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Electrify everything!

Challenges and
opportunities associated with increased
electrification of industrial processes
Johan Rootzén Magnus Brolin
Department of Economics RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
University of Gothenburg Gothenburg
SE-405 30 Gothenburg Sweden
Sweden Jesse Fahnestock
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Holger Wiertzema Stockholm
Department of Space, Earth and Environment Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg

energy-intensive industry, decarbonisation, steel, cement, chem- tion planning, optimisation and automation may provide ben-
ical industry, electrification, energy systems efits beyond CO2 emission reduction and how careful proactive
planning provide opportunities for synergies.

The aim of this study is to assess the potential for and chal- Introduction
lenges associated with increased industrial electrification. In a Under the Paris Agreement the signing parties have set out
carbon constrained world, as all sectors of the economy seek to ‘holding the increase in the global average temperature to
to lower emissions, competition for energy carriers with a low well below 2 °C’, and ‘to pursue efforts to limit the temperature
climate impact (biomass/biofuels, ‘green’ electricity and hydro- increase to 1.5 °C’ above pre-industrial levels. Studies of miti-
gen) will grow. Thus, how integration in this case of electrified gation scenarios that could meet these goals often highlight a
industrial processes is managed and how interlinkages and in- twin challenge for the electricity sector: cutting emissions
teractions between both the supply side and demand side of the nearly to zero (or even net negative emissions) within two to
electricity system is handled will be key to the overall outcome three decades, while expanding to electrify and consequently
with respect to overall systems costs, total capacity needs and decarbonize a much greater share of global energy use (Jenkins
security of supply. Estimates of EU industry electricity demand et al., 2018). With a steady cost decline for renewable power
in 2050 vary considerably. Depending on assumptions with re- generation technologies (IRENA, 2018) and continuous im-
gards to for example overall industry activity levels, choices of provements in the performance of energy storage and informa-
energy carriers and process technologies, estimates of indus- tion and communication technology the zero-emission trans-
trial electricity demand in 2050 available in the literature vary formation of electricity supply – while certainly demanding
from 1,000 to 4,430 TWh (from approximately 1000 TWh in (see e.g. Johnson et al., 2018) – seems to be within reach. The
2020). Based on experiences from two recent research project parallel and rapid development in the area of electric mobility
and a review of recent literature we outline and discuss five ar- makes the decarbonisation of (or at least parts of) the trans-
eas which will be critical to the potential for and outcome of a portation sector also appear less challenging than previously
move towards increased electrification of industrial processes anticipated. Similarly, would low- and medium-temperature
in the European Union. We discuss how high geographical heating, cooling, and lighting demands in both the building
concentration of industrial loads in particular regions, in com- sector and industry, from a technical standpoint, be relatively
bination with significant changes on both the supply side and straightforward to decarbonize through electrification (Fried-
demand side of the electricity system (i.e. transports and resi- mann et al., 2019). Meeting the targets laid out in the Paris
dential heating) post 2030 will pose significant challenges. But Agreement would however also require decarbonisation of
also describe, how new options for process designs, produc- “harder-to-abate” sectors, e.g. heavy industry (in particular ce-



ment, steel and chemicals) and heavy-duty transport (heavy- (hydrogen/Power to X), Biomass/biofuels and CCS. Figure 1
duty road transport, shipping and aviation) (Davis et al., 2018; provide a brief overview of the applicability and emissions re-
ETC, 2018). duction potential for each of these technological options in the
Most studies devoted towards the challenges associated with iron and steel and cement industries.
decarbonizing industry tend to reach similar conclusions (see Emphasis in this work is on the potential for and challenges
e.g., Bataille et al. 2018; Fleiter et al., 2018)). The general mes- associated with increased electrification of industrial processes.
sage is that while there still is an untapped potential for further Special attention will be given to the steel and cement indus-
emission reductions through presently available measures and tries – here collectively referred to as the basic materials indus-
technologies, reducing CO2 emissions beyond a certain point try. In a carbon constrained world as all sectors of the economy
will involve significant investments and substantial changes to seek to lower emission – competition for energy carriers with a
conventional manufacturing processes. A range of technologi- low climate impact (biomass/biofuels, green electricity and hy-
cal and process abatement options, in different development drogen) will grow – thus how integration in this case of electric
stages, that could, potentially, contribute to reducing emissions processes is managed and interlinkages and interactions across
from manufacturing of CO2 emission-intensive commodities sectors are handled will be key to the overall outcome.
(e.g. steel, cement, chemicals and plastics and pulp and paper)
have been proposed. Four different categories of abatement
strategies – with different characteristics with respect to for ex- Outline and challenges
ample choices of energy carriers, process designs and the avail- Achieving the target of net zero greenhouse-gas emissions by
ability of CCS – are most commonly proposed (see e.g. Riss- mid-century, will require rapid and radical changes across all
man et al., 2020): direct electrification, indirect electrification sectors of the economy. Measures to reduce emissions associ-


