Jaeger's chart at ordinary reading distance. This
consists of letters of various sizes based on the principle
60 of Printer's p11int .ryste~ ·

A_pparatus 1reguired
Jaeger's ch:art
This chart (Fig. 47.2) consists of letters of various sizes
on the Printer's point system·. The smallest point is NS
and the largest point is N36.

D F 24
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
2. The room should be weU-ligbted and the subject
should sit comfortably.

HZ P 3. Hold Jaeger's chart at a distance of 10-12 inches

from the subject's eyes. (_ 30c nv
18 4. Ask the subject to read the letters of the different
TXUD sizes.
12 5. l5No';$te malles e of the letters that the subject
can r ~co ortably.
6. Repeat the test separately for each eye with the
P N U H X T other eye closed.
UAZN FDT Precautions
5 1. It shoulld be ascertained that the subject knows the
languag;e in which the letters are written.
Fig. 47.1 . Snellen·s chart 2. The room should be adequately lighted.
320 Chapter 47

When I was len years old, my father had 8 sm8l1 ostate near Satan, - • he used to lake us d..-;ng lhe hoidays. II was situated In rough and uncultivated counlry skle
where WIid anmals-. often ..., Once we r--d lh8t there was• panther ,n Iha sumxn:lings Who was lolling the cattle and ettadang lhe villagers Falhe< had warned
me no< to wander far ftom home In Iha evon,ngs. I had made lnends with • young Yllage, called Ramu.

Ramu used to drive the cattle to graze and bring them back to shelter at the end or the day. He was lean and or a short build and was
barely fifteen. He used to be my companion whenever I meet him winding his way home. One afternoon, just about five o'dock, earty
In the month of March, chance brought us together.

As there had beer. considerable variation in the series of Jaeger's test types produced by different printers,
a new series of ~tandard graduated test types for near vision has been recommended by the Faculty of
Opthalmologists of England in which Times Roman types are used with standard spacing.

Nt O
The eye to be examined is anaesthetised with 1% solution in anaethine and the in-
strument is lightly pressed against the eye in the suspected area. If there is a solid
tumour, the pupil remains dark. Then the instrument is placed on another region when
the pupil is found to be red.

Fig. 47.2. Jaegers chart

3. The Jaeger's chart should be kept at a distance of the Isms is convex; and if the object ~OU~~~
about 25 cm from the subject. direction, the lens is concave. Concave lenses are used
4. The test should be performed with both eyes open. for myopia and convex lenses for hypermetropia.
It should also be performed sepacare)y for each eJce For young children, simple pictures constructed
with the other eye closed. on a chart on the basis of Suellen's principle can be
used. Another test used for children is the Sherida11-
Observation Gardinertest in which Suellen's leners are matched with
Express the result by noting the smallest size of leners different types of objects. For ~ o n s the~'
that the subject can read. test is eftectivei '--77
Myopia or shortsightedness is an error of refraction
The visual acuity of a normal person is 6/6, that is, in which parallel rays of light coming from a distant
the subject should be able_to read up to the seventh object are focused in from of the retina. The person
~ -If his visual acuity is less than 6/ 6, it is considered caJ).not see distant objec;ts. It is corrected by using
to be reduced. For correction of the acuity of vision, concave lenses.
concave lenses are prescribed after doing a thorough
postmidriatic examination of the eye. Hypermetropia
If the subject wears glasses, the type of lens used H ypermetropia or longsightedness is an error of
should be mentioned. The examiner can detect the refraction in which parallel rays of light coming from
type of lens by holding the lens in front of the eye and distant object are focused behind the rerirp.. Thus the
looking at an object through it. Bv moving the lens side person cannot see near objects. It is corrected by using
to side if rbe object moves io rbe opposite direction, convex lenses.
Visual Acuity 321

l. Define visual acuity.
2. What are the factors that affect visual acuity?
3. What is visual angle? How does it affect visual acuity?
4. How do you test visual acuity for distant vision?
I ~
5. How do you test visual acuity for near vision?
6. What are the precautions for the tests of visual acuity?
7. What is the Sheridan-Gardiner test? What is its significance?
8. What is myopia? How do you correct it?
9. What is hypermetropia? How do you correct it?
48 Colour Vision

LEARNING OBJECTIVES amounts, the object looks white. Therefore, for any:
colour there is a co,nJllementary co/Ollfwb.ich when properly
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: rcixed with a specific colour, produces~.
l. Explain the clinical importance of pedorming
the test of colour vision. Pathway of Colour Vision
2. Test the colour vision by using Ishihara chart.
3. Give the function of cone systems. Neurons carrying colour vision in the optic nerve~
4. Trace the pathway of colour vision. through the optic tract ~ arvoce u ar art
5. Classify and define different types of colour of the lateral geniculate body t e t amus.
blindness. From parvocellular l of the LGB, fibres project
You MAY also be able to: to blob re1'ions in layerfour of the visual cortex. Blobs
l. Name the theories of colour vision. are the clusters of cells arranged .uo. a mosaic in the
2. Explain different types of and the mode of visual cortex and are concerned with colour vision.
transmission of colour blindness.
3. Describe other methods of detecting colour Mechanism of Colour Vision
There are two mechanisms of colou1r vision, the retinal
and the cortical.
The retinal mechanism
The human eye has Cability to respond to all The retinal mechanism of colour vision is based on
wavelengths of light ~ 400 to 700 om. This is Young and Helmholtz's theory. According to this
called the visible part of the spectrum. The sense .of theory, the perception of the three primacy colour,s
colour is perceived by cones. There are three types is possible due to the presence of three types of cone
of(cone systems~ red, green and b!ue. There are also systems in the retina, each containing a specific pigment
three types ofcsone p1gments:,cyanolabe, chlorolabe which is ~ ~ a r y
and ep hrolabe showing highest response to specific colour.
parts of the spectrum. Each cone shows maximum
absorption of light at a particular wavelength. Due to The cortical mechanism.
di,.w~~&..Ml,,1,1,1,1~~:.u...i.u.....i.i.u......i.u,~--1:J.~ s of cones by The colour sensitive ganglion cells project to the cells
wavelengths of light, the human eye perceives of the lateral geniculate body (single opponent cells),
urs. For example, the wavelength of 580 which in turn project to the cells of the primary visual
run stimu ates red cones maximally and we perceive cortex (double opponent cells). The cortical cells rn
the colour red. It also stimulates the green cones to turn project to area 18. It is believed that different
some extent and therefore we see the colour orange. colours are perceived by the ac;tiviries io rbe ~ri-m.ary:..
Likewise, the wavelength of 535 nm stimulates green vi1ual cattex and the cortical associ,~ n areas.
cones and the wavelength 445 run stimulates blue \ \
cones maximally, therefore, we perceive the colours
green and blue.
There are 0 ree pn1JJary coloHrs-. red, green and blue, There are different methods of detecting colour vision.
each responding maximally to the light of certain However, the Ishihara chart is rou1tinely used for this
wavelengths. When colours are mixed in appropriate purpose.
Colour Vision 323

Princi~le ing disc in the lantern. This test is usually employed

Colour vision is tested by using Ishihara's chart that for railway recruitment.
consists of lithographi c plates where numericals are Holmgren' s wool-match ing test: In this test, the
drawn in coloured spots amidst other parts of different subject is asked to perform a series of colour-matc hing
colours and sizes. The subject reads the number from a collection of wools of different colours. There
I .__ and traces the athwa b a reciating the colour. are three s.ets of coloured wools: test colours, match
I T he colour of these plates is such that they ar ia e colours and confusini colours. T~subjec t m ~
to be confused with spots in the background by people different colours of all the three groups. Ttv\C L J
with defective colour vision.

Clinical Significance
Re uirements
Ishiliara's chart This consists of lithographi c plates Test for .intactness of colour vision is performed
in which numerals are written in different colour routinely as part of the health check for recruitmen t
spots. The colour of t hese spots is such that they are to a governmen t job or admission to any professional
liable to be confused with spots in the background by courses. In.tact colour visi · r selection
people with defective colour vision. These plates are for posts :related to drivrng, traffic services, · s
so constructed that a person with colour vision defect and armed forc~ fect in 9 eption of colour is
w ill read a different number from a normal person. . ------
called colour blindness:-

Procedure Types of colour blindness

1. Give proper instructions to the subject. Colour blindness is classified into three types:
2. Ask the subject to sit comfortably in a well-lighted
room . 1. Trichmmat s Trichromat s are of two types: prot-
3. Instruct the subject to read the numbers or trace the anomaly and deuteranom aly. The person is less sensi-
lines in each plate of the book. tive to onie of the primary colours.
4. Note if he reads the number or traces the pathway 2. D ichromats Dichromats are of thee types: ~
properly. tano~ia, de~ opia, and tri~ opia. The person
perceives tw~imar y colours. ~ I •
1. The room should be adequately lighted. 3. Monochrom ats The person perceives only one
2. All the plates of the book should be read. primary colour.
3. While reading the plates, a maximum of 5-10 The suffix ~ ~ o u r weakness
seconds sh ould be allowed per e late. and the suffix a op1 re resents lour blindn s. The
prefix prot, deuter and tnt represent red, green and
blue colour defects. For example, protanoma ly means
weakness of perception of red and protanopia means
Other Methods blindness for red. A trichromat has all the three cone
systems hut one system may be weak (protanoma ly
There are other two methods of testing colour vision: or deuteranom aly). A dichromat is an individual
Edridge-Gr een lantern test and Holmgren' s wool- having only two cone systems, with one cone system
matching test. absent. Depending on the absence of a cone system, a
E dridge-Gre en lan tern test In this test, different subject can be protanopic, deuteranop ic or tritanopic.
colours are shown by a lantern and the subject is A monochrom at is a person having only one cone
asked to name the colours. The lantern contains system, with two systems absent.
the following colours: P.ure red, red of different Colour blindness is inherited as X-linked recessive.
intensities, yellow green , signal green, blue and This occurs due to an abnormal gene on the X
puq~le. The subject sits in a gimjy il~ina~ ro_2.!!l chromosom e. Women are the carriers but suffer from
6 met res from the lantern. H e names the colo ~ of the disease only when both X chromosom es carry the
the light, focused thro ugh the glass fixed on a rotat- defective gene.
324 Chapter 48

1. What is the clinical significance of test of colour vision?
2. What is the chart used for detecting colour blindness? What is its principle?
3. What do you mean by colour blindness? How do you classify it?
4. What is the mode of transmission of colour blindness?
5. What are the theories of colour vision? f
6. What is the pathway for colour vision?
7. What are the other methods of detecting colour vision? What is the principle behind each of these methods?
49 Hearing Tests

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Frequency The frequency of the sound stimuli is

detected by the basilar membrane. Sh.upeniog of fre-
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: quency occurs in the hair cells and audig>ry neurons.
1. Explain the importance of performing this The cells in the auditory cortex respond only to a narrow
practical in clinical physiology. range of sound frequency. The frequency of the ~
2. Name the hearing tests. impulses is related to the intensity of the stimulus. ~ . 1 . 1
3. State the principles of the tuning fork test.
4. Perform and interpret the tuning fork tests.
~~ity Intensity of the sound is coded as early
C'l~:£ith the receptors. The outer hair cells respond
5. List the precautions to be taken for tuning
l ; ~ eaker s t i m u l i ~ lower threshold of
fork tests.
' the cilia of the outer hair cells tha;;;; emb~ed in
6. Differentiate conductive deafness from neural
the tectorial membrane. In the auditory cortex, there
are neurons that are maximally sensitive to a specific
.You MAY also be able to:
intensity of the stimulus.
1. Trace the auditory pathway.
2: State the attributes of sounds. Direction The direction of sound is judged by the
3. State the principles of audiometry and BAEP. difference in time and intensi~ at which it arrives at
4. Explain the abnormalities of hearing tests. the two ears. Though ~e@re iaa af san;Di.s detect-
ed by the superior oli~ary nucleus, t~ tory carte~
is essential for perception of the direction of sound.
Pattern The pattern of a sound is the sequence in
Hearing tests are commonly performed by audiologists which different components of the sound appear. This
to detect the type and degree of hearing loss for property of sound is reco~ised by the auditory cort~
prescribing hearing aids. Hearing tests also help alone.
neurologists establish the extent of lesions, especially if
the brainstem is involved in the pathological process. Hearing Tests

A number of hearing tests have been described to

Anatomical and Physiological
detect hearing loss:
1. Watch test
Audito athwa 2. Tuning fork test
Details given in Chapter 42. 3. Audiometry
4. Recording of brainstem auditory evoked potentials
Ph iolo ical basis [Pb~~ J (BAEP}
The commonly used hearing tests in clinical prac~ice
Characteristics of sound Perception and mterpreta-
tion of speech is a comple.~ eno~.!,h.ere are are tuning fork tests.
four~~W.£ es of sound: ~~ guen~, in~ty~ection
and p ~ - The sound waves are sensed by the hair METHOD S
cells of the cochlea and the impulses are transmitted
to the auditory cortex by a very complex pathway. Princi le
The actual perception and interpretation of most as- Sound is sensed by the hair cells in the ear and ~a ducted
pects of sound take place in the auditory cortex. via auditory pathways to the auditory cortex. A defect
326 Chapter 49
in either percept~ or co~uction of sound can lead 2. Hold the stem of the tuning fork between the
to hearing loss. Tu~ fork tests are based on the thumb and tlhe index finger in such a way that the
principle that sound is conducted to the ear by the air fi.uger , s ~ ~ch the bJades af rbe tuning fork.
(air conduction). Therefore, deafness can be detected 3. Make the tuning fork vibrate by suddenly stroking
by testing air conduction or by directly stimulating the the blades of the fork against the hypothenar
bone that conducts sound. eminence or the thigh.
4. Immediately place the base of the vibrating tuning ,
Re uirements fork on the mastoid process of one side and ask the
1. Watch subject to raise his finger when he ceases to hear the I
2. Tuning fork (512 Hz). Tuning forks of higher sound. I
frequency like 512 Hz or 256 Hz produce more 5. Once he stoips hearin~- hold the vibrating tuning
sound than vibration, whereas tuning forks with fork very close to his ear and ask him whetherh e
lower frequency produce more vibration than liears the sound. WheI!.,_he sto_ps *aring it, bring the I
sound. Therefore, 512 Hz or 256 Hz tuning forks tuning fork dose to your ear to co®m whether l
are preferred for hearing tests. the vibration has actually stopped. J
3. Audiometer 6. Record your observation.
Watch Test 1. Proper instructions should be given to the subject.
Procedure 2. The tuning fork should be held by the stem, taking
1. Ask the subject to close his eyes. care not to touch the blades.
2. Ask him to plug one ear with a finger. 3. To start the vibration in the tuning fork, the fork
3. Slowly bring a watch from a distance to his opened should be stroked against the hypothenar eminence
ear and ask him when he hears the sound. or the thigh, not against the table or any hard
4. Note the distance at which the subject hears the surface.
sound of the wrist watch. 4. If the subject stops hearing the sound, the
5. Repeat the same in the other ear. vibrating tuning fork should be taken close to the
6. C o m p a r e ~ normal subject. examiner's ear (taking the examiner as normal) for
comparison. '2,o-n e.... "'"""' A\~ ~ ?,\o
D isadvantages
1. It detects only gross hearing impairment. Weber's test
2. It cannot detect the nature and degree of hearing
Principle Webier's test cqm pares bone conduction of
both the ears.
Tuning Fork Tests
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject.
There are three types of tuning fork tests: Rinne's test, 2. Make the tuning fork vibrate by hitting the blades
Weber's test and Schwabach test. ~ of the fork ag;ainst the hypothenar eminence or the
h,#1_ ~
\,4 N__
Rinne's test -,-- v - ::---:-;- 3. Place the base of the vibrating tuning fork on
the vertex of the skull or on the forehead of the
4. Ask the subject to indicate whether he hears egually
QJJ barb sides or if the sound is better heard in one

1. Precautions
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject (subject
should understand the procedure of the test).
Visual Acuity 327

2. To make the tuning fork vibrate, hit the blades of decibel at which the patient hears the tone is called t he
the fork against the hypothenar eminence or the threshold. A graph is plotted showing the audiometric
thigh. threshold as a function of frequency discrimination.
This graph is called an audiogram .
Schwabach test
Principle This test compares the bone conduction of Brainstem Auditory Evoked
the subject with that of the examiner. Potential (BAEP)
Procedure This is t!he most accurate method to d.ifrei:eo.ti.ate
1. Supply proper instructions to the subject. o~awc deafue,ss from fuocrjonal ~fness, and the exact
2. Make the tuning fork vibrate. site of hearing loss. The detail of BAEP is described in
3. Place the vibrating tuning fork over the subject's Chapter 42 (Fig. 42.1).

mastoid process.
4. Ask the subject to raise his finger when he stops
hearing the sound.
5. Immediately place the rnuiug fork on your own Rinne's Test
IIEStaid process and check if you still hear the
sound. This test compares bone conduction with air
conduction of the same ear. If the hearing is normal,
Precautions the subject will hear the sound of the vibrating fork
1. Proper instructions should be given to the subject. by air conduction even after he has ceased hearing
2. Once the subject stops hearing the sound, a by bone conduction, because air conduct10n is better
comparison should be made with the examiner by than bone conduction. This is called iifune positiv:-a
placing the tuning fork on his mastoid process. In conduction deafness, vibrations in the air are not hear
after bone conduction is over, that is, bone conductio B;
Audiometry is better than air conduction. This is Rinne negative.
In total 11en1t deafness, no sound is heard in either case.
Principle and brief rocedure In partial n•en,e deafness, the Rinne test becomes positive.
Audiometry is an objective and accurate method to assess
the degree of deafness and frequency ran~ at which it Weber's Test
manifests. This is done by using an audioiwter, which
-....,:w ,_,__

is,.an ~ CtLoacQll.Stic.,,deYi,ce. The test is conducted in ·a Normally sound is heard equally in both ears. If sound
soun~ f room. One e; r is tested at a time with the is heard bffier)n the defective ear, th~ hearing ~oss is
help of an earphone. The subject flashes a light when due to col'l'fluction deafness. If the sound 1s louder m the
a sound is heard. At each frequency the threshold f"""r!~ e:~, the hearing loss in the defective ear is due
intensity is determined and plotted against a graph as a '--~ 11en·e de,efness.
percentage of normal hearing. The audiometer provides
pure tones of different frequencies a~ of Schwabach Test
lQJ ~ss. OL ..Ul!_~sity from an oscillator connected
via an amplifier to the earphones. Routinely, the If the subject is normal, bone conduction of the subject
audiometer provides a minimum of 7 tones (250, 500, is equal to 19.~uct~n of the exarnjp.![Jp. cor(duction
1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 8000 H z). The intensity deafness, bonedbndiict~ is better t h a n ~ ~ 11eroe•
of each tonal frequency can be increased. The lowest deaj,1ess, bone conduction is worse than normal.
328 Chapter 49

1. What are the uses of hearing tests in clinical medicine?
2. What are the anributes of sound?
3. What are the different hearing tests?
4. What are the principles of hearing tests?
5. What are the tuning fork tests?
6. How do you perform Riane's test? What are the precautions for this test?
7. How do you perform Weber's test? What are the precautions of this test?
8. How do you perform the Schwabach test? What are the precautions of this test?
9. What is the principle of audiometry?
10. What is BAEP? What is its use in diagnosis of hearing loss?
11. What is the significance of the Rinne test? What do you mean by Rinne positive and Rinne negative?
12. How do you differentiate nerve deafness from conduction deafness by using Weber's test?
13. What is the significance of the Schwabach test?
14. How are the observations of hearing tests interpreted?
Ans. Interpretation of tuning fork tests is performed as given in the tabular form below.

Name of the test Observation Inference

Riane's test i) Air conduction is greater than bone conduction i) Normal
(Rinne positive)
ii) Bone conduction is greater than air conduction ii) Conduction deafness
(Rinne negative) iii) Complete nerve
iii) Both air and bone conductions are absent deafness

iv) Air conduction is greater than bone conduction iv) Partial nerve deafness
in the defective ear (Rinne false positive)
Weber's Test i) Sound is heard equally in both ears
ii) Sound is better heard in the defective ear
i) Normal ..
ii) Conduction deafness in
Qateralized to the defective ear) the defective ear
iii) Sound is better heard in the healthy ear
~ateralized to the healthy ear)
-- ii) Partialnerve deafness in
the defective ear
Schwabach Test i) Bone conduction of the subject is equal to the i) Normal
bone conduction of the examiner
ii) Bone conduction of the subject is better than the ii) Conduction deafness in
bone conduction of the examiner the subject
iii) Bone conduction of the subject is worse than iii) Partial nerve deafness in
the bone conduction of the examiner the subject
-- I,

-•,..__ .
50 Examination of .Taste and Smell

r After completing this practical you WILL be able to:

1. Describe the importance of examination of taste
There are four primary tastes: sweet, sour, salt and
bitter. Receptors for these tastes are different and are
distributed in different parts of the tongue.
and smell in clinical physiology.
Sweet Receptors for the sweet taste are present
2. Name the primary tastes.
mainly in the tip of the tongue.
3. Explain the distribution of receptors for primary
tastes in the tongue. Salt Receptors for the salt taste are present mainly in
4. ame the cranial nerves that carry the sensations
the centre of the dorsum of 1:he tongue.
of smell and taste.
5. Examine the sensations of smell and taste. Sour Receptors for the sour taste are distributed
6. List the precautions taken while performing the mainly in the lateral portions of the tongue.
7; Name the conditions that alter the sensations of Bitter Receptors for the bitter taste are distributed
taste and smell. primarily in the back of the tongue.
You MAY also be able to:
1. Trace the auditory pathway. Taste pathway
2. Trace the pathway for taste and smell. The first order of neurons carries the sensation from
3. Explain the physiological bases of the the receptors in the seventh., ninth and tenth cranial
... abnormalities associated with taste and smell. nerves to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the
medulla. The second order of neurons arises from
the NTS. They ascend the medial lemniscus to relay in
INTRODUCTION the thalamus. The third order of neurons arises from
the thalamus and projects w the lower part of the
The sensations of smell and taste are very basic to our postcentral gyros (Fig. 50.1).
existence as they are closely associated with ingestive
behaviours. The olfactory nerve carries the sensation SmE~II
of smell from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory cortex
of the brain. Facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves The sensation of smell is more developed in animals
carry the sensation of taste from the receptors in the (macrosomatic) and less developed in humans
tongue to the postcentral gyros of the cortex. (microsomatic). Receptors aire present in the olfactory
mucosa. This is the only part of the central nervous
Taste system that is exposed to the external world.

Taste receptors are present in the taste buds that are Olfactory pathway
distributed in the papillae of the tongue, and mucous · The first order neurons carrying the sensation pierces
membrane of the .oral cavity. The seventh cranial the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to reach the
nerve carries the sensation of taste from the anterior olfactory bulb. In the olfactory bulb, they synapse with
two-thirds of the tongue, the ninth cranial nerve the dendrites of the mitral and tufted cells to form the
carries the sensation of taste from the posterior third olfactory glome~li. The glomeruli also -;eceive inputs
of the tongue, and the tenth cranial nerve carries the from the granule cells, which can modulate the output
sensation from the pharyngeal region. from the olfactory bulb. The second order neurons
330 Chapter 50

(axons of the mitral cells) forms the olfactory tract that

Sensory cortex divides into the medial and lateral pathways. The fibres
in the lateral division project to the olfactory lobe of
the same side to terminate in the centres for olfaction
{prepyriform cortex, amygdala and preamygdaloid

areas). The fibres in the medial division project to
the opposite olfactory tubercle from where they go
Medial lemniscus to the dorsomeclial nucleus of the thalamus and the
orbitofrontal cortex.
This is described in Chapter 39.


The physiologic~J significance and clinical importance

of examination of taste and smell are described in
Chapter 39.
Fig. 50.1. Pathway for taste sensation NTS Nucleus t1 actus
sol1tarius IX Ninth cranial nerve VII Seventh cranial nerve

1. What are the primary tastes?
2. What is the distribution pattern of receptors for primary tastes in the tongue?
3. What is the pathway for the taste sensation?
4. What are the abnormalities of the taste sensation?

5. What is the pathway for the sensation of smell?
6. What are the abnormalities of the sensation of smell?
51 Semen Analysis


r After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
l 1. Describe the importance of semen analysis in 3.
Neubauer's chamber and WBC pipette
Freshly collected sample of semen
clinical practice.
2. List the indications for semen analysis.
3. State the composition of normal semen. Procedure
4. Appreciate the morphology and motility of the 1. Collect semen from the person after a period of
sperm under the microscope. sexual abstinence for a minimum of two days.
5. List the precautions taken for semen analysis. 2. Perform semen analysis 30 minutes after collection
6. Correlate the abnormal findings, if detected, with of the sample. Ill Imrnediatel y after collection,
the clinical problem. semen coagulates and liqudies after 15-20 minutes.
Therefore, the sample is examined 30 minutes after
collection. Semen contains fibrinogen, which is
INTRODUCTION converted to fibrin by an unknown mechanism on
exposure to atmosphere , and coagulates the sample.
Semen analysis is the most important test for Plasmin is also present in semen and is activated in
evaluation of male fertility. It is routinely ordered 30 minutes and liquefies the sample.
in clinical practice to know if infertility is due to 3. Measure the volume of the sample.
a defect in the semen. It is also performed after 4. Observe whether the sample has been uniformly
vasectomy to check the completene ss of the surgical liquefied.
procedure. It reflects the activity of the testes and 5. Examine the motility and morpholog y of the
accessory sex organs. sperm, first under the low-power and then under
the high-power objective of the microscope.
Features of normal semen
6. Count the sperm by using Neubauer's chamber and
Volume 2-5 ml per ejaculation
• the WBC pipette.111 11 Seminal fluid is drawn up
Motility > 60% of sperms should be actively to the 0.5 mark of the WBC pipette and then diluted
motile (within 3 hours of collection) up to the 11 mark by using 4% sodium bicarbonate
Count > 40 million/ml is considered normal in 1% phenol. Then Neubauer's chamber is charged
Liquefaction Should liquefy within 30 minutes and sperm count is done in WBC squares. N x 50
(for details of calculation and steps of counting, see
Morpholog y > 70 per cent should have normal 3
Chapter 9) gives the sperm count in mm of fluid.
morpholog y
N x 50,000 gives the sperm count per ml of fluid.
pH Normal pH 7.2-7.7
7. Determine the pH of the sample.
Fru~ose Fructose normally present 8. Determine the viscosity of the sample by using the
METHODS 9. Estimate the sugar (fructose) content of the sample
by appropriate biochemica l tests.
Analysis of freshly collected sample of semen gives Precautions
informatio n about male fertility, which is detected by 1. The sample should be collected after a minimum of
examining the sample under the microscope. 48 hours of abstinence.
332 Chapter 51

2. The sample should be taken for analysis 30 minutes
after collection. Sperm count below 20 million/ml indicates sterility.
3. The analysis should ideally be done within A count between 20--40 million per ml indicates
6 hours of collection. If the analysis is likely to borderline cases of infertility.
be delayed, the sample should be stored in the 1

refrigerator and before analysis, the temperature

of the sample should be brought to normal room
4. While counting sperms, all the precautions of
hemocytometry should be followed.
Li uefaction
Delayed liquefaction of more than 2 hours suggests
inflammation of the accessory glands or enzyme defects
in the secretory products of the glands. Liquefaction
occurs due to the presence of plasmin in the prostatic

Note your observation under the following heads: Morphology
1. Volume Normally 70 per cent of the sperms should have normal
2. Motility morphology. Abnormalities of more than 30 per cent
3. Count indicate pathology. The abnormalities may be found
in the form of abnormal shapes and ·poorly formed
4. Liquefaction
head or tail. Abnormal sperms may have bifurcated
5. Morphology
tail, bifid head, spirally coiled tail or absence of head.
6. pH
7. · Fructose content . Rt!
pH below 7.0 indicates that the semen primarily
DISCUSSION contains prostatic fluid, which may be due to congenital
absence of the seminal vesicles or excessive secretion of
Volume the prostatic fluid.
A low volume might suggest an anatomical or
functional defect or an inflammatory condition of the Fructose
genital tract. Sugar is usually present in the semen. Its absence
indicates obstruction or absence of the ejaculatory
Motility ducts or seminal vesicle.
In a normal sample, at least 60 per cent of the sperms. A normal report of semen analysis does not
should show good forward motility within the first guarantee fertility. However, grossly reduced sperm
three hours of collection of the specimen. Motility less count and motility or presence of abnormal sperms
than 60 per cent is considered subnormal and less than in large numbers definitely suggest that the person is
40 per cent suggests infertility. sterile.

VIVA - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
1. What is the normal composition of the semen?
2. What is the importance of semen analysis in clinical practice?
3. When is a person considered infertile?
4. Why is there a need for abstinence of 48 hours before collecting the sample?
5. Why should the analysis be done after 30 minutes of collection of the sample?
6. Why should the analysis be done ideally within 6 hours of collection of the sample?
7. What is the mechanism of coagulation and liquefaction of seminal fluid?
8. What is normal sperm count?
52 Pregnancy Diagnostic Tests

LEARNING OBJECTIVES pregnancy. In immunological tests, hCG is detected in

the urine or serum of the pregnant woman by reaction
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: with specific antibodies to hCG.
1. Describe the clinical significance of pregnancy
diagnostic tests {PDTs). TYPES
2. Name the different pregnancy diagnosis tests.
3. State the principles of biological and Biological Tests
immunological PDTs. Ascheim-Zondek test
I 4. Compare the merits and demerits of various Procedure Immature female mice weighing 6-10 g
PDTs. (20-30 days old) are used. The urine is injected intra-

l 5. Explain the role of various hormones in the

maintenance of pregnancy.
peritoneally or subcutaneously into five mice in vary-
ing doses (0.2-0.4 ml) thrice daily for two days. The
abdomen is opened after 100 hours and ovarian
changes are observed. A positive test is indicated by
INTRODUCTION enlarged and hyperemic ovaries, and the presence of
recent corpus luteum.
Most laboratory tests of pregnancy are based on
demonstration of human chorionic gonadotropin Accuracy The accuracy rate of this test 1s about
(hCG) in the urine of the pregnant woman. As hCG 90 per cent.
in the urine appears within two weeks of pregnancy,
it provides the early diagnosis of pregnancy. The tests
are classified into biological tests, immunological tests 1. It takes at least one week to give the report.
and other tests. The biological tests are not routinely 2. Large numbers of animals are required for the test.
performed in clinical practice as these are time 3. It is expensive.
consuming and expensive, and interpretation of these
4. It requires experience (knowledge of histology} to
tests requires knowledge of the histological study of detect the corpus luteum in sections of the ovary.
the gonadal tissues. Immunological tests are usually
5. It requires microscopic study to interpret the
carried out to diagnose pregnancy as these tests can
I results.
,_ be performed in less time and they detect pregnancy
as early as the seventh day of gestation. However,
recently ultrasonographic detection of pregnancy has Kopperman test
Procedure Immature female rats are used for this
virtually replaced the other tests of pregnancy.
test. The urine of the pregnant woman is injected sub-
• cutaneously. The positive test is indicated by marked
METHODS hyperemia of the ovaries after 6 hours of injection.·
Princi le Accuracy This test gives an accurate result of up to
hCG is excreted in the urine of pregnant women as 90 per cent.
early as 8-12 days after conception. Detection of hCG
in the urine permits early diagnosis of pregnancy. In Disadvantages
biological tests, the urine of the pregnant woman is 1. The test is expensive.
injected into female animals and its action on ovarian 2. It requires animals.
morphology is studied to confirm the presence of 3. It requires skill/experience
334 Chapter 52

Friedman test Collection of urine The patient is advised to restrict

Procedure Adult female rabbits are used for this water intake from the evening and the • first urine
experiment. Urine (15 ml) from the pregnant woman sample the next morning is collected in a clean con-
is injected intravenously into the rabbit. The positive tainer. The test should be performed within 12 hours
test is indicated by the presence of fresh corpus luteum of collection of urine. The specific gravity of the urine
and corpus hemorrhagica in the ovary, 36-48 hours
after the injection.

