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GRADE 8 DATE: 10/7/2022 LESSON 2


I. Vocabulary

1. curry / / //

2. typical // (adj)
3. typical food (n): đồ ăn điển hình, phổ biến, đặc trưng
4. culture shock /(n): the differences of culture that make people shocked
Food culture shock means different foods in different cultures that make people shocked.
5. Equate ST to/with ST (v): đánh đồng cái gì với cái gì
6. Prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng, sự giàu có
7. Refuse (v): từ chối
8. Offer (v): mời, đề nghị
9. Represent (v): đại diện, đại biểu cho

Homework: Page 67,68,69

Video: tell the stories of 5 people you’ve read today

READING: Note taking

✓ Eating with fingers - easy - burger
✓ Eating curry and rice with fingers - whole new skill
✓ Mix curry with rice to form a “ball”
✓ “Daal” - kind of glue - form the “ball”
✓ Use fingers and humb, never palm
✓ Pop up the ball into your mouth
✓ Shocked: fast food culture (junk foods: grab burgers or sandwiches for lunch)
✓ Food is important in his country.
✓ Cook fresh food, eat with family once a day, twice at weekends
✓ Grow vegetables, keep chicken
✓ Food is a part of your identity
✓ In China, “No, thanks” means they want to say politely because the person will repeat it.
✓ But in other countries, he found that “No” means no.
✓ Being a vegan is easy in UK
✓ In India there are two types: “veg” (vegetarian) and “non-veg” (meat eater)
✓ She was shocked when she found that many people consider meat as properity
✓ Happy to be home
✓ She is shocked about the foods that Asians eat for breakfast and dinner are the same.
✓ She is an Australian so she eats different foods for different meals.

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