Increased EAF and Electrifying heat supply to

scrap based production. precalciner or whole process
Direct electrification (Iron ore electrolysis an (replacing fuel burners with
alternative in the longer plasma torches)

Hydrogen direct
Indirect electrification reduction could
deliver near zero CO2 Limited applicability
(Hydrogen/Power to X)
emission iron and

Biomass partially Biomass partially

Biomass replacing fossil input replacing fossil fuel
(fuel/reductant) input

CCS Partial capture or Targeting precalciner or

combination of stacks whole process

Emission reduction
Low Moderate High Very high

Figure 1. Abatement opportunities and gross estimates of the abatement potentials in the steel- and cement-industries.



Interlinkages Changing
with an Development patterns of
electricity of support competition
system in infrastructure and
transition production

Trends in investments in
material low or zero
demand CO2 emission


Figure 2. Scope of the study – five areas critical to the potential for and outcome of a move towards increased electrification of industrial
processes in the European Union.

ated with the production and use of basic materials will not • The Mistra Carbon Exit project, which identifies and analy-
happen in a vacuum but will be one of many disruptive changes ses pathways to net zero greenhouse-gas emissions in the
in the complex economic, social, and technical dynamics that supply chains of buildings, transport and transport infra-
govern societal demand for energy and materials. The focus structure, and particularly the technical roadmaps which
here is on the development in five areas related to the produc- explore different possible trajectories of technological de-
tion and use of basic materials which will be critical to the po- velopments in the supply chains of buildings and transpor-
tential for and outcome of a move towards increased electrifica- tation infrastructure including primary production of steel
tion of industrial processes in the European Union: and cement (Karlsson et al., 2020a; 2020b; Toktarova et al.,
• Development of energy infrastructure for industry electri-
fication. Both projects combine quantitative analytical methods, i.e.
technical assessments (Brolin et al., 2017), scenarios and styl-
• Interlinkages with an electricity system in transition.
ized models (Karlsson et. al., 2020a), with participatory pro-
• Trends in material demand. cesses involving relevant stakeholders in the assessment pro-
cess. We also draw from a recent study by Lehtveer et al. (2020)
• Electrification driving changing patterns in global competi-
which uses key performance indicators to explore the impact of
tion and production.
different scenarios for the European energy system transition
• Unlocking investments in low or zero CO2 emission pro- on the physical energy infrastructure, and the associated eco-
cesses. nomic and social systems. A review of previous work analysing
different future trajectories of technological developments in
The analysis in this study is predominantly based on the syn-
the EU basic materials industry and the role of electrification
thesis of data from two projects:
of industrial processes in particular provides the basis for the
• Industry’s Electrification and Role in the Future Electricity further assessment and discussion.
System (Brolin et al., 2017) which was aimed at investigating
changes in policy, technology, and markets that could result
in an increasingly important role for electricity in industrial Results
processes and a more dynamic role for industrial companies In the following we begin with an overview of lessons learnt
on the electricity market. from previous studies of opportunities and challenges related
to increased industrial electrification in the EU. We then pro-



