2.1. Having A Car: To Drive" or "Learn To Drive" Might Be Used

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Having a Car
● Do you or your family have a car?

● What do you think are the benefits of having your own car?
● Do you think it would be good if everyone had their own car?
● Do you prefer long trips in a car, or short trips?

2.2. Driver's License

Note: For the words, "get (or have) a driver's license" the words, "know how
to drive" or "learn to drive" might be used.
● Do you think it's important to get (or, to have) a driver's license?

2.3. Driving Skills / Safety

● Do you think it's important to pay attention to safety when driving?
● Do you think it's important (for everyone who drives) to drive well?
● What do you think might happen if a driver had poor driving skills?
● What advice would you give people about safe driving?

2.4. Age
● Do high school students in your country drive cars?
● Do you think children (or teenagers) should be allowed to drive a car
(= to get a driver's license)?
● What do you think is the most suitable (minimum) age for a young
person to get a driver's license?

3. Air Travel
● Have you ever traveled by (= flown in a) plane? (If yes, when, where
did you go?)
● Do you like it (like flying)?
● How does flying compare to other forms of transport?
● Would you like to travel by plane again?
● Do you think there will be more people traveling by air in the future?
● If you travel by plane again, where do you think you will go (or, you
will be going)?

4. Walking
● Do you like walking? (Why?/Why not?) (See Note 2)
● How often do you go for a walk?
● Would you say your hometown is a suitable place for walking?
● Would you prefer (or, do you prefer) to go for a walk in the
countryside or the city?
● What do you think could be done to make it easier to walk in cities?
● Did you like walking when you were a child?
● What do you think are the benefits of walking?
Note 2
- There are two usages of the word, "walking":
a) walking in everyday life such as walking from the bus-stop to your home,
b) walking as an activity that you choose to do for exercise, for pleasure, to
get some fresh air, to walk the dog, etc.
Most questions here seem to allow for either interpretation.
There is also "hiking", which is walking for quite a long distance in a natural
environment for an extended time (for example, between one hour and several
- If the first question is, "Do you like walking?", that would allow for both
interpretations. In other words, your answer could be about a) or b) or a
mixture of both. But if the examiner asks, "Do you like going for a walk?" or,
"Do you like going for walks?", then that specifically and only means
interpretation b). I think the more likely wording is simply, "Do you like

5. Train Travel
● Is train travel very common in your country?
● What do you usually do when (you are) traveling by train?
● What do you think are the benefits of traveling by train?
● Is there a subway system in your city?

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