1. The test is expensive.
2. It requires animals.
should be. at least 1.015 and it should be protein free.

Brief steps When the urine containing hCG is

added to the hCG antisera, the hCG will combine
w~th its,. antibody and neutralise the antibody. If the
hCG-coated tanned red cells or latex particles are then
3. It needs experience. adaed, no agglutination occurs. The positive test is
indicated by no agglutinatiop. If the urine does not
Hogben test contain hCG to which hCG antisera is added, the
Procedure Adult female toads (Xenopus lavis) are used antibody will remain available to agglutinate with the
for the experiment. The urine of the pregnant woman added hCG coated particle (tanned red cells or latex
is injected into the lymph space. Positivity is indicated particles), then agglutination occurs, which is negative
by ovulation (extrusion of eggs) within 18 hours of for pregnancy.
Tests performed The standard immunological tests
Disadvantages performed are:
1. The test requires animals. 1. Latex agglutination inhibition (LAI) test:
2. It needs experience Gravindex test
2. Hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test:
Galli-Mainini test Pregnosticon test
Procedure Male toads (bufobufo) are taken for this The materials are supplied in the kits containing all the
experiment. The urine of the pregnant woman is in- reagents needed for the test.
jected into the toad. The positive test result is indicated
by the release of sperms, which are collected from the Inference
cloaca of the test animal 3 hours after injection. LAI test The· test is done on a slide and the result is
o bserved after 2 minutes. Positive pregnancy is sug-
gested by the absence of agglutination, and negative
Immunological tests
test is suggested by the presence of agglutination.
HAI test The test is done in a test tube and the obser-
The hCG secreted from the syncytiotrophoblast has
vation is taken after 2 hours. A positive pregnancy test
antigenic properties. Its presence in the serum or in
is indicated by the formation of a sharply demarcated
the urine can be detected by using specific antibbdies
brown ring at the bottom of the tube; the negative test
a&ainst hCG.
is suggested by the absence of the ring.
Procedure Accur~cy
Selection of time The approximate level of hCG in The LAI test is 98 per cent accurate. The HAI test is 99
urine for sensitivity is 1.5-3.5 IU/ml in the slide test per cent accurate.
and 0.2-1.2 IU/ml in the tube test. This concentra-
tion of hCG is usually reached after the eighth day of Advantages /
pregnancy. Therefore, t he test can be performed any 1. The result is available in a short time.
time after the eighth day of pregnancy. It is ideally 2. It is simple to perform.
performed after 14 days of missed period. 3. It is more accurate than bio logical tests.
Pregnancy Diagnostic Tests 335

Other Tests Hormones of Pregnancy

Radioimmunoassa hCG
The chorion of the placenta secretes hCG. It
!. This is a more sensitive method and can be used to mimics the luteinising hormone (LH). The primary
detect the presence of hCG in the serum as early as 7- function of hCG is to rescue the corpus luteum from
.10 days following fertilisation. The assay can detect
.. even 0.003 IU/ ml of the E subunit and 0.001 IU/ ml
degeneration and to stimulate continued production
of estrogen and progesterone, which is necessary to
r of the a subunit of hCG in the serum. However, it
has limited availability in developing countries.
prevent menstruation and facilitate attachment of the
embryo and fetus ,t~- the lining of the uterus. hCG
appears as early as the sixth day after fertilisation in
Ultrasonography blood and the eighth day afo~r fertilisation in urine,
The gestational ring is detected by ultrasound as the peak is reached at the ninth week of pregnancy
early as fifth week of pregnancy. The real-time and then the level sharply decreases during the fourth
method detects cardiac pulsation by the tenth week and the fifth months.
and fetal movement by the twelfth week.
', hCS
Advantages hCS is human chorionic somatomammotropin
1. It is non-invasive. secreted from the placenta. It helps in preparing the
2. Gives the details of morphology of the fetus. mammary glands for lactation, enhances growth of the
fetus by increasing protein sy1nthesis, causes nitrogen,
3. Detects abnormalities if present.
potassium and calcium retention, causes lipolysis and
4. Gives details about the amount of liquor present. decreases glucose utilisation. Decreased concentration
5. It is easy to repeat. of hCS is a sign of placental i111sufficiency.
6. It takes less time.
.. Relaxin
Relaxin is secreted from the placenta. It relaxes the
uterus and helps in continuatiion of pregnancy. In the
later part of pregnancy, it relaxes the pubic symphysis
Clinical Significance and dilates the uterine cervix.
Early pregnancy tests detect tiny amounts of hCG
Pro esterone
in urine. The hCG appears in the urine at 7-10
Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum during
days of fertilisation. Several test kits are available,
early pregnancy and later by the placenta. It relaxes
especially for immunological tests. Though these the uterus and helps in continuation of the pregnancy.
tests are sensitive and accurate and are used in many Along with estrogen, it maintains the endometrium
hospitals, false-negative and false-positive results can during pregnancy and prepares the mammary glands
occur. A false-negative result (the test is negative for lactation.
but the women' is pregnant) may occur from testing
too early or from an ectopic pregnancy. A false- Estro en
positive result (the test is positive but the women is Estrogen is secr~ted by the corpus luteum in the
• not pregnant) may be due to excess protein or blood earlier stages and later by the· placenta. The secretion
in urine or hCG produ'c tion from other sources like of estrogen is less in early pregnancy, but th~
choriocarcinoma and hydatidiform mole. Thiazide concentration increases towards term. Estrogen
diuretics, steroids and thyroid drugs may also,affect prepares the mammary glands for lactation and the
the outcome of the tests. mother's body for parturitiom.
336 Chapter 52

1. Name the different pregnancy diagnosis tests.
2. What is the principle of biological tests for the detection of pregnancy?
3. What is the principle of immunological tests for the detection of pregnancy? J

4. Why are immunological tests preferred to biological tests?
5. What are the advantages of immunological tests?
6. What are the advantages of radioimmunoassay for the detection of pregnancy? "
7. What are the advantages of ultrasonogra phy in the detection of pregnancy?
8. What are the hormones secreted by the placenta during pregnancy?
9. What are the functions of different hormones during pregnancy?

53 Appliances

The apparatus for delivering the stimulus is tidy.
• The stimulus is easily controlled by the break or
After completi ng this practical you WILL be able to: make of a key.
1. Identify and describe the uses of appliances used • It is possible to stimulate the tissue with the desired
in experimental physiology. strength, frequency and duration , accurately and
2. List the advantages of using of an electrical easily.
stimulus. • The stimulus can be accurately localised on, the
3. List the advantages of using frog and tissue.
. .
gastrocneID1us-sc1a t1c preparati on. • The stimulus can be controlled from a long
4. State the basic principle of the various apparatus distance.
used in amphibian practicals. • This is the least injurious type of stimulus to
5. List the factors that affect the strength of induced the ti:ssue.
current. Stimulating device Stimulating device (inductorium)
6. List the precautions taken for amphibian is describc:!d in detail later in this chapter.
7. Make primary and secondary circuits. Tissue prepara tion For amphibi an nerve muscle
8. Smoke the paper pasted on the drum. experim ents, the sciatic nerve and the gastrocnemius
9. Varnish (fix) the recording. muscle of the frog are usually used.

Advantages ef usingjrogs
• It is easily available.
• It is easy t0 handle.
A student should be familiar with the apparatu s that • It is harmless.
he uses in experim ental physiolo gy. The student • It is less expensive.

r should know the basic principl e of the working • To maintai n the tissue prepara tion of frogs, no
of the instrum ents, the uses of the apparatu s and extra supply of oxygen is needed as the frog
the instruct ions for the safe use of the apparatus. muscles can directly imbibe oxygen from the
As electric current is used as the stimulus to perform environ ment.

L most of the experim ents, proper earthing (grounding)

and insulatio n of the wires must be ensured before
• The tissue preparat ion of a frog can be maintained
for a long duration if handled properly.
starting the experim ent. • It is easy to dissect the frog.
In most experimental work, especially of the The advantages of using a gastrocnemius-sciatic prepa-
study of the response of tissues to various stimuli, four ration are:
setups are needed: (i) the source of stimulation, (ii) a
• The sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius muscl~ are easy
stimulating device, (iii) tissue preparat ion and (iv) a to locate and dissect.
recording device.
• The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve and is therefore
Source of stimulat ion The stimulus may be me- easy to place on the electrodes that are kept a short
chanical, chemical, thermal or electrical. But, in most distance away from the muscle.
experimental procedu res, electrical stimulus is usually • The gastrocnemius muscle is a big muscle (has more
cross-sectional area) and therefore on contraction,
preferre d because of its many advantages:
prodluces more force to lift the lever and records a
• It is easy to deliver the stimulus. The operator can
good magnitude of contraction.
handle it conveniently.
338 Chapter 53

• The gastrocnemms muscle cannot be easily unipolar induction. The key is kept closed to check
fatigued. unnecessary stimulation of the tissue, and when stimu-
lation is required it is left open. Different types of short
Recording device Recording of muscle contractions circuiting keys are available, but the Du Bois-Reymond
is done by using a writing lever that inscribes on the key (Fig. 53.lC} is usually used in the laboratory.
smoked surface of a moving drum fined to a kymo- The reversing k~ (Fig. 53.lD) is also used in the
graph. laboratory when two electrodes are required for
shunting the current from one electrode to the other.
Source of current
Electrical stimulation can be given either with a direct A
cumnt (DC) source and a pair of stimulating electrodes
(galvanic c11rrent) or by using an induction coil and the
electrodes (/aradic current or induced current). In most
experiments, direct current is used. The direct current
(6 volts) is available at the battery terminals of all
experimental tables. To obtain an induced current, a
constant current (galvanic) of low voltage is fed into the
primary coil of the inductorium. To supply low voltage
direct current, a central low voltage unit is installed in
most laboratories. The output terminals feed a direct
current of 3-15 volts to all the working seats in the
table. This direct current is a rectified current that comes
from the central eliminator. Direct current can also be ..
obtained from dry cells connected in series.

Wires C r
Usually copper or aluminum wires are used in
laboratories to carry electric current. A single thick wire
is used to supply direct current. The wires are insulated
by cotton, silk or enamel. For the connection or to
supply current, the insulation from the tip of the wires
is removed and polished with the help of fine sandpaper
to give a good contact. Copper wires are usually used.
The wire should not be damaged or have cracks. The
wires are usually rolled on glass rods into spirals.

The key is a device used for completing or interrupting
a circuit. Two types of keys are used, the simple or tap
key, and the short circuiting key.
The tap key (Fig. 53.lA) This is connected in the
primary circuit in series with the DC source. The key
is pressed gently and released to make and break the
The short circuiting key (Fig 53. lB) This is connected
in the secondary circuit in parallel to prevent accidental Fig. 53.1. KPys I A T ilp key B Short c11 c111t,n(J key C Du
leakage of current into the tissues. This also prevents Bo,s -Reymoncl key D RevHs1ng KP\' 1
Appliances 339

Jnductorium can be increased or decreased by changing the distance

The inductorium (induction coil) (Fig. 53.2) is a device or the angle between the primary and the secondary
from which a faradic (alternate) current is obtained by coils. Other factors also determine the strength of the
feeding a galvanic current. The inductorium used is induced current.
known as the D,, Boi.f-Rrymond i11dl(c/o,il(n, (introduced The inductorium also has a built-in interruptor
by Du Bois-Reymond in 1849). This is a simple (Neefs hammery which works on the same principle
device for transforming direct current into induced as that of an electric bell. When Neef's hammer is
current. This is basically a step-up transformer used introduced in the primary circuit, the alternate make
I to obtain a high voltage stimulus from a low voltage and break stimuli are rapidly repeated (40/ s); this
direct current source, by using the principle of produces repeated induced current in the secondary
t Faraday's electromagnetic induction. It consists of two
separate coils: the primary coil and the secondary coil.

The primary coil is fixed on a frame and the secondary Factors that affect the strength of the
coil is a movable one that covers the primary coil, but induced current
has no connection with it. 1. The distance between the two coilr When the distance
between the two coils increases, the strength of the
The primary coil The primary coil consists of stimulating current decreases and when the distance
300 turns of insulated thick copper wire wound decreases, the strength of the current increases.
r around a soft iron core. The primary coil, the direct 2. The angle between the coils When the two coils are
current source and the tap key are connected in series placed straight, the strength of the current is
and this constitutes the primary circuit. maximum. The strength of the current reduces
by turning the secondary coil away from the
The secondary coil The secondary coil is made of
primary coil. When the secondary coil is placed
5000 turns of very fine copper wire. The secondary coil
at right angles to the primary coil, there is no
can slide on two horizontal metal slide rods. On one
.. of the slide rods, a scale is marked (in cm) by which
induction of current.
3. N umber oftums in the coils (usually fixed).
the distance between the coils can be measured. The
4. The strength ofdirect Cl(,rent fed into the primary coil.
.. two terminals of the secondary coil are connected to
the stimulating electrodes. The secondary coil and the Stimulatin electrodes
stimulating electrodes form the secondary circuit. Electrodes used in biological experiments cliffer
A current is induced in the secondary coil only depending on their manufacture and use. They are
when there is a change in the strength of the magnetic designed to provide low resistance between the
field of the primary coil. When the strength of the preparation and the amplifier input. Stimulating
current passing through the primary coil is constant, . electrodes (Fig. 53.3) are used for delivering the electrical
changes in the strength of the magnetic field occur only stimulus to the tissues. It consists of two copper wires
at commencement (make) and termination (break) of held together by a piece of perspex.
the current. Therefore, a current is induced in the
secondary coil at make or break of the current in the Si nal marker
primary coil. No current is induced in the secondary It is always better to indicate the point of application
coil when the current passing through the primary of stimulus, below the tracings. A signal marker
coil is constant. The induced current is always of short marks (Fig. 53.4A) the moment of stimulation below
• duration. the recording of the muscle contractions. It has two
The time taken by the current in the primary circuit electromagnets and a writing lever. The lever marks
at make to develop from zero to maximum voltage, the point of stimulation on the smoked paper. It is
is longer than that taken by it to fall from maximum always included in the primary circuit.
to the zero at break. This is due to the development This simple time-marker (Fig. 53.4B) with a single
of Faraday's extra current at make. Therefore, the magnet can also be used for this purpose.
i11dl(ced mrrent in the secondary coil is stronger al break than al
1J1ake. The break stimulus is always stronger than the Power shaft and filtl.l~
make stimulus. The strength of the stimulating current A horizontal power shaft driven by an electric motor
Chapter 53

Input terminals for primary coil Secondary coil ,

Neefs hammer

Terminals for Neefs hammer

Fig. 53.2. Du 801s-Rcymond ,nciuctorium Fig. 53.3. Stimulating (simple) electrode

is provided on the table. The Cone pulleys with four shaft. The drum can be started or stopped by turning a
grooves are fixed to the power shaft at each seat. clutch on the left side of the metal gear box.
Kymograph There are two horizontal contact arms that project
Kymograph (Fig. 53.5) is the name given to any from the lower end of the vertical shaft. These contact
instrument that records movements on a moving arms can be separated and fixed with various angles
surface. It consists of a metal gear box to which a vertical between them. The tips of the arms, when they revolve,
rotating shaft is connected. The shaft is powered by a make contact with a spring at the left side of the top
horizont::µ axis running through the metal case. To this of the kymograph. The insulated carrier of the spring
axis, on one side, a series of pulleys are attached. A belt is adjustable and is clamped by a screw. There are two
connects one of these pulleys to one of the pulleys in terminals for electrical connection: one is attached to ...
the power shaft. A cylinder {6" x 6"), also called drum, the insulated spring and the other to the metal case of
is fixed to the shaft. The drum rotates with the shaft. the gear box. By means of these connecting terminals,
A gear switch on the left side of the kymograph the insulated carrier along with the spring can be made •
provides high and low gears. In each gear, the drum to act as a key in the primary circuit. The circuit is
can be made to turn at different speeds by connecting 'made' or 'broken' when the tip of the contact arms
different-sized pullc::ys of the kymograph and the power makes and breaks contact with the insulated spring.

Fig. 53.4. Signal marker (A) and simple time-marker (8)
Appliances 341

The writing lever is fixed on the other side wall of the

trough. From the base of the muscle trough, a drainage
pipe is provided with a clamp t:hat helps to drain the
, Ringer's solution from the trough whenever required.

Different types of levers are used in experimental
physiology for various purposes. Commonly used
f - - - - -- 3
levers are the writing simple lever, the starling heart
lever, the isometric lever, the afrerload lever (Fig. 53.7)
and the frontal lever (Fig. 53.8).
The writing lever (Fig. 53.9) This is used to mag-
nify and record the muscle corntraction on the drum.

7---- 9

10 - - -

Fig. 53.5. The kymograph ( 1 Screw lift for cylinder 2 Cylinder Fig. 53.7. Alterio d lever
f1x1ng lever. 3 Cylinder. 4· Spindle 5 Contact block, 6 Contact
arm, 7 Clutch lever. 8 Speed regulator 9 Levelling screw
10 Body of kymograph)


Perspex bath

Fig. 53.8. Front I lever

Writing lev er

Fig. 53.6. Muscle trough

Muscle trou h
The muscle trough (Fig. 53.6) is a perspex or plastic
chamber used to keep the muscle moist and viable in
Ringer's solution. A block carrying the stimulating
Fig. 53.9. S1mpl lever
electrodes is fixed on the side walls of the trough.
342 Chapter 53

The lever consists of a horizontal arm, which bears

holes and notches for hanging the weights. The lever
is fixed to the side wall of the muscle trough. The writ-
ing point of the lever is made up of a triangular piece
of photographic film.
An ink writing stylus can be fined into the writing I
lever which can write on a white glazed paper instead ~ l
of on a smoked drum. There is a screw (afterload screw)
near the fulcrum of the lever that limits the downward
movement of the lever.

The starling heart lever (Fig. 53.10) This is used for

recording the cardiogram of a frog's heart. This lever
is more sensitive than the writing lever, as it records
the contractions of the heart, which is weaker than
' Fig. 53.11 . Isometric lever

contractions of the gastrocnemius muscle. It consists

of a frame with a light steel lever, with holes and
notches, supponed by a fine adjustable nickel silver
spnng. I

Isometric lever (Fig. 53.11) This consists of a holder .

that carries a steel tension spring and a writing ,1
lever. It is used for recording isometric contractions. !2

Myograph stand
This is a venical rod fixed to a heavy and triangular
base (Fig. 53.12). The muscle trough can be fitted to
the rod and can be moved up and down with the help
of a fitted screw. The rod can be turned on its axis
so that the writing point of the muscle lever can be
made to touch or be removed from the drum without
disturbing other adjustments.

Tunin fork
Fig. 53.12. Myograph stand
A tuning fork (Fig. 53.13) with a frequency of 100
vibrations per second (100 Hz) is used for measuring
different time -intervals. To the end of one arm of the

Fig. 53.10. Starling he;irt lever Fig. 53.13. Tunrng fork

Appliances 343

tuning fork, a writing point is attached. The tuning fork

is set to vibrate and is then made to write on the fast
rotating drum to obtain a tracing. This tracing consists
-I I
Mains (6V)

of different waves. Each wave of the tracing (from crest

to the crest) measures 0.01 seconds (10 ms).

Pohl's commutator Tap key
This is used to change the direction of current. It consists Kymograph
0 0 0
of a vulcanite base on which a rocking metallic cradle is
mounted (Fig. 53.14). There are six cup-like depressions
filled with mercury, and six terminals are attached to
these cups. Two narrow copper strips connect the
diagonally opposite corner cups. Primary coil

Student's stimulator.
This is an electronic stimulator with a DC output of
0-15 volts. The strength (volts), frequency and duration
-- -...
of the stimulus are indicated on the apparatus. More
advanced stimulators, which are required for special -
- Secondary coil
experiments and research, are also available.
• •
EXERCISES lnductorium

Makin electrical connections

Fig. 53.15A. Primary c1rcu1t
Make the primary and secondary circuits as depicted
in Figs 53.15 A and B. Check whether the primary and
secondary circuits are made correctly.
1. To check the primary circuit, connect a short
piece of wire to one of the low volts terminals and
strike the other terminal with its free end. A spark
• • H - - - Primal) COIi

indicates the presence of current. Check the simple

key and the contact block on the kymograph. Each
time the striker makes contact a spark is produced.

1 - + - - - Scc-

Short circuiting : _,


Fig. 53.14. Pohl's commutator Fig. 53.15B. Secondary circuit

344 Chapter 53

2. To check the secondary circuit, place the tissue

on the wires connected to the secondary coil
terminals. If twitchings occur in the tissue with each Stand - - -

revolution of the spindle, the connection is correct.

If the muscle does not contract, place the electrodes
directly on the muscle. If the muscle contracts due
, ,r,
i, I
Cylinder holder

to direct stimulation, check if the nerve is damaged

• j•~
during the dissection. !/:;: .'
' •
/ __ ,. ___ ---- ___ __,,'
- - - Burner
Before smoking the drum, a piece of a glazed paper is
properly pasted on the drum. Then the drum is placed
on the horizontal arm of the smoking stand (Fig.
53.16). The burner is put on and the drum is smoked
uniformly by rotating manually on the Harne. A thin
and uniformly black smoking is aimed at.

Fig. 53.16. Smoking stand
Varnishing is done to fix the recording on the smoked
paper. Labelling of the recording is done before
varnishing. The paper is cut at the jointed portion and
5. The drum should be tightly fixed to the vertical
taken out of the drum and dipped in the 2 per cent
solution of resin or methylated spirit. Then the paper
6. The drum should always be rotated clockwise.
is clipped and hung till it is completely dry.
7. The writing lever should always be arranged on the
right side of the drum.
8. The writing lever should be tangential with the
1. The primary and secondary circuits should be made
recording surface.
9. The tip of the writing lever should touch the
2. Loose connections in the circuits should be detected
smoked surface evenly and lightly.
and dealt with.
10. The initial and resting positions of the writing lever
3. The wires used for making the circuit should be as
should always be horizontal. .
short as possible. Long wires can. be shortened by
winding them around a glass rod or a pencil.
4. The kymograph should be properly levelled by
using the levelling screws at its base.
11. The tracing should be taken at least one inch above
the lower edge of the drum.
12. The contact arm should be tightly fixed. l
VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What are the different types of stimuli and why is the electrical stimulus usually preferred?
2. Why is the frog selected for amphibian practicals?
3. What are the advantages of using the gastrocnemius-sciatic preparation for frog experiments?
4. What are the types of keys used in amphibian experiments and what are their uses?
5. What is the principle of working of the inductorium?
6. What are the factors that determine the strength of induced current?
7. Why is the break stimulus stronger than the make stimulus?
8. What is the use of the short-circuiting key?
9. What is the use of a signal marker?
· Appliances 345

10. What is the principle used in the working of a kymograph?

11. How is the speed of the kymograph regulated?
12. What is the use of the contact arm of the kymograph?
13. How is the time tracing obtained in the recording?
14. What are the precautions taken for making electrical circuits?
15. How are the recordings fixed?
54 Nerve-Muscle Preparation

LEARNING OBJECTIVES A pair of scissors with blunt ends (8")

A pair of scissors with sharp ends (6") 1
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: A pair of pointed forceps J
1. Hold a living frog. ' A glass rod
2. Pith the frog. 4. Ringer's solution
3. Dissect the frog to isolate the sciatic nerve and
gastrocnemius muscle. ~rQ.cedl!_re
4. List the precautions taken during pithing and There are two broad steps in nerve-mus~le preparation 1
making the nerve-muscle preparation. pithing of the frog and dissection to make the nerve-
5. List the reasons why the gastrocnemius muscle muscle preparation.
and sciatic nerve of frogs are preferred for
amphibian nerve muscle experiments. Pithing
6. State the composition of Ringer's solution. 1. Hold the frog gently but firmly with the help
of cloth or cotton. 11111 The skin of the frog is
slippery. Therefore, the animal should be held with
a dry cloth or cotton.
INTRODUCTION 2. Hit a blow on its head to make the animal
For any amphibian nerve-muscle experiment, the unconscious.
• I
1111 This procedure is called
sciatic nerve and the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog stunmng.
are used for of the following reasons: 3. Hold the unconscious frog in your hand and
1. The sciatic nerve is a long nerve, and is therefore ventroflex its head.
easy to mount in the mllicle trough. 4. Feel the depression at the. junction of the skull and
2. The gastrocnemius muscle is a bulky muscle and vertebral column. Ill This corresponds to a
therefore it gives good amplitude of contraction on · point in the middle of the line joining the posterior
stimulation. It cannot be fatigued easily. borders of the tympanic membranes.
Before making the nerve-muscle preparation, the frog 5. Insert a pithing needle firmly through the skin,
should be pithed by destroying the brain and spinal muscle and bone tissue into the spinal cord.
cord. 6. Manipulate the needle ante6orly into the skull and
rotate it to destroy the brain.
7. Withdraw the needle and direct it backwards into
METHOD the spinal cord and rotate the needle to destroy the
Principle cord.11111 Immediately after the needle is directed
A pithed frog is dissected to isolate the intact sciatic into the spinal cord, the muscles of the lower limb
nerve and gastrocnemius muscle. This nerve-muscle and trunk become spastic. They become flaccid
preparation is mounted on the muscle trough to after destruction of the spinal cord. This procedure
perform various experiments. is called pithing. After pithing, the animal loses its
voluntary and reflex movements, but is still alive
Re uirements and can be used for experiments.
1. Frog (living)
D issection
2. Pithing needle
1. Cut the skin of the frog around the middle of the
3. Dissecting set
trunk and strip off the skin from the trunk and hind
· Dissection board
Nerve-Muscle Preparation 347

2. Place the frog on the frog board on its abdomen.

Sciatic plexus
3. Pick up the tip o f the urostyle with the forceps and
lift it carefully. Cut the pelvic girdle on its sides
taking care not to injure the underlying sciatic
4. Identify the sciatic plexus.
5. Isolate a 2 cm lor{g piece of vertebral column from
where the sciatic plexus originates b y cutting the
vertebral column above and below the exit of the
sciatic nerve with scissors.
6. Bisect the vertebral column vertically into two
halves with the help of the bone cutting scissors.
7. Expose the sciatic nerve in the thigh between the
muscle mass posterio rl y by separating the muscle
with the help o f the blunt glass probe (Fig. 54.1 ).
8. Clean the nerve from its surrounding fascial
attachments. 11111 Do not pull the n erve; do not
touch it with any metal object. Use o nly a glass rod
for handling the nerve.
9. Identify, separate and cut the gastrocnemius tendon
from its attachment and tie a long thread around the
10. Free the muscle from the tibia and cut the tibia dose
to the knee jo int, then cut the femur close to the
knee joint. The knee joint should be kept intact.
Fig. 54.1. Anatomical pos1t1on of the scIat1c nerve and
11. Remove all redundant muscles (<?ther than the gastrocnem1us muscle of frog ( 1 Vertebral co lumn 2 Sciatic
gastrocnemius). plexus. 3 Sc1at1c nerve 4 Thigh muscles dissected to show the
posIt1on of the nerve 1n the posterior aspect of the thigh
12. Lift the nerve-muscle preparation (Fig. 54.2) 5 Gastrocnem1us muscle)
carefully and transfer it to a container filled with
Ringer's solution.
13. K eep the nerve-muscle p reparation immersed in
Ringer's solu tion until it is used for the experim ent. 1 Vertebrae
lllllf required , a nerve-muscle preparation from
the o ther side can be obtained.
Knee joint

1. The frog should be stunned before pithing (pithing of
a conscious frog is painful).
2. The frog should be held by wrapping it with a cloth
piece o r cotton as the skin is slippery.
3. During pithing the whole of the spinal cord should be
6 Thread
4. Care should be taken not to injure the sciatic nerve
plexus while cutting the pelvic girdle.
Fig. 54.2. The sc1at1c-gastrocnem1us preparation ( 1 Vertebrile
5. The knee joint should be kept intact with the preparation 2 Sc1at1c nerve 3 Cut end of the femur 4 Capsule of knee Joint
5 Gastrocnem1us muscle. 6 Thread tied to the tip of the tendor\
as it becomes easy to fix the muscle through the knee Note that a portion of the vertebral column 1s kepi intact
joint in the muscle trough. with the nerve
348 Chapter 54

6. A piece of vertebral column should be kept intact

with the nerve (the nerve should not be cut from
its origin). It becomes easy to place the nerve on Once the nerve-muscle preparation is made, it should
the electrodes if the vertebral column is intact be immediately immersed in Ringer's solution. As
with the nerve. early as possible the preparation should be mounted
7. The nerves should be identified, traced and in the muscle trough and the experiment should be
exposed with the help of a glass rod. The nerve started.
should not be handled with metallic objects, as
metals may stimulate the nerve. Com osition of Rin er solution
8. While dissecting, to obtain the preparation, the NaCl : 0.6% (isotonic with frog plasma)
nerve and the muscle should not be strained.
KCl : 0.014% (maintains membrane potential)
9. The nerve-muscle preparation should be
immediately transferred into Ringer's solution CaC12 : 0.012% (maintains muscle excitability)
as soon as the dissection is over. The preparation NaHCO3 : 0.02% (maintains pH)
should not be allowed to dry.
N~PO4 : 0.001% (maintains pH)
10. Once the preparation is ready, mount in the
muscle trough to start the experiment. Otherwise, Dextrose : 0.1 % (provides nutrition)
the muscle may be fatigued.

VIVA _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___;
1. Why is the frog chosen for amphibian experiments?
2. Why are the gastrocnemius muscle and sciatic nerve selected for nerve-muscle experiments?
3. Why is the animal stunned before pithing?
4. What are the precautio~s to be followed during dissection for the nerve-muscle preparation?
5. How can you assess that a frog is properly pithed?
6. Why is t he knee joint kept intact with the muscle for making the preparation?
7. Why is the nerve not handled with any metallic objects?
8. Why is the preparation immersed in Ringer's solution immediately after dissection?
9. What is the composition of Ringer's solution?
10. What are the uses of Ringer's solution?
55 Study of Reactivity of Tissues

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. Mount the nerve-muscle preparation in the muscle

trough ,containing Ringer's solution in the following
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: steps:
1. Define a stimulus. • Insert a pin through the capsule of the knee
2. Mount the nerve-muscle preparation in the joint.
muscle trough. • Push the pin into the cork i~ the muscle trough
3. Enumerate different types of stimuli. to fix one end of the muscle firmly.
4. Appreciate the difference in the response of the • Tie the thread attached to the tendon to the
nerve and muscle to different stimuli. hook of the vertical arm of the writing lever.
• Adjust the position of the lever along the side of
the muscle trough.
INTRODUCTION • Hang a 10 g weight from the writing lever.
Muscles and nerves are excitable tissues. Therefore, • Keep the muscle in the afterloaded position.
they respond to different stimuli. Any change in the • Bring the writing point of the lever in contact
( environment to which the tissue responds is called a with the smoked surface of the drum.

l stimulus. The reactivity of the nerve and muscle to

different stimuli depends on the type and strength
of the stimulus, and the duration of the stimulation.
3. Rotate the drum at slow speed.
4. Stimulate the nerve with the following stimuli, one
at a time, and study the responses of the muscle to
Among all the stimuli, the electrical stimulus is the different stimuli as recorded on the drum.
best as it is well controlled and easy to regulate. i) Faradic current: The nerve is stimulated by
applying the electrical stimulus through the
METHOD electrodes.
ii) Mechanical stimulus: The nerve is stimulated by
Principle pinching or tapping with the help of foreceps.
The nerve and the muscle, like other excitable iii) Thermal stimulus: T~e nerve is stimulated first
tissues, respond to any change in their environment. by a hot copper w ire and then by a piece of
The response of the nerve and muscle to different 1ce.
stimuli is studied in this experiment. iv) Osmotic stimulus: The' nerve is stimulated by
placing a drop of glycerine on it.
Re uirements v) Chemical stimulus: The nerve is stimulated by
1. Instruments for making electrical circuits pouring a drop of dilute acetic acid on it.
2. Muscle trough 5._ Following application of a stimulus, wash the nerve-
3. Myograph stand muscle preparation by removing the old solution
4. Smoked drum and pouring in new Ringer's solution.
5. Tissue (the freshly prepared nerve-muscle)
6. Hot copper w ire and a piece of ice Precautio111s
7. D ilute acetic acid 1. A fresh nerve-muscle preparation should be used.
2. The muscle should not be fatigued.
Procedure 3. Each type of stimulus should be applied separately.-
1. Make an electrical circuit to provide faradic current . 4. The Rmger's solution should be changed in the
in the stimulating electrodes. muscle trough between the stimuli.
350 , Chapter 55

muscle twitches like a contraction. Muscles also contract

in response to thermal, osmotic, chemical and electrical
The muscle contracts in response to the stimulation of stimuli. But, the response of the muscle to electrical
the nerve. Wren the nerve is stimulated mechanically, the stimulus is better appreciated than other stimuli. ·

1. Define a stimulus.
VIVA - - - - - - - -- - - - - ---' _/;
2. What do you mean by the terms reactivity and excitability?
3. Why should the Ringer's solution be changed between the application of different stimuli?
4. Why is the electrical stimulus better than other stimuli?