vide assessments and discussions of the five areas (see Figure 1) lin et al., 2017; Burman and Engvall, 2019) and the use of re-
related to the production and use of basic materials which will newable hydrogen in the production of ammonia and other
be critical to the potential for and outcome of a move towards basic chemicals. With respect to iron and steelmaking it will
increased electrification of industrial processes. also be important to prioritize innovation and technological
development related to delivering the highest quality of steel
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIFICATION – GENERAL FINDINGS from recycling (EAF) (see e.g. Allwood et al. (2019)).
Industry accounts for approximately one quarter of final energy We have identified a number of findings from the recent lit-
use and greenhouse gas emissions (direct and indirect) in the erature on industry decarbonisation in the EU with particular
EU and is a major user of coal, oil, natural gas, biomass and importance for the role for industry electrification.
electricity. It is worth to note on the onset that electric pro-
cesses (electromotive, electro-thermal, and electrolytic) are • First, it is clear that the decarbonisation of the steel, cement
already in wide use in a broad range of industrial facilities and and (petro-)chemical production will be important if to
processes. Further electrification of industrial processes may achieve the EU wide emission reduction goals and that the
have several justifications (CEATI, 2007; EPRI, 2009; Lechten- path taken in these industries will significantly impact over-
böhmer et al., 2016): all industrial energy demand (Rehfeldt et al., 2018; Gerres
et al., 2019).
• Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions: This can be achieved
• Secondly, differences in assumptions on overall industrial
directly, by replacing existing fossil-fuelled technologies
activity levels, choices of energy carriers, process designs,
(e.g. furnaces and boilers) with electric technologies (pro-
limits on CO2 emissions and the availability of CCS, results
vided that the electricity is generated by low-carbon sourc-
in very different estimates of electrification rates and overall
es); or indirectly by utilising electricity for production of
industrial electricity demand in 2050. Estimates of industry
hydrogen and hydrocarbons for feedstock and energy pur-
electricity use in 2050 available in the literature range from
1,300 to 4,430 TWh (Lechtenböhmer et al., 2016; European
• Improving energy efficiency: modern electro-thermal pro- Commission, 2018; Wyns et al., 2018; Fleiter et al. 2018).
cess technology (e.g. induction, dielectric heating or micro- The upper estimate which is based on an aggregation of a se-
wave) for heating and melting has the potential to reduce lection of low-CO2 pathways and technology studies by EU
energy use by allowing for more precise control of the en- industry associations and other sources carried out by Wyns
ergy flows than possible in existing furnaces and ovens that et al.(2018) would suggest that energy-intensive industries
must be fired continuously during production. (including steel, cement, chemicals and petrochemical, fuel
refining) would by far become the largest final electricity
• Improving product quality: Electrical processes can enhance
consumer in the EU by 2050. The assessments by both Wyns
product quality by allowing precise control and the possibil-
et al. (2018) and Fleiter et al. (2018) shows how the future
ity to instantly adjust energy input to varying process condi-
trajectories of technological developments in the chemical
tions in, for example, drying and melting processes.
and petrochemical industry and fuel production, in particu-
• Increasing the speed of production: There are several elec- lar, will be decisive for the development of overall industrial
tro-technologies that offer improved rates of heat transfer electricity demand. For example would a move towards in-
and higher efficiency, which can speed up the rate of mate- creased use of renewable hydrogen and direct air capture
rial heating in comparison to conventional ovens, heating and use of CO2 as an enabler for the production of electric-
tunnels and radiant heaters. ity-based fuels (Power-to-Liquids (PtL)), gases (Power-to-
Gas (PtG)), and chemicals (Power-to-Chemicals (PtC) (den
Electrification of industrial processes in the low- and medium- Ouden et al., 2017) significantly inflate industrial electricity
grade heat segments would technically be relatively uncompli- demand. Since industrial electricity demand is currently at
cated. However, furnaces, boilers and electric heaters become approximately 1,000  TWh the lower estimate should not
less efficient as higher temperatures are required, and their have any major consequences for the surrounding electric-
use may necessitate significant refurbishment and major ad- ity system even though the composition of the electricity
aptations in current energy supply and production processes. system will undergo major changes in the coming decades.
In addition, some of the high-temperature technologies are A quadrupling of electricity demand would however obvi-
not (commercially) available yet. For industrial processes in ously be a challenge.
the high-grade heat segment, hydrogen combustion (or co-
combustion) may therefore offer benefits regarding its ability • Thirdly, the fact that industrial activity and energy use tend
to generate high temperatures without major alterations of ex- to be unevenly distributed and sometimes are very con-
isting process designs. For the steel, cement and chemical in- centrated to certain regions (e.g., North Rhine-Westphalia
dustries which account for a significant share of the high-grade (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Teesside (UK))
heat demand (see Rehfeldt et al., 2018) and which have process will mean that matching supply and demand for low-CO2
specific requirements several technologies for direct/indirect energy carriers will be particularly challenging in these
electrification are being investigated, including: hydrogen di- regions (Schneider et al., 2019). Fourthly, commercial in-
rect reduction and iron ore electrolysis (electrowinning) in the troduction at scale of novel low-CO2 production processes
iron and steel industry (Fischedick et al., 2016; Otto et al., 2017; (including hydrogen direct reduction in the steel industry
Vogl et al., 2018); replacing fuel burners with plasma torches, and plasma heating in the cement industry) is typically an-
induction and microwave energy in the cement industry (Bro- ticipated to materialise first after 2030 which would mean



