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Fun to fame

Konstantin Hert, also known as Konzi, always loved football, and now he has a YouTube channel
called freekickerz which has more than 8 million subscribers. He founded the channel in 2010, and he
posts players scoring amazing goals. His channel is so big, he even has employes who help him out
and he's had multiple collaborations with big football star slike Lewandowski and Muller who
competed against freekickerz team in different challenged. He also post football fails, reviews of
football equipment and they give out tips. Konzi offered three tips for a successful YouTube channel.
First tip is to learn new skills to keep things interesting for fans, second is to not give up and third is
to appreciate fans and apply to their comments. His channel won many awards and has a
sponsorship from major sports brands.

School clubs

Debate Club: A club for people who want to get better at forming arguments which may be useful in
careers like TV, journalism, law or politics, and it also looks good on university application.

Culture Club: This club meets once a week to discuss fils, theatre plays. They also go on trips like
museum or cinema and bring guest speakers to school. They also learn about different cultures and
broaden their minds.

Art Club: This club meets twice a week to discuss art, draw or paint. They are organizing Recycked Art
Exhibition. This club is a great place to develop artistic skills and meet a lot of new poeple.

Volunteer Work and Community Service: This club is for those who want to give back to the
community. For example, they can help at the local shelter or keep company to senior citizens. If you
can't commit, you can join them one weekend and help pick up litter through town.

Student Newspaper: This club is for people who are interested in journalism, writing or taking
pictures. They edit, write and publish school newspaper and they offer valuable experience for

Everyone's different

Today's young people have access to technology which previous generations did not have. In order to
survive and be happy you have to stay younf at heart, but not be childish which means that you
should keep on smiling and dreaming along your responsibilities. You should be open to meeting new
people and gaining new experience, do not become part of the routine, instead see what the world
had to offer. You shouldd always be understanding of different opinion and not be arrogant, but
rather listen and be ready to admit when you're wrong. You should be respectful of the way others
want to live their lives because not everyone wants to live the same way you do. Be supportive to
anyone that faces hatred and prejudice like racism or sexism, but you have to fight for the equality.
Explore other cultures and learn about other people, which can help you become more open-
minded. Be loyal to your friends and whose who will someday become your friends because
everyone needs a loyal and real friend when things get tough. And lastly, be fearless and follow your
dreams, work hard and you can achieve anything.

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