56 Simple Muscle Twitch

LEARNING OBJECTIVES The contraction penod is the period between the point of
onset of contraction to the point that corresponds to
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: the peak of contraction. The relaxatio11 petiod is the period
1. Dissect and make a sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius from the peak of contraction to the end of relaxation.
muscle preparation.
2. Make primary and secondary circuits. METHOD
3. Record the response of the muscle in response to a
single electrical stimulus to the nerve. Princi le
4. Record the time tracing below the recording of the When a muscle is stimulated with a single induction
simple muscle curve. shock, the muscle contracts. This lifts the lever to
5. Calculate the latent period, contraction period and record a curve on a re~olving smoked drum.
relaxation period from the recording.
1. Dissection instruments
3. Muscle trough
W hen a muscle is stimulated with a single induction 4. Inductorium
shock, it exhibits a momentary twitch like a contraction. 5. Short circuiting key
T his momentary contraction of the muscle in response
6. Tap key
to electrical stimulation is called simple muscle twitch.
7. Ringer's solution
The contraction recorded on a moving kymograph is
known as a simple fllt1scle cHrve. The simple muscle curve 8. Smoked drum
is recorded to study the latent period, contraction 9. Low-resistance wires
period and relaxation period of the skeletal muscles 10. Electrodes
(Fig. 56.1). 11. Tuning fork U0O Hz)
The latent period is the period from the point 12. Thread
of stimulus to the point of onset of contraction. 13. Hook and weights (Fig. 56.2)


I •

Fig. 56.1. Simple muscle twitch with time-trace below the curve
PS Poir,t of st1mulat1on AB latent period BC contraction
period CD relaxation period •
Fig. 56.2. Hook with weights
· Chapter 56

Procedure muscle preparation' in Chapter 54, the following

1. Arrange the primary and secondary circuits for precautions should be observed:
recording a muscle twitch (Fig. 53.15). 1. The stimulus should be given briefly for a single
2. Include the kymograph in the primary circuit. induction shock.
3. Select the fastest speed of the kymograph (first gear; 2. The point of stimulus should be accurately
pulleys 4:1). · marked.
4. Dissect a frog to obtain a sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius 3. Markings for latent period. contraction period
preparation. and relaxation period-the lever should be placed
5. Fix the nerve-muscle preparation in the muscle exactly on the points.
trough. 4. Time tracing should be taken just below the
6. Pour Ringer's solution into the trough. recording.
7. Hang a 10 g weight from the writing lever and keep
the muscle in the afterloaded position. Observation and result
8. Adjust the w riting lever in such a way that the Observe and study the simple muscle curve (Fig. 56.1).
lever touches the drum lightly in the horizontal Express the duration of LP, CP and RP in ms; and also
posmon. calculate the CP and RP as a percentage of the total
9. Adjust the secondary coil to obtain a contraction at muscle curve (CP + RP) duration.
break sti.:U.ulus only.
10. Set the drum in motion and record a baseline.
11. Press the tap key and release it as soon as you record
the first contraction. The latent period, contraction period and relaxation
12. Vibrat~ the tuning fork by hitting against the thigh period vary according to the type of muscle.
or against the hypothenar eminence of the hand
and record.a time tracing below the simple muscle The latent period is due to:
curve. • Time taken for the stimulus to travel along the
13. Stop the drum and close the short Cfrcuiting key. nerve to the neuromuscular junction.
14. Rotate the drum manually so that the contact arms • Time taken for the impulse , to cross the
touch the kymograph key. 11111 This marks the neuromuscular junction, to stimulate the muscle. 7

instant when the primary circuit will be complete • Time taken for the excitation-contraction coupling
if the tap key is closed, which results in a stimulus to occur.
from the secondary coil. • Time taken by the lever to overcome the inertia of
15. Mark the point of stimulation by moving the rest.
writing lever over the smoked drum. • Time taken to overcome the viscous resistance of
16. Mark the , beginriing of contraction, peak of the muscle.
contraction and end of relaxation by moving the
The latent period is normally about 10 ms.
lever vertically on the drum manually on the
The contraction period represents the duration of
corresponding points in the curve.
mechanical contraction. It normally ranges between
17. Calculate and record the duration of latent period
20 and 40ms.
(LP), contraction period (CP) and relaxation period
(RP). The relaxation period represents the time taken
by t h e muscles to relax. It is normally more than
Precautions the contraction period and ranges between 30 and
In addition to the precautions described for 'nerve- 50 ms.
Simple Muscle Twitch 353

1. What are the causes of the latent period?
2. What is isometric contraction and how does it differ from isotonic coutraction?
Ans: See Chapter 63
3. Give examples of isometric and isotonic contractions (see Chapter 63) ..
4. What is the normal duration of the contraction and relaxation periods of the frog skeletal muscle
and what do they represent?
5. Cao you determine the duration of LP, CP and RP without obtaining the time tracing below the curve?
Ans: Yes, it can be derived from the speed of the drum.
6. Why is induced current used for recording a simple muscle twitch?
Ans: Induced current gives a stimulus of short duration of desired intensity.
7. Why is a 10 g weight placed on the lever?
Ans: The weight placed on the lever checks the amplitude of the contra1ction, overcomes the inertia of the lever, and
keeps the lever horizontal.

r ...
57 Effect of Temp rature on
Simple Musel Twitch
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. Set up the nerve-muscle preparation for recording
the simple muscle curve.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 3. Record a simple muscle curve on the revolving
1. Demonstrate the effect of temperature on muscle drum with Ringer's solution in the muscle trough
contraction. at room temperature.
2. State the precautions taken for recording the 4. Drain the Ringer's solution from the muscle trough
effects of temperature on muscle contraction. and replace with warm Ringer's solution and wait
3. Explain the effect of temperature on muscle for 1-3 minutes to allow the muscle to warm up. .
contraction. 5. Using the s~une baseline, same point of stimulation
~ and same strength of stimulus, record the effect
of warm Ringer's solution on the simple muscle
6. Note the temperature of the Ringer's solution and
A change in temperature in Ringer's solution causes drain the solution from the muscle trough.
a change in muscle contraction. With a change in 7. Pour the normal Ringer's solution and wait for
temperature there is a change in amplitude and the some time for the preparation to come back to
duration of different periods of contractic;m Oatent, normal temperature. Pour cold Ringer's solution
contraction and relaxation periods). The changes are into the muscle trough and wait for 2-5 minutes to
mainly due to change in rate of conduction velocity allow the muscle to cool.
in the nerve, enzymatic and chemical activities in the 8. Using the same baseline, point of stimulation
muscle and a change in the viscosity of the muscle. and strength of stimulus, record the effect of cold
Ringer's on muscle contraction.
METHOD 9. Record a time tracing below the recordings with
the help of a tuning fork.
Principle 10. Calculate the latent period, contraction period and
A change in the temperature of the environment relaxation period of the muscle contraction with
affects muscle contraction. The effects of temperature different temperatures.
on muscle contraction are studied by changing the 11. Record your o bservations in a tabular form (Table
temperature ofRinger's solution. The effects are studied 57.1).
on the same point of stimulus and same baseline. The Table 57.1
change in amplitude of contraction, the duration of Temperature ef LP CP RP Height ef
latent period, contraction period and relaxation period Ri11gcr so/n. (ms) (nu) (ms) (c111)
are noted. contraction
1. Normal (25 °C)
Re uirements 2. Warm (40 °C)
1. Same as for 'simple muscle twitch' 3. Cold (10 °C)
2. Cold Ringer's solution (10 °C)
3. Warm Ringer's solution {40 °C) Observation
4. Centigrade thermometer Compare the recordings of the three muscle curves
recorded at three different temperatures of Ringer's
Procedure solution. Study the height and slope of contraction,
1. Pith and dissect the frog to make the nerve-muscle and the duration of latent period, contraction period
preparation. and relaxation period of each curve (Fig. 57.1).
' Effect of Tempera_
t ure on Simple Muscle Twitch

The precautions are the same as those for 'simple muscle
twitch'. In addition to these:
1. The point of stimulation, the baseline and the
strength of stimulation for all the recordings should
be kept constant.
2. The temperature of Ringer's solution should not PS
exceed 42 °C.IIII When the temperature of the
solution is 43 °C or more the muscle proteins are
denatured. Muscles remain in a state of sustained
contraction. This phenomenon is known as heat
3. The temperature of the cold solution should not
be less than 4 °C. 111111 When the temperature Fig. 57 .1 . Effect of temperature on simple muscle tw1tct,
AB,. AB and AB are the latent period: B.C .. B_ C and BC are
of the solution is very low the muscle proteins are
coagulated. T_h is prevents muscle contraction. contraction period: C. D. C D and C D. are ttie relaxation period
i of normal, high temperature (40 C). and low tempemturc
4. The temperature of the solution should be

( 1o Ci respectively
recorded just prior to or immediately after muscle
contraction. temperature. The amplitude of contraction increases
5. The effects of the warm solution should be recorded due to increased enzymatic and chemical activities in
f before recording the effects of cold Ringer's because the muscle.
cold Ringer's inhibits all enzymatic and metabolic When muscle contraction is recorded wi_th low
activities of the muscle. It may be difficult to revive temperature of Ringer's solution the opposite effects
muscle activities from the effects of cold Ringer's. are observed. They are due to decreased rate of
conduction of impulse in the nerve and through the
DISCUSSION neuromuscular junction, increased viscosity of the
muscle, decreased enzymatic and chemical activities in
When muscle contraction is recorded with higher the muscle.
temperature of Ringer's solution, the latent period, The change in the muscular activities of human
contraction period and relaxation period decrease, and beings due to change in environmental , temperature,
the height of contraction increases. The decrease in though similar, may be different from these
latent period is due to: experimental obseryations. This is because physical
• Increase in conduction velocity in the nerve efficiency depends on various factors like training,
• Increased rate of neuromuscular transmission motivation, state of nutnt1on, environmental
• Inertia of the lever is overcome faster temperature, humidity and so on. However, the body
The shortening of the contraction and relaxation temperature never rises to the extent of causing heat
periods is due to faster contraction and relaxation. This rigor. But, if a person is exposed to a high temperature
occurs due to activation of myosin A TPase activity for a long duration,, a phenomenon akin to heat rigor·
and decreased resistance of the muscle to contractions occurs; if a person is·exposed to very low temperatures,
as the viscosity of the muscle decreases with increased muscle contraction is inhibited. '
356 Chapter 57

1. What are the precautions taken when recording the effects of temperature on muscle contraction?
2. What are the changes in muscle contraction that occur in response to warm Ringer's solution? What are the causes
of these changes?
3. What are the changes in muscle contraction that occur in response to cold Ringer's solution? What are the causes
of these changes?
, l
4. What is heat rigor?
5. Why is the effect of warm Ringer's recorded before recording the effect of cold Ringer's?
6. What is the effect of temperature on performance in human beings?

58 Effect of Increasing Strength of
Stimuli on Muscle Contraction

LEARNING OBJECTIVES the strength of the stimuli. Increasing strength of single
'make' and 'break' stimuli are applied to the muscle by
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: stimulating the nerve starting from the subthreshold
1. Define subthreshold, threshold and supra- to supramaximal levels. The muscle contractions are
maximal stimuli. recorded on a stationary drum..
2. Differentiate between make and break stimuli.
3. Demonstrate the effect of increase in strength of Requirements
stimuli on muscle contraction. 1. Electrical connections for single induction shock
4. Explain the physiological basis of these changes. (with a spring key in the primary circuit and a ·
short-circuiting key in the secondary circuit)
2. Kymograph
INTRODUCTION 3. Muscle trough and lever
4. Nerve-muscle preparation (freshly dissected)
The amplitude of contraction increases with increase Procedure
in strength of stimuli. There are different types of
1. Set up the myograph and the nerve-muscle
preparation for recording at simple muscle twitch.
• A s11bminimal slimu/11s or subthreshold stimulus is a
2. Exclude the drum from the primary circuit and
stimulus that does not evoke a response.
engage the gear in the neutral position.
• A threshold slilll11l11s is the minimum strength of
3. Move the secondary coil of the inductorium far
stimulus that is just sufficient to evoke a response.
away from the primary coiJ.
This is also called minimal or liminal stimulus.
4. Keep the writing point of the lever away from the
• A maximal stimHlus produces maximum response.
drum and press and release the spring key. Observe
• A supramaximal slinll(/11s is stronger than a maximal
for the contraction at 'mak e' and 'break'.
stimulus, but does not change the magnitude of
5. If there is no contraction, move the secondary coil
contraction after reaching a peak level.
1 cm closer to the primary coil and press and release
When a muscle is stimulated with increasing
the key, and look for cointraction at 'make' and
strength of stimuli, more and more motor
units are recruited. This results in an increase
6. Repeat the procedure till the break shock gives a
in the amplitude of contraction. A motor unit
contraction and record the contraction on the
is defined as a single motor neuron (together
smoked drum. Measure aind note the distance (in
with its branches) and the muscle fibres that it
cm) between the primary and secondary coils.
7. Move the secondary coil 1 cm closer to the primary
coil, rotate the drum manually and record the
Factors that affect the magnitude of
contraction at both make and break. Record each•
contraction pair of make aind break contractions close to each
1. Number of motor units activated by the stimulus
other, as given in Fig. 58.1.
2. The strength of the stimulus
8. Repeat this procedure by moving the secondary
3. The frequency of the stimulus
coil closer to the primary coil till there is no
further increase in the amplitude of contraction by
increasing the intensity of the stimulus. Measure
Principle the distance between the primary and secondary
The amplitude of contraction increases with increase in coils for each stimulus.
358 Chapter 58


22 20 18 16 14 12 8 4 0

◄ ► ◄ ► ◄ ►

Fig. 58.1. Effect o! n1 e strength of stimulus on muscle con·ract1on M make stimulus B break stimulus The numbers below the st1mul,
indicate the distance (in cm) between the primary and secondary coils

9. Label the response as M for make stimulus and B was no further increase in the height of contractions
for break stimulus below each pair of recordings. following application of supramaximal stimuli. In the
case of supramaximal stimuli, the height of make and
Summation of subminimal stimuli break stimuli also remain same and unchanged.
1. Set up the apparatus for a simple muscle twitch
with a spring key in the primary circuit. Precautions
2. Reduce the strength of induction shock to just 1. The drum should be excluded from the primary
below the minimum. ClfCUlt.

3. Give a single induction shock and note that no 2. Contractions of both make and break stimuli
contraction occurs. should be recorded.
4. Stimulate repeatedly by tapping the key repeatedly 3. The recording should start from the subminimal
and rapidly and observe the contraction, which level and should continue to the supramaximal
usually occurs on the fifth or sixth stimulus. stimuli.
4. Each pair of recordings should be labelled to indicate
Observation the make and break stimuli.
Observe and study the recording (Fig. 58.1). Observe 5. The writing point should be brought in contact
that there was no contraction at subminimal stimuli. with the drum with the same friction for all the
The contraction was recorded only with the break recordings.
stimulus at minimal strength. With further increase 6. A minimum of 15 seconds should be allowed
in the strength of the stimuli, the contractions were
recorded with both make and break stimuli and
between application of make and break shocks to
avoid the beneficial effects on muscle contraction.
the amplitudes of the contractions increased in a
graded manner. In all recordings, the height of the
contractions of the break stimuli is more than the DISCUSSION
height of the contractions of make stimuli, when the At s~bminimal (subthreshold) stimulus, the muscle
stimuli were submaximal. At maximal stimulus, the does not contract as the current supplied does not have
height of the contraction is maximum, but there is enough strength to excite muscle fibres to result in a
no difference between the recordings of the make and muscle contraction. A threshold stimulus excites few
break stimuli. After reaching the maximal level, there motor units and gives a weak contraction. Minimal
Effect of Increasing Strength of Stimuli on Muscle Contraction 359

stimuli contraction is recorded only with the break strength of the stimulus reaches maximal level there is
stimulus, because the break stimulus is stronger than no increase in magnitude of contraction with further
make stimulus. As the strength of stimuli increases, increase in the strength of stimuli (supramaximal
more and more motor units are recruited that result stimuli) as the maximum number of motor units have
in increased magnitude of contraction. When the already been utilised.

VIVA - - -- -- -- - -- ---'
1. Define subminimal, threshold and supramaximal stimuli.
2. Why does the contraction occur only with the break stimulus at the threshold level?
3. Why does the magnitude of contraction increase with increase in the strength of stimuli?
4. Why is no change observed in the magnitude of the contraction with an increase
in the strength of the contraction after reaching the maximal level?
5. Define a motor unit.
6. Why does only the break stimulus evoke a response with application of minimal stimuli?
7. Why is 15 seconds allowed between the application of the make and break stimuli?

59 Effect of ·Two Successive
Stimuli on Muscle Contraction

LEARNING OBJECTIVES stimulus falls in the relaxation period or immediately
following the relaxation period of the .first one, some
After completing this p ractical you WILL be able to: amount of calcium is left in the sarcoplasm due to
1. Define absolute and relative refractory period. incomplete relaxation. T his increases the calcium
2. Describe the physiological basis of the beneficial concentration for the second stimul~, as it adds to the
effect. calcium that has been left in the sarcoplasm from the
3. Demonstrate the effect of two successive stimuli first stimulus. Therefore, the height of the contraction
on muscle contraction. increases with the second stimulus. The increase in
4. Explain the mechanisms of these effects. temperature and the decrease in viscosity of the muscle
by first contraction also contribute to the beneficial I

When two successive stimuli are paired, the response
of the muscle to the paired stimuli depends on the Principle
timing of the second stimulus. If the second stimulus When two successive stimuli are paired and applied
is applied in the absolute refractory period of the to the muscle, the magnitude of contraction changes
previous stimulation, it does not evoke any response. depending on the timing of the second stimulus. This
If it falls in the relative refractory period, a response may is recorded by separating the contact arms of the
be obtained. The muscle and nerve are unresponsive kymograph and recording the contractions at different
during the refractory period of the action potential. angles between the arms.
However, the mechanical response (the contractile
machinery) has no refractoriness. Therefore, the two Re uirements
successive stimuli can be added up.'
The requirements are the same as for simple muscle
Absolute refractory period twitch.
This is the period during which a second stimulus does
not produce any response no matter how strong the Procedure
stimulus is and what the duration of the application of 1. Set up the nerve-muscle preparation for recording a
the stimulus is. simple muscle twitch.
2. Arrange the induction coil to obtain maximal or
Relative refractory period supramaximal stimuli,
This is the period during which a stimulus of greater
strength may evoke a response.
3. Separate the two contact arms attached to the
spindle of the drum to an angle such that the second -

twitch immediately follows the .first twitch.

The beneficial effect 4. Stimulate the nerve and record· the muscle
When a muscle is stimulated by two successive stimuli, contraction. Mark the two points of stimulation.
the magnitude of the contraction of the second 5. Reduce the angle between the two contact arms to
stimulus is greater than the first. This occurs because such an extent that the second stimulus falls during
the .first stimulus becomes beneficial for the second one. the relaxation period of the first twitch. Record the
The calcium ions released from the terminal cisterns contraction and mark the point of stimulation.
during muscle contraction are pumped back into the 6. Continue to record by reducing the angle between
cisterns during relaxation. Therefore, when the second two contact arms so that the second stimulus falls
Effect of Two Successive Stimuli on Muscle Contraction 361

Fig. 59.1. Effect of two successive stimuli on muscle contraction A Simple muscle twitch. B Second stimulus given 1mmed1ately following
the relaxation period of the first one C second stimulus applied during the relaxation period of the first one. D second stimulus applied
during the contraction period of the first one E second stimulus applied during the second half of the latent period of the first stimulus
F second stimulus applied 1n the first half of the latent period of the first stimulus

during the contraction period, and the first half 3. The beneficial effect should be demonstrated.
and second half of the latent period of the first 4. The stimuli should be of maximal or supramaximal
contract10n. strength as these stimuli activate all motor units and
. .
give maximum response.
f ' Study your observations. Note that there is no effect DISCUSSION
of the second stimulus on muscle contraction if the
stimulus falls in the first half of the latent period of the When the second stimulus falls in the first half of
first muscle twitch. But, if the second stimulus falls in the latent period of the first contraction, it does not
the second half of the latent period or in the contraction evoke any response as it falls in the absolute refractory
period, the magnitude of the contraction increases. period of the first stimulus. When the second stimulus
When the second stimulus falls in the relaxation period falls in the second half of the latent period or in the
of the first contraction, a conjoint second contraction contraction period, there is summation of contraction
(two peaks of the contraction) appears which and the magnitude of the contraction increases.
obscures the relaxation period of the first contraction. When the second stimulus falls in the relaxation ·
The second peak is bigger than the first one. When the period of the first, t he relaxation is arrested and the
second stimulus falls immediately after the relaxation second contraction occurs. In this case, 'the height
period of the first contraction the second contraction of the second contraction is more than the first one
is bigger than the first one (Fig. 59.1). because of the beneficial effect. When the second
I stimulus falls immediately following the relaxation
~ Precautions of the first contraction, a second twitch is recorded
1. The distance between the contact arms should
which is of higher magnitude than the first one.
be gradually decreased so as to apply the second
The increase in magnitude of the second twitch is also
stimulus on different phases of contraction of the
due to the beneficial effect. The increased magnitude
first stimulus.
of contraction is actually due to the summation of the
2. The point of stimulus of both the twitches should
responses (contractions) rather than the summation of
be marked.
stimuli. ·
362 Chapter 59

1. Why is the supramaximal stimulus used in this experiment?
2. What is the beneficial effect and what is its physiologic basis?
3. Define absolute and relative refractory period.
4. Explain why the second stimulus does not evoke any response if it falls in the first half of the latent period
of the first twitch. )

5. Why is the magnitude of a contraction more when the second stimulus falls in the
second half of the latent perod or the contraction period of the first twitch?
6. Why is the-magnitude of a contraction of the second stimulus more than the first one when
the second stimulus falls in or following the relaxation period of the first one?



60 Genesis of Tetanus


LEARNING OBJECTIVES 20, 30 and 40 vibrations per sec. This is achieved

by sliding the clamping plate along the metal gu~des
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: fixed to the base board.
1. Define treppe, clonus and tetanus. 3. Signal marker.
2. Demonstrate the effects of increasing frequency
of stimulation on muscle contraction. Procedure
3. List the precautio ns taken during genesis of 1. Arrange an electrical circuit for single induced
tetanus in this experiment. shocks, including vibrating interrupter and signal
4. Calculate the mitiimum tetanisable frequency marker in the primary circuit. Exclude kymograph
(MTF). from the circuit.
5. List the factors that affect MTF . . 2. Set up the kymograph and nerve-muscle preparation
6. Explain the physiological basis of treppe, clonus as for the recording of the simple muscle curve..
and tetanus. 3. Adjust the inductorium for weak break shocks.
7. Differentiate ~etween experimental and clinical 4. Adjust the length of vibrating reed of the interrupter
tetanus. to provide five interruptions (stimuli) per second.
8. List the causes, features and prevention of tetanus 5. Start the kymograph using slow speed (fast gear;
(the disease). pulley 1:4) and set the reed vibrating. Open the sbon-
' circuiting key to stimulate the muscle and close it
after recording 5-7 contractions on the drum.
INTRODUCTION 6. Now increase the rate of interruptions (stimulation)
to 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 per second a11d take a
Tetanus refers to a state of sustained tonic contraction of record of each stimulation, using fresh space on
the muscle (with out relaxation) due to rapidly repeated the smoked paper. Avoid unnecessary stimularion.
stimulation. It does not occur if the muscle is stimulated 1111 If high frequency for obtaining tetanus is not
at a lower rate Qower frequency). Ifthe rate ofstimulation available, use Neef's hammer by including it in the
. . .
increases (higher frequency), tetanus ensues. When the pnmary circwt.
muscle is stimulated below the tetanising frequency,
incomplete tetanus (clonus) occurs.

Princi le ···
If a muscle is stimulated at higher frequencies there 5
is sustained tonic contraction of the muscle (tetanus).
The n erve-muscle preparation is stimulated at different

-- frequencies using a vibrating interrupter till tetanus

ensu es.

Requirements 6
1. Same as for 'simple muscle twitch'.
2. Vibrating variable interrupter. (Fig. 60.1). The reed
is calibrated to vibrate at a frequency of 5, 7, 10,
Fig. 60.1. V1brat1ng reed ( 1 Clamping plate 2 Thumb scr
3 Vibration scale 4 Metal guide 5 Mercury cup 6 Base b
364 Chapter 60

7. Note the frequency of stimulation that produced

complete tetanus in your experiment.
8. Above each set of recordings indicate the rate of
5. If tetarusmg frequency in not obtained, Neef's
hammer should be included in the primary circuit. ,
stimulation as given in the figure.
9. Fix the recording by varnishing the paper.
Minimal Totanisable Frequency •_ \
Observation - r'rnn\nq• ~ ~\u~ iiO. ~ ~~ )

Observe and study the graph (Fig. 60.2). Observe The minimal tetanisable frequency (MTF) of a
the staircase phenomenon {treppe) of the first initial
stimuli. At the low frequency of stimulation single
muscle can be calculated from the simple muscle
curve (measuring the contraction period) by using the
followin fo
contractions occur, with increasing frequency, first
1 Tnoi~
clonus (partial tetanus) and then tetanus occur.
Contraction period, ~ tn~ •
:for example, if the contraction period is 0.04 seconds,

the MTF = 1/0.04 = 25 Hz
1. The kymograph should be excluded from the
Factors that affect MTF
2. The inductorium should be adjusted for weak break
1. Type of muscle In slow muscles the MTF is low
because they produce slow sustained contractions
3. The preparation should be stimulated from lower
frequency to the higher frequency.
Qonger contraction period). In fast muscles the MTF
is greater because the contraction period is less. An

4. Unnecessary stimulation should be avoided.
example of a ~J.wx, wusde is soleu~, and examples of
fw romdes ace rbe wmrles of the eye.
2. Temperature of the environment =·retanisable fre-
quency is lower in environment and higher in a
cold environment. M fro( Y~~
3. Load acting on the muscle If i

ad acting on
the muscle is greater the tetanisable frequency de- '>

creases. !Wr~ o( 6]
T reppe is also known as the staircase phenomenon; it
is the pro~ressive jpcrease io rbe fowe 2£ coorracri,911.
5-10 Hz 15-20 Hz for the first two to three caorracriom when a muscle
is stimulate repeate . This occurs due to the
accumulation f · the sarcoplasm due to
application o stunu . Treppe is also seen in
cardiac muscles. However, the cardiac muscle cannot
be tetanised because of a longer refractory per"iod.

Clonus is a state of ~aaia) rq#us observed in
experimental conditions (ex.perimen,tal ,clonus). This
should not be confused with the clinical W?nus, for
example, ankle clonus, seen in uQper motor neuron
Clonus (30 Hz) Tetanus (> 40 Hz)
type of paralysis. In experimental clonus, relaxation is
Fig. 60.2. Genesis of tetanus
r ~

Genesis of Tetanus 365

Tetanus sustained contraction of the anti¢vity muscles.
T etanic contraction of the skeletal muscles is also
Tetanus is a state of sustained contraction.
The muscle remains in a state of tonic contraction observed during an isometric exercise.
without relaxation. This occurs when a nerve-muscle Tetanus is also seen clinically when a person
preparation is stimulated at a ~ e ~ c y . is infected by a group of bacteria called Clostridium
Rapid and repeated stimulation leads the stimuli tetani. Tetanus usually occurs following ~ injury
to fall during the contraction phase so that the (cut, ~nd) through which the bacteria enter the
r contractile processes are repeatedly activated. The
muscle does not get time to relax. Therefore, with
body. tetanus toxin released by the bacteria
stimulates t e motor neurons rfipeatedly at a higher
each stimulation, the muscle contracts without frequency and results in tetanus. The facial muscles
relaxatio~ i d ual respo nses fuse to give a state are commonly affected. In severe cases, all the
of sm1aioed coom1ction {l:etinus). The m uscles skeletal muscles of the body may be affected. The
of o ur body that are involved in the maintenance disease can be p,eeyenred by prior immunisation
o{ posture)<@)ibit ~ tank contrac!1gji (sustamed with the tetanus vaccine or receiving the vaccine
contraction). An erect posture is mamtained due to within twelve hours of injury.

Teton~ ~r \n mol"'r,oj,n,~
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VIVA _ _ __)' ------ - - - - - - - - -
~~ .
1. Define treppe, clonus and tetanus.
2. What is the mechanism of the staircase phenomenon?
3. How is tetanus produced experimentally?
4. What is minimal tetanisable frequency (MTF)? How is the MTF
calculated and what are the factors that affect MTF?
5. Explain why the cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised.
6. Give an example of tetanic contractions in our body.
7. Why is the tension developed by a tetanically contracting muscle more than the tension developed by the
muscle during a single twitch?
Ans. During a tingle contraction of the muscle, any ·u r e ed i to hes re lasm is quic ly taken b!!,c k into
the cisterns during relaxation. But, if the muscle is stimulated repeatedly, there is a ~ the
~ as calcium cannot be pumped back fully into the cisterns. This increases the tension in the muscle.
8. What is the cause of tetanus (disease) and how is the disease prevented?
~ - What is tetany?
~ Ans. Tetany occurs due to hypocalcemia, for example, hypoparathyroidism. It is not connected with tetanus.

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61 Genesis of Fatigue


After completing this practical you WILL be able to:

2. Mount the preparation in the muscle trough and set
it up for recording a simple muscle cutve. Mark the
point of stimulation.
1. Define fatigue. 3. Repeatedly stimulate the nerve and record the first,
2. Demonstrate the site of fatigue in the nerve- second and third contractions on a fast moving
muscle preparation. drum without changing the point of stimulation.
3. List the precautions taken during the recording Note the beneficial effect.
of the genesis of fatigue. 4. Move the writing lever away from the drum.
4. Name the site of fatigue in isolated and intact 5. Without changing the point of stimulation,
preparations. stimulate the nerve repeatedly by keeping the tap
5. Explain the causes of fatigue in isolated key pressed and record every tenth contraction
preparations. by applying the writing lever to the drum.
6. Explain how recovery can be expedited. Ill The drum rotates without recording the
muscle contraction. Only the tenth contraction
is recorded on the drum. This is done to avoid
INTRODUCTION overlapping recordings. Recording can be made
with each stimulation, but overlapping of the
Fatigue is define,q as decrease in performance due to recordings will make it difficult to study the graph.
flcQ_ntinuous and '-rolonged activity. It can occur in 6. Continue to record every tenth contraction till the
the whole orgarusm o r ~ preparations. The contractions are too feeble to be recorded.
mechanism of fatigue i s ~ ~m an intact organism 7. Change the point of stimulus to record a muscle
and in an isolated ~aration. Fatigue is a r~yersibl~ contraction at a different place adjacent to the
phenome1 K there is no p e ~ m functional fatigue curve and on the same baseline.
or s~ age to the tissues. um , fatigue 8. Stimulate the muscle directly and record the
fi curs in the central nervou ystem whereas in contraction on the changed point of stimulus.
~eparations, th~ neuromuscular junction is 9. Drain the Ringer's solution and replace with fresh
t site of fatigue. solution.
10. Allow the nerve-muscle preparation to rest for five
METHOD nunutes.
11. Again change the point of stimulus on the same
Principle baseline in such a way that the next recording will
A muscle is fatigued when it is stimulated .repeatedly be adjacent to the previous recording.
and continuously. The phenomenon of fatigue is 12. Stimulate the nerve to record the muscle
recorded by stimulating the preparation without contractions.
changing the baseline, the pomt of stimulation and the
strength of the stimulus. Observation
Re uirements Record the amplitude and duration of the phases
These are the same as for 'simple muscle twitch'. of the first three contractions and the subsequent
contractions. Note that with the onset of fatigue, the
Procedure relaxation period of the muscle twitches prolongs and
1. Dissect the frog to make the nerve-muscle the baseline goes up (Fig. 61.lA). Muscle contraction
preparation. occurs by direct stimulation of the muscle (Fig: 61.lB)
Genesis of Fatigue 367

following fatigue. Muscle contraction also occurs in

► response to nerve stimulation following recovery (Fig.