that industrial electricity demand would grow fast in a rela- whole (which accounted for 60 % of the total installed capacity
tively short time period (2030–2050). of wind power in the EU27 in 2018) varied between 5 GW/year
(in 2010) and approximately 12 GW/year (in 2016) (IRENA,
While the particular setup of the production processes and the
2019). In the same period average annual additions of solar PV
potential role of innovative electric processes vary considerably
varied between 3 GW/year (in 2016) and 9 GW/year (in 2011)
across the different branches of industry and between individ-
(IRENA, 2019).
ual plants, since these industries are comprised of a relatively
The demand for hydrogen storage (H2 storage) and ther-
limited number of very large plants, changes in each single
mal energy storage (TES Tank and TES Pit) increases as new
plant may have significant impacts on energy use and poten-
electricity demands arise through increased electrification in
tially on regional and local electricity loads.
industry (electrolysation for the production of hydrogen used
in the steel making process) of passenger vehicles, and as a con-
sequence of replacement of fossil fuels for residential heating.
When considering the potential for increased electrification
Even if the most expansive scenarios are never materialised
of industrial processes it is important also to consider, aside
growth in industrial electricity demand will in parallel with
from the industrial assets needed to implement the abatement
electrification of transports and building heating and the phas-
measures, lead times related to planning, permitting and con-
ing out of fossil fuel power plants require a massive ramp-up
struction of support infrastructure including electricity grid
of investments in new zero-carbon power capacity. The Euro-
expansion, battery storage and hydrogen production transpor-
pean Commission (2018) estimates that increased electrifica-
tation and storage capacity. Project lead times for electricity
tion across all sectors of the energy system would result in an
transmission infrastructure projects, from early planning to
increase in annual electricity demand of 35–150 % by the year
commissioning can be up to 10 years or more. Recent expe-
2050 and that most of the demand will be met by renewable
riences also show how electricity grid expansion projects fre-
(wind, solar, hydro, and biomass-based power) and nuclear
quently experience delays, with lengthy permit processes and
power. Results from a recent study by Lehtveer et al. (2020) ex-
public opposition often reported as the main reason for delay
ploring different scenarios for a low carbon transition in the
(European Commission, 2019). The precise timing, location
North European electricity system illustrates (Figure 3) how re-
and nature of the technological shifts that will be required to
newable electricity capacity (left), energy storage and variation
decarbonise the basic material industry remains uncertain. Yet,
management technologies (right) will have to grow to satisfy
given the speed of change required and long lead times for ma-
demand. In the first decade (2020–2030) on-shore wind power
jor infrastructure projects, planning needs to take place even if
dominates, with average annual installation rate amounting to
not all uncertainties will be fully resolved.
almost 25 GW/year. After 2030 solar PV installation rates in-
creases significantly to more than 20 GW/year. This is partly a
model artefact where the model choses to invest in remaining
High levels of electrification of industrial processes (including
favourable wind locations before investing in in more costly PV
use of hydrogen as feedstock) will require competitive electric-
capacity. These results can, nevertheless, be compared with his-
ity prices and sufficient and reliable supply of low-CO2 elec-
torical installation rates. In the period 2010–2018 average an-
tricity. The very large amounts of zero-carbon electricity and
nual installation rates of wind power in the studied region as a
hydrogen required, makes a large scale shift to synthetic fuel

30 140
Average annual installation rate (GW(h)/year)

Average annual installation rate (GW/year)

25 2030-2040 2030-2040
2040-2050 2040-2050


5 20

0 0
Battery, Flow


TES tank

TES pit
Heat pump
H2 storage

Electric boiler
Wind onshore

Wind offshore

Collaboration Collaboration

Figure 3. Deployment of renewable electricity capacity (left), energy storage and variation management technologies (right) in a scenario
for the future development of the North European energy system (Lehtveer et al., 2020). In this scenario the share of wind and solar power
increases significantly beyond 2020 but loads in the industry, transportation and building sector provide demand side flexibility.



and chemical production seem unlikely, at least in the short- to • Evaluation of operational challenges and constraints (mini-
mid-term perspective. Similarly, deployment of process tech- mum and maximum down and up time, ramp-up and
nologies for direct (cement) and indirect electrification (iron ramp-down time, base and critical loads).
and steel), at scale, will be challenging especially in regions with
• Demonstrations of demand response strategies with indus-
poor conditions for wind and solar electricity generation.
trial end users, in order to assess customer acceptance and
Efforts to phase out fossil fuelled electricity generation ca-
actual realizable potential.
pacity in combination with the cost developments seen over
the past decade for wind and solar power have resulted in an And on the macro (branch/sector) level:
increased share of renewable generation in the broader power
• Data describing characteristics and load profiles of new pro-
system. The variability of these sources, and the related balanc-
cess units or process equipment including innovative elec-
ing challenges and price volatility that it is likely to entail, may
trical technologies for industrial applications.
create a market situation where a new, more dynamic role for
industrial consumers in the electricity system is both required • Development and analysis of business models and tariff
by the system operators and economically attractive for indus- structures to reward flexibility.
try. There are essentially three kinds of flexibility envisioned:
• Analysis of geographical distribution of demand response
(i)  demand reduction, (ii)  increased “behind the meter” or
own generation by industry, and (iii) increasing demand for
electricity in response to very low prices. In practice, the latter • Development of methods and tools for assessment of indus-
has often proven to be the most difficult for many industrial trial demand flexibility services, in relation to options for
firms to put in place. Simply conceived, the default level of demand response in other sectors on the demand side of the
production is, in many cases, full capacity, which makes in- electricity system.
creases more problematic than decreases. In today’s world,
such ‘positive’ demand response might entail rethinking over-
all production planning, maintenance schedules, etc. In the TRENDS IN MATERIAL DEMAND
future, new process designs, production planning, optimisa- Building and infrastructure construction and vehicle manufac-
tion and automation will be keys to realizing the economics turing account for a major share of the use of CO2-intensive
of low-cost price intervals. While integration of high shares of basic materials like steel and cement (IEA, 2019). Thus, the fu-
variable renewable electricity is expected to lead to increased ture development and mix of material use in construction and
demand for flexibility, it is important to recognize that there vehicle manufacturing will determine future demand for basic
are several ways to provide the required flexibility services. materials and consequently have major implications for overall
Providers of industrial demand flexibility will compete with industry energy use. With a time horizon of several decades,
flexibility providers in other sectors on the demand side as any notions as to the future development of the complex eco-
well as with flexibility resources (generation, grid investments, nomic, social, and technical dynamics that govern demand for
and storage) on the supply side of the electricity system. How energy and materials, and the associated greenhouse-gas emis-
integration of electrical production process in industry is sions, are speculative. Nevertheless, there are several measures
managed and interlinkages and interactions across sectors and trends that will have implications for the future demand for
are handled will be key to the overall outcome. Göransson et basic materials. A first priority needs to be to complement ef-
al. (2019) show how a further strategic collaboration between forts to decarbonise the primary production of basic materials
the electricity system, an increasingly electrified industry, an with efforts to improve resource and material efficiency. This
electrified transport sector in the form of passenger electric would include efforts early on and among all actors, to: avoid
vehicles and residential heat supply may provide flexibility building (where possible) and limiting the size of the vehicle
and thereby enabling a faster transition from fossil fuels in the fleet (e.g. through car sharing or modal shift), re-use old assets,
European electricity system and reduced thermal generation recycle materials and components, optimise material use, and
while reducing overall system costs. A recurring subject in our to shift to low-CO2 materials.
engagement with stakeholders involved in the production and There is a growing body of literature stressing the impor-
use of basic materials is the importance of overcoming silo- tance of material efficiency measures as instruments for reduc-
thinking and improving cross-sectoral cooperation in order ing industry output and thereby energy use and greenhouse gas
to speed up the transition to low- and zero CO2 processes and emissions from heavy industries (see Hernandez et al. (2018)
practices. for an overview). Cooper et al. (2017), for example, suggests
Areas for advancing understanding of the potential for de- that 6–11 % of the energy used to support economic activity,
mand response in industry include on the micro (firm) level: both globally and in the EU, can be saved by ensuring more
circular and sustainable resource use.
• Continued efforts to identify processes and appliances suit-
Steel and cement/concrete demand from building and con-
able for demand response; annual electricity demands and
struction investments in new buildings and infrastructure will
installed capacities
likely be lower in Europe than in other parts of the world. How-
• Better characterization of technology-specific parameters ever, re-investments, maintenance and renovation of ageing
and load profiles; including data describing characteristics infrastructures and building stocks in combination with large
and load profiles of process units or processes equipment scale deployment of renewable and low carbon technologies in
currently installed. the energy system can be expected to uphold (at least part) of
the demand for basic materials over the next decades. The en-