1. All the precautions described for the recording of
simple muscle twitch, Chapter 56.
~ 2. All the contractions should be recorded on the
same point of stimulus and on the same baseline for
the fatigue curve (fatigue produced by stimulation
of nerve).
3. The . muscle should be directly stimulated
immediately after recording the fatigue by
stimulating the nerve, and the contraction should Fig. 61 .1. Demonstration of the phenomenon and site of fatigue.
be recorded on a different point of stimulus but on A Genesis of fatigue following repeated stimulation of the nerve.
Numbers depicted with the curves 1nd1cate the number of stimuli.
the same baseline.
Note the benet1c1al effects w1tt1 the first three contractions Also
4. The preparation should be allowed a minimum of note the decrease 111 amplitude. prolongation of relaxation period
five minutes for recovery before stimulating the and rise In baseline with the onset of fatigue. B: Recording of the
curve by directly stimulating the muscle immediately following on-
nerve, to record the effect of recovery. set of fatigue. C: Recording of the curve by stimulating the nerve
5. To facilitate recovery, the old Ringer's solution following recovery .
should be removed and replaced by the fresh
solution. of the nerve (following the period of recovery).
This again proves that the site of fatigue was the
DISCUSSION neuromuscular junction, as recovery allows resynthesis
of neurotransmitters at the nerve endings. The Ringer_j
In isolated preparations, fatigue can occur at three sites: solution supplies nutrition and facilitates recovery.
the m~cle, the neuro!l!uscular junction and th~erve. If the muscle is directly stimulated continuously, it can
The nerve is theoretically unfatiguable, therefore ah o be,iat~ d due to exhaustio,l). of g!ycogen storage.
the possible sites may be either the muscle or the But in this condition there will be no recovery as the
neuromuscular junction. But the muscle contraction utilised glycogen cannot be replaced.

recorded by directly stimulating the muscle following
the genesis of fatigue indicates that the muscle is not
An early sign of £a~ue is the prolongation of
the rela;.ftion period. W en_a muscle is fatigued, the
fatigued. Therefore, ~ \ ~ ~ that the site relaxation becomes incomplete and then it remains in
of fatigue is thCneuromuscular junction)The cause a s~te_of garti~ontr;:£tion. This is callecJGntraction
of this fatigue is the dee_letion of_:,cetykholine, the tet/Jaznder>J..t occurs due to a decrease in the ATP content
neurotransmitter from the mJoneural junction. If the and accumulation of the metabolites in the muscle.
preparation is allowed to rest for some time and fresh The baseline increases due to contraction remainder.
Ringer's solution is supplied to the preparation; then In human beings, the first site of fatigue is the CNS,
the muscle contracts in response to the stimulation not the neuromuscular junction.
fi~',' ~~~\:,&o\l,:VIVA
1. Define fatigue.
2. What is the difference between the fatigue of an intact animal and that of an isolated preparation?
3. What is the ~ire of fatigue in an isolated preparation and how do you demonstrate it?
4. What is the mechanism of fatigue in an isolated preparation?
5. How can the recovery be facilitated?
6. What is contraction remainder?
7. What is the early sign of fatigue in an isolated preparation?
62 Effect of Load on
Muscle Contraction

After completing this practical you WILL be able to:

2. Hang a 10 g hook from the lever about 1 cm from
the fulcrum.
3. Bring the arresting screw (after loading the screw)
1. List the differences between afterloading and to just touch the lever blade.11111 In this position
freeloading of the muscle. of the screw, the load does not act on the muscle
2. Demonstrate the effect of afterloading on at rest. The load acts on the muscle only when
muscle contraction. it shortens. In this setup, the muscle is said to be
3. Explain the physiologic basis of change in afterloaded.
muscle contraction in the afterloaded and 4. The effect of the load is recorded in the afterloaded
freeloaded conditions. and the freeloaded conditions on a moving and a
stationary drum.

Afterloaded and freeloaded contractions on a moving

1. Adjust the inductorium for break shocks.
When a load is applied to a muscle before the musd~
2. Allow the cylinder to rotate and record the
starts to contract. the condition is known as faeloaded
contraction after stimulating the preparation.
(preloaded) and when the load is applied to the muscle
3. Mark the point of stimulation.
~ the muscle starts contracting, the condition is
lurc(wn as afterloaded. The work done by the muscle 4. Without changing the point and the strength of the
stimulation, record contractions at loads of 20, 40,
is affected by afterloading and freeloading. In the
60 and 80 g.
freeloaded condition, the work e · ncy of the muscle
increases and in the afterloaded°' 5. Now loosen the afterloading screw. 111111 As
soon as the screw is made loose the writing point
efficiency of the muscle deer
de1cends, drawing an arc on the paper. The weight

Princi le
now acts freely upon the muscle and stretches it at
rest. This condition is called freeloaded.
6. Change the point of stimulus, and obtain freeloaded
The change in muscle contraction is observed by contractions at a different place on the drum by
changing the timing of the application of load in applying 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g.
relation to the contraction. The load is applied prior to
Afterloaded and freeloaded
the contraction in the freeloaded condition and during
contractions on a stationary drum
contraction (after the onset of the contraction} in the
1. Set up the apparatus as for the previous one.
afterloaded condition.
2. Exclude the kymograph from the circuit.
3. Leave the lever in the afterloaded position.
Re uirements
4. Record the contraction produced by pressing and
1. Same as for 'simple muscle twitch' releasing the tap key once on a stationary drum.
2. Weights (10, 20, 40, 60, 80 g) 5. After each contraction rotate the drum manually
for about 1 cm and add weights in steps of 10 g.
Procedure Record the contractions till the muscle is unable to
1. Set up the kymograph and the nerve-muscle raise the weight.
preparation as for the recording of a simple muscle 6. Label the contractions 'afterloaded' and write down
twitch. the weights used under each contraction.
Effect of Load on Muscle Contraction 369

No load
7. Release the afterloading screw to make it freeloaded.
111!1 Observe that the lever comes down as the
muscle is stretched by the weights.
8. Stimulate the muscle and record the contraction.
9. Move the drum by 1 cm, and remove the weights
by 10 g. Record the contraction each time.
10. Label the contractions 'freeloaded' and write down
the weight used for each contraction.

Calculation of work done

Calculate the work done for each contraction in the
afterloaded and freeloaded conditions of the muscle by
using the following formula:
W = wxh, B
where 'W' is the work done, 'w' is the weight lifted (g),
• and 'h' is the actual height {cm) to which the weight
has been lifted.
h= LxH
10 20 40 150 80
Where '/ is the distance between the fulcrum and the
point where the load acts, 'L' is the distance between ..
the fulcrum and the writing point of the lever, and 'H'
is the height of contraction obtained {cm).
~ Therefore, W = w x - x H gem
Thus, work done can be calculated for each weight in
afterloaded and freeloaded conditions.

Observe the graph in the free and afterloaded conditions
on a moving and a stationary drum, as described in Fig.
62.1. Note that on a moving drum, in the afterloaded
condition the height of the contraction decreases and
the latent period increases as the weight increases. On
the other hand, in the freeloaded condition the height
of the contraction increases with increase in weight. Fig. 62.1. Effect of load on mus le contract,on The number
Also note the decrease in height in the afterloaded depicted with the tracings indicate the weights (1n grams) applied
for that contraction . A: Recording f the effects of afterload on a
condition and increase in height in the freeloaded moving drum. B: Recording of the effect of afterload on a
condition with increase in weight as recorded on the stationary drum. Note that freeloa ed contractions are recorded
from successively I wer levels (C)
stationary drum.
4. Note freeloaded and afterloaded recordings
Precautions separately.
1. All precautions described for simple muscle
2. For afterloaded contractions record from lower DISCU SION
weight to higher weight. Afterloading
3. For freeloaded contractions record from higher
weight to lower weight. The latent period increases due to lever inenia, the
370 Chapter 62

amplitude of contraction decreases with increase in load contraction of the muscle is directly proportional to the

as the muscle has to lift more loads. The contraction initial length of the muscle fibre, within the physiological
period also decreases as the duration of the active state limit. The physiological basis of this law is that with an
decreases. In the afterloaded condition, the work done increase in the length of the muscle prior to contraction,
is less than in the freeloaded condition as the muscle the interaction between the actin and myosin filament
contracts against the load. increases, but up to a physiological extent.
Afterloading and freeloading occur in the
Freeloading human body. Lifting heavy weights is an example
of afterloading and throwing a stone is an example
The height of the contraction increases with increase of freeloading. The best example of afterloading
in weight (but within the physiological li.init). After and freeloading is seen in the pump activity of the

a limit, the amplitude of contraction decreases. The heart. Freeloading, which is also called preloading,
load acts on the muscle before it begins to contract, is the venous return to the heart. Afterloading to
therefore it stretches the muscle prior to contraction. the heart is the peripheral resistance. When the
The contraction time does not change because the preload (venous return) increases, the end diastolic
duration of the active state does not change. The height volume of the heart increases. The increase in end
of contraction increases because the stretching of the diastolic volume increases cardiac output by the
muscle in freeloaded condition increases the initial Frank-Star ling mechanism. The cardiac output
length of the muscle fibres Qength of the muscle fibre decreases when venous return decreases. When the
prior to contraction). The ch~e in initial length of afterload (peripheral resistance) increases, the cardiac
the muscle fibre changes the orce of conrracrion _l;y output decreases as the heart pumps blood against an
Frank~tarling's law. This law states that the force of increased load (resistance).

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What is the difference between freeloading and afterloading in the experimental setup and how does muscle activity 1
change in these two conditions?
2. Why does a muscle work more efficiently in the freeloaded condition than in the afterloaded condition?
3. What is Frank-Starli ng's law? What is the physiological basis of this law?
4 Give examples of freeloading and afterloading in the human body.
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63 Isometric Contraction


5. Gastrocnemius muscle (freshly dissected)
.. After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
1. Define isometric and isotonic contractions.
6. Instruments for stimulation

2. Follow the principle of the recording of Procedure

isometric contraction. 1. Arrange the electrical circuit for single induced
3. List the differences between the isometric and stimulus and exclude the kymograph from the
isotonic contractions. ClfCUlt.
4. Provide examples of isometric and 2. Calibrate the isometric lever. Fix the isometric
isotonic contractions. · lever on the stand. Attach the weight hanger near
\ 5. Define resting and equilibrium length of the its fulcrum and draw a baseline on the upper part of
\ muscle. the drum after placing a weight of 10 gin the weight
6. Explain the physiological basis of the length- hanger. Label the line as 10 g. Repeat the procedure
tension rela; ionship. by increasing the weight by 10 g, and record the
baselines corresponding to the increasing weight
(Fig. 63.2). Remove all weights and the hanger after
INTRODUCTION calibration.
3. Expose the gastrocnemius muscle of the pithed frog
Isometric contraction is the contraction of the muscle and measure its length. Remove the muscle. .
without change in muscle length (there is no appreciable 4. Fix the knee joint of the preparation with the help
shortening of the muscle). Isometric contraction is of the muscle grip below the lever.
recorded by fixing both ends of the muscle and t hen 5. Attach the muscle tendon to the isometric lever
stimulating it to perpetuate contraction. at the same point w here the weight hanger was
6. Measure the length of the muscle w ith the calipers
and stimulate directly by supramaximal stimulus.
Principle Record the tension developed.
Both ends of the muscle are fixed and it is allowed
to contract. During muscle contraction, the tension
developed is recorded.

Re uirements
1. Isometric lever (Fig. 53.11): It consists of a strong
steel wire fixed at both ends with a pointer
attached to its centre. When the muscle contracts, \
it produces torsion of the wire w hich is reflected iu
in the !llovement of the pointer. The muscle is 2 I

prevented from shortening (isometric contraction) '

and the movement of the pointer indicates the
development of tension in the muscle.
·2. Muscle grip (Fig. 63.1)
3. Calipers Fig. 63.1. Muscle grip
372 Chapter 63

7. Repeat the procedure for different muscle lengths

Isometric contractions
by increasing the length by 1-2 mm every time (by
lowering the muscle grip). Record the length, the 10 g I
corresponding passive tension and the total tension 20 g
developed. 30 g
8. Tabulate your results as described in 'Observation', 40 g
and the graph obtained (Fig. 63.2). 50 g

Precautions 60 g

70 -
1. The isometric lever should be calibrated properly. -
2. After calibration the position of the drum should 80 g
not be changed.
3. The muscle tendon should be attached to the
90 g

100 g ''
isometric lever at the same point where the weight
hanger was placed. Fig. 63.2. Recording of isometric contractions
4. The length of the muscle should be measured
accurately every time prior to stimulation. 700

Observation 700

Enter your result in the following tabular form. 700

Length of Initial (passive) Total tension Active
the muscle tension developed tension
(cm) (g) (g) (g) 700
1 2 3 (3-2)


Change in muscle length (cm)

Fig. 63.3. Length-tension curve

Draw a graph of the length-tension relationship 2. Tension The tension increases No change in

taking the results from your observation. Study the during contraction tension occurs
graph (Fig. 63.3). With an increase in the length of the 3. External work No external work Work done
muscle, total and active tension increase, reach a peak l'.!"' done~~,
~-It ElJ: Q.-~\(
and then decrease. Passive tension always mcreases Examples of isometric and isotonic
with increase in length (passive stretch). contractions
1. The action of antigravity (postural) muscles when
DISCUSSION a person is standing is an example of isometric
contraction. Another example is trying to lift heavy
Isometric and Isotonic Contraction_~ Q. weights (when the weights are not actually lifted).
UZ)f'C..~'m C., b::C..-et I l ll '
~ Isotonic I' 2. Lifting of weights is an example of isotonic
contraction contraction

1. Length of the Remains the same Clear shortening

muscle (no apparent of the muscle Definitions
shortening of the length during
length) during contraction Resting leng_th
contraction Resting length of the muscle is the length at which
Isometric Contra ction 373

the aE_tive tension is maximal. At this length, many between the two attachments is chan ged. At each
of the muscles m the body at rest develop maximum length, passive tensio n is measured and the muscle
is then stimulated electrically following which the
' tension .
total tension is measured. The differe nce between
EID!_ilibrium length ➔ G.£, ou1- fi) ~ ~ these two tensions at a particu lar length is the actual
Equilibrium length is the length of the tension developed by the contracting muscle at that
muscle after it has been cut (detached) from its bony length. The active tension increases with increase in
attachments. muscle ·length , reaches a peak and then declines. This
length -tensio n relationship is explai ned by the sliding
filament mecha nism of muscle contra ction , that is,

Initial length
This is the length of the muscle before it begins to the degree of contra ction related to the interaction
contract. between the myosin and actin filaments. The tensio n
developed is propo rtiona te to the number of cross-
linkages between the actin and myosin molecules.
Physiological Basis

With the stretching of the muscle, the actin- myosin
The tension developed when a muscle is stimulated intera ction increases. Howe ver, after a certain limit,
to contra ct isometrically depends on the length of with furthe r increased stretch, the overlap between
I the muscle fibre prior to contraction. The length actin and myosin decreases, which decreases the
of the muscle is changed every time the distance tens10n.

- - - - - - - - - - -- - VIVA

It 1.
De.fine initial, resting and equilib rium length of the skeletal muscle .
What do you mean by isomet ric and isotonic contraction? Give examp
What are the differences between isometric and isotonic contractions?

4. What is the physiological basis of the length- tension relationship?

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64 Conduction Velocity of
Nerves in Frogs

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4. Stimulate at the muscular end of the sciatic nerve

and record a simple muscle twitch on the same
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: baseline and on the same point of the stimulus,
1. State the importance of the determination of and calculate the latent period. Mark the point of
nerve conduction in clinical physiology. placement of the electrodes on the nerve.
2. Demonstrate the recording of the conduction 5. Deduct the latent period of the second recording
velocity of nerves in frog. (recording of the stimulation of the muscular
3. List the factors that affect nerve conduction end) from the latent period of the first recording 1
velocity. (recording of the stimulation at the vertebral end).
6. Measure the distance between the points of
stimulation of the vertebral end and the muscular
INTRODUCTION end of the nerve in centimetres.
7. Calculate conduction velocity by dividing the
The detection of the velocity of nerve conduction is distance by time. Ill
The distance is the length
one of the important tests in clinical neurophysiology. of the nerve (in cm) between the two points of
In human beings, the velocity of conduction is stimuli and the time is the difference in the latent
determined by using nerve conduction apparatus (see period of the two recordings (in ms).
Chapter 34). But the recording of conduction velocity
in frogs is a simple experiment. Conduction velocity Observation
mainly depends on the diameter and myelination of Observe the difference in the latent period of the two
the nerve. recordings (Fig. 64.1) and calculate the conduction
velocity from the given recordings. Express your result
METHOD in mis. 1111 The normal value of the conduction
velocity of the sciatic nerve of a frog is 40-60 mis.
The velocity of conduction is determined by dividing
the distance between the two points of stimuli
(proximal and distal) with the difference in the latent
period of both the recordings.

1. Same as for simple muscle twitch
2. Scale

1. Make a gastrocnemius-sciatic nerve preparation and
set up to record a simple muscle twitch.
2. Stimulate at the vertebral end of the sciatic nerve
and record a simple muscle twitch. Mark the point Fig. 64.1. Determination of nerve conduction velocity 1n frog
of placement of the electrodes on the nerve. A Simple muscle curve following st1mulat1on of the nerve close
3. Mark the point of stimulus and the point of onset to the muscle B Simple muscle curve following st1mulat1on of the
nerve close to the vertebra PS Point of st1mulat1on, AL, Latent
of the contraction to record the latent period. period of the curve A AL Latent period of the curve B
Conduction Velocity of Nerves in Frogs 375

Precautions myelinatio n of the nerve. As the fibre diameter

1. The point of stimulus of both the ends of the sciatic increases, the velocity of conduction increases. The
nerve should be marked at the time of stimulation. velocity of conduction is higher in myelinated than
2. The distance between the two points should be in unmyelina ted fibres. The velocity of conduction
accurately measured. of a somatic nerve Oike the sciatic nerve) having
3. The difference in the latent periods should be a fibre diameter of 12-20 µm ranges between 60
accurately measured. and 120 mi s. The decrease in conduction velocity
indicates injury to the nerve or some defect in the
The sciatic nerve is a mixed nerve and a thick nerve. Other factors that affect nerve conduction
• The conduction velocity of a nerve is determined are temperatur e, height of action potential and
mainly by the fibre diameter and the degree of stimulating and recording systems.

1. What is the clinical significance of determining the conduction velocity of nerves?
2. What is the normal velocity of conduction of the sciatic nerve of the frog?
3. What are the factors that affect the velocity of conduction in the nerve?
4. In which condition does the velocity of conduction decrease?
65 Normal Cardiogram of Frog


1. Kymograph with Sherriogton-Starling drum
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 2. Frog board
1. Dissect and open the thorax, open the peri- 3. Myograph stand
cardium, pin the apex of the heart and fix the 4. Starling's heart lever or simple heart lever
heart to the lever. 5. F rog Ringer's solution
2. Identify the different parts of the heart. 6. Pins (also one hooked pin)
3. Record a normal cardiogram. 7. Thread
4. Explain the different waves in the cardiogram.
5. List the properties of the heart demonstrated in Table 65.1: Differences between amphibian and

this experiment.
List the differences between amphibian and
mammalian hearts.
mammalian heart

M ammalian
1. Heart Three-chambered Four-chambered heart;
chambers heart; two auricles two atria and two
and a ventricle ventricles
INTRODUCTION 2. Sinus Present; receives Absent; venous blood
venosus venous blood directly drains to right
The normal cardiogram of a frog is the recording of atrium
t he mechanical activities of the heart of the frog on a 3. Coronary Not well developed Well developed
smoked drum. Since the cardiogram is the recording arteries
of the mechanical activities, it records the systole 4. Blood in Mixed (arterial and Not mixed
and diastole of the different chambers of the heart. ventricle venous)
In a frog, the atria are called auricles, the ventricles S. Myocardial Directly from the Through coronaries
perfusion blood present
are single chambered, and the electrical rhythm for
in the ventricle
generating an impulse is located in the sinus venosus
6. Pacemaker Pacemaker is present SA node is the pace-
instead of the SA node, as seen in the mammalian in sin us venosus maker, which is present
heart (Table 65.1). Therefore, in an ideal tracing, t he in the right atrium
mechanical activities of the sinus venosus, auricles 7. White Present; works as Absent
and ventricles are recorded. A white crescentic line is crescentic parasympathetic
line ganglion
present between the auricles and the sinus venosus
(Fig. 65.1). The normal heart rate of a frog is 40-50
beats per minute.
1. Pith the frog (destroy only the spinal cord).
METHOD OF RECORDING 2. Lay the pithed frog on its back on the frog board. "
3. Make a median incision through the skin over the
Princi le
'.fhe mechanical act1v1t1es of the amphibian heart 4. Raise the xiphisternum with blunt forceps and
are directly recorded by connecting the heart to the separate it from the underlying tissue using a pair of
writing lever with a thread which transmits the waves blunt scissors, taking care not to injure the heart.
of contraction and relaxation from the heart to the 5. Insert one of the blades of the scissors under the
lever. The cardiac activities are recorded on a moving pectoral girdle and cut on both sides so that the
drum. anterior wall of the thorax can be removed.
Normal Cardiogram of Frog 377

6. Pull the forelimbs laterally and fix them on to the

board with pins so as to keep the chest wide open.
7. Identify the heart, beating inside the thin membrane
8. Observe that at the apex of the heart, there is a
small clear space between the heart and pericardia!
membrane. With the help of forceps, pinch and
lift the pericardium at the apex at this clear space,
taking care not to touch the heart.
9. Make a slit in the pericardium with the help of a
pair of fine scissors and then cut the pericardium up
to the base of the heart, taking care not to injure the
10. Study the different parts of the heart (Fig. 65.1).
11111 On the ventral aspect of the heart the initial
dilated portion of the aorta, which is known as
bulbus aneriosus, divides into two aortae. On the
dorsal aspect Qift the ventricle) identify the sinus
venosus separated from the auricles by a white
crescentic line. Note that two superior vena cavae
and the inferior vena cava enter the sinus venosus.
Observe the change in colour of the chambers during
systole {contraction) and diastole (relaxation). Fig. 65.1. Frog's heart ventral (A) and dorsal view (Bl
1 Ventricle 2 Left auricle 3 Right auricle
11. Fix the pericardium through the base of the heart
4 Truncus arteriosus 5 Left anter,or caval vew 6 R,,Jl1t ,inter or
to the frog board with a pin. caval vein 7 Sinus venosus 8 Pu lmonary veIr1 g R1gt11
12. Hook a bent pin through the apex of the heart systematic arch 1O Posterior caval ve,n

taking care not to puncture the chambers of the

Observe the rhythinicity (whether regular or irregular)
13. Tie one end of the thread to the pin and lift the and calculate the heart rate.
ventricle by the thread. Tie the other end of the
thread to the heart lever.Ill Keep the thread Precautions
vertical and taut enough to transmit the contraction 1. While cutting the sternum of the frog with a median
incision, care should be taken not to damage the
of the heart to the writing point of the lever.
14. Keep the writing arm of the lever horizontal. heart.
15. Touch the writing point of the heart lever lightly to 2. The heart should be exposed by cutting the
the smoked paper on the dium in the lower third pericardium.
3. While cutting the pericardium, take care not to
(about 5 cm from the lower margin) of the drum.
damage the heart.
16. Set the drum to rotate at a slow speed (1.2 mm/s)
4. The hooked pin should be introduced at the apex
and record the cardiogram starting from just after
of the heart through the wall of the ventricle.
the joint of the paper on the drum.
17. Take a time tracing below the recording.
While introducing the hooked pin, take care not to
puncture the ventricle (the pin should not enter the
18. Repeat the recording of the cardiogram at a higher
• speed (2.5 mm/s). 11111 Recording at a faster speed ventricular cavity).
5. The thread connecting the heart and the lever
will clearly show the different components of the
should be placed vertically.
6. The lever should be placed horizontally.
7. The base of the heart should be fixed. It increases the
Observation amplitude of recording as the force of contraction
Identify the different components of the cardiogram is directly transmitted to the lever due to pulling of.
recorded_at slow and fast speeds ~ _given in Fig. _
6?.J· .
378 Chapter 65

the heart that occurs due to the impulse generated

Sinus activity
Atrial activity automatically in the heart, rhythmicity is studied
by rhythmical beating of the heart, conductivity is
studied by conduction of impulse from the sinus
A venosus to the ventricles (better demonstrated by
Stannius ligatures), and comractility is recorded by
observing the contraction of the heart and recording
the systole and diastole in the tracings.
In the heart of a frog, the cardiac impulse is
B generated in the sinus venosus. Impulse is transmitted
from the sinus v,enosus to the auricles and then to the
ventricles. A slight pause is seen between auricular
C and ventricular contraction and this is due to the
delay (partial conduction block) in conduction of
the impulse from the auricles to the ventricles. In a
Fig. 65.2. Normal cardiogram of frog A Ideal recording (at slow frog, the rare of impulse generation is maximum in
speed 1 ? rnrn s) B Usual recording (at slow spped 1 2 rnrn1s).
C Usual recording at fast speed (a atrial systole b atrial
the sinus venosus. Therefore, the sinus venosus is the
relaxation c ventricular contraction d ventricular relaxation) natural pacemaker of the heart.

apex towards the fixed base during each systole. The Cardiogram
8. Frog Ringer's solution should be poured on the
heart at regular intervals to prevent it from drying. Different waves in the cardiogram represent the activities
of different chambers of the heart. Usually only two
DISCUSSION types of waves are seen. The' a' wave represents auricular
systole (upgoing) and diastole (downgoing), and the 'v'
The properties of the heart that are studied in wave represents ventricular systole and diastole. In an
this experiment are automaticity, rhythrnicity, ideal recording, the 's' wave is what appears before the
conductivity and contractility. Automaticity 1s 'a' wave also seen. The 's' wave represents the systole
studied by observing the automatic beating of and diastole of the sinus venosus.

1. What is the difference between the cardiogram (recorded in this experiment) and the electrocardiogram?
2. What is the normal heart rate in a frog?
3. What are the properties of the cardiac muscle? What properties of the cardiac muscle are demonstrated
in this experiment?
4. What are the differences between the amphibian and mammalian hearts?
5. Where is the pacemaker of a frog's heart situated?
6.- What does the crescentic line represent?
7. What are the different waves recorded in a normal cardiogram of a frog's he:art? How are these waves produced?
8. What are the precautions taken during dissection which during exposes the heart?
9. Why is the base of the heart fixed?
10. Why should only the spinal cord be destroyed during pithing? ►

Ans: Cardiovascular centres_are presenc in the brain. Therefore, if the is destroyed with pithing, there may be an alteration
in hean function.
66 Effect of Temperature
on Frog's Heart
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. Cold Ringer's solution (15 °C)
3. Warm Ringer's solution (35 °C)
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 4. Dropper
1. State the physiological importance of performing 5. Blotting paper
this practical.
2. Demonstrate the effect of cold and warm Ringer's
Expose the heart of a pithed frog and record a normal
solution on the sinus venosus and the ventricle. cardiogram as described in Chapter 65. Then carry out
3. List the precautions taken for studying the effect the experiment separately on the sinus venosus and on
of cold and warm Ringer's solution on the sinus the ventricle as described below.
venosus and the ventricle.
4. Explain the changes in cardiac activities following On the sinus venosus
the application of cold and warm Ringer's solution 1. Record a normal cardiogram (about 10 beats).
2. Apply cold (15 °C) Ringer's solution to the sinus
on the sinus venosus and the ventricle.
venosus with the help of a dropper and record its
effect on the cardiogram (about 10 beats).
3. . ApplyRinger'ssolutionatnormal room temperature
INTRODUCTION and record a normal cardiogram (about 10 beats).
4. Apply warm Ringer's (35 °C) to the sinus venosus
The application of cold and warm Ringer's solution on
with the help of a dropper and record its effect on
the sinus venosus changes the heart rate by changing
the pacemaker activity, which is present in the sinus the cardiogram (about 10 beats).
5. Apply Ringer'ssolutionatnormalroomtemperature
venosus in frogs. The application of cold and warm
and record a normal (about 10 beats).
Ringer's solution on the ventricle changes the force
of contraction by directly affecting the contractile
O n the ventricle
machinery of the myocardium. 1. Record a normal cardiogram (about 10 beats) at
This experiment is carried out to study the effect
room temperature.
of temperature on the sinus venosus and the ventricle, 2. Apply cold (15 °C) Ringer's solution to the ventricle
and to know the site of impulse generation in the frog's
with a piece of blotting paper and record its effect
heart. on the ventricle. 1111 The small piece of blotting
paper is soaked in cold Ringer's solution and the
METHOD paper then is placed on the ventricle with the help
of forceps, taking care not to allow the solution to
Principl~ trickle down to the sinus venosus.
The application of cold and warm Ringer's solution 3. Apply Ringer'ssolutionatnormalroomtemperature
on the sinus venosus changes the heart rate and on the and record a normal cardiogram (about 10 beats).
ventricle changes the force of contraction. These changes 4. Apply warm Ringer's {35 °C) to the ventricle with
are observed by applying cold and warm Ringer's solution blotting paper and record its effect on the ventricle.
separately on the sinus venosus and on the ventricle, and 11111 The blotting paper is soaked in warm
recording the effect on a moving drum. Ringer's solution and then placed on the ventricle
with forceps, taking care not to allow the solution
Requirements to trickle down to the sinus venosus.
1. Same as for Chapter 65. 5. Apply Ringer's solution at normal room
380 Chapter 66


\, Warm Ringer's
Normal Cold Ringer's


\w Cold Ringer's
Normal Normal Warm Ringer's

Fig. 66.1. Effect of temperature on frog s heart

temperature and record a

normal cardiogram from the ventricle, when the effect of cold and
(about 10 beats). warm Ringer's is carried out. For recording the
Tabulate the effects of temperature on the sinus cardiogram the ventricle is placed above the sinus
venosus and on the ventricle with reference to heart venosus, blotting paper (not the dropper) is used
rate and force of contraction. to pour cold and warm Ringer's solution on the
ventricle so that the solution does not trickle
Observation down to the sinus venosus.
Study the effect of temperature on t he sinus venosus 6. The heart should be moistened with normal
and the ventricle. Note that cold Ringer's decreases the Ringer's solution frequently to prevent drying.
hean rate but increases the force of contraction, and 7. When not recording, the lever of the hean should
warm Ringer's increases the heart rate but decreases be lowered to prevent deterioration of the function
the amplitude of contraction when applied to the sinus of the hean.
venosus. Cold Ringer's decreases the amplitude of
~ontraction without changing the hean rate and warm DISCUSSION
Ringer's increases amplitude of contraction without
changing the heart rate when applied to the ventricle Cold Ringer's on the Sinus Venosus
(Fig. 66.1).
The application of cold Ringer's solution on the sinus
venosus decreases the heart rate and increases the
Precautions amplitude of contraction. The hean rate decreases
1. The normal cardiogram should be recorded prior
because the cold Ringer's directly inhibits the
to the recording of the effects of cold and warm
pacemaker activity of the hean. This is the primary
Ringer's solution on the sinus venosus and the effect. The increase in amplitude of contraction
ventricle. is due to the Frank- Starling law. When the hean
2. The temperature of cold Ringer's should be 15 °C rate decreases, the ventricular end diastolic volume
and temperature of warm Ringer's should be 35 °C. increases as the ventricle gets more time to fill.
If the solution is very cold or very hot the hean The increased ventricular filling increases the length of
may be damaged. the ventricular muscle fibre prior to onset of systole.
3. The temperature of the solutions should be recorded Therefore, the force of the contraction increases. This
just before their application. is the secondary effect.
4. Care should be taken to apply the solution only on
the sinus venosu: when the effect of cold and warm
Warm Ringer's on the Sinus Venosus
Ringer's s9lution is carried out.
5. Care must be taken to prevent the trickling The application of warm Ringer's solution on the
down of the solution co the sinus venosus sinus venosus increases the heart rate and decreases
Effect of Temperature on Frog's Heart 381

the force of contraction. The increase in heart The myocardial act1v1ty is depressed by the cold
rate is the primary effect and the decrease in the force Ringer's solution because at the low temperature, the
of contraction is the secondary effect. The heart rate enzymatic activity of the myocardium decreases and
increases due to stimulation of the pacemaker activity the viscosity of the myocardial tissue increases.
in the sinus venosus by the warm solution. The force
of contraction decreases due to less filling of heart Warm Ringer's on the Ventricle
(decreased end diastolic volume) as the heart gets less
time to fill. The application of warm Ringer's solution to the
ventricle increases the force of contraction due to
the accentuation of myocardial activity by the direct
Cold Ringer's on the Ventricle
action of warm solution on it. The heart rate remains
The application of the cold Ringer's solution to the unchanged as the pacemaker is present in the sinus
ventricle decreases the force of contraction due to venosus. Warm Ringer's stimulates myocardial
the inhibition of myocardial contractility by the contractility by increasing the enzymatic activity and
cold solution. The heart rate does not change as decreasing the viscosity of the myocardial tissue.
the pacemaker of the heart is present in the sinus These experiments prove that the sinus venosus is
venosus, which remains unaffected in this experiment. the pacemaker of the frog heart.