ergy system requires investments on both the supply side (e.g. The time will come when Europe must stop her mills for
solar panels, wind turbines, transmission) and the demand side want of coal. Upper Egypt, then, with her never-ceasing sun-
(e.g. electric vehicles, battery storage). In addition, there will be power, will invite the European manufacturer to remove his
a need for investments to improve resilience towards impacts of machinery and erect his mill on the firm ground along the
climate variability and climate change (e.g. water storage, flood sides of the alluvial plain of the Nile, where an amount of
defences, erosion control water supply and sanitation (OECD, motive power may be obtained many times greater than that
2018). With respect to the future material demand (e.g. iron, now employed by all the manufactories of Europe.
steel, and aluminium) from the vehicle industry current trends
of electrification, automation and shared mobility will have ma- In the case of cement the benefits of relocating production to
jor implications for the future development of the vehicle stock regions with favourable conditions for renewable power pro-
and consequently for the demand of materials. duction are less apparent. Whereas some trade occur between
On the global scale growing populations with higher in- countries within the EU and between EU member states and
comes and a shift in production and consumption towards countries in for example North Africa, cement markets tends
emerging and developing economies is projected to drive a to be geographically confined. Also, since more than half of
strong increase in global demand for goods and services over the CO2 emissions from cement production originates from
the coming decades. Projections by the OECD (2019) sug- the calcination of limestone, replacing combustible fuels with
gests that use of non-metallic materials – mainly sand, gravel electric powered plasma heaters (Burman and Engvall, 2019)
and crushed rocks, but also including limestone and struc- or concentrated solar energy (Oliveira et al., 2019) to gener-
tural clays, will grow 44 Gt in 2017 to 86 Gt in 2060. Similarly, ate heat would not be enough to decarbonise the production of
while steel scrap production is projected to grow faster than Portland Cement.
iron ore production, iron ore inputs in steel production is es- With respect to iron and steel production (and possibly also
timated to increase from less than 3 Gt in 2017 to more than chemicals and petrochemicals) the competitive advantaged
6 Gt in 2060. associated with a move of, at least parts of the production, to
Taken together this this stresses the importance of acceler- regions with the potential to supply significant amounts of re-
ating efforts improve material efficiency in all end-use sectors newable energy at competitive costs appears more tangible. On
while, at the same time, decarbonising primary production of the global scale, Australia and Brazil who together account for
basic materials. more than half of the iron ore production (WSA, 2018) and
who both possesses significant renewable energy resource en-
ELECTRIFICATION DRIVING CHANGING PATTERNS IN GLOBAL dowments (see e.g. Lord et al., 2019 and Wood et al., 2020),
COMPETITION AND PRODUCTION seems to be well positioned to profit if a market for market for
The risk of carbon leakage, i.e., European industry firms los- ‘green’ steel is developed. In a European context, whereas many
ing market shares or relocating to regions with more a lax challenges still remain to be resolved, the announcement in
climate policy regime, is and has continuously been a con- 2016 by the largest Swedish steel producer SSAB of their plans
cern when formulating climate policy targets in the manu- to switch from coal to renewable hydrogen (HYBRIT, 2018b),
facturing industry. In the context of industrial electrification, has attracted significant attention and support. Several other
where abundant access to low-CO2 electricity becomes more steel producers (e.g. Voerstalpine, Salzgitter, ArcelorMittal,
important and where low and predictable electricity prices Thyssenkrupp) have since followed suite and initiated their
may become an even more important competitive advantage own research and development projects to explore options to
than it already is, it is possible that new patterns of competi- replace coal and coke with hydrogen as reductant and energy
tion and production will arise. Incumbents in the European source (Arens and Vogl, 2019; Toktarova et al. 2020). A par-
manufacturing industry tend to be deeply embedded in the tial shift from iron ore pellets production to increased produc-
social, economic and political contexts of which they are a tion and exports of hydrogen DRI in Sweden as proposed by
part (Arthur, 1994; Wesseling and Van der Vooren, 2017, Toktarova et al. (2020) would result in an additional electricity
Svensson et al., 2020). However, it is not unthinkable that, demand of approximately 20 TWh (assuming that 6 Mt hydro-
as the costs of solar power capacity, electricity storage and gen DRI pellets are produced for exports each year) while only
hydrogen electrolysers decrease, the motivation to relocate replacing a small share of the 150 Mt of iron ore imported to
raw material supply and/or primary material production to the EU each year. In any case, as the operating costs of green
regions with the most favourable conditions for renewable hydrogen-based iron and steelmaking still significantly exceeds
power production will increase. Along these lines, Toktarova the current coal-based process (Arens and Vogl, 2019; Toktaro-
et al. (2020) explore the effects of shifting parts of Swedish va et al. 2020), a switch to low-CO2 primary steel production
iron ore production and exports to production and exports anywhere in would require a carbon price significantly higher
of direct reduced iron (DRI) (or hot briquetted iron (HBI)). than found in any of the emission trading systems in force to-
Similarly, Gielen et al., 2020, using a production shift to DRI day or that new markets niches with a higher willingness to pay
in Australia with exports to steel producers in Asia as a case, are created.
investigate the effects on costs, energy use and greenhouse-
gas emissions of relocating energy-intensive industries to re- UNLOCKING INVESTMENTS IN LOW OR ZERO CO2 EMISSION PROCESSES
gions and countries with low-cost abundant renewable energy Successful decarbonisation of the supply chains for basic mate-
resources. This idea is by no means new, the Swedish engineer rials like steel and cement, will involve the pursuit – in parallel
and inventor John Ericsson (Ericsson, 1876) already in the – of emission abatement measures with very different charac-
late 19th century speculated that: teristics. Consequently, to facilitate the transition, the support



tools will need to encompass a variety of policies and strategies. electricity grid, to the factoring in of wind conditions and solar
It will be important to, on the one hand, not letting the pursuit radiation in the process scheduling and, in the extreme, to the
of ‘low-hanging fruits’ (e.g. energy and material efficiency meas- relocation of electricity-intensive plants to regions with condi-
ures) be an excuse for not acting to lay the foundation for the tions favourable for renewable power production.
high-cost long lead-time measures (zero-CO2 basic materials) It seems clear that electrification (indirect or direct) of indus-
that will be required for decarbonisation, and, vice versa, not trial processes will be one important component when rapidly
letting the promise of e.g. low-CO2 steel or cement be an excuse decarbonising the basic material production. However, how
to not act to unlock the potential for measures that already ex- integration in this case of electric processes is managed and
ist today. Firms in harder-to-abate sectors seeking to invest in interlinkages and interactions across sectors is handled will be
high-cost high-risk (but low-CO2) technology face a dilemma key to the overall outcome.
(Bataille, 2019). On the one hand, it is difficult to motivate and In this work we highlight and discuss five areas that will be
find a business case for investments away from established pro- critical to the potential for and outcome of a move towards
duction processes in the currently uncertain policy regime. On increased electrification of industrial processes in Europe, in-
the other hand, a failure to invest in a shift to less carbon-inten- cluding:
sive technology is incompatible with the Paris Agreement and
• Strategic planning for low-CO2 electricity generation ca-
late movers risks being outcompeted. Unlocking investments in
pacity and support infrastructure. The timely deployment
novel low-CO2 production processes (including hydrogen direct
of somewhere between 1,000 to 4,000 TWh low-CO2 elec-
reduction in the steel industry and plasma heating in the cement
tricity generation capacity, on top of the generation capacity
industry) will require not only technological innovation but also
required to replace existing fossil fuelled electricity capacity,
innovations in the policy arena and efforts to develop new ways
will obviously be a significant challenge. But equally impor-
of co-operating, coordinating and sharing information between
tant is the planning and deployment of infrastructures to
actors in the supply chain. Thus, it is worth pointing out, which
distribute and store energy including, e.g. electricity trans-
is also done in other work (see e.g. Bataille et al., (2018); Neuhoff
mission and distribution, hydrogen production and storage
et al., (2019)), that the current policy mix targeting the basic
(and CO2 transport and storage and sustainably sourced
material industry will need to be complemented with comple-
mentary policy interventions and/or private initiatives to secure
financing and lower the financial risk in investments for decar- • The importance of factoring in interlinkages and interac-
bonization up to 2045. This will include: tions across sectors when introducing new electric pro-
duction process in industry. Industry could by offering
• Governmental risk sharing and state funding in the early
demand flexibility put downward pressure on the need for
phases of the development and implementation of new
backup capacity in the electricity system and for additional
technologies (see e.g. Wyns et al., 2019).
transmission and distribution capacity. The potential (or
• The use of carbon requirements in procurement as a tool need) for industry demand flexibility however also needs
to create niche markets and to guarantee an outlet for low- to be evaluated in the light of the ability in other end-use
carbon product. Subsidies for low-CO2 production tech- sectors (i.e. transport- and buildings) to offer cost-efficient
nologies through premiums, contracts for difference or tax flexibility.
reductions (Neuhoff et al., 2019).
• Drivers of future demand for basic materials including the
• Private initiatives like buyers coalitions (Rissman et al., importance of efforts to improve material efficiency as a
2020) or transformation funds (Rootzén and Johnsson, way to limit or potentially lower deployment needs for low-
2017) that would allow actors along the supply chains for carbon industrial process technologies. This would require
basic materials, like steel and cement, to collectively con- efforts to improve material efficiency in building and infra-
tribute to secure financing and de-risking investments in structure construction and measures to limiting the size of
new technology. the vehicle fleet (e.g. through car sharing or modal shift).