VIVA - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is the effect of cold Ringer's on the sinus venosus and the ventricle? What is the physiological basis?
2. What is the Frank-Starling law of the heart?
3. What is the effect of warm Ringer's solution on the sinus venosus and the ventricle? What is the physiological basis?
4. What are the precautions taken for demonstrating the effect of cold and warm Ringer's on the sinus
-. venosus and the ventricle?
5. What is the physiologic basis of the difference between the cold and warm Ringer's on the sinus
venosus and the ventricle?
67 Effect of Stannius Ligatures
on Frog's Heart

After completing this practical you WILL be able to:

The rate of discharge of impulses is different in different
l. Explain the clinical implication of this practical.
2. Demonstrate the effect of Stannius ligature
potential pacemakers of the heart. Thei: rhythms ~re
on the frog heart.
demonstrated by separating (appropnately placmg
ligatures) them from each other.
3. Explain the effect of Stannius ligatures.
4. State the rate of discharge of different potential
pacemakers of the heart.
1. Same as for Chapter 65
5. Classify heart blocks.
2. Aneurysm needle
3. Thread

1. Set up the experiment as for recording a
In humans, the cardiac impulse is generated in the
normal cardiogram.
SA node and conducted to all parts of the heart.
2. Pass a threaded aneurysm needle between the
Therefore, the SA node is the pacemaker of the
truncus arteriosus and the atria.
heart. In a frog's heart, the pacemaker is present
3. Hook up the heart and record the normal cardiogram
in the sinus venosus. The cardiac muscle has the
on a slow moving drum.
property of automaciry, that is, it has the power •
4. Bring forward the thread under the t~cus
to generate its own impulse. Though nor_mally
arteriosus and tie it at the junction of the smus
an impulse is generated in the SA node (pnmary
venosus and the atria (on the white crescentic line).
pacemaker), automaticity is not limited to the SA
node alone. When the SA node is diseased, the
1111!1 This is the first Stannius ligature _(Fig. 67.1).
It records the atrial rhythm.
other potential pacemakers of the heart take over
the responsibility t o generate the impulse. The first
5. Record the effect of ligation on the cardiogram.
6. Apply the ligature at the atrioventricular j~nction
to take over the work of the SA node is the AV
and record the effect of ligation on the cardiogram.
node. The next in the hierarchy are bundle of His,
the Purkinje system and the ventricular muscle. T~e
mmzl This is the second Stannius ligature. It reco_rds
the ventricular rhythm. Note that the ventncle
rate of discharge is maximum in the SA node as it
starts beating after a pause, and at a much slower
is the natural pacemaker of the h eart. The rate of
race (idioventricular rhythm).
discharge gradually decreases in the hierarchy of the
pacemakers. .
In humans, the rate of discharge of the different
Observation l
Note that the frequency of heart beat after placing _
pacemakers is as follows:
SA node : 60-100/min the first Stannius ligature is significantly less than the ... .. J
normal rhythm. The frequency of heart beat is much
AV node : 50-70/min
lower after placing the second Stannius ligature (Fig.
His bundle : 40-60/ min
Purkinje system : 30-50/ min
Ventricular muscle : 15-40/ min Precautions
This practical dE;_monstrates thehierarchyof pacemaking 1. The first Stannius ligature should be tied between
activity of the different tissues of the heart. the truncus aneriosus and the atria.
Effect of Stannius Ligatures on Frog's Heart 383

rate as the impulse is now gener·aced by the atria (atrial

rhythm). After placing the second Stannius ligature,
which prevents transmission of impulse from the atria
to the ventricle, the heart rate decreases further as the
impulse is now generated by the ventricle (ventricular
rhythm). This indicates that the primary pacemakPr in
frog heart is present in the sinus venosus.

Fig. 67.1. Pos1t1on of Stannius ligatures as seen in the side view of

Clinical Significance
the heart ( 1 First Stannius ligature 2 Second Stan mus ligature
3 Sinus venosus. 4 Auricles 5 Ventricle)
Heart blocks
As noted above, the SA node normally controls the
2. The second Stannius ligature should be tied between
heart rate. Interruption of impulse transmission from
the atria and ventricle.
the atria to the ventricle is called heart block. There
3. Recording should be done immediately after placing
are three degrees of heart blocks: first, second and
the ligatures.
third. rn·first degree and second degree heart blocks,
impulse transmission is not completely interrupted
DISCUSSION between the atria and the ventricle, therefore these
are called incomplete heart blocks. H owever, impulse
The sinus venosus (SA node in humans) is the primary
transmission is completely blocked between the atria
pacemaker of the heart. Therefore, the first Stannius
and the ventricle in the third degree heart block, and
ligature, which prevents transmission of impulses
therefore it is called complete heart block.
from the sinus venosus to atria, decreases the heart

1" Stannius ligature ' - 2"" Stannius ligature

Fig. 67.2. Recording of the effects of Stannius ligature on frog·s heart

1. What is the effect of the first Stannius ligature on the heart?
2. What is the effect of the second Stannius ligature on the heart?
3. What is the rate of discharge of the different potential pacemakers of the heart?
4. What is heart block? What are the different types of heart blocks?
68 Properties of the Cardiac Muscle


After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
Properties of the cardiac muscle are studied in a beating
1. Explain the importance of studying the
heart and in a quiescent heart.
properties of the cardiac muscle.
2. List the properties of the cardiac muscle.
3. Define extrasytole, compensatory pause,
1. Same as for recording of a normal cardiogram
refractory period, all or none law and the
2. Electrical circuit for cardiac stimulation
staircase phenomenon.
3. Signal marker
4. Elaborate on the physiologic basis of the different
4. Aneurysm needle
properties of the cardiac muscle.
5. Explain why the cardiac muscle cannot be
I. Recording of extrasystole, compensatory pause
6. Explain the physiological basis of the staircase and refractory period
phenomenon. A. In a beali11g heart
1. Set up the experiment as for recording a normal
INTRODUCTION 2. Apply electrodes to the base of the ventricle for
stimulating it with single induction shocks.
The properties of the cardiac muscle can be divided 3. Adjust a signal marker close to the heart lever to
into two groups: properties that can be studied in a record the movement of stimulation.
beating heart and the properties that can be studied in 4. Record normal heart beats on a slow moving
a quiescent heart. The properties that can be studied in drum.
a beating heart are: 5. Stimulate the ventricle during different phases of the
• Automaticity cardiac cycle. 111111While stimulating the ventricle
• Rhythmicity it should be observed that the stimuli d~ring the
• Comractility systole are ineffective, but the stimuli during
• Conductivity diastole elicit a premature contraction (extrasystole)
• Excitability which is followed by a compensatory pause.
• Long refractory period The contraction following the compensatory pause
• Extrasystole and compensatory pause is higher in magnitude than the previous one (Fig.
The properties that can be studied in a quiescent heart 68.1A).
are: 6. Label your record to show the systole and diastole in
• All or none law a normal heart beat, point of application of the extra
• The staircase phenomenon stimulus, extrasystole and compensatory pause.
• Length-tension relationship
• Summation of subminimal stimuli B. I,, a quiescent bearl
In this practical, the properties that you will study 1. Make electrical connections for delivering single
are extrasystole, compensatory pause, refractory induced shocks with the drum in circuit.
period, all or none law, the staircase phenomenon and 2. Apply the first Stannius ligature by tying the heart
the summation of subminim:il stimuli. The last three with a thread at the white crescencic line to make
properties can be studied in a quiescent heart. the heart quiescent.
Properties of the Cardiac Muscle 385

Extrasytole PSP 2. Apply the first Stannius ligature to make the heart
3. Apply electrodes to the base of the ventricle.
A 4. Adjust the writing lever to record on a stationary
CP drum.
5. Stimulate the ventricle with subthreshold stimuli
and observe the effect.
6. Increase the strength of the stimulus till a contraction
B is recorded.
7. Increase the strength of the stimulus every thirty
2 3 4 seconds; rotate the drum through 1 cm each time
and record the contraction. 11111 Observe that
the height of the contraction remains the same
irrespective of the strength of the stimulus, that
is, the amplitude of contraction of the threshold
C stimulus is the same as the amplitude of contraction
recorded with the stimuli of higher strength.
No recording occurs with subthreshold stimuli
(Fig. 68.lB).
I Fig. 68.1. Demonstration of the properties of the cardiac muscle.
I A Extrasysto!e i 1 stimulus applied during systole produces no
III. Staircase phenomenon
extras·✓ stolc 2 st1rnJ1us applied during diastole produces an
1. Adjust the inductorium for a single effective
f extrasystolP which 10 followed by a compensatory pause: CP:
compensatory pause. PSP Postextrasystolic potent1at1on): B All shock.
or nor'e law 11 subthrcshold stimulus: 2 thresr.old stimulus:
2. Make the heart quiescent by applying the first
I 3 and 4 suprathreshold st1mu1t1. C staircase phenomenon
[st1mul applied every 2 seconds] Stannius ligature.
3. Stimulate the ventricle repeatedly at intervals of
3. Place the electrodes at the base of the ventricle. two seconds and record each contraction at 1 cm
4. Stimulate the ventricle by adjusting the angle intervals on a stationary drum. Ill Observe that
between the contact arms so that the stimuli fall the first few contractions show a successive increase
during different phases of the cardiac cycle. in amplitude, which is known as the staircase
5. Record the effect of the stimuli on the drum running phenomenon (Fig. 68.lC).
at medium speed.
6. Mark the point of stimulation for each graph Iv. Summation of subrn.inimal stimuli
before changing the angle of the contact arms and 1. Make the heart quiescent by putting the first
the position of the cylinder. Stannius ligature.
7. O btain at least three sets of graphs as mentioned 2. Find a stimulus by adjusting the position of the
below: inductorium that just fails to produce a contraction.
a. The second stimulus is applied when the 1111 The stimulus is a subthreshold stimulus.
ventricle is completely relaxed after the first 3. Repeatedly stimulate the ventricle at intervals of
contraction. one second till the ventricle gives a full contraction.
b. T he second stimulus is applied during the Ill Usually between the tenth and twentieth
diastole of the first heart beat (relative refractory stimulus the ventricle contracts.
.,., c. T he second stimulus is applied during the Observation
systole of the first heart beat (absolute refractory Observe and study the properties of the cardiac muscle
period). recorded in a beating heart and in a quiescent heart.

II. All or none law Precautions

1. Make electrical connections to stimulate the
l. For recording of the extrasystole and compensatory
ventricle with single induced shocks.
386 Chapter 68

........ -,'
0 '
I \
I 3
• \
I \
I \
-50 \
0 / I
~ Threshold \
, ;
.§.. ,, , •" I\
O> -70
,, 1\
l'! II '\
~ I \
4 I 4
t----- l.-- ARP - - - ~ I
~ RRP -

Time (msec)
- - - - - - - - - Slow fibres, present in the SA and AV nodes. Resting membrane potential Is
-50 to-70 MVand the conduction velocity is 2-10 cm/sec. Note the sponta-
neous diastolic de~larisation in phase 4 and the slow phase 0.
- - - - Fast fibres (atrial and ventricular myocardial cells ani:J cells in specialised con-
duction tissues). Rroting membrane potential is - 90 rnV and the conduction
velocity 30-100 cm/sec.
ARP: absolute refractory period, i.e., an interval in which no stimulus, however
strong, can initiate an action potential
RRP: relative refractory period, i.e., an interval during which a supranorrnal
stimulus can initiate an action potential

Fig. 68.2. Action potential of cardiac muscle showing five phases

pause, the stimulus should be applied in the diastole period (relative refractory period), the heart muscle
of the heart. may contract. This contraction comes earlier than the
2. To study the refractory period, one stimulus should normally expected contraction. Therefore, it is called
be applied in the systole and another in the diastole an exirarystole. The next impulse arrives in the refractory
of the heart. period of the extrasystole, hence fails to evoke a
3. The all or none law, staircase phenomenon and response. This results in a pause (silence), following
summation of subminimal stimuli should be studied the extrasystole, which is known as a cofllpensatory pause.
in a quiescent heart. The response following the compensatory pause is
4. To study the all or none law, stimuli should be given greater than the previous one due to the accumulation
in different strengths starting from the subthreshold of calcium ions during the pause.
to the suprathreshold level.
5. To study the staircase phenomenon, the ventricle Refractory Period
should be stimulated repeatedly at intervals of
2 seconds. The cardiac muscle has a long refractory period.
6. To study the effect of the summation of subminimal The absolute refractory period is about 250 ms and
stimuli, the subthreshold (that just fails to evoke the relative refractory period is around 50 ms (Fig. 68.2).
a response) stimuli-should 'be given repeatedly at During the absolute refractory period, a stimulus
intervals of 0.5-1 second. cannot re-excite the tissue, no matter how strong
the stimulus is. The duration of the action potential
DISCUSSION of the cardiac muscle is almost the same as the
duration of the mechanical activity. A fresh action
Extrasystole and Compensatory Pause
potential should be accompanied with a mechanical
When the ventricle is stimulated in the relaxation response. The mechanical responses of the cardiac
Properties of the Cardiac Muscle 387

muscle cannot be merged. Therefore, contraction between the consecutive stimuli not less than
and relaxation of the cardiac muscle to a stimulus 10 seconds, the first 2-5 contractions progressively
must be over before the muscle responds to another increase in amplitude. This is called the staircase
stimulus. Therefore, the cardiac muscle cannot be phenotJJeno11. This is due to the accumulation of calcium
tetanised. ion in the sarcoplasm. With each stimulus a calcium
ion is released into the sarcoplasm and if the next
The All or None Law stimulus reaches within 10 seconds, the calcium ions
may not be totally pumped back into the sarcotubular
The threshold stimulus is the weakest stimulus that system. Therefore, the next contraction is accentuated
evokes a response. If the heart muscle is stimulated with due to an increase in the concentration of calcium
subthreshold stimuli no response is seen. The amplitude ions (calcium released by the stimulus plus the extra
of contraction in response to the suprathreshold stimuli calcium left by the previous stimulus). The staircase
remains the same as that with the threshold stimuli. phenomenon also occurs due to increased temperature
This is known as the all or none law. This is due to two
in the musde during the previous contraction.
reasons: (a) the heart muscle being an excitable tissue
follows the all or none law and (b) the heart muscle
behaves as the functional syncytium. Therefore, the Summation of Subminimal Stimuli
whole heart contracts with the same force.
When subrninimal stimuli are applied repeatedly
with the interval between the consecutive stimuli
Staircase Phenomenon
being less than one second, the stimuli summate and
If the heart is stimulated repeatedly with the interval produce a response.

VIVA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. What is extrasystole? Why is the extrasystole followed by a compensatory pause?
2. Explain why the cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised.
~ 3. Define and explain the absolute and relative refractory periods.
4. What is the all o r none law? Why does the cardiac muscle exhibit the .ill or none law?
5. Why should the intervals between the stimuli be less than 10 ms to.demonstrate the all or cone law?
6. What is the staircase phenomenon? What is its physiological basis?

7. What is the mechanism of summation of the subminimal effects?

69 Effect of Stimulation O'f
Vagosympathetic Trunk on
Frog's Heart
Mter completing this practical you WILL be able to:
Stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk results
1 1. Explain the clinical implications of
in cardiac inhibition. However, if the stimulation
performing this practical.
continu es, the heart recovers from the inhibitory
2. Explain the differences between vagal and
effect of the vag;us. This is demonstrated by recording
sympathetic innervation of the frog and human
the effect of vag;o sympathetic stimulation of the heart
on a moving dmm.
3. Identify the vagosympathetic trunk in the frog.
4. Demonstrate the effect of vagal stimulation on
Re uirements
the heart.
1. Same as for the recording of a normal cardiogram
5. Understand the phenomenon of vagal inhibition
2. Electrical circuit for stimulating the heart
and vagal escape.
3. Frog
6. Explain the physiological basis of vagal inhibition
and vagal escape.
7. Explam the effect -OPngal stimulation in humans.
1. Pith the frog;.
2. Expose the chest of the frog by making an incision
on the sternum.
INTRODUCTION 3. Extend the iJDcision upwards to the lower jaw.
4. Cut the plarysma.
In human beings, the activation of the vagal fibres inhibits
5. Remove the tissue running from the angle of the
the heart, while activation of the sympathetic fibres
jaw to expos,e the petrohyoid muscle {a thin muscle
stimulates the heart. But vagal and sympathetic fibres to
the heart in a frog cannot be stimulated separately, as these Glossopharyngeal nerve Hypoglossal nerve
fibres are mixed toformasinglenerve, thevagosympathetic
trunk. Stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk results
in cardiac inhibition as the vagal effect predominates
over the sympathetic effect. But if the vagosympathetic
trunk is stimulated for a long period, the facilitatory
effect of sympathetic may overcome the inhibitory effect
of parasympathetic. The white crescentic line is the
parasympathetic ganglion (Remak's ganglion) in the
frog's heart. Therefore, stimulation of the white crescentic
line causes cardiac inhibition.
The p ostganglionic parasympathetic neurons that
Carotid artery
are embedded in the heart muscle at the junction of Vagosympathetlc trunk

atria and ventricle form the white crescentic line.

Fig. 69.1.
Effect of Stimulation of Vagosympathetic Trunk on Frog's Heart 389

..,........ .. ........
that runs from the base of the skull to the posterior
comer of the hyoid bone).111 The petrohyoid
muscle is identified by its shining colour. ,. ,
The glossopharyngeal and the hypoglossal nerves \._
Vagal stimulation (lower strength)
are seen superficial to the petrohyoid. Along the
lower border of the petrohyoid, a neurovascular
bundle is seen. This neurovascular bundle is formed
by the laryngeal nerve, the carotid artery and the
vagosympathetic trunk. The vagosympathetic
M Vagal lnhibition~

trunk is identified by its close association with the ,,.. 1111,11r::1,111•----.....·- · ··-- -
\.. Vagal stimulation (htgher strength)
artery (Fig. 69.1).
6. Isolate the vagosympathetic trunk carefully with a
thin glass rod and pass a thread below the nerve. Fig. 69.2. Effect of vagal Iv3gosympa:net1c trurkI st1•rulat1ori on
/rog s twar1
7. Confirm the vagosympathetic trunk by observing
the cardiac inhibition (slowing of the heart) by
stimulating the nerve. Precautions
8. Record a normal cardiogram. 1. The vagosympathetic trunk should be identified by
9. Stimulate the vagosympathetic trunk with a its anatomical landmark.
lower strength of stimulus and record the effect of 2. Before carrying out the experiment, the
stimulation. vagosympathetic trunk should be confirmed by
10. Repeat the procedure by gradually increasing the stimulating the trunk and observing the slowness
strength of the stimuli till the heart stops. 11111 of the heart.
For studying the effect of different strengths of the 3. The effect of the vagal stimulation on the heart
stimulus, record the cardiogram before, during and should be studied from a lower strength to the
after the stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk. higher strength of the stimuli.
The slowing and finally stopping of the heart due 4. After recording the vagal inhibition, the stimulation
• to vagosympathetic stimulation is known as vagal should be continued to study the phenomenon of
inhibition. vagal escape.
11. After the heart stops, continue stimulating the 5. The cardiogram should be recorded before, during
vagosympathetic trunk till the heart starts beating. and after stimulation of the vagosympathetic
Bl The recovery of the heart from the inhibitory trunk.
influence of the vagus when the vagosympathetic 6. The recording should be labelled properly to mark
trunk is stimulated for a longer duration is known the start and termination of stimulation.
as vagal escape.
12. Indicate the beginning and termination of vagal DISCUSSION
stimulation on the recording and label the vagal
inhibition and the vagal escape. Effect of Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve

A. In fro_g
Study the effect of stimulation of the vagosympathetic Vagal inhibition When the vagus nerve (vagosympa-
trunk (of different strength) on the cardiac activities thetic trunk) is stimulated in a frog, there is inhibition
(Fig. 69.2). Note that at a lower strength of stimulation of the heart. The heart rate and the force of contrac-

- there is a slowing down of the heart, but the heart stops

with a higher strength of stimulus. Also note that the
heart beat reappears when stimulation is continued for
tion decrease. This is called vagal inhibition. If the
stimulus is strong, the heart stops. Cardiac inhibition
occurs due to the release of acetylcholine at the nerve
a longer duration. The heart rate of the vagal escape is endings. This increases the potassium conductance in
significantly less than the heart rate prior to the vagal the nodal tissues by opening a special set of potassium
stimulation (normal heart rate). channels. Acetylcholine also decreases the concentra-
390 Chapter 69
tion of cyclic AMP in the cells. The decrease in cyclic lated, the sympathetic fibres are also activated and
AMP slows the opening of the calcium channels that stimulate the heart. J
decreases the firing rate. A decrease in calcium con-
B. In humans
centration in the myocardial cells decreases the force
In mammals including human beings, the vagal and
of contraction.
sympathetic fibres innervating the heart are present
Vagal escape A strong vagal stimulation may abol- separately in separate nerves. Therefore, stimulation
ish the spontaneous discharge of the heart for some of the vagus shows the effect of only parasympathetic
time and the heart stops temporarily. But, the heart activation. However, continuous stimulation of
recovers automatically even after the continuation of the vagus nerve results in vagal escape, which 1s
vagal stimulation. This is called vagal escape. The heart predominantly due to idioventricular rhythm.
rate following vagal escape is significantly lower than
the normal heart rate because the escape rhythm is the Vasovagal Attack
ventricular rhythm.
Stimulation of the vagus nerve causes sudden and
Causes of vagal escape are:
transient loss of consciousness. This is known as
1. ldiol'enlriC11!ar rl!Jlhm When the heart stops due to
1•asol'a1,al .ry11copP or vasovagal attack. It occurs due to
vagal stimulation, the ventricle stares generating
inadequate cerebral blood flow that results from abrupt
the impulse, which is known as idioventricular
vasodilation and decreased cardiac output.
rhythm. It is so called because the cardiac rhythm
is due to the pacemaker activity of the ventricu- VagalTone
lar muscle, and the exact cause of the ventricular
pacemaking activity was not known (idiopathic). The normal heart rate in humans is about 70/mm
As the discharge rate of the ventricle is much less, (range: 60-100) which is significantly less than the
the idiovencricular rhythm is significantly lower intrinsic heart rate (100-120/mm). Intrinsic heart rate
than the normal heart rate. is the heart rate when the heart is denervated (devoid
2. Depletion of ace(ylcholi11e When the vagus nerve is of parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation). This
stimulated continuously, the acetylcholine re- reduced heart rate (in comparison to intrinsic heart
leased at the nerve ending is depleted after some rate) is due to 1•agal tone. Therefore, vagal tone is the •
time. Acetylcholine is degraded rapidly by the tonic inhibitory influence of the vagus nerve on the
enzyme cholinesterase. Therefore, the effect of heart. There is also the g mpathetic lone, which stimulates
vagal stimulation on the heart is temporary.
the heart. But, normally vagal tone predominates over
3. Sympathetic sti11111/atio11 It is believed that when the
sympathetic tone. This is the reason why the heart rate
vagosympathetic trunk is continuously stimu-
is normally less than the intrinsic rate.

1. What is the difference between vagal and sympathetic innervation of the heart in frogs and humans?
2. What is vagal inhibition? What is the mechanism involved in vagal inhibition?
3. What is vagal escape? What are the causes of vagal escape?
4. Why is the heart rate following vagal escape significantly less than the normal heart rate?
5. What is a vasovagal attack?
6. What is vagal tone?

70 Effect of Nicotine and Atropine
on Frog's Heart
LEARNING OBJECTIVES destroyed during pithing, atropine may not alter heart
rate practically.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to:
l. Explain the importance of performing this practical METHOD
in cardiovascular physiology.
2. Record and appreciate the effect of stimulation of Principle
the white cresccntic line on frog heart. Atropine is a muscarinic receptor blocker and nicotine
3. Demonstrate the site of action of atropine and is a ganglion blocker. The vagus nerve and the white
nicotine on the heart. crescencic lines are stimulated before and after the
4. List the mechanism of action of atropine and application of atropine and nicotine to determine the
mcoune. site of action of these drugs.

1. Same as in Chapter 69
2. Nicotine solution (7%)
The white crescencic line (WCL) which is present at the 3. Atropine solution (0.5%)
junction between the atria and ventricle represents the
postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. Stimulation Procedure
of the WCL inhibits the heart as stimulation of the 1. Record a normal cardiogram on a slow moving
.. vagus nerve does. Atropine is a parasympatholytic drum.
drug. It inhibits the effect of acetylcholine on 2. Stimulate the right vagosympathetic trunk by a
muscarinic receptors. Muscarinic receptors are present strong faradic stimulus to record vagal inhibition.
in the cardiac tissues. Therefore, stimulation of the 3. Apply electrodes on the white crescentic line (WCL)
vagus nerve or WCL following application of atropine and stimulate the WCL with Faradic stimuli till the
on the heart does not evoke any response. Nicotine heart stops.
is a ganglion blocker. It inhibits the transmission of 4. Apply the nicotine solution on the heart and record
impulse through the autonomic ganglia. Therefore, the effect. Stimulate the vagosympathetic trunk and
stimulation of the vagus nerve following application of then the WCL following application of nicotine;
nicotine does not evoke any response, but stimulation record the effect. Ill Nicotine may not have
of the white crescentic line (the postganglionic cell any effect when applied directly on the heart. But
bodies) shows response. This indicates that nicotine stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk does
acts on the ganglion. This practical is performed to not evoke any response whereas stimulation of
demonstrate the site of action of atropine and nicotine WCL inhibits the heart, following application of
on the heart. nicotine.
Theoretically, application of nicotine on the heart 5. Wash the heart with normal saline and reco~d a
in low doses stimulates WCL and therefore causes normal cardiogram.
bradycardia, and in high doses inhibits WCL and 6. Apply atropine to the heart and record the
therefore causes tachycardia. However in practice, effect. Stimulate the vagosympathetic trunk
the direct action of nicotine on the heart does not and WCL following application of atropine and
evoke much significant response. Atropine, on direct record the effect. 1111 Atropine may not have
application (in i.ntact heart) produces tachycardia by any direct effect. However, stimulation of the
blocking muscarinic receptors. However, as vagus is vagosympathethetic trunk and WCL do not evoke
392 Chapter 70

any response following application of atropine. The WCL is the parasympa thetic ganglion present I
7. Label the recording. in the heart, which on stimulation also releases J
acetylcholi ne and inhibits the heart. Acetylchol ine
Observation acts through the cholinergic muscarinic receptors.
Observe the difference between the effect of Atropine blocks the muscarinic receptors. Therefore,
stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk and WCL stimulation of the vagosympa thetic trunk and
after ad.ministration of nicotine and atropine to the WCL does not inhibit the heart after application of
heart (Fig. 70.1). atropine, as atropine blocks the muscarinic receptors
on the heart.
Precautions Nicotine acts on the ganglion. In small doses,
1. The effect of stimulation of the vagosympathetic nicotine stimulates the ganglia and in large doses
trunk and WCL should be recorded before and inhibits it (it blocks the transmissio n of impulses
after recording the effect of nicotine and atropine. from pre- to postganglio nic neurons). It acts both
2. The heart should be washed with normal saline on the presynaptic and postsynapti c receptors in the
between applications of the drugs. ganglion and causes persistent depolarisat ion that
3. A normal cardiogram should be recorded preceding inactivates the Na• channels. Therefore, stimulation
the recording of each effect. of the vagosympa thetic trunk following application
of a high dose of nicotine does not evoke any response
DISCUSSION whereas stimulation of WCL inhibits the heart. This
indicates that nicotine acts on the ganglion as ganglion
Stimulation of the vagosympa thetic trunk inhibits the blockade has no effect on WCL (postganglionic
heart by releasing acetylcholin e at the nerve endings. neurons).

- - - - --~M~ll'll/ ffM,W~flll.. ,,_

Wl41b tt i"IMIAIMIII ~ - - . - - -- -
Stimulation of VST Stimulation of WCL

Nicotine Stimulation of VST Sbmulation of WCL

Atropine Stimulation of VST Stimulation of WCL

Effect of Nicotine and Atropine on Frog's Heart 393

1. What is the effect of atropine on the heart?
2. Why does the stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk or WCL not evoke any response following the
application of atropine?
3. What is the action of nicotine on the heart?
.: 4. How do you confirm the site of action of nicotine?
r 5. What is the mechanism of action of atropine and nicotine on the heart?
6. ame the cholinergic receptors and their antagonists.


71 Perfusion of Frog's Heart
and Effect of Drugs and Ions
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. Expose the thorax of the frog.
3. Remove the pericardium.
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 4. Pass a fine thread around the sinus venosus.
1. Explain the importance of performing this 5. With a pair of sharp scissors make a small slit in the
practical in cardiovascular physiology. sinus venosus and introduce Syme's cannula.
2. List the effects of drugs and chemicals on the 6. Tie the thread around the neck of the cannula and
normal cardiogram. cut the heart out of the frog.
3. Explain the effect of various chemicals on 7. Connect the cannula with Mariette's perfusion
the heart. bottle containing frog's Ringer's solution.
8. Perfuse the heart with Ringer's solution and record
the heart beat on a slow moving drum.
9. Record the effect of the following drugs and ions by
applying each chemical separately with the help of
The activities of the heart depend primarily on the separate droppers:
concentration of intracellular and extracellular ions. i) 1 ml of 1% CaC½
Different drugs and chemicals change cardiac function ii) 1 ml of 1% KCl
by changing the ionic concentration of the nodal iii) 2 ml of 1% NaCl
tissues and myocardial cells by either acting directly
iv) 0.5 ml of 1 in 100,000 solution of
on the ion channels or by acting on different receptors
adrenaline hydrochloride
that affect the ion channels. Usually various chemicals
alter heart function by changing the cyclic AMP and
v) 0.5 ml of 1 in 10,00,000 acetylcholine. 11111
Normal cardiogram should be taken before
calcium concentration in the cardiac cells. Many of the
and after recording the effect of each chemical.
drugs used in clinical practice for cardiac ailments act
by modulating the ionic concentration of cardiac cells.
- --
Observe the changes in the cardiogram following
application of different chemicals. ote that calcium
Princl J!le chloride and adrenaline stimulate the heart whereas
Different drugs and ions change the rate and force of potassium chloride and acetylcholine depress the heart.
contraction of the heart. The effects of these chemicals Sodium chloride increases the heart rate but decreases
are observed on the cardiogram of a frog and recorded the force of contraction (Fig. 75.2).
on a moving drum. Precautions
1. Same as for the recording of a cardiogram.
1. Same as for recording a normal cardiogram 2. While introducing the cannula into the smus
2. Different chemicals (1 % CaC12 , 1% KCl, 1% venosus, take care not to puncture other heart
NaCl, 1 in 100,000 adrenaline, and 1 in 10,00,000 chambers (Fig. 71.1).
acetylcholine) 3. The thread should be tied tightly so that it does not
3. Syme's cannula loosen during the experiment.
4. Mariotte's bottle 4. The concentration and amount of the chemicals
should be appropriate.
Procedure 5. Separate droppers should be used for applying
1. Pith the frog. different chemicals.
Perfusion of Frog's Heart and Effect of Drugs and Ions 395

A cetylcholine decreases the heart rate and the
force of contraction. The heart rate decreases
because the membrane becomes hyperpolarised
and the slope of prepotentials is decreased due to
the action of acetylcholine on muscarinic recep tors
and K + channels. Acetylcholine increases the K +
conductance in the nodal tissue by directly opening
the K + channels. By acting on M 2 receptors on the
nodal cells, acetylcholine decreases the concentration
Fig. 71 .1. Perfusion of a frog's heart of intracellular cyclic AMP that slows down the
opening of calcium channels. This decreases the
6. The normal cardiogram should be recorded prior firing rate of the nodal tissue. Therefore, the heart
to the application of the chemicals. rate decreases. Acetylcholine also decreases cyclic
7. The heart should be washed with frog's Ringer's AMP in the myocardial cells, and therefore decreases
solution each time before the application of each the magnitude of contraction.
f 8. The effect of stimulatory chemicals should Potassium Chloride
be recorded before the recording of inhi- Potassium chloride decreases the resting membrane
bitory chemicals.
potential. Therefore, the fibres become inexcitable.
The heart stops in diastole.
Adrenaline Calcium Chloride
• Calcium chloride increases the force of contraction
Adrenaline increases the inotropic, chronotropic,
dromotropic and bathmotropic actions of the heart. and decreases the relaxation time. Therefore, the
It exerts its effect on the heart by acting on p2 adrenergic heart stops in systole {tonic contraction). This is
receptors that increase intracellular cyclic AMP called calcium rigor. It may not affect the heart
concentration. Increased intracellular cyclic AMP in rate.
the nodal cells facilitates the opening of longstanding
calcium channels that increases the depolarisation Sodium Chloride
phase of the impulse, thereby increasing the heart rate.
Adrenaline also increases intracellular calcium in the Sodium chloride facilitates depolarisation, and
myocardial cells by acting on P, receptors present on hence increases the heart rate. But, it competes with
the cardiac muscles and thereby increases the force of calcium ions, and therefore decreases the force of
contraction. contraction.