• Changing geography of raw material supply including new

patterns of competition and production as access to low-
Discussion and conclusions CO2 electricity and low and predictable electricity prices be-
Improved performance and rapidly decreasing costs in areas comes increasingly important. If the world acts decisively to
like renewable energy production, electricity storage and elec- limit carbon emissions, ‘the rules of the game’ may change
tromobility make an energy system completely powered by re- considerably. Even though the European manufacturing in-
newable energy sources seem to be within reach. The interplay dustry tend to be deeply embedded in social an economic
between manufacturing industry and an electricity system with fabric of which it is a part, in a carbon constrained world,
a steadily increasing share of variable renewables will offer new competition from regions with the more favourable condi-
opportunities and pose new challenges for European indus- tions for renewable power production will increase.
tries. In analogy with old windmills and waterwheels, it is pos-
• Unlocking investments in low or zero CO2 emission pro-
sible to imagine, in a carbon-constrained world, a manufactur-
cesses though complementary policy interventions and/
ing industry that is more adapted to interactions with variable
or private initiatives; including measures to de-risk invest-
sources of energy. This might include everything from adapting
ment, secure financing and the provision of niche markets
electric motor systems (pumps, compressors, motors, and fans)
for low-CO2 basic materials.
to respond in a more flexible manner to load patterns in the



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