1. What are rhe effects of various drugs and chemicals on the heart? State the physiological basis for each.
I 2. What is calcium rigor?
72 Perfusion of Blood Vessels
of the Frog
1. Ringer's solution
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 2. Drugs: adrenaline and acetylcholine
1. State the importance of performing this practical 3. Mariette's flask
in cardiovascular physiology. 4. Cannula
2. Explain the role of vasoconstrictors and 5. Rubber tube
vasodilators in circulation. 6. Living frog
3. Explain the effects of adrenaline and acetyl- 7. Thread and needle
choline on blood vessels. 8. Scissors

1. Use a Mariette's flask as a reservoir (kept at a high
level} and connect the reservoir by a rubber tube
All blood vessels (except capillaries) contain smooth into a special cannula.
muscles. The smooth muscles of the blood vessels 2. Clamp the rubber tube and fill the reservoir with
contract and relax in response to vasoconstrictors Ringer's solution.
and vasodilators, respectively. Blood pressure 3. Insert the stopper carrying the central glass rube.
increases when the sympathetic system is stimulated, 4. Pith the frog.
as norepinephrine is secreted at the sympathetic 5. Open the chest and make a slit in the pericardium
nerve endings, causing vasoconstriction. There is no to expose the heart.
parasympathetic innervation of the blood vessels in 6. Pass a fine ligature {thread} around the aorta at its
the general circulation. Therefore, vagal stimulation origin with the help of a needle.
does not cause immediate vasodilation. However, vagal 7. Make a slit in the aorta (up to half the diameter of
stimulation causes the release of acetylcholine at the the aorta) with the help of a pair of scissors.
nerve endings, which after some time causes vasodilation 8. Introduce the cannula in the aorta and tie the
(acetylcholine reabsorbed into the circulation to exert ligature around the neck of the cannula.
the effect). The vasoconstridor tone (the sympathetic tone} is 9. Make a wide incision in the sinus venosus.
the major factor that determines vessel diameter under 10. Suspend the frog by its lower jaw from a height
normal circumstances. Blood pressure can be altered (Fig. 72.1).
(by causing vasoconstriction or dilation) by changing 11. Fill the cannula with Ringer's fluid to remove
the sympathetic (vasoconstrictor) tone alone. the air and then connect it to the reservoir by the
This practical is designed to assess the effect of rubber tubing.
adrenaline and acetylcholine on the vascular tone in 12. Fix the reservoir about 40 cm above the cannula to
the frog. provide enough perfusion pressure.
13. Count the rate of flow (the degree of perfusion}
METHOD by counting the number of drops that fall down
the legs of the frog. The fluid coming from
PrintjP-le the reservoir enters the aorta and after circulating
Blood vessels respond to different vasoconstrictors and through the vascular compartment comes out of
vasodilators. The effect of adrenaline and acetylcholine the sinus venosus and dribbles down.
is assessed by perfusing the blood vessels and injecting 14. Inject 0.5 ml of adrenaline into the aorta and study
these chemicals into the vascular compartment. the effect (by counting the drops}.
Perfusion of Blood Vessels of the Frog 397

15. Allow some time for normal perfusion to return.

16. Inject 0.5 ml of acetylcholine into the aorta and
observe the effect {by counting the drops).
17. At the end of the experiment, note that the frog has 2
become edematous.

Note that when adrenaline is injected, the race of flow
immediately increases but subsequently decreases.
When acetylcholine is injected, the rate of flow
immediately decreases but subsequently increases.

1. The reservoir should be kept at a minimum height of
40 cm to allow the perfusion pressure to develop.
2. The cannula should be properly inserted into the
aorta and tied securely.
Fig. 72.1. Perfusion of blood vessels of a frog
3. A slit muse be made in the sinus venosus to allow (1: Manotte·s bottle: 2: Stand for Manotte's bottle: 3: Rubber
the perfusion fluid to come out. tubing: 4: Stand: 5: Clamp to regulate passage of fluid through
4. Between the study of the effect of adrenaline and the tube: 6: Clamp to hold the lower Jaw of the frog: 7: Cannula
entering into the aorta: 8: Funnel: 9: Water drop; 10: Beaker to
acetylcholine, allow sufficient time for normal collect water).
perfusion to be established.
5. The experiment should not be delayed unnecessarily Adrenaline acts through the a receptors and
as the frog becomes edematous, this decreases increases the concentration of cyclic AMP in the cells
perfusion. that opens up calcium channels. Acetylcholine acts via
muscarinic receptors and decreases the concentration
DISCUSSION of cyclic AMP in the cells.
The frog becomes edematous as the experiment
Adrenaline acts as a vasoconstrictor. Therefore, when proceeds because in this experiment the perfusion is
it is injected, the flow immediately increases due done using frog Ringer's solution, which contains no
to vasoconstriction (squeezing of the vascular bed). proteins. Therefore, the oncotic pressure (osmotic
But subsequently, the flow decreases as the vascular pressure due to the presence of plasma proteins) in
compartment decreases in size, so that less fluid the vascular compartment becomes zero. Oncotic
passes through the compartment. Acetylcholine is a pressure is the pressure that prevents extravasation of
vasodilator. Therefore, when acetylcholine is injected, fluid into the interstitial tissue space. As the osmotic
the flow immediately decreases due co expansion of the pressure inside the blood vessels becomes nil, the
vascular bed. Later the flow increases as the capacity of fluid accumulates in the interstitial space and the frog
the vascular bed increases. becomes edematous.

VIVA - - - - - -- -- - -- - --
1. What is vasoconstrictor tone? How is the pressure in the vascular compartment affected by alteration in this tone?
2. What are the effects of adrenaline and acetylcholine on the perfusion of vessels in the frog?
3. What are the mechanisms of action of adrenaline and acetylcholine?
4. What is the cause of edema in the frog in this experiment?
73 Capillary Circulation in the Frog

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Conti1111o"s capillmies These have small pores of

about 4 nm. These are found in the muscles, skin,
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: and so on.
1. Explain the importance of performing this 2. Fe11estrated capillalies These have large pores and al-
practical in experimental physiology. low the passage of large-sized particles. These are
2. Classify capillaries. found in the kidneys, intestines, and so on.
3. Understand the mechanism of capillary 3. Si1111soidal capillaries These have discontinuities be-
circulation. tween the endothelial cells. These are found in the
4. Explain the effect of different chemicals on liver and spleen.
capillary circulation.
5. Define edema. Fluid Exchange in the Capillaries
6. State the causes of edema.
7. Correlate the factors that affect capillary The transport of fluid through the capillaries depends
circulation with the pathophysiology of edema on hydrostatic and osmotic pressure across the
formation. capillaries. The hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries
favours filtration and the hydrostatic pressure in the
interstitial space opposes it. The oncotic pressure
INTRODUCTION (the osmotic pressure exerted by the plasma proteins)
of the capillaries opposes filtration whereas the
Capillaries are the connecting network of blood vessels osmotic pressure in the interstitial space, favours it.
between the arterial and venous side of the circulation. The pressures are different at th e arterial and venous
Capillaries are small vessels, but their number is so ends of the capillaries. The net movement of the fluid
large that the total cross-sectional area of the capillary is determined by the algebraic sum of these forces.
network is very large. Normally, the cross-sectional The net force favours the filtration of the fluid out
area of the capillaries of the body is about 1000 times of the vascular compartment at the arterial end and
that of the aorta, 100 times that of the arteries and 10 reabsorption of fluiid into the circulation at the venous
times that of the arterioles. Because of the large cross- end. Therefore, w hatever the amount of fluid that
sectional area, the velocity of blood flow through the is filtered at the a1terial end is almost entirely taken
capillaries is quite low. Capillaries are thin with no back (except a small amount) at the venous end of the
smooth muscles in their walls. T hey are lined by a single
capillaries. The remaining fluid in the interstitium is
layer of endothelial cells. The thinness of Lhe capillaries
reabsorbed into the ly mphatic channels. Therefore, no
and sluggishness of blood flow in the capillaries favour
excess free fluid is left in the interstitial tissue space,
the exchange of nutrients and metabolites between
and edema formation is prevented.
the tissues and the blood in the capillaries. Therefore,
capillaries are called exchat{f!.Cvessels.

Types of Capillaries PrincjJ!te

Application of warm and cold Ringer's solution and
The gaps between the endothelial cells allow the different chemicals change the size of tbe capillary bed.
exchange of substances across the capillary walls. These changes are observed by studying the capillary
There are three types of capillaries based on the size circulation in the webs of the frog under the low-power
of the gaps. objective of the compound microscope.
Capillary Circulation in the Frog 399

Re uirements capillary circulation following the application of warm

1. Light compound microscope and cold Ringer's solution, histamine, adrenaline and
2. 1% urethane acetic acid.
3. 0.6% saline
4. Adrenaline {1:10000) Precautions
! 5. I-I.istarnine 1. Anesthesia should be administered in the proper
6. 1% acetic acid dose and by the proper route.
7. Warm and cold Ringer's solution 2. The web should be stretched while placing on t:he
8. A living frog hole of the waxed board . .
9. Injection syringe and needle 3. The web should be washed with 0.6% saline before
10. Waxed board with hole at the centre studying the effect of different solutions.
11. Dropper
1. Load 0.5 ml of 1% urethane solution in an injection Capillaries are devoid of smooth muscles. Different
syringe and inject intraperitoneally to anesthetise chemicals change the capillary circulation mainly by
the frog. acting on the precapillary sphincter. The precapillary
2. Wrap the frog in a piece of moist cloth on a waxed sphincter is made up of smooth muscles and is at
board with the web of one foot spread over a hole the junction between the arterioles and capillaries.
made in the waxed board. The sphincter contracts and relaxes in response to
3. Place the web under the low-power objective of a different chemicals and regulates the amount of blood
rrucroscope. that flows through the capillaries. It is believed that
4. Observe capillary circulation. though there are no smooth muscles in the capillaries,
· 5. Avoid drying of the web by applying 0.6% saline they also respond directly to chemicals to an extent.

solution frequently. This may be due to the presence of different contractile

6. Identify arterioles, venules and capillaries by elements in the endothelial cells of the capillaries.
'! observing the branching of blood vessels, diameter
of the vessels, nature of flow and direction of flow. -'-'-'--''--'--'-'----C.---"-c...-=-.-'-'-'--'-"-"'-'-----'= ~

7. Note whether the flow is pulsatile or non-pulsatile, Warm Ringer's solution Application of warm Riltlg-
continuous or intermittent, and laminar or er's solution increases the diameter of capillaries and
turbulent. therefore improves capillary circulation. This may be
8. Also note the size of capillary in relation to red due to the action of the warm Ringer's solution on the
cells. precapillary sphincter and the capillaries.
9. With the help of a dropper, apply warm Ringer's Cold Ringer's solution Application of cold Ringer's
solution on the web and study the changes in solution decreases the size of the capillary vascular bed
capillary circulation. and reduces blood flow through the capillaries.
10. With the help of a dropper apply cold Ringer's
solution on the web and study the changes in Histamine I-I.istamine is a vasodilator. It increases
capillary circulation. the capacity of the capillary bed and improves capil-
11. Place a drop of histamine on the web and observe lary circulation.
the effect of histamine on capillary circulation. Adrenaline Adrenaline is a vasodilator but it reduces
12. Place a drop of adrenaline {1: 10,000) on the web the diameter of the capillaries and decreases blood
and observe its effect. flow in the capillaries.
13. Place a drop of 1% acetic acid on the web and
observe its effect. Edema
Edema is defined as accumulation of excess free fliuid
Observation in the interstitial tissue space. Edema is one of 1the
Observe the changes {the speed of red cell movement, characteristic features of inflammation. It occurs clue
the diameter of the capillaries and the type of flow) in to increased permeability of the capillaries, that causes
400 Chapter 73

extravasation of fluid into the tissue space. Edema is reabsorption from GIT, for example,
also seen in different diseases that occur due to change malabsorpcion syndrome
in pressure gradient along the capillary wall. B. Increased osmotic pressure in interstitial
Factors that cause edema formation Edema occurs space This is the accumulation of osmocically active
due to increased filtration pressure, decreased osmotic substances in the interstitial tissue space. However,
pressure gradient, increased capillary permeability and this is rare.
lymphatic obstruction. Increased capillmy pernreabiliry Capillary permeability
increases due to the action of different chemicals like
Increased filtration press11re substance P, histamine, kinins and toxins. Edema is
1. Arteriolar dilation a common feature of allergic diseases. It occurs in in-
2. Venular constriction flammatory cornditions Qocalised or generalised) due
3. Increased venous pressure, for example, congestive to increased capillary permeability.
heart failure, increased ECF volume, and so on
Lymphatfr obstmction Edema occurs in conditions
Decreased osmotic presmre gradient across the capillary of lymphatic obstruction (for example, filariasis). I
A. Decreased oncotic pressure occurs due to hypo-
proteinemia, which is seen in:
1. Decreased synthesis of protein, for example,
The free fluid ini the interstitial space that is supposed
to return to circulation via lymphatics, accumu-
lates due to a block in the lymphatic channels and
cirrhosis of liver causes edema formation. The characteristic feature of J
2. Urinary loss of protein (proteinuria), for example, chronic lymphatic edema is the non-pitting nature of
nephrotic syndrome
3. Decreased protein intake or decreased
the edema (this is the most important differentiating
feature of lymp.hatic edema).
1. Why is the flow of blood slow in capillaries?
2. What are the factors that favour exchange of nutrients across the capillaries in the tissues?
3. What are the types of capillaries? Give examples of each.
4. What are the factors that affect filtration of fluid across the capillaries?
5. What is the role of the precapillary sphincter in capillary circulation?
6. Why is there an alteration in capillary circulation when cold and warm Rirnger's solution are applied
on the web of the frog?
7. Explain the mechanisms of change in capillary circulation by histamine, adrenaline and acetic acid.
8. Define edema. What are the factors that cause formation of edema? Give examples of each factor.
9. What is the mechanism of edema formation in inflammation?
10. How is chronic lymphatic edema differentiated from other types of edema?

...., ◄
74 Postural Reflexes in the Frog

~- LEARNING OBJECTIVES example, how a frog jumps, respires, swims and so

on, and observe the attitude of jumping, righting,
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: and other behaviour. Study the withdrawal reflex
1. Explain the importance of studying the postural by applying a noxious stimulus like pinching or
reflexes of the frog in practical physiology. pricking a part of the limb. Ulll Swimming can
2. List the postural reflexes integrated at different be studied by placing the frog in a bowl of water.
levels of the CNS. Righting can be studied by placing it on its back and
3. Explain the role of different parts of the neuraxis observing whether it is capable of righting itself.
in the regulation of motor activities. 2. Pith the frog to destroy only the cerebral hemisphere
(do not destroy the spinal cord) or remove the
cerebral hemisphere by cutting with a pair of sharp
INTRODUCTION scissors along a line (Fig. 74.1) passing through the
caudal border of the eyeball (the upper blade of the
Motor activities are controlled at different levels scissors is placed on this line, whereas the lower
in the CNS. T h ese activities include voluntary blade remains inside the mouth). 1111 This type
activities and reflex activity. There are many reflexes of preparation is called a decerebrate preparation
that help maintain erect posture and balance, and and the animal is known as a decerebratefrog. In higher
r . coordinate activities at different joints to perform animals, a decerebrate preparation is made by
a particular movement. These are called postural making a midcollicular lesion.
reflexes. According to their site of integration,
3. Observe the frog's behaviour after removing the
the reflexes are classified into spinal, medullary,
cerebral hemisphere and note whether it maintains
midbrain and cortical reflexes. By making a section
normal posture, whether respiration continues,
I at th e relevant part, we can isolate a portion of the
ir-' whether it is able to swim and right itself. Apply
CNS from its higher regions and study the motor
activities of the animal controlled by that isolated noxious stimuli by pinching and observe the
portion of the CNS. response of the frog to the stimulus.
4. Cut and remove the head in front of a line passing
METHOD behind the tympanic membranes. 1111 This
preparation is called a spinal preparation and the
Princi le animal is known a spinal animal. In humans or higher
The reflexes integrated at different parts of the CNS animals, the spinal preparation is done by making a
can be studied separately by making a section at the section at the upper segments of the spinal cord.
upper level of that part which isolates the part from its 5. Study all the parameters as observed after making
higher regions of the CNS. This enables us to study the the first section. Dmll Immediately after the section
motor activities integrated in that part of the CNS. is made, the frog becomes completely flaccid Ooss
_, of muscle tone) but within minutes this stage of
Refil.lirements flaccidity disappears and postural reflexes reappear.
1. A pair of scissors 6. Destroy the spinal cord by pithing- (pushing the
2. A living frog pithing needle down the vertebral column and
rotating the needle) and study the effect on various
Procedure parameters.lllllThe animal becomes permanently
1. Study the normal behaviour of an intact frog, for flaccid and loses all postural reflexes.
402 Chapter 74

Record your observation in a tabular form as given
Spontaneous Withdrawa.l Righting ..
behaviour reflex reflex
(normal attitude,
respiration, etc.)

I. Intact ++ ++ ++
2. Decerebrate ++
3. Spinal frog
4. Frog with
no spinal cord


Fig. 74.1. Pos1t1on of inc1s1on for decerebrate (x) and spinal (y)
preparation (TM tympanic membrane 1 Cerebral hemisphere
Precautions 2 M1dbra1n 3 Hindbrain 4 Spinal cord) Brain 1s exposed
1. While making the frog decerebrate, the section dorsally to 1dent1fy the pos1t1on of different parts

should be made at the caudal border of the eyeball.

2. For making a spinal frog, the section should be preparations in higher animals like dogs and cats, the
made on the line passing behind the tympanic righting reflexes are lost as these reflexes are integrated
membranes. at the level of the midbrain. As decerebrate preparation
3. All the reflexes should be studied carefully. is difficult to obtain in frogs, the righting reflexes will
be present in this preparation.
Spinal Preparation
The different motor and reflex activities are integrated
A spinal preparation is made by making a section at
at different levels of the CNS. These activities are
the upper border of the spinal cord (upper cervical
. i
studied by making sections at different levels of the
neuraxis. The reflex activities below the levels of lesion segment). As soon as the section is made, the animal
become hyperactive due to different mechanisms. becomes totally flaccid and all the reflex activities are
These mechanisms involve loss of inhibitory control lost. This phase is known as the phase of spinal shock.
from the higher centres and the development of The spinal shock is due to loss of tonic bombardment of
denervation hypersensivity to the mediators released spinal neurons by excitatory impulses in the descending
by the remaining spinal excitatory endings and also pathways from the supraspinal segments of the CNS.
due to the development of collaterals from the existing The phase of spinal shock passes off very quickly in
neurons. the frog (within minutes) following which the reflex
actvities reappear. In spinal animals, all the reflexes
will be lost except the reflexes that are integrated at
Decerebrate Preparation the level of the spinal cord (spinal reflexes). Spinal
reflexes include stretch reflex, supporting reactions
The decerebrate preparation is made in higher animals
(positive and negative) and withdrawal reflex. In frogs,
(dogs, cats and monkeys) by making a rnidcollicular
the supporting reactions and stretch reflexes (tendon
lesion. It is difficult to produce decerebrate preparation
reflexes) cannot be elicited. The withdrawal reflex is
in frogs as the brain struetures are not well developed
present in a spinal frog.
(colliculi may not be present). Therefore, such
preparation is actually a deco,ticate preparation. In such Destruction of the spinal cord
preparations, all the reflexes may be present. But, After the spinal cord is destroyed, all the above reflexes
in humans, in decorticate preparation the initiative and motor activities are lost. Because the cell bodies of
memory and placing and hopping reactions will be the lower motor neurons (which are the final common
lost. As the memory, hopping and placing reactions pathway for transmission of impulses from the spinal
are not encountered in a normal frog, these parameters and supraspinal segments) are destroyed, no reflex
cannot be studied in the decorticate frog. In decerebrate activities take place.
Postural Reflexes in the Frog 403

1. Name the reflexes integrated at the level of the spinal cord (spinal reflexes), medulla, midbrain and cortex.
2. What is a decerebrate preparation? What are the reflexes present in a decerebrate animal?
3. How is a decerebrate preparation made in higher animals?
4. What is a spinal preparation? What are the reflexes seen in a spinal preparation?
5. What are aotigraviry reflexes? What is the role of these reflexes in the integration of motor activities?
6. What are righting reflexes? In which part of the C S are these reflexes integrated?
7. What is spinal shock and what is its mechanism?
8. What are the differences between the postural reflexes of humans and frogs?
75 Perfusion of Isolated Heart of
Rabbit by Langendorff's Method
LEARNING OBJECTIVES of about 38 °C. The outflow tube has two side
arms, one of which is used to accommodate the
After completing this practical you WILL he able to: thermometer; the other is connected to a mercury
1. Describe the method of isolation of the manometer for recording perfusion pressure. The
rabbit heart. outflow tube terminates in a cannula, which is
2. Explain the principle of perfusion of the inserted into the aorta of an isolated rabbit heart.
heart of the rabbit. 2. Locke's solution. This is also called the Ringer-Locke
3. List the effect of different chemicals on the so/11/ion used for perfusion of the mammalian heart.
isolated heart. The composition of the solution is as follows:
4. Explain the mechanism of action of drugs and NaCl : 0.9%
ions on the heart. KCl : 0.042%
NaHC03 : 0.015%

CaCl1 : 0.024%
INTRODUCTION Gluc~se : 0.1%

The heart muscles respond to different chemicals

and ions. A change in the concentration of different
hormones, chemicals and ions in the body alter the
functions of the heart in different diseases. The activities
of the heart can be altered by administering different
drugs and chemicals in experimental conditions and
in patients receiving treatment for different diseases.
Therefore, it is important for the student to demonstrate
and understand the action of commonly used drugs
and chemicals in laboratory animals in experimental
physiology. This practical is designed to evaluate the
action of some of the drugs and ions on the isolated
heart of the rabbit

The heart is isolated from the rabbit and perfused in
Langendorff's apparatus. The effect of various drugs
and chemicals is studied and recorded on a moving
1. LA11gendorjf's apparatus (Fig. 75.1) with thermostat.
This apparatus consist of a reservoir (Mariotte's
Fig. 75.1 . Langendortf's apparatus ( 1 Reservoirs. 2 Oxygen
bonle) that contains oxygenated Locke's solution tube. 3 Glass tube. 4 Rubber tube. 5 Perspex water bath
that passes through a glass spiral within a bath of 6 Thermostat. 7 Screw clip 8 Thermometer 9 Heart
warmed tap water to obtain an outflow temperature 10 Mercury manometer. 11 Writing leven
Perfusion of Isolated Heart of Rabbit by Langendorff's Method 405

3. Kymograph and smoked drum injecting the chemicals into the rubber tube just
4. Pulleys above the cannula, on the normal cardiogram:
5. A pair of scissors i) Adrenaline
6. Needle and thread ii) Acetylcholine
7. Drugs and chemicals iii) NaCl
8. A living rabbit iv) KCl
9. A beaker containing Locke's solution v) CaCl2
1111111 A normal cardiogram should be recorded
before and after the recording of the effect of the
1. Switch on the thermostat of the apparatus and
chemicals by washing the heart with perfusing fluid
warm Locke's solution in the cannula to about 38
in between the injections.
~C (36-39 °C).
2. Adjust the reducing valve of the oxygen cylinder so
that a sueam of oxygen bubbles passes through the
Observe the effect of different chemicals on the
side arm of the reservoir of Locke's solution at the
recording (Fig. 75.2).
top of the apparatus.
3. Take about 50 ml of cold Locke's solution in a
beaker. Precautions
4. Kill the rabbit by hining it on the head. 11111 The
1. The temperature of the perfusing fluid should be
rabbit can also be made unconscious by injecting
chloralose anesthesia (75-100 mg/kg body weight maintained at about 38 °C.
2. The heart should be isolated as soon as possible
i.p.). Sometimes anesthesia is preferred to stunning
as stunning may stop the heart. after stunning the animal. '
3. A minimum of 2 cm of the aorta should be left with
5. Quickly open the chest of the animal and separate
the pericardium to expose the heart. the heart.
6. Hold the heart up and cut through the roots of the 4. Immediately after isolating the heart, it should be
.. lungs, vena cavae and aorta. 11111 Keep at least placed in cold Locke's solution.
1- 2 cm of the aorta attached to the heart. This is to 5. The heart should be squeezed to remove the clot
prevent entry of the tip of the cannula into the left from the heart chambers and vessels.
ventricle of the heart. 6. There should not be any air bubble in the perfusion
7. Rapidly place the isolated heart in the beaker pathway.
7. Oxygen should be delivered constantly at a regulated
containing cold Locke's solution and squeeze out
the clots from the heart. rate.
8. The aorta should be tied properly to the cannula.
8. Make a small cut in the wall of the pulmonary
9. The cannula should not enter the left ventricle.
artery to facilitate passage of the outflow fluid.
10. Between injection of chemicals, the heart should be
9. Take the heart out, slide the aorta onto the cannula
washed with Locke's solution every time.
of the outlet tube and ligate it securely around the
11. The normal cardiogram should be obtained before
and after recording the effect of each chemical.
10. Increase the flow of Locke's solution by partially
opening the screw clip.
11. Adjust the perfusion pressure to around DISCUSSION
70mmHg. The normal cardiogram shows two types of waves.
12. Pass a threaded needle through the apex of the The small waves are the recording of atrial activity and the
ventricle and take the thread over a systen: of bigger waves are the recording of ventricular activity.
pulleys to connect it to the recording lever of the
drum. Adrenaline
13. Record a normal cardiogram on a slow moving Adrenaline increases _the rate and force of contraction.
drum of the kymograph. The rate of contraction increases because of the.action
14. Record the effect of the following solutions by of adrenaline on fi 1 receptors present in the nodal tissue.
406 Chapter 75

\r ~ Acetylcholine
Adrenaline Normal


cac 12 Normal NaCl

Fig. 75.2. Recording of the effects of drugs and ions on the rabbits heart

By acting on these receptors, adrenaline increases firing rate. The decrease in cyclic AMP in the ventricular
intracellular cyclic AMP that facilitates the opening muscle cells also decreases the force of contraction.
of longlasting calcium channels. This increases the
rapidity of the depolarisation phase of the impulse and Calcium chloride
depolarises the membrane to the firing level, so that Calcium chloride increases the force of contraction
the heart rate increases. Adrenaline also acts on the without allowing relaxation to complete. Therefore,
finally, the heart stops in systole. This is called calcium
fi 1 receptors present on the cardiac muscles cells and
rigor. It may not significantly affect the heart rate. .,,
increases the concentration of intracellular calcium
ions, which increases the force of contraction. Potassium chloride
Potassium chloride inhibits the rate and force of
Acetylcholine contraction. The phase of systole gradually decreases, and
Acetylcholine decreases the rate and force of contraction the heart stops in diastole. H owever, with application of
of the heart. The rate of contraction decreases due to a low dose of potassium, this heart rate may increase
the action of acetylcholine on M 2 muscarinic receptors with slight decrease in the amplitude of contraction.
present on the nodal tissue. Acetylcholine opens a
special set of potassium channels on the nodal tissue Sodium chloride
which increases potassium conductance. By acting on Sodium competes with calcium and therefore decreases
M2 muscarinic receptors, acetylcholine decreases the the concentration of calcium in the cells. Therefore,
concentration of cyclic AMP in the cells. This slows the force of contraction decreases. H owever, the heart
down the opening of calcium channels that decreases the rate may increase as sodium facilitates depolarisation.

1. What is the composition of the Ringer- Locke solution?
2. Why should the temperature of Locke's solution be maintained at about 38 °C?
3. Why is the heart immediately placed in cold Ringer's solution after it is isolated from the rabbit?
4. Why is 2 cm of the aorta left with the heart?
5. What happens if the tip of the cannula enters the ventricle?
6. What are the effects of different chemicals on the heart? Explain the mechanism of these effects.
7. What is calcium rigor?
8. What is the pathway of perfusion in this experiment?
76 Effect of Drugs and Ions on
Isolated Mammalian Intestine
► LEARNING OBJECTIVES in response to a stretch in the absence of any
extrinsic innervation. The stretch causes the decline
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: in membrane potential, increased spike frequency
1. Classify smooth muscles. and increased tone.
2. List the properties of smooth muscles. 4. There is no true resting membrane potential. But,
3. Name the steps of contraction of smooth muscles during the period of quiescence the RMP is about
4. Describe the effect of various drugs and chemicals -50mV.
on intestinal movement. 5. Spikes (slow sine wave-like fluctuations) of a few
5. Explain the mechanism of action of these millivolts appear on the resting potential.
drugs and chemicals. 6. They exhibit autorhythmicity. Pacemaker potentials
appear at multiple foci.
7. The excitation contraction coupling is very slow.
INTRODUCTION . The muscle contracts about 200 ms after the start
of the spikes and 150 ms after the spike is over. The
Intestinal movements are possible due to the activities peak contraction reaches about 500 ms after the
of smooth muscles present in the walls of the intestine spike.
.. that generate their own impulse. 8. The thick and thin filaments are not arranged in
an orderly fashion. Therefore, there are no A and I
Smooth Muscles bands.Smoothmusclesdonotexhibitcrossstriatio.ns.
Therefore, they are named smooth muscles. They
Smooth muscles are broadly classified into two types: also contain intermediate filaments.
(a) visceral or single unit smooth muscles and (b) 9. They lack transverse tubules and contain very fow
multiunit smooth muscles. Visceral smooth muscles sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage of calcium.
are found in the stomach, intestines, uterus, urinary For contraction, they receive calcium mainly from
bladder and the walls of the small arteries and veins. ECF.
Multiunit smooth muscles are found in the walls of the 10. Intermediate filaments attached to the dense bodies,
large arteries, in the large airways (bronchioles), in the play a role during contraction. During contraction,
erector pili (muscles in the hair follicles) and radial and intermediate filaments pull the dense bodies
circular muscles of the eye. attached to the sarcolemma that causes lengthwise
shortening of the muscle fibre.
Pro erties of visceral smooth muscles 11. Muscles exhibit ploslici!J, which is the variability of
1. They are involuntary, innervated by autonomic the tension that it exerts at any given length. This
fibres. allows the smooth muscle to undergo great changes
2. They show continuous, irregular contractions in length while still retaining the ability to contract
independent of their nerve supply. This helps them effectively.
maintain a state of partial sustained contraction 12. Calmodulin and myosin light chain kinase are the
called ton11s or tone. The sustained contraction regulator proteins for contraction.
occurs due to the latch-bridge mechanism in which
dephosphorylated myosin cross-bridges remain Broad ste s of contraction of visceral
attached to the actin for some time after the smooth muscle
cytoplasmic calcium concentration falls. 1. Acetylcholine binds to the muscarinic receptors.
3. Visceral smooth muscle is unique in that it contracts 2. Calcium influx of the cell increases.
408 Chapter 76

3. Calcium binds with calmodulin-dependent myosin Re uirements

kinase. 1. Dale's apparatus. This consists of a large
4. Phosphorylation of myosin occurs. perspex rectangular bath meant for keeping water
5. Myosin binds with actin that increases myosm at appropriate temperature (37 °C) with the help of
A TPase activity. a heating element and thermostat. There is a central
organ bath of 20 ml capacity, which is provided
6. This causes contraction of the muscle.
with an outlet. There is a hollow bent glass tube
7. Dephosphorylation of myosin occurs by various
curved at the lower end for fixing intestine and
other tissues. This tube can be inserted in the centre
8. Sustained contraction or relaxation occurs due to of the organ bath and is also used for supplying
the latch-bridge mechanism. oxygen through the solution. A frontal lever can be
attached to the assembly for recording movement
METHOD on a mi:::,ving kymograph (Fig. 76.1).
2. Tyrode solution. The composition of the Tyrode
Princ1Ple solution (for preparing 10 litres of stock solution):
Segments of the small intestine continue to contract NaCl : 80 g
and respond to various stimuli if kept in a suitable KC l {10%) : 20 ml
medium at optimum temperature with the provision MgS04 {10%) : 26 ml
for oxygen supply. NaHl04 (5%) : 13 ml

Rubber tube (connected to Stand

oxygen cylinder)

Lever stand



Inner organ bath (glass)

..,fi.t_:_-:._-:._- +- - Piece of intestine

_ Inlet tubf! to supply tyrode

solution from reservoir

Outlet tube to remove tyrode solution

from the central organ bath
Fig. 76.1. Dales apparatus
Effect of Drugs and Ions on Isolated Mammalian Intestine 409

Glucose : 10 g Acetylcholine : 1 in 1000000

NaHCO3 : 10 g Adrenaline : 1 in 100000
CaC12 (molar) : 18 ml Atropine : 0.01%
I Aerating gas : Oxygen or air
I • Histamine : 50 µg
I 3. Petri dish
KCl solution : 1%
' 4. Thread and needle
CaCl2 solution : 1%
5. Oxygen supply •
Barium chloride :2%
6. Frontal lever Im After recording the effect of each drug, the
7. Kymograph and smoked drum Tyrode solution should be drained and replaced with
8. Pipene/syringe fresh Tyrode solution. The effect of the next drug,
9. A living rabbit should be recorded only after the intestine shows the
10. Drugs and chemicals normal movement.
16. By placing arrow marks below the recordings
Procedure indicate the drugs used for the recordings.
1. Keep the rabbitfastingovernight.11111 The intestine
of a fasting rabbit shows good contraction. Observation
2. Fill the organ bath with the Tyrode solution and
Observe the rate and amplitude of movement of
the outer bath with water.
intestinal contraction following application of each
3. Heat the water of the outer bath to keep the
chemical (Fig. 76.2).
temperature constant at about 37 °C.
4. Keep the petri dish containing the Tyrode solution Precautions
5. Stun (kill) the rabbit and open the abdomen. 1. The animal should not be fed the previous night, to
6. Take out a small part (about 5 cm) of the jejunum get good intestinal contraction.
t close to the duodenum and place the intestine in a 2. The temperature of the outer or~an bath should be
:. petri dish containing Tyrode solution. maintained at 37 °C throughout the experiment.
... 7. Rinse the intestinal lumen with Tyrode solution 3. The apparatus should be kept ready before killing
r with the help of a pipette or by pushing the the animal and dissecting the intestine.
solution gently through the lumen with the help of
4. The lumen of the intestine should be rinsed quickly
and placed in the Tyrode solution immediately
8. Pass the threaded needle through the wall of one of
after separating from the GI tract of the animal.
the cut ends of the segment and make a loop from
the thread. 5. Oxygen should be supplied throughout the

9. To the other end of the intestinal segment, tie a expenment. ,

long thread for attaching to the lever. 6. Separate pipettes should be used to put the chemicals
10. Mount the segment in the organ bath filled with into the organ bath, or if one pipette is used, the
Tyrode solution by securing the threaded loop to pipene must be thoroughly cleaned before taking
the curved end of the glass tube. the chemical.
11. Allow oxygen to pass through the solution at a rate 7. Between application of chemicals into the organ
of 2-3 bubbles per second. bath the Tyrode solution should be replaced with
12. Keep the temperature of the water bath at 37 °C. fresh solution every time.
Check the temperature frequently.
8. Normal recordings should be taken before and after
13. Attach the intestine to the frontal lever.
the recording of the effect of each chemical.
14. Record the normal movements of the intestine on a
slow moving drum. 9. The effect of acetylcholine should be studied before
15. Study the effect of the following drugs/ chemicals the application of atropine.
by taking 1 ml of each solution in a pipette and 10. The effect of acetylcholine should also be studied
mixing the solution in the central organ bath. immediately after th~ application of atropine.
410 Chapter 76

Acetylcholine Wash Adrenaline,

'» j
Acetylcholine Wash

Calcium chloride
Barium chloride Wash Wash

Histamine Wash Wash

Fig. 76.2. Fkcord1ng rJf effects of drugs and ,ons on the rabbit 1ntest,ne

DISCUSSION of contraction increase. There is an increase in tonic

tension in the muscle. Acetylcholine exerts its effect
by activating the phospholipase C, which in turn
When adrenaline is added to the preparation the
forms ionositol triphosphate (IP3). IP3 increases the
membrane potential becomes larger, the frequency
intracellular calcium concentration by mobilising
of contraction decreases, the muscle relaxes and
calcium from the intracellular stores and by facilitating
the amplitude of contraction decreases. Adrenaline
calcium entry into the cell. This increases the activity
exerts its inhibitory effect by acting on both a and
of the muscle.
B receptors present on the muscle. The action on
the 6 receptor is mediated by a decrease in cyclic
AMP in the cells and increased intracellular binding
of calcium so that less calcium is available in the cell. Atropine is a cholinergic muscanruc blocker.
This decreases the muscle tension in response to It prevents the action of acetylcholine on the smooth ,
excitation. The action on the a r eceptor is mediated muscle of the intestine. It decreases muscle activity.
by increased calcium efflux from the cells so that less If acetylcholine is applied to the preparation following
calcium is available in the cell. This also decreases application of atropine then the effect of acetylcholine
the magnitude of contraction. is abolished.

Ace !choline Histamine

Acetylecholine decreases the membrane potential and Histamine increases the tone of the smooth muscle.
the muscle becomes more active. The rate and height It increases the amplitude of contraction. It acts by
, Effect of Drugs and Ions on Isolated Mammalian Intestine

activating the H 1 and H 2 receptors. By acting on H 1

receptors it activates phospholipase C that in turn
increases intracellular calcium concentration and
Calcium chloride
CaCl2 when applied increases calcium entry into

the cell and stimulates contraction of the intestine.

by acting on H 2 receptors it increases cyclic AMP Calcium causes tonic contraction of the muscle.
concentration in the cells.
Barium chloride
Potassium chloride Barium chloride mimics the action of acetylcholine.
This stimulates intestinal movements like that of The intestine contracts strongly due to direct actiton
acetylcholine. of barium ions on the intestinal smooth muscle.

1. What are the types of intestinal movement?
2. What are the types of smooth muscles?
3. What are the special properties of smooth muscles?
4. What are the steps of contraction of smooth muscles?
5. What are the effects of different chemicals on intestinal movement? What are their mechanisms of action?


77 Effect of Drugs on Mammalian
Uterine Contraction
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 8. Living adult female rat primed with estrogen
9. Drugs: oxytocin, estrogen, progesterone,
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: acetylcholine and adrenaline.
1. Describe the physiological and clinical
sig_nificance of performing this practical. Procedure
2. Name the hormones that affect uterine activity. 1. Take the female rat in the estrous phase or prime it
3. List the effects of different hormones on uterine with estrogen. 1111 Estrogen-priming is done by
contraction. injecting estrogen into the animal, 24 hours prior
4. Describe the mechanism of their action. to commencement of the experiment. The primed
uterus increases the sensitivity of the uterine tissue
to different drugs.
INTRODUCTION 2. Stun (kilD the animal and open the abdomen.
3. Locate the two cornu (horns) of the uterus.
The uterus is one of the organs that contains smooth 4. Cut the upper end of each horn to separate it from
muscles. Uterine smooth muscles respond to various the ovary and the surrounding fat.
hormones in different phases of the menstrual cycle and 5. Split the lower end of the uterus and separate each
pregnancy. The ovarian hormones especially estrogen, horn.
progesterone and relaxin, .and oxytocin secreted from 6. Divide each horn into two pieces so that four
the posterior pituitary, modify the activities of the segments are available from each rat. .•
uterus by acting on the myometrial and epithelial cells. r
7. With the help of the needle, make a loop of thread
These hormones alter the activities of the myometrial
at one cut end and attach a long thread to the other
cells of the uterus in different phases of gestation to
facilitate smooth continuation and termination of
8. Mount the segment in Dale's solution by placing the
pregnancy. This practical is designed to study the effect
hook in the curved glass rod in Dale's organ bath
of some of these drugs on uterine contraction.
and connect the other end to the frontal lever.
9. Maintain the temperature of the solution at 37 °C.
METHOD 10. Allow the bubble of gas mixture to pass through
the solution continuously.
11. Record the normal contraction of the uterus.
An estrogen primed uterus is sensmve to different
drugs. The effect of different drugs is studied on an 12. Study the effect of oxytocin, estrogen, progesterone,
isolated uterus in Dale's apparatus. acetylcholine and adrenaline on uterine contraction.
Wash the tissue with fresh Dale's solution before
Re uirements and after application of each drug. Record normal
1. Dale's apparatus (a detailed description is given in uterine contractions before studying the effect of
the previous chapter). each drug.
2. Dale's solution 13. Indicate on the recording by placing arrow marks
3. Gas mixture (95% 0 2 and 5% CO} below the point of application of drugs. ·
4. Frontal lever
5. Petri dish Observation
6. Needle and thread Observe the normal uterine contraction and the effect
7. Kymograph with smoked drum of different drugs on uterine contraction (Fig. 77.1).
Effect of Drugs on Mammalian Uterine Contraction 413

J Normal


Acetylcholine "... Wash '-._ Adrenaline

Fig . 77.1. Effect of drugs on uterine contrnct1on Note that oxytoc1n estrogen and acetylchollne are stimulatory whcrcc1s pro esterorw
and adrenaline are 1nh1b1tory Oxytoc1n and acetylchol1ne increase the tone of uterine muscle

Precautions Progesterone Progesterone inhibits uterine contrac-

1. The animal should be in the estrous phase or should tion and decreases the tone of the muscle. It inhibits
be primed with estrogen. myometrial cells, decreases the excitability of the myo-
2. Each uterus should be cut into two separate metrium, decreases the sensitivity of the myometrium
segments. to oxytocin. It also decreases the number of estrogen
3. The temperature of the organ bath should be receptors in the myometrial cells. Progesterone acts by
maintained at about 37 °C. acting on the receptors inside the cell, which activates
4. Wash the tissue with fresh Dale's solution before DNA that in turn stimulates new mRNA synthesis.
recording the effect of each drug.
5. Normal uterine contraction should be recorded Acetylcholine Acetylcholine increases tone, frequen-
before recording the effect of each drug. cy and amplitude of the uterine contraction, probably
by similar mechanisms imparted on intestinal smooth
Adrenaline Adrenaline decreases uterme contrac-
Effect of different dru s
Oxytocin Oxytocin increases the frequency and tion, probably by similar mechanisms that take place
amplitude of uterine contraction, and the tone of the in intestinal smooth muscle.
muscle. Oxytocin acts on the receptors present on the
myometrium. It increases intracellular calcium con- Clinical si nificance
centration and therefore stimulates contraction. Oxytocin The number of oxytocin receptors in the
Estrogen Estrogen stimulates uterine contraction myometrium increases 100 times in late pregnancy
• by acting on the receptors in the myometrial cells. and reaches a peak at term. Estrogen increases the
It combines with the intracellular protein receptors, number of oxytocin receptors on the myometrial
and the hormone receptor complex binds to the DNA cells. At term, the distension of the uterus and dilata-
that promotes the formation of mRNA. mRNA in turn tion of the cervix gives feedback information to the
regulates the formation of new proteins that facilitate posterior pituitary to release more oxytocin. It also
cell function. increases the sensitivity of the myometrium to the
414 Chapter 77

normal oxytocin concentration in the blood. Oxy- abonion. Close to term, the estrogen concentration
tocin facilitates uterine contraction that finally leads increases in plasma which along with oxytocin facili-
to partunuon. tates parturition.

Estrogen Estrogen increases the amount of uter- Progesterone Progesterone has antiestrogenic activ-
ine muscle and its content of contractile proteins. ity. It decreases uterine excitability and contraction,
The myometrial cells become more excitable and ac- decreases the estrogen receptors on the myometrial
tive. The estrogen-dominated uterus is more sensitive cells and decreases the sensitivity of the uterus to es-
to oxytocin. During the early pan of pregnancy, the trogen. Progesterone concentration increases during
estrogen concentration in plasma is low. Therefore, pregnancy; it is the main hormone that maintains
there are no uterine contractions, which prevents pregnancy.

VIVA - - - - - - - - -- - - - -----'
1. What are the hormones of the ovary that act on uterine myometrium?
2. What are the actions of oxytocin, estrogen, progesterone, acetylcholine and adrenaline on uterine
contraction? What is their mechanism of action?
3. What is the mechanism of initiation of labour?
4. What is the role of oxytocin in parturition?
S. What is the role of estrogen in parturition?
6. What is the role of progesterone in pregnancy?


78 Estrus Cycle in Rat

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4. Slides arnd coverslips

5. Adult non-pregnant female rats
Mter completing this practical you WILL be able to:
l. Describe the diHerent phases of the estrus cycle Procedure
in rats. 1. Place a dlrop of methylene blue stain on a slide.
2. Identify different phases by microscopic 2. With the help of a pipette, aspirate vaginal fluid
examination of vaginal smears. from the rat.
3. Correlate these changes with the phases of the 3. Mix the: vaginal fluid with the stain and put a
menstrual cycle in humans. coverslip on the mixture.
4. Make similar smears from five different rats (in
different: phases of the cycle).
INTRODUCTION 5. Observe the cellular pattern under the high-power
Under the influence of hormones, cyclical changes
occur in the reproductive organs in females during Observation
their reproductive life. The regular cyclic changes in The presence of vaginal cells and leucocytes helps
.. females are meant for their preparation for fertilisation in the identification of different phases of the cycle
and pregnancy. In primates, the cycle is referred to (Fig. 78.1).
, ... as menstrual cycle and periodic vaginal bleeding 1. Proestrns Predominance of vesicular
I~.. (menstruation) is an important feature of the cycle. (nucleated) cells

In non-primate mammals like rats that do not
menstruate, sexual cycles are referred to as estrus
cycles. The cyclical changes in vaginal smears in rats
2. Estrus Predominance of non-nucleated,
cornified or keratinised cells

are relatively well marked, whereas similar vaginal

changes in humans and other species though present
are not so specific. In humans, specific changes occur
in the uterus and the ovaries during the cycles, but it is
not easy to study the changes in these organs.

METHOD Proestrus

Princi le
The vaginal epithelium undergoes cyclical changes
during the estrus cycle under the influence of ovarian
hormones. These changes are identified by examining
the vaginal smears under microscope.

Re uirements
1. Microscope Motestrus Diestrus

2. Pipette
3. Methylene blue
1111 I
roscop1c appearance of vaginal smear of different
phases of estrus cycle ,n rats
416 Chapter 78

3. Metestrus Presence of leucocytes

and cornified cells
4. Diestrus Mainly leucocytes and few other cells The estrus cycle in rat is 4-5 days. The proestrus phase
persists for few hours only. The estrus phase is the heat
Precautions phase which marks the first day of the cycle and denotes
1. Adult non-pregnant female rats should be used for ovulation in rats. The estrus phase corresponds to the
the experiment. ovulation phase in humans. In humans, the menstrual
2. Smears should be prepared by collecting vaginal cycle is divided into two phases, proliferative and
fluid from different rats. secretory. In the first half of the cycle (proliferative
3. Vaginal fluid should be collected by introducing or follicular phase), the ovarian follicle matures.
the tip of the pipette into the vagina and then by In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs which is
aspirating the fluid. followed by the secretory or luteal phase, the second
4. Vaginal smears should be examined under the high- half of the cycle. Menstrual bleeding occurs at the end
power rrucroscope. of the secretory phase.

1. Why are non-pregnant adult female rats selected for this exp~riment?
2. What are the different phases of estrus cycle in rats and how do you identify these phases by studying
the vaginal smear?
3. In which phase of the estrus cycle does ovulation occur in rats? ◄
4. What are the phases of the menstrual cycle in humans?
5. What are the uterine changes observed in different phases of the menstrual cycle?.
6. What is the mechanism of ovulation? What are the indicators of ovulation?
7. Why is it imponant to know the date of ovulation?

79 Demonstrations of Experiments in
t• the Anesthetised Dog
LEARNING OBJECTIVES used for experiments on dogs:
1. Brodie-Starling long-paper electric kymograph
After completing this practical you WILL be able to: 2. Manometer
l. Identify and list the uses of different instruments 3. Pressure ho.a le
used in dog experiments. 4. Francis-Francois arterial cannula
2. Identify different waves in BP and respiratory 5. Operation table
recordings. 6. Instrument tray
3. Explain the effects of carotid occlusion,
vagotomy, vagal stimulation, injection of drugs Kym ogral!.!!
and chemicals, hemorrhage, and asphyxia on BP The kymograph is called the Brodie-Starling
and respiration. kymogr.aph (Fig. 79.1). This is a long-paper electric
4. Describe the physiological basis of these changes.
kymograph fitted on a table with assemblies for
continuous recording of blood pressure and respiratory
movements. The paper moves over two cylinders
situated at both ends of the table. The speed of the
INTRODUCTION kymograph is regulated by adjusting the control key
Undergraduate students are usually not expected to that is provided on the table. The driving mechanism
perform experiments on dogs. But, the various factors has different gears giving varying speeds. A U-shaped
and conditions involved in regulation of cardiovascular manometer for recording the change in BP and a
and respiratory function should be demonstrated to Marey's tambour for recording of respiration is fitted
the students to make them understand some of the to the kymograph. A long smoked paper is also fitted
basic concepts in cardiorespiratory physiology. These to the cylinders on which the changes in BP and
include the effects of vagotomy, vagal stimulation, respiration ar~ recorded.
carotid occlusion, hemorrhage, asphyxia and different
drugs and chemicals on blood pressure and respiration in
Blood pressure is recorded with the help of a
an anesthetised dog. Therefore, this chapter is designed manometer. It is a bent U-shaped glass tube containing
to provide the basic principle and methods and related
mercury. A float recorder with a curved under surface
clinical importance of few important practicals related
and light weight capillary carrying a writing point is
to mammalian cardiovascular physiology.
fitted in one limb of the tube. The other limb has two
These are:
side arms w ith a three-way stop-cock fitted at the level
1. Effect of occlusion of carotid arteries
of the lower side arm. A manometri c slide adjustable
2. Effect of vagotomy and vagal stimulation scale is provided for the recording of blood pressure.
3. Effect of administration of drugs and chemicals The upper side arm is connected to a pressure tube,
4. Effect of hemorrhage which carries an arterial cannula at its end.
5. Effect of asphyxia on BP and respiration m an
anesthetised dog Pressure bottle
It contains a 10% sodium citrate solution and has two
tight-fitting rubber corks, one each at the top and the
exit. The glass tube fitted in the bottle is kept above
The student need not study the details of the apparatus. the fluid level and carries an air bulb. The exit tube
But it is essential to be acquainted with the instruments connects the pressure bottle to the upper side arm of
used in the practical. The following equipment are the manometer.
418 Chapter 79

l, •

,- J
2 '


7 ~

Fig. 79.1. The 8rod1e-Starl1ng kymograph ( 1 819 cylinder. 2: Small cylinder 3 Switch for ymograph speed 4 On-off switch 5 Cannula
stand 6 Stand to l1old signal marker or Marey s tambou'. 7 Mercury manometer 8 Sere v to adiust height of the tcJt;le 9 Kyrnograph
sw1tcl1 1O Clock switch 11 Switch for respiratory pump. 12. Voltage s itch 13 Respiratory pump 1

Arterial cannula at desired intervals through an electromagnet, which is

The arterial cannula (Fig. 79.2) is called a Francis- connected with a writing point.
Francois cannula. It has a nozzle, a bulb, and a side
arm bearing a short piece of rubber tube which bears Signal
a clamp. The blood clot, if formed inside the cannula, A paired electromagnet and a key, note the signal
can be removed through the side arm. below the recording.

Clock ( ~
An electric clock obtains the time record. A low voltage
current is allowed to pass through and can be controlled Fig. 79.2. Arterial cannula
Demonstrations of Experiments in the Anesthetised Dog 4 19

O eration table
The table (Fig. 79.3) has a stainless steel top with two
halves sloping towards the centre. A removable drain
pipe is fitted between the two halves. There is an
electric lamp fitted below the table, which can be used
to heat the surface. Cleats are provided on the table
edges for tying the animals.

Respiration PU'!!Jl
A respiration pump (Fig. 79.4) should always be kept
ready for use. The pump should have a rubber tube
that can be connected to the tracheal cannula whenever
the animal develops respiratory distress.

Instrument tra
The instrument tray should contain all the materials
required for performing the practical. It should have
artery forceps, big and small pairs of scissors, bulldog
clamps, retractors, Y-shaped tracheal cannula (Fig.
79.5), venous cannula, arterial cannula, gauze pieces,
cotton swabs, thread and needle, heparin, drugs and
chemicals, and so on. Fig . 79.3 . Brodie operating table ( 1 Stainless steel plc1te
2 Animal holders. 3 Air warmer 4 Anestt1et1c bottle)

Fig. 79.4. Respiratory pump

420 Chapter 79

weight. It is usually not preferred as it causes intense



1. Calibrate the recording surface on the smoked
paper in mm Hg with the help of a manometric
scale and the writing point.
2. Anesthetise the dog by injecting nembutal
(pentobarbitone sodium; 40 mg/kg body
weight) or chloralose (100 mg/kg body weight)
3. Expose the femoral vein in the thigh, insen a
venous cannula and connect the cannula to a burette
containing isotonic saline for giving intravenous
infusion and injections.
4. By making an 8 cm incision on the midline on the
anterior aspect of the neck, expose the trachea by
blunt dissection, insen the tracheal cannula and tie
the cannula with the tracheal rings. Connect the
tracheal cannula to Marey's tambour for recording
Fig. 79.5. Tra,~hcal cannula resprrauon.
5. Expose the femoral anery in the opposite thigh J

Anesthesia (opposite to the venous cannula) and insen the

anerial cannula carefully into the anery and tie
All the experiments are performed with the animal
under anesthesia. The following anesthetics are
the cannula with the anery tightly. Connect the
cannula to a burette that contains normal saline,

commonly used for the purpose.
which is connected to the manometer. Adjust the
pressure in the manometer to about 100 mm Hg.
Nembutal entobarbitone
This is the ideal anesthetic. It is administered slowly
intravenously at a dose of 30-45 mg/kg body weight.
It does not affect cardiorespiratory function.

Chloralose Respiration
This is given in a dose of 75 mg/ kg body weight.
intraperitoneally. Anesthesia is delayed by at least
half an hour. The advantage of this is that it keeps the
cardiorespiratory reflexes intact. Traube-Hering wave
Urethane 120 ~
It is given intravenously at a dose of 1.5 g/kg body BP

weight in 20 per cent solution. Anesthesia lasts for 80

18-24 hours. Cardiac waves

Time tracing
Chloral h drate
It is given intravenously in a dose of 100 mg/kg body
Fig. 79.6. Normal f::31' ancJ IPSµ,r --itror1 '.'dl l''CJS Ill d cl'..!--J
Demonstrations of Experiments in the Anesthetised Dog 421

6. Record normal blood pressure and respiration and Merer waves

study the recordings. These waves are seen when there is a significant fall in
7. Also, make arrangements to record the time tracing BP. These are called vasomotor waves. These waves
and the signal for the stimulation of vagus nerve, are slow regular oscillations in arterial pressure that
below the recordings. occur at the rate of about one every 20-40 seconds
during hypotension. Meyer waves are produced by
chemoreceptor discharge in response to hypoxia.
Blood Pressure Tracing
Baroreceptors also contribute to the fluctuation in BP.
The BP that is recorded in this experiment represents Meyer waves can be reduced (not fully abolished) by
the mean arterial pressure. Usually, three types of denervation of chemoreceptors.
waves are seen: cardiac waves, Traube-He ring waves,
and Meyer waves (Fig. 79.6). Respiration Tracing

Cardiac waves With respiratory movement, Marey's tambour writes

The small waves in the recording represent cardiac on the kymograph.
activities. The upstroke is the systole and the
downstroke is the diastole. Effect of Carotid Occlusion

Traube-Herin waves Procedure

1. Expose the carotid artery on both sides of the
These are the medium waves of the recording, neck.
which are formed by fluctuation in BP synchronous 2. Pass the thread beneath the carotid arteries.
with respiration. The wave shows a rise in pressure 3. Occlude one side of the carotid artery (before
during inspiration and a fall during expiration. bifurcation of the carotid) by lifting the thread and
r • These waves are produced due to change in vagal and record the effect of occlusion on BP and respiration.
sympathetic activity in different phases of respiration. Then release the thread.
The vasomotor centre is stimulated during inspiration 4. Occlude the opposite side of the carotid artery
by the irradiation of impulses from the inspiratory by lifting the thread and record the effect of
centres which causes rise in blood pressure. Also during occlusion.
inspiration, the intrathoracic pressure becomes more 5. Occlude both the carotid arteries simultaneously by
negative, therefore venous return increases, which in lifting both the threads together and record the effect
turn increases cardiac output and BP. of bilateral carotid occlusion on BP and respiration.

~l Right CCA occlusion Left CCA occlusion Bilateral CCA occlusion

Time tracing
1111111 111flflf l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l l l l l l t l t l l l l l t l l l l l l l l

Fig. 79.7. 1:11,xt l)f c,1P 1110•, ld'<;t1j :i'1ory occlus1on on BP drld rcsp1rdt1on n doq
422 Chapter 79

6. Indicate right carotid occlusion, left carotid during stimulation. H the vagus nerve is stimulated for
occlusion and both carotid occlusions by writing a long period the heart stops. After sometime, the heart
and placing an arrow mark below the recordings. starts beating slowly, this is known as vagal escape.

Vagotomy and Stim~lation of Cut Vagi
Unilateral occlusion (Fig. 79.7) Occlusion of either
side of the artery decreases the pressure in the carotid Procedure
sinus. The receptors in the carotid sinus sense hypo- 1. Expose both the vagi and tie two threads 2 cm apart
tension and decrease their frequency of discharge. This in both the nerves.
decreases the rate of stimulation of nucleus tractus 2. Cut one side of the vagus nerves between the two
solitarius (NTS). NTS normally exerts an inhibi- ties and record the effect of vagotomy on BP and
tory influence on the vasomotor centre {VMC) and respiration.
stimulates the vagus nerve. Decreased stimulation of 3. Stimulate the central cut end of the vagus nerve
NTS inhibits t.he vagus nerve and stimulates (removes and record the effect of stimulation on BP and
inhibitory influence) VMC, which increases sympa- respiration.
thetic output. This results in increased BP. Respiration 4. Stimulate the peripheral cut end of the vagus nerve
is stimulated. The effect is mild, as the opposite side of and record the effect of stimulation on BP and
the carotid artery is not occluded. respiration.
5. Cut the opposite side of the vagus nerve between
Bilateral occlusion (Fig. 79.7) The above effects the two ties and record the effect of vagotomy on
are pronounced by bilateral carotid occlusion. The ef- BP and respiration.
fect of occlusion is also contributed by stimulation of 6. Stimulate the central cut end of the vagus nerve
chemoreceptors as these receptors are also stimulated
and record the effect of stimulation on BP and
by hypoxia.
7. Stimulate the peripheral end of the vagus nerve
EFFECT OF VAGUS NERVE and record the effect of stimulation on BP and
Stimulation of Intact Vagus
Indicate vagotomy and stimulation of the central
Procedure and peripheral end of both the vagi with an arrow
1. Expose the vagus nerve on both sides of the neck. mark and writing below the recording.
2. Tie threads around both the vagus nerves.
3. Lift one vagus nerve by lifting the thread and place Discussion
the electrodes on the nerve. Vagotomy When the vagi are cut, there is loss of
4. Stimulate the nerve with weaker and stronger vagal tone, which increases the heart rate, and respira-
stimuli and record the effect of stimulation on BP tion becomes slower and deeper.
and respiration.
Stimulation of the central end Stimulation of the
5. Then stimulate the vagus nerve of the opposite
central end of the vagus nerve has variable effects on
side and record the effect of stimulation on BP and
respiration. the BP. The BP may fall as vagal stimulation activates
NTS. The BP may rise due to stimulation of the C fi-
Discussion bres. The BP may also remain unchanged. Respiration
stops due to stimulation of afferent fibres arising from
Stimulation of the intact vagus nerve stimulates both
the pulmonary stretch receptors.
the peripheral and the central fibres. However usually
the effect of peripheral stimulation dominates the effect Stimulation of the peripheral end Stimulation of
of central stimulation. Therefore, there is a fall in BP. the peripheral end (Fig. 79.8) decreases BP due to in-
The stimulation of the vagus nerve leads to inhibition hibition of the heart. H stimulation is stronger, the BP
of the heart. Therefore, cardiac output decreases which falls to zero due to stoppage of heart beat. H stimula-
in tum decreases BP. The respiration is usually arrested tion continues, the heart beat reappears (at slow rate)
Demonstrations of Experiments in the Anesthetised Dog 423



I Stimulation of
left vague cut central end

Stimulation of
peripheral end

Signal marker
- - - - --,1111~- - - - ~- - - -- --
Time tracing

,-I 111 1111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111 I 11 I I l I I t t l I l I I I 11 111 ll

r Fig. 79.8. Effects of vc1qutu111y ancJ •,•agill st1mulc1t•o•1 10' I'll? Ir-ft s,dc vaqI1,:. 11ervc1 ori BP ,wd respI1a:1on ,,, duq

with a slow rise in BP. This is called vagal escape. The N oradrenaline Noradrenaline causes vasoconstric-
vagal escape is due to the idioventricular rhythm. The tion and also stimulates the heart. Therefore, there is
respiration increases in rate and depth (tachypnea) a significant and sustained rise in BP. Respiration is
secondarily due to hypotension. depressed.

Acetylcholine Acetylcholine decreases BP. This is

EFFECT OF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS due to direct vasodilation and inhibition of heart by
acetylcholine. Respiration is stimulated secondarily
Procedure to hypotension. When acetylcholine is injected after
T hrough the venous cannulae, inject the following the injection of atropine, the effect of acetylcholine is
drugs and record their effects on BP and respiration. abolished because of the blockage of cholinergic mus-
a. 0.5 ml of adrenaline (1 in 10,000; 1 ml = 10 µg)
carinic receptors by atropine.
b. 0.5 ml of noradrenaline (5 µg)
c. 2 ml of acetylcholine (1 m 100,000; Effect of Hemorrhage
d. 0.5 ml of atropine Procedure
1. Cannulate the femoral artery of the opposite side.
Discussion 2. Calculate the total blood volume of the animal
Adrenaline Injection of adrenaline increases BP due (80 ml/kg body weight).
to its effect on the heart. Adrenaline stimulates the 3. Remove blood from the arterial cannula (collect in
heart and increases cardiac output. Therefore, after a cylinder containing anticoagulant and measure
some time BP increases and the respiration is inhib- the amount) separately in different degrees (5 per
ited. It is not a potent vasoconstrictor. cent, 10 per cent, 20 per cent, and SO per cent) and
424 Chapter 79

record the effect of each degree of hemorrhage on

BP and respiration. After studying the effect of
each degree of hemorrhage the blood is reinfused
before studying the effect of next degree of Procedure
hemorrhage. Close the tracheal cannula or close the trachea to
produce asphyxia. ,.
Depending on the degree of hemorrhage, there occurs
a fall in the BP and stimulation of respiration. The BP Discussion
falls due to decrease in venous return that decreases Asphyxia increases the rate and depth of respiration.
cardiac output. In spite of hemorrhage, the body As asphyxia progresses, the animal makes violent
tries to maintain BP by different neural and humoral respiratory efforts. The increase in BP is due to
mechanisms. When hypotension is up to 60 mm Hg, stimulation of VMC by hypoxia and 'hypercapnea.
the baroreceptor reflex operates, and chemoreceptor The hypernea is due to stimulation of medullary
reflex operates between pressure range of chemoreceptors and peripheral ch~oreceptors by
40-60 mm Hg, and finally CNS ischemic response hypoxia and hypercapnea. But, if asphyxia continues,
tries to maintain the BP within the pressure range of depression of cardiorespiratory centres occurs,
20-40 mm Hg. When the BP is less than 20 mm Hg, resulting in hypotension and bradypnea. Cardiac
the animal enters a stage of irreversible shock. arrest occurs within five minutes.


t •
Index of Normal Values
A. Blood
1. Hemogram
Total RBC count
Men 4.5-6 million/mm3
Women 4-5.5 million/mm3
Men 14-18 g/dl
Women 12-16 g/dl
Packed cell volume
Men 40-50%
Women 37-47%
Mean corpuscular volume 78-96 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 27-33 pg
Mean corpuscular Hb cone. 30-37%
Total leucocyte count 4000-11000/mm3
Differential count
Neutrophils 50-70%
' Eosinophils 1-4%
Lymphocyte 20-40%
Monocyte 2-8%
Basophils 0-1%
Total platelet count 150,000-400, 000/mm3
Reticulocyte count 0.5-1 % of red cells
ESR (Westergren method}
Men 3-5 mm at the end of 1 h
Women 5-12 mm at the end of 1 h

2. Coagulation studies
Bleeding time {Duke method) 1-5 min
Clotting time (capillary tube method) 2-8 min
Fibrinogen 200-400 mg%
Fibrin degradation product 10 µg/dl
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APT!) 25-40 sec
Thrombin time 15-20 sec
Clot retraction time 50% by 1 h
Whole blood clot lysis time > 24h
3. Gases
Arterial blood 75-100 rnmHg
Venous blood 25-40 rnmHg

Index of Normal Values

Arterial blood
Venous blood
35-45 m.mHg
40-50mmHg 1
4. pH 7.35-7.45 j

B. Serum
Adult 0.2-0.8 mg %
Newborn 0.5-5 mg% ~
At 3 days after birth 1-10mg%

Creatinine 0.6-1.8 mg%
Calcium 8-11 mg/dl
Iron 50-150 µg/dl
Plasma glucose (fasting) . 70-110 mg/dl
Sodium 135-145 meq/ L
Potassium 3.5-5 meq/ L
Chlorides 100-110 meq/ L
Phosphorus (inorganic) 2.5-4.5 mg/dl
Cholesterol 120-220 mg/dl
Osmolality 280-295 mosm/kg of water

C. Urine
Glucose -
Qualitative absent
Quantitative 16-300 mg/24 h
Qualitative absent
Quantitative 10-150 mg/24 h
Bilirubin absent
Hemoglobin absent
Creatine 0-200 mg in 24 h
Uric acid 600-700 mg/24 h
Urobilinogen 0.05-3.5 mg/24 h
Sodium 10-150 meq/24 h
Potassium 25-100 meq/ 24 h
Chloride 120-240 meq/24 h
Calcium (normal diet) 0.05-0.30 meq/ kg body weight/24 h
Osmolality 50-1200 mosm/L
pH 4.6-8.0 (average 6) C.

D. Cerebrospinal fluid
Glucose 45-75 mg/ dl
Protein 15-45 mg/ dl
Index of Normal Values 427

Bilirubin absent
Cells 0-5/ mm3 (usually lymphocytes)
Chloride 600-700 mg/dl
'I Pressure 7-20 cm of water
pH 7.34-7.43

E. Semen
Liquefaction completes at 15 min
Morphology minimum 60% normal
Motility minimum 75% motile
pH 7.2-8.0
Count 50 million/ml
Volume 2-5 ml

F. Synovial fluid
Cells 200 cells/mm3
Glucose same a:s serum
Hyaluronic acid 2.5-4 g/ dl
Proteins 2.5 g/dl
pH 7.32-7. 64
Crystals absent

,.. 'f'

G. Stool
'- 3-5 g/ iday
.. Fat
Nitrogen 2.2 g/24 h
Stercobilinogen 40-280 mg/ 24 h
Corpoporphyrin 15-500 mg/24 h



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2. Firkin F, Chesterman C, Penington P and Rush B (ed). 1989. de Gmcqfr Clinical He111atology i11 Medical Practice; fifth
edition. London: Blackwell Science.
3. Linne JJ and Ringsrud KM. 1992. Basic Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science; third edition. New York: Mosby Year
4. Mukherjee KL et al (ed). 1988. Medical Liboratory Technology. London: Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Lewis SM, Dacie JV, Bain BJ and Bates I. 2001. Practical Hematology, ninth edlition. London: Churchill Livingstone.
6. Freeman JA and MF Beeler. 1983. LJboratory Medicine: Urina/ysis and Medical Microscopy; second edition. Philadelphia: Lea
and Febiger.
Human practicals
1. Bouchier IAD, Ellis H and Fleming PR (ed). 1996. French's Index efD!flerenJ'ial Diagnosis; thirteenth edition. London:
2. Swash M. 1995. H111chiso11's Clinical Method., twentieth edition. London: WB Saunders.
3. Ogilvie C. 1980. Cha111berlain's Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine, tenth edition. London: John Wright and Sons

Ltd. l
4. Sahu D. 1983. CriticalApproach to Clinical Medicine. New Delhi: Vikas Publishiing House Pvt Ltd.
5. Tierney LM Jr, Mc Phee SJ and Papadakis MA (ed). 2004. Cmrent Medical Diagnosis and Treat111ent, forty-third edition.
New York: Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Schamroth C (ed). 1990. An I11trod11clion to Electrocardiograpf?y, seventh edition. London: Blackwell Science.
7. Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Hauser SL and Jameson .JL (ed). 2005. Hanison's Pnnciples eflntemal
Medicine-, sixteenth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
8. Mishra UK and Kalita J. 1991. Clinical Neuropqysifllogy. New Delhi: BI Churchill Livingstone.
9. Sainani GS et al (ed). 1992. APl Textbook efMediri11e; fifth edition. New Delhi: Association of Physicians of India.
10. Bannister R and Mathews CJ (ed). 1992. A11to110111ic Failure: A Textbook ef Clir.rical Disorders efthe A11to11omic Neroo11S System;
third edition. London: Oxford University Press.
11. Johnson EW and Pease WS (ed). 1997. Practical Electron(J·ograpqy; third edition. London: Williams and Wilkins.
12. Ganong WF. 2005. Review efMedical Pqy.riology, twenty-second edition. New York: Prentice H all Inc.
13. Berne RM and Levy MN. 2004. Pl!J•siology, fifth edition. New York: CV Mosby Co.
14. Vakil RJ and Golwala AF. 1990. Pl!Jsical Duig11osir, sixth edition. Mumbai: Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt.
15. Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American :Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.
H eart rate variability. Standard and measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use. Cimllotio,1 1996; 93:
1043- 1065.
16. Alberto M. Heart rate variability: from bench to bedside. E11ropJ Tnt Med 2005;16: 12-60.

fxperimental physiolOJIY
1. Gray WI. 1965 . Methods efA11i111al Experimmtah.011. London: Academic Press.
2. Tunle WW and Schottelius BA. 1963. Ph_)'Siolog,•Laboratory Manual. New York: CV Mosby Co.
3. Bell GH. 1959. Experi1J1ental Pl!Jsiology. London: Churchill Livingstone.
4. Ghosh MN. 1984. F1111dammtals offupenn,ental Phannacology, second edition. K.olkata: Scientific Book Agency.
5. Levedahl BH, Barber AA and Grinnel A. 1971. Laboratory Experiments in Pf?ynology, eighth edition. New York: CV
Mosby Co.

,r Index

• A ANS 282
anterolateral system 234
basophilia 75
basophilic stippling 113
abdominal muscles 251
abdominal reflex 256 anterior axillary line 130 basophilop,enia 75
abducent nerve anticoagulants Bell's palsy 278
► anatomy 269 double oxalate 8
biceps 251
biceps jerk 252
examination 278
function 269 heparin 9 bilirubin 11
lesion 278 oxalates 8 oiliverdin ]2
abductors of thigh 252 sodium citrate 8 binocular vision 313
absolute eosinophil count sodium fluoride 9 biological tests 331
clinical significance 81 aortic area 202 Biot's respiration 136
direct method 80 apex beat 132, 202 Bjerrum's screen 316
indirect method 81 character 205 bleeding time 98, 100
absolute refractory period 386 position 205 blood cells, deve_lopment 2
accessory nerve apical pulsation 205 blood coag;ulation
anatomy 275 appliances 337 disorders 102
examination 275 APTT 104 stages 98
function 275 Argyll Robertson pupil 277 blood componen ts
lesion 279 Arneth count 76 cellular 1
acetylcholine 395, 406, 410, 413 arterial bruit 161 fluid 2
acid hematin method 13 arterial cannula 419 blood gas :walysis 150
adductors of thigh 252 arterial occlusion 230 blood groups
Adie's pupil 277 Ascheim-Z ondek test 333 ABO system 88
adrenaline 395,405, 410,413 ascites 203 determinat ion 88
, Duffy system 89
~ adventitious sounds 133 asphyxia 424
ataxic gait 260 Kell system 89
< aegophony 138

I •
.,I afterload lever 341
after-loading ?69
·athetosis 261
atrial sound 209
atropine 410
Lewis system 89
Li system 89
MN system 89
agglutinin 89

t agglutinogen 89 auditory pathway 298 Rh system 89

air embolism 92 auscultatory gap 187 blood pressure
airway resistance 147 automated hemoglobi nometry 16 clinical significance 189
aJI or none law 387 autonomic function tests 282 definition 183
allergic reaction 92 discussion 287 factors affecting 184
alkaline hematin method 16 methods 284 measur,em em 185
amphibian vs mammalian heart 376 physiological aspects 284 regulatiion 191
amphoric breath sounds 138 autoregressive modelling 292 blood smears
anacrotic pulse 177 bad 66
anacrotic wave 177 B examinatio n 63
anal reflex 257 BAEP 298 good 6:7
analgesia 241 clinical applications 302 ideal 6?
anatomical dead space 146 factors affecting 299 staining 63, 63, 67
anemia measurement 301 blood smear preparatio n
• blood loss 17 normal waveforms 300 centrifugal method 62
s- hypochrom ic microcytic 17 recording 299 cover ~~ass method 61
ballism 261 glass slide method 59
macrocytic 17
types 17 barium chloride 411 blood specimen
barorecept or reflex 189 appearance 3
anesthesia 240
barrel shaped chest 134 collection 5
anesthetic agents 420
basal blood pressure 184 blood storage 93
angle of Louis 130
basal ganglia 249 blood transfusion
ankle jerk 254
basophils 65, 66, 71 ha.zards 92
anosmia 276
indication 91

procedure 91 carotid occlusion 421 anatomy 249

borders of the heart 202 carpal tunnel syndrome 219 functions 249
BP cuff 185
BP measurement
auscultator y method 187
casual blood pressure 184
catecholamines 191
cavernous breath sounds 138
lesions 260
cramp potential 226
cranial nerve examination 267 •
direct method 185 centrifuge machine 19 cremasteric reflex 256 ....
indirect method 185 cerebellar ataxia 259 crepitations 139
palpatory methods 186 cerebellar disease 259 crossed paralysis 259
sphygmom anometry 185 cerebellum 249 cross-matching 91 -
bracrual plexus 220 Charcot's artery 262 crude touch 237
brachioradialis 251 charging Neubauer chamber 37 Cushing's reflex 19ll
brachioradialis jerk 253 chemoreceptor reflex 191 cyanosis 120, 203
bradycardia 170, 176 chest 132
bradypnea 135 chest leads 164 D
brainstem lesion 240
breaking point 129
breath holding time 129
chest percussion 133
Cheyne-St okes respiration 129, 136
Dacie's fluid 42
Dale's apparatus 408 J
chloral hydrate 420 dark field microscope 32
breath sounds 137 chloralose 420 decerebrate frog 401.
breathing reserve 147 chorea 261 decerebrate preparatio n 402
Brecher-Cronk.ite method 110 Christmas disease 104 deep breath difference 287
Brodie operating table 419 clonic spasm 262 deglutition apnea 12'.8
Brodie - Starling kymograp h 417 clonus 364 deltoid 251
bronchial asthma 147 closing volume 148 deuteranomaly 323
broncrual breath sounds 138 clot lysis time 103 deuteranopia 323
bronchoph ony 138 clotting time diastolic pressure 183
Brown-Sequard syndrome 242 capillary tube method 101 dichromats 323
build 118 clinical significance 101 dicrotic notch 173, 177, 182
bulbocavemosus reflex 256 Lee-White method 102 dicrotic pulse 177
buffy coat 3 normal value 102 differential leucocyt,e count 70
clot retraction time 103 diffusion 148 '"5o
C clubbing 121, 122, 131, 203 dilated pupil 278
cacosmia 276 cogwheel rigidity 258 diluting fluids 36 C
calcium chloride 395, 406 cold pressure test 289 diplopia 277
calcium rigor 395 colour blindness 323 direct current 338
caloric rest 274 colour index 51 dissociated anesthesia 240
Cannon wave 207 colour vision 322 dog experiment 417
capillaries, types in frog 398 common peroneal nerve 221 dorsiflexors of foot 251
capillary blood 3, 5 compass aesthesiometer 237 Douglas bag 149
capillary circulation in frog 398 compensat ory pause 385 Drabkin's reagent lS
capillary fragility test 102 complementary colours 322 drunken gait 260
capillary fluid shift 191 complete blindness 317 Du Bois-Reym ond inductoriu m 338
carbaminohemoglobin 11 complex repetitive discharge 226 Duffy system 89
carboxyhemoglobin 12 compound muscle action potential 217, Duke method 100
cardiac dullness 206 218 Dunger solution 80
cardiac jelly 163 condenser 7 dysdiadokokinesis 2S7
cardiac muse;le properties 384 confrontat ion test 271 dyspnea 203
cardiac output 184 constrictive pericarditis 176 dyspneic index 147, 1.51
cardiac vector 168 consciousness 118 •
cardiac waves 421 contractio n period 351, 352
cardiogram, normal {of frog} 377
cardiovascular examination 201
conduction deafness 327
cooperation 118
ear lobe puncture 6
ECG interpretat ion 166
.. •
anatomical aspects 201 coordination of movement 257 ECG intervals 165, 167
clinical significance 206 cortical lesion 243 ECG leads 163
methods 202 cortical motor areas 249 ECG machine 163
neck veins 203 cortical sensations 243 ECG paper 163
precordium 205 corticocerebellum 249 ECG segments 166
cardiovascular response 284 corticospinal tract ECG waves 166, 169

edema 202, 399 facial nerve globin 11

Edridge -Green lantern test 323 anatomy 273 glossopharyngeal nerve
EDTA7 _examination 278 anatomy 269
effect of load 368 functions 273 examination 274
, effect of tempera ture, frog lesions 278 function 270

..., heart 379

electrical stimulat ion 338
facial palsy 278
faradic current 338
lesion 274
goat voice 138
♦ fasciculation 226, 261 Gravindex 1test 334
electrocardiogram, normal 166
~ electrocardiograph 163 fatigue 228
fast Fourier transfor m 291 H
electrocardiography 162-171
febrile reaction 92 HAI test 334
electrom yograph y
clinical application 223-226 FEF 146,152 Hayem' s fluid 42
femoral nerve 220 hCG 333,335
insertional activity 226
method 224 femoral neuropa thy 220 hCS 335
spontan eous activity 226 festinant gait 260 hearing tests 325
fever 124 heart rate response to breathin g 287
electron microscope 33
fibrillation 261 heart rate response to tilting 287
EMG electrodes 224
fibrinogen 2 heart rate variability 291
EMG spontan eous activity 226
field stain 62 heart sounds 208
enteric nervous system 283
fine touch 234 first 208
eosinophils 66, 71, 79
finger-nose test 257 fourth 209
eosinophil cationic proteins 79
~ eosinopenia 82
eosinophilia 82
finger punctur e 5
first heart sound 208
second 208
third 209
flat chest 134 triple 209
eosinophil peroxidase 79
flexor plantar response 256 heart valve· position 202
epigastric pulsatio n 203
flexors heat rigor 355
epigastrium 156
of fingers 250 heel punctur e 6
equilibr ium length 373
of knee 251 height 119
Erb's point 203
hematemesis 157
~ -4'•'
erector spinae 251 of thigh 252
of wrist 250 hematoc rit 19
ergogram 228
flow-vo lume curve 148 hematoc rit reader 21
erytbroblastosis fetalis 92
fluid thrill 159 heme 10
erytbropoiesis 41, 42
fluorescent microscope 26 hemianestlnesia 240
I esophageal leads 164
forced vital capacity 147, 152 hernianopita 317

ESR 83
estrogen 335, 414
estrus cycle 415
evertors of foot 251
Frank-S tarling law 380
free-loading 320
Freidma n test 334
hemiballism 261
hemiglo bincyanide 12
bemiplegia 258
frequency-domain analysis 293 hemiplegic: gait 260
exercise 197
frequency-domain indices 296 hemoglo bins
clinical significance 200
frequency-domain methods 294 abnorm al 11
degrees 197
frog blood vessel perfusion 396 adult 11
effects 199
frog heart perfusion 394 Bans 11
types 197
frog's heart 377 clinical significance 32
expirato ry reserve volume 146
frontal lever 341 derivatives 11
expirograph 149
Fuchs-R osentha l chambe r 80 embryo nic 11
extenso r plantar response 256
functional residual capacity 147 estimati on 28-32
funnel chest 134 fetal 11
,,. of knee 251
Fwave 220 functions 12
of thigh 251
... Gower 11
of wrist 250
Portland 11
.. J exteroceptors 234
extrapyramidal fibres 247
gait 260 structur e 11
Galli-M ainini test 334 unstable 11
extrapyramidal lesion 262
gallop rhythm 209 hemoglo binomet er 13
extrasystole 176, 384
galvanic current 338 hemoglo bin pipette 13
eye muscles 268
gas sampling 150 hemoglo bin tube 13
general appearance 118 hemolytioe jaundice 120
Giemsa stain 62 hemoph ilia 105
facial myoclon us 261

hemorrhage, in d~g 423 isometric vs isotonic contracti on 372 Li system 89

hemostatic plug 98, 99 isotonic exercise 197 light scattering technique 45
hepatic jaundice 120 Ivy method 100 limb leads 164
hepatome galy 161, 203 limping gait 260
HF295 J lines on precordiu m 202 ~
HF compone nt 292
high volume pulse 176
jaundice 119
J point 166
Lister's perimete r 314
LMN paralysis 263
high-step ping gait 260 Jaeger's chart 319 localisation distance 237 t

hippus 277 jaw jerk 255 low volume pulse 176
histamine 410 Jendrassik's maneuve r 255 lower motor neurons 246
H ogben test 334 jugular venous pressure 203 lower motor neuron paralysis 263
H olmes-Adie syndrome 277 jugular venous pulse 206 Ludwig's angle 130
Holmgre n's wool matching test 323 lumbricals 250
horseshoe dullness 161 K lung borders 130
H-reflex 267 KCl 406 lung compliance 147, 151
HRV analysis 293 Kell system 89 lung fissures 130
hyperalgesia 241 knee hammer 252 LVET 212
hyperesthesia 240 knee jerk 253 lymph node enlargement 131
hyperme tropia 320 knee-heel test 257 lymphoc ytes 66, 72
hyperten sion 190 Korotkof f sounds 187 lymphocy topenia 75
hyperton ia 258 Krause's end-bulb 234 lymphocytosis 75
hypoalgesia 241 Kupperm an test 333
hypocho ndrium 151 Kussmaul respiration 135 M
hypoesthesia 240 kymogra ph 340 macrocytosis 50
hypoglossal nerve kyphoscoliosis 135 macrohem atocrit method 19
anatomy 270 kyphosis 135 major basic protein 79
examination 275 mammalian intestine 407
functions 275 L
Mariotte' s bottle 396
lesion 279 LAI test 334
Marey's tambour 127
hyposmia 276 Landsteiner's law 89
May-Gru nwald stain 62
hypotens ion 190 Langendorff's apparatus 404
maximal stimulus 357
hypother mia 125 latch-bridge mechanism 417
MCH 50, 51
latent period 351
MCHC 50, 51
I lateral spinothalamic tract 235
idioventricular rhythm 390 lateral system pathways 247
mean arterial pressure 183
immersion oil 29 lmisimus dorsi 251
mean QRS axis
immunological tests 334 lead pipe rigidity 258
accurate estimatio n 168
impalpable apex 205 Lee-Whi te method 102
left axis deviation 168
impedance counting 45 left ventricul ar dysfunction 213
normal 168
increasing strength of stimuli 357 Leishman stain 62
right axis deviation 168
infraspinatus 251 lemniscal system 234
rough estimation 168
initial length 37,) lesion localisation (sensory) 242
medial system pathways 247
inspirato ry capacity 147 leucocytes
median nerve 219
inspirator y reserve volume 146 differential count 70
median SEP 307, 309
intention tremor 261 formation 52
mediastinal shifting 133
interference-contra st microscope 33 function 52
Meissner's corpuscle 234
interocep tors 234 normal count 53
interossei 250
interstitiospinal tract 248
structure 52
total count 52
melena 157
mental state 118 ~.
involunta ry movements 258
iris diaphragm 26
leucocytopenia 56
leucocytosis 55
mercury manomet er 185
Merkel's disc 234 ·-
Merton's experime nt 231 ~

irregular fever 125 leukemia 56

methemo globin 12
Ishihara chart 323 levers 341
metronom e 230
isometric contracti on, in frog 372 Lewis lead 164
Meyer waves 421
isometri.; exercise 198 Le.wis system 89
Meyer's loop 313
isometric exercise test 289 LF 295
microcytosis 50
isometric lever 341 CF compone nt 292
microhem atocrit 20

microscope 24 lesion 276

adjusting system 28 olfactory pathway 329
body tube 25 NaCl 4,404 opening snaip 206
.. condenser 26
illuminatio n system 26
near vision 318
neck veins 203
optic nerve
anatomy 267
._-4 iris diaphragm 26 Neef's hammer 339 examinatio n 271
magnificat ion system 27 nembutal 420 function 267
maintenance 31 nerve conduction lesion 276
method of use 28 factors affecting 217 orthostatic hypotensio n 196
parts 25 method of study 217 osmotic fragility 95
suppon system 25 nerve conduction study 215 oxalates 9
types 32 nerve conduction velocity, in frog 374 oxytocin 41 3
midaxillary line 130 nerve deafness 327
nerve fibres 215, 216 p
midclavicular line 130
midscapular line 130 nerve lesion 242 Pacinian corpuscles 234
midspinal line 130 nerve root lesion 242 pain 239, 240
midsternal line 130 nerve-muscle preparatio n 346 pallor 119
milieu interior 105 Neubauer' s chamber 35, 39 paralysis 26,2, 263
minimal tetanisable frequency 364 neutropeni a 74 paralytic strabismus 277
minimum separable distance 238 neutrophil ia 74 paraplegia 258
minute ventilation 147 neutropbil s parfocal 351
~ mismatched transfusion 92 band 71 parasternal heave 206
mitral area 202 basophilic stippling 77 paresis 258
MMEFR 147 granules 76 paresthesia 240
MN system 89 segmented 70 parosmia 276
modelling clay 21 stab 76 Pasteur pipette 20, 85
monochro mats 323 stages 76 pectorals 251
monocytes 63, 64, 71 nicotine and atropine on bean 391 PEFR 148
~ ~
monocytop enia 75 nitrogen washout method 148 percussion wave 173, 178
... monocytosis 75 NN50 293, 294 percussion, rules of 131
monoplegia 258 N-N intervals 293 perimeter 313
" Mosso's ergograph 229 noradrenaline 423 perimeter c:han 314
Mosso's ergography 228 nosepiece of microscope perimetry 313
motor evoked potentials 310 fixed 26 periodic breathing 129
peripheral nerve lesion 240
~ motor neurons 246 revolving 26
motor system examination 246 numerical apenure 25 peripheral resistance 183, 185
motor unit 225 nutrition 119 peristaltic rush 161
motor unit potential 225 nystagmus 277 phase-contrast microscope 32
doublets 225 pbasic exercise 197
mixed 225 0 pigeon chest 134
multiplets 225 objectives Pilot solution 80
► neurogenic 225 high-power 27 pipetting 35
polyphasic 225 low-power 27 pithing 346
triplets 225 oil-immersion 27 plantar reflex 256
murmurs 209 · scanning 27 plasma 1, 2
muscle atrophy 258 obstructive jaundice 120 plasma rec:alcification time 104
~ muscle grip 37 obstructive lung disease 153 plasticity 407
muscle-he art reflex 195 oculomoto r nerve platelets
muscle hypenroph y 258 anatomy 268 developme nt 107
muscle trough 341 examination 272 function 108
• life history 107
muscles 258 functio!} 268
lesion 276 normal count 111
MVV 147, 151, 152
olfactory hallucination 276 structure 107
myocardial cootractili ty 184
olfactory nerve platelet activation 108
myoclonus 261
anatomy 267 platelet adtbesiveness test 108
myoclonus simplex 261
examination 270 platelet aggregation test 108
myograph stand 342
function 267 platelet count
myopia 320

automated method 111 pulsus parvus 176 normal value 116

Brecher-C ronkite method 110 punctate basophilia 113 production 113
clinical significance 111 pupillary reactions 277 reticulocytopenia 116
hemocytom etry 109 purpura 105 reticulocytosis 116
Rees-Ecke r method 109 pyramidal fibres 247 reticulospinal tracts 248
platelet plug 108 pyramidal lesion 262 retinal location 303
pleural rub 139 Rh incompatib ility 92
pNN50 293, 294 Q rickety rosary 135
Pohl's commutato r 343 QRS complex 166, 167, 168 rigidity 258
polarising microscope 32 QT interval 170 Ringer solution 348
polycythem ia 45 quadriplegia 258 Ringer -Locke solution 404
position sense 236 quartan fever 125 Rinne's test 326, 327
posterior axillary line 130 quotidian fever 125 RMSSD 293,294
postural effects on BP 194 Romberg sign 259
postural hypotension 190 R ronchi 138
postural reflexes 401 rabbit heart perfusion 404 root pain 241
power shaft 339 radian neuropath y 220 rotation test 274
PR interval 166, 169, 170 radial nerve 220 rotators of thigh 252
precordial examination 207 radial pulse 173 RR interval 167
precordium 205 radiofemoral delay 174 rubrospinal tract 247
pre-ejectio n period 212 radioimmu noassay 335
pregnancy diagnostic teSts 333 Randolph solution 80 s
pregnosticon test 334 rate pressure product 195, 198 Sahli's bemoglobi nometer 13
pressure bottle 417 reactivity of tissue 349 Sahli's method 13
presystolic gallop 209 receptors 233 saphenous nerve 221
primary autonomic failure 196 recording device 338 saturday night paralysis 220
primary circuit 338, 339, 343 recording spirometer 149 scapular reflex 257
primary coil 339 red blood cells Schwabach test 327
primary colours 322 clinical significance 45 sciatic-gastrocnemius preparatio n 347
primary tastes 329 count 42 sciatic nerve 221
Printer's point system 319 formation 41 scissors gait 260
progestero ne 335, 413 function 42 scoliosis 135
pronator teres syndrome 219 RBC count, total 42 SD~'N29 4
propriocep tion 234, 236, 242 RBC indices 49 SDNN 294
propriocep tors 234 RBC pipette 35 second heart sound 206
protanoma ly 323 Rees- Ecker fluid 109 secondary circuit 338, 343
protanopia 323 Rees-Ecke r method 109 secondary coil 339
prothromb in time 103 reflexes 252 semen analysis 331
protodiastolic gallop 209 relative refractory period 360, 384 semen compositio n 331
protoporp hyrin 10 relaxati<;m period 351, 352 sensory ataxia 259
ptosis 276 relaxin 335 sensory map 235
partial thrombop lastin time (PTI') 103 Remak's ganglion 388 sensory modalities 233
pulmonary area 202 remittent fever 125 sensory pathways 234
pulmonary blood flow 146, 148 renin-angiotensin system 191 sensory system examinatio n 233
pulmonary function test 145 residual volume 146 septa! q wave 167
pulse character 174, 177 resolution 5 septa! r wave 167
pulse deficit 176 respiration 125 serratus anterior 251
pulse pressure 176 respiration pump 419 sexual developme nt 119
pulse rate 175 respiratory gas analysis 150 Sheridan-G ardiner test 320
pulse rhythm 176 respiratory movement s 132, 135 shifting dullness 137, 159
pulse tracing 181 respiratory system (examination) short circuiting key 338
pulse volume 176 130 short-term HRV 292
pulse waves 174 resting length 372 sibilant ronchi 139
pulsus altemans 178 restrictive lung disease 153 signal marker 339
pulsus bisferiens 178 reticulocyte simple lever 341
pulsus magnus 176 count 113 simple muscle twitch 351
pulsus paradoxus 178 life span 113 sinus arrhythmia 176, 288

sinus venosus 376 supravital stain 114 Traube-H ering waves 421
skin 124 sural nerve 221 tremor 261
smell 329 Swan-G anz catheter 151 tremor at rest 261
smoking 344 sympathe tic skin response 289 treppe 364

smooth muscle 407 sympathe tic tone 39C triceps jerk 253
Snellen's chart 318 sympathovagal balance 296 trichroma ts 323
"' syringomyelia 242 tricuspid area 202
sodium citrate 8
sodium fluoride 9 systolic pressure 185 trigeminal nerve
systolic time intervals 212 anatomy 268
sonorous ronchi 139
examination 272
spastic gait 260
T function 269
spasticity 258
tachycardia 175 lesion 278
spectral analysis 291
tachypne a 135 trigeminal neuralgia 278
Speir chamber 80
Tallquist method 16 triple heart sound 209
Spencer-Brightline hemocyto meter
109 tap key 338 trochlear nerve
tapping apex 205 anatomy 278
sperm count 332
tarsal tunnel syndrom e 221 examination 278
sphincteric reflexes 257
taste and smell 329 function 278
sphygmograph 181
taste pathway 329 lesion 278
sphygmo manomet er 185
taste receptors 329 tubular breath sounds 138
sphygmo manomet ry 185
tectospinal tract 248 tuning fork 325, 342
spinal cord lesion 258
teleceptors 234 tuning fork tests 326
spinal frog 402
temperat ure 240 Turk's fluid 53
spinal preparati on 402
temperat ure sense 240 two successive stimuli 360
spinocerebellum 249
tendon reflexes 252, 259 two-poin t discrimination 236
splenomegaly 161, 203
tertian fever 125 Tyrode solution 408
splitting of heart sounds 208
squint 277 test objects 315
SSEP 307 tetanus 363 u
-. stage thalamic lesion 243 ulnar nerve 219
thala.mic syndrom e 243 ulnar neuropat hy 219
fixed 25
third heart sound 209 UMN paralysis 262
.., mechanical 25
threshold stimulus 357 universal donor 91
staining rack 62
thrills 206 universal recipient 91
staircase phenome non 385, 387
thrombin time 104 upper motor neuron 247
stamping gait 260
thromboc ycopenia 111 urethane 420
Stannius ligature 382
thromboc ytosis 111 uterine contracti on, mammali an 412
Starling heart lever 341, 342
stereognosis 236 thrombop hlebitis 92
thrombopoiesis 107 V
sternal angle 130
tibial nerve 221 vagal escape 422
stethogra ph 127
. stethogra phy 127 tibial neuropat hy 221 vagal inhibition 389
tibial SEP 307 vagal stimulatio n 422
stethoscope 186
tic douloure ux 278 vagal tone 390
stimulating electrode 339
tics 262 vagosympathetic trunk 388
stimulus 349
tidal percussion 137 vagotom y 422
stony dullness 137
tidal volume 146 vagus nerve
strabismus 277
tidal wave 173 anatomy 270
stretch reflex 252
timed vital capacity 147, 150, 152 examinat ion 274
stridor 139
time-domain analysis 293 function 270
student's spirotnet er 143
time-0omain indices 295 lesion 279
student's stimulato r 343
time-0omain methods 293 Valsalva maneuve r 288
stunning 346
tonic exercise 197 Valsalva ratio 285
subliminal stimulus 358
tonic spasm 262 varnishing 344
sulphhem oglobin 12
torsion dystonia 261 vasopressin 192
superficial reflexes 255
total leucocyte count 52 vasovagal attack 390
supinato r jerk 253
total lung capacity 147 venous blood 3, 4
supramaximal stimulus 357
tracheal cannula 420 venous hum 161
supraspinatus 251
tracheal position 132 venous occlusion 230
suprasternal notch 131

venous pressure assessment 204 visual pathway 313 Weber's test 326
venous pulse 203, 206 vital capacity 142 wedge pressure 151
venous pulse waves 206 vitalome ter 143 weight 119
ventilation 146 vital signs 124 Westergren method 84
ventilation - perfusion relationship 148 vital Stains 114 Westergren pipette 84
ventral spinothalamic tract 234 VLF 295 W estergren rack 84
vertebral prominen ce 131 VLF compone nt 292 wheeze 139
vesicular breath sounds 137 vocal fremitus 132 white crescentic line 382
vestibulocerebellum 249 vocal resonance 133 Wintrobe method
vestibulocochlear nerve Von Frey's aesthesiometer 237 ESR 84, 85
anatomy 274 Von Willebra nd's knee 313 hematocr it 19
examination 279 Wintrobe rack 85
function 274 w Winrrobe rube 20, 85
lesion 279 waddling gait 260 working distance 25
vestibulospinal tracts 248 watch test 326 Wright's peak flow meter 149
vibrating reed 363 water hammer pulse 177 Wright's stain 62
vibration sense 239 WBC count wrist drop 220
visceral pain 241 differential 70 writing lever 341
visual acuity 318 total 52
visual evoked potentials 303 WBC diluting fluid 53 y
visual field 313 WBC pipene 36 Young-H elmholtz theory 322
visual field defects 317

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